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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9817311 No.9817311 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a more ethical way to kill lobster besides boiling it alive? It really is a poor practice if you ask me.

>> No.9817332

Freeze it, then boil.

>> No.9817334

Its suffering is what makes it delicious. That and the butter.

>> No.9817336
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Lobsters have nervous systems similar to insects and don't experience pain in the same sense that you might try and imagine if you tried to imagine lobsters were like some sort of pet.

If you really fancy yourself some sort of ethicist, consider all those tortured CAFO animals whose suffering goes on where you can't see it because of ag-gag laws. Sorry you're too much of a cheap fuck to go to the farmers market and buy ethically raised meat, but guess what, it's a sea bug, just because you can see it die doesn't mean its life is worth more than your burger made of mixed up remains from 11 different cows who died in agony after a life spent in darkness and submerged up to their knees in fecal runoff.

Or, not. I mean hey, meat comes from the store, right?

t. your resident heartless "oriental"

>> No.9817338


>> No.9817346


>> No.9817358

Stab them in the head with a sharp knoife moments before boiling.

Suffering having any effect on flavor is the oldest food meme.

>> No.9817365

>Suffering having any effect on flavor is the oldest food meme.
It's a fact that stress hormones make meat taste worse.

>> No.9817417

As a hunter of meat I can assure you that animals that are killed quickly are more tender and better flavored than those that suffered for a while before death and had to be tracked down. It's probably some chemical released to the muscles or something, idk, but it's real.

>> No.9817419

So stand them on their head and hypnotize them, they go gently into that sweet night easily.

>> No.9817443

I was just joking.

>> No.9817457
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Is a claw machine ethical?

>> No.9817470
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OP, simply place them in a pot of room temp water and crank up the heat. This kinda fucks with cooking times but it's ethical and you can pretty much cook them by color anyway.

It's the same with frogs. Drop a frog into boiling water and they'll jump out; drop them into regular water and apply heat and they'll slip quietly into the night.

>> No.9817491

probably not but she got mad claw skills

>> No.9817498

just put them in a blender
if you cram on the lid nice and tight they can't feel a thing due to he air pressure being divulged

>> No.9817503

Claw games are easy when they aren't rigged.

>> No.9817537
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in the beef industry it's called a "dark cutter"
it has something to do with glucose depletion under stress before slaughter

>> No.9817564

hey /ck/ I have an idea everybody read 'Consider the Lobster,' and we can have a discussion when I get back from work

>> No.9817570

>claw games filled with $1 toys are rigged
>claw games filled with fucking lobsters aren't rigged

what does this mean

>> No.9817577

That's probably why halal meat always looks and smells so grim.

>> No.9817585

You have to pay for the lobster.

>> No.9817586

Feed them a high carbohydrate diet, restrict their movement and get them to smoke two packs a day. They'll die soon enough.

>> No.9817613

Halal meat is a byproduct of nomadic lifestyles. Where you'd kill a cow, you'd have to cure and keep the meat or else itd spoil. By causing mass suffering to an animal, the adrenaline actually acts as a means of pasturizing meat due to its antimicrobial properties. This is why sand niggers rape their livestock. The longer they suffer, the longer the meat keeps.>>9817577

>> No.9817615

Is this a european thing? In america halal meat is way better than grocery store meat, so much better that even yuppie boutique butchers often carry stuff from the local halal slaughterhouse. But halal meat operations here are small, I wonder if it gets bad when you try to scale it up to industrial-scale meat processing facilities.

>> No.9817617

I wanna go vegan now, poor fucking things

>> No.9817675

Protip lobsters are so fucking dumb they don't feel pain. The Sound you hear when boiling them is their inner body and outer shell changing in pressure and breaking its seal.

Stop being biscuits and for gods sake >>9817332 dont freeze them. Throwing them into boiling water is going to be the most humane way as it will kill them within 3-5 seconds instead of them freezing for 2 hours.

>> No.9817681

It's a three-point claw with a loose grasp, so it's supposed to be rigged by the lobster himself.

If the little dude didn't want to die, he could easily have escaped.

>> No.9817689

Pretty sure they're half asleep, what with that darklamp

>> No.9817910

dirty lying terrorist muslim scum. fuck off back to your sandtraps.

>> No.9817918

Don't be fucking stupid. The experience of pain is necessarily unpleasant to an organism regardless of the sophistication of that organism. In the sense that pain is a primal stimuli to impel the organism AWAY from the source of pain, pain must necessarily be something undesirable and unenjoyable.

