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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 448x252, mettbroetchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9748271 No.9748271 [Reply] [Original]

Wich country has the most meme-tier cuisine?

Pic unrelated

>> No.9748277
File: 137 KB, 1024x768, germansausage_knackwurst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany. Nothing but sausages and kebabs.

>> No.9748278

>meme tier
verily Sire, thou art a sodomite.

>> No.9748279



>> No.9748291

Germany hands down

>> No.9748292

Nippon island

>> No.9748307
File: 120 KB, 1068x700, pljeskavice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serbia. Only hamburgers.

>> No.9748337


Its delicious tho

>> No.9748367

delete this

jebem ti mater



>> No.9748370
File: 717 KB, 2048x1152, 20170720_184736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kraut, sausage and potatoes may be a meme but I could eat it everyday for the rest of my life and never get sick of it.

t. amerifat with godtier Germanic heritage

>> No.9748392

I tried german sausage and honrstly i dont get it. hungarian and serbian are much better. They just dont have that good marketing

>> No.9748399
File: 372 KB, 690x690, hehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, Hungarian isn't that special either. It's good they say, and it rightfully is. But i just do not find any appeal in a big slong of meat swimming in fat. (i am saying this as a Hungarian who loves meat)

>> No.9748404

i like them more than krauts

>> No.9748407

So do i, it is still a mistery to me why people love something this filled with fat as much as they do.

>> No.9748439

Anywhere in Europe. They were always resource poor but we're able to take mediocre inputs and make something decent. Unfortunately they are stuck in the past and cling to that glory like it's relevant thus their food is inedible in the modern world.

>> No.9748451

Japan without a doubt. All that sushi and shit. Japanese steak houses with the stupid chefs in the dining room. The list could probably go on forever.

>> No.9748456

We Argentinians essentially toss a bunch of meat and organs into a grill and then pretend it's cuisine.

>> No.9748457

Careful of them brainworms, anon

>> No.9748476

>burger nation
hmm, would have to visit belgrade one day.

>> No.9750266


You went through so many wars, why you are willing for another one?

>> No.9750273

>fish n chips
>warm ale

>> No.9750283


I tastes fine but thats it.

>> No.9750329

Is the kraut heated when served in restaurants? Or is it cold?

>> No.9750343


>> No.9750402


>Durr Germanic heritedge!

Do you realize how retarded the rest of the world thinks you people are when you speak like this? Literally nobody cares if your great great great grandfather came to the USA from Germany and mated with a horse giving birth to your shitty family line, ok?

>> No.9750421

>pic unrelated
is it really though?

>> No.9750426

>The children of Somalian immigrants are real Swedes!
>Turkish people born in Germany are real Germans!
fucking cuck continent

>> No.9750476

Christ I know you're still assblasted because the slavs and us drove you into the fucking ground, but you need to up your skill set nowadays.

>> No.9750518

german food is the basis of american home cooking. it's comfy. lots of savoury, fat (but healthy), lots of sweets. underrated IMO.

>muh fresh ingredients and craftsmanship
as much as i like raw seafood and japanese food, i cannot refute this

italian (both "authentic italian" and american-italian) cuisines are meme tier because italians are obnoxious. the food is good enough but the fucking personalities of italian people and italy is best is too much

>> No.9750534

>White American with largely German genes
>Muslim terrorist from miles away with a German citizenship
>proud german
Cucks, the state of you cucks.

>> No.9750547
File: 49 KB, 800x445, IMG_0646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italian by far. It's all peasant food with a fake notion that it's elevated.

>> No.9750553


>> No.9750616

Amerilards like you are really obnoxious. Glad you wont visit the old country.

>> No.9750626

>I let a Turkish bull fuck my wife and clean up afterwards
t. mutt with ancestors from Germany, England, Italy, Spain, and America

>> No.9750666

Why are you people obsessed with cuckholding. Whatever, I'll never interact with you irl anyway. Just stay in your basement and jerk off to cuckporn.

