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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9804219 No.9804219 [Reply] [Original]

Crippling alcoholism general.

>I blackout out and money is missing edition

>> No.9804229

Ah I just started one too.

>> No.9804230
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Finally getting comfy outside.

It's 16F, 3 inches of snow on the ground currently. Expecting 3 more tonight. Going to put some vodka in a bottle and go for a nice walk soon

Maximum comfy lads

>> No.9804254

I've never gotten what I would call blackout drunk. I've spent 6 hours drinking and done shit I regret and woken up with a killer hangover. I don't know how much more I would need to do for something like that. Generally just fall asleep at a certain point.

Not that I want it to happen I just am curious how it does

>> No.9804261

hope this thread isn't dead on christmas, I'll be here drinking alone at my computer as usual

>> No.9804265

>Going to put some vodka in a bottle and go for a nice walk soon
fuck I am very jealous of this, I love latenight walks it must be so fucking comfy in the snow

all rugged up in warm clothes sippin on vodka

>> No.9804270

My liver function test came back poorly. Doc said I have"an unhappy liver." What do lads? How do I lower my numbers? Without not drinking obviously. It'd be nice to take a week off, but I can't deal with the lack of sleep/fucked up dreams. A Xanax per night would be nice, but I don't think I can ask for that.

>> No.9804271
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room for one more?

>> No.9804277

yeah I do get a bit of burning in the throat

it's the same feeling from straight liqour though, is that heartburn also?

I've never understood people complaining about things like acid reflux and heartburn

>> No.9804280

I’ve done that every Christmas, birthday... in fact every day, for more years than I care to admit

>> No.9804287

Ma nigga.

Nothing better then liquor warming your entire chest and putting that nice big grin on your face while walking in the snow. Literally nothing better

>> No.9804292

I can't speak for others but 'blackout' involves doing things, and/or consequences associated therewith, for which you have no recollection.
Why is there mayonnaise all over the kitchen counter and why does it look like a human was scooping it up with their hand? Is that my paw print?
How did I wake up in a pile of leaves in my neighbor's lawn?
Why are my housemates texting me accusing me of theft - of bicycles and liquor - and threatening to call the cops?
Then there's a moment of fear:
holy shit I hope I didn't text my family with dick pics or bitching about 10 year old complaints over how I was treated as a teenager.

Black outs are not good.
The end point here is 'how did I wake up in jail?'

>> No.9804294

I'll be here senpai.

I haven't gone to a family christmas or thanksgiving in 4 years.

Rather stay home and drink

>> No.9804301
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>holy shit I hope I didn't text my family with dick pics or bitching about 10 year old complaints over how I was treated as a teenager.

I kind of know this feel.

>not blackout fully but close
>took some pics of some food I cooked and sent it to my sister
>in the pics you can very obviously see I'm not wearing pants
>one of the pics you can see my entire dick (I somehow didn't notice this)
>she text back "wow..."
>realize what I did when I woke up and looked at my phone

I still haven't seen her since I sent those pics

>> No.9804306


>> No.9804311

If there’s even the most remote resemblance, post pic this instant pls

>> No.9804315

>eliminate beer
>drink gin exclusively
>balding slows to a halt


>> No.9804323

>What do lads? How do I lower my numbers? Without not drinking obviously.
ask your doctor

>> No.9804326

He said stop drinking. Kill joy. I have a couple bottles of milk thistle. I'm gonna try that.

>> No.9804330

Research which foods are good/bad for the liver.

>> No.9804333

Clams are supposed to be good. I've been drinking clamato beers but I don't think it's helping.

>> No.9804334

did you reply "i won't stop drinking" when he said that?

>> No.9804338

Nah. He just ordered me to stop. It would've been kind of silly just to say "no"

>> No.9804342

this is why I have no interest in going to a doctor and discussing my alcoholism

I don't hold it against them personally though, it is their job

>> No.9804351

The only bad part of drinking is hangovers

>> No.9804356


>> No.9804359

Eh I hadn't seen a doctor in years, but I haven't been feeling well. And not in a hangover kind of way. I have pancreatitis and a shitty liver. He probably had to throw that part in there.

>> No.9804360

>It would've been kind of silly just to say "no"
I see why you wouldn't want to stop drinking. You could try working with him to see if you can somehow moderate your drinking though. You shouldn't have to die for something you apparently enjoy.

As the saying goes: take a break today, live to drink till you're old and grey.

>> No.9804367

He said he'd prescribe antabuse or naltrexone. Wanted to put me on an antidepressant, but with me drinking, he felt that wouldn't do much good. I really just wanted a week's worth of Valium or Xanax, but he probably wouldn't prescribe some drunk guy a bunch of addictive pills.

>> No.9804378

I know but it's just idiotic that you can't say

"I'm not going to stop drinking what can I do for liver health?"

now you're here on a chinese basket weaving forum asking for medical advice because you can't be open and honest with your doctor

>> No.9804380
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I'm at not a 0/10

>> No.9804387

I don't have insurance, so it's cheaper to ask you guys.

>> No.9804409

Poo in loo

>> No.9804425

Ethiopian lad

>> No.9804431

switch to beer

>> No.9804435

>I went to the doctor
>it's cheaper to ask here
you already went to the fucking doctor how is that a reason

>> No.9804508

Look up a list for dietary suggestions for people recovering from Hepatitis A. Usually it means lots of vegetables, whole wheat and very low fat, iron and sugar uptake. I can't remember the specifics, since I had it as a child and of course it won't fix anything, it'll just make your liver's life a bit easier.

>> No.9804520

jeez, have a couple drinks most nights and my family and girlfriend think I'm an alcoholic.
How do I convince them that I'm not even close to being like one of you?
I've never even been hungover before. That's how little I drink

>> No.9804531

Cant stop farting. I drank 14 double IPAs last night. Ate two cans of bottom-shelf chili. My room stinks like a san francisco whorehouse.

>> No.9804538
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>money is missing
extraordinarily relatable

>> No.9804544

bend to their will and apologize profusely. Revolve your life around the desires of women. They are fundamentally attracted to people who are so easily manipulated, who have so little backbone

>> No.9804545

Its not that big a mystery. Generally its cab fare or being ripped off trying to buy drugs. Its almost always those two things.

>> No.9804574

>not waking up with extremely sore legs from walking blackout drunk for 5 hours
ive never got a taxi drunk, always inclined to walk ridiculous lengths

>> No.9804584

LOL. trust me, you are not alone in doing that. It fucking sucks so bad. I did a grand tour of the entire east side of my city last winter after hitting the bars. Im pretty sure someone spiked my drink. anyway, i was outside like 3 hours walking around random streets. blew.

>> No.9804588

The more I interact with women the less I like being around them and the more I realize how superficial and obsessed with dumb trivial shit they are. They do stuff to make themselves look more interesting not because they actually enjoy it. It's disgusting.

>> No.9804593

Someone took the redpill.

>> No.9804600

hate to admit it but the older I get and the more experience I've had in life/around women in general I can agree with this

slowly becoming a full blown misogynist

>> No.9804602

I just drive. I got so rekt once I lost the car.

>> No.9804608

Women are shit apart from sex. Why do you think they instinctively withold so much?

>> No.9804609


Racism and misogyny in their pure, intellectual forms are the result of maturing into a logical adult. Being hateful to be edgy is childish, but being hateful because it makes sense is adulthood

>> No.9804619

Said the guy in his 20’s.

>> No.9804624

Am I not allowed to start maturing in my 20s?

>> No.9804625


Non-white people are almost always better friends

>> No.9804627

anyone else trying to help out fellow alkies this xmas

homeless ppl really strike a bit close to home for me as i have the exact same addictions as many of them (drug and alcohol abuse), and the only reason i'm not also homeless - for now at least - was a fortunate start in life and a good education

i run english and maths classes at shelters: i'd encourage anyone who can spare the time and has anything to offer, even if it's just a chat, to try and do the same

>> No.9804632

You can start, sure. Pretty much everything you believe now though you’ll probably have dropped when you’re a grown up.

>> No.9804640

I owe them money, lol.

>> No.9804642


yes, but I must say I still don't consider all women to be that way, it's like 95%+ so it is an ongoing struggle to remind myself that 5% exists

>> No.9804644

That's anecdotal evidence at best. Using my own anecdotal evidence: how bout people like Marie Curie or Emmy Noether, where they only in it superficially?

