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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9764655 No.9764655 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do at a sushi bar? Do you tiptoe around all their retarded customs and rules or do you just do what you feel like doing?
I'm tired of getting looks for putting the fake wasabi in the soy sauce and mixing it up.

>> No.9764663

If the maguro sucks I don't go back because if they can't get the most common sushi right its all crap covered up in mayo

>> No.9764671

I drink sake until I don't care what others think of me anymore and then I eat raw various fish slivers rolled in rice until I'm full afterwards I'll have a cup of green tea and leave.

>> No.9764708
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Get comped. I'm talking 1000s of dollars worth of sushi, Comped!

>> No.9764712

You eat sushi

>> No.9764715

I usually get drunk and show off my big american penis then get the slant eyed waitress to suck me off

>> No.9764720

I get weird looks no matter where I go, even in public transportation. So I do what ever I want.

>> No.9764723

You're allowed to put wasabi in the soy sauce. Sprinkling soy sauce and wasabi on the sushi piece instead of gently dipping the sushi in soy sauce already mixed with wasabi is an autistic meme perpetuated by Ken-sama-tier weeaboos and is completely not in line with the actual custom in Japan nor what sushi chefs think is the proper practice of eating sushi.

The only thing that will make the chefs cringe is dunking it until it's completely soaked in soy sauce, making the saltiness completely overwhelm all other tastes and making the chef's effort moot.

>> No.9764726

>I'm tired of getting looks for putting the fake wasabi in the soy sauce and mixing it up.
I feel like this is some perpetuated white person meme. I'm Japanese and I do this, as well as my entire family.

>> No.9764727

Does this really work?

>> No.9764732

He puts the food on the plate.
After that he can fuck off about what he thinks is proper practice of eating his food as far as I am concerned.

>> No.9764735

Most of the time but only if her tiny mouth can fit past the tip of my cock

>> No.9764740

Sure, but if you keep doing that, he's going to give you shitty cuts next time since you're an animal who can't even tell the difference.

Of course, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference and would keep paying him money for subpar sushi.

>> No.9764741

t. anime enthusiast

>> No.9764743

Why are you even going to a sushi restaurant? Just get supermarket sushi.

>> No.9764787

Even if you were in fucking Japan, no one would care. 8/10 bait however

>> No.9764790

This is you fucking jags.


>> No.9764820

Do you put mayonnaise, mustard, and ketchup on your steak just because you can do it?

>> No.9764828

how many weebs vs. people who enjoy sushi are in this thread?

>> No.9764846

>"enjoys" sushi
>proceeds to dunk sushi in a tub of soy sauce
Don't you just like soy sauce and rice at that point? It's like ordering well-done steak.

>> No.9764853

There is nothing wrong with well-done steak.

>> No.9764856


I live in Japan, and literally everyone I've eaten sushi with mixes the wasabi into the soy.

Nobody here gives a fuck how you eat, its only western "experts" that make up all these faggot rules.

>> No.9764861

No, but I do raise an eyebrow when a waitress asks me if i'm sure I want my steak rare.

I don't fucking care if you think it's underdone, Susan, you are not the one eating the goddamn steak, and you are not the one fucking cooking it.

>> No.9764864

>Nobody here gives a fuck
Japanese are the least directly confrontational people in the world. Especially to gaijins or those of nikkei stock.
>hangs out with Japanese that deals with gaijin a lot
>doesn't expect them to forgive the foreigner for not being knowledgeable of his mistakes
Letting someone do something doesn't mean they don't give a fuck. Western sensibilities, people.

>> No.9764866

Waiters are unironically paid to be your slave while you eat. If one of them raised an eyebrow at me for any reason I would not leave until they were fired.

>> No.9764867


You're just a generic asshole. Eat your vile food in private.

>> No.9764872

If it's sushi that's American, why would you follow Japanese customs to eat it?

>> No.9764887

I had some dumb bitch ask me if I was sure I wanted my steak done rare, I told her yes, because that's how I ordered it.
She then came back with my meal, simple enough right? Not for her, she had to sit down next to me and tell me "If it's underdone just let me know, okay."
If I could I would stab a live cow next to your fucking table you little shit.

>> No.9764891


Why do you treat japanese people as this special monolithic entity? I've noticed this happens a lot with people who have very little experience interacting with the people.