This can easily be observed with lobsters. You can subject them to pain like heat or pressure and they will actively try to get away from the source. And you know why that is? BECAUSE PAIN FUCKING HURTS

>> No.9817929

>appealing to emotion rather than presenting any real argument

Vegans pls go and stay go.

>> No.9817962

I don't know if everyone in the thread is pretending to be retarded (including OP), but in case you're not, you're not supposed to boil lobsters while they're still alive. They'll knock over the pot.
You stick a knife into the head and sever down the middle, snibs the snab instantly. THEN you boil it.

>> No.9817965

>I'm too stupid to read

>> No.9817979

>i'm too stupid to reason

>> No.9818001

the dude presented a pretty solid argument

my buddy kept a lobster as a pet and those mother fuckers definitely feel pain

>> No.9818003
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Those are subjective descriptions based on what it's like to be a human. It's reasonable to assume that monkeys and cats don't enjoy having their limbs cut off because they're pretty similar to humans. A lobster doesn't even have lungs. Suppose those gills are kidna like lungs though. You think nothing of taking a lobster out of a tank and keeping it in a plastic bag on the way home from the store. So it's slowly "drowning" for like an hour, right? I mean, it's all analogies, right? So why would dropping a lobster in boiling water suddenly be a terrible experience compared to that? You make this elaborate ritual of driving a knife through its bug brain to spare it the agony of being killed in a few seconds, does that even make sense?

Why can't people just accept that the lobster execution rituals are basically just a weird cultural ritual we do to make ourselves seem noble and enlightened?

>> No.9818004

Lobster guillotine
Lobster hanging
Shoot it

>> No.9818022

>the dude presented a pretty solid argument

The dude did no such thing.

>> No.9818130
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I trap lobsters in the summer.
Theyll eat each other, anything else in reach. Eve their own detatched limbs. No ethical problem boiling those seabugs.
pic is my working dock.

>> No.9818185
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Dress lobster in blackface.
Place toy gun in claw.
Police will do the rest.

>> No.9818192
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>toy gun
A wallet will do the trick, Reverend. We'll just say "we were in hot pursuit of the suspect and I was in reasonable fear of my partner's life"

>> No.9818211

>they’ll jump out
Oh my god i need to see this

>> No.9818261

post your working cock

>> No.9818329

You can subject a rock to pressure and it will try to get away from the source.

>> No.9818437

This is like an Isis video.

>> No.9818447

Serves them right for being so tasty. Not my fault they decided to be do delicious.

>> No.9818448

Sure if you're fine with food poisoning

>> No.9818453

First one is Scott Rea. He's well worth checking out.

Butcher first and a cook second. Definitely some real respect and love for the animals he works on.

>> No.9818464

I was watching the Japanese Iron Chef lobster challenge when the challenger fucked up cutting one of the lobsters in half. It made me really sad and I couldn't watch it anymore. I don't eat meat very often already but I couldn't eat it for months after that. I just hope we get cultured/lab-grown meat in stores soon so we can stop killing animals for food. Even though it's natural and we've been doing it for a really long time, it doesn't mean we can't try to change it.

>> No.9818494

Wtf I hate eating now

>> No.9818516

>It made me really sad and I couldn't watch it anymore.
That's really the only reason these dumb rituals exist. People who think meat comes from the store would have a meltdown when they suddenly were faced with the fact that we kill and eat stuff. So to make sure these people wouldn't have to think too hard about how life works, they were told "just poke its cute widdle head with ur widdle knifey and it will be grateful for you and go live with a nice farm family" and wa la, problem solved.

>> No.9818644

That's weird I didn't think you could post here from china

>> No.9818651

Nobody with tattoos like that should be allowed near a sharp object.

>> No.9818665

I would eat you if it was legal

>> No.9818671

It's pretty instantaneous, it may look graphic but as soon as the knife goes in that thing is dead
Plus it doesn't have complex nervous systems like humans do, not that it matters that's just a fact

>> No.9818685

>I cannot differentiate between the importance of human lives vs animal lives
..... What the fuck?

>> No.9818696

That wasn't a rock, it was a rock lobster

>> No.9818828

my father is the evidence that this isn't true

>> No.9818938

That's a really fucking stupid analogy, a rock doesn't have a nervous system for starters

Can you please explain to me how you think pain works in a lobster then. Can we agree that the sensation of pain is primarily a function that serves to preserve the life of the lobster by encouraging it to get away from things that could destroy its body?

Can you explain how an organism would be impelled away from something through a physical sensation, if that sensation was not unpleasant? How could pain possibly serve any purpose unless it was unpleasant to experience?

