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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9827582 No.9827582 [Reply] [Original]

Y'all mind if I...
... never boil to softness?

>> No.9827586

Depends on the dish and if you're a retard that runs ice water after straining. But also, spaghetti noodles are fucking lame.

>> No.9827589
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>> No.9827598

Literally why I buy DeCecco

>> No.9827601

I never thought I'd be happy to support a fucking spaghetti company but here we are.
wew, what a world

>> No.9827602

>spaghetti noodles

>> No.9827603
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I like whole grain breads, porridges, biscuits, etc. but whole grain pasta just doesn't work. The bran doesn't have enough time to soften before the rest of the pasta gets mushy. Maybe if you soak the pasta for a while like you would dry beans, the bran will soften enough when you cook it.

Pic related is okay, but it doesn't have the same chewiness because there's less gluten. Still better than regular whole grain pasta though if you really want something a little healthier.

>> No.9827607

>whole grain
More like whole gay-n
Pasta was never meant to be whole grain.

>> No.9827609
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>> No.9827615


>> No.9827621

>being manipulated this easily

>> No.9827622
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>> No.9827627

>He early became fabled for a Rabelaisian earthiness, urinating in the parking lot of the House Office Building as the urge took him; if a colleague came into a Capitol bathroom as he was finishing at the urinal there, he would sometimes swing around still holding his member, which he liked to call "Jumbo," hooting once, "Have you ever seen anything as big as this?," and shaking it in almost a brandishing manner as he began discoursing about some pending legislation.

>> No.9827640

>implying you can support anything when your mom does the groceries and you're just an autistic shut in neckbeard

>> No.9827649

mad butt pirates gonna be mad
I think I'll go out and buy another few boxes now reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.9827651

t. fag

>> No.9827679

don't forget to smash your keurig as well, anon
and buy some extra pods for it and smash them as well
that'll teach em

>> No.9827689

My god. That is so Italian. I love him in a gay way.

>> No.9827700

Then what are you even eating? Just empty carbs.

>> No.9827707

Yet Italians are the gayest of all Europeans. Really gets the bumble buzzin'

>> No.9827715

Literally why I buy Barilla.

>> No.9827731

only applies to fashion designers in milan
germans are the gayest and most degenerate

>> No.9827738

can't we agree that all of Europe is pretty fucking gay?

>> No.9827739
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At least it kinda tastes like pasta.
Bought this gluten free shit once and didn't notice.

Never had worse pasta. It fell apart when i mixed in the sauce. Also tasted like ass.

>> No.9827743

Italian guidos literally invented the Metrosexual look. It doesn't get much gayer than that.

Germans are degenerate but at least it's generally consensual women-on-man poop domination.

>> No.9827752

Same. Homophobes need to die.

>> No.9827756

Christ, if that doesn't sum up the current situation perfectly, I know of nothing that does. That man new his shit.

>> No.9827771

You got me, anon. I'm terrified of purse swinging, soy boy, mentally ill sodomites . I can't sleep at night, I tells you.

>> No.9827772

Guaranteed closeted faggot homophobe. He'd fit right in among the evangelicals. Glad I saw this, will never buy barilla again.

>> No.9827773

Yet here you are...

>> No.9827774

triggered homophobe detected

>> No.9827776

no, my father has worked in the fashion industry for years and I never heard him nominate metrosexual fashion

If by "guido" you're referring to italo-americans, well, they are as italian as meatball spaghetti are

>> No.9827777

Not giving into terrorism is now 'homophobia'?

>> No.9827780

Homosexuals are overrated.

>> No.9827785

based barilla

>> No.9827807

>Homosexual terrorists


>> No.9827816

Hahahah no, use your brain, kid.

>> No.9827844

He apologized like the beta he is

>> No.9827932

based barilla

>> No.9827967

You fucking boil to al dente, or i sear to god, i will send my Italian great grandfather to your house to scream at you

>> No.9827984


>> No.9827995


>> No.9828006

It was an objectively bad business decision.

>> No.9828007

>this AIDS logic

>> No.9828015

Yeah, really fucked Chic Fil A.

>> No.9828017

Sometimes you have to stand by your principles.

>> No.9828041

Pasta al dente is horrible. I always boil my pasta until its edible. Only Italians can somehow come up with the stupid idea that half-raw pasta "tastes better".

>> No.9828081

That's almost like americans claiming half cooked meat is somehow better.

>> No.9828091

Barilla really is garbage, worse than store-brand pasta made domestically, and definitely not worth the premium they charge for "Made in Italy" sticker on it.

De Cecco all the way.

>> No.9828105

Have not tried De Cecco so I would not know but I prefer Barilla because its anti-homosexual.

>> No.9828120

>I purchase inferior product that tastes bad just because the exec of the company shares my political view in one area when this would make zero actual impact
>I don't buy something actually good or cheaper than donate money to anti-gay causes which would make an actual impact

Is this how brainlets participate in politics?

>> No.9828134

found the well done steak with ketchup boy

>> No.9828138

The Romans were right. Showing your superiority by irrumating and fucking men in the ass isn't gay. It's only gay when there are feelings.

>> No.9828150

>I pretend a product is better because I disagree with something the other brand's boss said

>> No.9828168

The reason Americans see pasta as unhealthy is because they eat way too fucking much of it and nothing else. Five pounds of pasgeti and a whole bottle of store-brand marinara isn't a wholesome meal. A 100 g serving of regular durum semolina pasta is quite filling, only around 400 calories and already fairly protein-rich for a cereal product. The red lentil pastas and stuff for protein junkies I get but this obsession with whole grain shit just baffles me.

