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9795329 No.9795329 [Reply] [Original]

Coffee people what are your thoughts on this aeropress? My gf enjoys coffee so I was thinking of getting this. My friend recommended it to me saying it was a cheap way to make good coffee. I don't know anything about coffee. Anyone have this thing? I'm also going to get her a small ceramic hand grinder. Is this an okay Xmas gift?

>> No.9795344

You're a very thoughtful person.
Aeropress is great.

>> No.9795353

My question is does this thing make better coffee than the drip maker we have?

>> No.9795354

Aeropress makes the best coffee. I use mine nearly every day for the past 3 years.

Ask me stuff if you want

>> No.9795358

>My gf enjoys coffee
Coffee or coffee flavored shakes from Starbucks? If she likes coffee, sure.

>> No.9795364

Definitely better than a drip.
The porlex mini grinder fits in the plunger as well.

>> No.9795365

Yes, god yes.

Nothing is smoother than an aeropress coffee.

>> No.9795368

Pretty much what makes it so good? Why is it better than what I have? I just want to make sure she will be able to taste the difference you know.

>> No.9795376

NO she makes coffee every morning. Then after work. I usually drink cortado but she drinks straight up black coffee.

>> No.9795384

Sweet. My friend was saying he really likes it but I wasn't sure if he was being a snob he's like that with coffee. Never seems pleased when we go out.

>> No.9795388

It often makes stronger coffee, although you can still make weaker stuff with it. It really brings out the flavours and smells from the beans you use. It's a lot richer, while not being acidic.. it's like a drip filter on steroids.

>> No.9795402

Alright sounds good. I was at a coffee place yesterday and all the stuff they sell is so expensive yet this aeropress is $40. Seems like a good deal to me. The damn grinder is more than the coffee maker. Not by much though. This is Canadian dollars btw.

>> No.9795435


>what makes it so good?
To summarize the main points (if using the inverted method)

1. Constant temperature. The chamber keeps the temperature more constant than other brewing methods, which allows you to effectively use lower temperatures for brewing, reducing bitterness.

2. Total control. You have complete control on the coffee you make. Grind size, grind amount, water temperature, brew length. All of these affect the flavor directly, and you control it.

>> No.9795484

short of buying a professional espresso machine, it is the best method.
been using one for about 4 years.
quick and easy to use

>> No.9795491

I love my aeropress. If you let the grounds steep for a while you can make one strong cuppa, or you can make weak watery nasty shit if that's what you prefer. I use mine to rice potatoes for hash browns and also to strain WEED LMAO out of olive oil for edibles. It's great for camping too. Overall it's a good gift

>> No.9795499

I have an Amazon/EBay coupon code for 15% discount if anyone's interested and it's not against the rules?

>> No.9795529

Damn maybe I'll get one for my dad also. He goes on a serious camping and conoeing trip every year.

>> No.9795536

It's great, I usually even take mine with me when travelling

>> No.9795539

Also tell me more about this olive oil weed. How do I do it? I love edibles but Toronto has been cracking down on weed shops and I'm an idiot. What do you do?

>> No.9795544

I've used mine to make pseudo-lattes and mochas. Came out pretty good.

>> No.9795556

How did you do that? On curious how this thing works. I can't wait to see it. You just put the water and grinds together the push out the Coffee?

>> No.9795573

There are literal competitions on how to use the aeropress

Water temp., steep time, grind etc. all have a big influence, you can also fill it flipped and then flip again etc.

Just copy what some of these dudes on youtube are doing until you find something you like

>> No.9795580

My pseudo-lattes?
A true latte is made from espresso, so I just try to start with that by making a stronger and slightly more bitter brew. Top it off with milk. That's about it.

>> No.9795584
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I got one as a birthday present from the misses
It is basically an upside down french press, but a fair bit more effective: better control and coffee extraction. I use mine at work and when camping,as it is very easy to clean and travel with, although I prefer my moka pot for home use. Go for it I say, and make her a happy christmas!

