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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 108 KB, 1100x734, alcoholic-slumped-next-to-glass-of-alcohol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9751325 No.9751325 [Reply] [Original]

You guys can't even be bothered to make your own threads. SAD.

/alk/ General.

>> No.9751375

Man I felt like shit today. Woke up nauseous, feeling weak and it lasted all day. I can’t drink hard liquor any more without this happening. I usually drink beer and think I will stick to beer from now on. How the hell do you guys drink liquor daily?

>> No.9751378

You're not an alcoholic then...

>> No.9751396


>> No.9751537

I think this is it, lads. Something on my right side has been in pain for 2 days now. I think something is wrong with my liver.

>> No.9751573

S I P B O I S!!!!

>> No.9751578

>no silhouette
>no link in old thread
>no link here to old thread
>no “al/ck/“ in title, subject or body
>may as well hide the thread, no fucker will find it, newfucks insist on fucking up and start nine new threads as soon as we hit 250 posts
>bans, warnings, deleted threads, pissed off /ck/, no fucker can even ctrl+f, let alone drunkenly search for the familiar image, shitposts guaranteed
Please delete this shit then proceed immediately to killing yourself. >>9751569

>> No.9751588

>bans, warnings, deleted threads
That's the point, newbitch

>> No.9751589

>implying this isnt /alkalines and bases/ general

>> No.9751631

Delete this monstrosity you newborn newcuck shitpigeon. A new one can’t be started while this flimsy faggotry is up, there’d be 3 active threads. All this is gonna get is people pissed off that they couldn’t filter it and people pissed of that they couldn’t find it.

>> No.9752079
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I'm not doing a single nice thing for another person.

Every time I try to be nice and help someone out I get fucked over.

My mom used to say "every time you feel like being nice count to 10". Fuck if she wasn't right....

I am a mechanic at belle tire and expert welder and every time one of my family members cars break down they come crying to me with a sob story. An I'm a fucking pushover so I go out of my way to fix shit for free or next to free, An don't expect anything in return.

Well that fucking ends.

I have wasted enough of my fuel, tools, parts, and time helping anyone. Every time I do I rarely even get a "thank you" let alone a few dollars for the diesel fuel my truck pours though just starting it.

My bitch sister in law asked me to fix her car because "I can't get the kids to school wahhh" and I foolishly got up at 4am to go do this and she doesn't even thank me or offer to pay for the 320 dollar part I just put in her car for free. If she brought her car to BMW it would be 1100+ for what I just did FOR FREE at 4 fucking am.

Not one more time will I fix someones car that isn't a customer at belle tire.
Time to get fucking hammered and stop being angry now.

/end rant

>> No.9752093

Unngg my spleen

>> No.9752097
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“I’ll just have one...”

>> No.9752107

How do I help a friend who is slowly turning into an alcohol? he already said that he has a problem

>> No.9752111

Suck his dick and mind your own business.

>> No.9752117

I can’t specify the time at which the vid begins? What fresh flavour of faggotry is this?

>> No.9752120

>My bitch sister in law asked me to fix her car because "I can't get the kids to school wahhh" and I foolishly got up at 4am to go do this and she doesn't even thank me or offer to pay for the 320 dollar part I just put in her car for free. If she brought her car to BMW it would be 1100+ for what I just did FOR FREE at 4 fucking am.

why would it even occur to you to do this
the average woman would wait until 8-9am to text back saying "umm im pretty busy today, the soonest i can get you in is either tomorrow or next week" and then charge full price + tax for the service, without batting an eye
the average mechanic would be much more harsh, even to his own family members. My dad is one

>> No.9752125

I'm too nice and I'm a pushover.

She text me at 11pm on Friday asking this, I went over there at 4am Saturday morning and worked in literally freezing temperatures to fix her car so she could buy groceries when she woke up that morning and get her kids to school on Monday.

I should have charged her at very least 700 dollars. 320 for the part that I paid for out of my own pocket, Plus labor. An that would be generous of me to charge 700, That's almost half of what BMW would charge.

I'm a fucking pushover idiot.

I will not make that mistake again, Idc If It's -40F and her kids are in the car on the side of the road. Not my fucking problem....She has a husband and a job. She can call someone who isn't me

The reason she calls me is because she knows I'm a beta bitch and will help anyone I can for free.

Fuck being nice, It's never gotten me shit.

>> No.9752130

Who here /ammonialight/?

