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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9744861 No.9744861 [Reply] [Original]

talk about egg nog.

if you haven't had egg nog, go buy some and learn to like it. it raises your test, makes you more attractive, makes your dick bigger and only white people drink it.

faggot winter beverages like cocoa can stay the fuck out.

>> No.9744867


Consumer whores get out.

>> No.9744870

you can't expect someone who has never had eggnog to make it.

>> No.9744872

You talk like a retard from /fit/.

>> No.9744877

you talk like a non-white fat fuck

>> No.9744965

i know a native that drinks it

>> No.9744970

You can MAKE eggnog!? What a time to be alive!!

>> No.9745040

This. The shit at the store is just flavored milk with egg powder

>> No.9745048

>it raises your test,
No thanks then

>> No.9745226

Yeah, I imagine drinking semen with nutmeg does raise your test

>> No.9745237

I don't drink alcohol, is nonalcoholic homemade eggnog still worth making?

>> No.9745241


Citation needed for literally all of that. I cum gallons after drinking eggnog, but I cum gallons ANYWAYS.

>> No.9745242

Got any particular recipe you like?

>> No.9745244

Fuck off dude, this isn't /pol/

>> No.9745253

>you can't expect someone who has never had steak florentine to make it

>> No.9745260

My cousin threw up a whole shitload of egg nog on me when I was like, 12. I didn't even like it that much. I cannot bring myself to drink it at all

>> No.9745282
File: 25 KB, 669x514, 1493248111649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it tastes like shit and is loaded with sugar, suck my dick

>> No.9745284

Nobody cares.

>> No.9745288

Only if it has rum or whiskey in it.

>> No.9745323

>1 pint brandy
>half pint rye whiskey
>half pint rum
>half pint sherry wine
>12 eggs, separated
>12 tablespoons sugar
>1 quart milk
>1 quart heavy cream
Best drink ever. Mix the liquor together, add egg yolks, then sugar, mix into milk and cream, fold in egg whites, refrigerate.

>> No.9745354

t. George Washington

>> No.9745364

>durrrrr sugarr

Who gives a shit? Are you on weightwatchers, fatty?

>> No.9745369

>not honoring your forefathers by getting shitfaced like they did

>> No.9745393

I use that recipe too friend, that's how I know where it came from.

>> No.9745398

In that case lets get drunk and sneak attack people on christmas

>> No.9746376

actually i taught my sons in the kitchen for the first time they ever had it. every time i make it i bring them in to watch, talk with me while i do it or help.
faggots these days have lost their sense of family.

>> No.9746505

do you age your eggnog or not?

>> No.9746789

i've heard of this, but it wouldn't last long enough around here to try.

>> No.9747040

I made eggnog but I used heavy cream and only a splash of milk, the result is like a soft mousse. What can I do with it? I was thinking a layered dessert but I don't know any good combinations.

>> No.9747049

add more liquor

>> No.9747421

I aged my eggnog last year. Only one jar made it all the way to the planned christmas opening but I thoroughly sampled all of them the whole time. Aging is the only way to go, makes the nog sweeter, smoother and blends the liquor in so it doesn't taste like you are chasing a shot with nog every time you sip.

>> No.9747424
File: 266 KB, 358x510, disgust review.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is eggnog made with the brown eggs?

>> No.9747425

The shit at stores can be anywhere between what you described and real eggnog- but the "real" eggnog is crammed with preservatives and anti-coagulants so it doesn't turn gross and has a shelf life long enough to be sold.

Anons who never drank egg nog before, it's fine, but if you like it even sorta go try making it yourself it's amazing!

>> No.9747517
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>> No.9747522

/pol/ rules all boards on 4chan except the gay ones no one likes

>> No.9747526

What’s so fucking great about family anyway? They’re just a bunch of assholes who share more DNA with you than most people. It’s a total crapshoot as to whether you get decent people or putrid cunts for family. If your family is cool and they act like family, stick with em. If you don’t like your family and they’re assholes, fuck em.

>> No.9747529

Can you faggots fuck off. You're the new /mlp/ that can't help but inject your stupid shit in every unrelated topic.

>> No.9747538

>.t shitskin

>> No.9747542
File: 55 KB, 540x560, smug kurtz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>except the gay ones no one likes
So who rules /pol/?

>> No.9747565 [DELETED] 

shut up jew/nigger/faggot/whatever the fuck

You're literally just an identity politics SJW turned 180° in the other direction. Hope being a virgin NEET can be overshadowed by being "white," so you can keep WEWUZZING the accomplishments of your forefathers. Thanks for your Trump vote though, you noble retards.

>> No.9747594

>being this butt frustrated about a board on a website

This is an eggnog thread. Post eggnog.