>> No.9804646

because they evolved for thousands of years to partake in "interests" that would gain them group approval or help them find a good mate. no reason to hate them for this, in the same way you wouldnt hate a child for being a child

>> No.9804653

for every one Marie Curie there are about 100,000 totally basic bitches. the exception that proves the rule etc

>> No.9804659

And how would you know? Where did you get that number from?

>> No.9804662
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Which podcast episodes blew your minds?

For me, it's episode 501 of Joe Rogan

>> No.9804663

tits or gtfo

>> No.9804668

what about good ol fashioned spending all your money at the bar like a retard?

>> No.9804671

thats sweet of you. when i was homeless it was heartwarming to encounter volunteers like you. it really means a lot to people.

>> No.9804675

Yeah but that's not a mystery. The dude was wondering what the ________ was.

>> No.9804698

My ass
how fucking dense are you, the point is that there are obviously some women out there with serious passions, but your Marie Curies are very rare

>> No.9804703

You think I'm a girl for not jumping to an immediate conclusion?

Here's my theory: a lot of girls are basic bitches, but a lot of guys are too.

>> No.9804708

he thinks you're a girl because you are.

>> No.9804711
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There’s as much diversity amongst girls as there is amongst guys. Obviously. What the fuck is wrong with you people

>> No.9804712

Relax, tiger. You can't fuck an internet pussy no matter how hard you try.

>> No.9804723

So are your Richard Feynmans, does that mean guys are any less or more passionate about things than girls on average?

>> No.9804724

but not in equal proportions
guys are way more likely to have weird interests than girls, and this isnt a good or bad thing
See: the shit posted on 4chan versus the shit posted on predominantly female websites

>> No.9804727

I just stopped drinking cold turkey last year and I've been sober ever since.

>> No.9804728

it makes me sad that in the alk generals we still have the ridiculous misogyny and racism - we are all alcohols and thus equally scum: there is a quote from someone, idk who, that goes roughly like "a man clings to his race when he has nothing else to cling to" - can we not recognise the absurdity of it?

>> No.9804733

Can we please keep this fucking woman-hating out of these threads? It's okay to bitch about what a specific person did to you but making sweeping generalizations based on anecdotal experiences is retarded. I've known so many wonderful, intelligent, talented, good-hearted women and girls in my life. I feel bad that some of you guys have had such shitty experiences that you've ended up hating an entire gender but if you've got a problem with half the world's population maybe the problem is you?

A lot of women are great, some are shit
A lot of men are shit, some are alright.

>> No.9804735

Congrats, man. Total respect.

>> No.9804739

No I don’t agree. I’d give examples but it seems unnecessary, it’s too obvious and apparent to bother

>> No.9804742

I'll never get clean, sometimes it makes me damn suicidal.

>> No.9804744
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>t. Woman

Women are solipsistic, disloyal and vindictive

>> No.9804746

Hello Layne Staley.

>> No.9804751

Me neither. I’m spending an absolute fortune on weed, but I’m not in hospital, in jail, unconscious in a hedge, making my family hate me, pissing and puking on everything, dying from insomnia, laying in bed in agony or waking up cringing, so it’s worth the money. I wish I could be sober, but just the thought of it scares me.

>> No.9804754
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>they equate talking about women's passions to women """"hating""""

this meme needed to die decades ago. "Misogyny" has roughly no meaning anymore
literally nothing wrong with talking about women since they are so interesting and multi-faceted. Talking about the reality of any human behavior is going to have some uncomfortable truths

>> No.9804766
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>I wish I could be sober, but just the thought of it scares me.
Sobriety just covers me like a grey film. I become the quietest, most emotionless and numb human being alive. It's like everything is in black and white.

>> No.9804771

LOL!! cheers to that m8

>> No.9804774

that's exactly what someone who knows they can't provide examples would say

next you're going to act sassy and insulting

>> No.9804775

>A lot of women are great, some are shit
>A lot of men are shit, some are alright.

>women are great
>some men are alright

t. woman

>> No.9804777

Men too
Everyone is shit I fucking hate them fuck

>> No.9804778

Iktf. Everything is a drag. Everything feels heavy. Pointless. Depressing. We broke our brains.

>> No.9804783

Is this /r9k/ invading?
As long as it’s not fucking /pol/ this tone.

>> No.9804789


>> No.9804796
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>t. Woman

>> No.9804802

what an annoying bitch. i wouldnt even grace her butthole with my cum

>> No.9804805


>> No.9804806

I'm speaking from my own personal life experience, and I'm a very objective and level headed person

It's just a fact that almost all the women I've known have been trash people with shallow mindsets and pathological liars/manipulative

not to say every woman in the world is that way but that's just what I've experienced and I'm not some salty idiot because mummy never loved me or whatever pseudo-psychology you want to try and apply, the women close to me in life I have a lot of respect for

>> No.9804813

I think so. People always
these threads, but we really wouldn’t thrive there because some of us actually like women.

>> No.9804814

I'll save you a lot of trouble. The doctor isn't going to 'work with you" on drinking. Your test results came back poor, and that doctor is going to make you feel like you are going to die tomorrow if you don't stop. If you ask them if you can still drink a 12 pack once in a while, they are going to stare at you like you're a retard and ignore what you said. If you ask if you can have a couple drinks a week, same thing. There isn't a doctor/patient relationship anymore, they will tell you what to do, and you will do it. It is more like a judge/convict relationship. All they are going to do is try and scare you into submission, my recommendation is to do an every other day drinking method and your liver will be fine.

>> No.9804817

Please god make it stop, it’s so pathetic.
Fuck me. Seriously?

>> No.9804818

No more of these terrible weekend benders holy fuck. Drying out during the week while working is driving me nuts.

I probably drank 50 beers friday night to Sunday night. What a fucking week this has been. Monday, was WD's, moderate but still fucking terrible. Went for a run that day which helped. Tuesday was managable most WD symptoms gone, little jumpy. Had a great workout/lift session,slept like a baby

Then last night
>great workout
>cook a porkloin dinner, delicious
>time to sleep, pretty tired
>fall asleep for an hour
>jerk awake, incredibly depersonalized, feel super detatched, sort of fade off inbetween half sleep and consciousness with terrifying dreams that people are watching me through the windows.
>intrusive weird thoughts that lead to odd tangents that I then forget about
>Finally wake up around 4 am form this strange half-asleep state
>fuck, jerk off.
>Finally around 5am fall into real quiet sleep.

Gonna have a few drinks this weekend, but goddamn no more huge benders. This is fucking terrible. I think I made it through them last time by drinking a six pack every day or so. Feel like i'm losing my grip on this. GF is coming to visit me this weekend which is great, and it will help me use a little self control. When no one is here I'm so damn lonely and bored that I just lay in bed, drink beer and watch youtube cooking channels. I don't even really get wasted. I drank 15 or so beers over 12-14 hours.

>> No.9804825

The best and most recognized method is never drink two days or more in a row.

If you skip a day in between, you will almost never develop withdrawals later. It's easier said than done, but that's the science. It's that simple.

>> No.9804826

Fuck off, female

>> No.9804827
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is this the new duckface

>> No.9804835

even just waiting until noon can be helpful

>> No.9804840

absolutely. any time in between drinks helps.

>> No.9804848

This sounds a lot like sleep paralysis, don't sleep on your back if this is the case.

>> No.9804857


If I'm going back to back I usually put some time inbetween. Usually wait till around 1 or 2pm. Thanks for the tip though. These were probably the worst WD I've had.

My fucking side hurts when I touch it though. Like right on my bottom ribs and over my right hip. I'm not sure if it's soreness from lifting or deeper organ. It feels superficial and muscular but I'm a hypochondriac when sober.

>> No.9804860

Thanks for the reply. Maybe. I do get sleep paralysis if I'm severely sleep deprived but this felt different.

>> No.9804861

I can't ask now. I didn't expect to be seen upon walking in. Figured I needed an appointment. I'd have made a list of stuff to ask. Should I take a multivitamin for malabsorption, milk thistle, etc.

>> No.9804863

If you are going to stop drinking after a few days of binging its best to buy some generic 5% beers to taper with. It's a slower return to normal than withdrawals, but a lot less painful.

>> No.9804870

That spot you mentioned is where the liver is located, btw. Right side, upper torso, back.

