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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9790803 No.9790803 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9790889

>healthy, tastes good, not as dry as hazelnut, relatively cheap

>> No.9790898

Cashews. They're rich and easier on the teeth than most other nuts.

I've also heard that macadamias are unreasonably priced in Europe.

>> No.9790904

Peanuts because I'm a tasteless plebean

>> No.9790911

They're unreasonably priced in clapland too
>$12 for a bag of three
>check all the sell-by dates
>they're never long for this world
>pick the one that's 6 months out
>rush home
>open it
>you can literally hear them going rancid
>eat the first one
>it's good
>eat the second one
>it's starting to go bad
>as you take the third one between thumb and forefinger you feel a blast of rancid oil smell rushing up your nostrils
>try and eat it
I don't bother buying them anymore

>> No.9790913

Pistachio my man.

>> No.9790914

coconut because why the fuck not?

>> No.9790979

Mah left one

>> No.9791013


because they are amazing

>> No.9791045


Yeah, you got it.

I've got pecans chilling in the freezer since Thanksgiving. They're kinda like Walnuts+

>> No.9791166
File: 17 KB, 616x462, yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Macadamias, of course. God damn things are way too good. I really want to choose another nut, because they're just so smug about it. Just look at them. They know they're great. But to say otherwise would be lying..

>> No.9792032

I personally like busta nuts. They're especially good when served all over your mums face

>> No.9792081

Almonds tbqh

>> No.9792086

Raw cashew is probably in my top 5 favorite foods period

so expensive though

>> No.9792093

pistachio I guess
Though in a concentrated oil form, then its almond, that cyanidesque flavor is amazing

>> No.9792170


>> No.9792198

I like chestnuts

>> No.9792913


I'm not in America now, so they're hard to find and expensive. I miss 'em so much.

>> No.9792923

Then pecans.

>> No.9792927


>> No.9792935

Brazil nuts are worst nut

>> No.9792959

I like pistachios and cashews. I like almonds too because they're cheap and can morph into other forms.

>> No.9792968

Walnut is the best healthwise.

>> No.9792970
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>> No.9792975
File: 42 KB, 299x300, Nicenutsinhand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My people
You're right, nigger toes do not appeal to me at all. Could just eat a bananer for potassium.

>> No.9792986

Almonds seem like the best healthwise.

>> No.9793001

That see-through dude is pretty hung.

>> No.9793004

Shit polyunsaturated fat ratios.

>> No.9793009

deez nuts

>> No.9793011
File: 58 KB, 679x769, 1512264556511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.9793070

hazelnuts are superior.

>> No.9793073

pistachios taste the best. cashews for the zinc

>> No.9793080

these are getting pretty nutty

>> No.9793092
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bets 1

>> No.9793106
File: 222 KB, 612x1917, AlmondsVSWalnuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So? Almonds edge them out in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. This is splitting hairs because we're debating over which really healthy food is marginally better than the other really healthy food but almonds are still the champion if judging strictly via health benefits. They're both close enough that you should just eat which one you like the taste of unless you're deficient in a particular area one of the nuts caters to.

>> No.9793118

Almonds are great all around.

But salted pistachios are just god-tier.

>counts fat and calories as a bad thing

>> No.9793125


>> No.9793126

>counts fat and calories as a bad thing

If you take out the fats and calories it will still be Almond leading. If you count the omega 3 fatty acids of the walnuts it will be a tie.

>> No.9793141
File: 29 KB, 408x450, 1512276407923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bet a second we can jerk each other off while we're at it, or get straight to business.