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9831221 No.9831221 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.9831595

That's why you only tip cash

>> No.9831612

Tipping should be illegal.

>> No.9831624
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>> No.9831643

It will remove the only incentive waiters have to give good service, while still keeping the retarded institution of tipping in place. Worst of both worlds.

>> No.9831679

Why not just stop with the bullshit and just stop tipping culture altogether?

Tipping was nice back in the day when you could just throw a buck or two with a wink and waiters didn't act like entitled children who expect a tip regardless of service. The moment they started putting tip suggestions on receipts was the day those Jewy restaurant owners realized they had their customers by the stones.

>> No.9831698

Yet another example of why the orange man is unfit for office.

>> No.9831707
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>watching the local news during the Black Friday weekend
>one bit was "Should you leave a tip in your mailbox for the mailman this weekend?"

Jesus fucking Christ this country

>> No.9831997

great now only Mexicans will do the job and you will have to put up with language barriers.
I will literally only eat at home if the quality of the service drops even past the ahi standards it's already in.

>> No.9832014

>the ahi standards it's already in
it's... raw?

>> No.9832043

Good, hopefully it'll create an incentive for everyone to stop tipping and we can pay a set amount of money based on an actual bill like it should have worked from the beginning.

>> No.9832060

>i can't budget for shit... waaa
stop being poor or stop eating out. wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.9832085

gomitoro pelibian.

>> No.9832095

>heh i'm poor

yeah shut up nerd, and show you appreciate the service.

>> No.9832100

>>9832095 What if the service is shit? Do you still wanna pay tip?

>> No.9832101

>libucks slower beggining to realize they don't want to pay higher taxes afterall

>> No.9832174

I argue with my girlfriend about this shit every time we go out. People who are compelled to tip every time are the reason waiters don't make shit for money. The argument for tipping is completely retarded.
>But waiters don't make enough money to live on!
No shit. It's a minimum wage job. And by law, if the waiters don't make their equivalent wage in tips, the restaurant must compensate the difference. All tipping does is encourage keeping service staff in poverty. If you tip, you are an asshole. They will be perfectly fine without your extra money. Shit, if anything they make way more than they should because of mandatory tipping.

>> No.9832187

This. Pay your fucking employees or don't hire them.

>> No.9832190

>It will remove the only incentive waiters have to give good service
other than keeping their job?

this shit needs to fucking stop. I'm sick of food service workers acting like they are doing me a favor

>> No.9832197

I like how liberals call redistrobution of wealth "Stealing" but only when republicans are doing it

oh, you mean you have a problem with money someone worked for being taken from them and given to someone else that didn't do anything?

>> No.9832204
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>not tipping the mailman
Check out fucking scrooge over here

>> No.9832229

the system that "steals your money" is the same system that facilitates your ability to make that money in the first place. just like there are rules and limits as to how much that system can take from you, so should there be a system that limits how much a restaurant owner can take from its employees.

>> No.9832270

Eliminating tipping in the US would mean fewer people drawn to restaurant labor as a career. This would lead to workforce shortages and a higher demand for wait staff labor. Wage increases would be passed on to you as a customer. Then, the market would stabilize, as swarms of new workers try to come in and capture the higher wages said legislation would bring about. This would lead to oversupply of wait staff labor, suppressing wages once again to their current level (most likely). People accustomed to paying higher prices for food means restaurant owners wouldn't reduce prices correspondingly with this reduction in labor cost.

tl;dr, getting rid of tipping in the US would only serve to create a massive subsidy to restaurant owners (in the long run). You as a customer will pay more, and you relegate a pretty big segment of the workforce (wait staff) to wage slavery.

>> No.9832279

I'm not poor, I don't spend much money on anything and have had a six figure software dev salary for 8 years now.
I would much rather be billed $100 with no expectation of tip than be billed $20 with an expectation of tip. I want to be billed what I owe, the whole idea of tips is retarded, just tell me what I owe.

>> No.9832285

I'd definitely prefer paying more for an over the table well defined bill with tipping eliminated. There should be a product and a cost and that's it. Enough with the tipping bullshit.

>> No.9832287

All I'm getting out of this is "you'd pay less because no tips but then you'd pay more anyways" and I'm PERFECTLY FUCKING FINE WITH THAT
People who are opposed to tipping based on a principle (as opposed to just being cheap) are almost universally okay with that.

>> No.9832303

^This exactly. I was so mad when Uber caved in and started accepting tips through their app. I would have gladly paid twice as much for a bill where it was understood tipping wasn't expected.

>> No.9832333

Orange 45 strikes again. Working to fuck over as many poor people as he possibly can before he finally strokes out after gorging himself on big macs and mcfishes. I would think of him as the devil if he wasn't so incompetent.

>> No.9832344

on the other hand, i'd rather pay less for food and at the same time, keep a system running that provides decent paying jobs for otherwise low wage workers. if this is at the expense of the darden corporation, so be it.

>> No.9832355

>I make up stories because i suck at life
no one believes you

>> No.9832382


> not making six figures

It's practically poverty tier here, try not being a stupid flyover and you would know that.

>> No.9832386

There's no one to believe, my name isn't attached to the post.
Do you honestly think the only people who don't like the concept of tipping are low income?

>> No.9832395

>It will remove the only incentive waiters have to give good service

>waiter gives shit service
>customer complains
>customers don't come back
>waiter gets fired (if they're not lucky enough to hold on long enough for the business to go down in which case they go out of job anyway!)

>> No.9832398

If the jobs are that bad they can go find a different job, and if enough of them leave the workforce then restaurants will have a reason to give them more money or replace them with superior automated solutions. Works fine either way.

>> No.9832411

>this is what yuropoors actually believe
If that were true, how come service is so crap in Europe?

>> No.9832453

>The only incentive to do the job you're paid to do is skimming off a little extra.

>> No.9832476

>American service is the standard the rest of the world is falling short of

>> No.9832477

yes. either that or 'new rich'.

>> No.9832503

Your mistake is you keep on thinking tip hate has anything to do with not wanting to spend more money.
Let me repeat: I would gladly pay several times more to a restaurant that had a no tips policy than to a restaurant that expected tips.
I'm not the only one (look online at how popular Uber's original no tip policy was for example). We don't care about the money, we just want to get rid of this retarded game where you're expected to come up with some extra reward for a worker when their boss should be handling payroll, not me.

>> No.9832519

I think it's about time black people started tipping the police to make sure they don't shoot them

>> No.9832588
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>Yet another example of why the orange man is unfit for office.

>> No.9832595

They already do. It's called graft.