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File: 87 KB, 1280x720, coffee thread now!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9781681 No.9781681 [Reply] [Original]

What coffee-related memes have you fallen for this week?

Friendly reminder that the quality to price ratio for whole bean coffee sharply plateaus at around $7/lb~

>> No.9781691
File: 32 KB, 500x500, cool-brew-iced-coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use this stuff, usually cold, but it's just as good hot. It's cold brew, so it tastes better, and at 7 dollars for a bottle that gives you 16 cups of coffee, it's a pretty cost effective, especially when you factor in convenience.

>> No.9781707

>Friendly reminder that the quality to price ratio for whole bean coffee sharply plateaus at around $7/lb~
do you have a source for this
this sounds completely accurate but i'd like to see the stats out of interest

>> No.9781720

You can prove it for yourself.
No competent coffee company would sponsor a study that implies that their products are overpriced.

>> No.9781757

It's true, but there are many expensive coffees (15-20 buckos a lb) that are leagues above the cheaper but still quality options. Kind of like some kinds of liquor/beer/wine. It's a crapshoot though. Unless you can cup it first and decide yourself don't buy the hugely expensive beans
t. guy who has roasted, cupped, and sold many very expensive varietals

>> No.9781765

more like 17

>> No.9781792

What the fuck is that container though?
Honestly though if you like cold brew just make it yourself. I use two pitchers, a reusable filter, and a strainer. All you need. If cost concerns you, buy pre-ground and you're getting literally GALLONS AND GALLONS of half-decent coffee for whatever you pay for preground.

>> No.9781812
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, No more coffee for me!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped drinking evil coffee 6 months ago and I feel great now.
Yes first week was hard,second week got bit easier but after that I had no cravings for coffee.
Now I don't have anxiety attacks, I'm relaxed and more focused.
My sleeping is much better now also.

Coffee was wrecking silent havoc on my body but now I'm free from this unnecessary shit.
If you have any brains you would consider stopping drinking this overpriced crap full of chemicals
that adds fake feeling of energy and brings depression and possible cancer if you drink dark roast coffee.

to sell substandard coffee beans at the same price per pound as good quality coffee beans roasted to medium roast.
Reason is that substandard coffee beans when roasted to safe medium roast will taste like shit, so evil marketers come up with the scam
to severally overheat the green coffee beans to get some kind of flavor out of them.
But that flavor is flavor of burnet charred turned carcinogenic (cancerous) shit because was heated to such high temperatures.

But the coffee industry is not telling you about it, because they need somehow to sell their shitty quality coffee beans.
Biggest scam ever in the food industry in my opinion.
And on top of it it's cancerous. At least ask for medium roasted coffee beans if you must drink this shit everyday.
Stupid are those who are drinking coffee on empty stomach first thing in the morning and stupid are those who are drinking several cups per day.

Of course there will be millions of stupid people who will never pay attention to warnings about negative effects of drinking dark roast coffee.
They are the same idiots who are eating hamburgers from fast food stores.

Hopefully some of you will think about it and think why reputable coffee roasting houses never roast their green coffee beans to a dark roast,
only to medium or lower levels.
There must be a reason for it, think about it.

>> No.9781813

One side pours however much you want, the other side you squeeze until it fills up and dispenses one ounce of liquid, which is how much you use for 9 ounces of water, making a 10 ounce cup of coffee. I like it because I don't have to think about it.

>> No.9781838

Just buy one container of that shit, remove that shit coffee, buy some of the better trader joe coffee and cold brew the entire thing. Makes many many gallons and tastes better if you pick a good coffee. You'll also spend about as much money as you would on one bottle on many fillups for it

>> No.9781864

>Hopefully some of you will think about it and think why reputable coffee roasting houses never roast their green coffee beans to a dark roast,
>only to medium or lower levels.
>There must be a reason for it, think about it.
And that reason is not to save on electricity bill, no.
Ask any reputable barista who knows their shit about coffee if dark roast beans considered to be properly roasted in order to get best flavors and aromas from coffee beans.
Worst are the espresso dark roast coffee beans.

>> No.9781869

How much does a bag of trader Joe coffee cost, and how much coffee does it make? Because right now I'm coming in at about ~43 cents per cup without having to plan ahead for it.

>> No.9781892

Please don't ever post again.

>> No.9781899



>> No.9781958
File: 209 KB, 1024x768, COFFEE WARNING-PROP 65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

California coffee could be served with cancer warning labels if lawsuit succeeds.
A non-profit group wants coffee manufacturers, distributors and retailers to post ominous warnings about a cancer-causing chemical — acrylamide — stewing in every brew.


Same as the cigarette manufacturers were for years denying that cigarettes are un-safe to smoke and cause cancers, same is with the coffee industry, they are hiding
truth from naive uneducated consumers.
But the change is coming BIG TIME and truth about health problems with drinking coffee (especially dark roast coffee) will be spread and people will get educated
and dark dirty dishonest secrets of coffee industry will be exposed.
And people will be able to make educated choices good for their health based on solid science
not based on dishonest marketing scams hiding the truth pushed by The BIG COFFEE as it was in the past with The BIG TOBACCO.

