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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 63 KB, 1166x778, 40cloves-garlic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9815741 No.9815741 [Reply] [Original]

Is there some trick to peeling garlic quickly? And I mean actually peeling to maintain whole cloves, not smashed up bits of it because you slammed the flat of your blade against them.

>> No.9815744

Stop slamming quite so hard

>> No.9815747

But I have big clumsy hands :(

>> No.9815749

Watch pepin do it. If you can't do it properly after doing that then you're a failure

>> No.9815750

But them inside two steel recipients and shake it like a motherfucker. The skin will come off on its own or become really easy to peel.

>> No.9815760

2 metal (or glass if you are careful) bowls. Put the garlic inside and turn the other one upside down on top of it to make something like a hollow sphere. Shake the fuck out of it and it loosens the skin from the garlic. You can also put it in a glass jar and do the same thing, but it doesn't work as well in my experience. You need to get the garlic banging around in there pretty hard

>> No.9815762

Are you that same guy that compared himself to Hagrid?

>> No.9815765

No, I'm also very short.

>> No.9815769

I do too but when I smash a clove with a knife it stays intact and the peel comes right off, just keep trying

>> No.9815772

Short with big hands? That's weird.

>> No.9815777

don't pound the knife with your fist but put the palm of your hand on the knife and slowly lean forward with your weight until you feel the garlic crunch slightly then simply slide the peel off

>> No.9815784


>> No.9815798

Why does he end every sentence with the same upward inflection
It makes him sound like a valley girl.

>> No.9815810
File: 17 KB, 279x208, screenshot068 2017-12-09, 22_00_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he a cute valley girl?

>> No.9815858
File: 28 KB, 250x341, theincrediblecayenneman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the cutest

>> No.9815875

Is this something people have trouble with? I just bend the clove around a little and the paper slides right off.

>> No.9815880

It's kinda annoying if you have small cloves or need to prep a bunch at once. But a light press with a knife works fine unless you need them to be absolutely immaculate.

>> No.9815887
File: 951 KB, 500x375, irKz73D[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chef John... maybe you can come over after school, and help me witch my cooking assignment? Only if you want to, though...

>> No.9815923

are you the same person that bitched about talking like that in a thread about cast iron skillets once

>> No.9815930

When you're peeling 50 of the fuckers it becomes really goddamn annoying. Even just peeling half a head of garlic can take me 10 minutes by just picking and peeling at them.

...maybe? I've made this comment before but cast iron threads are a dime a dozen.

>> No.9815949

You slam the blade on them. Softly, you hamfisted turd.
The idea is to use friction to separate the peel from the rest of the clove. The peel is hard, so once you get it to warp slightly out of place, it's already effectively removed.
In other words, you press them, not crush them.

>> No.9815964
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>two additional mixing bowls to wash
>saves time
uhhhhhhhhhh what?

>> No.9815966


>> No.9815970

Always start at the bottom, at the edge where it detached from the clove.

>> No.9815971

i just cut the roots off and then bend it with my fingers, then pinch the other end and the skin mostly comes off

>> No.9815972

>a dime a dozen

>> No.9815980

how often do you eat whole cloves of garlic you dumb autist? if you are going to mince it it doesn't matter whether it's crushed or whole

>> No.9815990

Are you chinese or something?

>if you are going to mince it
I'm obviously not, and if you think minced/crushed garlic imparts the same flavor as sliced or whole cloves you're a shitty, shitty cook.

>> No.9815994

cut a tiny bit off each end and peel it off by hand, it's incredibly easy

>> No.9815999

I just put a clove between my hands and rub them like a jew.

>> No.9816000

>dime a dozen
Pretty sure I've only ever heard retards say that, it's like "I couldn't care less".

>> No.9816002

I certainly will agree that doing a lot of them is annoying.

>> No.9816004

You're thinking of "Diamond dozen". Dime a dozen refers to getting a dozen of some item for a dime, i.e. that thing is incredibly cheap and common.

>> No.9816005

But both of those are common phrases used in English-speaking countries that make sense.

>> No.9816006

How is saying "I couldn't care less" retarded?

