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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9810267 No.9810267[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the most liberal food?

>> No.9810278

Siracha sauce. The amount of douchebags who scream cultural appropriation but then spray that on everything is high.

>> No.9810328

It's the worst sauce. I've never eaten anything with siracha that wasn't ruined by it.

>> No.9810372

Siracha is the most versitile hot sauce you inbred redneck drumf-tard

>> No.9810385
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Um, sweetie?

>> No.9810394

Tobasco is what they have on the table in every South-American themed restaurant. And it's not as versitile as based siracha, maybe if you ever left your flyover state and experienced other cultures you would know this.

>> No.9810412

It fucking sucks. You have bad taste.

>> No.9810420

>Tobasco is what they have on the table in every South-American themed restaurant
What does that have to do with anything?
>not as versatile
Bull fucking shit, they put Tobasco in MREs, not your shitty meme sauce

>> No.9810479

>They put tobasco in MREs
They also have Frank's hot sauce in every dining facility
My time in the military has taught me to enjoy shitty hot sauces

>> No.9810486

Muslim Penis.

>> No.9810493

Even /ck/ is a cesspool for /pol/acks.

>> No.9810556

And you're a cesspool of AIDS.

>> No.9810901
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Foods shaped like dicks

>> No.9810923
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>> No.9810928

Tobasco hasn't been in MREs for a few years.

>> No.9810941

Was it replaced? Or do you you have to supply your own?

>> No.9810947

Saw one with Frank's a while ago.
Not sure if that's standard now, but that's the last hot sauce I saw in an MRE

>> No.9810976


>> No.9811010


>> No.9811024

I like it. It's also a nice sandwich condiment or hot chip dip when mixed with mayo.

>> No.9811027
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why is Soylent the most shilliest shill?

>> No.9811033

Not true, they're now saying that eating quinoa is symptomatic of white privilege and cultural appropriation.

>> No.9811042
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>> No.9811050
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>> No.9811059

This right here is why millennials can't afford hosues

>> No.9811148

false, texas pete, tapatio, and crystal are all better hot sauces.

>> No.9811154
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Pretending to like garbage overpriced artificial food resembling meat.

>> No.9811182
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Why do so many people love sriracha so much anyways? This stuff that's made by the same company as most sriracha on the market is infinitely better.

>> No.9811196

>The Virgin .125 oz Tabasco
>The Chad 12 oz Tabasco

>> No.9811199

I would unironically devour this

>> No.9811213

>texas pete
>muh thickening agents
Man, Texas Pete isn't really that bad but I want my fucking Tabasco back at Chick-fi-A. Nobody has been able to even tell me why they stopped stocking it and I feel like a tool for using my own personal bottle at a fast food place.

>> No.9811294

/pol/acks can't live off tendies libfag

>> No.9811338

Yeah only /pol/ finds you annoying, I'm sure love.

>> No.9811435
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>> No.9811796
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replace "nigger" with "liberals"

>> No.9812908

Tabasco is literally the worst hot sauce I have ever tasted.
It's not spicy, it's not tasty, it just tastes like vinegar mixed with cayenne pepper.

>> No.9813140

the only good thing you can do with weeb sauce is mix it with mayo.

>> No.9813197

I've seen people carry little bottles of that shit on keychains. They use it at restaurant directly on what they've been served. Truly the choice of the worst soyboys

>> No.9813226
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>> No.9813230

Requesting that pic of the guy who went crazy after drinking this shit for years

>> No.9813231

organic all natural GMO/MSG/Vaccine free kale

>> No.9813234

Goat cheese maybe? anything that's slightly challenging is gonna be more eaten by liberals

>> No.9813238

I think it looks good on the box, but I know the real thing is going to look like shit irl, which is why I can't find any pictures of the actual product on Google, only stock photos

>> No.9813242

thats just a young/old person dichotomy, old people tend to be less adventurous in food and tend to be more conservative since they pay more taxes

>> No.9813252
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>> No.9813264


Tobasco is S H I T

How you retards even like this is beyond me. It is not spicy unless you have the palate of an infant child and it ruins the taste of good food. fuck tobasco.

>> No.9813279

>liberal food

Oh my fuckin God the right is dying

>> No.9813293
File: 30 KB, 316x202, enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a no one can spell Tabasco despite there being a photo with 4 bottles in it episode

>> No.9813294

both sides are dying and we ended up with Trump vs Bernie, two populists assholes without the ability of rational thought

>> No.9813313
File: 491 KB, 906x917, screen shot 2017-12-01 at 70525 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most controversial policy position Sanders had in his platform was subsidized higher education, which would have cost something like 5% of the deficit that the GOP's handlers just created in their train wreck of a tax bill

But hey, both sides are equally irrational right?

>> No.9813341

calling himself the oxymoronic term "democratic socialist" was a good start

>was subsidized higher education'
Literally just bribing young people to vote for him, higher education is already highly subsidized, and in fact there is a strong correlation between the increase of college costs and the federal subsidization of student loans

This pissed me off the most because I was responsible and actually paid off my loans by living cheaply after college and majoring in something useful, while a bunch of english and art majors rack up 5 years of debt then work as a barrista and spend all of their money living in an expensive neighborhood, then whine about the whole situation and say tax payers should pay off their decisions

>> No.9813372

Sure, up until after the election where he started going full retard in debates because he didn't have to pretend anymore. After that all the moderate would-be Bernie voters realized how much of a bullet they dodged. He's full fucking pinko and would have gotten away with his carefully controlled campaign image if Hillary wasn't so obsessed with it being "her turn"

>> No.9813392

enjoy your chili flavoured vinegar, pleb

>> No.9813399

>oxymoronic term "democratic socialist"
Your poor understanding of words reflects on you, not the words. "Socialism" doesn't automatically mean the USSR any more than "liberal" means anarcho-capitalism.

