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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 157 KB, 640x426, south-korean-food1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9776914 No.9776914 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Korea so lacking in unique dishes? Everything seems to be derived from Japan and SEA countries.

>> No.9776929

Bulgolgi isn't Korean? I'm pissed

>> No.9777020

Korea has some of the least cultural legacy in the world. Only niggers have less heritage than Koreans.

>> No.9777040

>korean cuisine
>derived from southeast asian countries
korean cuisine is as derived from SEA as italian cuisine is derived from surinamese

>> No.9777043

Because it's a tiny little island that no one cares about. It has the same land mass as Maine for fucks sake.

>> No.9777044

>Everything seems to be derived from Japan
The whole country is like that not just their food
>inb4 assmad koreaboos

>> No.9777052

This is the same country whose national heroes are prostitutes who rode Jap cocks and one of whose only original culinary creations were wine made from human shit, keep in mind.

>> No.9777074

Korea isn't an island.

>> No.9777087

korean food is similar to northern chinese food but with chili paste in everything. it's not like japan at all.

>> No.9777092
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>it's a tiny little island
>amerimongrel """"""""""""education""""""""""""""

>> No.9777095

t. Chinese

go fuck yourself, btw.

>> No.9777098

Why does this board hate on Korean food so much?

Are you guys all flyovers who don't want to admit a tiny-ass country that's spent more time conquered by China and Russia than your own country has more culture than yours?

>> No.9777099

Peninsula, whatever.

>> No.9777119

that's just outright rude and ignorant and I don't mean the nigger part.

>> No.9777122
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Spotted the butthurt Kim

>> No.9777137

t. korean phone poster

>> No.9777150

weebs think it's cool to hate on korea just like japan senpai.

>> No.9777385

Are you fucking retarded!?

>> No.9777410

Pretty sure Japanese food and Korean food are completely unrelated. However if you want to talk about stealing cultures you really shouldn’t use Japan as an example lol

>> No.9777411

And Japanese food is mostly derived from Chinese and western cuisine.

>> No.9777418

Because Korean food is boring is fuck.
1. Take thinly sliced marinated poverty meat and grill with vegetables
2. Make soup with thinly sliced meat and vegetables
3. Ferment
4. Ferment
5. Ferment
Also add rice

>> No.9777432

>I have never had korean

>> No.9777497


>> No.9777559


Don't forget the poo between 4 and 5


>> No.9777596

Is that like Jenkem or some shit (pardon the pun)?

>> No.9777632

I have. I'll say Korean street food vendors come up with some cool snacks based on youtube videos I've seen but the actual core of Korean cuisine is boring.

>> No.9777653

They are pretty distinct but "completely unrelated" is a stretch. Lots of common ingredients and some similar dishes like maki sushi/gimbap

>> No.9777689

Korea is lacking in unique anythings.

>> No.9777697

That's like saying the core of Italian cooking is boring because its "just pasta" or the core of german cooking is boring because its "just sausage"
People who bitch about korean food being all the same are the same people who think their local chink shop is representative of chinese food or that japanese food is all sushi and ramen.
In short: They're idiots.
Yeah, maybe if you want to reduce everything down to "WELL ITS JUST NOODLES" then maybe its not super diverse, but by that logic nothing in ASEA is.

>> No.9777724

ehh, korean food does tend to use a handful of seasonings (garlic, chili, sesame, soy) in a very large proportion of dishes.
I happen to like those flavors but if you didn't I could see how you would find their frequent use repetitive and boring

>> No.9777733

>ehh, italian food does tend to use a handful of seasonings (garlic, lemon, parmesan, onion) in a very large proportion of dishes.
See what I mean?
Reductionist attitudes to cuisine always lead to "<x> is bland because its all <y>!"
People who think all korean food is garlic and gochujang have never really had much korean food. It's like somebody complaining about mexican by going to chipotle every day.

>> No.9777738
File: 73 KB, 601x601, 53A72E02-6A9E-486B-91DC-E837A077911D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck all of you /ck/ I thought you guys were cool

t. Assdevastated Korean

>> No.9777775

Seems to me it’s more of a medicinal thing, at least according to the Wikipedia article >>9777559 linked. There’s actually some precedent in Western medicine for the benefits of poop, but only really in the case of fecal transplants for people suffering from IBS and other gastrointestinal issues caused by a problem with gut flora. I doubt mixing shit with alcohol and drinking it has a similar effect though.