>> No.9804871

I drank on monday, had about 10 bud lites over a 5 hour period to help sleep. It worked okay. I dunno if that's a taper but it was a decent ramp down.

>> No.9804873

why do you need to make a list of stuff to ask

when he tells you to stop drinking just say "i wont"
its fucking simple

why would you lie to your doctor

>> No.9804878

Yea that's what I was worried about. It's never hurt before and I didn't throw up and ate while drinking. I did a really good ab exercise last week and I'm wondering if it's that? The pain doesn't encompass the whole area of where the liver would be and it's only at the bottom tip of my ribs. If I press below my ribs or further back there's no pain or discomfort so I'm hoping it's superficial muscular pain. I can actually pinpoint where it's the worst, and even then it's maybe a 2/10 at worst.

I also sleep on a shitty fold out couch that has a bar running through it and I often sleep on my right side.

Or I'm in denial. Idk

>> No.9804882

A strict taper is one 5% beer every hour or more. No sooner than an hour between finishing a beer and cracking open a new one. Just to keep sweats and shakes away.

But ramping down however you do it is still better than stopping cold.

>> No.9804883

I didn't lie. I didn't agree to it. He just said stop. I was looking for advice on how to deal with what I've got. Would you not ask any questions if you were seeing a doctor?

>> No.9804885

Ive slept on those shit foldout beds before and woken up with back pains. That's a strong possibility. Also the fact that your pain isnt in the exact area of the liver PRETTY MUCH rules out it being a liver issue.

That being said, keep trying to control your drinking.

>> No.9804887

There are exceptions to every rule. Just because there are some women that don't suck doesn't make it false that women are generally shit

>> No.9804890

who is this boner bringer

>> No.9804893

>What do lads? How do I lower my numbers? Without not drinking obviously
you needed to ask your doctor this question, not 4chan

>> No.9804916

Thanks anon. I'm definitely going to tone it down this weekend and maybe try and get some help after my girlfriend leaves. I have to put up a face of normalcy for a bit so I'm really gonna focus on not going overboard this weekend.

Problem is i'm in a small town for job training and they are paying for my housing etc right now. It leaves lots of time and money open to drink and I'm afraid my coworkers willsee me going to AA meetings and know I'm an alcy. I'm only 25 and being young in AA is sorta tough tbhf a m. I did four months clean and felt pretty good, but the daily meetings got grating. I'd take the meetings instead of the WD though. Glad I'm just a beer alc though.

>> No.9804930

normally I hate social media whores but at least she's cooking and doing something semi-productive.

She still dresses kinda like a slut, so maybe take some points off for that but atleast she's not cosplaying on twitch for those losers.

>> No.9804939

The doctor isnt going to answer the question. They are going to just keep telling him to completely abstain from alcohol. My doctor pulled the same shit 10 years ago. I still drink but just drank less and started working out and my liver and kidneys are fine now.

>> No.9804941

What are you down to now? That's what I'm trying to do. I lift/do cardio about 4-5 times a week, but still drink like shit on the weekend.

>> No.9804944

Look up Naltrexone. For many people it totally shuts down the cravings to drink. I take it and it has changed my life for the better. I can now go a week or more without drinking. The only urge I have to drink is the boringness and loneliness of life. Rather than the incessant monkey-on-the-back urges to drink. Godspeed.

>> No.9804955


If I could live my life all over
It wouldn't matter anyway
Because I never could stay sober
on that Corpus Christi bay.

>> No.9804957

that's why I just don't bother going to a doctor in general

>> No.9804960

Then just move away from Corpus Christ Bay.

>> No.9804965

>The only urge I have to drink is the boringness and loneliness of life
this the only thing stopping my sobriety, I can push through physical WD's and the mental difficults of overcoming the physical problems

>> No.9804966


>> No.9804967

Because then they'll literally write you off as hopeless? Depending on their personal beliefs they might actively start wishing for you to die as well

>> No.9804972

It's the lyrics anon. I don't live there. I can't seem to stay sober anywhere.

>> No.9804979

This anon is correct. I worked in the ER and you would be surprised how uncompassionate doctors can be when it comes to certain shit. Especially the foreign muslim doctors have no concept of alcoholism. You're worse than dirt to them and clog up their ER.

>> No.9804980

>having no sense of humour

>> No.9804983

I drink usually 3-4 times a week now, strictly beer, will never touch liquor ever again. Have lost about 15-20 lbs in 3 months since I started going to the gym too. I know working out has become the go to meme for alcoholics, but I'll be God damned if it doesn't help with a lot of things.

>> No.9804986

>reasons to not see a doctor about my alcoholism

>> No.9804987

You're a lot like me. I don't drink liquor really anymore. Too dangerous. I can drink beer all day and not really get that smashed.

The gym is great. I don't think it's a meme.

>> No.9804993

You just have to find the right doctor. ER docs are the most callous ones out there. I would avoid foreign doctors.

Straight white dudes with families. Not to sound like /pol/ but they can relate better. They probably have an inflicted love one and they are better able to relate and empathize. Find a doc with an Irish last name. No joke.

>> No.9805085

I always feel great after excercising, I just never think to go to the gym whwnever I have free time. I always remember later.

>> No.9805096

>Especially the foreign muslim doctors
I never see non-white doctors. I don't understand entrusting your health to people who don't have the same cultural values as yourself.

>> No.9805126

The 24hr gym is a game changer. Even if you forget, there is nothing stopping you from going as soon as you remember. It's magnificent.

>> No.9805159

Cousin texted me one saying she was at some convention and was getting drunk with some old gf she went to college with. I was all drunk and texted back something like, hahaha I'm drunk too too bad wish i was there we could be a threesome. I really just tried to say i wish i was there drinking with you but of course she was like wtf you want to have a threesome with me? I was like uh n-no t-that's not what i meant.

Gonna start locking my phone in my car trunk when i drink from now on

>> No.9805189

I bet there are alchie grils who’ve drunkenly fucked their dad. Can you imagine the potency of the cringe the next morning?

>> No.9805235

>locking your phone in a spot you need to get your car keys and walk to your car to get it

gee what could go wrong


>> No.9805257

My father has been an alcoholic for many years now but it has gotten worse after my mother died about 2 years ago.
He's been drinking like 5 beers every single day since then.
Though he hurt his foot 2 days ago and can't get out of the house so he wants to me to buy him beer.
Should I just show him the finger and not buy any?

>> No.9805336
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5 beers a day?

Don't be a Dick to your dad. Nothing happened to my dad and he does more than that.

>> No.9805349

wait, explain how bad his alcoholism was years ago that it's now "worse" when he's drinking 5 beers a day

go fuck yourself

>> No.9805368

I recognize that he's nowhere on the level of you guys but he gets really assholish after drinking even some alcohol.
Example from earlier today: I was outside doing some stuff that he wanted me to do (which meant walking about 1.5 hours in the cold windy rain).
After I came back and he drank 2 beers I just got him, he started a fight about how I wasn't happy to help me and how he can't count on me when he needs me (despite me doing everything he wanted)

>> No.9805383

He just sounds like he is taking his grief out on you. I doubt a few beers changes somebodies temperament that much. If he was crushing 12 to 18 a day then sure, but that's just poor b3havior not alcoholism.

>> No.9805388

Although daily drinking leads to more daily drinking so keep an eye on it.

>> No.9805389

he got drunk every single friday and saturday (way more than 5 beers a day) and would have drank every single day but my mother could always stop him. Now he has nobody who can control him

>> No.9805409

>getting drunk on a weekend is a drinking problem

You really are a pathetic cunt, your father deserves better than a whinging pathetic piece of crap like you.

>> No.9805417

He just cares about his dad anon. Don't be so angry.

>> No.9805433
File: 31 KB, 800x800, Ancient Age.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a cheap bourbon drunk. Ancient Age in the huge plastic bottles was my go-to for a 2-day binge. Just recently discovered Benchmark. Tastes exactly the same for $1.50 less.

>> No.9805438

High times.

>> No.9805453

15 years of getting loaded, 15 years then his liver exploded, what's Bob Guna do now that he can't drink?

>> No.9805465

>Gin cures balding


>> No.9805503

Have you ever been blackout drunk and you come to your senses as you're walking and you have no clue where you are or where you're going and some lady driving by stops and asks if you're ok?

