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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 12 KB, 600x325, SilhouetteOfWomanDrinkingWine_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9796969 No.9796969 [Reply] [Original]

fuck you lazy drunks

>> No.9796982
File: 245 KB, 2048x1308, 6524678225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Round two.

>> No.9797025

Fuck winter time

>> No.9797033


>> No.9797041

The hunger since I stopped is insatiable. I think my body is hoovering up kilos of much-needed nutrients. Bacon, beef, veg, fruits, nuts, omelettes today - I can’t stop the hunger

>> No.9797050

Being too hot is way worse

>> No.9797056

I drank a shit ton every single day and didn't eat anything for like a week straight, then had such bad withdrawals I threw up every 5 minutes for almost 2 days. It was hell. Normally I can pound back tons of food, but after my stomach shrank and was so sore from all the vomiting, I could barely eat a thing before getting full.

>> No.9797069


Summer I can drink a few beers and cool off with any other cold beverage, winter makes me wanna pound liquor so I don't remember it's cold and it feels funny on my already numb face.

>> No.9797080

I hate that. While it's fun to enjoy a huge feast after days of starving, one of the nice things about alcoholism is losing fat. Then you just gain it back in a few days when you sober up.

>> No.9797227


>> No.9797233

As opposed to?

>> No.9797235

today's the first anniversary of my mom's death
feeling like shit so just gonne take a shitload of benzos and finish this 1.75
wish we luck lads

>> No.9797250


>> No.9797263

Sorry to hear that anon. Makes me want to be closer to my parents, as they are getting old but I left home when I was 18.

>> No.9797269

Let me guess, the lines are totally straight.

>> No.9797292

you don't know what you have until it's gone, never take your parents for granted
both of mine are dead from the liquor and I'm only fucing 23

>> No.9797330
File: 337 KB, 400x409, aeternam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burning feels great

>> No.9797352

dude just put on some sweaters

get some stanfields. I'm layered up and drinking chilly ciders and it's freezing outside

>> No.9797391
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Feels good to be able to enjoy a few drinks without pretending I have a problem just to feel like an adult

>> No.9797499

What did you mean by this?

>> No.9797507

>implying I feel like an adult in the slightest

>> No.9797541
File: 2.00 MB, 2057x1494, Drugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9797546

My father is still alive. I told him to fuck himself a few years ago; havent talked since. I know that old saying "you dont know what you got til its gone", but sometimes you know what you got, and its a pile of turds.

>> No.9797566

Oh boy. Didn't need that to spell it out for me though.

>> No.9797579

I answered yes to most questions regarding a variety of drugs. In saying that, I work a corporate job, earn enough money to burn through without any financial consequences, I don't rely on anyone [apart from HR payroll] (and I don't have anyone relying on me), so am I an addict? Yep. I just like to get fucked up, and it isn't illegal to be an alcohol.

>> No.9797581

>tfw the truth

>> No.9797660

Ive begun tapering.

Oh god its suffering.

I only did aboit 1/3 a bottle of whiskey tonight and noe im laying in bed sobering up and wanting nothing more than to go out and buy another bottle of whiskey. Irritable as hell and just want to get this night over with.

So much rage right now. But I know it will be worth getting off the booze. Especially for my hair, which has been thinning out considerabley.

>> No.9797661
File: 29 KB, 152x154, sugoooi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have i had too much to drink tonight?

>> No.9797671

Most likely

>> No.9797693

Well, sober night #3, just waiting to fall asleep. Felt tired for about 3 hours now, tried to sleep for about an hour too, no good. I need to invest in some sleeping pills... did more drinking on November than I was planning, hoping to keep December under control until Christmas and New Years.

>> No.9797713
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Calling in sick tomorrow so I can get tanked after my psych visit tonight.

>> No.9797810
File: 80 KB, 640x620, eQ3xgnl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was going to sleep 7 hours ago
>instead stayed up and drank a whole bottle of vodka
>now dealing with the fact there's no alcohol to drink in the house for when I wake up if I go to sleep now
>trying to force myself to leave the house in daylight to buy more

but im not an alcoholic right?


(I'm well aware that I am)

>> No.9797824

Why it be like it do

>> No.9797826

But it is

>> No.9797828

but they dont think it be like it is but but it do

>> No.9797829

have you ever felt like things could be different, and then you remember you're you?

>> No.9797854

Is it possible to drink yourself to death, but have it be a reasonably pleasant experience? Asking for a friend.

>> No.9797862


>> No.9797883

Anybody here do coke?

I'm going to be awake all night and I need to talk to real people. Everybody who's normal is asleep.

>> No.9797891

>timezones don't exist
spotted the american

>> No.9797895


Wait, is drinking really bad for your hair?

>> No.9797902

Yeah they do, Eastern standard and Central standard. I know because it always says those two during commercials for TV shows on my 62 inch tube TV.

>> No.9797924
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birth is violent, and so is death

>> No.9797962
File: 36 KB, 612x479, 1468021537735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drunk again, caffeine pills didn't last. I don't know what to say. it just feels better this way. hope I die.but not really. it's fine. till the withdrawls

>> No.9797979

Red letter media is my only friend, for an hour a week.

>> No.9797987

I don't do coke but I'll be dunk posting here in a few hours, for many hours.

>> No.9798008

I did a quick google search and this came up

But then
>Source: agencies

Drinking poison probably isn't great for our hair.

>> No.9798021
File: 70 KB, 929x842, mike stoklasa at olive garden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you find yourself drinking more when you watch those guys?
>mfw Rich is actually a tea-totaller.

>> No.9798077

No more than usual. I watch them when I'm tanked. There was a photo floating around of what they looked like 5-10 years ago which was interesting.

>> No.9798096

Why do my hairs hurt? Specifically at the roots.

>> No.9798104

consult a doctor not a bunch of idiot drunks

>> No.9798105

Yeah, it's weird to see the older stuff now. I guess we all age.

>> No.9798128


>> No.9798149

When I get drunk, I just get sleepy. Do you drink a lot at once or do something like drink a bunch of beers over a long period of time?

>> No.9798157

You might be experiencing symptoms of retardation. How in the h*ck are you able to feel nerve impulses from hair?

>> No.9798177

It’s really just at the roots, and only the ones on my head. When I pull my hair/ shift it to one side/ comb or brush it, it noticeably hurts.
It might just be retardation.

>> No.9798181

Could be hyperalgesia.
Thirding the recommendation to see a doctor.

>> No.9798189

How long does it take before you get to the point that you need to have a drink first thing in the morning? For about 3 years I was drunk pretty much everyday, at least 350 days a year I figure, usually with straight liquor, and always to pretty much full intoxication. Likely a minimum of .18-.2 BAC but I'm certain I've gone beyond that on many, many occasions. Since early 2016 I've been slowly cutting down, I'm down to about twice a week now, perhaps 3 times a week at most on occasion so I definitely think I've saved myself from crippling alcoholism however I NEVER want to be completely without it, I fucking LOVE getting drunk. Anyways, how long did it take some people before it got to the point where the thought of not having it in the morning was scary? Well, in truth the thought of being without both alcohol and money for over 3 days is pretty fucking terrifying and miserable, but I can handle 2 straight days sober pretty easily as long as things don't get stressful.

