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File: 303 KB, 750x600, 3-Tree-House.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9725742 No.9725742 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to beer general, the #1 place to complain about hipsters and their IPAs.

Thread topic: How has the recent trend of NEIPAs affected your mental health?

Leave your dessert stouts at the door also.

Discord: https://discord.gg/BacBbG4

>> No.9725744

Why americans love their ipas so much? Why won't they accept the superiority of belgian beers?

>> No.9725753

Not that Belgians are actually superior, but it's ignorance.

>> No.9725757

>complaining about IPAs
what's it like having defective tastebuds?

>> No.9725766

Name ONE good Ipa

>> No.9725775

damn u got me smdh haha lmao

>> No.9725776

i live in Massachusetts, i love NEIPA. but then again there's not too many styles i dont love

>> No.9725788

dogfish head 60 minute IPA

>> No.9725791

Epic Static

>> No.9725796
File: 619 KB, 1488x1984, grimbergen noel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having this Belgian Christmas beer. It's alright; sweet and mellow, hints of fruit, very tiny hint of licorice. It's one of those beers that people who normally don't like beer might still like.

As for IPAs, I love a GOOD one, but the market is so full of shitty ones that a lot of people probably end up thinking all IPAs are shit. It's a shame.
The, at times, cancerous fanbase probably doesn't help matters.

>> No.9725797

i had some treehouse green and haze yesterday. top notch

>> No.9725804

I found the regular version at my supermarket, is it good? I've never heard it.

>> No.9725812


>> No.9725866

Are IPAs and weed the same thing because it kind of seems like it

>> No.9725892

they share similar characteristics, as hops and weed both belong to the cannabaceae family

>> No.9725905
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for Christmas Eve

>> No.9725924

I am going to Boston in a couple weeks, what beer should I try and find? Any brewery I should particularly try and visit?

>> No.9725927

Americans drink a lot of Belgian beer, if anything the craft beer crowd in America overrates Belgian beer (not to imply it isn't legitimately good though)

>> No.9725945

It's not bad. I expected it to be a bit more characterful than it turned out to be. You can definitely find beers in the same price- and alcohol range with more flavour, but it's pleasant-tasting and inoffensive enough.
I'm mostly drinking them right now because I'm visiting my mother in the country and the local grocery store has a very very limited selection of beers. It's pretty much either Grimbergen or Carlsberg.

>> No.9725967

Fuckin A

Enjoy that for me, anon.

>> No.9726038

Just turned 21, so I'm no longer stuck with the piss I could come across. What should I go out and buy if I've only had light American beers and Heineken?
I live in Dallas, Texas if anyone knows good local stuff.

>> No.9726069

I'd agree with that. I don't know how many times I've seen someone jerk off to the name St. Bernardus alone.

>> No.9726072

Ghost in the Machine

>> No.9726076

Sort of got into variety beer in the past year, are there any specific christmas or winter themed beers to look out for this season?

>> No.9726080

Sam Adams Winter Lager and Traveler Winter Shandy are my go-tos.

>> No.9726136

Lakewood and Revolver are both pretty good, just avoid Deep Ellum Brewing Co.

>> No.9726188

I had their Blood and Honey last night, and it tasted like a dessert. I'll get around to their other stuff next.
What's the best offering Lakewood has? I see they have variety, but what do they do best?

>> No.9726387

The Revolver Bock is excellent but I'd sooner save my money and just buy Shiner instead. The Sidewinder is a fantastic pale ale if you're partial to those. As for Lakewood I've only had the Temptress, but it was pretty good. A little on the sweet side but not by milk stout standards, and the texture is miraculous.

>> No.9726418
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It has a gay label, but it's genuinely really good

9% alcohol, fucks your shit right up and I usually drink like 6+ shots of vodka every night, but trying to transition to beer to live longer and this stuff is doing it for me.

>> No.9726475
File: 34 KB, 800x800, weihensteph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was you once, get a real hefeweizen, it will change how you think of beer. It's really good, nothing like a lager. I think a lot of stores carry Weihenstephaner, I can get it where I live, but it's a pretty beer savvy city.

However, do not get Widmer, it's trash.

New Belgium is great. Their Trippel is seriously one of the best beers I've ever had out of a grocery store, look for it anon.

>> No.9726525
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>> No.9726556

Does Shiner taste better than Revolver Bock too or is it just a price thing?

I've yet to try any hefeweizen, but I know my mom likes it so I'll ask her what she likes if I can't find Weihenstephaner.

>> No.9726565

>if I can't find Weihenstephaner.
It shouldn't be tough to find

>> No.9726580

Shiner is hard to beat in my book but they're basically the same thing

>> No.9726587
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Had this recently, it was good.