>> No.9805521

>Hey dude, where's the Limp Bizkit concert ?

>> No.9805522

You're clearly a girl

>> No.9805523

I guess sort of, but it's more of a memory after the fact

Once I'm blackout drunk I don't just snap out of it all of a sudden

are you talking about a memory?

>> No.9805527

Normally happens in jail. No way to access more or fall asleep, so gradually you’re capable of forming short-term memories. Normally with no clue why you’re there.

>> No.9805574

>5 beers a day

I can literally drink a 12 pack of tallboys and not even feel a buzz.

>> No.9805583

No I think I was walking so long I started to sober up. It wasn't a sudden clarity it was just like "wtf am I doing? Where am I going? Where was I? Why does this lady seem so concerned? But still in a drunken haze.

>> No.9805656

>why did I put blue plastic in the oven and leave in on overnight
>why am I in this police cell
>why are there snakes all over the floor and faces in the window

Sticking to 6 beers tonight

>> No.9805912
File: 97 KB, 480x600, Molly_Mallard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What spirit should I buy tomorrow? Only condition is that it shouldn't cost more than twenty bucks. I usually drink vodka but I'm open for new stuff as well.

>> No.9805917

ezra brooks bourbon is the best value for bourbon. monoplowa vodka is good, so is luksusowa. both are potato vodkas.

>> No.9806136

>After drinking a 1/4 of a can I get really turned on
Why's this? It's not enough to even get drunk horny from

>> No.9806141

no idea what you are talking about. however, its a well known thing that people get horney during hangovers and withdrawals.

>> No.9806148

Jerking off is the only real hangover cure.

>> No.9806179

1 days sober. got beta blockers. so spaced out i couldnt even move let alone go to the gym

2 days sober half a beta blocker. so spaced out i spent 12 hours on mums floor

3 days i got drunk and didnt take it. Drank 4L cider a a bottle of wine, 6 beers, and now whatever the fuck this is.... white wine and pear cider????????

seriously beta blockers fucked me up so hrd even after 3 weeks of takig them tryin to come down cold turkey now

>> No.9806188

You fucked up, idiot. At least go a few more days on the beta blockers to clear our your liver and tolerance.

>> No.9806207


ive only been on for 2 weeks man not long enough to require tapering off... the question opf whether i would and resaerching it fucked me up for a week

>> No.9806314

Kidneys still hurting so bad.

i think im dying. Im gonna check the color of my piss in a second. Havent drank any water in a good while, so ill know if im fucked or not.

>> No.9806365

What colour is your piss?

>> No.9806381

i dont think i pissed yet lol. i drank a bunch of water but it didnt make me have to pee yet

>> No.9806392

K... Keep me posted

>> No.9806393

New years resolution: give less of a fuck about the bigger picture, try to enjoy myself a bit.

Tired of feeling sad about the world lads, it makes me drink more.

>> No.9806397

you did nothing wrong, your cousin just has a dirty mind

>> No.9806403

STOP drinking alcohol
STOP fapping
STOP playing games

START working out
START reading more
START drinking more water

>> No.9806405

>seeing non-Jewish doctors ever


>> No.9806407

Bright yellow, foamy and cloudy. A week out from bingeing on a handle of vodka and im like this still.

>> No.9806409

I have blacked out while walking to a train station, waking up walking in the train station of my destination. I don't remember the trip at all and it somehow doubled in length.

>> No.9806415

At least you said be instead of have

>> No.9806418

>STOP drinking
Oh man, why didn't anyone think if this?! It's just that easy!

You're a genius, anon! Thanks! BRB, calling all of the hospitals, rehab/detox centers, and recovery groups to let them know the good news!

>> No.9806462

You have free will - just use it you faggot.

>> No.9806473

Have some self restraint you cuck

>> No.9806491

I'm actually two years sober, friends. Anyways, I guess I'm not surprised that they didn't cover addiction and mental illness in your special education

>> No.9806507

Kidding m8. How old did you get addicted?

>> No.9806524

Addiction doesn't exist if free will does. Alcohol and drug ABUSE exist but not this myth of having no choice but to walk to the shop, open the bottle, pour, swallow it then repeat ad infinitum. Every stage is a conscious choice you can choose to proceed with or not. You are two years sober which proves you can choose to stop. I hope you are receiving the help you need for your other issues.

>> No.9806532

Started drinking at 13 and was drinking daily by 17

You are attempting to paint addiction (and the human brain) black and white. Protip: it's not

>> No.9806537

13? Wtf. You Russian?

>> No.9806543

As I said, addiction is not a thing in the real world. You are not even addressing what I said. Boring.

>> No.9806545

White suburban American

>> No.9806555

Will you please be quiet?

>> No.9806560

Can you never drink again, could you just have 1 drink?

>> No.9806568
File: 32 KB, 500x375, 3522E279-E0C0-4CE0-9D76-84261BF73EFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>running low on vodka
>save myself three shots to take in the morning
>go to shop
>shop is closed
>go to other shop
>miss liquor sales deadline by 5 minutes
>spend all day today slamming rancid 4lokos as fast as I can stomach to
>it is now absolutely pouring, way to hard for me to want to go to the store when I have low abv crutches around
Nigga this shit is gay

>> No.9806569

First we get the stone, bubi, then we'll get you to a doctor. And not just any doctor, boychik, I'm gonna get you to a nice Jewish doctor.

>> No.9806582

i swear i've drunk eight L of water a day for three days after a good binge and not pissed once

>> No.9806583

>could you just have 1 drink?
Nope, that's the problem. I never just have one. A switch flips in my brain when I have a drink and it immediately becomes the only thing I care about.

>> No.9806625

Is liver pain constant or just when you press on it

>> No.9806632

>tfw not supposed to be drinking because acid reflux + gastritis
>tfw followed that rule for a bit, got off the pills because I finally felt good
>tfw friend's birthday
>get absolutely slaughtered
>make a fool of myself and take drugs too
>end up throwing up and have to be carried out
>next day felt like I was going to die from the hangover
>had to go back on my meds

Why can't I into moderation? I'm not an alcoholic but I can't stop drinking once I start, and I always crave alcohol when I see it

>> No.9806638

>I'm not an alcoholic
>but I can't stop drinking once I start,
>and I always crave alcohol when I see it
>I'm not an alcoholic
Why don't you read that again

>> No.9806646

But it's not like I need to drink it everyday or something. I just drink socially.

I have to admit like half a year ago I was drinking in my room alone but I stopped that

>> No.9806652

Then prove it to yourself. Go two weeks without it. After all you don't need it right? The point is you won't do it because you're an addict.

>> No.9806660

>I just drink socially
>get absolutely slaughtered
>make a fool of myself and take drugs too
>end up throwing up and have to be carried out

>> No.9806673
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I guess you're right. I told myself I'd stop again after that incident which was 3 weeks ago, but I didn't. I got drunk again after that.
My panic attacks and pains started from drinking but it's not deterring me. I'm truly an idiot.

>tfw told my dad I don't drink anymore because he'd worry all the time since both sides of my family is full of alcoholics

>> No.9806821


>> No.9806939

Same. I was so legit scarex the first day. Not a single drop of piss. Its just that my kidneys never hurt for this long before. I drank a fuckton rrally fast 2 days in a row.. baaad move. Ive got a urologist appointment in 5 days, ill get him ro check me out. But its my first time seeing him, iys gonna be shit. "Hi doctor im an alcoholic. Look at my liver"

>> No.9806992

Where do you live? That reminds me of Bridgeport in Chicago, where I spent a few years.

>> No.9807062

You're right. Addiction exists, and free will doesn't.

>> No.9807325

Not him, but I live in Bridgeport and it's not snowing. It's fucking cold though.

>> No.9807341

pretty much

>> No.9807411

I hate 4am. No sleep. Just need to sleep for months, but way too uncomfortable to drift off.

>> No.9807476

>being scared of some water
lol faggot

>> No.9807484

>he fell for the free will meme

They don't call it the liquid Jew for nothing

>> No.9807540

My car has heavy tint, and the combo of raining/dark fucks me around pretty bad. I did finally get it together and go to the liquor store, I bought three handles in case this shit keeps up. It’s freezing and raining and for some reason three cars out there didn’t even have their lights on, fuck leaving my house for the next few days.

