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File: 12 KB, 600x325, SilhouetteOfWomanDrinkingWine_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9755752 No.9755752 [Reply] [Original]

what happened to my alcoholics general edition
no that other one doesn't count

>> No.9756481

What happened, everybody quit drinking over the weekend?

>> No.9756503
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Somehow I doubt that

>> No.9756516

I'm four weeks without spirits and two weeks completely sober so I haven't been in them much. Seems a few people have been the same because they've been a lot slower lately.

>> No.9756715

I managed to quit. Nine days and not a drop of vodka. I used like 22 grams of weed to make it tolerable. Comfiest week I’ve had in years. Caught up on loads of sleep, no throwing up, no cringe or stress, no doctors or police. Absolutely fucking delicious, and everything is fun high, so zero PAWS.
Ran out this morning, can’t afford more abandon I’d go to prison for cultivating, sooo I’ve just relapsed. Awesome.
Yeah I think people left because of all the /b/. It’s not as friendly as it used to be.

>> No.9756718

Fucking Siri

>> No.9756834

im here, just woke up and my head is pounding. coffee is my friend for about 2 hours
then breakfast and beer begins

>> No.9756859

Fresh red blood or dark blood?

Well, at least you're not getting addicted to the pot needle...
Yeah, it's hard to find a positive spin to the situation.

>> No.9756899

I'm 2 weeks sober tomorrow. That said, I'm probably drinking tonight when I get home from my flights. Vacations ending and getting back to reality is so fucking depressing.

>> No.9756901

Not sure how other alcoholics can handle caffeine. I'm jittery and shaky enough as it is.

>> No.9756926

It’s all in the mind. Alcohol WD anxiety is savage, but nothing makes it worse for me any more. Shit you not, I answered the door to fucking C.I.D about a week ago while in WD and having smoked a huge joint of jack herer like 10 mins prior. Turns out they had the wrong address, but even when I thought I was about to be arrested I didn’t give a shit.
I am always rekt on all sorts, I have taken pretty much any common recreational drug you care to mention, always pushed to the point of excess, many to the point of OD, I have been through intense heroin cold turkey like 100 times, have flipped the fuck out after taking 40g of sclerotia and 5 x125ug lsd, I have been up for 6 solid days after smoking 500mg of Chinese glass - I think maybe the horrors I’ve seen have chilled me right out. I chug coffee and burn weed constantly while in WD, and they take the edge right off the fear.
So, yeah, hope that helps you to enjoy a coffee; simply become a dedicated psychonaut for years and years. Yw.
(Point is that you’re not going to be scared if you believe you won’t)

>> No.9757084

because they drink caffeine regularly

nothing better than a big fat joint and a coffee

>> No.9757102


>> No.9757328

>Massachusetts has legal weed
>but you cant just drive up there and buy weed yet unless you have a medical card

fuck this gay Earth

>> No.9757351

Try living in the UK. Cannabis is apparently “lethal”
Really strange though, the (literal) pigfucker Cameron has smoked it himself. Guess it’s a delayed reaction and he’s currently being tortured to a horrific death, poor hash-wreck.

>> No.9757361

“Incredibly toxic and very very damaging”
This makes me want to fucking kerb stomp the entire conservative government. Vile. The UK is a laughing stock because of it’s bewilderingly ignorant drug laws.
Need to chill, guess I’ll have a nice, healthy glass of poison instead.
>That dislike bar, lol.

>> No.9757365

After roughly a week sober, I had 20 beers yesterday. Already day-drinking today. Have 16 beers available. If I drink tomorrow I am pretty sure I'll suffer withdrawals. So hopefully I stop by tonight.

>> No.9757392

Alaska's got legal weed my dude, no card required, come get some. Only like an $800 flight round-trip. Stock up.

>> No.9757404

Yeah totes, nobody in the airport has drug dogs or looks inside bags during security processes.

>> No.9757411
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>> No.9757413

>Only like an $800 flight round-trip. Stock up.
How high are you right now?

>> No.9757431

Nobody said you had to carry it on your person, anon. Christ, it's like I'm talking to a wall of retards here.

You mail the weed back, anon. You don't fucking carry it on the plane.

>> No.9757435

i get the impression you Bongs have a hard on for regulating things. As if when something isn't regulated and doesnt have centuries-old laws you guys get flustered as fuck. Shame our lawmakers have to be so stubborn and insistent on arbitrary drug scheduling
>bypass Colorado
>bypass Washington, Oregon and California
>just come to Alaska bro we'll hook you up
on my way bro let me just buy a 69-layer parka first so i dont get frostbite and mauled by a polar bear after stepping off the plane

>> No.9757464


holidays require recovery for me

>> No.9757519

What's the point of even going there if you can buy it on the darknet for same results?

>> No.9757555

i imagine buying a plane ticket is easier than figuring out PGP encryption, configuring TOR, researching and buying a VPN, buying bitcoin, setting up a bitcoin wallet and transferring the funds to a darknet market account and scouring reviews to find legit sellers

>> No.9757557

I'm working on my heroin addiction, alcohol is more of a bitch to quit. Thankfully I have a great AA sponsor

>> No.9757566

I can post a guide (albeit not today) for educational purposes if anyone is interested.

>> No.9757590

please do at somepoint

>> No.9757593

Will do, I’ll try to do it tomorrow

>> No.9757604

I got my green card. Whatchu need senpai

>> No.9757608


>> No.9757610

You keep posting this. Wtf does it mean?

>> No.9757614
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>> No.9757632

Underage memers

>> No.9757891

Play around with this:

For a more instant look at darknet markets, just download tor browser bundle and use it to go to

>> No.9757941

thanks for typing that up
just curious, why are you using Valhalla instead of Alphaba-
>Alphabay was shut down after a law enforcement action as a part of Operation Bayonet against it (and also the Hansa market)
well shit, thats kind of disconcerting. as long as they're still not going after minor weed purchases we should still be good.
sorry to keep shitting up the thread with dude weed posts

>> No.9757955

sober 4th night, ohhh yeaaahhh
it doesnt get any better desu

>> No.9757960

There’s always A risk, but crossing the road is risky. Dying from alcoholism is pretty damn risky too.
Google how many darknet market buyers have been arrested.
Hope weed helps you, it’s an absolute godsend for me. The dude who made the video ‘never get busted again’ is a former alcoholic cop, who hated weed users. Upon using it he like myself was able to kick the booze. He quit his job to pursue a career as a weed activist.
Good luck mang.

>> No.9758127
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Has anyone here ever had pain in their liver? It's day 4 for me now. It isn't severe, I went to work today and forgot about it because I was busy, but now I'm home and the pain is still there. I don't even know if it actually is my liver, but considering the location of the pain and my history of alcohol abuse I think it is likely. I know I need to see a doctor, but I'm not sure if this is an emergency or if I should schedule an appointment with my family doctor.