>Literally just bribing young people to vote for him
As opposed to bribing old people to vote for you? Bribing dark money pools to pay for your campaigns? Horse trading is how the system works, anon. "Young people" is a more legitimate demographic than "three billionaires".

This may come as a shock but "young people" are eventually going to become "middle aged people" and later "old people", some of us (including me, a middle aged man) think it's probably a good idea to encourage young people to go to school instead of praying that their bitcoin stash will be enough to pay for their retirement.

>higher education is already highly subsidized, and in fact there is a strong correlation between the increase of college costs and the federal subsidization of student loans
That's why I called it "controversial". Reasonable people can disagree on whether (and how) to subsidize higher education. Literally nobody believes that gutting established universities and handing out massive tax breaks to Miss Betsy's Diploma Mill would be good for this country. And yet...

>This pissed me off the most because I was responsible
Yes, of course. You're responsible and everyone else is irresponsible. If only everyone had majored in exactly what you majored in and gone into the same industry, surely you'd have the same job at the same salary as you do now!

>> No.9813403

Anyone who legitimately worries about "the pinkos" in this day and age is mentally ill.

>> No.9813406

We didn't end with trump vs bernie, then we'd have bernie as a president, 100% guaranteed.
We ended with hillary vs trump

>> No.9813412

Do you ever give it a rest?

>> No.9813419

Socialism is inherently statism at the expense of liberal democracy

>> No.9813427

I mean in the aftermath of Trump winning, not during the last election.
Now we have both sides of the debate being lead by terrible big government populists

>> No.9813434

You mean like the left still wringing their hands over muh Russian collusion?
I almost want Trump to get impeached for that crock of shit. They think it's going to magically get Hillary in, when they're going to be stuck with President Pence instead. The tears would be glorious.

>> No.9813437

>liberal democracy is an oxymoron, democracy implies government and government is at odds with the free market
I can use hyperbole too, anon

>> No.9813441

Because it's just ketchup for big kids.

>> No.9813445

>As opposed to bribing old people to vote for you
Or maybe do neither?
>It's probably a good idea to encourage young people
We already do this. We don't need to hand us money to do something we already do
>Yes, of course. You're responsible and everyone else is irresponsible
Yeah, if you can't pay off student loans in a reasonable amount of time and need the federal government to bail you out, you are by definition irresponsible, and people who live within their means and pay off their loans in a timely manner are responsible.

Also, there are a very wide range of educational choices that will result in decent earning potential. Gender Studies or literature, don't try and make it seem as though picking a useful major is this obscure and esoteric mystery

>> No.9813446

The same reason people like ketchup. It's just a masking agent.

>> No.9813448

>They think it's going to magically get Hillary in
Nobody thinks that, bucko. Pence isn't any democrat's idea of an ideal president but at this point a lot of people would rather see a jerk in charge of the launch codes than a mentally unstable retard who thinks nuclear standoffs ought to be handled as an internet argument.

>> No.9813451

except this is literally false, unlike the thing you are responding to

>> No.9813454

>implying that Pence isn't also going down with that ship
get some better material, Boris

>> No.9813455

how is bernie a populist in the same vein as trump? bernie has actually used most of his life as a politician

>> No.9813469

>how is bernie a populist in the same vein as trump
Because they say irrational and poorly thought out things to get people with a poor grasp on politics and economics to support them

They have a different target group, old people vs young people but they are both just populists that have no business ever being seriously discussed and are both utter embarrassments to democracy in general

>> No.9813472

The current system of subsidized loans obviously has its problems, reasonable people can disagree on how best to fix that. The point is the worst concrete point you can come up with (keeping in mind "waah I don't understand the meaning of the word socialism" is not a concrete point) is that, arguably, he would have cost the federal budget a few billion on a program that may or may not result in a better educated millennial generation.

On the other hand, surely no sane person would try and argue that adding trillions to the deficit, after campaigning on deficit reduction, and with no real rationale in mind other than "well, I bet this would be a good idea and if it doesn't we added a trigger to suddenly claw back those tax cuts when it inevitably doesn't do what we're not even pretending is going to work" is coherent, let alone constructive.

Therefore, "both sides are equally irrational" is wrong, one side is demonstrably several trillion dollars less rational.

>> No.9813483

No u

>> No.9813490

It's completely up in the air at the least because, assuming Russia did somehow influence the election by a considerable margin, there's no precedent for something like that happening. Nobody would know what the fuck to do about it. It would all have to be hashed out in courts and it would take literal YEARS.
If you're thinking the stroke of a pen will remove Trump, his entire administration, and revert any changes he's made while simultaneously handing the rest of his term, or even another term to Hillary, you're out of your fucking mind.

>> No.9813495

>Therefore, "both sides are equally irrational" is wrong, one side is demonstrably several trillion dollars less rational.
Thank you. The false equivalency needs to stop. Repubs are voting against net neutrality, for making healthcare unattainable for poor people, and for huge trillions worth of tax cuts to the rich while making the poor and middle class continue to pay for a government that now only serves corporations. Fuck anyone stupid enough to believe the Republicans aren't the worst choice when voting and double fuck anyone who punched the ticket for any fucking incumbent. People who vote incumbent are the enemies of America.

