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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9798103 No.9798103 [Reply] [Original]

Tonight's dessert is maple-flavoured cheesecake with candied bacon bits. Let's start!

>> No.9798113

I am monitoring this thread.

>> No.9798115
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>candied bacon bits. Let's start!
Let's not.

>> No.9798125

Fuck off Reddit faggot

>> No.9798127
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First, let's blend three bricks of cream cheese and 3/4ths of a cup of white sugar.

>> No.9798140

Good meme

>> No.9798156
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Next, we need three eggs. Don't be a dummy like me, though - you should add them one at a time and blend each individually.

>> No.9798188
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After the eggs are blended in we get to add our flavours! I put a bit of vanilla, a bit of maple, and some Aunt Jem (pretend) maple syrup. Remember to scrape the side of your blending bowl!

>> No.9798221
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Next we add the bacon. I cut 1/6th of a pack into tiny pieces and fried them in the pan with some rice vinegar, brown sugar, syrup and pepper.

>> No.9798223

oh boy

>> No.9798237
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After the bacon is added, it's ready for the oven!

>> No.9798243

>cheese cake
really makes me think

>> No.9798247

I also cook mine in the microwave

>> No.9798251
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It's in a better place now.

>> No.9798319

So your only experience with cheese cake is that pilsbury instant garbage? I'm glad OP is able to teach you something today. Pay attention.

>> No.9798333

haha retard

>> No.9798376

Thanks for sharing, OP. I'm not sure if I would like the bacon-maple flavor but your base recipe seems easy. Can you tell us a little about how you made the crust?

>> No.9798378
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All finished! Tomorrow it'll be covered with a caramel sauce with bacon pieces and chopped pecans. Maybe I'll make a follow along thread for that, too. If anyone wants the ingredient list or amounts let me know! Happy baking!

>> No.9798387

Is bacon a necessity? My stomach can't handle pork well. Shoots through me faster than a Kenyan on a track being chased by child support.

>> No.9798390

So don't add bacon, retard. Are you new to cooking or something?

>> No.9798400

Looks great. I'm impressed by the limited breaking on top.

>> No.9798403

Every time I make a crust I use the amounts that you'd find on a graham crumb box - 1 1/4 C graham crumbs/cookie crumbs/etc and 1/4 C butter. This time I used 1 1/4 C graham crumbs, 1/8th C unsalted butter and 1/8th C rendered bacon fat, as well as a pinch of cinnamon for fun!

Nope! I just use a base recipe for the cheesecake batter and then add whatever flavouring or ingredients I want to it. I make one with copious amounts of Irish liqueur every St. Patrick's day. :)

>> No.9798414
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Thank you Anon!

>> No.9798416

No, I'm just blatantly retarded AND new to cooking. There's a strong difference.