>> No.9758138

I’ve had pain in my liver for years. There’s always a dull ache, and in recent years it’s accompanied by a stabbing pain. Still drinking, still alive.
I mean, obviously you’re not me, so don’t put off seeing a Doc if you feel you should. Tbqh though I doubt it’s serious.

>> No.9758142
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This fucking thing married Avril Lavigne? Christ

>> No.9758143

if you have health insurance just go to the ER. a plain blood draw can tell doctors if your liver enzyme levels indicate damage. if you dont have insurance then drive to Canada when you can and get them to do it. unless you're a eurofag and this is a non-issue

>> No.9758185

Does anyone know anything about making Glühwein?

I want to try making some, but can't settle on a wine and recipe choice.

>> No.9758286

Don't overthink it, there isn't much to go wrong and it's really not beer or normal wine, with big differences. Just mix the ingredients of any standard recipe in the ratio you think tastes best, or just buy some premix and add orange slices+whatever suits you best.

>> No.9758339
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I figure holidays are a hiccup in the pattern or a hard hit.

Basically guys, I drink 375ml 40% a night or eight beers. Spread over probably four hours. I never have any negatives if I dont drink, and I dont really get hung over, but ive been at it for a year. Whats the over under?

>> No.9758377

Here it's sold in one litre bottles for 2 euro's. Not too shabby.
Making your own is very /ck/ however and probably more tasty.

>> No.9758407

just woke up after drinking around noon, about to shower and just drink some soju and beer. thinking about getting some food delivered, chinese, italian, or indian?

>> No.9758623
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>> No.9758646

stop making threads when there already are threads

>> No.9758729

Guys how do I get drunk and gain a shit ton of weight?

>> No.9758739

I meant not gain a shit ton of weight.

>> No.9758747

Yes please!

>> No.9758765

tfw legal dope in Maine but still no dope stores that don't require a medical card

>> No.9758769

6hrs sleep in the last 2 days. im stocked on booze and codeine so that's all good. showered yesterday, have some decent food.
just need sleep

>> No.9758784

Diluted pure ethanol, so vodka or everclear. They have the lowest calories, since they only have the calories from the booze. No chaser that contains sugar, no beer. Eat healthy and try to do some form of workouts, even if it is only drunken midnight walks.
Pray to god that you have decent genetics.

>> No.9758795

How long does it take for your liver to repair itself fully after stopping drinking?

I haven't had a drink in almost a month, not because I had a problem (although I am a daily drinking) but because I was staying with an alcoholic.

Am I getting any additional benefit by staying off the sauce even longer? (besides the obvious $ and calorie savings)

>> No.9758849

lol... no shit.

>> No.9758854

According to my GP it takes 2 weeks for the inflammation to go down. Even at that point its just the beginning of the healing

>> No.9758856

>How long does it take for your liver to repair itself fully after stopping drinking?
Depends, how damaged? But it's more years than weeks.

>> No.9758878

Hard to find info that isn't just "don't drink it's bad for your liver", but apparently if you *NUKE* your liver, like a partial amputation or massive Tylenol overdose or malaria, it'll almost totally repair itself back to normal within a month.

But I don't think that covers a fatty liver, and the insulin resistance, that are the biggest worries with regular drinking.

>> No.9759022

shitting liquid red fire and throwing up blood again

it's almost comforting these days as it lets me know my body clock is as regular as ever - once a week, every week

>> No.9759048

I feel like this is probably where I'm going to be in a few more years. I hope I can manage to still post on 4chan when the time comes. You're an inspiration.

>> No.9759066

Got fired today. Time to relapse. Huzzah.

>> No.9759078

Notice how he said the cannabis being sold today (in Britain), and he isn't wrong. Skunk is fucking horrendous and really can fuck with your head.

>> No.9759092

amazingly I also still have a job - god knows how I'd fund my lifestyle without it

>> No.9759114

get a kitchen job mate, you can relapse and work at the same time so long as you're functional

>> No.9759120

It was a dishwashing job, anon.

>> No.9759124

oh shit son, how do you lose that job? I was a "professional dishwasher" for a decade or so to fuel my habbit

>> No.9759231

I honestly don't know. I had to go home sick twice, but I completed all the work and asked first to make sure I wasn't inconveniencing them. The busy part of the day always ends around 8, and I've always made sure to finish all the dishes from that burst.

It's for the best. Maybe I'll finally starve to death.

>> No.9759254

nah, trust me, you'll take to shoplifting at the grocery store before you let yourself starve to death, been there, done that

>> No.9759304

Fresh blood.
Tanks mang for replying.

>> No.9759345

You should be safe.

>> No.9759412

Trying to quit drinking. just shit myself in bed. I think I will kill myself tomorrow. Really cant think of a reason not to at this point.

>> No.9759448

Do not kill yourself think of ya mum.

>> No.9759805
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>tfw can get shitfaced after drinking only one beer over 3 hours.

only thing is I get so drunk I piss myself how to fix?

>> No.9759814

it mainly depends on how fucked up your liver has gotten in the first place. the typical progression of alcoholic liver disease is fatty liver disease -> alcohol-induced hepatitis -> cirrhosis (-> liver failure).

alcoholic fatty liver and (usually) alcoholic hepatitis are reversible and require anywhere from a week to several months of abstinence, depending on severity. corticosteroids help in the second case. cirrhosis is generally irreversible, but bear in mind that alcohol-induced cirrhosis mainly only develops in alcoholics who have been drinking heavily for 10+ years. >>9758856 is mostly wrong.

if your main concern with falling back off the wagon is long-term organ health, i would be worried more for your brain, honestly

>> No.9759819

have you tried using a toilet?

10/10 pic btw

>> No.9759927

Get a load of this princess.

>> No.9759960
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Made some highballs out of this, I'm really liking it. Kinda steep for what it is, but I think it was worth the $35 for how much I enjoy it

>> No.9759975

286 days sober. It's worth it guys.

>> No.9759986

I'm more interested in the efficacy of those "dry January" type dry-out months for a 'normal' drinker.

>> No.9760114

Fuck me, I’m so tired. I wake at 3.30 every fffffuuuuccckkiinngg morning, have to have coffee, a joint, a fap and about 8 units over 2 hours in order to sleep for a few more hours. I can’t take much more of it, I HAVE to get some undisturbed sleep, does anyone know anything about general anaesthetics?

>> No.9760120

Sounds like a good time for a break though, you need to listen to your body. The liver can take a shit load of abuse and heal but if you ignore it one day inevitably it will fail or be permanently scarred. Then you can throw your chance of being a healthy person again out the window. My neighbor is waiting for a transplant and it made me think about the dull pain I have had occasionally over the years when drinking more than usual.

