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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9778208 No.9778208 [Reply] [Original]

why dont you ever play with me anymore /ck/?

>> No.9778212


>> No.9778217

They're weren't self-aware enough in the current meta age.

>> No.9778218

>mfw i watched one of the new vids on a lark
>had his brother or some shit on
>acted like a twat
>this dude basically admits he phones it in now
>only one of the original cast left
>can't eat what he makes or he'll die

>> No.9778220


>> No.9778245
File: 581 KB, 440x246, epic meal time beard.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you are gross

>> No.9778260

It was cool at first but then it got gross and they just lost their thunder

>> No.9778291

it died with mussel glasses i think his name is

>> No.9778413

tfw when i was like 14 me and a bunch of my friends made our own epic meal time video. thank god we never posted it and everybody forgot

>> No.9779389

Because 2010-2012 internet era is more dead than Epic Meal Reddit and bacon is one of the most overrated meat ever created.

>> No.9780732

It had its very brief time in the sun.

>> No.9781410

>last few weeks of high school
>teachers don't give a shit what we do
>classroom has a projector
>go on YouTube
>put on the newest episode at the time (meat salad)
>only a few people in the class had even heard of them then
>everybody loved it
>even the teacher laughed
That was SEVEN (7) years ago
Fuck me

>> No.9781673

Good times. When normies stuck to facebok and reddit stuck to reddit instead of everybody trying to push their shit everywhere

>> No.9781684

>mussel glasses i think his name is

Muscles Glasses
He wore glasses and had muscles, what was confusing about this

>> No.9781690

>From 7+ digit views to 5
>They just keep going
Either they're really desperate for a shrinking amount of cash or they actually enjoy what they do.

>> No.9781696

>instead of everybody trying to push their shit everywhere
If anything, that is 4chans fault. Who do you think started the culture of raids and trolling? We push our agenda more than anyone else

>> No.9781701

Because you only came up with the name and concept while others were the creatives behind it, then you stole the whole thing from your partners, screwed them out of their money, then sold out to fucking the fucking FYI channel.
You and your beard and bacon can go fuck yourself.

>> No.9781702

>Who do you think started the culture of raids and trolling?

Usenet. Something Awful. GNAA.

>> No.9781936

Stop kidding yourself.

>> No.9782184

how do these guys make money still

>> No.9782185

They don't, only Harley does because he sold everything to FYI.

>> No.9782187

last i checked theyve been merchandising their line of cookware

>> No.9782864
File: 140 KB, 675x1200, image-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ROSMT was always better.

>> No.9782870

because you jewed tyler and muscles glasses so hard they quit

also I sent you a fucking KNIGHT HELMET when you asked people to send you hats in the s'mores episode and you never acknowledged it

>> No.9782872

This coupled with the fact that you can only do so many gross ass recipes that you don't even eat until it gets old. Like, the material itself isn't creative, innovative, or rewatch worthy. It's viral content at best and shock value at worst.

>> No.9782873

this. I miss them so bad.

>> No.9782876

the old guard remembers

>> No.9782877

I'd blow Harley, if you know what I mean (and I think you do).

>> No.9783127

A friend of mine bought a frying pan and a pot from (((their))) brand, completely worthless. Pan won't get warm in the center, and the pot's handle broke after six weeks.

I suppose that's what you get for falling for the merchandiser jew

>> No.9783139

that made me gag

>> No.9783144

This is an oldfag.

>> No.9783149

no you, he liked shell fish, stupid.

>> No.9783425

they literally got paid to move to a new city, and by they i mean the entire crew. you dont pay to relocate 10 people and foot the bill for each of their rent for 6 months if they arent profitable

>> No.9783454

Was this before or after the adpocalypse

>> No.9783553

cause you cheated Muscles Sunglasses like a bitch

>> No.9783558

This. It was le annonymouse and guy fawkes shit that popularized 4chan as an invasive site. Previously, we were a refugee camp. Moot started the site as a place to discuss anime waifus when he got banned from SA

>> No.9784182

Moving costs and 6 months rent is nothing compared to franchise rights to a show.

>> No.9785787

What do you mean?

>> No.9785806

Well he was also a big fan of seafood wasn't he?

