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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9807559 No.9807559 [Reply] [Original]

Mother in law fucked the non stick pan in my rice cooker. Can I just remove all the non stick coating and bake on some oil seasoning?

>> No.9807576

You could probably just get a replacement pan from the manufacturer or on amazon or something. Or tell her to buy you a new fucking rice cooker since she fucked it up.

>> No.9807612
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hunga munga tell relative buy new part for thing.

>> No.9807632

>**I** fucked the non stick pan in my rice cooker doing something stupid

>> No.9807793

those pans have lead in them. once the coating is compromised, you are fucked. get a new one.

>> No.9807797

Any scratches, and especially SCRAPES of nonstick coating remove the flakes of carcinogenic teflon and then you eat it :) yummyyy

>> No.9808029

>meme cooker
Are people really so retarded they can’t make rice on a stovetop?

>> No.9808038

Maybe get a Buffalo if this happens twice.

many people eat rice every day

>> No.9808043

so why not just boil it every day? is the rice really that much better?

>> No.9808058


>> No.9808060
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in what way

>> No.9808065

I can turn it on and go watch hentai or something. The rice is perfect every time.

>> No.9808071

In every way.

>> No.9808077
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>> No.9808085

I made brown rice in a pan today And do so regularly (yesterday? Its like 3:30 am) I wish I still had a rice cooker. Its just easier and convenient.

>> No.9808088
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Let me convey it to you in a way you can understand.

>> No.9808109
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>> No.9808139

Don't let in laws fuck your appliances.

>> No.9808169

well it's too late for that now, isn't it. couldn't you have told us sooner?

>> No.9808469

If you bought a zojirushi you can get them straight from zoji

If you bought a tiger or another meme cooker you are screwed
Yes, you're special because you, and only you, somehow figured out that a rice cooker cooks rice and water together in an enclosure. Have you done your college applications yet? Because you're obviously MIT material

>> No.9808475

Are people really so retarded they can’t make toast on a stovetop?

>> No.9808488
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>tell relative buy new part for thing
now what do you do

>> No.9808489

You don't understand. It's all day, every day. With a rice cooker, there is rice ready 24/7.

>> No.9808500
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Personally I love hovering around the stove multiple times a day to turn the heat off at exactly the right time. It proves to the voices in my head that I'm a real self reliant Alton Brown type and I don't need no automation to take muh jerrb

>> No.9808593

if the value of thing is over $20, file lawsuit for damages.

>> No.9808599

small claims court is faster

t. petty revenge aficionado

>> No.9808604

We had a war here on thanksgiving because I wouldn't let anyone touch my pots/pans/knives/appliances. They all think I'm an elitist shit now. But at least all my tools are still in usable condition. Normies really don't understand how a knife isn't always 'just a knife' and whatnot. You'd think with the popularity of cooking shows, they'd have it figured out. Nope. Last thanksgiving, one of those fuckers stirred a nonstick stockpot with a metal spatula for 30 minutes while I was gone, and another used a $230 knife to open cans because she couldn't find the can opener. Never again.

>> No.9808619
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>having a family that can't even use cooking tools properly
have you ever considered that maybe you should stop putting on airs and just wallow in filth with your relatives?

I mean a knife *is* just a knife, your family's issue is that they seem to think it's also a can opener and a spatula

>> No.9808628

>I mean a knife *is* just a knife

My knives are worth more than her kids, and I told the woman as much. Which was probably where things started heading south.

Totally worth it.

>> No.9808632

Who gives a fuck about their kids, right?

>> No.9808641

if you're cooking a holiday meal for a large group and any given knife is more than a fraction of the total cost of ingredients, wine, etc, you've got your priorities all wrong

>> No.9808688

it's technically his fault for letting them use it

>> No.9808697

Why not just cook your rice in a saucepan?

>> No.9808712

Kick them out of my house until they learn respect for me and my property

Small claims court >>9808599>>9808593 if the issues are longstanding and they have a history of being obnoxious

>> No.9808713

You have to be a weeb to understand.

>> No.9808778

saucepan doesn't turn itself off while you're having a fap

>> No.9808795

>wasting a couple days of your life over a $50 rice cooker pot
>when in all likelihood your case will get thrown out because you can't prove anyone did anything and you look like a giant asshole for going after someone for something so petty
Unless you normally keep a security cam rolling in your kitchen?

>> No.9808802

It's illegal to say your God's name so there's that

>> No.9808807

Yeah it does. Just put your stove on a timer.

>> No.9808818

I have never seen stove burners that run on a timer. The oven, sure, but not the burners, and especially not gas burners

>> No.9808840

Lol, poorfag.

>> No.9808848

Post some fucking pictures then, don't just stand there like a retard.

>> No.9808879

Well you got me. No, but seriously though, my parents really do have a timer on their burners. I mean, it's a timer for the whole stove, but the burners turn off after the timer has gone.

>> No.9808887

Are you fucking stupid? Yes, rice from a rice cooker is always better than from a stove

>> No.9808912

if rice cookers cook rice perfect every time, then how on gods green earth did she manage to fuck it up?