>> No.9813497

>literally just red dyed vinegar


>> No.9813501

>On the other hand, surely no sane person would try and argue that adding trillions to the deficit, after campaigning on deficit reduction, and with no real rationale in mind other than "well, I bet this would be a good idea and if it doesn't we added a trigger to suddenly claw back those tax cuts when it inevitably doesn't do what we're not even pretending is going to work" is coherent, let alone constructive.
Yeah, I never suggested any of this was good

>Therefore, "both sides are equally irrational" is wrong
Both sides do not need to be equally irrational to both be bad. I am not defending Trump in any way, and not saying he is better than Bernie. Just saying Bernie is pretty shitty too, and the coalescence of Anti-trump liberals to his specific brand of backwards populism is disheartening for anyone who wants to see rational government after the Trump era

>> No.9813508

>The false equivalency needs to stop. Repubs are voting against net neutrality
Actually they aren't voting on it at all. You can thank Obama/Bush and their vast expansion of executive power to allow this stuff to just change on the whims of the president without any legislation

If Obama hadn't set the current standard of net neutrality through executive action and had in fact used congress as legislation is designed to be made Trump wouldn't be able to so easily turn it back (as he has basically done nothing with congress so far)

>> No.9813519

>and for huge trillions worth of tax cuts to the rich while making the poor and middle class continue to pay for a government that now only serves corporations
This is misleading, the government does not own our money, and the government taking less of our money is not the same thing as a handout (not to imply the current plan sounds like a good idea, just that you are phrasing your opposition in a shitty and misleading way)
Also should be noted that it is still overwhelmingly upper middle class, rich people and corporations funding the government. This bill is bad because the deficit is a huge problem (that democrats conveniently never gave a shit about under Obama or until a couple weeks ago for the most part), but to say it puts the burden of funding government on poor people is false, poor people still do not pay a significant amount of taxes

>> No.9813541

>and had in fact used congress as legislation is designed to be made Trump wouldn't be able to so easily turn it back (as he has basically done nothing with congress so far)
And how Obama supposed to do this with 6 years of Republican majority government that wouldn't even pass a budget?

>> No.9813549

>Obama hadn't set the current standard of net neutrality through executive action
Obama had no other option, shit brain. The Republican congress was, and still is, the problem.

>> No.9813550

maybe the 2 years when he controlled everything?
Or maybe the executive shouldn't be allowed to change things if he doesn't have the support of congress? Pretty sure thats how the system is supposed to work, specifically to avoid wild swings in policy as the executive changes

>> No.9813554

The pathetic thing is that Obama's agenda was pretty much center-right, but the GOP screeched bloody murder at everything he did because "nigger president"

8 years of people yelling that center-right platforms are "leftist extremism" and here we are today where 2+2 = 10 and "life begins at conception" is fiscal policy

>> No.9813570

>The pathetic thing is that Obama's agenda was pretty much center-right
This is an absurd analysis unless you are counting straight up soviet communism to be the legitimate left. The American government under Obama was as far to the left as it has ever been, thats how our government works, it always slowly moves to the left and that will lurch to the right briefly before heading back to the left (to the point where actual classic enlightened liberalism is now considered extreme conservatism in the form of libertarianism)

Calling Obama center-right has absolutely no basis in America history or politics

>> No.9813582

>Pretty sure thats how the system is supposed to work
Pretty sure the system is suppose to be by, of, and for the people. But Republican policy represents a minority of racist shit headed Americans and the corporations that fox news tells them to support.

>> No.9813584

It's actually pretty good on pizza, if you ask me. I wouldn't readily put it on Asian food though.

>> No.9813588

For a board about cooking, you sure are being political.

>> No.9813592

It's vinegar-y. I have literally broken tastebuds. So I love it for its pungency.

I liked it before my accident too though.

>> No.9813594
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Massive expansion of the "domestic security" apparatus, multi billion dollar handouts to corporations, perpetual warfare, mass deportations... yeah what a pinko!

>> No.9813604

>Pretty sure the system is suppose to be by, of, and for the people
yeah, and the legislature is elected by those people, thats what a republic is

>But Republican policy represents a minority of racist shit headed Americans
Thats what Trump is, but he is hardly a republican as noted by all the republican establishment hating him. To call actual republicans simply racists is fucking dumb and makes you sound petty

and corporations aren't inherently bad, they are business owned by people, and run by people and that employ many people. its bad for all of America if we try and "fight" corporations, forcing more business overseas is bad for all of us

>> No.9813606

yeah, big government programs are leftism

>> No.9813620

"Corporations" are no more or less good than individuals, the reason they can threaten democracy is that some of them have a disproportionate influence on the democratic process and have a tendency to push for stuff that works for them, at the expense of their competition. Few individuals have the ability to get politicians to write laws that tilt the economic landscape in their favor, and those who do are just as deserving as being fought against as a company that wants to abolish the EPA or outlaw home brewing.

When you have monopolies and regulatory capture you lose the benefits of true capitalism. So yes, fighting the rise of a corporate oligarchy is, in fact, good for all of us.