>> No.9798415

>how long did it take some people before it got to the point where the thought of not having it in the morning was scary?
after I started drinking before work to cope with how much I hated it

then I began bringing more alcohol in a concealed bottle so that after the morning drinks wore off I could get drunk midday so that I wasn't sober the whole day until I got home to drink again

>> No.9798423


>> No.9798485

I see, rough stuff. Ever had the DTs? Delirium tremens?

>> No.9798495


I have drank a fifth a night almost every night for 6 years (I am almost 27) I took random breaks but I never ONCE had the urge to drink in the morning. I have had fellow alchys tell me that its the best hangover cure etc and I'm sure it is, but fuck that. drink at night, at home, and fuck everybody. don't drive.

>> No.9798508

some anxiety but that's it, never tried to go sober for longer than a day

been about 4 years now

>> No.9798553

If you still care about fancy cars and sluts beyond your teens you’re an idiot m8

>> No.9798589
File: 318 KB, 1280x853, 8B97B7EE-EF26-4683-A132-8072746CFAD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that’s every man on earth. Why are you in such denial? Are you a fat chick?

>> No.9798602

Want s cosy nights sleep? Try sleeping on stairs, using a bike as a duvet. Fuck me what happened last night.

>> No.9798618

I said yes to EVERY question, wtf

>> No.9798626

I've come to terms with my alcoholism

I used to hate being a drunk

Fuck it

>> No.9798627

Hahahhaa my man

>> No.9798631

Me2 lmao nothing surprises me when I hear about what I did the night before

>> No.9798651

Drinking gives me energy. I'd usually smash 12 high ABV beers over a couple of hours, then switch to red wine. When I start hitting the wine that's when I get sleepy and blackout.

>> No.9798669
File: 143 KB, 799x767, 0ud5s93y28tz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>showering before work
>throw up blood
>man, I could really go for a beer right now

>> No.9798671

Tbh last week I woke up with broken ribs at my buddies house and I blacked out roughly 50 miles away from there.

Apparently police heliocopters were involved, but here I am, a free man.

I swear I'm not a bad person. I still don't truly know what happened.

>> No.9798674

My upstairs neighbor can go fuck herself. Banging on my fucking door telling me to turn down my tunes, bitch how do you not like Elvis at 2am?

>> No.9798679

>I swear I'm not a bad person. I still don't truly know what happened.

I know them feels. Once I got really tanked and my girl was talking shit so I got mad and broke her ribs when we were fighting. I don't remember a thing.

>> No.9798684

Noise disturbances are hell. Massively more soundproofing needs to be made mandatory by building regs. I used to sleep in a homemade coffin to escape my neighbor’s fucking cunt of a dog.

>> No.9798697

I think you might be a bad person anon.

>> No.9798698

>tfw wake up with headaches every day because I nearly suffocate myself with a thick blanket in order to sleep

>> No.9798700

You know those people who make money from live-streaming their Home lives? I wonder how popular a 24/7 alchie stream would be? I wouldn’t care if people watched me rolling around in shit crying if I got paid for it. I do it for free now anyway, plus I’d be famous, the roasties would be queuing for miles

>> No.9798713

No it’s not, most people don’t have living like a meme rapper as a priority as an adult. Granted, a lot of them still have dumb priorities that make them miserable for most of their lives, but muh epic dan bilzerian life isn’t it.

>> No.9798720

Would literally be me sitting at my computer drinking and listening to music. In my case, a terrible viewing experience. People might stick around for the later hours when I get incredibly horny and start wanking it off to traps though.

>> No.9798728
File: 149 KB, 640x960, DBFB8EDA-34D7-4978-B4E3-CF64B96F24B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh huh. You’re the kinda guy who’d upon finding this, give her a bowl of eggs. I get it. A eunuch.

>> No.9798731

>For about 3 years I was drunk pretty much everyday

ANON WTF? That sounds like my dream how did u find such a living? Pro tips pls

>> No.9798734

Man that bath is disgusting 0/10 would not bathe in.

>> No.9798739

you are not under any duty to untie her however rape is a crime. feeding someone eggs, however...

>> No.9798758

Try getting over whores mate, it’s like a superpower once you have it down. The same goes for collecting shiny stuff.

>> No.9798800
File: 378 KB, 1703x2560, 0E842818-83C3-4712-A8A6-22676C38FB12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Approximately how long did it take to cultivate this level of denial? And any approximation as to how long you’ll be capable of maintaining it before the inevitable truth becomes overwhelming, and you fall to your knees begging for some soul-soothing orgasm antics with a delicious wickle qtpa2t?

>> No.9798865

I’ve stopped fucking sluts 8 years ago. Still mo regrets.

And it’s not like you can’t get back to it.

>> No.9798933

Did anyone buy Monero when I recently suggested you should? 80 bucks each then, 300 now. Was 200 last night. I just made $1,600 overnight in my sleep. I can post a guide if anyone wants. Money would make it so much easier to get sober.

>> No.9799010
File: 79 KB, 1059x1600, 1474779424115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt alcohol gf

Why even live?

>> No.9799025

Last night was the first night I haven't had anything to drink in over a year. Went to the gym in the evening so was quite tired and went to bed at around half 10. Slept very well until around 3am when I had to get up for a piss, then I found it really difficult to get back to sleep after. Think I dosed off around 5am and had some really vivid and wierd dreams. Alarm went off at 7am and I found it really hard to get up, snoozed it til 8am while slipping in and out of these dreams. Up and about now and feeling ok, no withdrawals yet.

How long does it take for sleeping to go back to normal? Was going through a 750ml bottle and a crate of beer every 2 days for well over a year, and drinking daily before that.

>> No.9799039

For me it took several weeks before my sleep pattern got back to normal.

>> No.9799052

please post guide.

>> No.9799081

fug this is going to take a hell of a lot of willpower. Wish I had never let it get this bad

>> No.9799099
File: 512 KB, 1280x960, 3E5C7F28-6132-4908-B6D5-69CC10A45E36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IktF out of that feel. Just walked back from a supermarket, Jesus Christ some of the cleavagey goodness. Didn’t even bother talking to them, just sulked my way through the checkout and clinked weepfully back home to my festering poison pit. The fuckers have near-total control over muh benis, and as such my all. I want a pic related. Or two. Grils are the illuminati. I submit.

>> No.9799102

I guess I've just got a strong constitution.

>> No.9799105

I would give anything for an enabling alcohol gf that would eventually shoot me in my sleep while she's blackout drunk

>> No.9799119
File: 52 KB, 628x471, F375BBAB-2F6A-444A-A3A3-A8F8D80C2FD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve had a few. Crazy girls are insanely good in bed. Worth being shot in the head tbqhpham.

>> No.9799208

She's a fucking wreck, But I'd still fuck her.

