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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9755269 No.9755269 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.9755277

absolutely not, when making bread.

>> No.9755297

Every single study has shown statistically that workers who are forced to wear gloves have way worse hygiene on the job than workers who use their bare hands. They wash their hands less thoroughly and less often.

>> No.9755307

is that a fat baby kneading dough?

>> No.9755338


>> No.9755366

Haha I think it is

>> No.9755422

are you fucking autistic? the bread is cooked to at least 350 degrees, often much higher, there is literally zero necessity to use gloves.
And even for food that isn't cooked through to such high temperatures, are you seriously afraid of some little germs? If you're going to get seriously sick from something that is transferred via someone's fucking HAND, you probably would have died anyway of something pretty soon after.
Plus what this guy said >>9755297

>> No.9755425
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>Every single study

>> No.9755429

>wet hands in gloves
>horrible rash on hands
fast food was a fucking mistake

>> No.9755433

I hope you realize that you purposefully put bacteria into bread to make it rise

>> No.9755439

Food thats cooked in over 100 celsius doesn't need gloves you dumbfuck.

>> No.9755441

Literally this.

>> No.9755446

No, you're stupid. If you can't wash your hands properly. Go ahead and kill yourself.

>> No.9755448

As a dishwasher I've never gotten a rash on my hands from my gloves. I think you're just a fairy.

>> No.9755453

that's becasue you wear thick, real gloves when washing dishes. You can't do that when preparing food, you have to wear thin plastic bags around your hands so you can still feel things, which do give your hands rashes

>> No.9755464

As a chef (at a small diner), I always make a point not to wear gloves or wash my hands too often. There is too much paranoia about germs nowadays, and this will backfire and result in people getting to overprotective to the point they will become susceptible to common bacteria and viruses more easily. In fact, I've noticed people who eat in my restaurant are far healthier in general, no sniffles or coughs etc. and I think it's in part due to my routine of using semi-dirty hands to cook with. Germs are part and parcel of proper modern day cooking.

>> No.9755477


>> No.9755483

I use yeast from my vagina to make bread ;^)

>> No.9755494

I hate people like you

>> No.9755514

I use the same gloves as the rest of the kitchen. Nitrate gloves.

>> No.9755538

>you need to feel ze food to cooka ze food

>> No.9755542

The customers are far more likely to have more germs on their hands while eating the food than the cooks that are preparing it. The door handle that they had to touch to get in is covered in germs and if they handled their food while waiting then that is more germs.

>> No.9755544

That's literally because you don't have to handle food, which requires washing your hands and changing your gloves every time you get on line from doing something else.
And as I said, that's only if you work in fast food or a casual dining shitfest.

>> No.9755580
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>dishwashers don't have to handle food

Sounds like you have never worked in a busy kitchen before, if your dishwasher is worth there salt they can be pulled off the tank for 5 minuets and placed where the line needs them when you get slammed.

>> No.9755630

Unfortunately all my dishwashers are fuck ups or kids. Pulling them over would just make my food take longer because they would be standing in the way. We just had our dish boy come in and quit this Friday when we were busy as fuck and I had the privilege to go wash all the dishes that had been piling up all night after cleaning the rest of BoH

>> No.9755653

For fuck's sake, that's not the fucking same as
>make food
>okay anon you have 30 seconds to spare, go take this garbage out
>come back
>wash your hands
>new gloves
>get on line
>make some orders
>okay anon you have a few minutes so go clean the lobby
>work on that
>wash hands, new gloves, back on line
>anon the diet pepsi is out go change it
>wash hands, new gloves, back on line
>repeat once an hour until your hands are red and broken out

>> No.9755655

Does anybody else get itchy palms and fingers with teeny tiny fluid filled blister like bumps ? I cant fucking get rid of it

>> No.9755662

that's called eczema
you quit, that's how you get rid of it

>> No.9755677

I thought I was the only one. I went to the doc and he said it's probably allergies. Well I'm a poor cunt so didn't get a test done but it does seem to only happen this time of year. Never heard of winter allergies though...

>> No.9755678
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That sucks but it's hard to find a good dishwasher for a busy kitchen, took me 6 months to find and train someone to replace myself.

>implying dishwashers don't do 95% of that

Had it happen to me before. What I did was wear gloves when washing and when not at work I put lotion on my hands around 2-3 times a day and it cleared up after a week or 2.

>> No.9755687

Can beer bread be scored?

>> No.9755696

You're not prepping food though, so you don't have to wash hands and reglove. If you get pulled that's a rarity. I've been a restaurant dishwasher too, it was infinitely easier imo.

>> No.9755701

>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who think cutting boards are clean

Unless it has raw meat on it the best my cutting board gets mid service is a wipe with the dirty dish towel IF I even have the time to wipe it off.

>> No.9755728

But I did and that's what you're not getting. The only things I didn't do at some point or another is saute and plate. Also yes you do have to wash your if you do anything else besides working front of the tank where you clean the dirty dishes. Dishwashers are the do almost everything guy when it gets real busy.

>> No.9755761

When I rub my fingers together I get little balls of skin flakes and cheese build up. Its all over my mouse and keyboard too.
The fingers and palms shed a huge amount of skin every day. Do you want some nasty Mexican's DNA in your food? You are quite literally eating a portion of human flesh.

>> No.9755771

Congratulations, you have AIDS. I don't have skin and cheese falling off my hands.

>> No.9755800

Its great that your superhuman skin never shed, sweats, or gets greasy. But guess what?
The guy making your bread... his does. How does that make you feel?

>> No.9755844

doesn't bother me one bit.

>> No.9755856
File: 60 KB, 467x600, 9c9dbacced645fea2866563c79f52164--rolling-pins-baby-baker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep staring at this image but there is no possible way that those don't look like the fingers, hands and arms of a baby.

>> No.9755865


It's from a mom blog.

>> No.9755993

Fucking this. I went inside a Wendys to get some fries, and frosty. the niggers behind the counter all had gloves on, fucking scum bags were touching every door handle, and surface, monitors, different burgers, salt shakers, everything with a single pair of gloves.

whats the point? just wash your hands.

>> No.9755997

It's hilarious you think "gloves" mean "clean". You're a generic dipshit that doesn't get the septic environment.

>> No.9756279

(((part and parcel)))
Oy vey!

>> No.9756281
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>he wears gloves when washing dishes