>> No.9760141

>waking up in the middle of the night to drink coffee
I wonder why you have trouble sleeping, that's so strange

>> No.9760155

I think it kinda lifts me up and makes me more active, which in my already exhausted state, rapidly wears me out and I’m more able to drift off. It’s actually something the local alchie counsellors suggest we try. Seems to help.
Has to be extra cosy coffee though; I have a spoon of Nescafé, half a spoon of cinnamon, one of cocoa, half a spoon of honey, some coconut fat and a dash of brandy if I’ve got some. Pretty cosy tbqhphammalama

>> No.9760157

>tfw trying to stay compliant with Antabuse

C'mon son, that shit's meant to be drunk neat.

>> No.9760166

I’ve been drinking about three bottles of wine a week for a while now.

Is this full normie territory? Am I a moderate drinker?

>> No.9760171

I think this coming week will be the first time I don't drink during the weekend. I've been a weekend drinker for as long as I can remember and I've been exclusively drinking on the weekends and holidays that land on Monday. I started last week with drinking 5 days straight on Wednesday night and I'm just sort of bored of it but the reason I drink is because I get bored doing nothing. I'm around a pretty heavy drinker who drinks practically everyday and falls asleep on the couch so in my situation it's hard, and on top of that December is going to be a bitch with family parties and shit to go to.

How long, if any, WD symptoms will I expect to encounter? I don't fuck around with liquor and beer has been the only thing I've touched. I've been in this same cycle of weekend drinking for 4-5 years

>> No.9760172

Yeah that’s fuck all. Like 30-40 units weekly. Drink twice that much daily for years, you’ll understand why people here feel so fucking destroyed.

>> No.9760197
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>be the most intelligent person ever to live
>I’m of 300, speak 40 languages, go to Harvard aged 11
>life ruined, arrested constantly
Wew. Wonder what I’d have become were it not for alcohol

>> No.9760201


Yeah I’ve cutting down from liquor all day to this. I was just wondering at what point I would have completely normal, undetectable habits from a civilian’s standpoint.

>> No.9760210

actually, three bottles of wine weekly is more like 20 units/week. which reinforces you point, but still worth mentioning.

that's moderate drinking. you're safe if you remain there. technically, it exceeds the scientifically accepted definition of moderate drinking at ~14/week for grown men, but close enough. would not be detectable to outsiders.

>> No.9760211

Probably depends where you are. In the UK it’s normal to drink every day. The queen drinks throughout the day.

>> No.9760213

Its good neat too, sometimes I just want something easier to sip.

>> No.9760216

The hell kind of wine only contains 7 units per bottle?

>> No.9760219

uh, most kinds? a standard bottle of wine is 750 mL (25.4 oz), a standard drink is 5 oz.

>> No.9760222

I don’t touch wine any more, but when I did it’d be chateauneuf du pape, 11 units/70cl. 7 is pitiful, I get 3.8 from a pint of 89p cider.

>> No.9760239

weird. must be some kind of fortified or dessert wine, because most wine rarely exceeds 15% abv.

i'm jelly as fuck that you can get alcohol in that small of a container for that cheap.

>> No.9760244

If you drink 3 bottles per week you are either leaving some for the next day or taking nights off. When you start to finish one and go down to grab another it's more dodgy

I usually drink a bottle of wine a night and no dramas. It's not much more than a 6 pack really. But when I start to binge I'll go buy a second or just buy two preemptively and I won't go to bed with some still remaining.

11-12% white wine is around that, something like a good cab sav might be 14.8% and more like 8 and a half drinks. Where I live you can buy 18% alcohol port 750 mil for about 6 dollars or 5 litre casks of wine for 10 dollars.

>> No.9760246

There’s some obscure law in the UK which prevents heavy taxation of British cider producers. It’s horrific stuff, tastes like fermented pus from a yak’s anus, idiot teenagers keep dying after drinking a thimbleful and oh my fucking god the heartburn, but yeah, it’s a blessing if you’re an alc,

>> No.9760258

>cheap port hangovers


>> No.9760266

It's to support exporters I guess, it's the same with wine here. You can get casks of nasty port if you're brave but if you're an alcohol and do it you'll probably write off half of your week.

>> No.9760288

3 x 550ml 8% Westons for £5
Just fuck my life up senpai

>> No.9760303
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Omega is 89p, 500ml, think it’s 7.8%. Frosty jacks is about the same.
I prefer K. Only a .6% increase and twice the price, but 500ml/8.4/£1.50 is still good.

>> No.9760308

>I have a spoon of Nescafé, half a spoon of cinnamon, one of cocoa, half a spoon of honey, some coconut fat and a dash of brandy

>> No.9760319

Threadly reminder to give a quid to homeless alchies. Those brutalised fuckers endure every alchie pain we do, but while laying on frozen concrete, being harassed by police and brats, nowhere to get warm or comfy, nowhere to wash, not even a guarantee of a drink of water. If there’s a hell, they’re in it.

>> No.9760322

>I wake up and cant sleep due to drinking the night before so I drink some coffee that probably keeps me awake the next 4 hours

Fucking hell you sleep better without anything in the long run, but the dreams sure are nice if you usually drink every night. Wake up after a vivid dream and it's been an hour, repeat all night. Not so good if they are nightmares.

I don't dream at all when I drink

>> No.9760323


If they're honest with me I usually buy them their liquor of choice. They end up watching my car for me when I'm at the bar and one time a gang of them jumped a dude who was trying to rob me.

>> No.9760330

What if all of your local homeless are 60 iq abos and they will come up and aggressively ask you for silver coins for petrol to sniff. No meme.

I just tell them to fuck off and have punched a couple out when they started getting too grabby i.e refusing to let go of the missus wrist

>> No.9760334


>give us a ciggy ya fackin white dog carnt

The black homeless around here are usually chill unless they're schizos.

>> No.9760337

I feel deeply sorry for the poor fuckers, and I say that as someone who has been repeatedly robbed and stabbed by them. They’re utterly desperate. So would anyone be in their position. They’ve no chance in life. Throw some pocket change to distract them while you make your escape.

>> No.9760338
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Or just get your Chl and carry so you can legally pop them when they pull a knife on you. Has worked out well for me.

>> No.9760346

former homeless here, I always did day labor(just simple shit like pushing a broom around a construction site, shit like that. kept me in enough money for booze, food, good shoes(very important if you're walking everywhere) also avoided other homeless like the plague, they find you got money and they get all communist on ya thinking you should share the wealth

>> No.9760353


Good on you bro. We offered a panhandler 100 dollarydoos to clean up our worksite and the cheeky little cunt laughed at us. Said he made more than that just sitting on his ass all day.