>> No.9777797

Korean foods in the USA is like 1/5-ish of Korean foods in Korea. But what the Koreans accomplished to the world is Korean style marinated fried chicken with awesome batters.

>> No.9777804

The fact mulnaengmyeon and back-alley korean BBQ isn't common in the states depresses the shit out of me.

>> No.9777805

You're right in that it's wrong to make universal claims about cuisine. I'm sure anyone could find at least one Korean dish that they like. Even when I was an incredibly picky tastelet as a kid I liked hotteok, for example.
But I think it's fair to make generalizations about cuisines, since they really do vary in what flavors they use most frequently. If you don't like garlic and chili, you can still find korean foods to enjoy, but it will be a significantly reduced fraction of them. As a result you will enjoy korean food less on average than the cuisines of countries that don't heavily use those ingredients.

>> No.9777826

Korean fried chicken is top tier I'll give you that

>> No.9777900

what are you talking abooout op

>> No.9777905
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Bibimbap is just gook for donburi, no? >>9773327 seems to have met that conclusion.

>> No.9778060

korean culture was legitimately erased by japan lol you can't blame them

the food might be samey but it's all good as a result

>> No.9778066

your fried chicken owns and so does the soju keep it up my dude

>> No.9778069
File: 132 KB, 2000x1333, japankorea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

koreans plagiarized their entire culture
in fact, I would go so far as to say korean culture IS the very act of taking something from another country and retroactively pretending it is one of your ancient traditions from thousands of years ago

>> No.9778219
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Listen you spastic monkeytard, after years of shitposting your insecurities on here people have had it. It's not "obsessed", it's fed up with muricans bringing the weakest argument, then proceeds to get complete roasted in every single way, and then pathetically try to shrug it off with a "haha I was just pretending to be retarded". Just go away!

>> No.9778278


Mor like Bulldoggi

>> No.9778375

Because it's boring and not that good. When you see someone praising Korean food a bit too much, it's surely overrated. Of course you can treat yourself but it's nowhere as diverse and delicious as Chinese and Japanese.
And I'm talking about authentic, not Westernized version of any of these.

>> No.9778522
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Korea is the only one who shakes a lunch box.

>> No.9778545

Why would any country imitate japan's food? What do they have? Fish on rice? Curry that looks like dog diarrhea? What a joke.

>> No.9778549

their spicy bbq is some of the very best food for alcoholics to be quite honest

>> No.9778553

I don't know why but korea did. No wonder everything in their food culture is shit

>> No.9778554

So I talked to my cousin in Chicago the other day and it turns out Korean food is becoming somewhat fashionable in flyover land these days, like all the white neighborhoods in Chicago now have "Korean tapas" and funny stuff like that, and everyone is acting like they've never seen kimchi before (it's fully plausible they really haven't, bearing in mind that even liking avocados is considered politically questionable)

Now, Chicago is a pretty tolerant city by flyover standards, they think of themselves as being on the same level as a real city, so now pretend for a minute you're in Dubuque and then remember most of these angry flyovers still think black glasses are for cool hip fashion forward individuals

The reaction to korean food in the last year or so on this board reminds me of the early days of /ck/ when everyone was buttmad about the newfangled sriracha, which apparently was just reaching the midwest for the first time in the mid 2000s

>> No.9778556

>curry that looks like dog diarrhea
have you seen Mediterranean, arabian or indian food? Denouncing a meal completely by how it looks is retarded

>> No.9778647
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Korean meals are not beautiful.

>> No.9778779
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Korean gift set.

>> No.9778872

That guy might very well be an American but you don't know it, for all you know he might as well be an Italian or a Georgian. This board doesn't have flags and that post showed nothing that indicated what country they are from.

>> No.9778904

Spam in Asia is made of higher quality cuts than spam found in America.

>> No.9778908

How the hell would you know if it was a American poster? I think it's just all you retards actually obsessing over Americans and just seeing us everywhere when we're not. Why not going to see a psychologist or something for your compulsion?

>> No.9778942

The products released by the US military was a longing food.
Immediately after World War II, in Japan it was a longing food.
Metallic tableware that shines silver. Processed meat.
In Korea, spam is a yearning food, even now.