Also you're right. Totally worth it

>> No.9799284
File: 1003 KB, 4032x3024, 109462962398407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of quitting my job on Friday and I need the advice from drunken internet strangers. Listen up for a shitty blog post if you will:
>recently graduated with a B.Eng Electrical
>already have had several years' industry experience via work whilst studying
>currently work at a company that pays a $50k AUD salary (about $1 USD)
>average salary for a grad engineer here is $67k
>work is boring, corporate culture sucks ass, my 'team leaders' are literally arts graduate soy boy faggots that know sweet fuck all about engineering, and are getting paid more than I am
>boss lady wants to keep me on $50k 'until I understand the business'
>do 1000 things right, not one notices. Do 1 small thing wrong then the wrath of hell comes down on you like a demoralizing donkey dick
>plenty of job openings in my area, but if I quit now I'll have no money and will have to go NEET for at least a few months

If you were in my shoes fellow al/ck/s, what would you do? Keep in mind my work has no idea that I'm a raging alcohol.

>> No.9799287
File: 514 KB, 956x1167, 1508080997624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you could fuck one celeb, Which would it be?

>pic related

Either Mila Kunis or Natalie Portman

>> No.9799294

Quit your job if you enjoy living off gook pasta.

>> No.9799302

Apply to the other positions, then when you are accepted hand in your notice at your existing job surely?

>> No.9799309
File: 82 KB, 564x832, 0950F6C6-10AE-4E74-88EA-2BBF7B6C31C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably one of these. She’s even an al/ck/, or a bite-sized babby version thereof anyway

>> No.9799341
File: 28 KB, 480x480, 1512497383558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stayed up 12 hours straight so i wouldnt miss presentation
>completely and utterly fucked it up
>also wore the shoes that still smell like dog shit

i haven't been drinking the past few days but i need vodka in my blood stream right now

>> No.9799444

Don't quit until you have something else lined up like the other anon said. This is especially big if you are a drinker. Work is something that keeps a lot of us from going off the rails. I know that for me what sent me on the path to alcoholism was 2 months of being unemployed.

>> No.9799451

First real, good sober sleep last night. It was so good guys.

I worked out, cleaned my apartment, went to the laundromat and then made a decent healthy meal. Was exhausted by 10, asleep by 11.

Words can't describe how comforting it was. It's like you're asleep, but you somehow know it and it just feels like a big warm blanket that keeps getting better.

>> No.9799475
File: 125 KB, 600x760, 1DADEEED-560E-46D0-BA1F-6858B5EE2629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the lack of sleep from booze is crippling. It’s one of the reasons I loathe detox so much. You’re kil enough that you need detox, and while in there the noise and the light alone are enough to guarantee you’re awake for a week. It’s only when you begin getting the sleep back that you realise how cosy it is and how fucked you were. It’s such a blissful feel that it reminds me of babbyhood.

>> No.9799510

Dude, what the fuck?
Everyone here knows you never raise your hand to a woman, even if they’re crazy as shit.

>> No.9799563


>> No.9799630
File: 66 KB, 800x445, IMG_3886-e1492901889850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anywhere else to buy pic related other than Ace Spirits? I have a friend who's really into Hellboy but they don't ship to my cuck state.

>> No.9799742

Haven't seen a mediafire link in a while. What is it? My data is capped.

>> No.9799744

>drink only rail scotch or whisky daily for months
>Build up tolerance, drink enough to be content but not enough to get drunk
>Yesterday have a couple glasses of wine
>Wine absolutely destroyed me
I know people say different alcohols lead to different drunks and different hangovers, but I didn't realize it would be so drastic. It's not the first time I drank, or even got drunk off wine, but I don't remember such a small amount of wine affecting me like this. I thought I could handle more wine because I drink at least 2 shots of whiskey a night to keep the shakes away. But holy shit it gave me the worst headache and hangover. I didn't wake up till 9, missed work and 2 classes, trying to make it to my third class now. Has anyone else experienced something like this when they switch alcohols? Im curious now if I'll experience something like this if I switch to another liquor like vodka or something.

>> No.9799757
File: 418 KB, 586x886, CAAF996C-7AC5-42C2-9944-69AB2FEF78DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>addicted grils.rar

>> No.9799795

This is the greatest collection.

>> No.9799851

Will someone post? On mobile but am interested.

>> No.9799871
File: 1.02 MB, 1113x772, thanks doc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of malnourished women posing at a camera for gear.

>> No.9799878

Nope, never. I can understand the different alcohol different feeling thing, but I feel like that only applies if you’re drinking minimally. I had a 3l/ night wine habit because of liquor laws where I live (no real booze after 11pm, but beer wine and champagne until 2) and it’s all the same once you get really hammered.

>> No.9799896

I've gone through a lot of different phases. In the beginning of what became my full blown alcoholism I was hiding water bottles full of vodka and whiskey in places like my dresser and waking up at 5 in the morning and drinking immediately.
Then I had a time where I was drinking every morning, but only before work.
Then I quit my job and checked into a detox.
Now it's usually around 11 to noon. I don't buy liquor for the house anymore.

>> No.9799921

refilling my adderall today, so repeats the cycle of sleep like shit and get 0 nutrition and have no control over impulse decisions chain smoking and drinking for 2 weeks followed by 2 weeks of trying to get my shit together. why am i still on this ride?

>> No.9799941
File: 393 KB, 1244x1280, 1507295713826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitting on fancy cars
U focking wot m8?

>> No.9799946

Why are you prescribed adderall? I'm a raging faggot so forgive me senpai for my ignorance.

>> No.9799961

I know for a fact that if I was hammered with the lads and someone was shooting up heroin I'd give it a go and regret it a few decades later.

>> No.9799963
File: 56 KB, 484x730, 1511823535982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and while in there the noise and the light alone are enough to guarantee you’re awake for a week
This fuck

>> No.9800091

Any New Years resolutions planned?

>> No.9800109

"attention deficit disorder"

>> No.9800112

Wrong thread my guy

>> No.9800120

I didn’t. Couldn’t give a stuff about opiates. They’re unmatched for treating anxiety, great if you’re in pain, but hopelessly quick to cause physical withdrawals, make it impossible to sleep, might make you stop breathing (I’ve done it, i was so chilled I decided I cbf to breathe, high as a fucking kite, unable to give a fuck about ANYthing, to the point where I couldn’t be bothered to inhale) will definitely cause you to throw up for an hour the first time you use and very quickly become the most important thing in your life. Plus jail. Plus itching so much you tear your skin off.
Oh and booze might take years of use to cause WD, heroin takes about 3 days. And the PAWS from heroin are no joke. Wouldn’t recommend.

>> No.9800124

Nah fuck that. I bet 90% of people here intend to attempt some kind of improvement to their boozing. I’m planning now how to best approach stopping for the year.

>> No.9800138

Key word
Not trying to break your balls, but this seems to be the thread of the damned.
I wish everyone the best of luck.

>> No.9800141

Later that night she did a show, threw a mic at some guy and got arrested for cracking his head open. Apparently she went on the mother of all benders thereafter, then got sober. I guess her rock bottom was broadcast to millions of people, lol.

>> No.9800156

>at a mate's house
>taste testing a few different bourbons
>progressively pouring larger and larger glasses
>friends start eyeballing my glass
>completely fucked up after 30 minutes of "taste testing"

>> No.9800179
File: 634 KB, 750x717, fiv90QE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I like browsing 4chan. Last thread we had a guy who accidentally got hooked on meth, now an anon giving their experience with heroin. What a time to be alive, browsing a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

>> No.9800226
File: 55 KB, 600x600, krabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drinking for about 48 hours or so, with no sleep. Time for a cup of coffee and raging WDs while I'm at work.

