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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9823639 No.9823639 [Reply] [Original]

What is people's problem with broccoli?

>> No.9823645

Not sure. I love it. Well, I love it cooked. Raw, it's shit

>> No.9823647

I like broccoli, I use a lot of it in my stir-fry

>> No.9823648

People don't like broccoli? That's news to me.

>> No.9823650

People dont know how to cook it. Like caulliflower.

>> No.9823665

Most people have probably only had it: raw (which is terrible) or frozen (also terrible) or their vodka mommy over cooked the fuck out of it in some way or other so that it tasted terrible.

Broccoli that has been cooked well (as in: perfectly cooked or tastes good) is great. But most people have never really had good broccoli. If you dont like broccoli then youve never had it good.

>> No.9823682

But it's very good raw too....

>> No.9823686

love me some broccoli cheese soup with a nice baguette

>> No.9823694

When I was little I gagged on it at a restaurant a threw up, then avoided it for years because it reminded me of puking. After a while I started eating it again, but my mom always got it frozen and microwaved it to mush, so it was edible, but still wasn't too good.

Now I get my broccoli fresh and lightly steam and fry it with garlic and olive oil and it's delicious.

Not raw, but lightly steamed is where it's at. Overcooked broccoli is is barely edible mush.

>> No.9823695



>> No.9823698

oops meant the second link to be >>9823645

>> No.9823703

I knew I had become an old man when I snuck into the kitchen in the middle of the night and steamed some broccoli instead of having any of the other crap I have in my house. Fucking love broccoli.

>> No.9823705

americans *

>> No.9823710

sulfuric/sewage odor when cooking
it's kind of offputting, i know it took me 20 years to learn to appreciate it.

>> No.9823714


>> No.9823720

They're called broccoli crowns for a reason; it's the king of vegetables.

>> No.9823723

no steam at all. Just throw it in a pan and cook

>> No.9823735

Children aren't people, OP. They're glorified tadpoles.

>> No.9823737

If you get that smell, then the broccoli is overcooked.

>> No.9823738

That filename though.

>> No.9823740

I like to heat a pan in the oven at 500 degrees then toss in a crown or two's worth of broccoli. Let it cook for twenty minutes or so, turning once. It's perfectly cooked through with a nice char to it.

>> No.9823743


It comes from peoples parents being shit at cooking vegetables. I love broccoli but if I had to eat it boiled grey as a child like some parents did, then i'd probably hate it too.

>> No.9823761

I unironically think not liking broccoli is just a meme trope that started in children's cartoons for some reason.

>> No.9823764

why are they so pervasive then?

>> No.9823769

yeah i always got that impression too. It aint as hard to get down as celery, yet kids are portrayed to be ambivalent towards celery

>> No.9823778

I hated broccoli and most other veggies as a kid because my parents boiled the shit out of it and ruined it. It wasn't until after college that I realized that broccoli and a lot of other veggies are delicious

>> No.9823782

This and also fucking school lunches growing up. They boil and steam the shit out of all there vegetals to the point where you're just eating tasteless fiber water that falls apart as soon as you pick it up with your plastic fork.

>> No.9823790

hmm, now i understand why all the other kids had such bad reactions to spinach or broccoli that they'd start panicking whenever i suggested we eat it. Not to mention just not eating vegetables period

>> No.9823838

Most people overcook it and it becomes bitter. Lots of such green vegetables are like that and that's why most children hate them. Lightly steaming them is the best way to prevent overcooking.

>> No.9823903

They've only ever had it boiled to death or similar. Like most brassicas, it's incredibly shit when overcooked- it becomes mushy and bitter.

Broccoli is great if cooked correctly- raw, lightly steamed/blanched, or roasted.

>> No.9824024

Gross guido vegitable

>> No.9824241
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I think I unironically like the stalks more

>> No.9824262

t. 7 abortion roastie with 5 cats.

>> No.9824267

I eat a giant Costco bag a week... fart a ton, but love it.

>> No.9824269

This desu. People are scared of it because their parents steamed and boiled the living fuck out of it and think it's a tasteless mush. Cook it with a little bite and its a top 5 vegetable

>> No.9824270

t. man raising his wife's "son(s)"

>> No.9824296

that's not true at all. why would you lie and slander on a christian board?

>> No.9824321


>> No.9824327


>> No.9824344

i will seriously steam a big old bowl of broccoli and add some butter, salt and pepper and munch on it during a movie

>> No.9824350

Have you ever tasted broccoli that has been steamed for too long? It's like someone found a way to grow vomit.

>> No.9824354

if you make them right they taste amazing and sort of buttery, pretty fucking good. but if just steamed I like the florets more

>> No.9824357
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>he cant even eat cruciferous vegetables raw
LMAO leave my board and come back when you stop overloading your taste buds with simple sugars and starches

>> No.9824374
File: 51 KB, 400x500, Not-Nicholas-Dombrowski-mugshot - Turn Right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck off this board with a cat as a pet.

