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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9771408 No.9771408 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to make this as serious of a thread as possible. There are many restaurants and blogs in weed friendly parts of the US that believe certain strands of weed can enhance a meal.

I'm not simply talking about the munchies, I'm talking about creating a flavor profile and sensation that adds to the overall quality of a particular dish.

Unfortunately, I'm so fucking out of the weed scene I wouldn't even know where to begin if I had to buy some. But for those of you who know, can you verify if this is true?

Do certain strands enhance your meal?

>> No.9771415


>> No.9771418


>> No.9771421

weed smells and tastes like the inside of a skunk's rotting asshole. if you want a dish to taste like the inside of a skunk's rotting asshole, then yeah weed can be used to enhance a dish

>> No.9771422

Kill yourself

>> No.9771427

smokelet detected

>> No.9771428

I mean, if you're asking if creating a chemical imbalance in your head may cause things to taste different, I would have to say that's probable.

>> No.9771429


>> No.9771434

Stop feeding memers autist

>> No.9771437

Nah some has a distinctly piney, hoppy odor. Pure sativa strains. Pairs well with citrus juice

>> No.9771441

Samefag nigger

>> No.9771444


>> No.9771447
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>smoking weed

>> No.9771450

This. There's more variance in the taste and aroma of dude weed than any other plant you can think of. Stop being an autist and get some 14 year old to sell your gay ass some flower before you chime in.

>> No.9771456
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Goes well with missingtoe and whine on soylent night

>> No.9771470

Do you mean adding it to food or what you should smoke before you eat? Adding it to food just sounds dumb because it takes specific cooking procedures to even extract the THC in the first place which might not be compatible with many dishes. As for smoking beforehand.... Smoking weed is generally a relative experience for the individual and what may enhance a flavor for one person might not for another. It's a partial psychedelic, so no one experience will be exactly the same. Wine doesn't pair with food because you get drunk beforehand, it pairs with it because different types of wines have different distinct flavor.

>> No.9771472 [DELETED] 

Sorry sweetie this is a cooking board, not /pol/. I reported you for dropping the N bomb. Next time think about what you post here, you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.9771502

He's talking about adding it to food.

>>it takes specific cooking procedures to even extract the THC in the first place
Yes, that's true. But those procedures aren't difficult. Any seriously decent chef already does more complicated things at his job anyway. I've seen them do a basic oil extraction or make cannatbutter, and then use the infused oil or butter in place of normal oil/butter in their recipes. And of course highly concentrated extract could be added to any food. Any idiot can buy some shatter and grate it into a dish with a microplane.

There are a lot of video examples of this. I've seen it several times on that show where the fat rapper goes around to different restaurants. Fuck that's Delicious I think it's called? A stoner roommate of mine would often watch it. They really do attempt to pair up different flavors/aromas from different strains of weed with the food they're preparing.

>> No.9771536

just do MDMA and eat anything sweet when youre coming down. fresh fruit, candy, bagels with cream cheese. its amazing, really.

>> No.9771808
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>> No.9771994

Chocolate contains several compounds that are the same cannabinols. The darker the better of course.

>> No.9772003

I have had good experiences with weed and food. It oversensitizes you, so obviously this translates to a purely sensory experience like eating.

>> No.9772160


OP here
Actually I was thinking about having a hit or two while eating.

Similar to a wine pairing, would there ever be a weed pairing?

>> No.9772208

I can actually contribute something here:

I, 27, have been smoking occasionally for years and pretty much everyday since I got diagnosed with a shitty nerve disease earlier this year. First of all, smoking for a longer period tends to numb your tastebuds a little. I've never smoked cigarettes but I figure it's even worse.

Now, weed strain flavours have a huge range of variety nowadays. People have been expertly breeding these plants for decades. Your good old White Widow is rather earthy while Skunk strains tend to be very pungent and sweet. The dutch coffee shop classic Amnesia Haze has very distinct notes of citrus and lemon. Other strains can also have notes of pine, fruits, candy. Diesel strains literally smell and taste like gas, in a pleasant way. Check out Leafly

I think fruity and sweet strains go very well with a black coffee. But I wouldn't think of it the same way as cheese and wine go together. I guess there's room for experimentation but I hardly ever smoke while I'm having a meal.