>> No.9800285
File: 160 KB, 635x648, 1381717314371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love it

>> No.9800301

I can't fucking stop laugh yasssssssss

-gin blossoms from the motherboard guy

>> No.9800385
File: 32 KB, 250x250, 1512583385528.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya we get it......

>> No.9800405
File: 414 KB, 811x767, 1509249540180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad is it if I drink two 8% 16oz beers 4-5 times a week?

>> No.9800424

71.8 measurement modules

>> No.9800442

I forgot how shitty people are around here

>> No.9800558

taper with 5% beers. its an exact science. you drink the first one quick to get rid of the withdrawal. then you wait at least an hour before another, which you drink slowly. then wait at least an hour when that one is gone, etc etc etc. just drink enough to keep sweating and shaking away.

>> No.9800574

sounds like pure hell. sweating, wired, delirious, having to put on a normal act all day under the fluorescent lights. have fun buddy.

>> No.9800589

Anyone here got to the point where they realize they would rather just fucking drink than fuck.

>> No.9800596

I’m too wasted. I’ll do it if I remember, which I doubt I will.
Tl;dr watch Monero price on coinmarketcap. Buy bitcoins from somewhere like bitbargain.co.uk, send them to poloniex.com, buy XMR (Monero) on poloniex using those bitcoins. Wait a year, price now much higher, sell XMR, buy a house.
They’re $300 each right now, I think I paid $1 ish each in 2014.
Just keep an eye on the price on coinmarketcap for now. It’s $300 but may well drop soon, which is the time me to buy. It’ll rise and dip in value constantly, but i’m convinced it’ll be worth maybe 5 times it’s current value if you hold long-term.

>> No.9800603

most people here have gone beyond all points that dont lead to staying drunk

>> No.9800640

Damn, I basically haven't slept in 48 hours but been wanting to drink for that long however been resisting with relative ease in spite of my lack of sleep. Been getting some good writing done though, almost 5000 words within 12 hours. Might get a third cup of coffee on the go soon and see if I can come up with another 2000-3000 words. It's my first bout at non-fiction, and I'm quite enjoying it thus far. I think I'll get flak for not including sources and what not but everything I include can be looked up and verified quite easily. Likely to get flak none the less.

What'd WDs? I assume you mean withdrawal symptoms? Sounds pretty shitty, man. I've had some minor shakes before, some delirium tremens, excessive sweating, stuff like that before, but from 48 hours of drinking with no sleep?

Actually that reminds me, several years ago when I wanted to join the Military I went a full night without sleep and was planning to go out and drink with friends. I brought my backpack that I used for College and had COMPLETELY stuffed it full of books just to weigh it down, but took the bus down. It's downhill. Got there, got pretty loaded on Guinness and a few shots, and then I started the walk home. Could have called a cab of course, maybe the buses were even still running, I dunno, but about 2/3rd the way along that nearly 10km (nearly 6mi) walk I found the snow to look so comfy, and I was so unbelievably tired, I wanted to take a nap but I didn't. When I looked up, I had seen a huge white wolf. I stopped in my tracks, wide-eyed, and looked down to go for my pocketknife. Useless, I know, but it's all I had, and I was VERY close to dense forest so it wasn't an impossibility. When I looked up again, it was gone, and I quickly continued my treck to finish the distance, and did. I was sore for days but felt accomplished.


My spirit animal is a big white wolf?

>> No.9800654

wtf i hate sluts now

>> No.9800660

The great thing about ascension is actually being able to treat women as people without clawing for their pussy in frustration.

Best way not to hate sluts is not wanting to fuck them.

See Jesus.

>> No.9800669

>treat women as people
Let’s not get carried away.

>> No.9800673

>treat women as people
I forgot to take my respecting women pill today so I'm afraid I can't

>> No.9800759

Forgot how boring life was before drinking.

>> No.9800805

Anyone else get constipated when they quit drinking? I'm fine when i get drunk everyday, but as soon as i stop for a few days i get all backed up, which doesn't make sense because when i go cold turkey i drink tons of water so dehydration isn't a problem

>> No.9800926

Withdrawals are anything but boring.

>> No.9800964
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>buy $19.00 worth of mcdickles
>eat one burger and some nuggets
>full already
>tfw fast food is shit tier reheated and I have to eat all of it before it gets cold
Such is life. ‘Bout to get drunk as fuck and then eat until I pass out.

>> No.9800968

Where can I buy suomi alcohol in Chicagoland? Feelin up for it in honor of 100 years of Finland

>> No.9800977

>work was fucking horrible for two weeks
>"I think I'll go to the liquor store"
>next morning, 2/3 of a Ketel One bottle is empty in the fridge, couple plates of food on the floor
ugh, I hope the hangover gets better on the second day. Had a worse hangover from less brandy though a few weeks ago.

>> No.9801020

Ketel One sounds like Jenever to me. The original dutch version of Gin. Finally someone else here drinks fucking Jenever.

>> No.9801026

Sadly Ketel One is vodka

>> No.9801072

Brandy has the most congeners. Dark liquor in general is loaded with them. So is red wine. Rule of thumb the lighter the booze the less hangover -- for this reason.

>> No.9801078

Weird. I never get hungover from dark liqours

>> No.9801084


>> No.9801089

That is weird.

>> No.9801091

Probably because I save dark liqours for drinking for pleasure rather than drinking to get wasted. I use clear liqours for that

>> No.9801104

>Weird. I never get hangovers when I don't drink much

>> No.9801207

starting to get into fat chicks, dudes

>> No.9801259

>tfw you hear a sound you didn’t expect and go into a full blown panic attack

>> No.9801369

thinking about getting into gin and tonics

>> No.9801374


I drank mostly these for years. It's a good phase. Clean drunk.

>> No.9801393

I've just polished off a bottle of JD and a bottle of Glendalough. It's half past midnight and I've got work in the morning.

Give me one good reason not to start on the next bottke (a Highland Park which is pretty nice).

>> No.9801398

Its literally your nervous system on hyper mode. Just awful.

>> No.9801404
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>tfw time goes by extremely slowly while you feel these feelings

>> No.9801408

I get that shit even without drinking.

>live in an apartment building
>every noise anyone living above, blemow or next to me makes somehow ends up sounding like someone knocking on my door
>panic every single time even if there's no real reason for it

Sometimes I wish I was suicidal, because living with this BS doesn't feel worth the effort.

>> No.9801413

gin of choice?

>> No.9801445


>> No.9801456

don't post pics of me without permission

>> No.9801520

i thought gear meant steroids/testosterone

>> No.9801527

Depends on context really.

It can mean like a dozen different things.

>> No.9801590
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>try to abstain from drinking
>remember that Trump won
>binge drink

>> No.9801592

It can mean male genitalia.

>> No.9801599

Among other things, yes.

