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File: 311 KB, 981x564, OfficialFruitTier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9761165 No.9761165 [Reply] [Original]

Alright boys, it's time to update the tier list.

Pull yours out

>> No.9761177

this is fucking outrageous, butternut is SS, eggplant is B.
cucumber is F, lemon, tomato and coconut make A just for being as fundamental they are.
Mango is delicious but it's not SS.
Dragon fruit isn't that great

>> No.9761188

This list only makes sense if you're eating all these fruits raw.

>> No.9761190

I often see a lot of hate towards cucumber. What's so bad about it?

>> No.9761195

>lemon, butternut, tomato, eggplant
All don't count as fruits even though they technically are. It's like how Egypt is in Africa but everyone considers it part of the Middle East. Just because something has seeds and is technically a fruit means nothing, their use and taste is way closer to a vegetable. Tomato is a bit on the fence and can sort of go either way, but is a lot more often used in vegetable contexts

>> No.9761205

it's watery and lacks taste. it is the refuge of the picky eater. There's almost no dish you can add it to were it gives more flavor than it washes away. only virtue is freshness, which you can do without being watery crap
then take them off the list, I don't care if they're a fruit, they're fucking great. if you don't like butternut pumpkin soup you're wrong.

>> No.9761216

Fair, the best quality I would give a cucumber is, indeed, freshness.

Hell, I tried some cucumber flavored cigs the other day and it felt like smoking a salad. Almost healthy lol

>> No.9761231
File: 12 KB, 254x199, mysides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, it's true.

Did OP just try them raw?

>> No.9761233

wheres the green apple

>> No.9761238

B tier probably

>> No.9761248

>tamarind C tier

Is this just for raw tamarind??

>> No.9761250

>It's like how Egypt is in Africa but everyone considers it part of the Middle East.
Yeah, about that...

>> No.9761505
File: 181 KB, 460x558, 1450209597180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blackberries in C tier

>> No.9761522

Some people have never had good, sweet blackberries

>> No.9761603
File: 456 KB, 804x876, 1492926774614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't eat his lemons raw

>> No.9762055

you fucking retard apple is SSSS give it her own tier list you fucking moron hope you suffocate on your mcdonalds fat cunt

>> No.9762121

What's watermelon doing all the way up there, you fucking nigger? You realize it's flavorless fucking garbage melon, right?

>> No.9762539

Put some salt and lime juice on it. Fucking amazing

>> No.9762569

ripe pears are SS tier though

>> No.9762604

Dragon fruit in S tier? The fuck are you on lad?

>> No.9762633

this is absolutely the most retarded thing I've seen all day

>> No.9762743
File: 10 KB, 260x166, 260px-I'se_so_happy_-_postcard-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh, dat 'er watahmelyon!

>> No.9762747

>having anything above guava
this thread is fucking trash

>> No.9762759

>Banana at anything but SS+ tier

>> No.9762831


Bananas can range from SS to Z tier based on their ripeness

>> No.9763195
File: 331 KB, 981x564, 1511881769551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9763310

Yet you can't dispute any of the points. All of those things aren't found in the fruit section in supermarkets for good reason

>> No.9763340

>cucumbers are fruit
>dragonfruit above the bottom
>bananas and cantaloupe belong in at least a tier
How about I slap your shit?

>> No.9763498

>Fig in E
Rape your own mother, faggot

>> No.9763623
File: 298 KB, 981x870, fruitpowerrankings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 ranks is a bit excessive.

>> No.9763673

Move butternut to fucking ss you fucker I'm fucking warning you rèeeeeeee