>> No.9807582

Im so paranoid. This kidney pain, cloudy piss, and general discomfort is making me crazy. I really dont want to die of organ failure

>> No.9807617

37 days sober living with mumzie. i won't drink for as long as i'm here, but i genuinely can't imagine myself not resuming drinking once i'm back home. i wish my close friends weren't exclusively underachieving alcoholics too

>> No.9807624
File: 37 KB, 400x386, miserable pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gf/bf to cook amazing dishes for me and assure me everything is going to be okay when my depression is overwhelming

>> No.9807658
File: 45 KB, 460x645, 1498808532130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9807710


>> No.9807733

Oh my god lemao nobody has ever said that maybe we should mobe de thread hehe

>> No.9807753

Assuming you're an American, you pay your doctor to tell you what's wrong with you and how to fix it, he's not your fucking life coach, and assuming you're not, quit wasting that doctor's valuable time you fucking waster.

>> No.9807783

Post your tables, al/ck/. Bonus points for nightstands.

>> No.9807794
File: 2.32 MB, 4032x3024, 9969229D-8724-43C2-93F0-5297DF6917B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.9807820

It's the Ethiopian /fit/ virgin alcohol.

>> No.9807828

lmfao op that's tragic

im not an alcoholic but im really depressed and i come on this board hi

>> No.9807851

Drank myself right into a divorce and a fatty liver. 5 months clean and bretty suicidal. Try your damdest to imbibe with some sense of moderation or you'll end up like me. Haven't posted in a couple years, my trip is on my other phone. Anyway have a fucking hot sauce recipe.

12 scotch bonnet peppers
8 sweet peppers
3 head garlic; cut into half
3 heaped teaspoon mustard powder
1 cup jaggery (gur) brown sugar
1000 ml white vinegar
1 tablespoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
3 teaspoon cumin powder
3 level tablespoon cornflour


Heat the oven 180 C.
Place all the peppers and garlic on a silver foil lined tray
Bake for 30 minutes.
Put some gloves on and remove the stalks from the scotch bonnet peppers, peel the sweet peppers and garlic.
Place in a saucepan with the sugar, vinegar, mustard, salt, turmeric and cumin.
Blend the cornflour in a little water and add.
Bring to boil, simmer for 10 minutes.
Cool, liquidise and bottle.
if it is too thick add a little more vinegar

>> No.9807868

(citation needed)

>> No.9807887


Sorry to hear that anon, I'll heed your warnings.

By any chance are you the drunk /ck/ chef who posts cooking adventures?

>> No.9807908

Nah. I was radiation symbol guy years ago then got a diff trip.

>> No.9807942

yeah nah

I already know my house is a pathetic mess and disgusting

dont need others to see it

>> No.9807971

Just trying to liven things up when the thread is slow. No sweat, anon.

>> No.9808014
File: 1.85 MB, 908x1092, ftz1k21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9808020

>being this clean

fuck this is like my house when sober

is the rest of your house trashed and your just showing us the decent part?

>> No.9808047

>tfw always keep military level ordnung even when on a bender

Gotta habe standards anony

>> No.9808051

>day 4 with no alcohol
feeling pretty good. little bit of brain fog but I am sleeping much better. still getting really intense dreams though

>> No.9808063


those went out the window many bottles ago

>> No.9808073

i'm pretty sure i have fucking epilepsy and this indian bitch doctor was just dismissing all my concerns and saying i passed out because i was drinking

nevermind that it's been happening for my whole life since i was a kid

cool that you can't be honest about drug use with people who you are paying to help you with your health

>> No.9808074

My house is pretty cluttered but not that dirty. Other than vodka handles everywhere, there’s no food/drink trash.
I have an ant problem and those little bastards find anything that isn’t on that table for some reason. I can’t even leave dishes in my sink or a soda on my nightstand, I’d wake up to them everywhere.
I a weird way they helped me clean up my act.

>> No.9808082

are you fat or just experienced? i'm 180lbs 6'tall and only been drinking at all for about a year and i get tipsy after like 24oz of 5% or higher beer

if i drink just one 14% four loko i get fucked up

>> No.9808099

try soju if you can find it near you

>> No.9808110

He’s probably just experienced. I went through three 4lokos today just procrastinating going to the store, and I felt absolutely nothing. I don’t even fuck with beer, but my older brother (same weight/ height) gets goofy as a motherfucker after like three beers.
Cherish the fact that you’re a cheap date, anon.
The only time that’s a bad thing is if you don’t know your own tolerance and become a nusance, but you seem like you’re in a decent headspace anon.

>> No.9808123

you fat?

>> No.9808127

yeah it's enjoyable being able to get drunk for cheap. i guess i barely belong in these threads, i use them more as a prevention mechanism the same way i read fat people hate threads on /fit/.

i drink about once a week, sometimes as many as 3-4 times but that's pretty exceptional, so that probably contributes to not building a tolerance.

>> No.9808136

6’3” and 210lbs. Not fat, but the liquor has made me put on some weight especially since I quit bicycling everywhere.

>> No.9808175

Does wine vinegar count?

I could drink that shit on the daily

>> No.9808187

Way more times then I care to admit. I consider those days good days.

Not as bad as the days when you blackout and find yourself with a very large sum of cash that you have 0 clue where it came from much less how you got a hold of it.

I did that for a few years but then I fell off the wagon. Now I still don't drink nearly as much I used to. I just missed the nice drinks and buzzes too much that loosened me up with company. Not the getting drunk or wasted part because I was a fucking special kind of terrible drunkard.

Nowadays I just get buzzed at most and like sipping good booze.

Some days though I just wanna drink and drink. Those days I don't drink. Those cravings are rare but damn if they don't make me wanna hide in a bottle despite knowing damn well what I get like when drunk.

If I hadn't encountered some lovely specimens of female kind then I would probably have grown to hate women given how much I enjoyed their company...in a matter of speaking.

I'm a guy who loves women but goddamn there are a LOT of garbage women. The thing I've found is that often times men can't find a way to get away from said garbage women. So they delude themselves into thinking good women are impossible to find and gradually grow to hate women.

Rarely is it a fast process but its definitely more of a slow-burning growing hatred.

I, fortunately, know how to find those lovely examples of women and deeply enjoyed their surprisingly nonsexual company.

However, I can completely understand where they are coming from for awhile I too was stuck in that same position of being surrounded by garbage women and not seeing a way to find those who aren't. Luckily I figured out a way to find them.

>> No.9808194

I managed to drink only 200ml yesterday.

>> No.9808233

Why do these threads die like fuck at night, but thrive from 10am-5pm? Does nobody else here /horribleinsomnia/?

>> No.9808234

Right here senpai

>> No.9808249

Could be a time zone thing

>> No.9808257

>everybody in the world lives in the same timezone as me

>> No.9808267

Yeaaaah baby
Clocking in at 5:30am, I’ve been tearing through my full series collection of king of the hill. The downside of non streaming media is I have to get up and change discs, but it’s not so bad.
They say screens are bad, but I’m genuinely not tired. The last time I took my ambien it went horribly wrong.

>> No.9808268

Just bought a FIFTH laptop in 18 months. All my others are ruined by assorted alchie juices or blackout stumbles, along with a million phones, drones, hard drives and the assorted corpses of silicon brothers who have fallen. If I break this new one too I shall proceed swiftly to suicide.

>> No.9808270

At least be a little bit constructive and reply with what time it is where you’re at instead of being a faggot about it, man.

>> No.9808274

What do you do for a living, anon?

>> No.9808294

>one ambien does nothing for me
>still stay up all night
>don’t trust myself to do anything because it’s a hypnotic
>can’t do anything until I sleep, don’t trust myself to drive, barely even trust myself to leave room to piss
>don’t take any for months
>take one
>does nothing
>wait three hours
>take a second one (in two halves an hour apart)
I don’t know what the fuck was about that second half, but
>blacked out
>lost almost three days to manic fever dreams that felt so real that I actually had to call people and ask if they’d happened
>guess I was walking around and I pulled a bunch of beers out of my fridge for friends that were never there
>unrolled a rug and made a bed for people that were never there
>was still hazy for the days to follow
That was terrifying to know that I was up and moving during that weird ass limbo. Did I mention that I’m the rugburn idiot? That happened then, too.
I’m just super glad I didn’t leave my house, I think.