>> No.9801603

>It's my first bout at non-fiction, and I'm quite enjoying it thus far. I think I'll get flak for not including sources and what not but everything I include can be looked up and verified quite easily. Likely to get flak none the less.
just say it's pomo and you'll be good

>> No.9801606

HAHAHA, DRINK MORE YOU PUSSY! Unemployment RIGHT NOW under Trump is lower than it EVER was under Obama and potentially lower than it ever was under Bush too! Unemployment is at the lowest point in the US than it's been in roughly 16-18 years and if his tax plan does as he has stated and provides even more jobs then it won't take much more decrease to reach the lowest since about 1970; over 45 years. Black unemployment has dropped most of all and Hispanics have experienced greater drops in unemployment as well than white people. Not sure about the Asian population, they've probably been trying the hardest of any race to stay employed. It's no wonder that Asian Americans make more income on average than white Americans! There is equal opportunity in the US after all!

>> No.9801625
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both are available and both are produced by the Nolet distillery in Schiedam, the Netherlands

>> No.9801635

Joke's on you since I'm still a 100% white (I did my research, Blelgian and Welsh genetic ancestry only) and I'm still unemployed.

I also have brain problems though so I suppose that dosen't count.

>> No.9801636

jenever is fucking disgusting

>> No.9801637

Not to turn this into /pol/, but I still don't get what's supposedly so bad about the guy.

>> No.9801660
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>Trump won

>> No.9801662

hes far from hitler incarnate as many have, in complete seriousness, asserted. But he is a clown and embarassing to watch and is definitely far from the everyman voters wanted to believe he was.

>> No.9801671

I don't like the regular stuff much either, old jenever is pretty good though

>> No.9801672
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>> No.9801673

What's 'pomo'? Post-Modernist? If so, fuck that, this book is going to be thoroughly politically incorrect. Facts have become politically incorrect when inconvenient, after all. This book is going to be quite inconvenient for 3rd wave feminists, SJWs, BLM members, leftists in general, and Democrats.

>> No.9801686

that's not really what pomo means in that context but I'd still want to read your book anon

>> No.9801695

My brother’s birthday was/is on Inauguration Day and for his party we themed it “media blackout”. We threw blankets over all the TVs, collected phones at the door, and just had a good time.
I’ve been sticking with the whole “ignoring politics” thing until it’s time to vote again.
>side note
I actually won money on that dude winning, made a drunk as fuck bet with a stupid feminist and thankfully she paid up.

>> No.9801698

Avoid withdrawals.

>> No.9801723

Fortunately my line of work allows me to take quick breaks fairly regularly where I can take a quick sippy now and then and at least keep the buzz going even if I can't afford to be shitfaced on work hours.

Bring on the male nurse jokes, but the healthcare business is one big joke anyway so I can take it better than anyone.

>> No.9801726

having a shit fucking day
want to make mac and cheese
accidentally put in too much milk so its a soupy fucking mess
try to thicken it with corn starch
tastes like shit and is all gooey now
dont even want to eat now
i wish i was dead

>> No.9801751
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Anyone else cop flak for not using social media like FB, twitter, etc., but religiously posts on 4chan every day?

>> No.9801776

Never caught flak, and I don’t have any of those. Occasionally I sperg out or laugh out loud at someone saying “nigger”, but that’s the worst of it.

>> No.9801841

Oh, what's it mean then? Also, thanks, when I self-publish it I'll bring it up here at al/ck/.

>> No.9801847

Nice 'Murica digits.

>> No.9801855

I don't use Facebook (only time I did is when my sister wanted to play a fun music game with me), only use Twitter to shitpost memes and respond to contests where I can win free shit, and nobody even knows I post on 4chan except my mom who's convinced I'm still a genuine internet professional keeping tabs on online culture and I can at least discuss weird shit with her under that pretense because she's intensely interested in youth culture due to her lifetime experience in marketing jobs.

The truth is I'm an untalented freelance web developer and I deliberately take shit jobs that get me way less than minimum wage so I can slack off and catch muh welfare checks.

Also this. I can't avoid laughing at inappropriate jokes because of 4chan. I'm not even racist in real life, memes aside I'm a Eurofag with Syrian refugee friends, but I got into trouble once because someone repeated a severely racist joke as an example of how shitty "normal" people were and I seriously couldn't stop laughing because it was genuinely funny.

>> No.9801864

What was the joke?

>> No.9801870

Sorry man.

I ruined a ton of mac and cheese multiple times trying to make a rogu or whatever the fuck It's called.

If you were near me, I'd invite you over for left over turkey dinner I made yesterday.

>> No.9801872


>> No.9801885

Just try to stop sooner than latert so you dont grow a giant tolerance. Work aside. Try to keep your sober time higher than your drinking time.

>> No.9801894

It's a roux and it's super simple stuff

>> No.9801987
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I wish I could remember right now. I know it was some shitty pun but it was a good shitty pun, if you're picking up what I'm laying down. Those muslim fucks are great if you're looking for people to banter with even if they (pretend to) hate alcohol.

>Try to keep your sober time higher than your drinking time.
I'll be honest I don't even consider myself a real alcoholic because I can go for quite long periods of not drinking without fucking myself over, but times when I can keep the balance between buzzed and fucked up are always higher than times when I'm just stone cold sober.

Also whoops too late. :^)

At any rate, sober times aside I do so enjoy having a good stck for days like today.

>> No.9802061

Cool. Sounds like you are in a better place than many in these threads.

>> No.9802092

Anyone else here drink port wine?

>> No.9802111

Yeah I don't like to act like I'm a hardcore drinker because lots of people in these threads are harder off than me.

I'm not saying I'm perfect but if I manage to stay in this place for long enough I'll be a satisfied man at the end of my life.

>> No.9802150

Hey guys good news I'm not an alcoholic anymore!

>> No.9802189

It takes time to realize it, but you're never not an alcoholic "anymore". You either were and still are, or never were to begin with. Maybe you're a recovering alcoholic in which case genuine kudos to you, or you never really were deep in, in which case even better for you. But if you were and you're not anymore, you still are except you've got a handle on it now. Which is seriously worthy of respect, but don't tell yourself that you're just okey-dorey now if you were genuinely on the road to fucked-up-ville before.

>> No.9802203

This is correct. If you have that alcoholic wiring, it's hard-coded into you. Never get rid of it. All it takes is one drink even after 30 years sober, to get you right back in the trenches.

>> No.9802263

reminds of what my mom told me, apparently when the Gulf War broke out in 1990 my parents and their friends had a "don't mention the war' party

>> No.9802278

lol found the fuckin line cook

>> No.9802282

while that may be true for some people I don't think anybody is safe from alcoholism. Anybody can become an alcoholic, but some of us are more predisposed to it than others

>> No.9802310

>All it takes is one drink even after 30 years sober, to get you right back in the trenches.
Not necessarily. I'm genuinely convinced that you can have, for example, one drink a day and not fuck up. All it takes is discipline. Which most alcoholics don't exactly have in abundance but still.

I've had several IRL discussions about this recently. In my opinion
>1) Awareness
>2) Good Intent
>3) Good Practice
need to come in that order. But a lot of people I've talked to think you need to start with simply not drinking. I think as long as you have awareness of when you can and cannot drink, an occasional fallback is more excusable as long as you aren't punishing yourself for falling back and instead using it as a learning experience.

