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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9751643 No.9751643 [Reply] [Original]

What are some foods that make your kids grow up big and strong?

>> No.9751646

yeah, it's called not being a manlet and only sharing your man batter with tal lwomen

>> No.9751658

Food seems to have little effect as long as the child isn't malnourished. I turned out to be 6'5", stocky, and fat on a mostly vegetarian diet as a kid. My main foods were cereal, PB&J sandwiches, El Monterey burritos, school lunches, and lots of cheese with Ritz crackers. Also, for drinks, at least 1 cup of coffee per day from ages 4 to 13. My dad used to say that my cereal and coffee diet would stunt my growth and I'd have a "pencil neck", but now I'm 1.5" taller than him. That's bullshit pseudo-science.

>> No.9751660

the absolute state of American 16 y/os

>> No.9751663

Have to agree, I grew up healthy. If your genes fuck you, they fuck you.
I was raised by immigrants that - at the time -
didnt understand why american fast food was bad. Nobody was really health conscious like they are now. God I gorged myself on so much kfc and chips.

>> No.9751665

a fresh hardy supply of semen until they are 10, then they eat chicken nuggets and fries until 20, then ask /ck/ how to cook ramen

>> No.9751668

Pretty much sums up 90% of the board. What a sad time to hang out here.

>> No.9751678
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>he comes to 4chan for serious discussion

literally every other website on the internet will give you more serious answers, but you deliberately came to the place where people are dedicated to shitposting and not taking things seriously

>> No.9751679

I miss PHS guy, gun pro, and actual recipe threads.
>this was 9 years ago
>old enough where some of these posters were still drinking semen instead of fries

>> No.9751683

>i ruin board culture and post niggers

you are the reason this board is shit. you ruin everything you touch.

>> No.9751687

>gets told hes wasting his time being angry
>said anger makes him lash out

You dont want serious discussion, you just wanna fuckin mosh.

>> No.9751689

4chan """culture""" is shitposting, a byproduct of the anonymous imageboard format you tremendous newfag
if anyone is ruining this website it's normalfaggots insistent on being 100% serious all the time. But dont worry, more of you queers will flock in from facebook, r*ddit and tumblr and you will finally belong here

>> No.9751692

I wholeheartedly agree with this post

Anonymity makes it so 4chan will always be comprised of people from all walks of life with whatever motivations that youll never ever know

Once you start pretending you can read who is behind the blue post box is when you start becoming a literal thorn in the community. And aint that ironic as fuck

>> No.9751693

>written by a 20 something
ok kid. whatever you say. all 4chan boards are suppose to be shit, full of cuck porn, and all shitposting.
you obviosuly dont belong here and blew in here from actualreddit. I dont even have goybook, but im sure you do. why dont you go back there?

>> No.9751696

>all walks of life

the most normalfag gay thing you could possibly say. how long did you have to stop sucking jamals dick to type that?

>> No.9751708

>projection: the post
all 4chan boards are fundamentally shitty regardless of anything you or I do about it or how it's "supposed" to be
i belong here infinitely more than some newfag who gets hustled at one joke about semen
have a big fat (You)

>> No.9751710

look at you. Pretending you know who i am. One scan of my post and you already have the label: normalfag.

Must suck man. I suggest going to reddit where people need to live by their labels :)

>> No.9752424

who is that wonderful creature in the middle?

>> No.9752455

You can't make them grow taller with food, but you can stunt their growth from malnurishment.

Just buy healthy food. Fruits and vegetables and fresh lean meat. It's pretty simple.

>> No.9752456

The daughter of the one on the left.

>> No.9752461

>anon doesn't understand the strong link between anonymity and deindividualization

The site always had and always will have shit posting. Either learn to take a joke, ignore shit posts or start filtering if you're that much of a Faggot. And everything will get better.

>> No.9752474

oh I see it in the face now. she musta married a guy with big tits.

>> No.9752497

Or a plastic surgeon.

>> No.9752507
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>believing /b/ equals 4chan
Too many idiots out here who started out at /b/, /pol, or worse /r9k/ and became convinced those shitholes are what 4chan is.

>> No.9752515

>4chan culture is shitposting
This is false. It might be true that specific boards have no greater culture than shitposting but don't lump in all of 4chan.

>> No.9752715
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>What are some foods that make your kids grow up big and strong?

have no idea but that girl's tits are making something in my pants grow big and strong if you know what I mean

>> No.9752843

white man brain food

>beef & lamb
>root vegetables

>> No.9752915
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What did you mean by this?

>> No.9752962
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>> No.9752970
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>> No.9752977

Christ she almost knocked seacrest off the set

>> No.9752999

Gross. Someone paid for those stupid garbage cow tits. Sad

>> No.9753016
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>that jiggle

One way to make an entrance

>> No.9753081

roastie stfu

>> No.9753111

literally everyone you mean
Nobody started on fucking /ck/ fool
maybe /a/ at a stretch which is just as shit

>> No.9753232

16 yo girl, bro.
Pity, don't bully.

>> No.9753261

No, she married a Hispanic soap actor that was on the same show as her

>> No.9753446

Thread should have ended here. You either have good genetics or you jam hgh pins into your kid during teenage years before their growth plates close.

>> No.9753485

You ate a shitload of carbs, no wonder you became fat.
``vegetarian'' should imply more than just ``not meat''

>> No.9753542
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>> No.9753572
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Whole plant foods. If you look in the shopping carts of chinlets, you'll notice an absence of chlorophyll.