>> No.9808295

>king of the hill
probably my absolute fav show to watch when drinking desu

>> No.9808316

A lot of people that I know never appreciated it when they were younger/ think it’s boring but I think that it’s fucking hysterical.
I now own every season and it’s my favorite animated tv show, hands down.

>> No.9808319

Honestly anything mike judge is based. I have really been meaning to re watch idiocracy lately, and even extract held up.

>> No.9808322

Day 4 of sobriety, the best thing so far has been the vivid nightmares of being stuck in the midst of nuclear war. They're so real it almost feels like you're there, and i wake up legitimately terrified for my life. I actually really enjoy this, as part of the reason i drank in the first place was to feel *something* no matter if its good or bad, and these dreams are scratching that same itch. I wonder if its possible to get addicted to withdrawal

>> No.9808327

yeah I don't know many people that regard it as highly as me, most if not all friends I've talked to find it boring

I like the slow pace and dry humour of it desu

you ever seen Dr. Katz professional therapist? not a fan of the animation but the dialogue is absolutely 10/10

>> No.9808337

I.T. Lol.

>> No.9808358

That’s... Ironic.

>> No.9808362

Bits here and there, but the clips of the banter I’ve seen I liked. Not huge on Jon Lovitz but I’ll give it a shot if I get the chance. I agree with you about the dry humor fosho.

>> No.9808377

I also love Daria, if we’re getting dry up in this ma’af.

>> No.9808387

Only if you can afford to sleep all the time. I know what you mean about wd dreams being insanely immersive. I just wish it wasn’t ALWAYS nightmares. A nice dream that felt that real would be neat every once in a while.
‘Grats on your sobriety, though.

>> No.9808397

ehh, never got into that one

the high school setting is just boring

>> No.9808471

I DEMAND TO HAVE A GIRLFRIEND GOD DAMMIT. Next hot gril I see is having lots of sex with me, and that’s all there is to it.

>> No.9808505
File: 17 KB, 209x241, 6ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have been sober for 2 weeks now. When will I stop smelling like a hobo even if I shower 3 times a day?

>> No.9808565

Kidneys keep screaming at me. I have passed the point of no return

>> No.9808567

This, babby tier is hating women, then you realize that men are the same too. We are just smarter monkeys, why have aneurysms over something that we are? People who actively hate women probably do so because of their own incompetences

>> No.9808573

fuck i miss ambien

staying up waiting for it to kick in, then staying up a little longer was pure bliss.. the euphoria was on par with oral opiates for me.

>> No.9808770

I've never really been into booze, but I want to get a bit more into it. I really like spiked Arnold Palmers - mixing lemon liquer into black tea. I like sweeter stuff and I've never really acquired the taste for beer. What else should I try? Bonus points for no mixing, like I can just drink limoncello straight.

>> No.9808801

>supposed to go to detox (again)
>family knows
>tell them I'm fine the day of
>feeling great, clean apartment (even the vomit covered bathroom (it was bad))
>suddenly wake up two days later having drank
>confused as fuck
I still don't know where the booze came from or what happened. I want to die.

I made some amazing soup the night before that's just going to waste now too.

>> No.9808825

what are your symptoms?, asking for a friend

>> No.9808831

Almost hope Im gonna die soon

>> No.9808866

You are entitled to get the whole story from the doctor. He says "stop drinking or you will die" when that's not true. He is essentially lying to me if he doesn't tell me what's an acceptable amount of drinking.

If I go to the auto shop with an oil leak "How much should I be driving it even with the leak before I have the time and money to get it patched?" is an acceptable question to ask, but for some reason, it's against the rules to ask something similar of a doctor.

>> No.9808882

It's because people see alcoholism as a moral crime, you're an inferior sub-human if you partake in alcohol outside getting wasted every other weekend or so

>> No.9808910

I've also come to this same conclusion. Nowadays I just try not to be too overtly misogynistic in front of people I know as I'm entering my 5th year without a relationship. I still fuck them though. They're quite good for that.

>> No.9808950

Given that this thread is about alcoholism, the women that most of us here meet are alcoholics. It's understandable for us to have misogynistic tendencies since we meet garbage women. If this thread is about, say, the Voyager recent realignment, and a discussion about women somehow broke out, I'd think it would not be so woman bashing.

>> No.9808975
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20171208_101735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you niggers drinking this morning?

>> No.9809039

Boatil ay red likesay

>> No.9809187

I miss the times when we would talk to each other.

>> No.9809206

Not as obnoxious and stupid looking as the duckface. I'd say that's a plus at least.

>> No.9809235

We are talking my dear boy

>> No.9809244

Reminds me too much of biley Cyrus or whatever that repulsive trollop calls itself.

>> No.9809633

12 days without a drop. First 3 days were easy thanks to my managing to get hold of a few benzos, and PAWS isn’t shit either, because everything is fun while high.
Coming off the weed and being legit high feels like it’s going to be very difficult, I still haven’t spent one day sober in Christ alone knows how long, but fuck me it’s nice to heal, and getting off a constant vodka habit to zero with no discomfort was amazing. I wish I could run a clandestine detox in which weed is accessible, this shiz is easy. Hope some of you lot manage to find this bliss.

>> No.9809646

*being legit sober

>> No.9809685

I get absolutely no pleasure from it, and I have experience to compare it to.
I just can’t stand when it does literally nothing and I don’t feel like I can trust myself to do the simplest of things because there’s such a huge stigma surrounding it.
What was your dose? Mine are 12.5s and I’m starting to think my doctor lowballed me because I’m young.

>> No.9809693

Whats the most you ever drank in a short timeframe?

New thread when?

>> No.9809704

Fifth in 45 min

Bretty amateur

>> No.9809712

first time I ever drank, didn't realise spirits needed to be mixed

somehow wasn't really affected by the taste or just thought that's how alcohol was supposed to taste

downed at least 1-1.5L of straight booze within 20min

woke up in hospital with tubes down my throat being told I was lucky to not have permanent brain damage

>> No.9809726

>first time
Fucking lol.
First time I drank spirits I was 15, drank 350ml of scotch then the next three hours half-conscious, unable to move, world spinning and non-stop dry heaving. Was with a friend who drank the other half of the bottle and got equally rekt, who woke the next morning to realise he’d knocked on his boss’s door at like midnight and angrily, VERY drunkenly quit his job, lol. I can’t imagine what 1.5L would have done to me.

>> No.9809780

Top kek, a real warrior

>> No.9809794


“Shaver had been drinking before he was killed”
Fucking blackouts man.

>> No.9809799

haha that happened to me too
i was 12 and had just found (four)chan about a year prior. weighed 90 pounds and drank 750ml of vodka. stumbled into my house, almost broke my nose getting into bed, knew to lay on my side when i went to sleep. threw up in my sleep, didnt die

>> No.9809818
File: 59 KB, 400x300, 6321998B-8E58-454D-A93A-BD612F7ECD6F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new thread?
Bump limit is 310, but let the thread sink a few pages before starting a new one.
Don’t forget to kill yourself if you don’t use an alchie silhouette image, and/or don’t include “al/ck” in the thread title and body.
I feel like we should consider answering a few noob questions and giving a few essential tips like which supplements to take, warning signs that your liver is kil and general advice on how to not die, in al/ck/ OPs.

>> No.9809840

>general advice on how to not die, in al/ck/ OPs.
Yea, something like "You need to get help"

>> No.9809853

has anyone had insomnia as their ONLY withdrawal side effect?

it's 7am, day 5 sober and i couldn't get any sleep at all last night, like my brain forgot how to fall asleep.. but i have no other side effects at all, no anxiety, hands are steady as a rock, heart rate normal.. i dont get it

>> No.9809880

Can't tell if memeing or not but I really enjoyed the dollop episode 10 covers the life and presidency of Andrew Jackson. Was easily the most badass president to exist.

>> No.9809893
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i drank coopers australian pale ale and budweiser. and since im a lightweight, im relatively drunk lole

>> No.9809903

i drank a similar amount as a grasshopper and it was really bad

>> No.9809911

Everyones withdrawals are different. I never get shakes, but i sweat like a water fountain when the WDs are decent. Maybe your main symptom is insomnia, or more than likely you just have minor withdrawals. Chances are if you developed more of a tolerance youd see the other symptoms.