It's a stereotypical "off the wagon" scenario:
>1) I've had a drink, that's bad!
>2) I enjoed it but I feel bad about failing!
>3) Might as well get another because I failed anyway.
In my opinion it's much healthier if you can be like
>1) I've had a drink, and it feels good at this moment
>2) But when I'm able to think more clearly about this (even after the fact) on a rational level I'm aware that it's better if I stop now
>3) So I'll accept this moment and continue with my better judgement from now on

Of course that's just my theory but I feel I can better find my balance this way. The most important aspect is that you're genuine. If you're not, then by all means try to fool yourself with AA 12 step methods and whatever, but genuine intent is the key. Find something genuine that's worth being sober for and you'll live forever. I'm still looking, but I feel like I'm getting closer so I don't mind temp fallbacks.

>> No.9802320

My entire extended family, and I mean every last aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin, everyone is either a recovering alcoholic or a severe one. Still my whole fucking life "Hey anon come have a few beers with us" or "What're you so uptight for lol, come have a shot with us". Needless to say, I didn't exactly stumble upon this thread.

>> No.9802335

haven't drank in two days
smoking a speedball though

>> No.9802342

a good chunk of my family are alcoholics too, and I totally agree that if you come from a family of alcoholics you're probably at greater risk of becoming one yourself, but I don't think it's necessarily something in your DNA, it's also hugely from the environment you're raised in. Take some muslim dude from Saudi Arabia whose family has never touched a drop for generations and if he drinks a certain way over a period of time he will develop a drinking problem. It's just the nature of alcohol.

>> No.9802345

my dad was an alcohol but I'm just a drug addict
I'm an ex alcoholic if that's a thing

>> No.9802350

It's not a matter of discipline. It's biological wiring. Reward system area of the brain. It becomes a mental and physical obsession when not drinking, and a slippery slope when drinking.

>> No.9802371

I know that argument but I still think that's defeatist.

I can't help drinking, it's my chemistry. I can't help being fat, it's my genetics. I can't help being unemployed, it's the economy. I can't help flunking out of school, it's my brain. It's just a lot of ways to pretend "me" is somehow "not me" and thus to avoid taking responsibilit, or only taking responsibility as some sort of passive, ironic thing that happens after the fact.

Fuck your brain, fuck your genes, fuck your chemicals. You rule you. You need to accept that fucking up is also part of You, so instead of treating it as failure you rather need to learn how to deal with it.

If complete avoidance is the best way to deal with You, so be it. But I don't believe that's a one-size-fits-all answer, especially when you're trying to bypass awareness and intent.

>> No.9802373

I assume you've never been an actual alcoholic.

>> No.9802385

Well like I said before I never considered myself hardcore.

I'm not going to say I'm "genuine" or not but if you're saying that being genuine means being completely unable to get a handle on yourself even if circumstances demand it then I'm not.

>> No.9802398

I currently take naltrexone. Befire that i was unable to go more than five days without drinking, save a few occasions. It was all i thought about. Now, alcohol doesnt monopolize my existence. Im still a lonely person with people problems, but i dont have that 1000 lb ball and chain. Nobody could convince me that best intentions and resolve can master this issue.

>> No.9802419

I don't have experience with Naltrexone. Only thing I'm on atm is Trazodone which seems to be alright.

>> No.9802437

Traz is good for sleep. It's a secondary use for it. Off-label prescription. It's used a lot in detox and rehab and other stuff to help people sleep.

I've taken it before. Naltrexone binds to opiate receptors without stimulating them. Produces no reward. If you take it then drink alcohol you don't get any pleasure from it. The way it works is it quiets those receptors so they shut up and dont bother you to get stimulated. Fascinating drug. Seems to only work for people with a specific gene.

>> No.9802450

I am sleeping a lot lately. Might need to look into that, as well as Naltrex maybe. I'm not sure if I'm cool with unconditionally giving up a voluntary buzz though. I'm mostly a mind-over-chemistry kind of faggot if you hadn't noticed. :^)

>> No.9802457

My mom drinks half a bottle of bacardi 151 nearly every day straight
Why???? It's not even an enjoyable drink. Why do people like bacardi?

>> No.9802460

It only lasts 24 hours. You can always skip a dose. (I do).

Whatever is working for you. You aren't me. Just find whatever works.

>> No.9802461

mani gidaryeotji I’m so sorry
na ije gyeolsim haetji Are you ready
kkwaena gireotji naui banghwangi
ijen geokjeonghajima dasin gaji aneul teni

>> No.9802466

Rum is pretty easy to get down the hatch, as far as hard liquor goes.

Also 151 is very strong.

>> No.9802467

2 weeks sober brehs

past couple nights i've been sleeping great, got over my irrational fear of sober sex. i don't think i'm going back

>> No.9802473

I'll talk to my GP about it at least.

>> No.9802478

how do you know when you're an alcoholic?

>> No.9802481

When there's no denying it anymore.

>> No.9802482


>> No.9802487

im only 22 it cant be happening this soon

>> No.9802488

Do the CAGE test
From wikipedia:
1. Have you ever felt you needed to Cut down on your drinking?
2. Have people Annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?
3. Have you ever felt Guilty about drinking?
4. Have you ever felt you needed a drink first thing in the morning (Eye-opener) to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover?

If the answer to at least two questions is yes, you might have an alcohol problem.

>> No.9802489

Depends on who you talk to. AFAIK there's no set in stone definition.

My definition: When you're not able to get through a normal working week without drinking to a harsh buzz at least once.

>> No.9802490

Down to a cup a whiskey a night boys
Soon I'll be rid of the devil's water
Good thing too... I've gained 5 lbs after I stopped working out and started drinking every night

>> No.9802492

Age doesn't mean shit when it comes to alcoholism. If you can't deny that you are an alcoholic when faced with all the evidence that says you are, you know.

>> No.9802494

all but the last one were pretty much yes

>> No.9802498

Good whiskey and cheap beer are my devils.

Cheap beer is better because you usually get sick of it before you get completely fucked by it.

>> No.9802499

1.)When you drink alone because no one can keep up with you
2.) When you drink because you're alone
3.) when your body starts failing you
4.) When you'd rather skip out on social interactions you would have otherwise enjoyed or atleast tolerated to drink
5.) when your hands shake uncontrollably
6.) when you seem to gain weight in the middle despite not having much to eat and throw up frequently when your sober (see 3)
7.) inability to enjoy much of anything when you're sober
8.) when you find yourself with little to no money because you've been spending it all on booze
That's all out the top of my head

>> No.9802560

Does 50-50 count?