>> No.9813626

Only when Republicans don't like them

>> No.9813630

>the reason they can threaten democracy is that some of them have a disproportionate influence on the democratic process and have a tendency to push for stuff that works for them,
This only works with big government leftism. A government should not have the right to pick and choose what businesses or industries to support
>When you have monopolies
Monopolies are almost always the result of government intervention, not the inverse

>> No.9813633

no, in every case. You either support the left which is increased statism, or you don't. Don't let the media convince you that the right really just means racism and Trump. he has nothing to do with being conservative

>> No.9813634
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>"When I do it, it's freedom, when the other guy does it it's Big Gubmint"
Typical Republican hypocrisy

>> No.9813637

Jesus Christ man, I have pretty explicitly stated that it is bad in all cases, stop trying to say I support republicans when they move to the left with big government policies

>> No.9813644

>Support welfare or support corporate welfare
Tough call, get back to me after republican states stop offering billion dollar investment deals to companies that deign to build in their shitholes

>> No.9813648

The idea that people in the government should not have ever worked for a non-government entity is pretty dumb
You cannot staff you government with experts in the field without employing people with ties to the actual field, nor should you try

Also, almost the entire corporate world supported Hillary, her cabinet would have been just as tied into the corporations she was picking to support.
Trump has a shitty cabinet, but thats mostly because no one who is good at things wants to be associated with him at all, not because of some vague evil corporate ties

>> No.9813652

>Monopolies are almost always the result of government intervention, not the inverse
How fucking stupid can shit brained republicucks get? Everyday I witness a while new level of mental fucking retardation. Yall.. Stop feeding the trolls.

>> No.9813654

Not stealing as much of an individual or business's money is not welfare

Remember, taxation is inherently theft, and every dollar taken or spent by the government should be considered as though it is being taken by armed force from whatever source it is coming

>> No.9813655

Thank you.

>> No.9813657
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Except you're pushing this false equivalence narrative when evidence clearly shows that the Republicans are much more guilty of this than the Democrats.

You can't just spew lies and then say "well, I never said I like Trump so both sides are the same" without being called out.

>> No.9813662

look at almost all of the historical and current near monopolies, they are always in the most regulated fields, many times with the government explicitly granting these companies certain rights that competitors are denied

Its really super fucking hard to form a monopoly without government support

>> No.9813666

it is good

>> No.9813667

I don't care if one side is slightly worse than the other, I don't care about sides at all. Bad ideas are bad ideas no matter who supports or implements them
The democrat and republican establishment combined are the problem, and it resulted in Trump and Bernie, the 2 dumbest possible ways to fight the establishment

>> No.9813668

Maybe read the news, they're offering money on top of tax breaks.

>> No.9813683

Oh really? So Rick Perry, who didn't even know that the DoE existed, was tapped for his vast expertise? Ben Carson, who fought the expansion of Small Area FMR, is really in favor of cutting waste and corporate profiteering off housing aid? Betsy DeVos, who doesn't even understand what testing is used for, was tapped because she's an expert on national education policy?

Some private sector expertise is fine and good. When you stack almost your ENTIRE cabinet with private sector picks, some of whom barely even understand the mission of the agencies that they're put in charge of, arguing that you tapped these people for their subject matter expertise suddenly becomes rather implausible.

>> No.9813769


This retarded post is a great example of why Trump won

>> No.9813797

Rick Perry is a political insider, not an industry plant

Trump is an idiot and all of his appointments were done as rewards for people who supported them, mostly with no experience at all in the field, the exact opposite of hiring industry experts

But to the actual original point, the fact that someone in government has some vague tie to a business in the field they are regulating is not inherently a bad thing, and in fact should be a requirement. The one thing the government certainly doesn't need is more politicians and bureaucrats with no knowledge of the industries they are regulating in charge of things and trump/Obama/Bush have shown us

>> No.9813803

>What is the most liberal food?
Legumes that have the "Vegan" label stamped over the package.

>> No.9813855

Meat that is labeled non-GMO and gluten free even though all commercially available meat meets that claim

>> No.9813883
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>he thinks meat is "just meat"
Almost all commercially available meat has stuff in it that isn't "just meat", anon. Especially the CAFO shit that you probably eat.

Usually the texturizer is soy based but in the not-too-distant past, wheat products were used.

Speaking of soy, see if you can solve this puzzle by filling in the missing letter:

>93% of soy is GM_ soy

>> No.9813903

It may or may not be "just meat"
But there is no commercially available product sold as meat that is genetically modified or contains gluten. None of the additives common to cheap meat have gluten so this is pure marketing bullshit to call out that fact on your label

>> No.9813915

the only real answer

>> No.9813918
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>I don't want X
>well this food is part X and part not X, if you don't buy it you're a dumb sheeple

>> No.9813926

>Meat that is labeled non-GMO and gluten free even though all commercially available meat meets that claim

Non-gmo diet indicates they weren't given feed containing GMO products, idiot. That can't be claimed for most factory farmed animals. Furthermore, some meats, particularly processed meats, do contain gluten additives. Now that you've been btfo, will your anime pillow provide enough cushion to soothe the butthurt?

>> No.9813939

When X isn't likely remotely to be present, and X isn't even bad and is not something anyone without a specific extremely rare disease has, yet you market your product as being free of it, you are participating in fearmongering and actively trying to trick consumers into thinking those things are bad

>> No.9813942

Yeah, the right is insane, worrying about foreign conspiracies influencing the US. Like Obama told Romney, the cold war is over!

>> No.9813945
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>Yes, of course. You're responsible and everyone else is irresponsible. If only everyone had majored in exactly what you majored in and gone into the same industry, surely you'd have the same job at the same salary as you do now!
>assblasted womyn studies major detected

>> No.9813948

my sister cooked one of these for me a few years ago. It was pretty tasty imo and I'm really not a tofu/soy fan.