You necessarily have to conclude that given the natural function of pain it MUST be unpleasant to experience, or else it wouldn't serve its primary function.

>> No.9818977


Just get one of these Crustastun.

>> No.9818979

>Can we agree that the sensation of pain is primarily a function that serves to preserve the life of the lobster by encouraging it to get away from things that could destroy its body?


We don't agree that lobsters experience pain, or that things are "unpleasant" or "pleasant" for lobsters, any more than we agree that lobsters appreciate Mozart, or experience social anxiety.

Many things that organisms do have a "function" that tends to preserve the life of that organism.

>> No.9819000

look up lobster crush videos on motherless. Shit's fucked up man. Lobster getting stepped on and flailing around on the floor

>> No.9819009

thats a waste of good lobster

>> No.9819753

you use these words "sensation", "unpleasant" and "experience" that I would not attribute to the organism. We shouldn't assume things that don't have a brain but have a bundle of little nerves "experiences" anything more than a bacteria does. Did you know bacteria will move away from chemicals/heat? Less advanced organisms also display similar reactions. Plants move towards light, is this them experiencing pleasure and moving towards it?

>> No.9819836


The experiment I believe you are referring to was done with frogs that had had their brains removed; without the brains the brainstems alone were able to detect a sudden change in temperature but not a gradual one. I've never tried but I'm pretty sure frogs will freak out if you try to slow-boil them, just like most other animals.

>> No.9819853
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>eating lobster

youre fucking disgusting

enjoy your ocean roach faggot

>> No.9819866

>people keep hyping lobster
>never was a huge fan of crustaceans so never bothered getting any
>also it's expensive
>taste some not long ago
>it's fucking bland

The lobster meme is just some marketing campaign that happened to be successful isn't it

>> No.9819867
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>> No.9819873

The claw has become the clawed

>> No.9819874
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>> No.9819880

It legitimately doesn't taste shit

>> No.9819914

its more expensive because its at the bottom of the ocean. they have to go down all the way to get some

>> No.9819923

I put one valium in warm water, let it dissolves a bit, then add the lobster and slowly turn the heat up so by the time its boiling the lobster is already zonked out and cant feel pain

>> No.9819932

You just had low grade lobster, you need to get a hardshell lobster. If, then, after you’ve tried it, you still think it tastes like nothing, your tastebuds are fucked. Maybe try not salting the ever living crab out of everything you eat, and also stop smoking.

>> No.9820334


He dindu nuffin. The lobster is a good boy.

>> No.9820463

M-muh strawman!

>> No.9820471

>dumb whores ITT talking about 'muh ethical feelings'
People like you should be put into a cave of lions and see what your ethical ideologies can save your life dipshits

>> No.9820479

Not an argument retard

>> No.9820494

This. Knife sown and forward, severs nerves, instant death. Any further movement is spasmodic.

>> No.9820497

Pain is subjective, and relative to each person, even talk about animals.
Each animals also have different range of perceptions and nervous systems.your systemic perception of 'pain' in animals are subjective at all, thus, nullified the argument.
>pain is what propels life
Not at all. Perhaps hunger is. But both is not perceivable. As hunger is a 'feeling' that can be tolerated, 'pain' is the same.

>> No.9820502

Don't even fucking comment if you aren't a lobster, because otherwise you won't know.

>> No.9820511

iojamk a,lob stewer
'ji dop n ot mferewlp npoainj

>> No.9820546

>likening the observation of butchery of lobsters to the observation of butchery of humans is now suddenly a lapse in priority of the value of lives
he's literally just saying it's brutal you vapid cunt

>having an ethics discussion makes you a pussy
contrary to what you present, you have a brain
you might as well have some fun with it

>> No.9820777

Anyone else getting really hungry right now?

>> No.9820815


>> No.9820872

>cave of lions
do lions normally have caves?

also your statement is kind of stupid, "aggressive animals will kill you so don't talk about anything!"? put a bunch of people into a "cave of lions" with a bunch of high-tech weapons and armor and then we can talk about ethics?

>> No.9820895

Just shoot the stupid creature with a .22lr
I swear liberals are such pussies.

>> No.9820925

The nature of hunger is fundamentally different from pain. Hunger impels a creature outward with a slowly increasing onset of discomfort. Pain impels a creature to flight through an instant and powerfully unpleasant sensation of intolerable discomfort.

Pain is necessarily something a creature would aim to avoid.

>> No.9820933

The frog experiment is bunk. People always forget to mention that the frogs had had their BRAINS cut out prior to boiling, which totally fucking ruins the trivia fact and as such no one knows it.
If you put a brained frog in water and boil it, then it will jump out of the pot.

