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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9805721 No.9805721 [Reply] [Original]

I'm new to Coffee and only drink instant at the moment but wanted to treat myself to one of these for Christmas.

But which and why? Aeropress, Espresso maker, or french press?

>> No.9805770

Moka pot is best. Also grind your own beans.

>> No.9805772

The French press is good for traditional style coffee, whereas the moka pot (in the middle) produces a beverage half way between regular coffee and espresso. Stronger than regular coffee and in smaller volume, but not as intense as espresso.

The Aeropress I have no experience with, so I really can't say.

I'd go with the French press over the moka pot though, its easier and there is less chance of overcooking the coffee and making it bitter as fuck.

>> No.9805920 [DELETED] 

>buying (((coffee making apparatus's)))
Just throw your coffee into some hot water, stir, and wait 2 minutes for the grains to sink.

>> No.9805979

not the moka pot

>> No.9805982

You'll also want a burr grinder. Hario skerton is good and cheap, but it'll take around 5 minutes to grind 40g of beans.
Having used all 3 of those choices, i prefer french press, but the other two aren't bad by any means. (Technically i use an espro press but it's basically equivalent to a french press. Good if you want to pay extra for it.)

>> No.9805986

none, just drink free coffee at work like an adult male individual

>> No.9806075

I havent tried the aeropress, but I prefer the pour over to the moka pot and the french press.Added benefit is its not very expensive.

>> No.9806110


>> No.9806123

women fucking love buying their coffee at chain stores, so I specified men

>> No.9806183

French press for "regular coffee", espresso machine for espresso. Note that the latter will run you up more than 500 for anything drinkable.

Don't fall for the moka pot meme, it's basically just bad espresso

>> No.9806208

Also even if it's just a $15 manual model, get a fucking burr grinder no matter what and only grind right before brewing. Also also don't ever use boiling water, aim around 200f

>> No.9806452


>but I prefer the pour over to the moka pot and the french press
Why? I didn't think of that but it sounds good.

>none, just drink free coffee at work like an adult male individual

I don't get free coffee at work, and what about on my days off?

>> No.9806489

how to grind own beans with 0 space? are there very tiny coffee grinders?

>> No.9806494

the majority of /ck/ is female

>> No.9806501

you have no evidence for this whatsoever.

>> No.9806506

you have no evidence I have no evidence

>> No.9806514

French press


Inb4 durr reddit. You go ahead and make a better resource

>> No.9806518

Not an argument.

>> No.9806523
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>> No.9806633

Get a french press.

>> No.9806664

Large weak coffee, easy to make = French press
Small strong coffee, slightly less easy to make = moka pot

Never tried the aeropress

>> No.9806709

>and what about on my days off?
why would you ever need coffee on an off day?

>> No.9806717

a cheap french press and a good grinder.

>> No.9806727

Maybe because it's enjoyable?
I drink coffee all the time when I don't need it. In fact I have decaf too so I can drink it while winding down before bed

>> No.9806739

It's great and not everyone uses it as a drug to slog through the day. Too much caffeine just gives me anxiety, so I make one great cup of pourover every day because I thoroughly enjoy it

>> No.9806750

So what's the proper way of using a Moka pot? Medium or high heat? Do I press on the ground coffee or just kind of throw it in there?

>> No.9806768

>In fact I have decaf too so I can drink it while winding down before bed
well thats fucking weird

>> No.9806775

You're weird for having a problem with it

>> No.9806777
File: 49 KB, 600x521, pour over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pour over is the easiest and makes really good coffee

>> No.9806788

At this point, just get a $20 coffee maker at Walmart or something. It's the same principle but on a larger scale.

>> No.9806806

enjoy drinking coffee that tastes like a $20 chinese coffee maker built by enslaved children from the shittiest plastic that money can buy

>> No.9806812

>$20 coffee maker
Does not attain or maintain proper water temperature


>> No.9806819

Now this is pretentious.

>> No.9806824

>Pour Over

Unemployed detected. Shit takes like 10 minutes to make a single cup. Fucking worthless, but the taste is great and is nice on the weekend.