1 Y I could out-drink just about everyone even back in highschool when heavy drinking was still cool, though I drink smarter than most not just better, the obvious joke nobody realizes is to make sure you've always got a glass/bottle of water at hand no matter what you're doing, to you kids that's how you outdrink your shitty friends when you're that age
2 Y mostly yeah I can drink like a champ when at parties see previous question also, but I haven't been to many of those lately
3 N not saying I'm super fit but I get by without falling parart
4 Y yeah sure but I got officially diagnosed schizoid bullshit so that's nt related necessarily
5 N I guess no? Sometimes but not really drink related.
6 Y/N both? this is kind of 2 questions? I gain weight even though I don't eat more than I used to but I don't really throw up a lot.
7 Y but I have that anyway
8 partially? I also spend it on other dumb, sometimes temporary obsessions not just booze I buy everything nerd related from anime figurines to obscure valuable comics to dumb video games I don't even play to bottles of whisky that nobody ever even heard of. I guess I'm a bandwagoner, I find things I like and just tag along for a while before moving on to something else.

>> No.9802584

>Does 50-50 count?
Yes. The CAGE test is mostly used as a quick screening by doctors because of it's reliability. It doesn't automatically mean that you have a problem or even are an alcoholic of course. Still, answering more than one question with yes is a strong indicator that the drinking behavior of the patient should be investigated further.

>> No.9802626

My favorite thing lately is looking up "cool" rock stars and learning that I'm now older than they were back when I was still into them.

Even better if they've died between then and now.

>> No.9802634

A lot of rock stars are dead now. Bowie, Petty, Cobain, Staley, Cornell, Bennington. Most of those in the past 24 months. Thats crazy.

>> No.9802640

Tom Petty died this year?

Jesus fuck, now I'm genuinely heartbroken,

>> No.9802648

Yeah man. Sudden heart attack.

>> No.9802656

Well, at least taht's a merciful way to go.

But damn, I hate that I have to learn about it this way. That shit's got sentimental value.

>> No.9802663

Listen to the traveling wilburys in honor. Roy Orbison will be there too. And George.

>> No.9802667
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>know if I eat it will take more alcohol to get me drunk
>skip dinner and drink instead

such is the life for the poor alcoholic.

>> No.9802676

>tfw europoor so I always have decent social security to fall back on

Had a good meal and several good drinks tonight.

>> No.9802725

Will do.

Tom Petty is one of three guys I'd have given my life to have them play on my funeral.

>> No.9802840

>telling people you post on 4chan

>> No.9802854

Why not? Nobody worth interacting with still believes in the internet terrorists thing.

I mean it's not like I'll be telling grandma about the hottest memes, but 4chan is pretty acceptable if you drag it thought the filter of common sense,

>> No.9802855

When you depend on alcohol.

>> No.9802862

That's overly vague and open to interpretations, and thus meaningless in any objective measure.

>> No.9802866

not when you're an alcoholic. so if you dont understand it, then you're not an alcoholic.

>> No.9802871
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>> No.9802908

>internet terrorists
nothing to do with that dumb opinion

ever since I've been here there's always been a rule that you don't tell people about 4chan or that you post here

I guess that's dead now that kids want to post the coolest memes to facebook and tell their friends at school how cool they are for visiting 4chan

personally I never have and never will discuss 4chan with anyone irl, nobody knows I visit this website and I've been here a long time

>> No.9802920

I've even explained 4chan to my mom, it's really not a problem.

Memesters who believe the nazi terrorist memes are a bigger problem than normies.

>> No.9802944

>Memesters who believe the nazi terrorist memes
that's not even a fucking thing, shut the fuck up stop acting like that's an issue

anyone with half a brain knows that's a load of crap you must be surrounded by fucking morons to think people believe that

>> No.9802955

>shut the fuck up stop acting like that's an issue
Explain mainstream media attention.

>anyone with half a brain knows that's a load of crap
Yeah hurr hurr guess my opinion on the average real life actual person I connect with.

>> No.9802980

Depends on who I talk to. Outside of work, because I don't have many friends, I wouldn't bring up 4chan in a conversation just like how I wouldn't mention that I play a lot of videogames etc.

I think 4chan gets a bad rep. Most normies just think of the content on /b/ when in reality the site is populated with many interesting boards and people.

I think what Reddit does is similar, just very much more gay.
>voting system
>retarded layout
>website politics

>> No.9802995
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>just like how I wouldn't mention that I play a lot of videogames etc.

>mention I like video games
>boss goes like "oh yeah that's a thing with your generation"
>same age coworker goes "yeah I have kids so I don't even have time for things like that"
>mfw I play more video games than I get hous of sleep

>> No.9803002

My dad knows I browse 4chan 'cause he looked over my shoulder... he asked if I was on the dark net
I was browsing the animal crossing general on /vg/

>> No.9803006
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>he asked if I was on the dark net
>I was browsing the animal crossing general on /vg/
Thanks for that giggle bruv.

>> No.9803024

The voting system on Reddit really rustles my jimmies.

>> No.9803029

it's so toxic to good discussion

>> No.9803042

I think the voting system on Reddit has merit, I just think the (majority of) people using it aren't worthy of it. TL;DR the problem with democracy in general, illustrated in memes and marketability.

>> No.9803076

He was an outrageous asshole, but he went out like a champ. Damn did I get drunk during that episode, but 'Still' is still my favourite. The one where Beth and Daryl get drunk together.

Also I CAN'T FUCKING SLEEP EVEN THOUGH I'M EXHAUSTED! Last night I only got about 3 hours and tonight has been NOTHING!

>> No.9803100
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Last night I spent the hours of 2 - 7 AM throwing up, I found out that I did have too much to drink the hard way.

I need to go dry for some time.

>> No.9803148
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>over a bottle of vodka a day now
how devilishly cheeky of me

>> No.9803163

Im 5 days out from a severe binge, and i just took a shot of my remaining vodka, and i am fucking wide fucking awake right now. I laid down closed my eyes, and here i am awake. I was so tired, i even exercised all day to make sure i slept tonight, Fucking miserable.

>> No.9803199
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who here /punx/?
I mean, I'm not anymore, but I really miss the late '90s- early 2000s when every small town had a scene, instead of big cities being controlled by a bunch of SJWs.
Sorry, I get nostalgic when I drink.

>> No.9803255

I bought a fifth of Wild Turkey on sale today, hoping to save some for a party on Monday. It gone.

I've been trying not to drink for a while, but I got a couple dry days last week so I don't feel like a complete failure. Just regular failure.

>> No.9803295

Time to admit defeat and start planning how you can live your life as an alcoholic.

>> No.9803311

I didn't have a shot, haven't touched a drink for legit over 96 hours, unduobtedly approaching 100 hours. No matter, I'll likely be getting quite drunk in roughly 14 hour's time. If only I could get to sleep... seriously need to consider investing in sleeping pills for these rare occasions of insomnia fucketry.

>> No.9803323

I'm not a punk, but I get nostalgic too. Funny though, how things change. Conservatism has become the new punk. To stand up against leftist SJWs to fly in the face of political correctness, to dare put the words 'Islamic' and 'terrorism' together... politics have changed drastically. Classical Liberals are now right-wing while the leftists have completely gone off the deep end. Let's hope the pool's drained and all we hear is a crunchy spat.

>> No.9803333

If you want to read some of my stuff, I already have 9 books done. This fact-based, non-fiction, politically incorrect one will be number 10.