>> No.9820941

Don't forget to cool and drink the water afterwards.

>> No.9820949

>Its suffering is what makes it delicious

And ping pong ting tong to you too, mr. Chang

>> No.9820952


The electric chair

>> No.9821085

Humans invented this thing called farming, have you heard of it?

>> No.9821088

>not getting your lobster loaded on strong joints and morphine before killing them
fucking monster

>> No.9821172

There is actually a crab electrifier if that suits your fancy. Forget what it's called though

>> No.9821216

>a crab electrifier
Ali Express got u covered, laowai

>> No.9821396

>vapid cunt
There's a single person on /ck/ who uses this phrase and every time I see it, it's expressing a childish, neckbeardy, "why is everyone stupid except me" opinion. I don't even have to read back through the chain to know you're probably the same tard who was saying "bugs feel pleasure and pain because like, DUH, of course they do"

>> No.9821402

>The experience of pain is necessarily unpleasant to an organism regardless of the sophistication of that organism
so a computer that's programmed to remove an appendage when it registers heat is suffering from a burn just as you are? sophistication is EVERYTHING when defining pain. kill yourself. and don't give me shit about simple organisms learning, learning doesn't imply some greater complexity either

>> No.9821495
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delete this

>> No.9821520

Now that's a big lobster

>> No.9821527

Its okay if you kill it with a good ol' strike of cleaver between the eyes (not juste the eyes mind you, just slice its head in two) and directly throw it in the boiling pot.

>> No.9821535

>Sorry you're too much of a cheap fuck to go to the farmers market and buy ethically raised meat
Yeah or just go to a butcher with good ethics that actually checks where the meat comes from and visits the slaughterhouse once in a while.
Thank God my butcher is a good Christian.

>> No.9821537

It's okay whether or not you kill it at all desu

>> No.9821542

The guy is a professional butcher, anon. And probably not the only one of those with some ink.

>> No.9821543

Hold the fucking phone I just got word filtered my man, the fuck is this

Are word filters back? Holy shit

>> No.9821544

Unnecessary suffering is unnecessary

>> No.9821547

>implying these creatures are even capable of such emotions

>> No.9821558

They're just a bug

>> No.9821560

Don't worry, I'm sure the anon you're responding to is actually an even better butcher and not just a sperg on the internet that's quartered a chicken before.
I like Scott's videos, they're pretty comfy as background noise. Seems like he's always in a pretty chipper mood.

>> No.9821595

Pick one

>> No.9821603

Yeah they have been for a bit.
f a m = senpai
t b h = desu
I think s m h has one but I don't use it so I don't remember. baka.

>> No.9821604

I was gonna respond with a meme or a green arrow but instead I'm just gonna say that there are still relatively good people in the world, some of them being Christian.

>> No.9821622

Pretty sure that cave of lions is just a bible reference

>> No.9821629

your post implied that christians had a monopoly or at least tendency towards goodness, though

>> No.9821637

dude Christians win at religion seriously

>> No.9821645
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>> No.9821656

how is that an appeal to emotion? retard

>> No.9821663

youre all pussies. i kill animals trash possums and racoons just for fun. I could just take the cage to the woods and let them out, but its more fun to shoot them point blank while they are still in the cage then dump their fat asses out. Lobsters? thats what bothers you? lol

>> No.9821669

I think that anon came to that conclusion due to that guy's (mistaken, in my opinion) direct comparison of lobster emotions/experiences to human emotions/experiences. Because of this, it appeals to people's own human perceptions of pain, rather than looking at the fact that humans and lobsters, in pretty much every way, are very different.

You should probably seek help if you're killing things for fun

>> No.9821720

Plants do the same thing bro.

>> No.9821739

Cool. When you reach adolescence you'll probably up your game to humans.

>> No.9821783
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Solid bait. Take it my friend.

>> No.9822357
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Wow a internet tough guy. Watch out guys

>> No.9822411

idk, but they taste just fine dead before you boil them. I guess you could put some rum in the water, probably do it.

>> No.9822426

They're sea monsters, who cares?

>> No.9822440 [DELETED] 
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>I read lobsters were prison food on art facts
You're that guy that points out the soccer is called football outside of America aren't you?

>> No.9822552
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Yeah you just puts traps and hoist them up after a while. Did you think people dove to the bottom of the ocean to bag lobsters with their bare hands?

>> No.9822872

>3-5 seconds
I thought it was less than that.