>> No.9806834

Or reasonable if you want actual good coffee

>> No.9806835
File: 56 KB, 600x600, pourover thermos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't pourover into a thermos

It's like you hate coffee or something

>> No.9806838

I only make one cup at a time before I go to work. Pour over is perfect for that, it's the best single cup system

>> No.9806840

If you enjoy it, you'll get up 10 minutes earlier

>> No.9806871
File: 1.28 MB, 1152x2048, 20171207_190040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stanley soup container
What is this, an amount of hot caffinated beverage suitable for insects?

>> No.9806886

this actually proves her point that she is indeed a womyn

>> No.9806896

Ranked by appreciation by a lazy person:

1. Aeropress -- easy as fuck to clean and fast to brew single cup. Downside is that it's way more likely to break than other options.

2. French Press -- my choice for lazy weekends and whenever I also want to brew looseleaf tea, which is what I use it for more often these days.

3. Moka pot -- perfectly good coffee, but I find coaxing it to a boil while not brewing too fast a bit of a pain in the ass. Also, when using already warm/hot water in the base, it makes closing and getting a proper seal quite an operation.

>> No.9806909

I mean there's coffee grinders no bigger than the moka pot

>> No.9806925

Hario Skelton, but hand grinding is a pain in the ass. Also if you use a spice/coffee grinder with just a blade, you'll end up with really irregular ground covfefe. Lots of tiny bits that would pass through a French press as well as big ass chunks that don't even get extracted.

>> No.9806934


>> No.9806943

I roast fresh coffee beans and grind at home every week or so and I own all three. I would get the french press first. Makes a good cup of regular coffee. You can control the strength entirely with grind size and amount of beans or water. What I like is it keeps most of the oils from the coffee. The aeropress uses a paper filter unless you buy a metal one and it makes the coffee thinner. The mocha pot would be my second choice. You can make a really strong coffee at home that isn't quite espresso. Get once size bigger than you think you need because they also make a little less than you think. I gave the Aeropress a try for about a month and haven't used it since. It made good coffee, even got metal filters for it, but I still default to the french press. Seems like a bit of a meme machine.

>> No.9806950

>Seems like a bit of a meme machine.
It definitely is

>> No.9807172

just buy them all retard

>> No.9807235

Any good coffee autist will eventually own them all, but everyone needs to start somewhere and that should be the French press

>> No.9807238

french press or pourover, either is fine.
the single biggest upgrade to your coffee game is grinding right before you brew, even a shitty blade grinder is better than preground

>> No.9807282

low/med heat and just put the grounds in.

>> No.9807319
File: 41 KB, 808x292, cafe bustelo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's only really worth it if you are into cubano coffee. moka pots make shitty espresso versus a real pump driven machine, and it's much stronger than drip coffee

>> No.9807388

i will. you enjoy your 20 buck press

>> No.9808871

what's that device behind the thermos?

>> No.9808940

Gud thread.

>> No.9809081

Do u guys like... decaf?

>> No.9809239

I vote French press.

>> No.9809257

hate it. I'd rather drink tea.

>> No.9809563

Personally I prefer the moka pot. It's quick, zero waste, and I like that it's stronger than your average cup of coffee (when I go to a cafe I usually get a 8oz americano). French press coffee is a bit light for my taste. I prefer the darker, deeper flavours of coffee over the lighter fruitier ones, I like that almost-burnt flavour (coffee snobs might call me a pleb but whatever I like what I like).

Aeropress is really good. I got my parents one a while back and it makes a really nice strong coffee, but I think there's too many moving parts/parts that need replacing to be convenient to me in day to day life.

>> No.9809575

Why can't we make a wiki? Fuck. Why are we so useless?

>> No.9809583

the entire reason I would buy something other than a drip coffee maker is because they have less components and take up less space

>> No.9809632

Doesn't really matter. If you're not a retarded faggot, you won't have a problem going to a website where there is good info that you're looking for

>> No.9809650

we have other things that reddit doesn't have, anon!

>> No.9809689

I dont really like the coffee from the moka pot for some reason. Just never tastes right to me. I find the french press to be more effort than the pour over.

>> No.9809700

it's meant for extremely dark roast espresso ground coffee, like Lavazza, Bustelo, or Pilon. They are only popular because they caught on in countries without electricity back in the day.

The only reason to use a moka pot is if you like cafe cubanos