>> No.9760355

I used to, was pretty nice having that edge. Three dudes once tried bullying me when I was 14. One of them started crying when I pulled a semi auto from my belt and started firing, lol. But nowadays I’d go to prison for carrying a piece of plasticine shaped like a knife. (UK, a friend of mine served 4 months for carrying a screwdriver)
It’s easy enough to just hand them a quid. I’d feel terrible if I shot one of the poor bastards. Being a homeless alchie with a bullet wound is probably not wholly cosy.
Not all homeless people are plebs. Check this out for maximum feelment:

>> No.9760362

The communist thing works well amongst the uk’s working classes. Even a stranger is expected to share with everyone if he has money. Result being massively less suffering overall. You do need to be sociable and liked though.

>> No.9760383

How do the proles handle the free rider problem?

>> No.9760391

A balance is generally found because giving when relatively monied, is conducive to receiving when you’re in need.

>> No.9760395
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>me beeg bwains

>> No.9760397

What if you’re frugal and intelligent and your fellow proles aren’t and you’re always the one with the most money? You just end up pissing your cash away because you’re not into buying lottery tickets.

>> No.9760403

Who else here takes a drink or two to work with them in a closed container just to be able to deal with everything?

I cant be the only one.

>> No.9760411

I used to need to have a drink on me to relax and when I had it on me I could generally not drink it.

I’ve heard of people with an anxiety disorder who keep one xanax on them on their keychain, I guess it’s like that.

>> No.9760413


I just drink before I go to work. I like to pretend I'm not a complete degenerate.

>> No.9760415

K tastes like chemical waste.
I bought a can to make up my Union Black 4 pack when there were only three left. I forgot, and spat out the first mouthful. I legit thought something from the factory had gotten into the can. Never again.

At least Westons tastes ok.

>> No.9760416

Every unemployed alchie is in receipt of the same pittance. I think it’s £4,680 yearly in benefits. Impossible to live on it alone, but as a combined effort it’s possible to perpetuate the misery of being alive. Nobody buys lottery tickets.

>> No.9760423

Westons is like ninety times the price

>> No.9760428

I might be an alci but I always made decent money.

>> No.9760434

thems fightan words

>> No.9760509
File: 65 KB, 300x444, F267E426-2917-4469-B9C1-D520565EDFFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this video of a little girl have 150,781,785 views?
https://youtube.com/watch?v=zTFB5FqW4KQ [Open]
That’s more than every adult male in America. Three times the population of Spain.

1 in every 23 men on planet earth.

I just can’t figure out the appeal. It’s enough to drive me to drink.

>> No.9760516

Not opening that but I'm guessing it's mostly little girls watching her. Check the comments

>> No.9760528

The comments are heavily moderated.
I regret posting that. It’s not remotely al/ck/ but for the fact that ‘it’ drives some to drink. I, um, imagine.

>> No.9760550

because useful idiots like you spam it

>> No.9760555

Off topic is in fairness to be expected in a thread full of drunk people tbfwy

>> No.9760583

Longest i went was 110 days.

>> No.9760586

Holy fuck.
Hey dude not being a cunt.
An alck literally does that in a day.

>> No.9760600

yes, before work and during work

i'd take a small sprite bottle filled with vodka and sip from it all day

>> No.9760603

to be an alcoholic you need to drink X amount

yeah nah

>> No.9760672

I really feel solidarity with homeless ppl tbqh - I'm a good education and a better first few years in life away from being exactly the same as them (assuming I don't get fired)

>> No.9760682

This dude was a wealthy journalist, one of the best in the world - a fucking Cambridge graduate

>> No.9760708

yeah I've seen it before, very good and really hits home - I'm only in my 20s as well, god knows how I can keep up a pretence for another 40 or so years

>> No.9760734

I feel ya

Homeless people are just outsiders, people that don't fit into society

I can definitely relate to that, was almost homeless myself a few years ago ended up getting kicked out of my house for not paying rent, was going around to public places and waiting for people to get up and leave food then I'd swoop in and take it, or going through bakery bins for the bread they throw out at end of day etc

honestly I was quite happy at the time, I think voluntary homelessness may be something I'd enjoy, if it's something you're forced into without choice I can imagine it being a very difficult and painful life

but hey, people get by regardless

>> No.9760785

What's shocking is the sheer number of white homless people in NYC.

There's some white guy/gal and their dog on every corner now.

>> No.9760793

>refusing to let go of the missus wrist

people have been put in the grave for less here

>> No.9760806
File: 35 KB, 651x724, 7771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white russian

is there a better drink in existence? I don't think so

it is very sugary though, I just love milk+alcohol

>> No.9760811

Keeps the late night binges away, I'd imagine

>> No.9760816

If you really want to help them give them some rubbing alcohol in a vodka bottle

>> No.9760839

read this in an english accent then pretend you're a chav for good measure. Cheers dad

>> No.9760862
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>> No.9760873

General rule of thumb is that if you're shitting red blood, you need to stop putting your thumb in your bootyhole.

If you're shitting black blood, you need to go to the emergency room.

>> No.9760885
File: 75 KB, 1199x992, 1507498936327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's her name, /alck/?

>> No.9760923

yeah it does quite well, very filling

>> No.9760936


>> No.9761003

What pornographic anime games you play lately?

>> No.9761022


>> No.9761091

You know of any good non-anime porn game?

>> No.9761172

leisure suit larry

>> No.9761173

Quitting weed for a bit to get a job, so the drunkenness is about to escalate. I usually get too high to get a good drunk rolling, so let's just wait and see how depraved I get for this month.

>> No.9761191

This. My buddy flew to Cali and found himself a grower in under a day who would mail it. You also have the perk of being able to check the quality of your stuff before you shell out $2000 for a bag of deepweb mulch.

>> No.9761198

>Quitting weed for a bit
>drunkenness is about to escalate
sounds about right. Why don't you just make edibles so you can spread out your THC intake over the workday?

>> No.9761211

I'm guessing random drug testing

>> No.9761214

Yeah, either that or a pre-employment screening.

>> No.9761228

In that case i'd advise something akin to ritalin. He's not gonna keep that job for long if he starts boozing hard before he even cashes his first paycheck.

>> No.9761323

Who actually does this? Here in Canada I have only heard of it in industries where the work actually is dangerous, like oil rigs. I actually approve of it in theory (I've worked on a rig, it's fucking dangerous and you want to know that your co-workers are not only sober but also not hungover/strung-out), but in practise it doesn't work because the truly degenerate rig pigs will start doing shit like cocaine while the guys who get fired are the bros who like to smoke a joint or have a beer on their time off. Anyway, I have never heard of an office worker being tested.

>> No.9761326


>> No.9761341
File: 173 KB, 295x271, r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy a beer and cheap whiskey, rubber gloves and a plunger cause I clogged my toilet
>cashier tells me to have a nice day

>> No.9761345

It's very common in the US and Europe. Lots of corporate places do it because it lowers the cost of their employee health plans.