>> No.9781971
File: 201 KB, 600x600, coffee-lawsuit-prop-65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9781981


>> No.9782021


Literally anything that is browned or toasted will have acrylamide. Coffee, bread, even fruits which are dried by heating in ovens, such as prunes.

>> No.9782031

Are you scared that your coffee business will be affected when people will learn about the dark dirty secrets of the coffee industry,
and or stop drinking all togheter or will demand healthier product from coffee roasting houses and you will no longer be able to sell
low quality coffee in dark roast at the same price as the higher quality coffee in medium roast.

Some coffee roasting houses got away for way too long scamming consumers on the prices for much inferior product
and hiding the health risks associated with drinking dark roast coffee.

Most commercial coffee beans have already tons of nasty chemicals on them from the growing plantations,
and yet the dark roast is adding another health danger to it.

Some of you owners of roasting houses and distributers of coffee should be ashamed of yourselves for being dishonest about all those serious health hazards.
But you are only concerned about your profits and push the blues that coffee is super good for consumers yet you are hiding the other facts about toxic side of coffee.

>> No.9782052

Stopped reading there. Seek help.

>> No.9782051

Bullshit. $15/12oz is barely acceptable and you need $18-$22/12oz for good coffee.

>> No.9782054
File: 571 KB, 2088x576, Very burnt_garlic bread+Very_burnt_Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even fruits which are dried by heating in ovens,
Please stop this fake news, there is a huge difference between dried bread, meat, fruits and burnt charred food.

>> No.9782074

Anything past Nordic roast is unacceptable.

>> No.9782076

you seek help for being dishonest and denying scientific facts

>> No.9782452
File: 89 KB, 353x332, blini cat wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found a rock in my coffee beans

>> No.9782474 [DELETED] 


>> No.9782487
File: 1.31 MB, 2111x2817, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What coffee-related memes have you fallen for this week
I bought condensed milk to use on coffee.
It doesnt taste that good.

Oatly barista edition is by far the best tasting thing to put on coffee.

>> No.9782489


>> No.9782493

idk anon, I just crushed it up and threw it away

>> No.9782518

contact lawyer and sue the bastards for a cool million, or at least get free bag of coffee.

That was your chance to become wealthy in life and you blew it, oh well maybe you will find more.
If you do pls post picture of the rock and the coffee brand so we know what to avoid.
That is a sign of a very shitty quality control.

Was that ground coffee or just coffee beans?

>> No.9782531

I said beans.
I did some searching, apparently finding rocks is pretty common, though this is the first one I've come across.


I guess the only danger in it is if you miss it it might fuck your grinder if you're using a cheap shit one.

>> No.9782569

>What coffee-related memes have you fallen for this week?

ordered dis


>> No.9782579

>I said beans.
lol, my bad.
Would you care to tell if you bough it from a local roaster or big store or online.
I never heard of it before, that's crappy, you can f-up even expensive grinder I think, I guess depends how hard is the rock.
I guess heat from roasting might soften the rock a bit.

Just read the few posts from the link you provided, here is couple of interesting posts for those who are lazy to go there.

"Happens quite often, especially in dry process coffees. If your roaster has a large operation, they will most likely have a de-stoner which can use either weight/air/particle size or magnets to cull the stones prior to roasting.
If your roaster is a small operation, then they will rely on eyeballing the stones and removing them by hand.
More often than not, the stones will be small enough that they will fall through the roaster cooling tray.
The next stage, would be being caught by the person doing the bagging and packaging.
Typically, the stones are soft volcanic rock or limestone which won't usually mess up your grinder too much but won't do your grinder any favors either. Usually, they will fall to the bottom of the bag."

"As a roaster, we have a de-stoner that removed 95% of hard materials from our coffee. It is such a great tool to have.
But as others have said, most of the time the stones are just cement or volcanic pumice or similar. It will be chewed up by the grinder no problem but is never good either.
We also find a lot of corn and once I found a human tooth.. That caused a bit of concern.
We have heard a story from another local roaster of them finding an expended bullet casing, but I'm not sure if that is true."

>> No.9782598
File: 7 KB, 225x225, le disgusted cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a rather big company, some of their stuff isn't too bad, good even, but then some of their other stuff is pretty bad.
The rock I had was pretty brittle, was able to crush it quite easily.

> once I found a human tooth.
That's pretty fucking disgusting, would have probably thrown the entire bag out if that happened to me.

>> No.9782743

I would send them email with picture of the bag (especially that part that has the Lot number) and inform them that you found a rock in their coffee.

Would be interesting experiment to see how they react to you, if they offer you any apology and perhaps send you a free bag of coffee.
This will show how good they are at the customer service end of their business.
Especially if you are a multi time customer of theirs.

>> No.9782767

Have you ever gotten fast food and then complained because you found something nasty in it?

They'll get defensive and claim you put it there.

>> No.9782859

If you come off like you want something from them for it sure they will. But I'm sure if you just make it clear you aren't looking for gibs and just want to let them know so that it is less likely to happen again they would be cool.

>> No.9783342

Be glad it didn't destroy your grinder

>> No.9783372
File: 396 KB, 640x640, You have entered the dominion of mad science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink coffee...
with hot chocolate powder in it.

