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File: 100 KB, 380x500, Detail-Prem-Egg-Nog-Quart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9775909 No.9775909 [Reply] [Original]

Don't forget to pick up a pint of delicious Egg Nog on your next shopping trip for the holidays /ck/!

>> No.9776110
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that og shit

>> No.9776116
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hey does anyone remember this stuff? I dunno if it's still out there now but it's fucking delicious.

Tastes just like a super sweet sugar cookie but with the consistency off egg nog. Magic liquid, man.

>> No.9776488

I made this instead


>> No.9776499

is homemade eggnog better than storebought? also why do all of them have a buttload of sugar in each serving?

>> No.9776535

I tried the Costco brand once. I found it too sweet and minty, is that what egg nog is about? What's a good one to try

>> No.9776574

>also why do all of them have a buttload of sugar in each serving?
It's a dessert drink for most people, but I don't like how much is put into the store-bought stuff. You could probably halve the amount of sugar and it would still be plenty sweet. Was thinking of trying to dilute it with half & half but not sure how well that would work.

>> No.9776584

Yes. Most pre-made eggnogs have way too much sugar added, probably to mask the mediocre flavor and to appeal to people with no sens of taste except for salt or sugar.

Making it yourself is way better, plus you can add some rum or bourbon or brandy.

>> No.9776649

Eggnog is gross.

>> No.9776669


Eggnog is a creamy brandy/rum cocktail spiced with nutmeg

It should taste like Christmas, not toothpaste

>> No.9777059

>Was thinking of trying to dilute it with half & half
Use Brandy instead.

>> No.9777513

What rum goes best with the nog?

>> No.9777522

fuck that, do bourbon

>> No.9777645
File: 435 KB, 809x1532, victorian eggnog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9777777

is there a risk from the raw egg?

>> No.9777780

Those fucking digits. God damn.

>> No.9777781
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>> No.9777782

i was waiting for this.
Also one of the ivy league schools in the statee did an experiment where they doused alchoholic eggnog with salmonella, it was sterile within a week.also everyone should be making gheir own nog its easy to do and leagues ahead of store bought same goes for roasted chestnuts. eastern european grociers sell em come fall.

>> No.9777785

kek one of the worst gets I've seen

>> No.9777791

that's pretty cool. what about non-alcoholic though?

>> No.9777793

it was common to leave egg nog out for weeks before refrigeration so you tell me.

>> No.9777795

it generally has some sort of preservative and is pasteurized othereise it would last about as long as quiche. i wouldnt doubt its skme sort of nitrate. really though a fourth cup pf rum in a gallon of home made is still less than a beer. itd be like trying to get deunk off watered down bailleys

>> No.9777807
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>> No.9777818

I have never heard of someone making homemade non-alcoholic eggnog. Why even bother?

>> No.9777820
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>> No.9777839

I've been buying eggnog since October 1st.

>> No.9777866

in the US yes, in europe generally not. has to do with the refrigeration of eggs in the US at various points throughout the transportation/storage process and different QA measures to ensure safety of eggs


>> No.9778020
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>> No.9778371


>> No.9778385
File: 37 KB, 560x420, today_matt_lauer_miley_cyrus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being Australian and drinking eggnog in the 35C Summer weather

>> No.9778402

No, they killed all of the chickens that carried salmonella. Years ago I've read that one in every 10,000th egg carries salmonella. That number might be greater, now.

>> No.9778499

Still satisfying as fuck.
Usually take some eggnog out when we go camping for new years and mix it with rum or burboun.

>> No.9778538

food poisoning was also common before refrigeration

>> No.9778555

>it was common to leave egg nog out for weeks before refrigeration


The entire point off eggnog was the fresh cream, eggs and spices made it expensive as fuck before refrigeration.
It's a holiday extravagance that is made fresh and drank fresh.

>> No.9778564


>> No.9779793

They sell Eierlikör at the Christmas markets here in Germany. How different is it to egg nog, if at all?

>> No.9779828

They're pretty similar, eierlikör or Dutch advocaat might be a bit thicker than the usual egg nog, though

>> No.9779922

Leave and never return

>> No.9779932


>> No.9779960

thank you