>> No.9761360

some private schools
everyone in the medical industry
anyone who drives anything for work
lots of manufacturing places

>> No.9761376
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1499000854516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well at least your shit will be too liquid to clog it again after drinking cheap whiskey.
I seriously do not understand the Cognac/Whiskey meme. I do enjoy rum occasionally but I usually always go for Vodka/Korn/Schnaps cuz they're cheap and cause less hangover/stomach problems.

>> No.9761431

whisky might be the most overrated drink in existence next to Dr pepper, coffee and energy drinks. Seriously even the "good" stuff still tastes like leather or some shit
low-mid shelf vodka is the masterrace of alcohol considering the mild hangovers, how easy it is to mediate how quickly you get drunk off it, and the value

>> No.9761440

>Vodka/Korn/Schnaps cuz they're cheap and cause less hangover/stomach problems.
no idea what Korn is and I've never had schnaps but absolutely agree on you with the vodka

I started drinking it exclusively once I got seriously into the alcoholism
>hangover almost non existent
>no smell comparatively
>mixes with everything well
>easy to down
>easy to conceal
really the kino alcohol for alcoholics

>> No.9761454

>>>9760885 (You)
Me too lad

Describe yours

>> No.9761468

I've always believed that the "good" stuff is just a status symbol. It's all just poison, and it tastes like poison, it is meant to taste bad to us because our bodies are telling us that we shouldn't be consuming it.

>> No.9761474

How many times do y'all piss yourselves when drinking.

It happens at least once every two months for me.

>> No.9761476

plus you can put the shit in a water bottle and be an undercover drunk if the need be

>> No.9761481


>> No.9761489

>can't stand life sober, Can't even stand myself sober
>6-12 drinks
>Feel great, Love life, Enjoyable to be around
>few more
>feel even better, Have confidence, Funny, Charming
>all goes away when I sober up


>> No.9761501

When I drink over about 16 hours or so I feel so enlightened. I feel like I know all the answers but it all goes away when I sleep.

It's the prolonged drinking for me. If I could stay in that state I'd be successful in life.

>> No.9761508

Oh for sure, Me too.

If I could go to work drunk and drink at work and all around town, I would be successful as fuck. I also would probably have a wife or at least a smoking hot gf and have regular sex.

>> No.9761512

I drink because I'm 5'11 and I only find women above 6'1 attractive

>> No.9761516

Nah, you're not understanding. You have to prolong your drinking over 12+ hours.

It doesn't always work but when it does it's magical.

>> No.9761520

Bingo. It's also the kind of job that I will need to be dead sober to do. Not that that will be an issue, I can drink and smoke after work and go on weekend benders.

>> No.9761525

Sometimes when I have gone to bed after a long night of drinking I will sleepwalk and piss on the floor.

>> No.9761528
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>Can't even stand myself sober
>tfw think about why someone doesnt text you back and then realize "cant blame em"

>> No.9761532

never happened to me desu

i dont get this meme

ive vomited in my bed blackout drunk and forgotten until I woke up, but never pissed myself

>> No.9761534

Sounds like you need to get into trannies

>> No.9761544

maybe You haven't drank heavily and for as long a time I guess.

I dont vomit anymore and didn't really ever.

Last time I pissed myself was this past Friday. Was sad about some shit and drank like 4 or 5 shots of whiskey back to back when cleaning dishes and dumped the rest of the whiskey to fill a high ball glass. Sat at the computer for 30 minutes and finished the glass then went to bed and woke up sometime around 5AM a little damp, through another blanket under me and dealt with it in the morning.

>> No.9761545

i get like 5 hours in and get really sleepy

>> No.9761546

>feel shit for being such a terrible person after realising this
>drink more to forget about it
it's a vicious cycle

>> No.9761552

I've had at least 40 nights in the last two years where I drank over 30 std. drinks not long before going to bed

I just think it's something that happens to some people and not to others

I also live alone and my bathroom is attached to my bedroom so even unconscious drunk I can easily take the 6 steps to my toilet

I wonder if wetting the bed as a kid correlates, did you?

>> No.9761557
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>this 6'5 goddes is a tranny

>> No.9761576

Nah I never really did as a kid.

Started happening to me about two years ago.

Its not like I'm blackout either I guess I just literally go dead unconscious and too numb I guess. Its really shitty to considering I now live with my girlfriend and she puts up with this shit for some reason.

>> No.9761584

he's referencing the person in the picture, brainlet

>> No.9761613
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I'll piss myself if I drink too much to remember to go to the bathroom before bed. Though this only happens like once a year.

On the topic of vomiting, is it strange that I get more hangover pukes than drunk pukes? Like I'll drink a 1.75 and be fine, bit the next day I'll throw up any fluid I consume. Weak stomach I guess...

>> No.9761619

Do you usually shitpost when you drink at the computer?

>> No.9761626

>Its really shitty to considering I now live with my girlfriend and she puts up with this shit for some reason

it's really inspirational that there are dudes out there with such glaring flaws who still get people to love them. i am jelly

>> No.9761629

They're good looking; they have no flaws

>> No.9761641

Are you me?

>> No.9761643

Lads. Rate this

>> No.9761648
File: 233 KB, 800x600, slavs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, nah
tons of ugly motherfuckers still get loved because of their attitude. The average person has tons of flaws and still has multiple partners throughout life

>> No.9761654

>white guys

Lmao try being ethnic

>> No.9761681

you mean like in India and Africa where people are fucking like rabbits? Yeah those people still find love

>> No.9761696

or rape

>> No.9761702

You're white, nobody refers to themselves as ethnic

>> No.9761716
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>> No.9761749

one of the most compassionate loving people I've ever known, and my best friend. Has trouble being alive. Suicidal thoughts and crippling anxiety. Beautiful crooked smile. Perfect teeth, hairy legs, softest skin I've ever felt. Spacey and weird and funny. Deep brown eyes. It's been almost a year since we were together but we're still in each others' lives to a degree. I can't let go yet. I know I should but I'm not ready. I'm not interested in anyone else and neither is she, so far.

I expect to get roasted for this, I don't give a shit.

>> No.9761762

I used to live in a flat that was smaller than that bathroom.

>> No.9761764

Shouldn't you be mowing someones lawn?

>> No.9761778

I'd fug

>> No.9761779
File: 59 KB, 1500x1125, altstaedter-altstaedter-korn-32-vol-zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bretheren!
Korn is a german clear spirit that's usually cheaper then schnaps because it's just made from grain.
You can get a 0,7 l bottle for under 5 euronis usually and it comes in all various % abv.
If you see a german sipping Absolut or Smirnoff or shit he is a faggot who can't into cost/effect ratios. Pic related, a standard cheap korn. Would be about 4-4,50.

>> No.9761790

I'm African, cunt. Point proven though

>> No.9761792

pretty sure that dude's Ethiopian, not Mexican

>> No.9761796

Nah man, same for me. This started once I controlled my food/water intake better so I would make it to bed just fine but would be absolutely fucked the next morning because I managed to consume even more booze.