>> No.9783417
File: 462 KB, 455x561, 1512073310320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry WHAT

>> No.9783546

I used to do that when I lived with my dad, because he only bought instant coffee and it was the only way to make it palatable.

>> No.9784259

>They'll get defensive and claim you put it there.
Not necessary.
I guess if you eat at chinese places and found garbage in their food and show it to them they would deny and yell and bark at you like mad dogs.
But if you would deal with decent people they might,(might) act properly and at least apologize and offer something for your so called troubles.

I'm not suggesting to do that to get free bag of coffee, I piss on their free bag of coffee.
I would be interested to observe how they handle this from Customer Service point of view. More like an experiment for me.
And depending how they responded to me I would decide if I would continue buying from them again or not, especially if I was their regular customer before that incident.

I understand that companies have to consider that people might "claim" falsely that there was a rock in their coffee just to get free coffee
and they must weight the possibility of a scam,but on other hand they know that various foreign object do find their way into coffee
and in most cases peoples grinding gear is not damaged, but some times it is.
It would be much better to have a picture of the rock next to the bag,but regardless, as I said I would contact them not because
I'm hoping to score free bag of coffee from them, but to see how they handle such cases.

If they are nice and polite apologizing for it but not offering me free bag of coffee, that would be perfectly fine with me.
They handled it nice and polite, they pass the test.Free bag of coffee would be just nice gesture on their part and a nice bonus for me. But again this is not my main goal contacting them.
But if they were defensive and brushed me off in some unfriendly way, or ever worst didn't respond to me at all, I would stop buying from them.

>> No.9784271

I drink hot chocolate without coffee in it.
Stopped drinking coffee all togheter. Fells so liberating.

>> No.9784282

Maybe you have no life, but I have better things to do.
If I find rocks or other nasty stuff in my coffee, I'm taking it back to the store for a refund.
I know the store will refund it, I don't have to rely on the goodwill of the company that manufactured it.

What you're describing sounds like sort of thing you'd do if you're buying mail order coffee with no return policy.
Only retards do that.

>> No.9784337

>Maybe you have no life, but I have better things to do.
>Only retards do that.
No rhyme or logic to your rage in your response.
I guess you missed that post where anon said that he bough it from online coffee seller,>>9782598

Second, what takes longer, to drive to a store and wait in the line and do the explaining, or to send quick email.
Before you call others retards look in the mirror yourself.
anon. Please engage your brain next time before you start calling people names.

>> No.9784349

I started drinking coffee at 24, noticed no real significant changes with 1 cup a day. Moving to 2 cups did make me more tired overall and feel more sluggish. Went cold turkey on it, noticed no real changes, and after a month returned to 1 cup.

Alls well.

>> No.9784390

I agree that coffee has it's place and does the trick with short term "energy" blast, maybe I should have mention that in my post.
But smart thing is not to drink too much of it, or not to drink on an empty stomach, or not to drink dark roast.
As with many things in life, there are not very well known or understood by majority of us secrets and aspects of coffee business, especially if we trust
dishonest greedy Coffee mongers who are withholding or even on purpose hiding truth from us the consumers.

>> No.9784396
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>taking advice from anime addicted NEETs

>> No.9784558
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>> No.9784571

Lol, anon
cut down on coffee bro, it makes you edgy.
No,I'm joking, I'm with you, let the pressure vent. LOL

>> No.9784587

Try it with espresso. There's a coffee shop near me that makes it and it's great.

>> No.9784662

>buying coffee in a can
>calling anyone normalfags
Look in the mirror

>> No.9785167

I swear it's really tasty, but only if you're drinking iced coffee with just enough milk. Hot isn't really good, and I've too much is just unbearably sweet.

>> No.9786588

Are you poor?

>> No.9786944

>make french press coffee
>bought a strainer to get the powder out of grounds (yes I'm using a burr before that comes up)
>a LOT of fine grounds go through the strainer too leaving only the chunky grounds
Is this a good thing or no?

>> No.9786958

>not wasting money at every opportunity means you're poor
the absolute state of the nouveau riche, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.9786968

They always end up poor from buying overpriced shit they don't need just because they can, anyway

>> No.9787124

fucking coconut milk my dude
the canned milk in the ethnic isle, not the shit by the cow milk
(esp with coconut palm sugar/coconut blossom nectar!)

>> No.9787157

>Sifting your grounds for french press

Nigger what. You could run your beans over with a fucking car and they'd still make great coffee. What is the fucking point of this

>> No.9787177

Powder over-extracts and burns making the coffee bitter

>> No.9787816

Yeah it makes sense as I dislike the taste of milk-less coffee with sugar in it.

>> No.9788590

I had a problem with a coffee from my percolator. Bitter and acidic, obv overextracted and burnt but after adding a pinch of salt (kinda small error margin, too little salt won't do anything, little too much will end up in salty coffee). This allowed me to transform bitter cup of tar into a cup of strong coffee with kind of like chocolate flavour.

>> No.9788662


>> No.9788666
File: 555 KB, 2116x2115, 2017-12-04 06.47.14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Fines are necessary for proper extraction. Use a drip grind and sift out the largest particles if anything. People fuck up French press with this super coarse shit.