>> No.9772216

Haha you smoke, bro?

>> No.9772223

>two days ago
>made turkey legs cause they were on sale for like less than a dollar a pound
>saute baby artichokes in butter and garlic on the side
>mashed potatoes
>roommate gives me hit of his oil pen
>hits right before we start to eat and I get higher than I've been in years

that was probably the best meal of my life. I tasted things I've never tasted before. And time was going so slowly that a half hour of eating felt like 3 hours

>> No.9772230

Sativa's and mint chocolate candies. I like pairing hand rolled blunts with wine or whisky with sharp, strong, or washed rind cheese.

>> No.9772246

Maybe I've been doing it wrong all these years, but smoking isn't about taste, unlike drinking wine. There would be no "pairings" to speak of. A given strain would enhance all food to a varying degree.

>> No.9772254

Honestly, I don't know how well it would work. I mean, it could. I haven't smoked weed since college which was nearly 10 years ago, but I remember it being generally overpowering and lingering. Unless you were to take very little hits, then I could see it being plausible. I also don't know if you could really inhale when you did it, because the taste would not only stay at the back of your throat, but also resurface as you breathed. Don't let me get you down though, if you wanna give it a shot I say go for it.

>> No.9772336

Fuck off memer

>> No.9772343

Buy tincture. You can add it directly to edibles and it has very little taste.

>> No.9772345

For those unfamiliar tincture is alcohol extract.

>> No.9772365

Currently high right now eating food. Sometimes it tastes better sometimes it tastes worse, all depends where your mind is

>> No.9772383

fellow pot laughter

>> No.9772399

If you don't like it, don't smoke it.

>> No.9772410

I think this guy smokes.

>> No.9772422


>> No.9773018
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>I reported you for dropping the N bomb.

>> No.9773063

>Announcing a report

>> No.9773140

Hauh Hauh

>> No.9773160 [DELETED] 
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Reported for announcing your report

>> No.9773165

>dude weed lmao
who was in the wrong

>> No.9773217

Now that weed is legal and black science man ruined the cosmos series what do you faggots talk about whilst stoned?

>> No.9773226

>turn airplane mode on/off
>new ip


>> No.9773236

>his carrier isn’t range banned
Low effort

>> No.9773248


>> No.9773285

Pot makes me completely unable to taste certain flavors. I completely miss out on tangy flavors, which are my favorite. A lot of foods taste bland, cant taste vinegary foods. Candy is pretty good.

>> No.9773338

I can tolerate much hotter food when stoned. I can down something that would be unbearably spicy when sober without much difficulty. Especially if I have a beer to wash it down.

>> No.9773500
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I think that whole "flavor pairing" stuff is bullshit. I don't know about certain strains but I notice indicas make food more enjoyable than sativas. Though if you really want to take it for tasting stuff you should try edibles because all you smell is weed after smoking.

>> No.9773606

The point is to be high before you eat you fucking moron.

>> No.9773625

reminder: weed isn't enhancing anything, drugs aren't "expanding" your mind and making you more creative
they are just making your standards of what you enjoy much lower

the shitty music you were listening to or writing is still shitty, you have just altered your mind to think its good
what you are doing is akin to jingling keys in front of a toddler. its entertaining to them because they are stupid

>> No.9773640


>> No.9773764

This (I smoke weed from time to time but not saying this anon isn't right)

Honestly though OP, when I'm high good good is still good but only thing weed really enhances for me is cheap greasy food (typical stoner shit) .. most likely for >>9773625