>> No.9752132

>got pissed drunk friday night
>woke up Satruday with a terrible hangover
>couldn't hold down water
>constantly vomitting
>terrible headache
>went to bed at 8pm
>kept waking up every 30 mins
>got up at 11am

I've had hangovers before, and bad ones at that, but what the fuck happened to me.

>> No.9752140

Cumulative damage, not taking liver repair breaks. One day it’ll be so bad it’ll kill you.

>> No.9752141

shit happens man at least you learned from it. Im sure you are aware people have much more respect for people who set their own rules and are unswayed by people's impulsive emotional outbursts. People are disgusted by people who easily cave in to their demands.
having a practical skill set like auto repair is fantastic though and you're eventually going to get hurt in some way or another no matter what you do

>> No.9752145
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The reason you feel bad for being nice is because you are being financially exploited for your kindness.

Really your being more then 'Just being nice' you can be nice without doing shit for free.
There is nothing not nice about saying no and explaining why, though I can understand why you would think that way.

>> No.9752147

Ate nothing but a handful of fries for straight 2 days and drank 6 beers yesterday. Now I'm hangovered and ate some more fries and eggs and I hope I won't throw up. I feel weak as fuck. Good times.

>> No.9752149

Before then, I didn't have a drink in a week. And I only had about 4 pints that day.

>> No.9752153

My father always had a drinking problem but he would only drink on the weekends and not get too drunk because my mother was nagging him.
She died unfortunately last year and my father has been drinking 5-6 beers every day since than and more on weekends. I also walked in on him when he was drinking vodka straight from the bottle and now I don't know if he's regularly doing that or if it was just once.

>> No.9752156

I always pass out when I drink at home, is this bad?

>> No.9752177


>drinking 5-6 beers every day
>drinking vodka straight from the bottle

These two things don't sound congruent

>> No.9752185

20 min out of detox at the looney bin and I relapsed. Oh well. Rehab soon

>> No.9752219
File: 271 KB, 800x800, 1511386444459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check my browsing history
>some guy I met on omegle apparently uploaded pictures of his micropenis and I fapped to that
Should I just kill myself?

>> No.9752271

>out walking my dog
>slip on the ice and fall on my ass
>feels like the bottom parts of my spine slammed into each other. thought i broke it for a minute
>winded, pain also makes me vomit
>get up on my feet after a minute or so
>walking like a cripple and it hurts like fuck
>now home, still hurts and i can barely move

how fucked am i lads

>> No.9752290

>pain also makes me vomit
I'd go to the doctor if I were you, that's a lot of pain. There's a good chance that something is very wrong and/or you'll be given painkillers

>> No.9752298


>> No.9752299

I rekt my sciatica joint in 2011 just by sitting on an awkward chair for a month. 24/7 pain for almost 7 years.
Throwing up is a sign that your spine split and is leaking fluid. Happened to me a few years ago. Without the fluid your brain is left dry. If it’s happened to you, you’ll feel ok laying down- the spinal fluid can still teach the brain, but the moment you elevate your head, you’ll get a headache and start throwing up. Took 2 weeks before I could get out of bed.

>> No.9752317

Just woke up to my 3rd day of no booze after a pretty heavy two week binge and i don't feel any better than i did on the first day. I can't sleep, have no appetite, dry heave throughout the day but never puke, and have an awful headache with nasty anxiety. Nothing feels interesting and i just sit around on 4chan waiting to feel better but it never comes. What the fuck.

>> No.9752330

I definitely learned.

The old saying "nice guys finish last" really does ring true.

You are right though, It seems people who are stern to their decisions and will not cave get more respect.

It is just hard to say no to helping who I consider a family member. I know I have no moral obligation to help her because she's not my wife nor my blood but because she is married to my brother I feel an obligation to care about her and her kids. I fucking hate having empathy, I would get a lot further in my life without it.

She's also very manipulative, My brother doesn't do things he used to do anymore because she guilt's him into staying home with her all day.

Overall It's a hard situation, But I'm though helping people besides my parents. They are the only people I owe something to, So fuck everyone else. They have jobs, They can pay someone to do what they need.

>> No.9752331

have a drink

>> No.9752338

But seriously, Go to the ER or call 911. If you fuck around and wait you will literally be paralyzed, Not trolling. Go now!