Anyway here's a shot.

>> No.9788671

Are you retarded? Why do you think there's a market for grinders?
Grind consistency is one of the most important things, if not the most important thing that goes into making good coffee.

It's not correct to say that it burns, water can't burn coffee. The over extraction is what leads to bitterness.
The only time you'll have burnt coffee is if it's roasted too long.

>> No.9790482
File: 238 KB, 1024x705, $500 Coffee Grinder-Faggot vapes his coffee grounds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you retarded? Why do you think there's a market for grinders?
>Grind consistency is one of the most important things, if not the most important thing that goes into making good coffee.
On top of it you must invest at least $500 to get decent coffee grinder, otherwise you are a poor pleb.

>> No.9790492

>he's still this assmad 6 months later
Major kudos to whoever got you with that post

>> No.9790504
File: 80 KB, 1024x681, $500 coffee grinder_FLYING FEDORA copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9790522

true if big

>> No.9790653
File: 443 KB, 604x484, 1512063469503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this nigger is still here

>> No.9790681

Is it not the same faggot as the cawfee OP. I assumed it was

>> No.9790741
File: 1.88 MB, 3006x3562, IMG_20171203_175704193~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What coffee-related memes have you fallen for this week?

Pic related

>> No.9790752

>Fines are necessary for proper extraction

I think I'm replying to bait, but no, a consistent grind is necessary for proper extraction. Ideal consistency = uniform size of coffee grounds = no fines. Fines will lead to over extraction.
Sifting out fines will make your ground coffee more consistent in particle size which will lead to better extraction.

>> No.9790753

But I drink one or two cups a day and I feel fine. Relaxed, focused, and I’ve never had a panic attack in my entire life. Maybe, just maybe, you should consider that just because something doesn’t work for you, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t work for others. Like religion and anal sex.

>> No.9790761

Looks like the path to enlightenment to me

>> No.9790770

I seriously am hoping he's just confused about the term fines

>> No.9790937

What's the difference between a $10 pourover and a $50 pourover?

>> No.9790972

The only major difference between pourovers is the flow rate, be it from the design or the type of filter, or both.

Even a ceramic V60 is only $20, what are you looking at that's $50? A Chemex?

>> No.9791193
File: 338 KB, 1024x732, coffee enema set up .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anal sex is gross and disgusting,only sub-humans do that.
but anal intake of coffee known as coffee enema is OK and very beneficial for your health.

My Addiction: Coffee Enemas | My Strange Addiction

>> No.9792752

40 dollars.

>> No.9792817

Alright mates after repeated attempts at modding my skerton in various ways to improve grind uniformity im fed up and looking to step up. What are the best price/quality hand grinders?

>> No.9792818

humans have been eating bread for 30,000 years at least.

i'm pretty sure we're safe from browned starches.

>> No.9792830
File: 56 KB, 1024x531, burnt-toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again you are or on purpose or by being naive mistaking browned up bread (or any other food, including coffee) with dark, black charred burnet to charred level coffee beans (or any other food).

>> No.9792835
File: 255 KB, 1024x768, burned charred dark roast coffee in the middle .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm pretty sure we're safe from browned starches.
browned and charred dark roast coffee
see the difference?

>> No.9792838

We’ve shipped coffee before.

Company is well known.

Raw beans arrived months late.

Solution? “let’s mix them with some of our other beans in smaller ratio”

Probably also why beans tend to be burned a lot...

>> No.9792851
File: 72 KB, 640x480, Mycotoxins-in-Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about green coffee beans having toxic mold growing on them ?

>> No.9792859
File: 798 KB, 600x600, Dark Roast Coffee beans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course dishonest coffee roasting houses just dark roast them and collect the profit from unaware customers.

>> No.9792904

hey espresso gurus, what do you all make of this: buy local fresh roast beans on the day the shop typically puts out the new stuff (monday). get home grind it at my usual setting (2S on my Vario). My machine chokes on pull. Dial it down even further to troubleshoot. No dice (even brought it down as to 4M just to try), still chokes. I figure the beans aren't rested enough, so leave em for a week. Just tried another pull at 2S and it's the same shit. Bad batch? (they sell me old stock or what?). For reference I have another bag of my usual go-to which pulls in the 2S range just fine (20g in 30s pull 50g out)

>> No.9792928

Did you talked to the local shop you bought it from about it yet?
Would be interesting to hear what they said

>> No.9792992

I only drink wheat coffee.

>> No.9793066


>> No.9793076
File: 10 KB, 243x247, oobd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9793216

Looks terrifying.

>> No.9793310

What type of coffee should I use for a cold brew?

>> No.9793337


>> No.9793353

none, that's wasted coffee

>> No.9793383

But something that's frozen isn't cold.

>> No.9793451
File: 99 KB, 513x768, dumb ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumbass detected

>> No.9793480

>he doesn't understand thermodynamics

>> No.9793555

A unimodal even grind is necessary, as are fines. Every test with removing them results in worse coffee. The problem is variance in the size of larger particles, not the dust.

