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9760913 No.9760913 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most powerful Vegetable?

>> No.9760921


>> No.9760926


>> No.9760928

The potato.
>nearly as hard as a rock
>entire civilizations have survived on almost nothing but potatoes
>Ireland almost wiped off the map because of lack of potato
>everyone loves them
>extremely versatile
>can be used to make alcohol

>> No.9760931


Hmm, I'm going with corn, solely because it's like the roided up genetic freak of vegetables.


Eating the top of a potato will kill you though. Tough call really.

>> No.9760937
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>> No.9760939

It's like onion, but without layers. Weak. Pathetic.

>> No.9760940

Cabbage. There is no downside to it, can be eaten raw or cooked, healthy as fuck for you, stands up to long cooking and/or all kinds of sauces or dressings, is an ingredient in hundreds and hundreds of dishes, can be grown in a wide range of climates.

>> No.9760942


It's like a concentrated onion. I could take a bite out of an onion. It would suck, but I could deal with it. Taking a bite out of a Garlic Bulb will make you take a knee.

>> No.9760943

Cabbage basically dissolves if cooked too long or too hot.

>> No.9760944

It's was good choice when it was scaring those Paleo-kids ands Atkinsns. But now it's kinda meh. Even proudest believers cheat with sweet potato, which is as far from potato as lizards are from dinosaurs. Just a filler.

>> No.9760946
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Sweet Potatoes aren't Potatoes?

>> No.9760950

It doesn't dissolve. It's too fibrous for that. It just cooks down. I've made many a cabbage soup over the years, and it's never "dissolved".

>> No.9760951

Stupid unsatisfying texture.Tastes like a shoe on itself...

>> No.9760954

Would you cry just from watching a garlic?

>> No.9760959

Nope. They're a tuber, but they're not part of the same plant family. Potatoes are from the nightshade family and the tops/stems/sprouts are poisonous. Sweet potatoes grow along a vine, and you can eat the leaves like you would spinach.

>> No.9760960

That's pretty much what I meant. If I make a soup with the stuff and I let it get too hot, I end up with a goopy mess.

>> No.9760963

>unsatisfying texture
What kind of huge pussypants doesn't like coleslaw?

>> No.9760964

Cabbage. Europe and thus the west was founded on cabbage. Potato is nice but we'd never have reached the potatoes without cabbage

>> No.9760968

Butternut squash

>> No.9760971

Idk what your doing to your cabbage, but you must be doing something very wrong.

>> No.9760972

That would happen to any vegetable, wouldn't it?

>> No.9760981

I add all the vegetables aside from the potatoes at pretty much the same time and the cabbage is always the first and only thing to completely fall apart. I should start adding it towards the end.

>> No.9760983

Hmm. You know. You are wright. It can be satisfying in presence of fatty stuff. I would make one tommorow.

>> No.9760987

>start adding it towards the end.

I agree, you definitely should. It's hardy, but it's still basically a green. You wouldn't want to add spinach or broccoli at the start of a recipe either.

>> No.9760992
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I dunno if most. But daikon raddish is fucking amazing. It's like sweet, crunchy and umami. Behaves nice. You can even sculpt some shit from it or train your anal muculature like with no other vegetable. I like it.

>> No.9760998

No. You WANT spinach at the start. And cook broccoli in a microwave not adding anywhere. Whats wrong with you?

>> No.9761010
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>cook broccoli in a microwave

>> No.9761012

Thats definitely not true. Garlic has a very distinct taste compared to onions. I know they play along well but if you think they are the same you should have your taste buds examined asap.

>> No.9761017

shallots, bro. I had had things with them before but never tried raw. Ate a slice the other day while cooking and my sinuses starting to sting.

>> No.9761020


>> No.9761021

what's wrong with that? it's unironically the second-best preparation after roasting

>> No.9761025

What else? Boiled broccoli sucks and looses color. Fried broccoli is hideous. The only way not to dry the shit out of it and not make it a watery snot is to microwave. You get a soft but intact and pretty broccoli. You can steam it, but it's too much work and result would be worse.

>> No.9761041

A Filipino in a coma

>> No.9761062

>Boiled broccoli sucks and looses color
Only when you overcook it.

>> No.9761108

I understood that reference

>> No.9761119
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>What's the most powerful Vegetable?
Veggie Kyle

>> No.9761403

Broccoly. Its power is maximum.

>> No.9761422

>Sweet potatoes grow along a vine
Underground vines?

>> No.9761427


>> No.9761655

not a vegetable
not a vegetable
>green beans, peas, bell peppers or any kind of peppers
not vegetables

>> No.9761674


We don't speak of him.

>> No.9761685

Basically yes. The green part grows on top of the ground, obviously.

>> No.9761776

Broccoli and cauliflower because it makes mams cum taste sweet and bitches love sweet cum.

>> No.9761860


>> No.9761915

Biologically speaking, there's no such thing as a vegetable.

However, homosexuals are an easily documented phenomena.