>> No.9816009

it imparts SUPERIOR flavor. so why go to extra trouble for a worse outcome? HURF

>> No.9816012
File: 54 KB, 614x572, 1477266571596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty cook detected

>> No.9816018

i'm not the idiot who couldn't figure out the shortcut to peeling garlic. fyi - you cut the fucking ends off. you can save even more time by doing that with the WHOLE BULB. with the ends removed you can literally rub the peels off by rubing the cloves against each other and your hands. asshat.

>> No.9816022

>wanting all of the flavor to just be concentrated in the bulb itself

I guess if you wanted to use it as a topping on pizza or as a garnish, but I really can't see any reason why you would want an uncrushed clove otherwise.

>> No.9816026

OP is a fucking idiot

>> No.9816031

Because it imparts flavor differently, you retards. You don't always want the garlic itself in your dish, you want to cook or saute with it to give it the flavor and then you remove it. You don't always want to be munching on entire pieces of garlic.
Both of you must have no tastebuds.

>> No.9816036

I mean it's equivalent to just throwing an entire peeled onion in a dish. Like, cool, that onion will be cooked through, but the rest of the dish isn't going to get any of the flavor it imparts.

I might be a terrible home cook, but I am still confused by OP's thought process.

>> No.9816042

your technique is shit. and see >>9816018

>> No.9816045

i tried this once, did nothing

>> No.9816046

You can CRUSH a whole clove and still remove it before serving you fucking imbecile.

>> No.9816053

sorry for this link because this guy is the worst https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dc7w_PGSt9Y

but yes this is the way to do it

>> No.9816055
File: 290 KB, 945x890, 1486701941390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would the flavor change, you mongs?

All that changes is how thorough the distribution is. Both diced and whole cloves have their place, it just depends what kind of dish you're making and how long its cooked for.

>> No.9816056
File: 35 KB, 500x375, 1484944738532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9816057

oh shit i'm late and a fage

>> No.9816065

How long till there's a kickstarter for a $100 garlic shaking/peeling machine?

>> No.9816066

Garlic, and onion, actually undergo a chemical reaction when their cells are ruptured through cutting or crushing that you don't get otherwise.

>> No.9816090
File: 309 KB, 1500x1125, 20150108-mincing-garlic-daniel-gritzer-16text.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When garlic's cells are damaged, two molecules, one called alliin and an enzyme named alliinase come into contact with each other, and together produce a new compound called allicin, which is responsible for the pungent smell we associate with garlic. The more cell damage that occurs, the more allicin is produced, and the stinkier the garlic becomes, which is why a single clove can have such varying impact on a dish depending on its form.


>> No.9816096
File: 55 KB, 480x640, 1498949816416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the idea already. Two Cups that close together. They lock together with some type of mechanism, haven't thought of one in the 15 seconds it took to think of this. Then you have a handle on it to provide enough more shaking power for less effort. Minimalist and Inexpensive, will still sell them for 15 bucks a pop.

>> No.9816102

I think you mean "I could care less"

>> No.9816103

Needs DRM'ed garlic pods that sell for $5 a bulb

>> No.9816104
File: 11 KB, 275x183, New+fap+material+_eca0b6f1d7640d87f9203b48d7341502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. I actually learned something from ck today.

>> No.9816114

how is this done?

>> No.9816133

he explains it in the article

>> No.9816158

You don't need to peel it. The skin is fine to eat. It just comes out the other end. I leave it in even when I mince the garlic.

>> No.9816164

Because when you eat the food and its full of diced, crushed, or minced garlic then you end up eating a whole chunk of it, instead of removing it and NOT eating garlic.
Why do you think there are recipes where you specifically slice it up?

>> No.9816170

Just mount it on a stand and slap a motor on that bitch, boom. Totally automated.
People pay $10-30 for an automated can opener, they'll pay for that too undoubtedly.

>> No.9816173

i even leave the plastic bag on it from the grocery store and just minced it all, no problem at all

>> No.9816185

Well, I mean if you like it that way then more power to you. Plastic bags give me heartburn though so I usually take them out.

>> No.9816305

must be a common complaint, because I've made similar comments as well. I can't watch his videos because I can't stand his voice.