I came here with the "omg what if I do something wrong" mentality, and it became pretty fucking apparent that people here are people, and not uptight robots.
My friends laugh at me for worrying about how I eat. Literally nobody but pedantic people care about that shit.

>> No.9764902

Friends are forgiving. I've been to several countries and my job is the people business. While people are people, that does not mean they are not different. Again, the Japanese are the least confrontational out of the Asian peoples that I've encountered, and just because they forgive your foreign ass for being barbaric, does not mean that they really don't give a fuck.
They just forgive your Western crassness and lack of sensitivity because you're a friend. That's it.
Never fucking think that just because people let you do something, they don't give a fuck. It's literally that kind of thinking that makes Asians stereotype us as rude people that can't read the mood.
And from my travels, it's what makes them think we act like we own the fucking world.

>> No.9764907

I can't find it in myself to mess with wait staff and people at the food registers. Because I always fear they'd spit on my food if I acted like I was bigger than they are.

>> No.9764910

They probably just don't want to get held liable if you get sick or something.

>> No.9764911

>like we own the world
But we do...

>> No.9764912

If I can get sick by something a restaurant has placed on the menu as an option they have more pressing issues then meat with a squishy center.

>> No.9764913

Japs aren't as uptight about eating rituals as people make them out to be, but I lived with all the chinese, korean, and japanese exchange students for all 4 years of my undergrad and they would laugh hysterically at you and say "no no no on no!" whenever you'd do something particularly "wrong", so it's not totally untrue.
Sushi bars don't give a shit though.

>> No.9764914

>western crassness

Where are you getting this from?

I'm the one that came over here with the notion that I had to do things in a specific, delicate way, and got shit from the friends I've made here about it. I am more formal and polite than they are when it comes to eating. More than most people I've observed.
I don't know why you think people care so much about what you're doing, japan is the "focus on your own shit, don't get involved in others business" culture, and even that is a stereotype. People are people, there's loud outgoing people, there's quiet reserved people - like every single place in the world.

I really don't think you're as good at reading people as you think.

>> No.9764917

Surprise, most of them are Korean.

Check their accent when they greet you.

>> No.9764947

> People are people, there's loud outgoing people, there's quiet reserved people - like every single place in the world.
While this is true, it doesn't mean people are NOT different.

When dealing with Asians, I've found that while they will give you leeway, it's because they are polite about it and will forgive you for being an ignorant person, because it's true, you don't know any better.
But if you live long enough with people and still don't make strides to change, it's rude, it's crass, and it stereotypes us over there.

Now, what you are saying is even more true of Japanese who generally hang out with foreigners, but just because you've got that around you, doesn't mean you're not still being a fucker with your crass attitude. It probably just means you're with rebels.

And even that exist in any society in that region. For those brave enough to even talk to me at restaurants, they even tell me how to eat the food I have when I make mistakes, so I have no idea why you're defending being an impolite stooge in another country.

>> No.9764961

Hope you ain't shittin on that staff, anon. Your life is quite literally in their hands when they prepare your food.

>> No.9764970

What makes good maguro sushi?

>> No.9764975


My friends are mostly mild mannered female office workers, the furthest thing from a "rebel". For most of them, I'm the only foreigner they know.
You make a lot of assumptions to fit what you believe to be true, but I'm sorry, reality doesn't conform to your stereotypes.

I'm not sure why you think I'm being an 'impolite stooge', or defending that, what did I say that gave you this impression?

>> No.9764981

Do you know why it's called soy sauce? Because sushi is for soyboys

>> No.9764990

>this dude doesn't understand that rebels mean people who don't conform, not punk rockers
Most people in the world don't hang out with foreigners that much. The fact they hang out with you a lot already is different. You not understanding they're being polite with you is what gave that impression.

>> No.9764996

The fish should not stink. The rice shouldn't be shit quality. The rice shouldn't not be able to hold its shape.

>> No.9765027


But they're not polite with me at all, once I got to know them the banter has become fierce. Most people I've met have a great sense of humor, the reservedness is a thin veneer, and always falls away after a few beers.

I really don't know what you're basing all your preconceived blanket ideas on, but it just seems silly to me, reality is far more nuanced than that.

>> No.9765033


Btw, if you think hanging out with a foreigner is weird outside of a bumfuck small town, then you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.9765061

>didn't read my posts and clearly ignored everything outside of politeness
>doesn't understand that hanging out with foreigners is something that doesn't happen often even in Asian metropolitan centers
That's why there are informally designated foreigner districts in just about every single large city around the world.
No, fuck off. You're the one who probably hasn't gone to more places than one and you're using your small little group to grossly describe most people in the country you're in right now.
Again, the fact that they hang out with you a lot is already a different thing than most.