>> No.9726665

These are everywhere right now in 32oz bottles. I'd rather have Sucks back

>> No.9726752

recommend me some IPAs that don't taste overwhelmingly like pine trees

>> No.9726760

anything not from California

>> No.9726761

Any of the Dogfish offerings. I've only had the 60 minute but I've heard good things about all of them

>> No.9726808

i think you might be right mostly
sierra nevada torpedo - tree sap in a can
lagunitas ipa - not much better
stone ripper - decent
ballast point sculpin - delicious, citrusy

i'll check it out, thank you

>> No.9726885

Basically there are 3 main stains of IPA (its actually much more complicated, but simplifying things)
Aggressively bitter, piney resinous, minimal malt character West Coast Style (See Stone IPA or Lagunitas)
Medium bitter, more aromatic, more citrusy, maltier midwest style stuff (See Toppling Goliath or Zombie Dust)
Not at all bitter, super cloudy, juicy Northeast IPA (See the OP and all the Vermont stuff)

Personally, West Coast style is not nearly as good as the other types of IPA. Probably an early adopter thing, the West coast was the first to popularize IPA, so a lot of their flagships became popular before more modern trends and better hops (Citra and mosaic most notably) became available. Luckily for all of us, you can get all sorts of IPA anywhere, various styles are just more or less common. Pretty much everyone is making a NEIPA now

>> No.9728335

Moylan's Harvest IPA
Tiny Rebel Clwb Tropicana

>> No.9728402

I fucking hate beer but the ballast points are almost all tasty.

>> No.9728432

anchorage brewing is the best!

>> No.9728436

second only to wisco brews... imo ofc

>> No.9728457

Ballast point blows

>> No.9728711

In all seriousness how long until the IPA meme dies? I just hate how every brewery in the US will make like 10 generic IPAS and maybe 1 other style. The top tier IPAs are good, but 95% of IPAs are complete garbage.

>> No.9729222

i was disappointed by their mango even keel and watermelon dorado, they were both lacking in flavor and just tasted of hops

>> No.9729353

It's already over at any halfway decent/up to date brewery.

>> No.9729384
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what's for dessert boyos

>> No.9729389

what's the next big meme then?

>> No.9729619

fruit beers will probably rebound briefly for a bit, then some other dumb ass thing. i hope stouts and porters get popular.

>> No.9729711

NEIPA, dessert stouts, sours (maybe, hopefully, please god)

>> No.9730105

What's a good beer termomether?

>> No.9730208

Heavy meme stouts are still very popular. Sours, lagers, infusions, barrel aged shit.
Really anything breweries can do to set themselves apart. There are so many breweries now I think they're actually being forced to compete and experiment with new or obscure styles.

>> No.9730210
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I use this one.

>> No.9730376

What's a dessert stout tho

>> No.9730397

A stout brewed in the dessert with sand and shit.

>> No.9730439


All of these are already meme tier garbage

>> No.9730684

>Americans drink a lot of Belgian beer, if anything the craft beer crowd in America
This. We have massive circlejerks over stuff like Chimay, Bernardus, Rochefort, and whatever.

IPA's are cheaper though.

>> No.9730690

Can't go wrong with Bell's Two Hearted.
>As for IPAs, I love a GOOD one, but the market is so full of shitty ones that a lot of people probably end up thinking all IPAs are shit. It's a shame. The, at times, cancerous fanbase probably doesn't help matters.

>> No.9730710

Have to agree on Bell's. But, if you are a brewery and you aren't doing IPA, you are hurting your bottom line! It sucks that there are so many BAD IPA out in the states, but I have to admit in the past like 15 years the taste of them have radically transformed. Love or hate them, they have changed the way people think about beer and crafting beer in the States.

>> No.9731692
File: 152 KB, 721x1280, lmbguz2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on these two beers?
i made another beer general without realising this was up, so just ignore it guys!

>> No.9731722



>> No.9731727

goddamn i just wrote out a long bullshit reply on it

>> No.9731732

my bad! i have tried mariage parfait did not enjoy it really too fruity imo. i have not tried the black label though will have to look for some

>> No.9731733


>> No.9731738

did you have the kriek mariage parfait then instead of the gueuze? gueuze one is way better imo even tho i do enjoy kriek.

>> No.9731764

i think it was the kriek yes. i am not a fan of the overly fruity sours. i prefer the dry tart ones. have you tried 'duchess de bourgogne'? i did not enjoy it because of its almost prune/fig flavour. but i can definitely see its attraction for those into the more fruity flavoured lambic/gueuze

>> No.9731809

Both are solid lambics. Cuvee René is one of my favourite go to beers since it's cheap as fuck over here.

>> No.9731993

So it's nigger beer

>> No.9732095

Very nice beers anon! I am pretty jealous. I have only got a bottle of adnams dry hopped lager and a can of adnams rye IPA.