Give it a few days but I think I should have it finished by the 10th at the latest, knock on wood. Who knows, if I have another great day of writing it might just be done before the 8th but let's wait and see. Even when I finish it, it takes about 2 days or so to fully be accessible online. The ebook version will be $2.99 USD, about $3.75-3.90 in Canadian or Australian. I guess around 2 quid in Britain? Most of the books I've already released are only 1/3rd that price.

>> No.9803343
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>> No.9803345
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>> No.9803349

Your neighbors, clearly.

>> No.9803421

Does anyone have experience with lyrica? It works great for the PAWS, but I heard it's very addictive, meaning I'll stay on it for not too long.
How much have you been taking and for how long without getting addicted?

>> No.9803437

Ive taken it before. It has a relaxing effect, and unfortunately its both mentally and physically addictive. Its not the answer to alcoholism.

>> No.9803457

Ask for Naltrexone. It destroys cravings.

>> No.9803473

I'm reluctant to go to a doctor and get a diagnosis of mental illness because I still believe I'm destined for greater things in life and I don't want mental diagnosis to come back and bite me in the arse in later life

>> No.9803481

Then use your superhuman skills to solve your problems.

>> No.9803492

Please take trumpcrap elsewhere, discussion of that mess invariably results in people arrogantly screaming in eachother’s faces like salty babbies.

>> No.9803499

I'm not a superhuman, I just believe there is still a giant stigma to "mental illness" and I don't want to admit my fucked up thoughts to a complete stranger

I'm not even willing to be open and honest to my closest friends or anonymous people on an internet forum let alone face to face with someone who will write down and record everything I say

>doctor patient confidentiality
seems like a load of bullshit considering the amount of private information made public

>> No.9803532

Buy headphones. Seriously you need to stop that shit today. I was so fucking angry with my neighbours that it was all I could think about for 2 years. Gave up politely asking, I ended up flipping the fuck out, threatening to crucify, rape and set fire to them after their dog still wouldn’t shut the fuck up. If they flip one night you may end up with a carving knife several inches deep into your eye socket. Noise pollution is horrific.

>> No.9803544

one neighbour of mine in the last place I lived I asked regularly every month or so when I first moved in "is there any bother with the noise?" etc they always said no problem at all

then as I was moving out they hadn't said a thing for years and they berated me for being such a nuisance and always being so loud

Get fucked, if you got a problem tell me and I'll gladly keep it down, wasn't even aware I was causing a problem

people are cunts

>> No.9803552

Any of you lads have an issue with nerve damage from blacking out and falling asleep on your arms? I swear to god, my left arm's ulnar nerve is terrifically fucked. I get numb spots and some awesome fucking pain sometimes, all because I fall asleep with my left arm under my head/pillow. To boot, I've managed to set myself up with cardiophobia because every time I feel a pain in my arm, I check my heart rate and if it's even close to 80-90, I start losing my fucking mind. Had multiple EKGs and I never have any issues when I'm drinking.
Time to kick the habit?

>> No.9803570

The most nerve damage I had was when I was weight lifting. Biceps were larger than usual and when I slept on them I would wake up in mild pain.

I think I might be spicily cunty. I'm >>9803343 and they've been banging on my door for a few days now. I just don't answer, and play my music louder. Everyone needs to embrace Elvis.

>> No.9803580

Weird. I was reading up on some shit and some folks were saying that lifting helped with ulnar nerve pain. I don't know if I've just made myself into a fucking hypochondriac though.

>> No.9803695

Currently day 4 sober and havent had any withdrawals, except for vivid nightmares on the first night. I guess i wasn't a real alcoholic to begin with.

>> No.9803702

Some cunt downstairs called CPS on me and tried to get the government to take my son away because apparently playing music at 9 pm is too much. Just fucking knock on my door and tell me, you snake

>> No.9803724

Fucking trash apartment neighbors, man. Moved in with my girlfriend and a project dog that she adopted. The dog is fucking 2 years old, was kept in a garage and forced to have a litter when she was about 1. So we move in and proceed to make friends with our cute next door neighbors who invite us over for a margarita night and what not and I introduce our dog to them and we all get along famously.
Our downstairs neighbors is one dude, the only one who actually works, and like 4-5 asian people living in a two bedroom apartment. I've said hello to these people, apologized for the dog stomping on the floor because she's excited for her walk, and I get fucking nothing but dirty looks and a cold shoulder.
Fucking idiots need to understand what they're getting into, moving into a downstairs apartment. There will be upstairs neighbors at some point. You will hear thumps from the ceiling. It's not fucking rocket science. Don't want to hear noises? Don't move into a fucking first floor apartment. God this shit pisses me off.

>> No.9803771

>calling CPS purely because you played some loud music at 9pm
sounds like a load of bullshit, especially in a thread full of alcoholics

>> No.9803807
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Any of you has drinking connected with gaming? I drink when I play, I play when I dri k. It's been like that for years.
Deleted my Steam & Origin yesterday. First time in ages.
Should help me at least reduce drinking.
I think I had 2 addictions, not one, because I feel like reinstalling already.
Wish me luck.

>> No.9803841

I mostly shitpost or lie on the couch with no energy to do anything when I'm drinking properly

maybe after a drink or two I'll be more inclined to play a game but that doesn't last long before I'm getting blackout drunk

>> No.9803868

just turn that shit down you fucking asshole

>> No.9803875

>dated letter notifying you of their complaint and offering to work on a solution
ah, the first step towards legal action

>> No.9803945

Yea I shitpost too than fear to check mail/forums/boards/facebook/phone in morning....

>> No.9803956
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>> No.9803973

Nice normie meme

>> No.9803982
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>reminded that there are people on this board that have social interaction outside of 4chan

>> No.9804086

how do you folks deal with the constant feeling of wanting to vomit and hunger at the same time when trying to down booze during hangovers or just from prolonged drinking

im trying to cut down on how much i eat and get most of my calories from booze just for economic purposes

>> No.9804141

came back to drinking after a long time i didnt drink, so hard to get shots down my throat

>> No.9804161

drinking straight jager. It's probably the easiest liquor to taek shots of.

>> No.9804163

50/50 vodka and cranberry juice here

>> No.9804222

new thread


new thread


new thread


>> No.9804251

sounds like a fast train to heartburn town

>> No.9804288
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US unemployment at the lowest point in 16-18 years.

>> No.9804299

U.S popularity is too.

>> No.9804331

>be wolf
>concern yourself with the opinions of sheep
popularity doesn't pay the bills, kiddo

>> No.9804343

Trump supporters, lovely people. The world will remember. Hope for their sake you don’t have any kids.
Probably best to leave the political discussion out of al/ck/, it always turns into /pol/, which is nothing but brats, negativity and rage. It’d completely ruin these threads.

>> No.9804375
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>Trump supporters, lovely people.
indeed, even Sarah Silverman thinks so

>> No.9804660

Haha, good eye dude.

>> No.9805225

thats a pretty respectful note, i hope you comply and keep it down a little bit for your nice elderly neighbors

>> No.9805334
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>mfw the cheap Polish beer I drink keeps going out of stock and going up in price because of shenanigans at Calais fucking up imports

Could switch to Holsten Pils even though it tastes weak as fuck, it's like drinking fizzy cold tea.

>> No.9805374

Who cares what this degenerated kike whore thinks.