>> No.9793558

It's not my fault you're two years behind on the science of grinding

>> No.9793568

Perger on fines and the EK43: https://baristahustle.com/blogs/barista-hustle/a-wide-thought-distribution-about-grinding

HomeBarista test of fines being best when left alone: https://www.home-barista.com/brewing/taste-impact-of-fines-t48106.html

BaristaHustle test of the extraction of fines: https://www.instagram.com/p/BZ3_dmKARem/

My own tests comparing the Fuji R-440 (lalmost no fines) and Bunnzilla (more, but not excessive fines), also favor the Bunnzilla.

In fact, my best brews to date have been achieved by getting my main particle size as close to dust as possible in order to reduce variance. I usually stick to something more normal as this method caps out at like 10g in to 150g out because it tends to stall past that. Still, I can get delicious brews with 25-26% exty this way. Normally it caps out around 24% before getting astringent.

>> No.9793571
File: 139 KB, 1080x1350, $500^coffee grinder^great pussy wetter .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9793574

>you obviously dont

>> No.9793589

Multiply that by six for my primary grinder. Still, when I'm recommending gear to other less crazy people it's almost always an Aergrind or Feldgrind. Both right around $100 and competent enough for normies.

Also, want to note there are a couple different opinions on fines: https://www.scottrao.com/blog/2017/8/27/fines-fine-for-espresso-not-so-fine-for-filter

Personally I'm strongly in the Perger camp on them (much as I hate the guy), but want to give all the information I have.

>> No.9793650

>Multiply that by six for my primary grinder.
3K for a fucking coffee grinder?
for home use?

>> No.9793714

>he can't meme arrow properly

>> No.9793838

Yup. LWW EG-1. Mostly use it for espresso.

>> No.9793844
File: 703 KB, 2829x1590, 2017-08-26 16.11.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old picture since I don't feel like taking one rn, but here it is.

>> No.9794671
File: 783 KB, 2829x1590, 2017-12-05 10.33.45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newer pic

>> No.9794704

not yet. though tbqh i haven't been frequenting them as much i have in the past. my current go to is sold at a new high end (read hipster) coffee joint in the same mall. i normally wouldn't be so keen on stuff from out of town but the stuff is brought in twice a week and dated. plus it's fucking legit. makes godly cortados

>> No.9794787

What's the coffee in the center?

>> No.9795160

Tim Wendelboe.

>> No.9795195

Looks like meth lab on the right

>> No.9795213

You don't fuck around huh.

>> No.9795226

I bet he brews dark roast coffee tho

>> No.9795760
File: 343 KB, 1100x731, extra-fancy-medium-dark-roasted-coffee-beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this photoshopped or do people really use beans that look like charcoal? The ones I use look more like this.

>> No.9795805

makes no real difference
point is they are both dark roast loaded with cancer causing shit

>> No.9795828
File: 204 KB, 1024x224, dark roasts coffee beans .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually Italian or French espresso roasts could be charred as fuck.

The rule is the lower the quality of green coffee beans the darker the roast to hide shitty flavor and shitty quality.

>> No.9796208


>> No.9796249

Is the mirror so you can maintain your handlebar mustache and coif while you brew?

>> No.9796508
File: 48 KB, 900x900, $500 coffee grinder faggot vapes his coffee grounds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your handlebar mustache
it's him in the picture vaping coffee grounds

>> No.9798335

all dark roast coffee tastes exactly the same, if that's all you like you have no place calling anyone else a tastelet

>> No.9798345

You are a retard. No hipster would go this far. No, no, this isn't hipsterism, this is pure autism. Not that I'm not jealous.

>> No.9798368

I think the mirror is there so he can see and examine the coffee grounds in 360 view to make sure that they are all uniformly grounded with his $3K coffee grinder.

>> No.9798544

Is aeropress actually goood or is it a meme?

>> No.9798579

good but nothing special
overrated plastic pipe with smelly rubber plunger
if you like smell of rubber with your hot coffee Aeropress is the toy for you.

>> No.9798593

what would be an improvement?

>> No.9798603
File: 3.05 MB, 5312x2988, hDrx2Db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup! It's their Ethiopia Agaro.

Nah, I'm all about that Nordic. I do occasionally roast darkish though when it's a gift for family who don't drink anything else.

No, idiot, it's to watch my fat vapes per:

But really it's just a shot mirror. Pic related.

Not that guy, but I usually recommend Bonavita Immersion brewer to beginners. Easy to learn on, and imo mostly better than Aeropress. Or Clever dripper if you're cool with plastic.

>> No.9798604

electric or stovetop moka pot makes much nicer coffee

>> No.9798612

>No, idiot, it's to watch my fat vapes per:
No, I think you are using that mirror to watch your hard-on that you are getting looking at your $3K grinder.
Admit anon, admit

>> No.9798615

>moka pot

>> No.9798644
File: 200 KB, 960x716, 1471143860049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i drink pre ground chock full o nuts black from my mr coffee and there's NOTHING you can do to stop me

>> No.9798681

Back up your denouncement of moka pots with facts.

>> No.9798723

Moka for life

>> No.9798735

he has none.
he doesn't know how to use moka pot lol
it's too complicated for his brain.

>> No.9798822

I was just joking before but holy fuck you really are a tastelet.