Vomiting is a sign of spinal fluid in your tissue

>> No.9752352

fugg, ill call a friend and see if he can give me a lift to the hospital, probably shouldnt drive like this
thanks boys

>> No.9752353

I feel you, went through a similiar change years ago in my life

I feel like we were in situations very alike at that point in my life

If there's one thing I could say to you given my perspective now after having gone through this change, yes you don't have to do everything for everybody and allow people to manipulate you but don't be an asshole to people that treat you with respect and appreciate your help

I've gone too far the other side of that now and alienated myself from close friends and family by being a selfish rude asshole because I just got so fed up with it all

>> No.9752354

Post results. Tell them you drink too much too.

>> No.9752356

>The old saying "nice guys finish last" really does ring true.
The problem isn't that nice guys are nice. Nice people are well liked. The problem is nice guys invariably have no personality (because they're ultimate people pleasers they just adopt personalities to fit in), they are doormats (can't say no and prefer to lose out rather than make someone unhappy), and are boring (nice stories are rarely exciting).

You don't have to be an asshole. Nobody likes assholes. But have a little backbone and avoid being a servant. At the very least tease people. Teasing is fun and most people enjoy teasing.

>> No.9752358


Five days is the charm for me every time. Ganbarre!

>> No.9752366
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5 days??

>> No.9752368

Thanks for the advice man. I'll definitely heed it

I'll take your advice and not be an asshole to anyone, But at the same time I'm going to start saying just flat out "No" and not feeling guilty about it or giving an explanation why. I've been a pushover my whole life and rarely do people appreciate the things I do for them, Especially often at my expense.

That's a good example.

I suppose you are right.

What does you mean by teasing people?

>> No.9752384
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>drank some liquor last Friday night remembered Saturday why I quit drinking that shit.
>gives me anxiety the next day bad. I'm going to stick to beer drinking and smoking weed for awhile.

>> No.9752465

dude you need to stand up for yourself, tell her the cost of the part and tell her you'll do the repair free of charge because shes family, but she needs to pay for the parts. don't even buy the part until its been discussed. wt actual fuck man

>> No.9752496

been on vacation for the holiday this week. managed to keep it together pretty well. only went over 8 once. then i went back to work got off the graveyard shift sat. morning and got blasted all day. my gf came home and i hit her up for some cash and took all of my money and went and blew it at the bar on lottery. lost it all came home drunk as fuck and passed out. didnt even think about it while i was doing it. woke up in the middle of the night to drink water and checked my phone. cash advance on credit line, bank account overdrafted $37. nothing in my wallet. walked to the fridge and realized i didnt even eat yesterday. grabbed a beer slammed it and went back to sleep. im feeling terrible now. i should have been spending that money on my kid for her 2nd birthday and christmas. not sure what to do but gambling addiction and being an al/ck/ dont go good together

>> No.9752510

i feel like i need to quit for my daughter, but ive only gone without beer once this year. made it about 36hrs before i said fuck it and tried to taper. that turned into just drinking and i havent stopped. i know i should care more but i feel the waves of fucking hopelessness coming down on me thinking about my shitty job, life situation and how this isnt where i was suppossed to be at 27. i just drown it out. alright boys im done now, just feeling extra shitty this morning. gonna go do a fish fry with my pops and get drunk. dont care enough to address my problems right now. thanks for listening. Oh yeah, OP you fucked up the title. al/ck/ fuckhead

>> No.9752525

Human garbage, do your kid a favor and fucking put the muzzle of a gun in your mouth.

>> No.9752545

neck yourself you stupid cunt. i make sure we eat and have a place to sleep and the bills are paid. fuck you, at least im here for my kid even if i do sgtupid shit sometimes

>> No.9752552

Withdrawals peak around day 3. It's going to get better from now, slowly.
Takes months to get out of PAWS, take that into account before you decide sober life isn't worth living.

>> No.9752600
File: 176 KB, 646x438, liver_illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third day of what may be pain in my liver. I will never drink again. Even if this pain is something else, the fact that I am worried about my liver is a wake up call.

>> No.9752611

i couldn't find my computer this morning but when i let the dog out i found it on my front lawn. what the fuck happened last night. at least it didn't rain computer still works thankfully.

>> No.9752614

19 KB
went out on friday night and actually paced myself and didn't even black out though I did tell my very innocent 19 year old coworker who doesn't drink that I wanted to kiss her (i'm 29). I forgot about until she texted me yesterday and I said I felt like a creep and sorry if she was uncomfortable and she responded with 'lol it's okay, you're a sweetheart' and now she wants to hang out.

