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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 18 KB, 350x350, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9779353 No.9779353 [Reply] [Original]

>eats in the car


>> No.9779358
File: 12 KB, 480x360, mr-piggys-fast-food-review-3987-hardys-23lb-monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How else am I supposed to run my fast food review channel on youtube, faggot?

>> No.9779364

>images (5).jpg
Oh it shows

>> No.9779387
File: 353 KB, 600x487, 65264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9779403

That's not even Swenson's

>> No.9779419
File: 1.00 MB, 425x240, laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans are so impatient they eat their food before they get home

>> No.9779508

>sure smells of freedom in this SUV

>> No.9779526
File: 177 KB, 524x768, 1409961806356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9779531

Swensons is the best fast food place I've been to and I've been to most any that are in the US. I fucking hate not being in the Akron area when I get a craving.

>> No.9779540
File: 107 KB, 1057x731, bee-movie-jerry-seinfeld-barry-the-bee-lawyer-office.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating cold food

>> No.9779632

I wish I was american sometimes.
This IS one of those times

>> No.9779648

That's actually great for car trips

>> No.9779659

>it's another butthurt Ameriboo post
Imagine that.

>> No.9779665

Europeans live in tiny crowded cities and don't know what a yard, back yard or what a house actually is. So that's not a problem for them.

>> No.9779666

Nice tumblr gif, faggot.

>> No.9779667

I enjoy eating in the car.

>> No.9779679

>being obsessed with another website


>> No.9779693

>driving home from work
>put on the radio
>smoke cigarettes
>eat hamburgers
>sit in traffic
>unwrap next hamburger when i get to a light
>sip my coffee whenever i get the chance
seriously, its my favorite part of the day

>> No.9779701

As someone who lived in my car for 2 months, I can appreciate this.

>> No.9779702

>mfw always use mine to break up weed and roll blunts

>> No.9779771

if I didn't have to poop and shower, or worry about police harassing me, living in my SUV would be sweet

/ck/ is primed for a "cold chef, the secrets to fooding in the car" special

>> No.9779814


>> No.9779832

dunno why exactly this is in this thread but yeah, US FDA standos are a hell of a doozy.

USA eats like crap but we never actually EAT crap. we give ourselves diabeetus with cheezus but by hell, we're hygienic about it

>> No.9779864

>using a gay ass 30 rock gif


>> No.9779868

nah bro that gif is fucking gay, kys

>> No.9779874

poop at Walmart/work (this may be the same thing)

shower at the gym

get blackout tints and a velcro edged dark sheet to hang from the roof lining to separate the driving seats from your sleeping area.

Welcome to the future anon

>> No.9779891 [DELETED] 

This thread is so much better than all those threads with food and cooking discussion that had the same pic.

>> No.9779914

Poland is really a shithole

>> No.9780379

twas my favorite, til I hit 243

>> No.9780392

Do Americans really drive like this?

>> No.9780790

This is you

>> No.9780809

Statistically, yes, the majority do. There are more people here that drive stick than the rest of the world tho according to auto manufacturers. Iirc, BMW said they wouldn't even produce manual transmission vehicles anymore if it wasn't for the American market. They usually don't release new manual vehicles in Europe anymore, I do know that.

>> No.9780854

>anon you're a dumb gay fag
>posts a massive, throbbing black cock
What did he mean by this?

>> No.9780857

Can someone tell me where this car's shifter is

>> No.9780873

today's cagers need to keep their hands free for eating and texting. oops where did that blood on my windshield come from? they don't pay road tax!

t. former cager from the shift-it-yourself days, now pedal myself to work like a decent human being

>> No.9780903

yuros don't even own cars

>> No.9780907

Get off the fucking road and onto the sidewalk where you belong, speedbump.

>> No.9780911

I started doing it after watching Dexter desu. I think in either the first or second season he mentions how he likes to eat while driving, so I started doing it too.

>> No.9780914

t. gets confused by a third pedal

>> No.9780930


>> No.9780945

t. thinks traffic laws don't apply to him

>> No.9780952

t. cites traffic laws that he made up because "it feels true, and if it's not true it should be"

>> No.9780967

>lol I'm just gonna ride through the red lights because those laws don't apply to me and are simply made up by motorists

>> No.9780980
File: 63 KB, 851x295, cagers_BTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm going to just change the subject after getting BTFO
Also, lead pedestrian intervals are already being introduced in most civilized places, and lead cyclist intervals should follow shortly. Once that happens I won't have to hold up a line of cagers when the light turns red, as I do now.

>> No.9780997
File: 139 KB, 1920x1080, wipe_this_meme_from_the_face_of_the_earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9781062

More like this

>> No.9781113
File: 236 KB, 220x112, raw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it is worse than you think.
see in america right now the poor are expected a level of productivity at work that though we get a 30 minute brake, many of us have to work a portion of it. so we zoom to whatever food hovel is near-bye and zoom back to try to catch up, remember to clock back in, and continue working.

but many of us cannot afford a car so the community piles into the car of whatever employee has one, a list as long as a arm to pick up, the passengers on the way back like crack addicted chipmunks eating on the way back so they can get to their jobs and work for free a unpaid intern meanwhile sucks condiment packages dry in the break-room, and tries not to cry.

>> No.9781125

When I get my autonomous car I won't have to worry about bikers, the car'll slow down or avoid you and if it doesn't I'm not at fault lol so I'll just pretend to be asleep inside and avoid calling for help for you.

>> No.9781133

I'm looking forward to self-driving cages. Luddites who freak out about "accidents" have obviously never been in traffic on the outside of the cage. Yes, I trust a computer more than I trust a human. Even the ones they have now. I see how humans drive every day on the way to work and I do not trust humans at all.

>> No.9781139
File: 29 KB, 557x605, 1503969271854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes it's good to be always in the last positions of all kinds of charts

>captcha motor the dog
What did it mean by that?

>> No.9781156

>>captcha motor the dog
>What did it mean by that?
basically dinner, my dear HUEHUE friend

>> No.9781202

In most places that is illegal.

>> No.9781228

In most cases cagers haven't looked at a single line from the local motor vehicle code since the perfunctory driving incompetence exam at the age of 15 and 1/2

>> No.9781390

Whoa there, people don't eat dogs in Brazil. Those yellow people, canadians, do.

>> No.9781419

Yeah food that isn't dessert is best eaten right away, fuck letting it fester in the container I either sit down inside or eat in the car if their dining area is nasty. The worst fucking thing is ordering drive-thru and then finding out your fries went limp in the 5 minutes it took you to get back home.

>> No.9781423

Keep the bag open. They will stay crispy.

>> No.9781426

>keep bag open
>food gets cold because it's exposed to the air

>> No.9781550

Plot twist: the fries were shitty and limp when you got them

>> No.9781594

I'm more ok with room temperature fries that are crispy than warm fries that are limp.
You could go in and complain for new fries, but the only people who have the time to do this at a FAST food place are niggers and women. At this point you suck it up, admit you made a bad life choice to eat fast food anyway, and shovel it in.

>> No.9781612

Let's metric tons of Muslim penis flood their countries and rape their women. "Insert eurocuck song here"

>> No.9782749