>> No.9779033

thats kegogi you idiot

>> No.9779040
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>> No.9779041
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>> No.9779046
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>> No.9779047
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>> No.9779059
File: 229 KB, 1200x800, jjajangmyeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jjajangmyeon has neither garlic or chili and is an extremely common dish, very popular.
It's not hard to find dishes that don't have those ingredients.

>> No.9779065
File: 152 KB, 604x600, budae jjigae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9779070

why the fuck would you use culinary scissors like that? jesus christ.

>> No.9779074
File: 51 KB, 650x435, Samgyetang-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9779077

I'm >>9778872 and I just realized I missed the part where that poster compared Korea's size to Maine's which makes it likely that the poster is an American.
Anyway, some posters do seem obsessed about Americans, perhaps they are just jelly of them.

>> No.9779078
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>> No.9779081


Welcome to Korean "cuisine"

>> No.9779084
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>> No.9779090
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>> No.9779093

Morbid curiosity is not the same as obsession.
It’s like being at a zoo or a Victorian freak show.

>> No.9779096
File: 80 KB, 1200x877, CmMx0oFWgAAp6A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korean foods I like
tteokbokki (stir-fried rice cakes)
bibimbap (mixed rice with meat and veggies)
jjajangmyeon (noodles with black bean sauce)
naengmyeon (buckwheat cold noodles)
yangnyeom chicken (fried chicken with spicy and sweet sauce)

Korean foods I hate
any banchans (korean side dishes)

>> No.9779104

Is high-quality food used for instant noodles?

>> No.9779155

>only original culinary creations were wine made from human shit

>> No.9779191

>right over your head

>> No.9779196

google what that is and where it came from and you'll find out
its fucking amazing when you go out drinking with friends

>> No.9779209


It's almost like Japan colonized Korea for decades...

>> No.9779222

>that spacing
just how reddit has been colonizinh 4chan for decades

>> No.9779231
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You know, come to think of it you can't really just drive to it from China because of North Korea. It's actually a lot like an island?

Furthermore 60% face mongrelposting is lefties trying to break down trust between what they view as conspiratorial white supremacy, unfortunately due to independence being the primary white value and thus the total lack of a conspiracy whites who don't know the history of le 60% face don't even realize they're being addressed.

>> No.9779271

Zhazhamien is a Chinese dish you fucking moron. Popular in China but by no means a delicacy, which goes to show

>> No.9779301

So that stuff's easier to pick up with chopsticks.

>> No.9779394

>It's actually a lot like an island?
No its not, that's not what an island is. It has to be surrounded on ALL sides by water, not crappy other countries.
What kind of idiot tries mental gymnastics on the definition on 'island'?

>> No.9779482

>sweetened diluted absolute ethanol distilled from petrochemicals is "good"

>> No.9779588
File: 82 KB, 624x480, hold_still_while_i_gas_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any banchan
>doesn't like Korean potato salad, soy potatoes, Korean sweet potatoes, those fried peanut things, that orange colored squash that they cut into cubes, or pickled radish

>> No.9779635

nah we cool.

btw is it cool if I drop by in a couple weeks?

>> No.9779692

wow, entire /decades/ of mistreatment?

>> No.9779945

>fed up with muricans
that was all me

>> No.9779950

singapore is actually a little island. they got stellar food

>> No.9780793

Pretty sure youre thinking of Taiwan

>> No.9780810

You just proved his point dumbass.

>> No.9780890
File: 515 KB, 1920x1080, Japan does not deserve to call anyone else of unoriginality 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9780904
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>> No.9780913

It is more about...well. if you'very been to korean there's an absolute lack of variety. It'shows always grilled meat. Or soup. Or ttaekbokki. Or Kim chi. Round and round they go.
One korean food restaurant will have the same menu as another.
If you see other culture's food there are so much restaurantso that varies on specialty.

>> No.9780915
File: 473 KB, 1920x1080, Japan does not deserve to call anyone else of unoriginality 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really the difference between any other Asian countries and Japan, is that Japanese are disgusting revisionists. Every 2nd world countries go through bench-marking another better product. Japan is the only country that denies it.

>> No.9780916

Why not just make fried rice in the first place?