I am not travelling down this path. Nothing good can come of this.

>> No.9752683

Liver damage isn't even the worse alcoholism can cause.
Pancreas damage, brain and nerves damage, blindness, etc are also possible and outnumber hepatitis.

>> No.9752739

Being a pissed drunk gambling addict is not being there for your kid. Eat a bullet.

>> No.9752772

why not fug her and not drink?

>> No.9752791

Not that guy, but kindly fuck off, he’s a better parent to his kid than you would be. You’re making things worse.

>> No.9752802

thanks for the advice. not like i havent considered it. only reason i havent is because of her. who would pay her way? you seem to be under the impression that i dont provide for my family. i know being sauced up and wasting a couple hundred bucks in the poker machine is shitty but it only happens when i pass my limit. im trying

>> No.9752810
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>> No.9752818


>> No.9752861

idk man even if I sobered up I still think it would be a bad idea. I don't need to get involved in some poor girl's life like that

>> No.9752941
File: 33 KB, 335x468, eJwVzMENwyAMAMBdGADjRolNtkEEEapQI-y-quze9nev-7j3vNzuTrOhO8DRNMs8vJrMVIuvIvUqaTT1WToks5TPXl6mgMuGtAVijJGQmBmWsPKKISDGB_LPBK3_m-eo7v4CwPUh2Q.LArMbmqld0BRxAAQy2RaMSA9WA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wine snob here, I drink nightly (sometimes daily). What does it mean when you start getting really dark green tinted diarrhea everyday?

>> No.9752981

Booze causes inflammation, which causes diarrhoea, which can mean you shit out bile before it’s had it’s chance to do its thing.

>> No.9752993

I bought a gram of weed in 2011 for 14 bitcoins.
They’re about to hit $10,000 each.

>> No.9753030

protip: football is a great excuse for why you're buying 2 cases of beer after you just bought a bottle of liquor yesterday

>> No.9753080
File: 165 KB, 640x480, 282CDE3A-DEDD-4218-B6B8-AAAB609B29C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9753088

Ey man hindsight is 20/20, how could you have known this weird ass online magic money was going to become valuable. I feel worse for people who sold bitcoins at $200 or something because they at least had time to realize that that shit is worth money.

>> No.9753176

Omfg how do I know if I’m going to die from cold? 5 degrees here, no heating for weeks. Tried lighting a damn fire in here out of desperation. Thing that worries me most is that when I’m blasted I don’t feel the cold nearly as much, scared imma freeze in my sleep

>> No.9753185

What'd you do to get thrown in the looney bin anon?

>> No.9753190


>> No.9753194
File: 407 KB, 250x250, yeahbutno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the owner of the corner shop calls me partyboy

Yeah my life is a right fucking party when I spend my evenings getting dickered on cheap Polish beer while playing WoW and shitposting on /pol/

>> No.9753197

Yeah my pancreas is absolutely ruined, I shit out oily, orange water every single day. Cant even tell you the last time I had a solid shit, it's gotta be over a year by now.

>> No.9753208

2 weeks of binging is a long ass time. im sure 3 days sober is not going to be enough to get through w/d. im thinking more like 5-6 days for that. nice job.

>> No.9753235

Poor Old McDonald, one of us

>> No.9753237

there are meds to help you follow through. naltrexone, campral, gabapentin, also antabuse (but that doesnt get rid of cravings, just makes you sick if you drink)

>> No.9753239

how do i stop

>> No.9753241

usually takes me a 5 drug cocktail to end up like that. you did it with just alcohol?

>> No.9753247

Nobody knows what else to say.

Imagine if cashiers/shopowners went "Hey, it's the isolated, lonely drunk kid who plays internet all day"

>> No.9753248

Nobody knows

>> No.9753268

People reach "rock bottom" when they are tired of digging the hole. Meds help. All too often, alcoholics say "today is the day i stop", after a particularly wrenching bender. After a day or two, that resolve dissipates and they end up drinking again. This is where modern medicine comes into play. There are meds (naltrexone) that diminish physical and mental cravings for alcohol, so its much easier to drink a lot less.

They dont do all the work for you, but theyre enough of a boost to change your life around.

>> No.9753299

Inpatient rehab is often in psychiatry ward.