>> No.9761812
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and all this time i just thought it was a band

>> No.9761826

damn, wish we had cheap booze like that here in Aus

our alcohol is expensive as fuck unless you want to drink box wine even then it's $0.5/std drink

>> No.9761851
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No wonder. It's one of the germanest things I can think of, if you drink at a bar here the cheapest shot will usually be plain Korn for 1,50-2 bucks and you should be able to get a "herrengedeck" as well, which is pic related, Pils+Korn.

I heard about the situation over there. Seems terrible. Don't most alckies just homebrew? A person couldn't even afford to throw a party a month at these prices, let alone a daily supply.

>> No.9761875

I can't homebrew where I live, really bad ventilation in the house and other reasons

but luckily I can afford the alcohol, just sucks having to spend $200+ a week on vodka

>> No.9761898
File: 42 KB, 504x800, bot-tondonia-tr-2004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am thinking about gifting a nice wine to a complete stranger in one of those secret santas

>> No.9761911
File: 2.73 MB, 240x135, driventodrink2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking Christ what has become of us

Getting a flashback to the subtle vore gummy bear videos

Off to to get some beers now methinks

>> No.9761914

They look very intelligent.

>> No.9761916

Pls respond

>> No.9761934

>$200+ a week on vodka

holy shit man that'd be 13+ bottom shelf handles a week here. On that budget you would become human ethanol

>> No.9761959

>repeatedly buy the same bottle of spirits everyday at the same liquor store
>stop buying it and go to a different store for a few weeks
>go back and it's on sale cause you're the main customer and now they're overstocked

>> No.9762006
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>> No.9762012


Is that some meme face on your cap?

>> No.9762017

Atlanta Braves

>> No.9762072
File: 10 KB, 247x204, aintthatsomeshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw bought that when I was in Berlin because I liked the band as a kid
>mfw it's not even that bad for getting fucked up cheap on

Never felt sick once in Berlin and I was absolutely hammering it since I'd just gone through a shit break up, them purity laws

>> No.9762097

I laughed.

>> No.9762103
File: 174 KB, 1024x762, anime tiddies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love holidays because it's an excuse to get suicidally shitfaced around my family and have nobody judge me for it.

>> No.9762210

>realized I was drinking too much
>been trying to avoid places that lead to excessive drinking
>went out of town for a few days two weeks ago, preventing me from hitting up any of my usual bars
>was presented with free alcohol at a gathering, but didn't drink any in fear of making a fool of myself in front of the other people I hardly knew
>friend invited me to some event this Friday
>glad I was hang out with him instead of going drinking
>get happy about being three weeks sober
>another friend calls me over on Saturday
>we drink
>third friend calls me over on Sunday
>we drink

W-Well. At least I had some first accomplishments.

>> No.9762211

sned hlep, am kil

>> No.9762221
File: 2.88 MB, 4032x3024, B6578C4B-0EFE-40EB-B529-F9E2B0ED270F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9762228

whats being sober for a week like

>> No.9762255

Equally refreshing and depressing.
Also, I like the taste of beer but dislike how it makes my body, so I'm trying to not drink more than 2-3 bottles whenever I drink beer.

>> No.9762262

Can't sleep. Cold sweats. People are less tolerable.

>> No.9762263

>go out with friends and gf to bar on saturday
>says I'll drive and i'll only have 3-4 beers
>order a whiskey before we go to tie me over until I get home
>gf gets mad that I ordered another drink and that it wasn't a beer

What, its not like a banged up the car last week, that was like three weeks ago.

>> No.9762321

Withdrawals last about a week, so a week sober feels quite terrible.
It gets better slowly after that.

>> No.9762353

you might have very minor WD symptoms such as fatigue/irritability/insomnia that last up to a couple of days. more likely, you'll just be bored. none of us really drink that little, you're asking the wrong crowd.

>> No.9762469

I love these threads so much. They stop me from polluting my life with drunken retardation, I love that I can just spill it here and not make my family hate me.

>> No.9762471

Welp no blood this morning. Looks like im going to bws then.

>> No.9762510

Got a weekend pass from my program got shit faced and didn't show up yesterday. Came today, blew zero. My old ass lady nurse was awesome and put off the breathalyzer to make sure I was clean.

Doc came, talked to me, worried Ill have withdrawal symptoms and she kicked me out.

Offered me 40 mg of Valium for the day and I said no thanks I'm going out drinking and I have no problem mixing.

I'll be back there in the morning with my tail between my legs asking for Valium

I hate my life

Got some vodka now so no more shakes for me

>> No.9762600

That's genius

>> No.9762610

Saw my daughter's face for the first time this morning via 3d ultrasound.

I felt nothing. I don't want a daughter. I don't want to have to raise a cunt who becomes a cum dumpster.

Back to drinking my pain away.

>> No.9762627

Gf had an abortion while we we're on a meth/booze binge.

I felt nothing. It was better off this way

>> No.9762632

should have just given her some meth and liquor and let the babby die that way. but then you couldn't get as high

>> No.9762655

I don't share on a binge

>> No.9762658

Meth and booze doesn't make abortion or born dead babies. They make meth babies and fetal alcohol syndrome babies.

>> No.9762664

Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.9762685

you sound like a really awful person
and this is coming from less than the best

>> No.9762739


No matter what you do to raise her well, She'll eventually turn into a whore or worst...A mudshark whore.

>> No.9762754

I'll kill myself if she's a coalburner.

>> No.9762808

So get rid of her before she's born.

>> No.9762817

Very good stuff right there. As good as some of the more expensive stuff.

>> No.9762827

It will make babby dead if you do it enough

>> No.9762867

I would if I had the option, but I can't convince my wife. She's 4 months along and already told her family.

>> No.9762885

I remember you from a while back and I still think you should fucking kill yourself or leave and never talk to your daughter. You're destined to be an abusive piece of shit father and will probably end up raping her so get the fuck out of her life you worthless sack of meat

>> No.9762910

That's probably best. I just want to stop feeling this way. Maybe I'll step in front of a bus or keep drinking myself to death or blow the back of my skull out.

I hate women.

>> No.9762926

Well then, get a bunch of plan B pills and spice her drink. Or google ways to induce a miscarriage.

>> No.9762932

Do it faggot

>> No.9762940
File: 145 KB, 1014x1536, P78348_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just went to a gig despite anxiety and feeling lazy AF due to vaping all day and it was really enjoyable. Great performance and all. Didn't find any interesting people to talk to but a m8 tagged along and it felt good just to go out and enjoy live music. Hope you guys can have a moment like that every now and then between managing your consumption and moments of crushing introspection.

>> No.9762958

i can't find my debit card and i have no cash and i tore my house apart and just found a $50 liquor store gift card
should i?