>> No.9795606

essentially, yes, but there are lots of different methods.
myself, i use the inverted method to make a kind of long black.

>> No.9795607
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I got mine as a gift and have had it for years. Just make sure they are the type of person that seems like a coffee nerd and it will go well. This is because an aeropress takes time to learn about the different brewing methods etc.

>> No.9795619

it's not really anything like a french press imho. the term 'french press' is a bit of a misnomer, as no pressure is applied to the grounds (hence 'espresso') unlike the aeropress.

>> No.9795651

Just combine weed and olive oil and cook at a low temp for a long time. I have used ground, unground, and ground vaped weed. I add just enough olive oil to cover the bud inside a little crock pot, and let it cook overnight. It's not a perfect method- the crock pot runs a little too hot and imparts some off notes into the oil, meaning the resulting oil should only be used in savory dishes (savory weed notes in a brownie? fuckin yuck). For a cleaner taste look into butter/double boilers instead. But if you want to do what I do, I find that medicated pesto is a winner. Sometimes I fill glycerin caps with the oil and freeze em, bam, ez.
Go to 420chan for more info

>> No.9795994

I bought one and after about a year the elastomer had swelled to the point it would no longer fit through the tube. Also it didn't taste any better than French press coffee, although it was easier to clean before it broke.

>> No.9796007

If you want your coffee tasting like burnt plastic, sure get an Aeropress. Otherwise get a regular French press, the patrician's choice.

>> No.9796095

>I bought one and after about a year the elastomer had swelled to the point it would no longer fit through the tube. Also it didn't taste any better than French press coffee, although it was easier to clean before it broke.
that's why you're supposed to store it inserted and not apart

>> No.9796124

>Otherwise get a regular French press, the patrician's choice.
A french press is one of the biggest scams the French have pulled off and they've pulled off the most culinary scams.

>> No.9796170

What do you mean by scam?

>muh french press

>> No.9796334

by scam i mean what the fuck does a french press do? it's basically a filter that requires ten times the cleaning and maintenance of a filter. if it were called a chinese press instead of a french press it wouldn't have sold a single unit.

>> No.9796348
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>> No.9796395

unless you have a mocha master or a bona vita, yes, aeropress coffee will be vastly superior to whatever auto drip machine you have

If you have either of those as your drip coffee maker, a well made AP coffee will still be better, but those machines make a perfectly drinkable cup of coffee, presuming the beans are good quality, the grind coarseness is correct and water ratio are correct.

Anyone who tells you anything other than this is a hipster faggot.

>> No.9796410

patricians also chose lobster, the most disgusting creature on earth.
>mmm melted butter

>> No.9796418
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its really fucking good for the price.

better than a moka pot or a french press

>> No.9796465

Some day I'll make a thread on the culinary scams perpetrated on the American public. Most are French. In fact Julia Child might have single handedly destroyed a good part of American cuisine by convincing women from German and Anglo backgrounds that their native cuisines are crap and they should make third rate French food. Luckily the Italians and Mexicans were too proud for that. Which is why most good American food tends to be Italian or Mexican in origin/influence. Outside of pockets like NO or New England where actual French or English influence made good cuisine rather than millions of WASP-y housewives making shitty French food for no other reason other than they were told it's the best.

>> No.9796635
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> Coffee people what are your thoughts on this aeropress?

I’m not a “coffee person” but I got one to try it out and it’s a neat-o gadget but I only occasionally use it on a Sunday.

But this other coffee press looks like a better design, as the tower part solidly attaches to the carafe whereas with the Aeropress, I’m scared my coffee cup that the gadget is perched on, will slip and tip and I’ll spill burning hot coffee everywhere.

Plus you can use coffee cartridges so it’s clean as easy for camping.

>> No.9796642
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>> No.9796661

For the love of good, no

>> No.9797774


>> No.9797786

Aeropress is OK but nothing special.
It's very overrated.