You need Creon/Pancreaze/Pancrex/other commercial names.
You're not only not digesting fats, you're also missing on many nutriments, and will suffer malnutrition.

Taper with beer or benzo to avoid dangerous withdrawals, then don't drink during PAWS, then only drink moderately for the rest of your live (or don't drink at all if you can't moderate after a drink)

>> No.9753365

Can't wait to relapse tomorrow. I was forced to quit from lack of money. The withdrawal fucking sucked, I don't want to go through that again but I really love drinking.

>> No.9753382

taper to avoid withdrawals. it takes some self control but its not too hard.

>> No.9753438

I’m so fucking alone. God dammit this shit is awful.
Does anyone know a decent, non right-wing/conspiracyshit radio station? I think it’s aboit as close to a friend as I can hope for

>> No.9753556


jokes on you, i already have that from masturbation

>> No.9753588

Just found out my girlfriend was probably cheating on me all summer, and is at the least planning to cheat in the future.

Fuck me. Fuck everything. There is not enough booze in the world for this.

>> No.9753612

Don’t do what I did and take years of agonisingly trying to sort it out. If she did it once she’ll do it again. Say goodbye and nothing more.

>> No.9753620

True capitalist radio.
You can find it on blgtalkradio.com or youtube

>> No.9753623

We live together and I'm starting a new job literally tomorrow. I can't just up and leave this house for a while. I'm wondering whether I put my cards on the table and tough it out, or play dumb and just leave when I can, with her left holding the bag.

>> No.9753624

Women ain’t shit but hoes and tricks

>> No.9753633

Fuck me. I started drinking because I found what I thought was testicular cancer, when a teen. 2 years later it fucked off, but I was firmly embedded by then, in a life of drugs, booze and chaos which continues to this day. Aaand ten minutes ago I found another.
At least this time I didn’t gasp, jump out of bed terrified then watch my life disintegrate given that I was convinced I’d soon be dead. In fact I’m not even going to a doctor and I’m hiding this post in the hope that I’m blacked out right now and can just forget.
Wonder which is worse - death by cancer or alcoholism. Maybe I’ll just IV a fucking gram of heroin in one shot.
Life is shit. Nothing but fucking misery.

>> No.9753634

Name of beer?

>> No.9753643

Dude, it's probably nothing. If you found it before, and it was nothing, chances are it's nothing this time too. Chill out.

>> No.9753645

Go out with a burger, truly the American way.

>> No.9753652

Just become verbally abusive but don't let her know you know she cheated, it'll make you feel better plus it'll be fun

>> No.9753658

Sounds awful.
Just remember that the more you engage in argument, the more ammunition with which you’ll be furnishing her. Arguing about this will make you hate eachother and enrage you further. Do your best to find out for sure whether she did, then do everything in your power to gtfo ASAP, crucially, before you separate and she starts bringing guys back.
I dunno man. I’ve lived a ferociously unhealthy life. Even if I’m in the clear, I won’t be for long. So be it.

>> No.9753672

That's the lamest excuse for alcoholism.

>> No.9753690

Nah. Mental illness is a more lame excuse

>> No.9753696

Says who, you? I can’t say I’m comprehensively devastated

>> No.9753733

Having imaginary testicular cancer is a mental illness.
>Hypochondriasis or hypochondria is a condition in which a person is inordinately worried about having a serious illness. An old concept, its meaning has repeatedly changed due to redefinitions in its source metaphors.[1] It has been claimed that this debilitating condition results from an inaccurate perception of the condition of body or mind despite the absence of an actual medical diagnosis.[2] An individual with hypochondriasis is known as a hypochondriac. Hypochondriacs become unduly alarmed about any physical or psychological symptoms they detect, no matter how minor the symptom may be, and are convinced that they have, or are about to be diagnosed with, a serious illness.[3]

>> No.9753747

I'm now 4 weeks spirits free and 2 weeks beer free so I haven't been spending as much time in al/ck/ threads.

>> No.9753788

practice makes perfect anon
don't be a quiter

>> No.9753811

Have you only just discovered hypochondria or something? What are you even suggesting, that people shouldn’t worry upon discovering the symptoms of cancer? What?

>> No.9753846
File: 975 KB, 3240x2440, 1509663919573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking Digger's methylated spirits?
Supposedly no actual toxic compounds in this. I could get a liter of 95% ethanol for only $3.50


>> No.9753862

What's a good Bailey's cocktail that isn't Irish Coffee?

