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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9777740 No.9777740 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about to cook me up some eggs. Let's talk about eggs and the best way to cook eggs. Also poll about best way to cook eggs (only including main ways to cook them, not all egg dishes).
Thinking I'm gonna do some Deviled Eggs.

>> No.9777763

Once i did pizza and throw some eggs on top. Worst mistake in my life, it tasted like fucking shit, texture was trash too.

>> No.9777768

Like, as a breakfast pizza? Or just a normal pizza with just egg thrown on it? Because the first I could go for but the second sounds stupid.

>> No.9777769

I like over easy, but with higher temperature so that the edge of the egg white is slightly crusty

>> No.9777770

Egg thread? Egg thread.

>> No.9777787
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Did someone say eggs?

>> No.9777799
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i've heard that , or well i've been thinking lately that i'd really like to give the georgian khachapuri a try, which from what I hear is basically a pizza with an egg essentially. i only ever hear nothin but praise about it on this wub site. hold on, let me find a picture of it to post with this post.
there. now dudn't that look rather tasty? i wonder what the differnce is between this'n n' that'n. maybe you put em on the bread too early.

>> No.9777801

See that doesn't look like an egg pizza too me, that's more like a fancy "eggs in a basket".

>> No.9777808

well, i'll tell you a good piece of advice, with eggs and baskets. don't put em all into one lol.

>> No.9777812
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>> No.9778264

over easy No doubt
I really like deviled eggs though, but that's too much hassle for a couple eggs, great for a family gathering

>> No.9778275

Thin crust pizza with a fried egg is amazing, bread and yolk always go together

>> No.9779880

That still sounds fucked up.

>> No.9779919
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Threadly reminder, the true patrician uses huwyte pepper to season their eggs.

>> No.9779967
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Step aside pleb.

>> No.9780172
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With Chorizo anon. Get some cacique, 1/4 of a stick of the chorizo to 3 eggs will set you up with a good meal. pop the chorizo in the pan med heat, break her up with spatula and get the oils a'bubbling, then break the eggs in and scramble until done

>> No.9780179
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forgot to reference the OP.

>> No.9780189

Best egg cooking recipe:


>> No.9780192


>> No.9780203
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I really like eggs.

>> No.9780292

Does she cook some eggs?

>> No.9780362

I've seen pizza served in Italy that has an egg plopped right in the center of the pizza, so that's not completely unusual. It's not common in the states, though, that's for sure.

>> No.9780370

>buying pre-ground pepper
/reddit/, please...

>> No.9780387

I like mine scrambled with spices and made into a sandwich by a hairy middle aged Indian man, whilst his younger compatriot selling boiled eggs in the next stall over looks on in a forlorned way.

>> No.9780404

>best way to cook eggs.

One of my favorite ways:
-saute onion, bell pepper, habanero, garlic
-season with either cajun, yuro or Indian spice profile
-add beaten eggs and cook until just done
-garnish with fresh chopped parsley and green onion
-serve with home made bread topped with slice tomato and olive oil

>> No.9780495

Not bad, I don't know about Indian spices in eggs but then again I'm weird about Indian food.

>> No.9780588

When I make my spice blends for curry, I always end up with some leftover, so I save the spice and use it on that egg dish. It's the bomb, especially when you use it to fill either tortilla's or roti's.

>> No.9780593


>> No.9780610

I got an instantpot for my birthday, I take a glassbowl dump a bunch of eggs in there and make egg salad for lunch for the week. I used spicy mayo last time with some onions chopped up in it. Delicious.

>> No.9780929

Spicy mayo with eggs sounds odd but works pretty well.

>> No.9781163
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Is this egg?

>> No.9781192

bread omelette, its like an anytime sort of indian street food. also lots of room for variation.

here is the basic technique: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui-df5dTGls&t=125s

>> No.9781627

>lets make vegan food look like non-vegan food and convince ourselves that we're better than everyone else, but need to try to fool our brain to choke down this shit without vomiting it up

>> No.9781643
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>> No.9781648

why do they stop eating eggs then work their hardest to make something that resembles an egg

just dont stop fucking eating eggs then if you want to eat eggs

>> No.9781656

The funniest part about vegans and eggs to me is that I have chickens and you know what they like to eat? Eggs. If one of those little assholes breaks an egg they all go crazy eating it.

>> No.9781909

Every time.
>veggie "burgers"
>veggie "hot dogs"
>veggie "bacon"

Straight up insanity....