>> No.9823056
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I know I could get in trouble if I ever get caught, but I eat so fucking good from raiding those traps. Before I got my current job, I'd do some back door selling too. Fuck off with your crying about it, it's not like you work for them anyways.

>> No.9823085

boring it to death with this thread

>> No.9823191


Shoot it up with some quality heroin and chase it down with phenobarbital

>> No.9824360
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Careful were you do that.
people have been dumped on islands in the bay after being caught.

>> No.9824379

My father was a lobsterman. He got up every morning at four and came home every night stinking of brine. He sent me through law school with the lobsters he caught!

>> No.9825862
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Yeah, first they have to catch me
God bless him...he's put about 10 pounds extra on me over the years.

>> No.9825869

Shellfish is boiled starting at cold water.
Protip, i cut them in half from head to tail
Sear in pan both sides
Last 10 min in oven

>> No.9825916
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I feed my chickens all the rodents my cat brings in. It looks a lot like that but with 6 birds fighting over it.

>> No.9825930

A rock won’t try to do anything, a rock exists within a system with inherent properties that result in its natural propulsion away from localized pressure.

>> No.9825975

>I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.9825995

damn that chicken swooped down on that mouse like it was the tastiest thing ever. Literally modern day dinosaurs.

>> No.9826542

Rip it’s arms off and beat it to death with them

>> No.9826677

Lobster isn't even that good.

>> No.9826881
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>>Its suffering is what makes it delicious
>And ping pong ting tong to you too, mr. Chang

>> No.9827439

No. Its nervous system is more resilient then yours, it can feel pain without a brain.

>> No.9827478

>That's probably why halal meat always looks and smells so grim.
If it was like that then the animal went through much stress which makes the meat not halal. Halal slaughter is supposed to be quick and clean with minimum agony.
t. a muslim who actually studied the religion he is practicing unlike majority of niggers who don't know a thing about islam yet they claim to be following it.

>> No.9827514

I don’t makethe lobster suffer for magnifying the taste of the meat. I make the lobster suffer because I like knowing I have full control over it. I want that lobster to know he is the weaker animal and he must pay his dues to me. First I will consume his pain and then I will consume his life

>> No.9827540

t. Mark Zuckerberg

>> No.9827606

>normalfags will say its compulsive movements after stabbing is just leftover energy
It's clearly alive and in pain

>> No.9827620

There's no evidence to reliably say whether lobsters are actually alive or not.

>> No.9827625

You're spasmodic

>> No.9828023


Henlo frend

SniBBity SnaBb!! :DDD

>> No.9828109

stomp on the lobster with your football cleats. it will kill the lobster

>> No.9828112

Double dubs for truth

>> No.9828399

They always have these in touristy beach restaurants
Something very disturbing about them, primitive or not I think all animals should be respected even if you're eating them. Reducing a living thing to an agent of entertainment for tourists as they play games with the prize of handing it off to be killed is sociopathic and signifies a disconnect from the sanctity of life.

>> No.9828502

Cool, you got the first level of interpretation of JFW, "Consider the Lobster." What's the next course you're taking for your lit major, African American Writers of the 20th Century (featuring an in depth analysis of Richard Wright)?

>> No.9828555

Why are you so mad?

>> No.9828649

That's about the ethics of increasing something else's suffering to increase your own pleasure, has nothing to do with what I said.
Take some pills.

>> No.9829672

Has anybody ever liquid nitrogen'd a live lobster?

>> No.9829822

First world problem is caring how the meat suffer before it's going to your plate.

>> No.9830334

shit, that fucker is huge!

It looks like it has the 1000 mile stare

>> No.9830356

>he believes kosher and halal practices in animal farming

>> No.9830357

Fucking bird is vicious

>> No.9830364

>Shellfish is boiled starting at cold water.
fuck you

knife through the head right behind the brains, instantly dead, then throw in boiling water.
like every fucking restaurant worth a damn does these days.

t. worked as a chef in 3 sea food restaurants in europe.

>> No.9830374
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> It really is a poor practice if you ask me.

Fortunately, no one cares about your opinion on anything.

>> No.9831360

Just drown it in fresh water

>> No.9831406
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This is objectively the best way to kill an animal ethically.

>> No.9831500

Crab is better

>> No.9831522

Killing lobsters preemptively before boiling would allow the growth of bacteria inside the shell. Thus keeping them alive and fresh to the point of boiling is the best way to keep the meat in pinnacle condition.

And it's a fucking bug, who cares?

>> No.9831535

I don't get it OP. You are killing it then eating its flesh.Why does it matter if it feels pain?