>> No.9732287
File: 358 KB, 620x928, dsdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Splurged on a bottle of this. Saving it for a particularly cold night. Can't wait to try it

I've had a couple Trillium beers. The double IPA was kinda gross but the APA (Fort Point) was amazing. Wouldn't go out of my way for them but when I'm in Boston again I'll see what they have in stock.

If you're in the Summit distribution area their Winter Ale is fantastic

Not a fan but New Belgium in general ain't bad. Abbey is super good

I'm a big fan of doing this with Tallgrass Buffalo Sweat

>> No.9732302
File: 374 KB, 1599x1109, recent haul .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuvee rene is fantastic, probably my favorite shelfie beer

>> No.9732320
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I am drinking Noise by Finback right now. A grisette brewed with earl gray tea and lemon rind. it is pretty good, could maybe use some brett or something to make it great but it is solid, just not rustic enough.

However, what I am really looking forward to is pic related, Zodiacal Light - a mixed fermentation wheat saison aged in wine, brandy, and bourbon barrels finished with chamomile and honey. Lots of different thing going on but apparently it works.

Trying to save it for thanksgiving.

Gueuzes are the best. Cuvee Rene is a great, affordable, entry level gueuze, but the Hanssens Oude Gueuze is far superior.

I had some Cantillon the other week. It is as good as everybody hypes it up to be, definitely try and find some if you can.

>> No.9732606

wow that label is ugly as hell

>> No.9732645

What's a good beer for someone who really only likes Whiskey and hard cider? I bought a 6 pack of Rebel IPA earlier but it tastes disgusting. Whiskey is starting to lose its taste on me since my last birthday, now everything just tastes like I'm drinking curry

>> No.9732684

Gueuze and most sour beers a whiskey drinker will probably appreciate

>> No.9732706

Sounds interesting. One of the best meads I ever made I used chamomile flowers during fermentation. Definitely an underused herb in brewing.

>> No.9732714

Chamomile has a very strong and distinct taste when brewed with and I personally like it a lot. I have had a handful of chamomile beers and liked them all.

Now that I think of it, sounds great in a mead too.

>> No.9732760
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I heard you guys like beer

>> No.9732766
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>> No.9732831

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year by Anchor is pretty good

>> No.9732839

I'm so sick of Belgian beer. I want a plain ale and all I can find is gay Belgian shit with spices and garbage in it. Belgian beer is just as much a meme as IPA.

>> No.9732846
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>> No.9733038

I genuinely prefer regular Darkness. I think the barrel aging takes away a lot of the complexity. It's still a great beer though.
This double shot has been getting a lot of attention lately. I hope I can find a bottle eventually. Bent paddle and thirsty pagan are the two stops I always make on the north shore

>> No.9733048

show tits

>> No.9733179

if all you can find is Belgian shit you probably need to get out of Belgium

>> No.9733211

Could I get some suggestions for porters and stouts, and maybe some good lagers as well.

>> No.9733237
File: 101 KB, 640x640, New Glarus Black Top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the only good black IPA?

>> No.9733244

anon, there aren't any good black IPAs

although leave it up to fuckin New Glarus to make one desu

>> No.9733478

I'm a man.

>> No.9733499

for me, it's anchorage brewing company.
in particular, their black sour

>> No.9733577

Iambics are gayy

>> No.9733615

Looks like abv

>> No.9733743
File: 129 KB, 800x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Founders Centennial IPA I

Pick it up its breddy gud buh wha da ai know

>> No.9735125
File: 1.25 MB, 1936x1936, Cervejaria-Dogma-Cafuza-12[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure what you mean

Plenty of good black ipas out there, just maybe not where you live.

Pic related

>> No.9735143

Come on over to MN, Indeed has a pretty good black IPA

>> No.9735192


You mean Somalia.

>> No.9735244

>le Somalia meme
Pretty sure this state is still 90% white if you're that scared of minorities

>> No.9735409

>not being aware of the negro menace

Good luck in the coming years.

>> No.9735503

>people actually take /pol/ seriously

>> No.9735527

Blacks are afraid of mostly white communities. There are some in vermont that want to move out because there isn't any black culture.

>> No.9735528

I tried Furious Black the other day and was pretty disappointed, I thought I had lost the taste for Black IPA until I saw New Glarus Black Top

>> No.9735534 [DELETED] 
File: 205 KB, 1280x800, Nazer ki kamzori ka ilaj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazar Ki Kmazori Ka Free Ilaj | Eyes Weakness Treatment In Urdu Hindi | NY |

>> No.9735537

>he doesn't believe in statistics
>he denies reality

That must be why 80% of homicides are committed by blacks and why their 2nd preferred racial group is whites (after themselves, lyl)

>> No.9735541

If you paid me I could ship some to you.
Then again, you have no reason to believe that I'd send the item to you because this is the internet, even though I'm not a nignog and I'd actually do it because I want to share great beer from my country with anons.