>> No.9813955

>Non-gmo diet indicates they weren't given feed containing GMO products
Labeling your meat GMO free does not in any way suggest the livestock was raised on GMO free feed
>Furthermore, some meats, particularly processed meats, do contain gluten additives
You mean like haggis? Or Black pudding?
Note, I was obviously talking about slabs of meat, obviously not proceed foods that contain meat

Way to really go for it and exclusively talk about things unrelated to my post

Plus to the original point, if you actually care and do not want the meat to eat to have consumed any GMO plants in its life, that probably takes the cake as the most liberal food

>> No.9813964

How did these shut-ins get it in their head Soylent is for effeminate men?

It's for Silicon Valley assholes who think their time is so valuable, they can't even waste one second eating actual food.

>> No.9813965

>likely remotely
Oh, are you getting all your food from a farmer's market?

Injecting meat with brines and plumping agents is almost universal at the lowest end (fast food meats) and fairly common (about 1 out of 3) at the supermarket level

>actively trying to trick consumers into thinking those things are bad

I like how you've moved the goalposts from "it's a lie" to "well it only sometimes happens" to "well, it happens but it's not bad"

>> No.9813970

I majored in philosophy. I'm making $105k. Some of my classmates are making more but I've got no room to complain.

>> No.9813977
File: 22 KB, 700x520, tofu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lies on the internet
anon you're better than this :(

>> No.9813987
File: 40 KB, 453x576, 0b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I majored in philosophy
>I'm making $105k
somethings not adding up senpai

>> No.9813995

>Oh, are you getting all your food from a farmer's market?
GMO meat is not a commercial thing, and secretly adding gluten to raw meat is also not a thing. Doesn't matter where you buy the meat, this isn't an actual risk

Brine isn't GMO or gluten! Saying your raw meat is GMO and gluten free in no way suggests that there is no added brine or other filler. This is an entirely unrelated topic

>I like how you've moved the goalposts from "it's a lie" to "well it only sometimes happens" to "well, it happens but it's not bad"
Literally none of this happens. My original point was and has always been that its super fucking liberal to explicitly label products that would never possibly have such things as GMO/Vaccine/Gluten free both because it obviously they don't fucking have that stuff and second because there is literally nothing wrong with any of that stuff (besides for the tiny number of people who are celiacs) and these labels only serve to trick scientifically illiterate people into think scary chemicals and scientists are out to get them

>> No.9813998

then why do you need Bernie to pay your student loans?
You should easily be able to pay them off in a reasonable amount of time with such a wage

>> No.9814003

Do you GENUINELY think Trump is actually mentally ill and is going to press a big red button and destroy the world because of mean tweets? How many hours of CNN do you watch per day?
You can definitely argue that he'e egotistical or turned his back on his voter base, but anyone able to continuously stay 2 steps ahead of the media and beat an opponent getting over a billion dollars poured into her by special interest groups (not to mention becoming a multibillionaire) is smarter than 99% of people.

>> No.9814006

Anyone can be a prostitute. It doesn't require a specific skill set.

>> No.9814008

>better educated millennial generation
Make it STEM exclusive, then we'll talk.
I don't care about hurt feelings or whatever, I don't want to pay for someone else to get an ethnic studies degree. The problem is that these people think "going to college" automatically makes them successful, not choosing a good degree and field. Hell, in most cases I'd say you're better off not going to college at all. Save a lot of money and time that would go into a meaningless degree.

>> No.9814016

Jesus, is this whole board just NEETs? $105k is not impressive. Public servants make that much money. How is this an outlandish lie to you? The point is that I'm doing alright, a humanities degree is a ticket to a middle class existence despite what the internet wants you to think.
I don't, but I would like more people to have the opportunity to go to school and not be completely terrified that they'll be broke baristas like these guys seem to think

>> No.9814024

>"life begins at conception"
This is objectively right though.I'm not Rep by any means but I think the left makes itself look like an absolute joke when they claim to eb the science and reason side of things, and ignore incredibly basic science in favor of emotionally-driven catchphrases.

>> No.9814034

I don't have a television, people can disagree with you and not get their ideas from a TV show
>The problem is that these people think "going to college" automatically makes them successful
If you go to a 3rd rate school and fuck around for 4 years and get a non-vocational degree, then you're at a disadvantage, yes. Forcing people to take a specific major is just going to flood those majors with people with no inherent interest in the subject matter. Make the criteria that the aid is only good if the school isn't garbage (i.e. no U of Phoenix type stuff) and accept the risk that not all students are going to be absolutely stellar

>> No.9814038

It's not really a science thing though. It's a emotionally-driven catchphrase itself and no one who says it just means that a fertilized human egg is alive and nothing more. There's always the implication that a fertilized human egg is a full-on human and has the full legal rights to go with it.

>> No.9814053

>$105k is not impressive
Its pretty impressive for someone of the age likely to be on 4chan, especially of a non-STEM degree. Its more than double what the average American makes

>> No.9814055
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I'm willing to accept that some people have crazy religious beliefs and that a sperm cell that touches an egg has the full rights and responsibilities of an 18 year old.

What I have trouble believing is that, even with your crazy desert demon myths, you believe this theory is somehow germane to a tax policy debate.

