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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9814801 No.9814801 [Reply] [Original]

Why does her face piss me off so much?

Shitty chefs/personalities general.

>> No.9815010

because it's not a sweaty teen boy's asshole like you prefer

>> No.9815029

>Why does her face piss me off so much?
probably because your fist isn't punching it.
when ever I see her I wish I could punch her in the face a few times

>> No.9815128

That's really mean.

>> No.9815160

Because her head is all lumpy. Her face is white and her hair is bright orange. She's like a reverse pumpkin. Also, what the fuck kind of name is "Ree" it sounds like something an autistic frog would say.

She seems genuinely nice but god damn

>> No.9815172

I know. she's the only TV cook that I really hate.
she seems very FAKE. her smile, her food is mediocre at best, her perfect family.
I'm usually a positive person
I'm not a robot

>> No.9815833

The way she talks out of the side of her mouth, while the other looks like she has lockjaw does me in.

>> No.9816032

There isn't a single element of reality to that wench, it's 100% fake. Not only that, but her recipes except for the few amerifat standards are pure garbage. Tbqf, she deserves infinitely more ragging on than a number of other cook show freaks who get slammed here.

>> No.9816139
File: 922 KB, 3072x1728, IMG_20171103_080822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had some extra time at work and found a tabloid magazine article about here. It inspired my creative side

>> No.9816163
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>> No.9816169
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>> No.9816198

I audibly laughed

>> No.9816215
File: 83 KB, 800x764, flat,800x800,075,f.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely the worst personality on the entire channel.

>look y'all i'm on a ranch, this totally isn't a fabricated personality. watch me make this bacon fried corn griddle cake for me and my 8 chilidrens after they come back from slaughtering some bulls in this massive ford raptor that has 3000 miles on it. haha i'm a country GURL pls ignore all the botox and shitty recipes

i hate her op

>> No.9816217

Obligatory Guy Fieri post.
>looks like a middle school douchebag despite being like 50
>chews with his mouth open and talks with food in his mouth
>isn't that great of a cook
>basically just a glorified paid shill
>his restaurant sucks
>the only entertaining thing about him is making fun of him via memes

>> No.9816220

looks like grimes

>> No.9816222
File: 858 KB, 800x1065, Guy_Fieri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot a picture

>> No.9816223

guy is a saint compared to this fucking harpy

>> No.9816226

.t liberal

>> No.9816267

dead wrong.

the problem is she is an entirely fabricated personality to try and appeal to ""country"" people.

it's a farce and you're retarded if you like this show.

>> No.9816442

Like the younger version of Paula Deen...

>> No.9816449

OP here, i have no hate for the country cooks that actually have recipes. she is just a phony.

>> No.9816452

All i want to do is shove my cock in her ass and demolish it and watch her cry afterwards

>> No.9816492

>not Op

But yeah, the fake persona is the cherry on the shit sundae.

>> No.9817046

Fun fact: she got a TV show on the Food Network because she had a popular food blog, and that food blog consisted entirely of recipes stolen from other blogs without giving any credit whatsoever to the original authors.

>> No.9817142
File: 30 KB, 460x331, Hultstrand61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's an insult to the actual pioneer women of the 1800's who suffered untold hardships, had arms and legs like a blacksmith's, worked their ass off from 4AM to 10PM and then rutted with their husband to produce another spawn to replace the one that just died from the augue. She should be stripped naked, lashed with a cat-o-nine-tails and pilloried in the public square.

>> No.9817204

Is there a word for someone faking a smile so hard it looks like they're trying to poop?

>> No.9817210


Because you want to put a baby in that belly and you know she wont let you

>> No.9817233

Professional youtube shill detected, you're working the hydrox account and the pioneer account simultaneously I see

>> No.9817322
File: 74 KB, 601x595, reeee outrage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got damn it assholes. This show is nothing more than an attempt to persuade white girls to abandon feminism and get back to their strengths which is in the kitchen, making babies, and working for the best boss possible: her husband. You want a wife, find one that likes this show. Sure the cooking sucks, but it is selling the right fantasy and that fantasy is a sound home and family. Not some bullshit wageslavery! REEEEEEE!

>> No.9817340

He seems like a pretty cool dude desu. Does he even cook or does he just go around trying other people's food?

>> No.9817342


>> No.9817352

None of us would survive that environment. The name is a way of conveying the idea of strength in being a housewife. It's feminist subversion.

>> No.9817360

It's fake shit. authenticity > everything else

>> No.9817363

It's designed for women, not men. Fakeness is essential in this plastic world.

>> No.9817368

Because it's John McCain in a wig. Keep up.

>> No.9817370
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>> No.9817421


>> No.9817467

She's a completely boring generic white bread redneck girl with uninspired flyover recipes with no flavor

>> No.9819033

I always thought she looked like she smelled a rank fart and was trying not to show it.

>> No.9819079
File: 390 KB, 2000x1603, pretentiouscuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9819202

>Why does her face piss me off so much?
How are we supposed to know?

>> No.9819296

Not gay if he has a feminine penis

>> No.9819422

because it has a melon smashing jaw with the identical complexion of fiona from shrek

>> No.9819440
File: 65 KB, 635x540, supreme-gentleman2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she even do that was that bad? Yeah her personality is a bit fake, but most TV personalities are that way.

Is /ck/ turning into /r9k/ incels that REEEE at anything with a vagina now or something?

>> No.9819492
File: 77 KB, 768x512, sandralee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this vapid roastie

>> No.9819503

bideo very related


>> No.9819577

looks like Divine

>> No.9819912
File: 24 KB, 468x468, KOF6ZE04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9820248

Robert is awesome though

>> No.9820252

ReportOfTheWeek is the worst thing to happen to YouTube.

>> No.9820329

I've watched a few of his vids and they're fine and all. I don't get the massive following he has. Dude spends 15 goddamn minutes on a review when the only interesting stuff he says could be boiled down to under a minute.

>> No.9820355

>Does he even cook
He got onto Food Network in the first place by winning the Next Food Network Star competition. He may be an obnoxious lardneck, but his show is among the longest running ever on the channel.

>> No.9820550

Guy Fieri isn't my favorite, but he does get a lot of undeserved shit. I always assumed the "look" was just part of his character - obnoxious, but just something he does. Like Bitali and the orange crocs. He seems like a pretty chill dude who just likes to eat.

>> No.9821222

Her show bothers me so much because many of the recipes involve "take this pre-packaged dough and..." or "open a jar of..."

Sorry, lady, but I'm watching a cooking show to learn cooking techniques, not how to open containers of things. I can do that on my own, I'm not THAT retarded.