>> No.9753877

Probably ok if you’re in aus

>> No.9753899

Only the aussie version has no toxins? Damn
Guess I'll stick to drinking plastic jug vodka

>> No.9753913

Yeah just ignore the anhedonia that psychiatric drugs cause, ignore your symptoms and cope. You can be normal too, anon! Just go out and get a job and a girlfriend! Just ignore the terrible stigma society has placed on you!

Eat a dick.

>> No.9753925

Yeah everywhere else poisons the stuff. Fucking alcohol industry is sheer evil.

>> No.9753927

Methylated means methanol... I wouldn't risk it.

It's disgusting that they deliberately make things poisonous just to prevent people from getting drunk for cheap.

>> No.9753929

I'm suggesting people see a doctor instead of becoming an alcoholic when they feel a lump on their balls.

It's weird that methylated spirit has no methanol, don't fully trust any random pic from the internet.
But if you find denatured alcohol with only non-toxic denaturant (depends on the country, some ban murdering alcoholics, some allow it), then go for it.

>> No.9753949

>tfw try and quit cold turkey but the whit drawls are bad / seizure inducing
>tfw try and slowly cut back but keep losing the will to cut back after the first drink

Welp, this is it boys. It's been great.

>> No.9753969

Sounds like you’re just getting started

>> No.9754064

Just spontaneously shouted “help”, like some kind of reflex.
Don’t know why my sub conscious bothered, nobody to hear me.

>> No.9754204

how bad do withdrawals have to be for seizures? i drank close to a handle everyday for 4 months but never got shakes or seizures, just insomnia, horrible anxiety, and 0 appetite due to nausea

>> No.9754330

Different for everyone I suppose. Had my first seizure while going through pretty much what you describe. Life-changing level of horrific just came at me out of nowhere.

>> No.9754332
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Some aussie on 420chan posted this a while back. Presumably he's still ok

Fuck the government and their sin taxes

>> No.9754451

I got on some antidepressants recently and had maybe 3 drinks one night and got way more buzzed than normal. I felt like shit the next morning though and I read that drinking any more could have really fucked me up.

Looks like I'm done drinking for a long time. I might have a beer every once in a while when I go out with friends, but I guess I'm just sticking to weed. IDK if I should even touch blow since I just found out I'm prehypertensive.

It sucks getting old, but fuck, I'm only 29.

>> No.9754475

I do the same, except I say I hate my life.

>> No.9754612

since she's incapable of monogamy you can probably still bang her as a FWB if that's not disgusting to you. If you dont want to bang her again then act like you still care for her and get sucked into her arguments. Either way i'd try to get a new place asap but you know that

>> No.9754641

i'm really struggling to understand your train of thought here. did you have testicular cancer or not? i assume you went to a urologist

>> No.9754642

Really sucks being an al/ck/ie and trying to remain slim. Every night it's
>go out and buy alcohol and then eat nothing all day
>go out and get food but feel fucking awful all day
Beats being a fat slob though, but this shit sucks

>> No.9754651
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i'm sorry breh.

>> No.9754659

That's a bad idea if he has feelings for her.

Antidepressant effects have a 1-2 week lag.
When you start them, it takes this long for your brain chemistry to find it's balance, during which you're even more fucked up than before (the notice says it increase suicide risks...)
So when you drink or smoke, it also takes very long for the effects to appear. If you feel more depressed or feel weird for a week after drinking, you shouldn't drink at all obviously, but if it only appears a few days after the initial hangover you may not notice it fucks you up.

>> No.9754680

if you stick to vodka, juice and not binge eating it's easy to not become a fatass if you've never been fat before

>> No.9754681

Getting sober lads. First week was pretty rough, but I've got to stay sober for 6 months because I am on balls-strong blood thinners and I don't want to die yet. I don't know if I would have had the strength to do it myself.

>> No.9754683

SSRIs also have god awful withdrawals that can apparently last for years. You're probably better off just being depressed and not on them. Not that all antidepressant are ssris

>> No.9754704

I drink when I'm sad. Sometimes drinking makes me sadder.

>> No.9754709

Post story of how you discovered.