>> No.9798885

anon is it possible that you suck at joking

>> No.9799791

That's a dream setup right there, nice job man. Is that some random old EK43 underneath too?

>> No.9799884
File: 63 KB, 850x1512, aaastop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are the hand operated espresso machines so fucking expensive

>> No.9799888

Daily reminder that if you are buying anything other than the giant tub of Folgers coffee you are being scammed.

Coffee is literally cheap af to make, if you are paying over 15¢ a cup you are a fucking retard.

>> No.9799935
File: 6 KB, 226x223, 1511800495291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9799967

why bother with a mirror setup if you are just going to pull into a weaboo tea cup (i.e. an opaque vessel)? pull it into a gibralter so you can enjoy the extraction porn fully.

>> No.9800699

Jericho J-5006 (rebadged Fuji Royal R-440) and Bunnzilla are the grinders under it.

Because seeing the shot develop is important to making sure there's no channeling.

>> No.9800808

>Because seeing the shot develop is important to making sure there's no channeling.

which you would be able to do BETTER if you weren't pulling into an opaque glass. read the rest of the fucking post weab.

>> No.9800819
File: 156 KB, 362x259, 1491489979389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9801098

because they require no electricity to run

>> No.9801100
File: 70 KB, 1170x742, mega brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9801107

folgers promotes incest

>> No.9801145

Only the direct underside of the basket is important. What's happening in the glass is 100% irrelevant.

>> No.9801185


>> No.9801580

On scale 1-10 how better your coffee tastes with your multi thousand dollar setup compared to a cup of good quality instant coffee?
I'm considering brewing instant as my introduction to drinking coffee.

>> No.9801689


The best part of waking up.

>> No.9801729

Does this show actually mention coffee more than once or is it like new game, where the setting is a game dev studio but it's just high school cute girl anime in a different setting.

>> No.9801814

retard detected

>> No.9801825

Is fucking your sister

>> No.9803118

Very low life comment.

>> No.9803226

Very low life post.

>> No.9803229

Very low life response.

>> No.9803337

Well this thread is devolving.

Quick post what you have been brewing lately!

I have been having the Heart roasters Stereo blend, half Ethiopian Nono Challa and half Guatemalan La Bolsa. Notes of apricot fudge and cherry.

>> No.9803378

>Well this thread is devolving.
because of low lives

>> No.9803405


waiting on counter culture's apollo blend

>> No.9804004

Java Taman Dadar

Real cedar-y when fresh like Papua New Guinea. Tones down after a week and gets more chocolatey. The cedar is kind of jarring at first, kind of like the first time you have Ethiopian Yirgacheffe and it tastes like citrus,. although that is more enjoyable, I think

>> No.9804029

>mason jar
>tea towel

if you're posting on /ck/ then you're not so crunched for time that you can't make a weeks worth of coffee concentrate on your own.

>> No.9804260
File: 627 KB, 2829x1590, 2017-12-07 08.35.28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used this glass today just to satisfy your weird obsession.

Even the very best instant like Sudden Coffee (that costs like $3-4 a cup) really isn't very good. Start off with an Aergrind and a Bonavita Immersion brewer (or Clever dripper). Now if you plan to drown it in milk and sugar, it really doesn't matter.

Wendelboe's Ethiopia Agaro

>> No.9804264
File: 718 KB, 2814x2112, 2017-12-07 08.36.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finished shot

>> No.9804297

nice. now that's a shot you can admire.

>> No.9804314
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, IMG_2557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Not an argument

Enjoy spending your wage cuck dollars on expensive bean water lmao

>> No.9804329

Poor bait

>> No.9805156
File: 155 KB, 318x341, 1506875195748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jokes on you, anon
I've already sterilized myself by taking anti-androgens, one of which is cancer medicine

>> No.9805228
File: 11 KB, 645x729, IMG_0016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not trolling. I fell for the coffee meme through out my young adult life but in an effort to save money so I could invest in the stock market I really limited how much I spend on non essentials.

If you seriously think I'm wrong I'd like a constructive argument thanks.

>> No.9805347

You're right. I guess we should all just only spend our money on housing, water, and rice and beans. Fuck all those other stupid things we enjoy.

>> No.9805364

Do you not have any hobbies?

>> No.9805400

>Now if you plan to drown it in milk and sugar, it really doesn't matter.
I really don't understand your hate towards milk and sugar. So mean. Seek help

>> No.9805402

I don't hate milk and sugar, actually. Drink what ya want. I'm just saying you don't really need to worry about excellent coffee as a base if it's going to be masked anyway.

>> No.9805501
File: 15 KB, 644x776, 1502068595607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do, it's called making money.

>> No.9805588

You're wrong because good coffee costs more than shit coffee. If you're fine with choking down Folgers that's fine, but don't pretend like there isn't better coffee out there.

