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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 70 KB, 300x295, Chocolate-milk-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9788216 No.9788216 [Reply] [Original]

Someone told me that chocolate milk is made from milk that has pus/blood in it since they can't sell it as normal milk... this ain't true. Is it?

>> No.9788236

god no
it's made of only pus and blood with too much milk contaminating it

>> No.9788242
File: 70 KB, 593x440, 78592-004-9A64FF8E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All milk is taken apart and put back together before it's sold.

If there's extra pus in your milk then it was readded intentionally rather than never taken out.

>> No.9788248

It is made from melting baker's chocolate in a double boiler with a bit of cream then mixing this into a hot cup of cream top milk. Pleb.

>> No.9788251

No. It’s made of regular milk and juvenile diabetes.

>> No.9788316

Neat diagram.

>> No.9788399

All bovine growth formula has puss, and U.S. stuff has the most.

>> No.9788409

vegan propaganda, it is however common for milk that isn't pure white after pasteurization and filtering to be used in flavored milks

>> No.9788424

who here /hate milk/ master race

>> No.9789207

All milk leaves the farm on the same truck.

>> No.9789278


The shit is all mixed together before it even reaches processing. Now if the taste or colouring is below standard after processing they might make it into a flavoured milk but thats a completely different issue than blood and puss

>> No.9789364

We basically force cows to get pregnant, we take away their baby and steal their milk. Humans don't need to drink milk, we just enjoy the sweet creamy taste.

Milk is bad not because of the blood and pus, but because you're supporting a vicious cycle of theft and cruelty. You can make "milk" from rice or nuts, which still tastes pretty good if you add some sugar or dates to sweeten it up.

>> No.9789874

wtf I love milk now

>> No.9789925

I find it amazing how every board on 4chan manages to start several threads like
>Is it true?
>Did you know?
>Since I stopped...
>It's been proved...
and without any topic except bashing animal products or sometimes promote vegan living.

Wish the animal farmers weren't busy around the clock taking care of live animals instead of waiting for crops to grow. Then perhaps they too could spend all their time twisting the truth on the Internet.

>> No.9790922

someone told me once the little black thing at the bottom of a banana was a worm and when you threw the peel away the worm came alive and started wriggling around... this ain't true. Is it?

>> No.9790932

what have you been drinking your whole life

>> No.9791001

you do realize those are all bait threads, right? the purpose is either to troll or to incite naive people like you to attack the position they're presenting

>> No.9791072

You don't get t1 from a bad diet, retard.

>> No.9791080

no it comes from brown cows

>> No.9791518
File: 36 KB, 512x384, Malk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