>> No.9780918

Sorry for my retarded typing, phone posting.

>> No.9780926
File: 171 KB, 373x509, Edo era Japanese medical record using feces as medicine 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice culture you got there

>> No.9780928

You're a special stupid aren't you ? That title is given to china.

>> No.9780940

what is that, ramen?

>> No.9780956

>*So that stuff's easier to pick up with a spoon.

>> No.9781010

>One korean food restaurant will have the same menu as another.
this is largely true in the west but it's also largely true of say, chinese or thai food in the west
restaurants in korea are often very specialized

>> No.9781022

t. flyover
there are specialized chinese, thai, korean, indian, japanese, mexican, italian, etc... places in any decent city

of course, /ck/ gets very angry when this is pointed out because it's "elitist"

>> No.9781042

Pretty sure there are massive varieties of chinese restaurants around off the top of my head I can think of:

>yum cha
>hot pot

>> No.9781074

if you live in a town with a decently sized chinese population sure, but the vast majority of chinese restaurants in the us serve a very broad and largely standardized menu.

Likewise, in a city like LA with a large korean population, you can find places specializing in Soondubu jjigae, seollangtang, naengmyeon, kbbq, etc.

>> No.9781134

>>mfw actually korean

100+ posts and no one mentions the 2 types of fermented soybeans as the core of korean cuisine...

no one mentions gochujang

no one mentions the health benefits

no one mentions the ease of prep, low cost, and large variety of dishes that offer a nutrition not found in western society.

no one mentions lowest obesity rate in the world

no one mentions korea's "CARE" of western palates - leading to a timid approach to introducing the cuisine as "authentic". bias of "fermented cabbage" is a large aspect of fear of koreans not wanting to scare the rest of the world away - when really the fermented soybean is a much more basic staple of koreans

fuck /ck/ if this is real. (((it's not)))

>> No.9781172

>Ameriburger education

>> No.9781187

>no one mentions gochujang
you could ctrl+f and find >>9777733
>no one mentions the health benefits
you mean like the highest rate of stomach cancer?
>no one mentions lowest obesity rate in the world
south korea has a low rate for a developed country, but japan's and many developing countries' are lower.

I enjoy korean food but this post is embarassing

>> No.9781328

>bias of "fermented cabbage" is a large aspect of fear of koreans not wanting to scare the rest of the world away

Listen, Gook, fermented cabbage is known to most Westerners already as Sauerkraut. Kimchi isn't that alien.

>> No.9781336

Except westerners kinda forgot how to ferment stuff because eew yuckeee!

Sauerkraut = cabbage soaked in vinegar, basically

I mean you can obtain the real stuff if you go to "nu-male" purveyors, but that's like, gay or some shit, right? For the liberals

Meanwhile I can just go to H-Mart and buy one of a kajillion different varieties of actually fermented vegetables, apparently the Koreans still give a shit about food, really makes you think

>> No.9781349

Koreans really shouldn't be concerned with what Westerners think about their food. Just moneygrub like the Chinese do with recipes geared toward the Western palate.

>> No.9781378

I am not even living in the states. I say it happens on everywhere on other countries, both east and west.
There are specialized restaurants alright, for example the one specialized in chicken soup in Korea. But I never find such thing outside korea. There are only two of them: one is barbecue place and the seconday is the fried chicken place.
It is similar fate with thai food place. But for Chinese place, they'really diverse enough (see>>9781042)

>> No.9781400

>Except westerners kinda forgot how to ferment stuff because eew yuckeee!
"Westerners" have like 5 dozen different kinds of fermented milk alone. Wine? Bread? Stop pretending that your culture has produced anything worth noting. The only reason you aren't a third-world shithole like North Korea is because we went to the effort of civilizing you.

>> No.9781404

Why mention gochujang or doenjang?
Soybean paste is not special. China has them. So does japan. So even yhose in south like indonesia.
The ease of prep? Sure, tossing around a bulgogi is not hard. So is gyudon. So is steak.

>> No.9781418

>he thinks I'm korean
Adorable, enjoy your Kraft Singles, Wonder Bread, and Barefoot

>> No.9781421

You kind of forgot how they have compulsory military training and bad case of bullying for obese.