>> No.9828171

Where y’all from, dude?

>> No.9828177


>> No.9828702

>The reason Americans see pasta as unhealthy is because they eat way too fucking much of it and nothing else.
Not entirely, it's also because people started moving away from refined grains. You don't lose much of the protein by refining wheat, but you do lose fiber and some other nutrients. The "more protein" thing is just a marketing gimmick, if you tell people it has more folic acid they won't care too much. You can mostly negate the downsides to eating refined grains by serving a healthy sauce and having a salad or something with your pasta, but it's still a refined grain product that's lost some of its nutrition.

>> No.9828720

gays love slurping dacecco

>> No.9828723

I haven't really noticed any difference between Barilla and Wal-Mart brand pasta. There's only a noticeable difference when you start getting into the pastas that are like $4/lb+

>> No.9828741

couldn't decide on a shitpost

>> No.9828742

nah you gotta be

>> No.9828743

Al dente just means it isn't soft. It's sort of subjective anyway, but it's when the white center of the pasta has disappeared meaning it's just fully cooked and still firm. Some people like their pasta undercooked, but al dente is fully cooked.

>> No.9828754
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I found an even better pasta for you my friend

>> No.9828788

What is the appeal of crunchy/hard pasta? Seriously. Doesn't that go against the whole idea of pasta? Fucking dumb. Fuck al dente

>> No.9828813

>The reason Americans see pasta as unhealthy is because they eat way too fucking much of it and nothing else.
Incorrect. It's because the types of flour used to mass produce it here is literally unhealthy. It has no nutrients in it and the nutrients have to be artificially added to it (enriched) for it to be legally considered food. Even with the artificially added nutrients though, both the nutrients and the flour lack complexity and absorb to the body way too quickly which results in it being very fattening while having the added nutrients just being being expelled through the urine.

>> No.9828826

Did you even read the post you're responding to? Al dente is fully cooked, but just still firm. Not crunchy/hard, that is undercooked. And some people like it cooked until it's soft and barely holding together requiring almost no chewing.

>> No.9828863

I found maggots and dead bugs in my barilla spaghetti, on two separate occassions. At least the customer service lady gave me a free coupon

>> No.9828919
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>> No.9828925

Let's double down: fagottini e fagioli.

>> No.9828928

>gluten free
that wasnt pasta buddy

>> No.9828938

maybe for one more year
>still nope

>> No.9830259

You are wrong. Look up al dente on Google. Al dente means "for the teeth" and the term is used for food that is under-cooked.

>> No.9830455


>> No.9830488
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and there it is

>> No.9830500

>Al dente means "for the teeth"
No it doesn’t.

>> No.9830520


>> No.9830527

>to the tooth
Not for the teeth as the retarded stated.

>> No.9831909

You sound like my boyfriend.

>> No.9833012


>Molto al dente is the culinary term for slightly undercooked pasta.

>When cooking commercial pasta, the al dente phase occurs right after the white of the pasta center disappears.
i.e. cooking until there's no more raw flour, not undercooked

>Also known as pasta that is neither too hard nor too soft.

>> No.9833150

So having one night stands with women isn't straight?

>> No.9833285


But what if you're a lesbo or asexual?

>> No.9834158

It's neither straight nor gay if there's no affection or attraction and it's just for gratification or self-esteem or whatever. You're just masturbating using the other person.

>> No.9834964

You sound like a virgin

>> No.9834974


Al dente or death motherfucker, whats it gonna be?

>> No.9834985

You realize that there are at least 16 confirmed cases of it just in American politics right? It's a real phenomenon.

>> No.9835848

Lately Ive just been buying the walmart brand pasta and I dont even notice a difference.

>> No.9835861

Well I'm not eating it plain. I make my own bolognese full of lean meat andvegies and I use a lot of sauce for my pasta.

I just have to eat other foods for my fiber, but thats ok. I have a oatmeal/walnut/raisin cookie recipie thats high in fiber.

>> No.9836556

I'd probably be a lot happier if I was one. Everything about sex with other people sucks except those few seconds at the end.

>> No.9836787

I was close enough considering that I dont speak Italian and simply used my multiple-lingual skills to interpret al dente. Bet you dont know Latin at all, retard.

>> No.9836819

>Latin is the language of Italy

>> No.9836864


>> No.9836867

I legit heard a girl in my HS Latin class complain that we had to learn that stupid language because they only speak it in Latin American anyway.
Good thing for her she was incredibly hot because I don't think her brain would get her far.

>> No.9836879

Whole grain pasta is trash, might as well just buy black bean pasta.

>> No.9837813
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>Enriched Flour Tops List of Unhealthy Ingredients
>Enriched flour is flour in which most of the natural vitamins and minerals have been extracted. This is done in order to give bread a finer texture and increase shelf life.
>When the bran and the germ (the parts of the wheat that contain fiber and nutrients) are removed, your body absorbs wheat differently. Instead of being a slow process that gives you steady bursts of energy, your body breaks down enriched flour more quickly, which typically raises blood sugar more quickly as well.
>This excess blood sugar has to be metabolized by the liver, and if there’s an excess of sugar, your body will store some of it as fat.

>> No.9837823
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I agree. It's 2017, we can be proud to be gay. Gay pride worldwide.

>> No.9837913


>> No.9837926


>> No.9837927


>> No.9837968

Speaking about spaghetti, do you put olive oil in it? I do and love it. Makes it more tender.

>> No.9837972
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you retards N E V E R learn