>> No.9808919

holy shit christfags BTFO

>> No.9808936

>you look like a giant asshole for going after someone for something so petty

If it keeps them out of my house and away from my shit then so much the better.

>> No.9808989

Scratched the nonstick with a metal utensil, probably.
I bet your family fucking LOVES you.

>> No.9809004

MY family doesn't go around breaking eachother's shit willy nilly, we get along great.

>> No.9809014

Probably OP was a dumbass and tried to scope out the rice with a metal fork. There was no mother in law

>> No.9809017

Have you considered just throwing the fucking thing away, and cooking rice in a fucking pot?

>> No.9809743

>ugga bugga no buy new part for thing
relative no borrow more thing until relative buy new part for thing

>> No.9809876

why would a relative be borrowing a rice cooker anyway?
nigga probably has people in his house and can't run shit

>> No.9809894

Then change "borrow" to "use".

>> No.9810031

you can recoat teflon pans with spray and shit

>> No.9810035

You can cook more thank rice in it, cocksucker.

>> No.9810582


if a rice cooker is as amazing and convenient as all you weebs say it is, how was it even possible to fuck it up the first place?

>> No.9810611

You underestimate the power of the dark side and/or mother in law

>> No.9810616

Because the pot that most rice cookers come with is nonstick. They also come with a little plastic paddle to scoop the rice out of it.
Like read the fucking thread, we've gone over this already, Jesus

>> No.9810626

if it's so petty, why can't they admit they damaged it and buy a new one? that seems way more petty to me.

>> No.9810629

This is the most embarrassing use of an electronic device to create food I've ever seen. This is what you do when you're afraid of carbohydrates and proteins.


Spend a few hours and learn you fucking proles.

>> No.9810643

asking them to pay for it to begin with is petty
ignorance before malice, assume it was a fucking accident and move on with your miserable, pathetic little life

>> No.9810652


and all of their shit ends up in a land fill. These assholes can't use a simple fucking pot so they toss in man-hours and electronic metal into a land fill because they're too stupid to breathe.

>> No.9810659

These perennial teenagers are going to landfill this planet into the ground by being needy.

>> No.9810676

Sounds like your whore mother in law is about to get her kneecaps blown out.

>> No.9810699
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>> No.9810807

are you personally aware that dyslexia and mental retardation are not the same thing?

>> No.9810811

The bottom part doesn't say mental retardation. It says "mentally and developmentally disabled," which would include dyslexia. Don't make up shit out of nowhere.

>> No.9810819

yes but you can read his statement which disregards that and only addresses the mentally retarded... can't you? Oh wait, of course you can't you are illiterate.

>> No.9810823

Hey dude he might just be dyslexic, chill out.

>> No.9810826

Sounds like mommy is a big influence on you. Don't forget to do the dishes tonight for some GBP!

>> No.9811064


>> No.9811083

>ignorance before malice, assume it was a fucking accident
Whatever, either way she owes OP a new rice cooker.
>and move on with your miserable, pathetic little life
Or--and hear me out here--he insists on a replacement and he moves on with a better, self-respecting life

>> No.9811095

I kek'd

>> No.9811108

>a new rice cooker
only if you're too dumb to buy zojirushi

>> No.9811110

Sick projection. Call your mother. She misses you.

>> No.9811173
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>this whole goddamned thread
If you are literally too lazy or retarded to cook rice in a pan and look at a fucking clock to tell when it's done, you need to be fucked to death because you're too stupid to live.

>> No.9811186

Most technological advances can be blamed on laziness. We should abolish the wheel.

>> No.9811197

>he thinks I'll change my statement due to his brilliant parallel
on the day of the holding people by the neck for several minutes you'll be the first to be lifted

>> No.9811379

>he doesn't cook on an open pit
If you are literally too lazy or retarded to rub two sticks together and look at the fucking sun to tell when it's done, you need to be fucked to death because you're too stupid to live.

>> No.9812707

Order a new pan to her home address, to be paif on delivery. Add a note (you owe me this)

>> No.9812821

>I'm not why I'm addicted to oxycontin, it's a magical force external to me preventing me from getting a job
>I'm not going to resolve any of my personal issues, a magical force external to me will some day arrive and dramatically sweep them all away
ask me how I know you're white

>> No.9812857

>that strange projection about oxy addiction
it's ok to ask for help my man

>> No.9812859

the only drug I use is caffeine, cleetus
but don't worry some day all this confusing 'diversity' stuff will just go away and you will finally be a winner just as you like to imagine your grandpa once was, even though he wasn't

>> No.9812862

if there's one thing I like about nords it's that they abort retards. fight me.

>> No.9812868
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>ahhh, delicious caffeine the only mind altering substance I'll allow myself.... oh, hello white man I didn't see you there.
>must be hard, knowing that the world you work so hard to build is going to be taken by *sip* the savage unwashed masses. But don't worry we'll always speak fondly of you when you're gone >*sllluuuuuuuuuurrrp*

you are a strange angry man

>> No.9812872


>> No.9812878

it's five am and it's snowing here for the first time in ten years

and this post made me lose my fucking shit
stay comfy /ck/