>> No.9781429

Korea is to Japan what Canada is to the USA

>> No.9781439

what country do you live in?
>for example the one specialized in chicken soup in Korea. But I never find such thing outside korea.
I assume you mean samgyetang? there are restaurants specialized in it in the US:

>> No.9781446

Yeah those places are all over NYC too

He probably lives in like Serbia or some shit

>> No.9781456

>los angeles
Of course there is, they have koreatown ffs

>> No.9781464

Nice cherry picking of chink gooks and nips infested towns

>> No.9781468

We're not a country with great agricultural diversity so don't expect us to create the most unique dishes. But "SEA countries" Lol. I'll assume you're a retard who thinks eating KBBQ and kimchi means you're an expert in Korean cuisine.

>> No.9781478
File: 62 KB, 650x487, deliverance banjo-boy-e1296452279364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diversity is bad
>having different kinds of restaurants is bad
Nobody is forcing you to try food that isn't chicken tenders and ranch, cleetus

>> No.9781509

South in australia.
Yeah, that samgyetang for example.

>> No.9781511

Sorry lad but you don't get to call out "Westerners" and then pretend that you were just talking about the trashiest American stereotype. Fermented foods are a huge part of Western cuisine. Yogurt, filmjolk, skyr, kefir, there's a massive list of fermented dairy foods. Alcoholic beverages are fermented foods and I hope you're not going to tell me that wine and beer aren't important to Western culture. Most bread is also fermented.

I don't know what you are but if you think Western cuisine doesn't include fermented foods then you're either not Western or are yourself a member of those trashy American stereotypes.

>> No.9781514


It's a korean food thread, go make another thread about your insecurity complex if you need to rant

>> No.9781532

Burger edukashun everyone

>> No.9781535

Except they stole most of them singaporeans food is ethnic chink food. Perhaps the most authentic one is only the chili crab.
That being said it is good place to eat.

>> No.9781546

No. Donburi means cooking with something. Bibimbap is just throwing away leftovers and call it a meal. Even my korean friend say so.

>> No.9781547

You have to give Korea credit for not changing their cuisine for American tastes. What they serve there, you get here. I don't see nip restaurants serving a raw egg cracked into hot rice with a side of jizzy nato beans.

>> No.9781553

>curry that looks like dogs diarrhea
Either you're a stupid american flyover or never have indian or curry
Stupid bastard, your gravy is literal diarrhea

>> No.9781554

>OP makes a thread about how korean food is lacking in unique dishes
>you come scrambling to not only defend korean "cuisine" but also to cry about how anyone who doesn't recognize the superiority of korean food is just an uncultured westerner who doesn't know anything about fermented foods
>claim that other people have inferiority complexes when you get called out for being pitifully ignorant
Sad anon, very sad. The best I can give you is a 3/10.

>> No.9781572

Yeah because people will be running away flailing their arms because 'muh salmonella'
Also wrong, my korean place has carbonara tteokbokki.
Also clearly you never been to korea as the bulgogi is suited to western palate. Korean bulgogi in western world is not authentic.

>> No.9781633

>Also wrong, my korean place has carbonara tteokbokki.
appearently they actually eat this in korea too:


>> No.9781645

The next thing you'll say koreans eat spam and sausage there too.
My point is they change their dish based on western food.

>> No.9781659

I think the point that >>9781547 was trying to make was that korean restaurants in america serve similar food as in korea, not that korean food in korea has no western influence

>> No.9781714


>> No.9781895

Except you go around talking about the bearded lady wherever you go, always suspecting any woman you encounter with a particularly large scarf is actually her and project all your frustrations and insecurities onto her.

>> No.9783070
File: 79 KB, 640x640, plunger_box_Emmett-640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did I say anything about "the superiority of korean food", dumb flyover? The fact that I pointed out you can't really get decent fermented anything in the west without going to a nu-male artisan lacto bar cum lumberjack supply?

You're so consumed by your own racism that you can't even understand a simple point about food.

>> No.9783200
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>> No.9783656

I tried to like Korean food, I really did. But it's shit. It uses the worst cuts of meat and the worst combination of spices in the worst ways. It's overrated, overpriced horseshit, and I truly and honestly don't understand why it's so popular right now.