>> No.9816310
File: 43 KB, 304x185, the game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Press this part of the garlic against a flat surface until it cracks a little bit, then you can easily slip the rest of its clothes off.

>> No.9816315


>> No.9816340
File: 16 KB, 350x350, 417BmhY7n-L._SL500_AC_SS350_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you god damn fools

>> No.9816341

>after shaking some garlic
you're a retard, aren't you? just fucking rince them...

>> No.9816346

nigga learn to read, OP said PEEL not crush to a paste...

>> No.9816353

am i a master chef for not having an issue peeling garlic, or is everyone just retarded?

>> No.9816359

they're retarded. i just cut off both ends and it comes right off

>> No.9816364

Microwave it for 5-30 seconds depending on how many cloves.

>> No.9816365


>> No.9816373

there's nothing difficult about peeling garlic, it can just be very time consuming if you are using a lot of it, especially those tiny fuckers in the middle

>> No.9816374

Do that first, then microwave the cloves for a bit, and the skins actually do slip right off.

>> No.9816377

i like chef john.... his puns are great. and he doesnt do meme shit, or fast zoom and cuts, or dumb b-rolls

>> No.9816382

Just coat each clove in olive oil then put them in the freezer for 1 hour, and then quickly pop them in a preheated oven at 450 degrees for 8 minutes, then back in the freezer for 15 minutes skins come right off

>> No.9816388


>> No.9816394

it works i tried it, no garlic smell on the hands

>> No.9816407

Use a microwave folks! Just a few seconds will do it!

>> No.9816413

Yeah cuz u are adding surface area to the reaction of the smell changing by freezing them (when they thaw the cells break down)which is fine, I freeze herbs and it helps them be flavorful, but nobody NEEDS to do this if they own a microwave. You are losing some of the garlic flavor by partially processing the garlic through the reaction from alliin to allicin when you cook its the oven and then if you cook it further that will degrade the sulfur compounds into stuff that smells less good, faster.

>> No.9816415


I cut the bottom off it, then I pinch the clove at the top, and kind of pinch the clove around the middle tightly, and twist it almost like how you ring out a wet towel. It separates the peel from the clove and pops off. I can peel an entire bulb in under 3 minutes easily.

>> No.9816425

>3 minutes
that's not exactly fast...

>> No.9816437


This actually works.

>> No.9816444

it worked the first two times it was posted too

>> No.9816569


But it’s not slow. How much fucking garlic do you need and why do you have such limited time to peel it?

>> No.9816579

>How much fucking garlic do you need
A whole fucking lot of it. Some recipes call for upwards of 30 cloves.

>> No.9816596

I usually just microwave them for 35 seconds or so and by that point it's almost like they peel themselves

>> No.9816618


>> No.9816634

You didn't shake them aggressively enough. You must really slam them against the bottom steel walls with a will, not roll them around the curved insides.

>> No.9816671

why do she talk like she is asking a question?

>> No.9816706

>you’re a retard
>just rince them

>> No.9816793

He doesn't? Upward inflection is something else?

>> No.9816797

He does? Upward inflection is exactly that? Why are you fucking with me?

>> No.9816824

This as well as simply an increase of contact area and more juice leaking out of the smaller the piecses

>> No.9816870

One time my dad bought an electric can opener because it was the cheapest one where he happened to be shopping. Needless to say, he no longer owns that electric can opener.

>> No.9816881

But that's not how he talks. He has a strange inflection but he's not making everything sound like a question at all.
I actually thought about calling you out on just learning the term from FG in the other post but I didn't want to be an asshole. Turns out I wasn't wrong.

>> No.9816892

It is literally how he talks, 9/10 sentences he leave with that same upward inflection.
Are you deaf or something?

>> No.9816897

>calling you out on just learning the term from FG in the other post
What other post?
What the fuck is FG?
You do remember you're on 4chan, a default anonymous website with no carry-over between threads right?
I didn't "learn" the phrase upward inflect in some other random thread just now, I've known it since 2002 when valley girls were a popular joke.
Or are you so young and stupid that you think this is a new idea?