>> No.9809949

yeah it really didn't do much except make me pass out almost immediately, was unconsious vomiting all over myself non-stop

my friend called an ambulance luckily, though I'm still kinda pissed nobody was like "hey dude maybe dont drink spirits straight"

>> No.9809994

Anyone used crack extensively? I watched the first minute of this
And feel sorry as fuck for people for whom it’s the highlight of their day. Just stealing or whoring, buying two rocks of crack and one of heroin, being high for like ten minutes then injecting smack to stop heroin WD. This is how the criminal classes live. I haven’t for over a year and a half, and it’s only looking back that I realise how deeply fucking futile and depressing it all is.

>> No.9810047
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Got bloody drunk last night, had 16oz (about 480ml) of over 55% liquor in celebration of the release of my latest book. I mentioned it in the last thread and someone mentioned that they want to read it. I think it has a pretty fucking badass title, and the cover is hilarious. Can provide the first few pages on request, but it's with KDP Select so I'm limited to sharing something like 10-15% of it otherwise I'm breaching the contract.


I want to drink again tonight, but I should save my money.

>> No.9810090

starting to reach a point where being drunk is hardly even noticeable it's the sobriety that I notice

being drunk has just become such a norm that all enjoyment is gone from it

>> No.9810105

Post a link to a full, previously written book?
Grats on the release.

>> No.9810127

that title and description really makes me not want to read it ngl

I avoid those topics, they're just frustrating

>> No.9810128

What should I get to drink? I want something easy on the stomach, so hard liquor is out today.

Canadian if it matters.

>> No.9810130

>posts essay on IPAs

>> No.9810132

Sure, I have a book on Lulu that's perma-free. A novella, something like 28,000 words or so, 40,000 words is a typical minimum for a full novel. I wrote the novella within just 5 days, a very stressful 5 days, and I didn't edit it so a forewarning that there may be some typos in it. It's a drama, as is pretty obvious from the melodramatic title which, though relevant to the story, I somewhat regret.

Another One Please, to Dull the Pain


There's quite a lot of drinking in it and if you'd like to hear a bit of what it's about then keep reading this comment, if you don't want spoilers then stop reading now. It revolves around a terrible marriage, both parties are pretty miserable but the wife is very violent and demeaning to her husband. The husband is the protagonist, on his way to alcoholism, with a close friend of his being a female bartender he spends quite a bit of time with. She's sort of his confidante, anyways through the course of the book it touches on things such as how screwed-over men get in divorce court, the issue of male suicide, of course alcoholism, domestic abuse, and the ending is pretty fucking intense.

If you check it out, I hope you like it. You can get it for free in the link above or if you're feeling generous it can be bought for a US dollar on Amazon. Cheers!

>> No.9810140

They are indeed very frustrating topics, very politically charged, but I find them interesting. I also sort of set things up to try and be a little bit vague to make it easier to trick leftists into buying it, even though it's a fairly Conservative-minded book that looks at things logically and factually. Political correctness and post-modern ideology are put aside to look at how things truly are, and sort of look into the mind of said ideology which seems to develop a fantasy land, providing monsters where there are none.

I also, at one point, touched on the psychology of men and women and how they're different. I reach into history and look at how men and women have developed differently to be able to prosper, to achieve offspring and to be able to raise them to adulthood, after all, isn't that ultimately what success has been for humanity for millennia? Things have changed of course, but thousands of years ago if you found a mate, had children, raised them, and nobody starved to death or got killed, then you get to grow old (or as old as one could back then) while being cared for by said offspring.

Anyways, I touch on a fuckload of different points that I find quite interesting, and many facts and statistics are raised with quite a few news organizations being quoted on some of the things they've covered.

>> No.9810158

that happens after 3+ days of drinking straight for me. taking a few days off is the only cure for it. If you can work some long shifts or exercise hard then that will expedite the process

>> No.9810162

The last time I made a new one of these threads I got b& despite having the silhouette and proper title. Who will be the hero that al/ck/ deserves?

>> No.9810164

I decided on a microbrew variety 12 pack.

>> No.9810168

try amaretto liqueurs like disaronno

>> No.9810177

I went without booze from December 3rd to the 6th, then when I got drunk last night on the 7th I was laughing my ass off at Youtube videos and was just in general feeling incredible. There were times during those sober 4 days that I felt a little bit like drinking but I managed to take my mind off it. Having things to distract yourself with is crucial, lately I've been delving into Newgrounds and trying out the games they have available there. There's an incredible amount, and you can find some good ones by basing your searches on score. Anyways, drinking every 3-4 days or so seems to keep my drunk nights very fun and enjoyable for the most part.

>> No.9810178

It’s only on page 3. Leave it until 8 or 9

>> No.9810201
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>no longer depressed but still drinking the same amount of alcohol
looks like that excuse has ran its course. i really need to get rid of these empty bourbon bottles.

>> No.9810268

>get rid of these empty bourbon bottles
I don't want to out myself as a full blown alcoholic to all my neighbours by filling the dumpster with hundreds of vodka bottles

I've resorted to taking a backpack of bottles with me when I go for a walk and emptying them into public bins at one point but even that isn't enough unless I keep it up daily

it all seems a bit ridiculous

>> No.9810282

I take my empties to a recycling depot for money... why throw away your money?

>> No.9810331

not too wild but i had three full solo cups of this punch that was at least 25-30% alcohol if not more and then i had like three jello shots and a few beers. that's all i remember drinking specifically but people told me i was stumbling around for hours and got extremely drunk. i don't think i did anything awful though, just mildly annoying at worst.

>> No.9810362

I've had 14oz (420ml or so) of rum within 55 minutes. I think it might have been Sailor Jerry's rum or some other rum that was above 40%. I've also had 'Russian shots' before.

>Glass with around 6-8oz of vodka in it
>Deep breath in, blow out to the side
>Chug down vodka
>Eat a pickle

I've chugged roughly 1L of Guinness before, and on a birthday not too long ago I recall drinking somewhere in the ballpark of 30-36 beer, mostly if not entirely 5% (regular, not light).

We don't use the term 'fifth' in Canada, at least not in my experience. Is that a 26oz (750ml) bottle? If so, I can't say I've had that much 40% liquor within 45 minutes, but I've had nights where I've had over 26oz of 40% liquor.

>> No.9810386

no money for recycling bottles here

>> No.9810401

Sorry to hear. Technically there's no money for recycling bottles here either because you pay a deposit upon buying the booze, then when you recycle you get a portion of it back but not the full amount. The other portion apparently goes towards the recycling depots, I guess to encourage them to invest it towards better technology or advertising or something? Kind of bullshitty, but meh, I still get money for bringing bottles back and it feels good to recycle.

>> No.9810463

>I don't want to out myself as a full blown alcoholic to all my neighbours by filling the dumpster with hundreds of vodka bottles
Same. The amount of bourbon bottles I have would probably fill the whole bin, the noise would be ridiculously loud

>> No.9810488

Had 12-15 shots (can't remember, blacked out hard) of JD within the span of 30 minutes on Christmas of last year. Was in and out of consciousness for hours and had no idea wtf was happening. Came to for a while after some coke, then blacked out again.

>> No.9810504

I find myself repeatedly making audible cringe noises spontaneously. Without knowing I’m doing it I’ll tense up and make a distressed, wholly retarded-sounding ‘nnnnngggfff’ noise, as I remember atrocities I drunkenly carried out, dating back years. It’s like I have a rain man ‘tick’, I cringe so much it’s turning me into a retard.

>> No.9810548

I have something like that, except I use words. Typically "fucker", "mother fucker", "CONtrol", "fuck", or something like that. I don't really do drunken atrocities however because I'm a pretty happy and chill drunk, it's just from embarrassing memories in my past or intense worries of how my actions or words might have been perceived. I have a long track record of saying things with absolutely no ill will or ill intent, but simply due to the wording it leaves the possibility of it having offence behind said words, and perhaps that combined with my face which I think tends to make me look angry or intimidating when I don't intend such makes people think the worst of what I've said.

>> No.9810561

I've got enough bottles in my house to fill 3 bins at least

and that's after attempting to get rid of some for the last few months

>> No.9810673

Well, a reader of mine has been informed of it. He's consistently been the first to buy my books immediately upon release and it's looking like he'll be the first to buy this one too, hopefully he likes it. I dare say he will, he seems to enjoy my writing and I think he'll find quite a bit of it insightful. Pretty badass guy, ex-US Military, into survivalism, loves my zombie survival stuff. Here's a link to 9 of my other books that I've written/self-published if anyone's interested. Admittedly, sales have been non-existent for over 3 weeks now. Longest dry spell I've had in quite a while, glad it'll be ending soon with his purchase.