>> No.9805603 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 1024x389, rats ass coffee .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're wrong because good coffee costs more than shit coffee.
you are both wrong.
most expensive coffee come from ass of a tree rat

>> No.9805611
File: 99 KB, 1024x389, rats ass coffee .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're wrong because good coffee costs more than shit coffee.
you are both wrong.
most expensive coffee comes from ass of a tree rat

>> No.9805619 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 1024x682, rat's ass coffee-very expensive .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're wrong because good coffee costs more than shit coffee.
>shit coffee
is most the expensive coffee on the planet
looks like you know shit about coffee

>> No.9805625

Apparently not enough if $0.50 a day for something you enjoy is too much

>> No.9805642
File: 46 KB, 1024x682, rat's ass coffee-very expensive .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're wrong because good coffee costs more than shit coffee.
>shit coffee
is the most expensive coffee on the planet
looks like you know shit about coffee

>> No.9805667


quit samefagging, retard

>> No.9805678

those are facts
I'm trying to educate you you poor plebs

>> No.9805700


then do it in one post rather than spam reply to the same person you dumb fuck

>> No.9805711

lol. rats shit covered coffee connoisseur detected. lol

>> No.9805717

I will do it in as many posts I like.

>> No.9805741
File: 144 KB, 1024x1024, rat's ass-coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is how the most expensive coffee (rats ass coffee) is packaged for some stupid morons. lol
I have a feeling that we have this moron here as well
he is felling very stupid right now for paying $500/LB for pile of rats shit with few coffee beans inside. kek

>> No.9805909

>being this butthurt
Go choke down another cup of folgers dirtwater, stupid ape.

>> No.9805943


it's just a shitposter, same guy who spams about the mycotoxins and burnt coffee beans

>> No.9805947

and the $500 grinder meme

>> No.9805952

>about the mycotoxins and burnt coffee beans

>> No.9805961

anon tell us how the coffee that came from rats ass tasted in your mouth, haha

>> No.9807134

Tell me what grinder for under $200 to do well with drip coffee pls

>> No.9807146

Baratza Encore

>> No.9807166

lido 3

>> No.9807176

The LIDO 3 is amazing and I love mine, but if he's making a whole pot in a drip machine, hand grinding is not the way to go.

>> No.9807196

Going to be just making one or maybe two cups at a time. Using a chemex rn, but I really want to buy more to try them out, especially the kalita wave.

(I also have an aeropress, but my pour over coffee tastes really lack luster and I'm fairly certain it's because of inconsistent grind)

>> No.9807204

Oh, then get a LIDO. You will not regret it

>> No.9807212

or, if you want to spend slightly less, get something from Made by Knock, though most of what they have is out of stock right now

I hear their grinders are just as good as the lido 3, except maybe for espresso

>> No.9807364
File: 1.57 MB, 2576x1932, 20171130_114502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting poorfag setup.

>> No.9807555
File: 210 KB, 1280x868, rats ass source of delish coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great question.
I was going to ask our coffee snobs here what type of grinders they used to grind the rat ass coffee that they paid $500/lb for it.

>> No.9807566

Why do you keep calling them rats? If people are grossed out by coffee beans that passed through an animal they'll likely be so regardless of the actual taxonomy of the beast.

>> No.9807590
File: 87 KB, 1024x682, civet-coffee.jpg.653x0_q80_crop-smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you keep calling them rats?
Look at this fucker. Looks like a rat to me.
Maybe looks like a bird to you, but looks like a rat to me.

>> No.9808239

>The Asian palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus), also called the toddy cat, is a small member of the family Viverridae.

Its not even in the order of rodentia

>> No.9808262

>also called the toddy cat
it's a typo you dummy

>> No.9808272

Thanks for the laugh mate.

>> No.9808273

Idk when I used to brew alcohol that's the same container my carboy Sanitizer would come in for my cleaning chemicals.

>> No.9808734

I just roasted my first beans in an air popper (slightly glossy). I cooled them down really quick, ground them, brewed in the Mochamaster, tastes pretty flat. Should I fall for the "resting" meme, next?
>mfw chaff flying around the kitchen like those fake moths in the Tommy masturbation scene

>> No.9808849

>Should I fall for the "resting" meme, next?
It's not really a meme as much as it is a requirement.

>mfw chaff flying around
Every guide I've ever seen says to do it outside

>> No.9809946

any good shit i can buy online and deliver to canada?

>> No.9809968

get yourself this shit maker

>> No.9810376
File: 405 KB, 607x481, cofee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a picture for a geneneral!

>> No.9810512

Looks like dark roast to me.
Nothing but cancer.

>> No.9810663
File: 46 KB, 349x600, 0098493103670_CL_version_type_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make French press coffee with the following ratio
>2.5 cups of water
>5.5:tablespoons of preground pic related

>> No.9810671

You should reverse the ratios anon.Much better results. Trust me.

>> No.9810849
File: 2.12 MB, 2948x3036, IMG_20171208_163251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just curious, who has fallen for the Armenian Coffee meme?

>> No.9811070
File: 9 KB, 200x146, fucking really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9811082

You mean Turkish?

>> No.9811192

No. Greek

>> No.9811202

why you morons are posting such huge files
don't you know how to reduce file to be easier to open
screw you. not trying to open your shit

>> No.9811398

I fell for the Kahlua meme and it's delicious

>> No.9811440

how do you brew that shit
french press or drip

>> No.9811636

No one cares about you third worlders

>> No.9811661

>No one cares about you third worlders
said fat ugly burger. lol

>> No.9811678

>this passes for banter in the 3rd world
I know you guys just got internet in your country but you need to seriously catch up.