>> No.9824407
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>he thinks a widespread reaction image is my own cat
Lol I hope your cooking isn't as shitty as your logic... I own two English bulldogs hate cats. You're a faggot

>> No.9824434

i dont know what everyone's problem with raw is. It's better raw than steamed at least

>> No.9824447

Their only problem is not adding lemon, garlic, and parmesan. Who ever knew a vegetable would get me laid?

>> No.9824469


>> No.9824479
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In burgerland, liking vegetables is considered ideologically suspect

>> No.9824848

I roasted some last night and it was fucking delicious.

I’ll fight anyone who talks shit about based broccoli.

>> No.9824863

People are dumb. Broccoli is delicious.

>> No.9824901

This is a Muslim board laddie.

>> No.9824980

Broccoli and carrots were never meant to be eaten raw, it's like eating raw brussel sprouts and potatoes. People who dislike broccoli have probably only ever tried it raw and/or unseasoned.

>> No.9825113

Broccoli is regularly portrayed in western cartoons as icky and disgusting so kids grow up disliking them. The reality is that broccoli reduces excess estrogen, which means more testosterone in your body.

The emergence of soyboys isn't a recent thing, (((they))) have been grooming them since they were kids.

>> No.9825127

Frozen is great
It's just already blanched so the cook time is shorter

>> No.9825136

Cook it until it becomes bright green then stop
This should only take a few seconds/minutes
It will not have that smell and it will be crunchy and slightly sweet

>> No.9825152
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Why do you hate cats? Just asking for my friend

>> No.9826003

>muh soyboys
Out of all the boards to inject this garbage tier /pol/ meme, you choose /ck/. Is your brain malfunctioning? Soy sauce and and broccoli are best mates in a stirfry.

>> No.9826016


Not a darn thing, broccoli and cheese is god tier.

>> No.9826020

Broccoli is delicious especially in stir fries

>> No.9826025
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>> No.9826402

>tastebud overload
starch foods (potato,rice,wheat etc.) are literal plain foods.

>> No.9826404

Broccoli is delicious in quïche

>> No.9826732

Theres no point and its terrible for your digestive system

>> No.9826758

I thought it was weeb

>> No.9826766

Why do you think that is? Obviously it's because of the feminine/masculine, ying yang style comination of soy and broc. The estrogen binds to the broccoli and activates it sexually, allowing you to absorb its masculine essence as you digest.

>> No.9826773
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>tfw eat steamed broccoli nearly everyday

>> No.9827571

Too many manchildren who does not cook lurk in /ck/

>> No.9827676

Bullshit, its better for you if anything

>> No.9829159

On topic
Should I cook pancetta or eat it as it is?

>> No.9830591
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Tastes great.

I dunk mine in my home made salad dressing. Sort of defeats the purpose but tastes bloody good and makes a good meal/treat/snack.

>> No.9830637

I love raw broccoli. I have never liked it cooked, the texture is gross and it smells weird. Even lightly steamed it starts smelling.

>> No.9830766

>if you make them right
Elaborate. Most people chuck the stem. My single attempt to do something with them had them end up bitter.

>> No.9830815

not sure how they could be bitter, it was probably something wrong with that specific broccoli. I just peel the tough flesh off the outside of the stem, make thin slices with a mandoline, boil lightly until tender, and then drizzle good olive oil over it with maldon salt and pepper once on the plate. you could grate a small amount of parmesan on top as well.

>> No.9830822

to clarify, thin lengthwise slices like >>9824241 but I guess the shape wouldn't matter too much

>> No.9831138
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>> No.9831148

Broccoli is fucking awesome. I just use extra virgin olive oil, kosher salt, and freshly ground pepper and cook it in a skillet , but never for very long. People always dig it.

>> No.9831187

there's a certain gene that some people have that makes a certain chemical found in all plants in the broccoli family to taste really bitter and sour. this also includes brussel sprouts and cabbage.

>> No.9831210

Broccoli is bland, boring, slightly bitter shit without lemon.

With lemon it's divine.

>> No.9831233
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>using the word "divine" unironically

>> No.9831288

>>using the word "divine" unironically
>using words

>> No.9831580

because someone stupid enough to own english bulldogs is also too fucking stupid to see why cats are awesome.

>> No.9831593

literally a meme. Started with cartoons showing picky eaters refusing "vegetables" that were broccoli, then people directly made broccoli the hated food, and now adults are still roleplaying as their kid shows to avoid them, despite literally never tasting them in their life before thanks to the hate meme.

>> No.9831616
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Try broccoli salad.
Chopped broccoli with your choice of mixed/diced veggies, dried fruit, nuts, shredded hard cheese, meats, and a oil based dressing. Throw in some spices/herbs to taste, and bang: you got a delicious and nutritious salad (assuming you didn't overload the fat macros)

>> No.9831644

Over-cooked broccoli is a sin; mushy and tasteless. I fine broccoli's palitability to be peak either raw, or lightly fried/steamed.

>> No.9831842

I did not boil it but I'll try that next time.
For broccoli I usually heat up some oil, throw the heads in, and add water once the oil is hot enough to steam them a bit. Doing that with sliced stem pieces left them undone.

>> No.9831863
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Because they're bland as fuck.
>Muh spices
Something needing spices to taste good is the definition of bland