>> No.9747599

Eggnogg is too fatty to have more than a glass, I like making a big batch of mullen wine for the holidays.

>> No.9747602

only faggots drink eggnog lol

>> No.9747609

You must drink a gallon a day then

>> No.9748788
File: 308 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171125-083247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raises your test
>causes breast and prostate cancer from all the estrogen
You what m8? "Hormones in Dairy Foods and Their Impact on Public Health - A Narrative Review Article"

OP is literally being turned into a fag.

>> No.9748848

Every time I try to make egg nog, it always comes out with a horrible stick-to-your-mouth type consistency. Am I doing it wrong or is that just what it's like?

>> No.9750010

Who kahlua and spiced rum master race?

>> No.9750030
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>> No.9750036

They started injecting diary cows with a hormone ~2004 in dairies in the USA to increase milk production. People started complaining ~2012 and about 50% of dairies have pulled back from it. Hate the big world of agribusiness. Any cow-based dairy is probably a coin-flip if it has your pic related issues or not.

At those odds, the actual poison in the eggnog, you know, the alcohol, is more of an impact on your health.

>> No.9750101

what a faggot

>> No.9750110

>am I doing it wrong
yes you're a faggot

>> No.9750225

>Only white people drink it.
I had a black roommate for 8 years. He and his whole family drank that crap on an industrial scale.

>> No.9750237

(Like the greenposting chaps, keep it up)

No, I kid, non-alcoholic Egg Nog isn't my favourite, but its still great. As long as you have a great holiday season, i am not fussed!

Happy holidays,

(PS dont have a relevant picture right now, ((mods, sue me)) but ill get one uploaded ASAP!)

>> No.9750258

I imagine eggnog is what unicorn cum tastes like

so thick

>> No.9750487

go sell yourself as anal cum guzzler on craigslist instead of posting, faggot

>> No.9750564
File: 30 KB, 300x281, kalona eggnog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best egg nog you can buy if you live in the midwest

>> No.9750569

not tried it. looks like milk, not eggnog
. how can I trust you?

>> No.9750584

if you live near a whole foods that sells it buy a quart try it and drink it and if you dont like it you can return it for a full refund, at least as far as i know i dont know i the return policy has changed since the amazon buy out

>> No.9750597

why is it better than the other eggnogs?
I'm about to go buy eggnog

>> No.9751025
File: 272 KB, 1468x850, George-Washington-in-boat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

third person here, been waiting 335 days for this

>> No.9751030

actually my favorite part of being USA. our country was founded on the principal of: we'll kill you on your sleep on christmas

'murrica and eggnog I'm getting shitfaced

>> No.9751075

>our country was founded on the principal of: we'll kill you on your sleep on christmas

Christmas wasn't a big deal back then. It was just a night when everyone would relax with a few beers like any other minor holiday.

Honestly it wasn't a big deal until A Christmas Carol was published, and indeed Dickens wrote it because he was upset that nobody was celebrating Christmas like he did as a boy out in the country.

>> No.9751078

might not have been a HUGE deal, but it was a big enough deal for Washington to use it in his strategy

>> No.9751083

"get them while they're drunk and sleepy" is a fair bit less hardcore than "murder them while they're innocently taking joy in the miracle of Christ's immaculate conception"

>> No.9751086

yes and he also didn't murder them but almost all of them captive when they realized they had no chance

but it's the core CONCEPT that counts

>> No.9751090

Again, the concept isn't any more meaningful than "get them on the long weekend while they're building a shed with the lads"

You're retroactively applying potency to a holiday that hadn't yet come to be.

>> No.9751096

fuck you I'm getting hammered on eggnog and we have guns

>> No.9751105

By all means, sounds fun!

>> No.9751139

Can someone post a good recipe? I've tried making it before but it was a shitty recipe or something. I really love eggnog, might do some tomorrow since I have some cream I should use up

>> No.9751144
File: 435 KB, 809x1532, victotian eggnog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9751255
File: 195 KB, 955x1273, egg nog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9751283

When I was a kid I could drink a quart of it at one sitting. Now, I can only drink a little bit, and prefer it with a healthy portion of rum.
As far as winter drinks go, mulled wine is king for me. Just buy some middle shelf red and throw orange, raisins, plums or apricots, cinnamon, cloves, allspice, or whatever else you want to it, and just warm it up for 45 minutes. I personally like to add raw almonds, they impart a subtle flavor and are delicious once they have stewed in the wine for a bit, as are the other fruits.

>> No.9751289


>> No.9751308

Should I bother making egg-nog without alcohol?

>> No.9751313

I followed Alton Brown's boozeless recipe once.
It tasted much better with brandy added.

>> No.9751386

yes it's still good, but it's better with alcohol. eggnog is basically an excuse to ingest some crazy combination of mankind's favorite ingestable stuff