>> No.9811686
File: 14 KB, 320x320, 10808027_10152541822091716_1923047779_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to troll, go back to /b/.

>> No.9811690

maybe you just need to start using your brain how to post properly, like the rest of us doing, no matter if we are in the First or Third World

>> No.9811705

I'm not even gonna try to decipher this Pajeetspeak

>> No.9811717
File: 113 KB, 1000x1000, Oh,my new anus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you just got new asshole ripped and you are busy stopping the bleeding. Lol

>> No.9811871

That thing is great on homemade frapuccinos.

>> No.9811886
File: 3.12 MB, 320x240, lip_licker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ay, grill, you shit out dat ass? hit me up.

>> No.9811906
File: 84 KB, 1024x683, 7-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

degenerate low life detected

>> No.9811913


>> No.9811920

you're on 4chan, friendo. your degeneracy meter should be going off 24/7 with or without someone else to set it off.

>> No.9811938

what's your point genius?
why don't you drink quality coffee? too poor?
upppss, I got involved with a pleb
*backs up quickly with disgust*

>> No.9811943

go back to red*it buddy

>> No.9811952


>> No.9812378


>> No.9812608


>> No.9813336
File: 913 KB, 500x341, dryingtearsmoney.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i wish i was rich so i could buy a nice espresso setup willy nilly

Guess I'll just have to settle with a Kalita Wave for Christmas

>> No.9814263
File: 2.10 MB, 3006x3919, IMG_20171206_160442175~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my meme for today

>> No.9814464

Looks like dark roast to me.
Not healthy at all.

>> No.9814502

It isn't that roasted as it looks, although it isn't a good quality cawfee either. Whenever I want decent beans I have to drive 3 hours to the closet big city and recently I haven't had a chance to go.

>> No.9814579
File: 1.39 MB, 878x948, 1512586261326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this and I thought of you guys!

>> No.9814588

Good coffee isn't bitter and bitter != strong.

I hate people

>> No.9814977

hey,you,little hater
can you translate your post please

>> No.9815562

Worst coffee thread ever.

>> No.9815568

This thread is full of coffee shit literally, never mind the rat

>> No.9815631

The nasty dark truth about coffee industry secrets is very disturbing and very ugly
Yes, same type of lies as was done for decades by the Big Tobacco industry.

>> No.9815802

OP I don't know why your coffee thread sucks but it does

>> No.9816438

they used to be a million times worse, newfag

>> No.9816491
File: 536 KB, 994x768, pros-and-cons-of-coffee-consumption-infographic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they used to be a million times worse,
Exactly. Before the threads were full of lies and misconceptions about coffee.
At least now we have posts with correct scientifically supported informations about dirty secrets of the coffee industry.
Now we the customers have power to make informed choices that are much healthier for us, but of course that will bring less profits
for the greedy dishonest coffee roasting businesses and sellers.
Fuck them.

make sure you study this, pic related

>> No.9816526

Here is the very wrong thing with this chart.
On the left they are stating that "..coffee consumption has reduced risk of some diseases and ailments"
How do you exactly know this.This is not scientific, this is just a pure speculation. This is just pure marketing designed big fat lie.

On the right hand side all the statements are scientifically provable.
Everything could be and it was tested in the laboratories.
Even the points where the word 'can' or 'may' is used are scientifically examined and tasted and can affect people,
some people less others more, but it was scientifically proven that it can. Chemically was proven that it is so.
So there is no speculation on the right side.

On the left is just a theoretical speculation, because you cannot examine living person and tell them that drinking coffee will do this or that for you in protecting from some illnesses or deceases.
How do you do that? How do you come to solid chemical testings that are true.
You can cut up dead person and examine their organs and connect chemically coffee to the chemical information in their organs,
but how do you do that in living person.
Total lie and brain washing for the purpose of coffee marketing.

Maybe only the last point is correct, but that is chemistry between coffee and the painkillers that have secondary effect on the human body.
Try to support the other points on the left with solid scientific data. NONE. TOTAL FAKE BULLSHIT MADE UP MARKETING SCAM LIE.

>> No.9816963 [DELETED] 
File: 283 KB, 665x817, 1512592103378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this reddit spacing

>> No.9817874
File: 1.23 MB, 1024x1024, 1511844434139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream where donald trump endorsed folgers coffee
what does it mean

>> No.9817951
File: 71 KB, 640x419, 1512454866788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9817978
File: 312 KB, 450x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is condensed milk allowed here?

>> No.9818241

I only ever put 1% or 2% milk in coffee. I don't like the taste of cream or high-fat milk in coffee. I imagine condensed milk would taste extremely fatty, similar to heavy cream.

>> No.9818273

>Is condensed milk allowed here?
anon, let's put it this way
If carcinogenic dark roast coffee is allowed here than condensed milk is even more welcomed.

>> No.9818277

>Stop calling me out!
Go back to your echo chamber.

>> No.9818296

>>Stop calling me out!
Come out you massive faggot

>> No.9818539

so its exactly like these 2 strike oil containers