>> No.9785824

"Let's get drunk and be obnoxious and eat bacon!!!!!" "Saying sauce annoyingly!!!" "Jack Daniel's SAUCE!!!!!" "Hey guys, let's knit some bacon together and make a bacon blanket to wrap this fast food hamburger casserole in!!!!!"

>> No.9785924

We know who's behind this

>> No.9785934

the niche they picked got old really fast
theyre trying to be hardcore while making food, so they just added bacon and alcohol to oversized foods
it got old really fast imo even though i have fond memories of these fuckers and their giant pizza burger

>> No.9785957

>when he got banned from SA

When was he banned?
He was actively discussing his fascination with 2ch and the eventual creation of 4chan on SA, and invited his SA buddies to come shitpost.

>> No.9786053

Their shtick pretty much ran its course in the first year

>> No.9786232

>Muscles glasses brings balance to the group
>Harley just yells all the time
>Other guys are basically extras
>Muscles glasses gets fat so he leaves the show
>They sell out and start advertising merch
>Run out of ideas so they re-do the same food they've already done
>Get a few C grade celeb cameos before they date into obscurity
>Make a twitch gaming channel as a last resort.
Most of their subs are people that forgot to unsubscribe

>> No.9786388
File: 469 KB, 2788x1292, oL6Zu6Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9786713

EMT died when Muscles left
After that it became not just slightly unfunny but HOW DO YOU DO FELLOW KIDS tier marketing crap. Honestly that kike asshole deserves to lose everything for fucking over his friends for the monetary jew
Go back newfag

>> No.9786885

Have you seen their logan paul videos? It couldn't even break 1,000,000, combined. It's actually kind of sad.

>> No.9786925

>videos became more unfunny
>production values somehow actually got worse
>start up a shitty drama vlog called epic house no one watches

Honestly handle it is the only good thing on that channel and they barely make those anymore.

>> No.9787251
File: 186 KB, 657x525, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did they get so many hot chicks in their videos? they couldn't have paid all of them

>> No.9787692

the whole bacon craze is long gone

>> No.9789424

This is the first video of EMT that was upload in 10/09/2010. Feeling old /ck/?

>> No.9789489


Instagram thots looking for publicity?

>> No.9789701

Who has the deadest eyes? Harley or Chris Hardwick?

>> No.9789724

I'm surprised this still exists.
I mean you've seen one you've seen them all.

>> No.9789725

it went downhill the moment muscle guy (with the shades) left the show

>> No.9789797

We had someone bring in their Xbox and 4 controllers and we played CoD4. Band weenies allegedly had a gamecube and Smash Bros they played often until a new band teacher got rid of it.

>> No.9789806


>> No.9789817

get the fuck out, newfriend

>> No.9789948

Strippers, boi.
Betcha they got paid by the minute.

>> No.9790040

Chris Hardwick.

Man i remember him on g4 back when he was still funny, somehow web soup (a show that should've died immediately) was pretty good. Now he's just a shill, and he probably knows it but doesn't really care

>> No.9790062

let me introduce you to a group of "people" called thots.

>> No.9790121


>> No.9790162

>Olivia Munn is the only famous one
>Adam Sessler took roids and started getting assbanged by trannies (I guess he meant a different type of X-Play)
>Alison Rapp turned out to be the worst kind of human being possible
>Don't know what happened to everyone else

Man, that seems like ages ago when that channel used to be something other than COPS reruns.

>> No.9790184

>We will never see Olivia Munn almost shattering her kneecaps from jumping into a pool full of pudding while wearing a French maid outfit ever again.
>Chris Gore will never tell you what DVDs to buy again.
>Kevin P will never show you the top web videos of the day because Tosh.0 ripped off Around the Net.

Feels bad man.

>> No.9790195

>Kevin P will never show you the top web videos of the day because Tosh.0 ripped off Around the Net.

I mean
It was basically just an internet version of America's Funniest Home Videos

>> No.9791464

>Muscles Glasses and fat bald dude leave
>coincidentally stops being fun to watch

>> No.9791468

I liked the dumb bald guy, but they got rid of him with muscles glasses right?

>> No.9791676

>c grade celeb
fucking arnold is not a c grade celeb


>> No.9791719

Haven't heard that one in AGES. Brings me back to the IRC days.

>> No.9792294

he's a fucking vegan now

>> No.9792388

You're has-beens.

The only cooking show I watch on Youtube these days is Binging with Babbish.