Jjajangmyeon is good tho

>> No.9783658

They use garbage cuts of meat because it's cheap. Higher end restaurants use better cuts

>> No.9783661

That's Chinese

>> No.9783666

>hates most Korean food but likes Jjajangmyeon

Wow, way to show off your shit taste. Jjajangmyeon is one of the worst things you can eat and it's ripped off from the Chinese as well.

>> No.9783667

Short ribs and pork belly are great and Korean uses both of those a lot. Sorry about your shit taste.

>> No.9783671

Satan speaks the truth, jajangmyun is shit

>> No.9783673

>one of the worst things you can eat
nice to know you've objectively ranked all the foods

>> No.9783676

ah yes tell me more about how taekwondo is an ancient korean fighting art and not just shotokan

>> No.9783759

>Jjajangmyeon is good tho
The korean side of my family loves this stuff and I don't understand the appeal at all. Just tastes like greasy noodles.
Jjamppong is the superior sino-korean dish.

>> No.9783769

Dunno, I've only made it myself, and it's not greasy when I prepare it. That black bean paste is fantastic in general, wanna try adding it to chili

>> No.9783832

>It's overrated, overpriced horseshit, and I truly and honestly don't understand why it's so popular right now.
I don't think it's actually particularly popular, about the same level as Vietnamese. It's just seen an increase in interest recently, so people who recently discovered it rave about it excessively.
It does tend to be overpriced in restaurants but a lot of it is easy to homecook.

>> No.9785654

Korean food can be good but it's extremely boring and uninnovative.

Everything they make is a variation of the same ingredients stolen from their neighbours with a focus on fermented foods like Kimchi.

Compare it to china where each region has their own specialty and technique, compare it to japan where everything they make has a long historical significance and culture behind it, compare it to vietnamese cuisine that was built on french cuisine, compare it to thai cuisine with the heavy use of herbs and so on.

Korean cuisine is easily the worst in asia and you'll get bored eating that shit in no time.

>> No.9785664

>found out recently that south korea has no concept of eating noodles because of their shitty dead culture has been eating nothing but instant noodles for decades and thus has never really made fresh noodles


>> No.9785684

>what is naengmyeon
>what is japchae
>what is kalguksu

>> No.9785789
File: 46 KB, 550x366, noryangjin-fish-market.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it strange that on a board where there are generally 1 or 2 hot sauce threads there aren't more people coming to the defense of korean food. Maeuntang (매운탕), a hot and spicy seafood stew is goat as is the hottest dish I've ever eaten, agujjim (아구찜) in Taegu which literally blew my head off.

>> No.9785906

That's not true at all, shitpostkun

>> No.9785948
File: 38 KB, 480x360, 8c275f92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9785965

Bibimbap is just a big bowl of leftover banchan

>> No.9785980

Korean food is the best in the world. Easily.

>> No.9785992


That sums up a majority of korean food is its all pub food

>> No.9786045
File: 380 KB, 1600x1200, 1400167055931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9786483

I like how you say Korean food is for taking foreign influences but you still like Vietnamese food who also took many foreign influences

>> No.9786487

>stole chinese cuisine
>stole japanese cuisine
>this is ours now this is korean cuisine we made this.

>> No.9786744

it was forced upon them

>> No.9786766

Everyone that hates koreans has never had to deal with chinaniggers

>> No.9786801

SPAM is mandatory for Budage-jjiggae (Army Base Stew).


>> No.9786877

shit taste

>> No.9786881

Stop with this meme already

>> No.9786979

Generally its not stirfried rice cake but boiled

>> No.9787044
File: 14 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nigger. i love all jjims, pic related being my fav but spicy seafood jjims are delicious

>> No.9787053

Motherfucker you take that back, kimchi is fucking amazing.

>> No.9787108

You failed Geography didn't you.

>> No.9787122

The hot sauce threads are all made by flyovers who can't cook for shit and think "foreign" food is pretentious

They love hot sauce because it's the only socially acceptable way to get any flavors into their diet without being called fags or being accused of putting on airs

>> No.9788749

Japs are lurking this thread.

>> No.9788750

Ignorant comment. I don't the mean the Korean part.

>> No.9788769

A Korean was arrested.
Sushi restaurant owners accused of stealing $170,000 in sales tax

>> No.9788791

Korean people are always making Japanese laugh.