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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9830658 No.9830658[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>puts eggs in refrigerator
Americunts are so fucking obtuse its unbelievable

>> No.9830663

American eggs are literally different than Euro eggs. If you were to get fresh eggs from the farm, you wouldn't have to refrigerate them because of the biofilm surrounding the shell. American law forces retailers to sell eggs that've been washed, which is why we need to refrigerate them.

>> No.9830665

>put immigrants in the country
Buttbongs are so fucking obtuse it's unbelievable.

>> No.9830689

you know how your poached eggs suck?

yeah they wouldn't if you kept them in the fridge.

>> No.9830694

>prolonged freshness is a bad thing

>> No.9830750
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>when your country wouldn't exist without immigration
>being 56% white

>> No.9830868

>put immigrants in your wife
Swedish people are so fucking obtuse it's unbelievable.

>> No.9830913
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Is this thread for real? Do foreigners really not understand how refrigeration works?

>> No.9830941

>wouldn't exist without immigration
without settlers you mean

not immigrants, but settlers. There was a whole lot of nothing here, white settlers from england, germany, and france came in and built a country, then immigrants came afterwards

>> No.9830945

only a small subsection of the people who built america were 'settlers'.

>> No.9830950

that's untrue
anyone that built up an area where there was nothing before is a settler

I think you are trying to create definitions to push a narrative about immigrants being a good thing, but the fact is they aren't.
All countries with diverse populations are worse for it

>> No.9830954

>not knowing history that even your country was apart of
The absolute state of bongs

>> No.9830957

>buy a carton of eggs
>first egg has ahard shell, takes a light hit t crack
>second eggs shell its non existant, i use the same force than i used for the first one and end up smashngit against the table

>> No.9830961

>anyone that built up an area where there was nothing before is a settler
which is a small subsection of the people who came to america and established it as a nation.

you're the one being very slippery with words and your conclusion about 'diversity' doesn't even follow seeing as nothing says that settlers have to be ethnically homogenous; indeed they weren't in america's case.

>> No.9830972
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Every time I think Americans are the mot stupid people on Earth, along come the Europeans to categorically disprove that theory.

>> No.9830983

>Is this thread for real? Do foreigners really not understand how refrigeration works?
Depends on the country. I lived in hot/humid climate countries, so almost everything edible went in the fridge.

>> No.9830994

>which is a small subsection of the people who came to america and established it as a nation
that is incorrect
its by definition every single person who came to america and established it as a nation

if you came here before there was a country and were part of the process in building the country you are a settler, not an immigrant. Why is that hard to grasp?

immigrants came after the fact and made it worse

>> No.9831006


hurr durr america is the most influential nation in the history of the planet and every single country on earth has had a revolution and changed governments since the signing of the American Constitution, but yeah they are all stupid because some of them are fat and can't drive a stick.

>> No.9831053

>if you came here before there was a country and were part of the process in building the country you are a settler, not an immigrant. Why is that hard to grasp?
your argument is not hard to grasp, it's just weak/semantic. immigrants come to settled communities and participate in the economic expansion of the community. most of the people who built america did not settle it, but came to work.

>> No.9831056

if it's unbelievable then why do you believe hit?

checkmate communists

>> No.9831060

>showering more than once a month
God Americans are so fuckin stupid and wasteful I swear to god. Thanks for the clean water crisis you greedy pigs

>> No.9831061

>if you came here before there was a country and were part of the process in building the country you are a settler, not an immigrant.
That's... not what happened though.

>> No.9831081

I married a Viet, no they don't, we had to have a 30 minute conversation about why we own a refrigerator.

>> No.9831083

and where do you fit in

>> No.9831086

I believe that hat is a shoop.

>> No.9831125 [DELETED] 

ikr? can't call it food if you don't get searing abdominal pain and diarrhea afterwards
all of them were white and rent seekers weren't allowed until 1965, that is the only pay that matters

>> No.9831130

>>9830658 (OP)
ikr? can't call it food if you don't get searing abdominal pain and diarrhea afterwards
all of them were white and rent seekers weren't allowed until 1965, that is the only part that matters

>> No.9831131

So is it still a meme that Europeans smell like shit? Or have they all finally been replaced by niggers?

>> No.9831136
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>There was a whole lot of nothing here,
I beg to differ, white man.

>> No.9831154

>hur dur natives owned a country

>> No.9831166

>I don't have a consistent idea of sovereignty, I just want to see white gentiles dispossessed
t. shabbos goy

>> No.9831184
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An entire civilization was already here. What are you talking about? The natives aren't White so they don't count as people or something? You're not talking about settling an untouched landmass or something. You're talking about invading a foreign continent.