>> No.9750676

Why are you people obsessed with self-hatred and replacing yourselves with brown people?

>> No.9750717


>German genes

There is no such thing idiot

>> No.9750725


We're not, but by default that does not make us "allies" because I would rather Germany cease to exist than identify with retards like you.

>> No.9750791

>genetics aren't real
lmao. Hitler was the best thing to ever happen to you faggots.

>> No.9750792

I wish Europe was cool.

>> No.9750812

japan, cause its about presentation. anyway who cares?

>> No.9750976


No, genetics are very real. But there is no such thing as German genes. Open a biology/genetics textbook and show me where it says German genes are a thing please. What you are thinking about are DNA haplogroups.

>> No.9750980

usa because it has not defining culture everything is a meme

>> No.9750989

looks p good desu famalam

>> No.9751071


They value form over function, so you get pretty-looking stuff that doesn't taste very good.

t. 5/8ths german, 1/4 latvian, 1/16 swede, 1/16 livonian

>> No.9751079

>nuh-uh there are genes from the area, and genes that would come to define Germans ethnically, but since it isn't called "the german gene" my autism won't let this go!
You might be German yet anon.

>> No.9751101

Going by obesity rates usa has the highest rank so the food has the most tastiness and addictiveness level, with Mexico in second place. Going by hearsay the uk is known for having bland food in england and fatty foods in scotland and weird foods in ireland.

>> No.9751125
File: 21 KB, 275x183, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cali-roll is the to tier meme food.
Take perfect cusine, fuck with it to hide the nori on the inside bc Americans don't like the color/texture, charge 5-10x for it now the nori is hidden.
Truly the meme food to beat all meme foods.

>> No.9751342


Projecting. No matter how mad you get it doesn't change what is scientifically accurate. Go back to /pol/ and stormcuckland.

>> No.9751349

>there are genetic markers associated with central europeans
You people could shit yourselves over a sunrise I swear.

>> No.9751353


Yes there are genetic markers. None of them are strictly "German" because many other people of other nationalities have the exact same genes. Honestly I'm not even going to wish you ill will. Just open a book and learn facts not racially/politically motivated crap

>> No.9751661

it's supposed to be hot
this one doesn't seem to have Caraway in it, which will definitely help you with not farting like a machine.

>> No.9751685

Reverse maki was and is popular in Japan. It's not a Murica creation. The "meme" of a california roll is entirely about the ingredients and price.

>> No.9751901

is "jebem ti mater" serbian?

because it's exactly the same in slovak

>> No.9752182

What do you mean by "meme tier"? Laughable? If so the british, I don't count colonies because it would be too easy to bash them, they didn't have time to really developp their own food culture but brits have no excuse to eat so bad after having been influenced so much by their french rulers.

>> No.9752248

French spotted

>> No.9752489
File: 402 KB, 1600x1200, Karmėlavos_Cepelinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh blimps
They don't even taste good, I don't get our obsession with them.

>> No.9752522

Wow are you seriously that triggered? He was obviously joking you retarded shit

>> No.9752606
File: 555 KB, 609x722, 1463012266372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wich country has the most meme-tier cuisine?

Are you serious? It's very obviously the USA. It's obvious to anyone that's not American that you've literally just taken other countries' foods and put some retarded meme twist on them and that's 90% of American cuisine

>> No.9752636

AS much as I like it I'm gonna have to go with Japanese food here

>> No.9752649
File: 27 KB, 453x239, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balkan countries. Their national food is literally just sausages in a pita.

>> No.9752677

It is delicious though, you have to give them that.

>> No.9752723
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1200, Just_Another_Day_In_America.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gonna trigger lots of people, but whats the most meme-tier cuisine?

Sushi! Raw, nearly flavorless fish with rice, people lose their shit over it but to me, it's overpriced garbage.

>> No.9752786
File: 238 KB, 1337x1289, 1505582404359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America has always existed

Are you retarded? Of course our cuisine is based on things from other countries. Where do you think we came from?