>> No.9814057

>Labeling your meat GMO free does not in any way suggest the livestock was raised on GMO free feed

The labels I've seen explicitly state "non-GMO diet," tardgargler. And it isn't just muh scary libruls who are rejecting GMO's it crosses the political spectrum of educated individuals. I'll agree the uneducated cuckservative base, who survive on cheap factory garbage wouldn't care, but many educated cuckservatives in my circle reject them. Are you honestly naive enough to think the executives at Monsanto and loony tunes rightwing talk show hosts promoting dangerous herbicides and pesticides are eating roundup soaked vegetables and factory farmed meats?

>> No.9814059

When someone says they're a humanities graduate barely making six figures, I think a safe assumption is that the person is not fifteen. But what can I say, basic deductive reasoning is probably considered a liberal hoax these days.

>> No.9814060

>but I would like more people to have the opportunity to go to school
Its already super easy to get loans for school. Anyone can go.

However, the shitty, straight up bribe, part of Bernie's platform was the proposal to pay off the loans of people who already have them. That has nothing to do with making college accessible, these are people who already went to college, this is rather explicitly offering to give people money if they vote for you

>> No.9814068

You people who are so politicized your skull pudding is essentially useless. You're programmable idiots that rich people use in whatever direction they choose. You're all just equipment at this point. You don't live or die. You exist until you're worn out.

I can't even feel sorry for you, because you're not a person. You're just a device.

>> No.9814081
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>The labels I've seen explicitly state "non-GMO diet,
That may or may not be an actual label, but thats pretty clearly not what I was talking about
>And it isn't just muh scary libruls who are rejecting GMO's it crosses the political spectrum of educated individuals
lol, fuck off man, its the exact opposite, its poorly educated liberal mommy bloggers. Educated people overwhelmingly support GMOs and Vaccines. Its almost entirely liberal women who have no science education
>promoting dangerous herbicides and pesticides
Keep in mind that GMOs have very dramatically reduced the application of pesticides

>> No.9814086

If you are a humanities grad making 105K is pretty impressive unless you went on to law school or something.
hell if you are a recent humanities grad making more than 45k thats pretty good

>> No.9814087

>nothing gets added, except when it does
>gluten isn't soy
>labeling stuff is liberal
>celiac isn't real
Here's your (You)

>> No.9814091

Do you seriously not comprehend text or are you just intentionally misrepresenting the stuff you are reading as some sort of ruse?

>> No.9814098

>faggot complaining about people being edgy on a site that founded itself on edginess since at least Project Chanology, if not earlier

Newfags telling newfags how to think. Cute.>>9812908

>> No.9814099

>If you are a humanities grad making 105K is pretty impressive
No, anon. It's mediocre at best. For a diploma mill "grad" it might be, but not for a top 25 school (top 10 when I attended).

>hell if you are a recent humanities grad
When did I ever say I'm a recent humanities grad?

>> No.9814103

No U?

Your intellectual dishonesty doesn't deserve a point-by-point refutation when the purpose of your replies is to waste my energy.

>> No.9814118

Ramen, because poor college students eat it, and poor college students are liberals because they can’t manage their money. They beg for the state to forgive them on their loans.

>> No.9814121

>but not for a top 25 school
Why would I possibly assume you went to a top 10 or even top 25 school? There are some 2600 4 year universities in the country. You were talking about how it compared to the typical person so its absolutely insane to then limit it to the elite students
But even at a good school, making over 100k for a humanity major is way above average, over double what you would expect one to make as a relatively recent grad in the field without additional advanced degrees
>When did I ever say I'm a recent humanities grad
Pretty sure you explicitly stated you were a philosophy grad

>> No.9814122

It fits every biological definition of being alive.
>but it can't survive without its mother
Neither can a 4 year old child
>but it's not sentient
Neither are the profoundly retarded
>muh clump of cells
Literally every complex organism is "a clump of cells"
>Muh body muh rules
It's a living human being, therefor it's not "your body"
>your crazy desert demon myths
wtf I renounce all religious belief now

>> No.9814128
File: 52 KB, 375x375, E283121D-C726-41A7-A2E1-7D0D6D63581D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you got good grades in high school so you get paid to go to college

>> No.9814130

What are you even talking about now. You are intentionally misrepresenting what I am saying to make your point that its completely cool to fearmonger in food marketing (because sometimes meat is sold brined?)

>> No.9814143

Reminder that if you watch either infowars or TYT your opinion is instantly disregarded

>> No.9814148
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>> No.9814158

Did you mean to apply that comment to the post I am replying to?

>> No.9814160

How about you take the embryo out and I'll send it to an orphanage since I don't want it. I should not be forced to provide life support for an embryo any more than you should be forced to provide life support to me.

>> No.9814165

>I should not be forced to provide life support for an embryo
This is fair, so why are you too stupid to use birth control so that you're never in that situation?

>> No.9814168

No, there weren't any mental gymnastics in your post. Obviously it was a mistake ^_^

I'm off to Whole Foods now before the snow gets too crazy, enjoy arguing on the internet

>> No.9814202

>I'm off to Whole Foods
make sure they don't sneak any GMOs or gluten on your food. If there is no flashy label stating they don't have it you never know!

>> No.9814205

I’ve tried it with ramen once and I hated it

>> No.9814247

Based gramba

>> No.9814256

You’re right. Trump is decreasing the unemployment rate and lowering taxes based on irrational thought.
God you are so smart.
Are you sniffing your own farts too?

>> No.9814266

tabasco is pretty much the worst hot sauce in the world, it's not spicy and it tastes like shit, serves no purpose

>> No.9814267

It’s almost like people that don’t like trump don’t actually listen to what he says or pays attention to what he does.
He won because he’s for small government and he wants the choices made in America to be made by the American people. Y’know, like how the country was founded.
I know school doesn’t teach you this shit anymore, but there you go.