>> No.9762961

No matter what he does she will be a whore who hates him

Source:have daughters, have friends with daughters, ex wife is the same, all other women hate their dads and are whores

>> No.9762977

What's your favourite pre/post boozing food?
for me its chili/potato mash with bread and sour cream then falafel/burgers after getting drunk. If I'm hungover, I'll settle for a tuna sammich.

>> No.9763002


yeah but just imagine flirting with her while she carried on with that princess over the top nonsense, her thinking it's all fun and games. Then the look of anxiety and fear as you start to touch her body, she tries to laugh it off, you undress her while she mumbles 'no'. When you finally penetrate her and see pain and fear in her features it isn't even the sex that's arousing you - it's seeing her absolute retarded childish ignorance wither away as she learns that the world is full of suffering that brings you to orgasm.

You throw her a t-shirt to mop up the semen leaking out of her pussy (a sensation that will haunt her for years).

Blablabla the end

>> No.9763010

wtf else are you going to use it for?

>> No.9763013
File: 108 KB, 570x570, sc 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice pin man, is it yours or just a random pic?

>> No.9763017

i meant right now
i get more al/ck/y when i feel like i can't get booze
now that i know i can i might try and just not

>> No.9763082

Aunty just busted me walking out of bws. Mums her best friend. Expect mum bangin on my door any minute.

>> No.9763208

Any of you guys experience liver disease and since recovered? How did it start? How much were you drinking and how did you reverse it?

>> No.9763240

You bet shell be banging on my door. Then the banging really starts! Ha!!

>> No.9763269

>heroin addict
>been off heroin for more than 100 days
>alcohol doesnt show on drug tests
>got a pint of liquor
>feel kind of dizzy

how long before i start liking it

>> No.9763284

>how long before i start liking it
soon enough

>> No.9763521
File: 70 KB, 604x447, 1462964780300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They're doomed from the get-go these day from the (((media)))

>> No.9763542

I couldn't imagine 8 beers a day... Rather just the liquor..

>> No.9763543

>>feel kind of dizzy
A pleasant or unpleasant dizziness?

>> No.9763548

Sounds weird, a kitchen I worked at felt with a kid who called in "sick" 50% of his shifts for a month then dipped and quit

My experience with dish washing (albeit tiny) is you could get a job back reeall fast

>> No.9763550

>8 beers. Been doing that or 4 more every night for a decade.

Welcome to the shit club. You'll live. It's kinda shitty though.

>> No.9763556

>pre boozing food
None, because I want to get drunk quicker
>post boozing food
I'm usually really fucked up once I decide to eat, throw in a frozen pizza, eat one slice and then pass out

>> No.9763698

Nothing cute about that story. Hope you get it together anon.

>> No.9763702

And to be fair I've relapsed the same day I got out of detox. Within an hour I had a box of wine. So I'm not talking trash to you. Just hope we all improve.

>> No.9763722

cheap local gigs are fantastic entertainment for the money
imagine trying to raise a daughter. At the absolute best she'll only have a couple shitty bfs, will only crash one car and might become a nurse or small business owner without getting knocked up before 25
prospects for an average son arent significantly better tho 2bh

>> No.9763744

Was clean for 7 months, started a few months ago by having 3 beers on saturday and sunday, told myself weekend only and no mornings. I now stand here having already drank 2 pints and soju on a work night and have drank every night for the past few days, 2 days ago i got crunk at 11:00am. Wat do? I just want to keep the anthony bourdain method (no drinks in your own house).

inb4 not very much! thats not the point

>> No.9763785

alcohol sleep isnt real sleep. you wake up tired and shitty.

>> No.9763805

Figure out some way that works for you. Medication can help you moderate your alcohol intake.

>> No.9763836

I feel ya, that shit can sneak up on you slowly. Some people are the type that have one drink after going clean and are totally off the wagon and going on benders. I'm the other type who thinks they can moderate, and does so successfully at first. Then a couple months of "only friday nights" or whatever you think "ah what the hell, I can drink saturday nights too since I don't have to work sunday." Then slowly it becomes "well even though it's wednesday, I have the day off tomorrow or don't have to go in until later, so it should be ok to drink", and then the level of drinking is just as bad or worse than it used to be. The only way that works for me is to have a set drinking schedule, and stick to it. If I know I can get as fucked up as I want friday night, I'm able to not drink all week in anticipation of that. It's not as healthy as being sober, but a damn lot better than I used to be

>> No.9763839
File: 920 KB, 1280x800, JagFh51[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>set a drinking schedule

Only a couple drinky-poos per day, and friday's a free for all!

>> No.9763875

>have a shot of gin after not drinking for a while(non alcoholic)
>throw it up in about 30 seconds
Maybe candy corn I had earlier didn't help but it's weird to me people get used to and actually enjoy the taste of hard liquor, stuffs like poison

>> No.9763877


I run trains on /ck/ and /tg/ and /a/

>> No.9763884

>spill beer on MacBook 5 months ago
>turns off
>won’t turn back on
>only get black screen
>leave it in trunk of car for the entire 5 months
>pull it out just now
>plug it in
>turns on and starts up fine

What the fuck. The only noticeable thing is that the charging light on my charger doesn’t work. Maybe I need a new charger? Has anyone ever had something like this happen?

>> No.9763892

i exclusively shitpost when drinking

>> No.9763894


the first dreams I'd had in over a year, so many every night, all of them different and all of them a nightmare

>> No.9763981

if you get to where they're lucid and not just vivid they're a lot better
lucid nightmares just feel like a video game villain is after you. Now sleep paralysis though can be pretty spooky

>> No.9764142

do you ever cook when drinking?

lately I've been trying to cook myself some meals, but it's hard to motivate myself to cook meals when I'm drinking all day

>> No.9764158

I get the worst nightmares when drinking strangely

not so much when I sleep all night, but when I'm drinking all day and pass out for an hour 3-4 times

>> No.9764161

I get super hungry but I don't like fussing about too much since I lose all my patience so I end up "cooking" myself shit like frozen pizzas or leftovers

Also I get kinda scared I'm going to wake up the next morning missing a thumb

>> No.9764180

I worked in kitchens drunk for 2 years and never injured myself so im not worried about that

though i did once spill a pan of hot oil over myself at home when I was blackout drunk, burnt my legs pretty badly

so you cook sober?

>> No.9764216

I probably drink a bottle of whiskey every 3 days.

Is this considered "alcoholic"?

Should I cut back? I can't get drink if I don't drink at least 1/3 a bottle.

>> No.9764234

I like to make a big pot of chili which is mostly prep at the beginning so it may take 6 hours but by the time it's ready i'm tanked. Then I have leftovers for a week that only need a minute in the microwave, tortillas, and some shredded cheese

It's not fancy

>> No.9764238

if you drink to get drunk every time you drink and you do so every day you definitely have a problem

>> No.9764261


Oh... well... damn... I guess I have a problem...