>> No.9752940

>nearly flavorless fish
this post screams "everything I drink is ungodly sweet"

>> No.9752948
File: 208 KB, 800x600, ethiopian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethiopia, their entire cuisine is just different variations of mushy paste on a platter

>> No.9752949
File: 88 KB, 640x433, Dining In Hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Foods based on plants that only existed in North America until recently and are now staples in other countries.
>American food is based on.
You're idiots.

>> No.9752956

God, you are a raging faggot. The fact that this pisses Europeans of so effortlessly means something is wrong with you.

>> No.9753027

Have you tried it? Bloody tasty, wouldn't count as a meme

That injera bread it is on is great, there's a place near me (Eritrean though, not Ethiopian) that does those exact platters but with meats as well. They have this incredibly salty chewy lamb which sounds shit in text but is incredibly moreish, underrated cuisine imo.

Filipino is the biggest meme cuisine - I have some flip friends and they just throw all sorts of random shit together. Had a barbecue once at theirs and they had this huge lump of ham marinated in ketchup and honey and burnt to ash.

>> No.9753321

the cali roll was made by an asian dude in canada

>> No.9753790

Pretty much anything California.
>take food
>add avacado
>add bacon
mmm wow so umami

>> No.9753867

The Caribbeans. Perhaps Africans in general?

Chicken and bananas. Put a shitload of spices and sweet stuff into EVERYTHING.

>> No.9753875

Oh, and chink cuisine.

1. Pick random object (preferably dog)
2. Deep fry it
3. Sell it (on the street)
4. Profit

>> No.9754162

It's not warm it's just not meant to be served cold so the greater level of diffusion allows for you to taste the ape more, I can understand why Americans have their pish beer on ice to numb their taste buds though, you absolute fucking nonce.

>> No.9754177

Dog bless America :')

>> No.9754200

>Frogs literally call bongs "rosbifs" because the limeys introduced new cooking styles to them during the Hundred Years' War
>should've been influenced by their *danish descended Norman rulers*
I can tell you're Parisian, Jamal.

>> No.9754289

No that's what flyover "fine dining" calls California style. Same way they think battered toast and fried potatoes are "French" cuisine.

>> No.9754395

It's nearly the same in all slav languages.

>> No.9754404

>it's a threadful of amerimutts that think 1 food item from their local 3rd generation run ethnic deli is representative of entire cuisines engage in poltardian bickering episode
Why is every board overrun with edgy r/the_pol/ cretins?

>> No.9754591


>> No.9755067

>raw onion
People who eat them raw need to be executed.

>> No.9755130

>(((Pic unrelated)))
>proper name on file

>> No.9756131
File: 269 KB, 640x481, 1389915234569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a bunch of doody falling out of asshole

>> No.9756142
File: 360 KB, 1595x1080, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do any of you retards even know what meme cuisine is

america. it's obviously going to be fucking america fuck off with your retarded ass german sausages and serbian hamburgers those aren't memes

>> No.9756289
File: 48 KB, 600x800, 1484178445309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9756362

Great. Now I fucking want Irn-Bru

>> No.9756364


>> No.9756431

>normal looking bread roll
pita bread is flat you fucking gook

>> No.9756470

Japanese food.
No matter how refined and precise it is, I simply cannot enjoy it in general.
I much prefer Japanese-style stir fry inspired by Chinese cooking.

Italian restaurants. Don't get me wrong, I like it too but I don't love it. I simply almost never go to an Italian restaurant, I always feel getting ripped off. However a good Italian friend made fantastic pasta with fresh urchins we picked up from the sea and Gorgonzola. Jesus.

>> No.9757954

>flavorless fish

oh I thought it tasted like fish and rce

>> No.9759725

Explain the slice of orange

>> No.9759988

He took an orange and sliced it.

>> No.9760003

>a fake notion that it's elevated.
Maybe in the US, in Europe it's basically considered a tier above fast food.

>> No.9760074


>10 small dishes of pickled everything
>Some dishes you cook at your table
>Always expensive

Some is damn good, but fuck.