His first job was at the age of 45 signing welfare checks. Up until then he was living off of what little money he made while in a shitty garage band.

>> No.9814268

my man, this shit rules

>> No.9814280

You're absolutely nuts if you believe this.

>> No.9814285

those little ones used to get put in MREs

>> No.9814292

I love how suddenly the Democrats and Republicans combined aren’t as bad as trump now.
There is literally no difference between Republicans and Democrats, did you realize this?

Trump is less racist than repubs or dems. Lest we forget the 8 years under obama and DNC control is when the black population saw a decrease in employment, a decrease in funding for neighborhoods and schools, and an increase in welfare.
It happened all over America but the black communities suffered even more. I don’t know if you actually watch trump rallies to actually listen to what our president says but every rally he always talks about bringing up the inner cities and raising the employment rate in black communities and it’s already happening.

Maybe stop being the actual racist and look at things that don’t always suit your narrative.

>> No.9814331

>Trump is decreasing the unemployment rate and lowering taxes based on irrational thought.
The economy, driven by 8 years of a steady hand at the helm, is lowering the unemployment rate. Job growth imthis year is actually slightly lower than it was in Obama's last term. Trump is however lowering taxes on irrational policy. Fox and trump talk shit about the deficit, but that deficit was made by a Republican congress for 18 of the last 22 years. And now they will tack on an extra trillion to the growing deficit by giving tax breaks to billionaires and corporations. It is entirely true to pin that on "conservatives" and irrationality.

>> No.9814387

Tabasco is for conservative boomers since it's all they had growing up, Anon

>> No.9814428

name a small handful of America presidents next to which Obama can be classified as center-right?

>> No.9814440

This just in! The general economic trends have almost nothing to do with the president, the president actually isn't that important in anything besides foreign policy

>> No.9814444

I love tobasco,I put that sh*t on everything!

>> No.9814448
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>> No.9814456

quads of truth but why does everyone use an o instead of an a in Tabasco

>> No.9814512
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The strange thing is they ferment the ground tobasco peppers in oak barrels for 3 years so it should have a really great flavor. The problem lies in the fact they dilute it with a shit ton of cheapass vinegar. I ferment my own tobascos and add 30% organic apple cider vinegar and it doesn't taste vinegary at all. They must be using a 20/80 tobasco/vinegar ratio or worse for muh profits.

>> No.9814527

probably because most people aren't exactly going for super spicy when they add it, the extreme spicy sauces are just for a tiny portion of people that use hot sauce

>> No.9814583

Maybe before, but America has been brain draining the globe for the last 100 years thanks to our universities, our economic system, and our historic respect for multiculturalism

Unfortunately Cleetus McSisterfucker doesn't really grasp why we're an economic powerhouse, and thinks those high paid university graduates are why he's not a winner. By shutting our doors on immigration and cannibalizing our university system to create corporate handouts, we're headed for an irreversible decline over the next 25-50 years.

>> No.9814601

I agree this shit is dumb, but the overall influence of the president is still pretty small and the vast majority of economic trends are caused by factors way more complicated and esoteric than executive federal policies (or legislative factors too for that matter)
Now the backwards ideas of irrational populists on a whole. That is the real danger

>> No.9814686

bbc ;^)

>> No.9814704
File: 178 KB, 960x640, Sriracha2Go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soy with a dash of sriracha :^)

>> No.9815100

>that founded itself on edginess since at least Project Chanology
Chanology was the point of no return for this site. It never got better.

>> No.9815456

This entire thread is a great example of why there's a containment board.

>> No.9815664

I have to pat myself on the back that I didn't descend into the /pol/tardation of this thread.

>> No.9815714

Well I'm amazed everyone is more or less agreeing on Trump's tax cuts being fucking anti-american, and so on.
On /pol/, or god forbid, on /v/, it'd devolve into "lelele triggered libtard go kiss black ass" "beware the day of the rope lul".

>> No.9815792

Probably dairy. Only fat, alt-right dairy fairies will disagree.

Drinking estrogen and crying about the government and other SJW things is literal leftism.

>> No.9815878

How did the american right succeed in pushing the "left=pussies & right=manly men" ?

>> No.9815898


Lol, they didn't. The breedable women go for the more feminine adapter male who earns good money in techno. It's the root of the divide in US politics: The only women coal dust dreaming Cletus and oil rig larping Billy Bob can get are Thelma and Bettylou when they close up the diner at the one stoplight in town.

>> No.9815904

I believe life begins at conception. Even if I approve of national healthcare, I don’t approve my tax dollars going to killing what I see as human beings.

>> No.9815907

Just stopped by to say thank you /pol/fags for being unable to talk about anything without injecting politics into it and thank you mods for allowing this faggotry

>> No.9815913

Liberals are fags tbqh

>> No.9815916

Holy kek, the depth of the irony on this board btfo of /lit/ and if anyone should know about layers of irony it should be those fagfucks.

>> No.9815924
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The left are pussies I really don't see how you could in all sincerity take being pegged in the ass after a netflix marathon as being a paragon of masculinity. There are faggots and pussies on the right of course. Boomer dads who feel iffy about brown people to frog posting 15 year olds socialised on 4chan. Generally speaking the left is just a ragtag coalition of people who try to advance their interests through forming a united front. Its weird as hell how polyamourous feminists and literal cuckolds can form a coherent camp with Muslims and 4'7 Guatemalan peasant farmers. But hey it seems to work.
>The only women coal dust dreaming Cletus and oil rig larping Billy Bob can get are Thelma and Bettylou when they close up the diner at the one stoplight in town.