>> No.9781920

>all these scrambledfags

You haven’t ever had good eggs, have you?

>> No.9781924


>> No.9781926

Sounds to me like you're bad at making scrambled eggs.

>> No.9781929

>letting a chicken be your moral compass.

>> No.9781942
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I love me some eggs. A few favorites:

Use a pressure cooker to make "hard boiled" eggs. Perfect and easy to peel even with fresh eggs. Peel and keep covered with cold water in the fridge for a snack, or make deviled eggs.

For deviled eggs: good quality mayonnaise (I like Dukes), Dijon mustard, sriracha, salt/pepper, and some caramelized garlic.

Fried egg sandwich. Butter a small skillet, get it brown, two eggs, flip and get golden on both sides. Eat between two pieces of toasted bread with some mayo and pepper.

And of course the ever epic Scotch Egg, King of Bar Food.

>> No.9781947

You were so close to being my nigga.

>> No.9782006

Wouldn't be "Deviled" eggs without a bit of heat. Use whatever hot sauce you like or chili powder!

>> No.9782053

Call me old fashioned but I tend to stick to the tried and true smoked paprika.

>> No.9782070

Same thing happened to me, shit was rank.
The pizza joint that inspired me did it, and it was plain well obvious the egg was cracked raw onto the pizza, so it wasn't just an addition later after frying it on the pan. Not sure how they do it.

>> No.9782123

Am I weird for putting American cheese slices in my scrambled eggs? I don't like the cheese any other time but something about how it melts is pleasing to me for the eggs.

>> No.9782126

Old fashioned pleb

>> No.9782177

>Make three scrambled eggs
>It's a lot, hard to finish

>Make 6 deviled eggs
>Horf them down like they are nothing
What is this sorcery?

>> No.9782196

Not weird, but not "cheese" either. Goes well with eggs taste and texture wise.

I really like some sharp cheddar or Gruyere with my scrambled eggs. Adds a lot of richness and flavor, and doesn't take much!

>> No.9782215

My favorite way to cook eggs is to smoke them
>toss raw eggs in smoker for a few hours
Wa la you've now got smoked eggs
Now my favorite thing to do with them is make a smoked egg puree which is a really nice dip to go with a barbecue
>puree your peeled smoked eggs with some oil, paprika, salt, pepper, lemon juice, and whatever other spices you might like
Wa la now you have a good dip. It's like hummus but actually has protons in it for your muscles
You can also pickle them for god tier pickled eggs, or eat them like boiled eggs with some salt, or turn them into deviled eggs.

Also smoked aioli is pretty good
>cold smoke egg yolks so that they don't cook
>proceed to make aioli how you normally do
Wa la best aioli you'll ever eat right there

>> No.9782218

If you type wa la one more time I am going to call the police.

>> No.9782224

You okay sweetie? Count to 10 and calm down before you post again okay :)?

>> No.9782285

I do like adding gruyere and just a little bit of small curd cottage cheese. Super creamy eggs and flavorful.

>> No.9782698

Better than you, you meme loving fuck.

>> No.9782727

>shitbutt resolution
Thanks peter-eater

>> No.9782739

Over easy, fried in lots of butter w/salt and ground peppercorns. Serve with bacon over pan fried toast

>> No.9782762

I just made tamago kake gohan for the first time. Was pretty good

>> No.9784124

I know some of those words.

>> No.9784357
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Steamed eggs.

>> No.9784365

If you're making bacon anyway why not fry the eggs in the bacon grease?

>> No.9784388

Not him but I cook my bacon in the oven so that's a no go.

>> No.9784406

Why can't you use the grease after cooking it in the oven?

>> No.9784461

Inefficient. I cook the eggs while the bacon is cooking.

>> No.9784494

>hard boil eggs
>de-shell and put into bowl
>mash with fork
>add butter
>add salad cream
>add pepper
>mix, then put on buttered bread while still hot

Salad cream is vital for proper hot egg sandwiches.

>> No.9784500

There was once a guy who died from eating a bunch of raw eggs. I doubt this guy died or anything, but that's a shit ton of eggs. Is there any story to this guy?

>> No.9784509


>> No.9784528

What the hell is salad cream?

>> No.9784593

Once Were Warriors, fookin classic m8.

>> No.9784601

hahah, thats awesome!

>> No.9784610

Gaston has nothing on him

>> No.9786628
