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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9793108 No.9793108 [Reply] [Original]

Whenever the gf is away for a few days I like to cook / eat amazing things as sort of a way to treat myself.

Please suggest THE BEST celebration foods. Can be cooked or purchased. Drinks are welcome as well in keeping with bachelor weekend.

Pic related: first thing I'm going to eat is a California burrito from my favorite Mexican joint.

>> No.9793120

Did she leave you a plate with your balls before leaving?

>> No.9793122

Why would you celebrate when your woman (who is your property) is fucking other dudes?
Anyway, to answer your question, the best celebration food is braised meat or raw seafood.

>> No.9793169

Whatever the hell I want. Although I usually prefer to take the time to bake something.

The last thing I did was make my own burger from scratch. I made the buns, ground up some chuck, made ketchup, made mayo, caramelized onions, and also made triple cooked cajun fries.

It took a few hours but it was fun and incredibly relaxing.

I usually just end up making things that require a lot of time because when I usually cook for the the wife and myself, I have less time.

>> No.9793170

no fagmo. I just like being alone from time to time. Because I love myself, I treat myself well to the finest foods as well as the experience of solitude I don't get too often anymore. You wouldn't understand though because you have clearly shown your hand as a no-gf. Don't you have frogs to post elsewhere?

>le cuck! Le cuck!
Nice post. Very original and did not see that one coming.

>> No.9793174

High quality cheese and cured meats

>> No.9793175

Thanks for the serious reply.

That sounds comfy anon. I usually equate things that take longer with being better, hence my question. Burgers from scratch isn't a bad idea. I'll take it into consideration but I don't have the means to grind my own meat.

>> No.9793181

How do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt she isn't fucking someone else right now?

>> No.9793184

K bra. Have fun eating salads and Appletinis while your gf is around. You manly man you.

>> No.9793185

Just ask the butcher to do it for you then.

I still have that feeling as well, that if it takes longer it's somehow better but some of my best dishes have been some of the fastest. So it's definitely not true. It just feels like it.

>> No.9793194

Because she's laying right next to me retard. She leaves in a few days.

If you mean how do I know she isn't fucking someone else when she goes, you know very well I don't. If you can't hold a relationship without needing to know what your partner is doing at every moment, you will never have one. You must live a very upsetting existence.

She doesn't like the same foods I like. When you buy for two you need to take that into consideration.

>> No.9793201

Masturbate, eat a cheeseburger, fart, then get drunk.
And nobody will bitch at you.
Why do you bother with women again?

>> No.9793202

>I only do things I like when the woman who owns me goes away
You're pathetic. If you're in a relationship and you can't eat cheesy burritos or get shitfaced without consequence you're not dating some girl, you're dating your fucking mom.
Grow some god damn balls you sad excuse of a person.

>> No.9793206

I've always wanted to make my own sourdough. Was making the bun difficult?

>> No.9793214

Are you going to recommend me a food or bitch at me about a situation you understand nothing about?

>> No.9793218

great thread OP, really going well

>> No.9793220

>fat lonely fucks that masturbate all day
>"im outta her league anyway. thats why i dont try."

I get what OP means. It's not like it's really a sigh of relief, it's more of a taking time for yourself.

>> No.9793227

You will learn not to trust her. Likely she's already banging Jamal and Tyrone. But you already know that don't you?

>> No.9793228
File: 483 KB, 2048x2048, sUCr8sL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Burrito from California
>Isn't made with kimchi and bulgogi and short grains sticky rice

>> No.9793239

Why not just sell it as kimchi fried rice with bulgogi by that point?

The tortilla is redundant and unwanted.

>> No.9793240

Sourdough takes days. You need to make a starter and feed it every day for a week so get the cultures right. It's not difficult at all, it just takes time.

Have you ever made bread? It's not difficult at all. Just make sure that the water temp is right and you give the yeast enough time, humidity, and warmth to develop.

I made a brioche bun for my burger.

>> No.9793260

It's not a tortilla, it's one of those gooky rice wraps. But, to your point, I don't know. Why not sell a requalr burrito as Carnitas with a side of rice and beans?

>> No.9793270

You mean she tells you what your both eating lol. Quit being so butthurt about it.

>> No.9793286

Well at this point why not just eat carnitas straight off the squealing pig, everything else is redundant

>> No.9793290

Well carnitas and burritos are in the same family. Kimchi fried rice and a tortilla wrap isn't. Just feels wrong, maybe because I grew up eating Kimchi fried rice without a tortilla during my entire life

>> No.9793299

beef bourginon made from scratch

>> No.9793300

>Just feels wrong
sounds pretty autistic. Just fucking eat it, faggot.

>> No.9793317

Are you seriously talking shit about the California burrito and / burritos out here in general?

>> No.9793320

Hit the nail on the head my man.

>> No.9793333
File: 206 KB, 1600x1252, IMG-20171204-WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favourites for occasions like this is a big tray of lasagna, since you can really take your time making it. If im feeling particularly indulgent and havent had breakfast ill accompany my eventual dinner with garlic bread.

ill prepare myself a nice antipasto platter to graze on throughout the day while i get more progressively more drunk/stoned. Eventually ill finish prepping and start cooking sometime early evening then i sit down and eat a proper meal with some nice music playing. After dinner ill put something on or play some games.

Enjoy your weekend anon, i too appreciate occasional solitude

>> No.9793344

>nu-male op
no thx

>> No.9793386

Checked friend, thanks for the well wishes. I've never made lasagna myself so I'll consider it

>> No.9793389

I’ve never had a gf so everyday is treat day. Been working up the courage to eat a bullet lately.

>> No.9793405

Ask her other bf for some tasty recipes

>> No.9793419

Steak and a lobster tail. Nice ribeye, sous vide/reverse sear, garlic butter. Crusty garlic bread.
Making it is half the fun, imo.
Try a porter or stout for beer, or merlot or cabernet for wine. Something strong to go with the richness.

>> No.9793489

First post truest post

>> No.9793529
File: 45 KB, 600x450, Pork and pineaple sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well OP if you want a perfect celebration food i recomend the Pork and Pineapple sandwich. It may sound weird but i give my word that this is the most god like combination.

>> No.9793537

Make your own spaghetti sauce and noodles from scratch

>> No.9794274

Based taste op.

>> No.9794328

I also pamper myself when the spouse is away. It's a nice time to just relax and be yourself. Anyway....

>chicken fried steak with gravy, mashed potatoes, and grilled asparagus
>shrimp and oyster po'boy and fresh fried potato chips
>tapas: battered and fried cheese stuffed olives, patas bravas, and grilled or fried fish or squid, all with romesco sauce
>bbq brisket or pulled pork stuffed in a huge baked potato with all the fixings
>chile verde, and use the leftovers to stuff burritos
>bone in Ribeye steak with steak fries and creamed spinach

>> No.9794344
File: 101 KB, 416x357, 1504672745461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a patrician list friend.

>> No.9795577
File: 108 KB, 499x488, 1503256395961-fourchan-g-62000313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking shit senpai

>> No.9795591

You know what to do

>> No.9796216

My "bachelor weekends" usually consist of a couple cases of Miller Lite and Red Baron deep dish singles. I cook almost every night when my wife is home, but I instantly revert to college mode when she's not around.

>> No.9797377

Los betos?

>> No.9797421

Yes. Fuck your shit.

>> No.9797644

never had but that looks incredible