>> No.9831194
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>arguing with /pol/tards

>> No.9831239

The Natives didn't establish a country and didn't believe in owning land.
>never been to /pol/
>find most crossboarding /pol/tards to be the definition of white niggers
>"hur dur everything I don't like is /pol/"

>> No.9831247

reminder: the great aztec empire as the mexicans would put it didnt come into existence until the 1400s
it was founded over 300 years after oxford university
europe was centuries into the Renaissance while the greatest "civilization" in the americas was still in the stone age

there was literally nothing here. Fucking "natives" didn't even have horses until europeans brought them over. It was a bunch of empty land with a few tribes rutting around in the dirt until europe came and freed them form the shackles of their own mediocrity and brought with them technology, culture, and true civilization

they would just die out anyway, most of the native population died due to a disease that originated in the yucatan and spread to north america via the south west. 80% of the native population had died off 70 years before the first european settlers arrived
Hell, left to their own devices they would all go the way of the mayans. You know what happened to them, right?
They deforested their entire area which caused massive drought that killed them all off

>> No.9831251

>The Natives didn't establish a country and didn't believe in owning land.
didn't believe in owning land, ah you've cracked it! all those years of rape, murder, and enslavement were no big deal! they didn't believe in private property.

boy i feel a lot better about my country thanks to this comment.

>> No.9831277

No need to go faglord over here buddy. I'm not saying all of the shit whites did to the brown people were justified because they didn't own land. I'm just saying that the whites took over because they were more advanced and had beliefs that toppled the Natives. Definitely not the most moral thing to do, but that shit was hundreds of years ago so complaining will do literally nothing.

>> No.9831283


> claims the aztecs were the first indigenous society in the americas and nothing existed prior to that

> i am very intelligent!

>> No.9831291

White genocide

>> No.9831292

good to see you didn't even read the whole comment, faggot
also doesn't help your argument if after millenia of trial and error the aztecs is the best they came up with
>boy i feel a lot better about my country thanks to this comment
so git aut

>> No.9831295

enjoy living in the stone age again if you succeed
we are the only thing holding this world together. That's why you shits keep leaving your countries and coming to ours

>> No.9831300

>I don't enjoy reading entire posts before responding
Ah good to know you've accepted that you're a faggot

>> No.9831301

Right, of course it was immoral. That's the point. Literally nothing else matters. Differences in technology, cultural superiority (which I'll admit is obvious, cultural relativism is nonsense) are just distractions from the core issue.

You're right that complaining won't do anything. I just think its time to stop shitting on these people as has been the case for nearly 600 years.

>> No.9831306

>permavirgin keyboard warrior neckbeards are holding this world together

>> No.9831310
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>> No.9831341

>Europeans invented horses

>> No.9831359

You seem to have ignored the fact that rape, murder, and enslavement were the name of the game for many native tribes for hundreds of years. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2396760/How-Comanche-Indians-butchered-babies-roasted-enemies-alive.html

>> No.9831369

Of course it wasn't immoral you mean since the natives lacked any sense of morality. Take your white guilt and shove it up your pozhole college boy.

>> No.9831371


Yeah first of all that isn't every native tribe, and second are you really saying that because some native tribes were jerks that they didn't deserve the land? I mean shit I'm pretty sure you could make a substantial list of the things Europeans did. I'm sure people already have.

>> No.9831372

these people were not united or homogeneous in any way, please don't call it the "native American civilization"
the Aztecs were a civilization, the Inca were a civilization, "injuns" were not a civilization
>no concept of property
gay faggot meme, nomadic people don't adhere this concept in general, but even they understand it exists because they run into people who express it by killing them for trespassing
>uplifting the noble savage
kys cuck
reminder all the proponents of "spreading or advanced ways" are concern trolls
indians are all dead because they could not compete. we can but are gaslit into believing we shouldn't and deserve to go extinct. brown people don't care about rules or fairness or honest competition, they play for their team and see us as a rival team while we are forbidden from competing as a team. when the cops are all Muslims and a Muslim robs your house you will get no help, because they are playing for their team. your egalitarian ideals aren't going to be reciprocated, if you don't play for your team your team will lose and you will lose with it.
all peoples who lack animal husbandry are shit tier

>> No.9831375

>Attacking their culture
Got some time on your hands Mr. Moore?

>> No.9831381

>since the natives lacked any sense of morality
Oh shit I'm sorry I didn't quite get you weren't serious. My bad.

>> No.9831384
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There's so many fallacies here that I don't even know where to begin but, moreover, what do any of the actually valid points have to do with whether or not this country was forcibly taken from the already standing inhabitants? You can just bring animals to another country to claim it as your own? Is this the civil equivalent the dog tree pissing rule or something?

>> No.9831389

>"injuns" were not a civilization
I still don't get this argument, are you seriously saying that because Indians weren't a united nation that it was ok to take over their land? That doesn't make any sense at all.

>> No.9831394

Given what you're saying is true, which it objectively isn't, why does the morality of the Indian tribes even matter? Do you not believe that all humans hold at least some "inalienable" rights?

>> No.9831397

>Germans kill Joos
>USSR takes their land
>But they deserved it for being good communist
This is what you sound like.

>> No.9831403

>Fucking animals is culture
Wew lad

>> No.9831413

it does if you're a keyboard warrior whose ex-girlfriend is now dating a black guy

>> No.9831414


Apparently if you didn't have colleges set up by then you basically forfeited your right to have land. I guess?


That is not only completely different, but it's also a really shitty way to argue. Why don't you actually answer my question in the previous post you fucking hack? Or are you just going to ignore questions you don't know how to answer?

>> No.9831422

So communism makes it okay? I guess that's an opinion.

>> No.9831430


Wow nice job presenting a strawman fallacy. Good thing you still don't have an actual response.

>> No.9831436
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