>> No.9760581

taste the ape? this has me interested
t. hue

>> No.9760787

Picka ti materina

>> No.9761889

Unironically USA. Steal cuisines from other countries, pump it with sugar and make it taste worse than it originally was.

>> No.9761980

This honestly only applies to American Chinese food (which is terrible, you're right).

>> No.9763142

>French """"""""""""cuisine""""""""""""
>"lmao just put a whole stick of butter or two in that pot"

>> No.9763485
File: 11 KB, 241x263, 1483762496722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amerifat with godtier Germanic heritage

>> No.9763511

Japan, it has some of the most uninteresting food there.
>drench shit in fats and oils to mask the bland food
>anything extra spicy is considered it has Tabasco on it
>most interesting food places are of restaurants copying other country's food
>portions are beyond fucked up when it comes to how dishes are made

>> No.9763527

I like the Omakase format but I feel like it would still work in other cuisines too.

I hope you die

>> No.9763531
File: 335 KB, 760x995, Vilhelm_Pedersen,_Kejserens_nye_klæder,_ubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Responding on tues. to a post made on sat. on a homo sapiens subcutaneous parasitic larva harvesting board


>> No.9763593

French without a doubt. Followed closely by Italian. Everyone seems to agree that French is the best cuisine when they haven't even made more than a few French dishes and had French food only a few times. The misconception that we all use "French" techniques which are techniques found in every cuisine on earth (except emulsification which I concede is probably French in origin).

The only reasopn French is so hyped is because of the Brit and consequently American upper-class' reverence of French food. Similarly American middle class' fondness of Italian has pushed it deep into memetic territory. Although in the case of Italian it's much more deserved.

>> No.9763931

>>most interesting food places are of restaurants copying other country's food
Like what?

>> No.9764151

>Ramen and Gyoza
Chinese origins
Tempura was introduced to Japan by Argentinians
The reastaraunt that created the Tonkatsu in Japan was a Western restaraunt that started selling Tonkatsu during the 40s when beef was to rare to create steak

And I can go on

>> No.9764242

French is the basis of American cooking imo.

the five base sauces are used pretty regularly and i think more Americans can list more french foods than german, especially if you consider "roast chicken" a French dish....which i do

>> No.9764252

you realise that Italian food isn't only pasta, right?

>> No.9764258

is it meant to be squeezed over the dish? or is that just garnish?

>> No.9764286

The Virgin Steak

The Chad Organ Meat

>> No.9764338

America, obviously.
They seem to think anyone else likes their food, yet are always in a denial that it's true.

>> No.9764667
File: 159 KB, 1124x598, amerimutt24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trust me, i am german

>> No.9766364

>form over function
I'm three quarters Japanese and this is Jap cuisine in a nutshell. The only Asian cuisine that's worse is probably Mongolian.

>> No.9766426

>Flüchtlinge willkommen

>> No.9766434

On average how many loads does your State-mandated syrian bull pump into your sweet little blonde maiden per day?

>> No.9766447

>so Scandinavians and central European Germanic countries have the same genetic make up?


>> No.9766545


>> No.9766664

I wonder what kind of drugs this guy is on

>> No.9766698

>can’t even into French cooking

>> No.9766748

It’s fruit, he’s going to eat it

>> No.9766876

What's the other quarter?

>> No.9766910

Yes, of course I do. Hence why "Italian restaurants".

>> No.9768068

what Italian restaurants are you going to that don't have pasta and main course options?

even the olive garden menu is set up so that you get bread, soup/salad, pasta, and then a main. (obviously it's huge amounts of shitty food, but in normal circumstances you share the pasta and then get your protein/fish course)

i agree paying restaurant prices for just a pasta dish is a waste of money, but that's not how you eat Italian food.

>> No.9768078

a single warm orange slices is supposed to represent the fruit/veg portion of this meal? i find that hard to believe, it looks like garnish either to add color or to add flavor when squeezed over the dish