>> No.9754733
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>having feelings for someone who claimed to be monogamous with you but actually wasnt

the only feeling he should be feeling towards the ho is absolute disgust

>> No.9754738

Yeah I've tried the vodka method but I know it would make me a full blown alky if I did that. So I try to stick with beer

>> No.9754739

>god awful withdrawals that can apparently last for years.
Honestly this is such bullshit, the side effects that you get in withdrawal last at most a few weeks after you end treatment.
You should take the information you get from strangers on the internet with a bit more caution. Some people might have mental disorders that cause them to lie about such things, or just imagine them.
If it really was the case, then doctors wouldn't prescribe them in such quantities.

>> No.9754768

im sure they're the exception but people who are on them for years can certainly have long periods of withdrawals when discontinuing them
>Most cases of discontinuation syndrome last between one and four weeks, are relatively mild, and resolve on their own; in rare cases symptoms can be severe or extended.[1] Paroxetine (Paxil) and venlafaxine (Effexor) seem to be particularly difficult to discontinue and prolonged withdrawal syndrome lasting over 18 months have been reported with paroxetine.[5][6][7]

also a bunch of random nobodies talking about brain zaps and other symptoms for years after stopping ssris:

>> No.9754778

They are not "withdrawals" if they last years. But it can cause long lasting effects.
I took one that could cause permanent impossibility to orgasm. I stopped after a week, it made me almost hyper.

Yes, but that's not incompatible with love.
Love is irrational, and fucking sucks.

>Possible side effect : death (but rarely enough that it's worth using for primary effects)
Many drugs have frightening possible side effects

>> No.9754915

shit, made the mistake of sending a lot more words in a text than the girl did, and now she wont text me back. again

>> No.9754958

>only text this amount of words when she sends this amount of words
fuck those stupid games

can't stand that shit it's why im single

>> No.9754971

every time i send a girl a remotely lengthy text it seems she immediately loses interest. Has been this way for years. im glad your experience has been different

>> No.9755033

Women don't have the emotional range/intelligence to understand more than a few words mixed with random emojies.

>> No.9755051

how is everyones blood pressure?

mine was bad, lost some weight and got better, think iys bad agaim, but i have whitecoat syndrome so every time i see the cuff it goes up.

>> No.9755072

some do, it's just if you show more interest in a person than they show you they'll become disinterested
aka the person who loves least in a relationship holds the power
like 140s/60s. its only bad if its like that for years or if you're a weak cunt with shit genes and/or shit kidneys

>> No.9755075

Mine is okay after getting put on propanalol. Might need a dosage increase as it's ben a couple of years and my heart rate is back up to 120 resting.

>> No.9755083

Get a device to measure your own BP at home on amazon, they're relatively cheap.

>> No.9755102

>120 resting
yeah you might want to go see a doctor some time
120 is ok if it's situational and your BP is like 100/50 to compensate

>> No.9755103

i did lisinopril but i really dont think i needed it.

bp is usually 140/90 in docs but lower at home, been off it for a year and havent been back to doc. i need to go back but afraid. i work ojt like 4 times a week but drink too much.

>> No.9755113

Nah, I don't need medication. I don't think I'm a clinical alcoholic, just a heavy binge drinker. I already haven't had a drink in a week and I feel fine, and this was by choice, I didn't notice the pain in my side til last Friday.

>> No.9755125

mine is like half that when sober/not wd anon

>> No.9755134

>nothing good can come
>nothing good

You can do it

>> No.9755378

Luckily, I'm taking Wellbutrin (bupropion) which is a NDRI. You get the energy boost still from the norepinepherin, but it works on dopamine instead of serotonin. You don't get broken dick, and the side effects and withdrawals aren't as bad as SRI/SNRI drugs.

I think these type of antidepressants are superior in many ways. Since it works on dopamine, it also helps with ADHD, which I do have. It works on nicotinic receptors so it helps with smoking cessation too. I don't crave alcohol really, and I don't feel like fapping as much anymore.

I don't want to depend on this shit, but I want to take this while I'm in therapy, working on my own issues. I hope to get off of this in a year or two.

>> No.9755702

Tomorrow I'm going to feel for the first time in years what it's like to get drunk when not taking antipsychotics! I wonder if I will feel more euphoria because of the lack of dopamine blocking going on.

Since stopping I have been enjoying music a lot more. I feel the music. That didn't used to happen.

>> No.9755756

this is not the al/ck/ thread i wanted
fucking shit op can't you get anything right in your life you loser?

>> No.9756004

I drank some wild turkey the other day. I’ll be damned if it didn’t smell like chocolate cherries and coconuts. Tastewise, it was bitter, dark chocolate and hydrochloric acid.