>> No.9773770

good food* not good good.. Drunk right now

>> No.9773854

thanks for contributing nothing you rambling fucking moron

>> No.9773888

In California you can grow that shit in your backyard.
Sativas are a mind, mental, rush high.
Indicas are a body, calming, sleepy, numbing high.
Hybrids are a combo of the 2.
If you harvest the plant early you can get a fast high, harvest the plant later, you get a couch lock, lazy high.
With weed flavors, check out terpenes, terpinoids if weed.
You can actually get extracts of that, that can be added to flavor certain pen cartridges, which could probably added at the end of cooking a meal to flavor it.
Cooking with weed though, you can add it in raw when cooking marinara sauce, or basil, it adds a earthy, grass kinda taste to it, but also the weed taste too.
You can also cut up the nugs of weed and simmer it in a double pan with water boiling in the bottom one to add heat to the top pan.
You want to use the oil that has the highest fat content, which could be either butter, or even better, coconut oil.
You want to melt whatever amount of oil you want in first and let it simmer for a couple minutes and make sure it doesn't boil. No bubbles at all. If the temperature is too high you will boil out the thc, the high.
Add the weed and let it simmer for an hour to 4 hours, you have to experiment what's better.
You can strain it with cheese cloth, but make sure you have a way to compress the ball of leftover weed, unlike my dumbass that just squeezes it with my bare hand.
Never really noticed the unique taste of fresh buds in the leftover product, more of a overall weed flavor.
You can you use for baking, which adds a great flavor, which varies to certain people, the better you strain it, the more mild the flavor. Ive had some strong tasting brownies that were almost uneatable because they didn't strain the weed out, just cooked it straight in.

>> No.9773896

You don't want to be like that rapper, who throughs it straight on the grill, that can still get you high, but will degrade the potency, but it will still add that weed flavor.
I just add it at the end of cooking something and just let it melt in.

>> No.9773974

t. faggot who never went near weed

>> No.9774311

Vape your weed is all I gotta add to this. Otherwise you'll just taste tar

>> No.9774326

reminder that quentin was doxxed and left /v/ in complete disgrace after everyone found out he was an underage high school faggot.
just by posting a quentin image you've COMPLETELY discredited yourself.

>> No.9774403

that's just a north american thing. every person i know only mentions that they are to high is when they start to fuck up the game because their reaction is bad. most stoners who play are super relaxed and don't go all butthurt tilted over tiny shit, like your typical 12 year old pseudo pro.

also your founding fathers enjoyed weed

>coconut oil.
ghee is better, has a much higher smoke point and has a more neutral taste.

temperature is the most important part and that's where most recipes differ. if the temperature of whatever you are trying to infuse is above 150°C/300F you'd probably waste good material. i'd personally recommend hash, it's very potent for almost the same price of a nug, easier to grind, and obviously, the finer the more surface, the more you can extract.

i personally wouldn't infuse wine, you'd just ruin the wine. you can infuse spirits, but that takes a couple of weeks. personally i have not tried it yet. the easiest thing you can do is infuse milk. thc can be extracted through fat, which milk has a lot of. you can put it in your coffee, make bhang, make milkshakes, or use it for whatever.

>> No.9774422

t. child born in the 2000s who never had to put up with weed in the pre-"everything is primo shit" era


>> No.9774475

Get with the times お爺さん

>> No.9774506
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>touch age
In Hollywood maybe.

>> No.9774517

DUDE WEED makes me horny as fuck

>> No.9774848

>Smoking weed
But anon, what if you ever have to fill out an SF-86?

>> No.9774859
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>> No.9775225

it doesn't work trust me i have tried. Smoking before eating does something yes, but during eating it just makes everything taste a bit more like you just ate a bunch of grass.

>> No.9775232

Make a nice hand rolled blunt and pair with your favorite tawny port or spirit and some strong cheese.

>> No.9775261
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someone's salty. thanks for making my day enlightened one.

>> No.9775272

Hoppy beers taste great when high. So do stouts and porters

>> No.9775586

has /ck/ ever eaten while tripping? I once had a very juicy peach while on LSD, and it was by far the best thing I've ever eaten. The taste and sweetness of it was intensified over a thousand times; it was even better than an orgasm. Fruit in general is top tier when on acid.

>> No.9775601


You haven't lived until you've taken an overripe mango into your hand while on LSD and bitten the top off in order to squeeze the pulpy guts into your quivering gullet. Precum is a definite possibility.

>> No.9775604

i only ever eat fruit when im trippping. everythig else feels strangely heavy and i feel like im poisoning my body

>> No.9775612

Only fruit works when I'm tripping, but on the comedown some white rice with soy sauce tastes great.