>> No.9764263

An ex girlfriend asked if her friend could stay here for a week. Her guy is beating her up, and they know she’ll be safe with me. I’ve spent all day with a 24yo qt who takes care of herself. Her hair is so straight, glossy and perfect, she smells so nice, she does yoga and gymnastics so her body is ferociously attractive. She’s asleep about 8 feet from me in the room above. My dick is on fire from fapping so much. I haven’t had sex in 15 months, I’m drunk as fuck and I don’t know if I can resist much longer, I have got to fuck her, it’s driving me round the bend. Wat do

>> No.9764285



Why would I drink if I DIDN'T want to get drunk?

You coy son of a bitch. You almost had me going.

>> No.9764292

Ask her if she'll come back after she leaves. Don't make a move if she is still forced to be with you. Godspeed.

>> No.9764294

normal people will have a glass to relax or something, not to get shitty

>> No.9764300

>she'll be safe with me
>but I'm having raging rape fantasies
send her away

>> No.9764302

I haven't had sex in 11 years, not even bothered by it

Had girls come onto me but I'm not interested

Why can't you have a good looking girl near you without obsessing over fucking her?

>> No.9764306

how do i know when booze is harming my body?

i drink six to eight beers a night with more on the weekend/with some days off during the week. im 6'4 and lift semi frequently/not in terrible shape.

>> No.9764309


Maybe we're misunderstanding each other.

My intention to drink is also to relax. However, it requires a large amount in order for me to relax and often leads me to becoming inebriated. However, in comparison to... I guess you could call them lightweights... me being inebriated is also a state of full lucidness, slight dizziness, and dispensation from all prior stressors that had plagued me prior in the day.

>> No.9764322
File: 53 KB, 728x546, aid47577-v4-728px-Catch-a-Carp-Step-13-Version-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probably drink
>I can't get drink if I don't drink at least 1/3 a bottle.

>> No.9764330

no joke,
>threaten to kick her out in the morning, make up some excuse for her being unable to stay there. You're going on vacation or selling your furniture to pay bills or something
>talk in a slow, low and LOUD voice
>act like you think she's already rejected you, like you dont care about her feelings at all, and like you're just trying to keep your own spirits up
>generally dont be in contact with her a lot
>be unswayed by anything she says
>stop giving free rent to random women because "they have a bad ex"
i was going to give the polar opposite advice as this and say buy her roses and shit and constantly ask how she's feeling. next time im giving horrible advice

>> No.9764352

it can take a few days for electronics to completely dry out. happened with my vaporizer not long ago. i thought it was broken but after 3 days the thing worked again.

arent you glad you didnt break it or throw it out?

>> No.9764353


>> No.9764356

it doesn't ultimately matter what the reason for drinking is, if you're getting drunk you're getting drunk, and if you do it every day then you've got a problem. It takes me about 6 drinks to fully "relax" as well, and that's about twice what a man can drink in a day without causing health problems long term. It would be super if you were a lightweight and lower quantities affected you more but unfortunately it sounds like you got shitty Irish genes and have a naturally high tolerance. That's going to lead to health problems. The quantity is what matters, not how much it affects you

My mother will have a large glass of wine at night after work to relax and end the day. She doesn't have a problem. I can't sleep at all unless I've had like 6. I have a problem

>> No.9764377
File: 32 KB, 500x374, 26E6CC04-21FB-4315-A85F-9B2406A6ABBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9764380

>shitty Irish genes

Well you nailed that. German-Irish. The dreaded double cross. If it's quantity that's the problem I guess I can begin to forego dinner and chug about 60 mL (roughly 0.25c) of whiskey. Get the same effect and it lasts around an hour.

I don't know what constitutes "a drink" when it comes to whiskey. But in terms of volume per night, it's about 275-375 mL.

>> No.9764397

>letting a woman live in your house free
you think she doesn't know you want to fuck her? lol

get manipulated you spineless bitch

>> No.9764423

not trying to counter signal but if you live an otherwise healthy lifestyle is drinking a sixer everynight as a large(muscular,tall) man really all that bad?

>> No.9764467

it doesn't matter what your body type is, but yes you will have problems regardless of your other habits if you drink a 6 pack of regular beer a day. It will take 30 years but it will happen

>> No.9764488
File: 301 KB, 1180x255, 1EC17C70-69EB-47B2-8526-2F114F02E954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start drinking whiskey instead of beer because think it tastes so bad I can control my drinking
>start enjoying the taste and the process of drinking it
>get absolutely smashed for a week in a row, fuck up all my commitments

At least I won’t keep getting fat

>> No.9764532

I’m a slave to hot grils. I’ve given up fighting it, because the things they (occasionally) let me do to them make life worth living.
Going to buy some decent wine and try to get her drunk tonight.

>> No.9764538
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, buffy sis.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9764539

yet here you are masturbating alone in your room while a girl lives for free in your house

>> No.9764548

test reply

>> No.9764550

>being this jealous

>> No.9764552

>hasn't had sex in 15 months
>letting a girl live in his house for free
>masturbating all day over the thought of her


>> No.9764580
File: 55 KB, 222x305, 63CEC677-CB3B-4A37-861B-0D1D4E3D5562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess your abrasive, angry posts stem from your dissatisfaction that she’s in your mind, taking advantage of me. How sweet of you to be so considerate. I do have to wonder though, how many single men would say no given the chance to have a young hottie live with them. I’m guessing none. And that you’re at some point going to feel a bit embarrassed about having posted such transparent jelliness. Poor dumpling.

>> No.9764582

>hasn't had sex in 15 months
>letting a girl live in his house for free
>masturbating all day over the thought of her

>> No.9764587

Yeah you’ve already said that, it didn’t upset me the second time either

>> No.9764603

I think you need to look at your situation more objectively. The only reason I would tolerate living with a young woman rent free is if she was letting me smash her back doors in. You'll figure out the situation eventually but masturbating isn't the solution

>> No.9764609


>> No.9764622

>taking this much pride in giving free housing to a woman who wont even give you pussy
>giving free housing to anyone at all, let alone a young woman just because she has a pussy

this is like bartering for pussy except you dont actually get any pussy
women sure do love free housing

>> No.9764649







>> No.9764672


not even close to image or post limit

>> No.9765230

Next time, put it in uncooked rice. It absorbs humidity and will dry electronics faster.

That's withdrawals. Vivid nightmares are a soft version of hallucinations. (Delirium in Latin, see delirium tremens.)


Blood test. See a doc.

That "prior stress" you're relaxing from could be light psychological withdrawals.

>> No.9765428

No worries anon I know what you meant

>> No.9765697

Or you could go ahead and fuck off and leave this presumably nice woman to enjoy her daughter you sick fuck. If you don't want it do what my dad did, binge crack until you die.