>> No.9765069

If you're eating a cream cheese sushi roll, do you have to put it in soy sauce?

>> No.9765104

Cheese and soy sauce.
That doesn't actually sound all that bad.

>> No.9765125

I just eat the rolls straight. Sometimes I'll use the ginger as a palate cleanser. I don't usually bother with soy sauce or wasabi.
>tfw have to pay extra to not be served a roll with cream cheese, asparagus, or covered in tempura or that awful "spicy" mayo shit

>> No.9765160


Haha, really? Ive lived in Tokyo, Saitama, Maebashi, Osaka and Okinawa. Ive met people from all sorts of different backgrounds and status.

But you keep playing pretend expert on a place it sounds like you've never been, I'll keep actually living here.

>> No.9765180

>hey guise I live in the large population centers of Japan and tourist spots and don't expect there to be people that deal with foreigners so I will completely use my ignorance and small sample size to determine what most people in their country are like
Do you even know what the fuck you're talking about?

>> No.9765246

I like alternating between dipping it in a bit of soy sauce then having the roll straight and comparing the flavors.

>> No.9765264

If I'm gonna spend a shit load of money on excellent rolls and sashimi, I'm not going to bother with the condiments. But most of the time, I'm eating stuff that is just pretty decent. When people talk about the autistic shit, it's because you're spending a shitload of money on fantastic seafood, and it's a waste to drown it in fucking soy. No one, not even the chefs, care about how much soy and wasabi your putting on your 8 dollar spicy tuna roll.

>> No.9765441

I'm not a huge sushi fan.
There's a place where you can call in orders and get sushi take out

>> No.9765451


The majority of the countries population lives where?

>> No.9765881

Some people prefer quality over price

>> No.9765940

Try real wasabi fagggot

>> No.9765969

If they're Asian, you're gonna get weird looks no matter what you do. Asians are compulsively judgmental.

>> No.9766082

that's probably been male waiters going down on you friendo

>> No.9766101

>All my gaijin friends mix the wasabi into the soy sauce because they have taken no interest in the language or culture

Every decent place puts the wasabi inside the sushi. If you've got some pussy Tokyo friends they'll be getting their sushi without wasabi at all.

>> No.9767759


They're japanese you idiot, I don't have any gaijin friends here.

See this is what's funny to me, all these rules that gaijins heard somewhere, and think there's some strict adherence to by the population.

>> No.9767928

do whatever the fuck you want

stop being so fucking insecure

i wash my hands and eat a foods with my hands that people usually use utensils just because i find it easier that way

>> No.9768484

I throw the sushi on the ground and eat it like an animal

>> No.9768593

This is a dellicate delicacy from a foreign country you think you can just treat or season it the way you want to? Think again buster. I get it that this board harbors unintellectuals like yourself... but... show a little modesty.

>> No.9768764

He obviously doesn't since he's drowning it in soy sauce. I don't even use the sauce or wasabi when I eat sushi. I believe that if you need to put condiments on something to enjoy it, then it's not worth eating.

>> No.9768837

one time i went in drunk and was eating sunomono noodles by pulling them up out of the bowl and lowering the over 1 foot long noodles into my mouth and then realized everyone was staring at me, even local people

>> No.9768894

$8 for spicy tuna? that's a ripoff even in canadian dollars

there's a place down the street that sells unagi-tier 8pc rolls for $6 CAN

>> No.9768916

Can't very well do that at American sushi places.

>> No.9768921

they used to have the nice hard wasabi here but they've since switched to the green horseradish cream

>> No.9768974

m8 that's a ripoff in australia. there's a ploice roight dewn beck thit sails tha saym thayng fo' 4' dollarydoos.

>> No.9768992

dude i'm just saying... 8 i'm guessing american dollars is pretty steep for the most basic roll

>> No.9770009

It’s literally this simple.

>> No.9770017
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Depends how healthy you want to be when you come out.

>> No.9770027

This is some "I crossed a nigger on the street today" level of bullshit.

>> No.9770981

That seems like an overreaction.

>> No.9771493

yeah whyd he cut the bowls in half too

>> No.9771564

I hate Susan so gotdamn much