>> No.9776220

^ congrats on spouting your pseudo-intellectual bullshit

>> No.9776243

I have an opposite problem, vinegar and tang become much more pronounced. I'm not a big fan of vinegar in general, so it kind of ruins some things for me by making the flavor overpower others. It's always a disappointment when I forget about this fact and sit down ready to enjoy some wings only for it to turn into one of the few unpleasant experiences I can have while eating stoned.

>> No.9776513

The threads on /out/ always get deleted. Will this stay?

>> No.9776579

I love weed, but I've never really understood "the munchies." If anything weed makes me less likely to overeat because I'm more in tune with how I'm feeling and when I'm full.

>> No.9776612

Getting sick of shithead stoners. First it was trying to bullshit people into believing they had medical problems and weed was the magical cure-all, now they're trying to act like connoisseurs of fine cuisine...

>oh wow brah, this strain of muh medicinal cannabis really pairs well with filet mignon and pinot noir and smoked cheddar...

ffs it doesnt cure cancer, it doesnt pair with food, just smoke weed. Quit trying to make it into something its not.

>> No.9776616

No, he's right. Being high makes you retarded. Sorry to burst your bubble.

>> No.9776617

Its because they were hungry before ingesting weed when they shouldve used the money they used for it on food.

>> No.9776975

This. I've never went out of my way to look for weed/food pairings, however I have found that Dr. Pepper tastes interesting after taking a hit. I've also found that IPAs taste nice with weed too. I imagine chocolate may compliment the flavor but I haven't tried.

>> No.9776994

They actually proved that the differences between sativa and indica as well as different strains are mostly superficial. Your typical recreational cannabis will have high THC content no matter what species or strain it is and will basically affect you the same. Any perceived differences will probably be placebo or simply physiological variables (how tired you are, are you stressed, sick, etc). However there is variation among cannabis when it comes to appearance, aroma, taste, and THC/CBD content.

>> No.9777006

>now they're trying to act like connoisseurs of fine cuisine...
Stoners have been doing this for years, not new.

>it doesnt cure cancer
It's been shown to inhibit tumor growth, so that's something.

>> No.9778738


>> No.9779044

Did some thinking on this and haven't had much luck. Here are some things I've been thinking about tho.

1: Cannabutter is awesome but also takes on a very planty taste. Using a bunch of good weed for this instead of shake seems like a huge waste of good weed.

1.2: I've going to try to clean my home-made cannabutter. The idea is simple enough. Take the solid (cold) cannabutter and melt it in a crock-pot with a large amount of water. Mix it up and cook on low for about 30 min. Let it cool until solid. Take out the solid cannabutter, poor out any sludge, and repeat this until the butter looks "cleaner". no idea how this is gonna play out.

2: Things that taste good with weed are hard to find. Best flavors I've found are chocolate and peanut butter (in the form of small cookies or brownie pieces). Weed has a really buttery taste that just seems to stick with you. You need something that can work with that.

3: The idea of using waxes sounds nice but it has some problems. One wax is really expensive and it is probably gonna take a lot. Two, from my understanding, when you eat weed you need to cook it first to turn the THC into it's more active form. Anything made from waxes is gonna have to take that into account and that seems annoying.

Edibles kick in faster when they're small and you have empty stomach. Eating them with tea or water always seems to work best for me but that could just all be in my head. Either way, you're not going to want your edible to be a huge ass meal.

>> No.9779050

pot can actually have a pretty interesting herbaceous flavor used in savory dishes

especially italian food

>> No.9779055


sounds more like sth I'd expect to find in "craft" "beer"

>> No.9779060

Like what though and how.

You don't want it on something heavy. I don't see it working in a tomato sauce. I don't see it working well with noodles. Maybe some kind of pastry?

>> No.9780954

I'll agree with you in terms of Marijuana. I do think there is genuine merit, however, in experimenting with psychoactive drugs like LSD, peyote, shrooms, etc. They don't make you stupider, but rather alter your frame of mind and present you with perspectives you may not have otherwise considered. Tripping on LSD isn't something I've done more than twice, but it was one of the most profound experiences of my life.

>> No.9781043

I'm sorry sonny but this old cowboy won't be so easily tricked into using your darned devil's lettuce