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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 155 KB, 561x584, edIPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9769577 No.9769577 [Reply] [Original]

I am tired of hearing and people glorifying eating rare steaks.

I don't know where this started and why celebrity chefs don't warn people to not eat rare steaks.

But its bat shit plain dangerous and not because its rare and uncooked or what not.
>The average Joe does not have the same quality of meat celebrity chefs use in their shows and restaurants!
Most people buy their meat from supermarkets such as Walmart or Kaufland or whatever and they have no idea where that meat comes from!
>There is a difference between a 2$ steak cut and 15$ steak cut.

If you have a 15$ piece of beef meat sure go ahead eat it rare, cook it like they show in the cook shows. I personally just like salt and pepper so i can taste and feel the meat but whatever. But that 2-3$ steak cut its not the same quality and medium well is the minimum i am gonna risk it. Sure it may become a bit dry and chewy but sure beats getting parasites or some illness for eating bad meat.

>hUr DuR anon if you the center of the steak reaches x degrees it will kill the nastiest.
Sure anon if you leave it at that temperature for certain amount of time... i don't see you being dead for jumping over a campfire or hovering you hand over open flame for 2-3 sec.

When you are ordering a rare steak at a restaurant you taking a risk, you have no way to know for how long your steak is being cooked what meat they are using. For all you know it can be the cheapest meat they could find frozen and then pulled on the grill to defrost on the inside and grill on the outside. And here is your rare steak bon appetite. Sure if you go to a fancy steak house you can trust the chef to know what he is doing.

>This trend has even transferred to pork and god forbid chicken.

I don't know how much pork cost in your country anon but i can get 1 kilo chops for 5$ are you really gonna trust that meat?! Pig meat is ridden with parasite cysts when they pigs are not taken care off. Pigs are dirty animals as a whole. Don't eat them rare..

>> No.9769588
File: 148 KB, 600x315, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rare chicken breasts.. pic related?! Is this what we want?! Chicken MUST be cooked to prevent salmonella. Heck even in the most tiresome french deserts they tell you to watch the temperature of the chicken eggs when used in cream.

>This needs to end eating rare chicken and pork is not okay!
>Eating rare beef is okay if the quality of meat is top notch

Rant off

>> No.9769610
File: 89 KB, 1260x840, steak-tartare-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal Mongols invented this by slapping random slices under their saddles for later. The meat quality was probably all over the place and slightly dirty from horsehair, sweat and ass.

It's great. Some of us don't have weak stomachs and can eat questionable food from time to time.

>> No.9769631

No they didn't. A French chef made that up in like 1880 in order to make it sound "exotic". It could be instructive for you to imagine that there was a time before google, when people could basically make up anything and as long as you were a reasonably well respected individual you would get away with it.

>> No.9769654
File: 47 KB, 400x300, kaizer-pastarma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats German anon. They still eat it... again no problem if its high quality meat.

And what you are referring to is this.(pic related) and i should know cause my ancestors a literally Mongolian as I am from Bulgaria.

Its true that they kept under saddles for later... but they used salt and kept it there for months so dry up. They used mostly horse meat back then and kept the horse in high regard so they had healthy well kept horses.

How this is done currently is with beef (some people still use horse meat though) its soaked in salt water so the meat can absorb the water then covered in paprika(+other spices) and left to dry in the cold winter air for 2-3 months.
Just a wiki link for pastarma although if you open different pages (in different language) and can understand them there are differences.

Nothing in common with your pic. Unless you are trying to say the kept grind meat under the saddle?!

>> No.9769657

forgot link

>> No.9769742

chicken sashimi is a thing for a reason. Chickens from other countries are ok to eat undercooked because the chance of getting salmonella is so low. do some research, dumbass.

>> No.9770005

rare meat just doesn't taste good and has a watery texture
>m-muh juices
yeah nah if you can't make a well done steak that's juicy you're just a shit chef.

>> No.9770012

>rare meat just doesn't taste good and has a watery texture
found the faggot buying $3 steak cuts

>> No.9770019

false and projection
even the cheapest steak here doesn't breach below $7 and i only buy those fancy grass fed hipster steaks that cost an arm and a leg because i'm autistic

>> No.9770030

>do some research, dumbass.
I'd suggest you do the same.
Chicken is pretty much equally risky anywhere you eat it. It's the nature of the animal. The reason why most cultures don't eat chicken sashimi is because most people simply don't like that texture and flavor with poultry.