>> No.9756058

Hi alck. Long time lurker.
Im shitting blood should i worry?

>> No.9756097

How the hell . You slipped, walk it off.
I back flipped of a swing in the park and landed on my arse. Yeah it compressed my spine... sore for a week. Fuck me, man up walk it off.

>> No.9756101

Atleast your not drinkin anon. Props

>> No.9756293
File: 24 KB, 325x244, 2FB0413E-D824-454F-BD71-240540C2EF79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>miss ex, remember times together
>used to hate it when I’d pull duvet over our heads and hold her down while farting, she’d gag and be furious for all of ten mins
>wake before her one morning
>have hilarious idea
>smug in my brilliance, execute plan immediately
>place ass centimetres from her face, cheeks wide
>close as possible. Squatted over her. Ass pipe is practically kissing her nose tip
>all set. Let’s do this
> begin screaming at top of my lungs to wake her. As soon as I feel her moving, begin clamping colon muscles together. An epic fart is imminent. This will be great. We’re such a goofy, mischievous, edgy couple. We’ll tell our grandkids about this hilarity
>rumble from stomach. My eyes explode open as I realise what’s about to happen
>there’s nothing I can do, I’m past the point no return
>fractions of a second feel like hours. I’m powerless now, the trigger has been pulled. Giggling in my head stops, gravity of situation sinking in
>now so distressed that I’ve given up hope, simply stay there motionless and meditative, this is in god’s hands now
>feel something hit ass, hear laboured breathing, a struggle has begun
>despondently move gaze downward, hyper awkward expression on face is set in stone, tsunami of feels incoming
>a shitblinking, near-screaming, gagging little qt is now rolling around, exploring the bizarre world into which sleep has taken her
>confusion swiftly turns to fury as she concludes that there’s a chance the kilos of stinking, hot, brown bowelporridge liberally coating her face, hair, clothes and bedding might have something to do with the alcoholic whose shitchute is hovering above, dripping with liquishit
>world goes into silent slow motion as the implications hit home
>trancewalk to clothes, dress, all on autopilot as I ponder my future. Walk out of door, walk covered in shit to shop, buy all the alcohol, get hotel, can’t go back
>later that night she’s gone.
>16 months later post this

>> No.9756331

>things that didn't happen

>> No.9756341

>Anon accidentally sharts on grill
>grill leaves
Its not that impossible. The way it was worded just makes it sound absurd.

>> No.9756429

inspirational post

>> No.9756716
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>> No.9756830

dude if your actually like shitting blood then you need to go to the fucking urgent care

>> No.9756904

I think IBD is quite common amongst the alchie community, pretty savage, especially when it gives you cancer ten years later.

>> No.9757284

I was shitting out bile which was painful as fuck. I only get this when I'm drinking a lot.

I won't miss those shits, that's for sure.

>> No.9757317


>> No.9757463

Pancreas is on the left

>> No.9758245

Ugh break time till tomorrow night. Drank a 1.75 of gin and smoked meth with my neighbor. Ended up feeling up his wife. Fuck this hangover

>> No.9758311



>> No.9758614

I bought 24 beers and I'm going to drink them all. I have no shame.

Fuck this hobby is getting expensive. I stopped drinking hard liquor because I black out and do stupid shit, but drinking beer is so much work it takes so fucking many.

>> No.9758668

Stop bumping this crap.

>> No.9759426

>Oh heck yes, an alcohol thread. Wonder what my fellow anons' favourite rum i-
>It's a /b/ tier baww thread

Shame. On the off chance any of you are functional human beings, name me some good-ass rums. Dark or spiced preferred.

>> No.9759806

>alcoholic thread
>surprised it's full of miserable people

>> No.9760577

It's alcoholic thread, not alcohol thread.

Also sage.

>> No.9760611


>> No.9760637

"plzz fix my car"
"Sure, I'll even come now if you want - it'll cost 700"
"what? no" - don't do it
"Oh, um ok" do it

problem solved

>> No.9760640
File: 82 KB, 315x378, 1495003683925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fellow anons

>> No.9760641

3 days? man up you fucking pussy give it at least a week, more like two

>> No.9760646

grow up, if you really wanted to take control you would

>> No.9760651

>at least planning

what the fuck are you on about faggot

>> No.9761758


Possibly appendix