>> No.9816902
File: 40 KB, 500x500, garlic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. it's called a silicone garlic peeler.

you put the little niggers in there and roll it around with the palm of your hand on the counter for about 10 seconds. it'll come out perfectly peeled.

>> No.9816918

We'll just have to agree to disagree I suppose. As I said, he has strange inflection, but to me it sounds different to uptalk. To me what he says sounds like statements, not questions.
Good job not only learning the term in 2002 but also remembering the year it happened, though.

That's a kitchen tool? I've been using mine for something else entirely.

>> No.9816924

this works but you need 2 bowls that you can hold together while shaking

I use a big (12"+ high) glass jar with a lid
put 4 or 5 heads broken into cloves with as much loose peel removed ( it acts as a cushion you don't want)
screw the lid on and shake up and down so the slam against the top and bottom
dump out into a bowl and pick off the peels
repeat as needed
store peeled garlic in fridge for over a month

>> No.9816926

>store peeled garlic in fridge for over a month
This is actually one of the more sensible time saving suggestions in the entire thread so far.

>> No.9816930
File: 16 KB, 180x192, 1503547089230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>store peeled garlic in fridge for over a month

>> No.9816936

Why on Earth are you replying to namefags?

>> No.9816941

he just has a sing-songy voice is all

>> No.9816942

This is the answer.

I've used this method to peel ounces and ounces of garlic to pickle. Yes, it'll still likely require a little bit of hand peeling, but it's not that bad.

>> No.9816969

Are you cutting the cloves into four pieces? You shouldn’t be able to even see it in the dish if you’re crushing it or mincing it.

>> No.9816975

His voice is cute. It's honestly queer as heck and good to emulate if you want to sound more fem

>> No.9817301

Hilariously macho finish, especially in contrast to that accent.

>> No.9817315

Came here to post this. I find that it only works with a saucepan with a thick base, and a frying pan on top. Put the cloves in and shake so hard it hurts.

>> No.9817326

I want to see Jack try this because I know he'll put his palm straight on that edge.

I pickled some green tomatoes and garlic today and tried putting the garlic in an empty jamjar and shaking it. It did loosen it up a bit but I still had to peel each clove afterwards. Maybe I just didn't shake it hard enough.

>> No.9817341

also theres a sweetspot for size of container. too small and it wont accelerate enough to shake the skin off - too big and it will be hard to control.

protip: just use a knife dummy. the bottom-off-n-smash is the way to go.

>> No.9817347

im gonna try that. thanks faggot.

>> No.9818810


>> No.9819077

Because he's a San Fagciscoan, and that's the way Califagulan urbanites talk.

>> No.9819088

I love knife minced garlic with my meals but the puree'd garlic can be a bit much.

>> No.9819100


>> No.9819107

Don't argue with the urbanites, anon, it's like arguing with retards.

>> No.9819119

LITERALLY nobody has mentioned putting a bunch of cloves in a container and adding a bunch of *boiling hot* water. Let it set for 10 minutes and it pops off like the outer layer of an onion/

>> No.9819187

This, I do it all the time, it's fucking great.

>> No.9819644

Man up and just chop off one end of the clove and peel the skin off. Why is /ck/ so afraid of touching garlic?

>> No.9819677

Best way is to use the knife blade to smash them then peel. Or to use a knife to cut out a small slice or a line down the side and then peel it open.

I fucking hate preparing garlic for any meal that needs it. But I love its flavor. The fastest method for me as always been the smash and peel. It takes so much less time.

>> No.9819719

>tfw I tell people this but they never believe me.

>> No.9819727
File: 29 KB, 320x248, Screenshot_2017-12-10_11-18-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how big his >>9815772
penis is

>> No.9819749

u fukn dumdum

>> No.9819797

the allicin is what makes garlic good for blood pressure

>> No.9819804

Get an empty glass salad dressing jar or whatever with a lid. Put the garlic in there. Put the lid on. Shake the fuck out of it. Voila, peeled garlic,

>> No.9819818

this sounds more practical than the 2 giant bowls method

>> No.9819835

What the fuck is going on in this thread?

Just use a knife to make a slit all the way along the one of the seams/edges. Then just pull the shell off in one piece.

>> No.9820841

a cocktail shaker/pint glass combo also works fantastically