Refer to Modernist Cuisine, vol 1, chapter 3. There are plenty of excellent citations regarding this subject.

>> No.9770239

this image is wrong, and so are a few others like it. the inside of the rare/medium-rare steaks are still completely gelatinous and uncooked. a rare steak can be cooked all the way through but still be pink. gelatinous = dark red, uncooked, horrible. a nice pink centre can still be cooked all the way through, as long as you can see the individual fibres of meat and it just pulls apart

>> No.9770446
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>> No.9770458


>Rare steak is bad in my opinion
>Yes there's no evidence or anything I just think it's dangerous

Ok. Good blog post.

>> No.9770474

Well yeah, nobody told people to find the most vile meat they could find and eat that raw. Shitty meat doesn't work rare anway, it's too chewy. I doubt the working mom who spends the week making sketti and then gets to serve 3$ steaks to her kids on sunday bothers to pretend it's high class cuisine.

I don't know about your country but here if restaurants serve meat that literally makes people sick they don't stay open very long.

People who eat raw meat have been told the risks and choose to do it, and if they die then they die, what business of yours is it? Jesus why is this board so high up its own ass about health issues?

>> No.9770506

>>Pinintrest wannabe chef
>>Instagrams all his cooking
>>Gets his knife sharpened for him
>>Doesn't own a meat thermometer

Just fuck off. I'm serious, fuck off to whatever part of middle class whatever you come from. Civillians aren't welcome here. You want to ask a serious question fine. But don't be coming in here and bitching about how you like microwaved steak when you've never even eaten Kibbeh Nayyah, Yukhoe or Tartare. This is a board for cooking, not for fucked SJW who don't work for a living. Fuck off.

>> No.9771405

KEK anon why so butt mad.

If you doubt so much my exp. Are you willing to show me your cooking cer. and how much time your worked in a restaurant.
Cause I am willin too.
Because for some reason cooking rare steak and raw food is unhealty and dangerous. And I am not okay with chefs giving that portrait to people. Not all people know how to cook and they turn to celebrity chefs on youtube instead of a book.
>Eating raw chicken gets you salmonella and eating raw pork can get you parasites. Its in every cookbook for noobs. Google images of parisites in meat...
Also as I said reaching x degrees for a second does not make your meat safe. For example when boiling milk (raw one directly from a cow goat or sheep) you are supposed to keep it 3-4 min on x temperature.

>> No.9771442
File: 55 KB, 509x566, CRNqOj4-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your burnt steak you limp wristed, avacado toast eating hipster faggot

Rare or medium rare are the only correct ways to eat a steak. Also, your chart is shit, faggot

>> No.9771443

>Also as I said reaching x degrees for a second does not make your meat safe.

It's more complicated than that. There is always both a time AND a temperature requirement for killing bacteria (or parasites). The higher the temperature is the shorter a time period is required.

For example, take trichinosis, the parasite that can exist in pork. It dies instantly at 145F. 130F will kill it too, but that takes 30 min.

It's always wisest to give both times AND temps for this sort of thing, but the point is that for every pathogen there is some temp that will kill it instantly (or so quickly that it might as well be instant). So in some circumstances you can be OK given a temp only, assuming that temp is high enough to be lethal more or less instantly.

>> No.9771798

Listen here Tyron you uncultured swine! I don't know how you prepared that gazelle corpse after you stole it from that spotted hyena or even if you ate it raw, but we westerners here prefer to live pass 20 and cook our food.

I know its hard to understand because i don't speak Zulu or monkey but what OP was trying to explain is that Stacy's mom may be misguided by those fancy cooking shows using ingredients that cost half her salary. Maybe she wanted to provide for once a fancy diner for Stacy but because your brother Hassan left her alone she can't afford AAA grade steaks and it would suck if they get poisoned.

>> No.9771893

When meat is prepared, the insides are considered to be essentially sterile since nothing has come in contact with them except the outermost surfaces. Therefore, cooking meat rare will cook the outside contamination. With ground beef, it's different, as anything that WAS on the outside is all mixed in. This is how E. coli outbreaks happen, is because the inside of the meat was all mixed around and is no longer sterile.