This might be a shock to you but not everyone can sit at the "genius bar" in the Boston downtown Apple store. In fact some people need to live in other places and do, you know, critically important manual jobs.

>> No.9815936

No strawman building here. That's all actual facts, 100%.

>> No.9815940

>There are faggots and pussies on the right of course. Boomer dads who feel iffy about brown people to frog posting 15 year olds socialised on 4chan.
Doesn't this destroy your whole strawman-based paragraph ? If there are huge faggots on both sides, then the "leftists=pussies" is nothing more than a meme.

>> No.9815943

Which mode of thinking lends itself to being a fag? I'd say the side which made sodomy the number 1 fashionable cause of the 2010s but hey thats just me

>> No.9815946

Well fuck you americans are unsufferable. I meant leftist in "socialism and communism", but of course I forgot it meant "LGBT rights" in burgeristan.
Though getting asshurt faggots exist isn't exactly manly either.

>> No.9815969
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You know this entire clusterfuck of a thread could have been prevented had you used "pretentious" instead.

>> No.9815974

>I meant leftist in "socialism and communism", but of course I forgot it meant "LGBT rights" in burgeristan.
The difference is pretty immaterial when we're talking about social issues. You'd have to find a real hard ass tankie to denounce bourgeois decadence like sodomy. If by "leftism" you mean communism as it existed pre-1991 then yeah that is pretty clearly not staffed by pussies. I don't think Indian factory workers with Maoist sympathies are pussies either. The guys who trashed the Reichstag weren't pussies either. "Leftists" are not necessarily pussies. But if you're a middle class western kid who found out about Marx through your 80k USD a semester college course then there is a fair chance you're not the vanguard of the proletariat lmao.
>Though getting asshurt faggots exist isn't exactly manly either.
Yeah dude REAL MEN are silent in the face of Biblical end times tier decadence

>> No.9815982

Okay I see your point.
>Yeah dude REAL MEN are silent in the face of Biblical end times tier decadence
Don't gimme this kind of strawman, I'm religious myself. I still don't see any huge difference between the buzzfeed progressists faggots coming up with retarded new genders and the stormfront racist faggots still devastated about that blacked thing.

>> No.9816008

>I still don't see any huge difference between the buzzfeed progressists faggots coming up with retarded new genders and the stormfront racist faggots still devastated about that blacked thing.
They're on similar in that they're people getting mad about something usually online. That they're a similar level of intensity or even shrillness doesn't mean they're comparable beyond that

>> No.9816028

The only main difference is your leftists go out of their way to act even gayer, and your rightists try to give themselves manly looks. Take away the Starbucks cups, the guns, the hipster beards and the hitler youth haricuts and it's all the same white faggots.

>> No.9816063

Everything is gayer in America. Take Greece for example. Golden Dawn on the right and Syriza on the left aren't the embarrassing fags their American equivalents are. I think the real unspoken thing (because it hits too close to home often) is that its softness of the bourgeois coming through. Its the faggotry of the middle class. Thats what unites frog posters and soyboys, a boring, cushy suburban upbringing. The right pretty universally at least has pretensions to something agrarian, rustic or martial depending on what flavour of rightist we're talking about. And even in boomer dad capitalism there is something masculine about being a lone figure out for success. But liberal values are middle class values and that explains a whole fucking lot.

>> No.9816079

I more or less agree, but I don't understand this obsession with manliness, and this sensitivity. Of course people grown in posh or sheltered environments will wind up softer, but what's the deal ?

>> No.9816122

>I don't understand this obsession with manliness, and this sensitivity
Some people are way too sensitive and that is when they've probably got something to prove. If not an issue with daddy. But on the whole its just because there is a young generation of men who have no way to become men. Moreover there isn't a need for men in society. Men, women and whatever other category/s are totally interchangeable units. Just perfectly interchangeable cogs in a machine which is indifferent to them. Which causes neurosis and resentment. Things which on 4chan are pretty clear. Things like combating "toxic masculinity" are supposed to take the pressure off men and make them happier. But it turns out being a man is actually good for men. Go figure.
>Of course people grown in posh or sheltered environments will wind up softer, but what's the deal ?
Well the product is the world you live in today. Its retarded to the point where I don't take it seriously. Its not worth getting mad over its a joke. There are so many angles here. If you want to bring it back to /ck/ related stuff then food is a good example. Effectively this bourgeois lifestyle / value system domesticates people. Every poodle has a wolf ancestor. That was selectively bred out of them and they changed through various pressures etc etc until they became the useless things they are today. With people our food has changed us. It has been observed that as most popular foods are very soft children are growing up with underdeveloped facial muscles. As well as recessive jaws.

This softness is just all consuming. Physically, emotionally, intellectually etc etc. If you don't see anything wrong with how people are today then there is nothing I can tell you. But if you do see problems then they're a direct result of this gay baby easy mode society

>> No.9816166

Thanks for your explanations. I never saw things like that, being an immigrant and all. Even in middlschool I found Fight Club really stupid because I didn't know why he felt so lost.
I now see it's a westerner thing, like a crisis of life meaning.

>> No.9816180

They removed them from mres last year and only put them in mexican dishes franks red hot in in mres now

>> No.9816236

soy boy detected