>> No.9810875

In the last 5 days I've slept less than three hours a night. Last night I didn't sleep at all in hopes I'd be able to have a good full night's sleep tonight. Nope, woke after 4 hours.

Jesus help me

>> No.9810913

>24hours awake approach
>stay up all night
>36 hours goddamnit
>ptfo at 8am
>gf wakes me up at 12 noon, barging into room saying “oops sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up”
I know your pains my dude

>> No.9810927

The worst thing is, I don't notice anything wrong with me with only 3 hours of sleep, but at the same time I know this can't be good. Does this get better? At least I have more hours for drinking.

>> No.9810934
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Who Old Rosie/Henry Westons here?

>> No.9810937


just keep drinking till ya do, you don't drink for taste (that's just an added benefit)

>> No.9810955


Tough question, never really consumed things quickly for the sake of speed but rather just massive quantities over a period of time.

However, I do recall playing centurion a while back. 100 (2 oz.) shots of beer in 100 minutes. I don't remember much besides a friend barfing halfway through and feeling very uncomfortable myself...

>> No.9810957

I pretty routinely wake up at 4-5/6 am and just drink alone, and end up taking another three hour nap. Rinse/ repeat.

>> No.9810969

>literally me
Y-you too

I haven't eaten a proper meal in a couple of days too, tomorrow I'll have go out and buy some food, I've been literally living on alcohol and beer carbs for the past week.

>> No.9810997

I’ve done that. My old lady left and I got stuck pet sitting for the week of thanksgiving and I barely left my room (I’d stocked up on five handles of booze). I didn’t eat anything for days and just kind of rolled around and binge watched shit. When it finally came time to buy booze I left my house and did it, stopped for food on the way back.
Just so you’re aware, that first meal after days is HEAVENLY. If you’re ever super procrastinating (as opposed to never even thinking about food), just go do it. It’s pretty comfy to just drink after eating a large, decent meal.

>> No.9811009

I dunno how you guys can sleep for such a small amount of time.
I've cut down my drinking to only 3 days a week now but i need around 10 hours of sleep after drinking.

>> No.9811022

I’m jealous. I can’t sleep for more than a few hours uninterrupted, weather it be me or someone/ some sound waking me up.

>> No.9811029

>eating a large meal before drinking
>making it harder to get drunk
But seriously though, I have to force myself to eat, I've had malnutrition before and it's a bitch. I'll have to have a few 3k+ cal meals to get some protein and micronutrients.

I just pass out and wake up three hours later with no need to sleep anymore. Not like it's intentional, I can't wait to get a good night's sleep.

>> No.9811030
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really want to get sad drunk but i know it's a bad idea

i'm just so fucking lonely

i haven't seen my best friend in like 2 weeks and they're busy like all the time with work and i was gonna see them today but they're sick so maybe tomorrow's plans are cancelled too

>> No.9811036
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i have some medical shit that i'm waiting for and i'm not supposed to drive until i get it done so i can't really do anything, i'm just stuck in the house, it's so fucking boring, it's a prison

>> No.9811058

I know this feel as well, tore my acl and couldn’t drive for almost two and a half months. It took me a while to realize I hadn’t left the house in weeks and then after that I just leaned in. A friend came to check on me who was a fellow alcki and I gave him enough money that he had to use a cart at the liquor store to complete my order.

>> No.9811063

>angrypepe.jpg about that
It sounds like you’re drinking beer my dude

>> No.9811069

i have a decent collection of liquor here and i could walk to a store to buy beer if i really wanted to, i'm trying not to give into the urge to just get wasted every night because it'd make me fat and fitness is the only thing i'm making progress on while i sit around waiting for this procedure

>> No.9811080

I'm on my way out of alcoholism desu, I almost feel like a normal person who just drinks on friday/saturday night except that i drink much more than my friends.
I just fall asleep very easily after drinking, even more if I dude weed lmao as well, like I don't feel the effects of weed much other than the fact that I seem to have a nice sleep.

>> No.9811098

i sleep so well when i'm crossfaded but alcohol-only sleep is godawful, i either can't get to sleep because of hangover headache if i wait too long after drinking, or i get hangover headache a few hours into sleeping and i wake up

>> No.9811107

Watching this now, what a fascinating documentary. Holy shit the UK is FUCKED.

>> No.9811152
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how Russian is this guy

>> No.9811261

Omfg I can’t go on. Just woke at 2am because it hit zero degrees in my room. No human has ever been as uncomfortable as I am right now. Anyone know how to hibernate?

>> No.9811287

I much prefer alcoholism. I keep it down to the point that I get no shakes unless I get stupidly fucking drunk (probably .25 BAC or more) the night before, no delirium tremens, the worst is basically some light insomnia. As for the actual 'high', meaning drunkenness, it doesn't take long to take effect and when it does it feels incredible for several hours, ultimately also aiding in getting to sleep once I'm done. With the right application of water before going to bed and also early in the morning, hang overs are basically non-existent. It's stupidly easy to avoid them. Being a stoner was fun but I prefer alcohol even though it's worse for the body.

Guinness if you can afford it. Another option is Captain Morgan rum-and-coke. It's only 35%, barely even worth considering liquor. Another option is wine. Yet another option if you want something stronger is port wine (20%). You could also go for lager, lager is ok.

>> No.9811296

How long do you wait after getting blackout drunk and vomiting to start drinking again?

>> No.9811380

Uh, no time. If I’m awake I’m drinking. I only throw when sober.

>> No.9811390

*throw up.

Christ on a bike I am so cold, this is surely dangerous. Feel so sorry for homeless ppl on night like this, as I roll thick duvets around myself, eat tendies as required and keep myself warm by fapping over porn, still sulking about the conditions in which I live. The shit I’d be going through right now if I had nothing but a pavement to sit on forever. Unimaginable

>> No.9811445

Only 4 days until my urologist appointment and im so afraid i killed my kidneys.

>> No.9811465

Literally are you me?

>> No.9811488

I’ve been pissing blood for at least 16 years (when the first blood test detected it, may have been longer for all I know as it’s microscopic) my kidneys hurt (actually almost everything fucking hurts) and I drink a stupid amount, but my kidneys are still in functional condition. I know 60yo alchies/junkies who haven’t been sober for 45 years, their kidneys still work too, even though they hurt.
The net is a terrible source of med advice. It’ll always yield the most perilous results for the symptoms you present, because the first link anyone with a sneeze will click on, will be the one describing nose cancer. Bet you’ll be fine.

>> No.9811528

I had a terrible binge and drank a handle in 2 days. I drank a fifth in 4-5ish hours thr first day, no food. Blacked out. Woke up 12 hours later, then started drinking the rest of it in 3 hours. I only had a few ounces left over. I didnt piss for a whole day, and ive been pissing cloudy ever since with constant kidney pain.when im hydrated my urine smells, looks, and tastes fine, but i do have microscopic blood my doc said.

Im massively anxious.

>> No.9811543

When you puked was it between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning?

>> No.9811557

Just sounds like a normal day to me, really wouldn’t be worried. I’m 40 soon, the thousands of health worries I’ve had over decades of drinking, using hard drugs, fucking everyone and generally refusing to stop living life at 1,000 mph, have yielded 3 serious disorders, and even those aren’t fatal.

>> No.9811567

Thredbkil threatens imminence

>> No.9811594

>Tastes fine
Dude on a serious note don't tase your piss, I'm sure your kidneys are fine, your doctor is probably just going to tell you that you need to stop drinking, per usual.

>> No.9811595

Are those disorders caused by alcohol?

>> No.9811599

Do it at 3am

>> No.9811622
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Near-permanent blackout-level boozing and frequent ODs on drugs, over decades.

>> No.9811657

Lol i dont remember. I puked after my second session before crashing

>> No.9811658

But it wssnt a lot at all. I never threw up and never got nauseous the day after

>> No.9811660
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>> No.9811969 [DELETED] 

>haven't seen or spoken to any friend for over 4 years
at this point I'm just used to living like a hermit

I don't think any of my friends would even consider me a friend anymore