Anyway, see if you can get your hands on it
Dogma Cafuza https://untappd.com/b/cervejaria-dogma-cafuza/287662

>> No.9735561

I might be interested in some sort of beer trade, but not sure how that would work logistically

>> No.9735583

>but not sure how that would work logistically

This is what kills it for me.
I've no idea how we could do this, and it also doesn't help that I've not yet shipped anything overseas...

I supposed it can't be that hard though, I have an agency right next to my house, I'll ask them how the procedures work next time I pass by.

It could be something like
Choose a style, Stout, IPA whatever
we exchange beer based on that style.
Something along those lines...

>> No.9735613

I'm not denying there's a problem in the black community, but I'm not going to be a little bitch and run away from every black person I see.

>> No.9735632 [DELETED] 

Here in maryland literally every brewery has 2-10 good ipas. Sours are getting popular too, all i want are some good belgians, goldens, and hefeweisens. Which are incredibly hit/miss by these same brewers

>> No.9735637 [DELETED] 

New label? All ive seen are the red labeled ones. This stuff is top tier for its price/ availability

>> No.9735649
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Just had this recently...its like the other breweries in the Midwest aren't even trying compared to Toppling Goliath

>> No.9735657
File: 41 KB, 480x480, DDH Sue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much did you pay for it? I love Toppling Goliaths various pale ales, but that stuff is absurdly expensive.
The DDH Pseudo Sue is the best though

>> No.9735725


I won the raffle to but mornin delight directly from the brewery. I think it was 100 bucks for four bottles and two of those glasses.

I enjoy the DDH Pseudo sue as well, but definitely prefer king sue and a new one they did recently called supa sumo. Difficult to find that stuff outside of iowa.

But at least the canned stuff is finally going to be coming directly from the brewery now, they're ditching the Florida contracted brewer. Definitely going to see a big increase in quality soon

>> No.9735734

I fucking hate this. I also live in Maryland and every brewer has 10 IPA that they sell all year and then only 1 or 2 other beers that they only see for a limited time. Craft beer might as well just be called the IPA industry at this point.

>> No.9735815

Come to Austin and try Live Oak Hefeweizen. Top rated American wheat beer. Not available in Dallas anymore but some day.

Don't drink Blood and Honey. Revolver is big business bullshit beer now and owned by Miller. People only drink Blood and Honey because the ABV is so high.

>> No.9735913

I'm in Milwaukee and most of their stuff has been decently easy to find here for the last year or two, though the real limited release stuff sells out decently quickly

>> No.9735922

Si that an East coast thing?
I mean everyone likes IPAs and every new brewery has to have a good one starting off, but I can't ever recall seeing a brewery around here with upwards of 50% IPA

>> No.9735990

lmao o oo o

Just stay in St. Paul or Duluth with the rest of the meth-addict white people if it gets your jimmies that jingled. Still plenty of good beer

I haven't tried Furious Black but I'm not huge on Furious in the first place. I'll see if I can find some Black Top next time I'm in WI

>> No.9736016

I just like light beers like coors,bud, Corona

Am I gay /CK/?

>> No.9736024

nah you're cool

shock top w/ an orange slice is the gay move

>> No.9736085

nah, gay people prefer wine

>> No.9736110

Probably, but not because of your choice in beer

>> No.9736127

Stouts > overly hopped IPAs

>> No.9736128

I like most types of beer, but drink exclusively really hoppy IPAs when I'm drinking with friends because none of them like super bitter beers and they won't drink mine if they finish theirs first.

>> No.9736152

on that note, I always keep some nice stout at my parents house because I know no matter how long I go between having a drink there no one living there will drink it and it will never go bad. Currently have a few 4 packs of Breakfast Stout waiting

>> No.9736427

>People only drink Blood and Honey because the ABV is so high
It's 7%, that's not considered high tho. Also the ratings aren't that high for the beer. Are you sure it's popular?

>> No.9736439


>he doesn't get the orange for fear of being judged

what a faggot. What else am I supposed to throw at people when I'm done drinking my beer?

>> No.9736461

Your political views

>> No.9736809

Cigar City IPA and Moritz Red IPA

>> No.9736815

Try a Collective Witbier, and try their Helles they're tasty.

Live Oak Hefeweizen is a must try, but it's not distributed North of Austin.

I've always been partial to Martin House, but no one else seems to think much of them. Try their Riven House Saison, and their Salty Lady Gose.

Lakewood Temptress is a solid local milk stout

>> No.9736821

North of Waco*

>> No.9736928

A local "tap room" has Temptress for $6 a pint. Should I pay for the draft or just get a pack?

>> No.9736971
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i have been drinking this pecan beer that is local to NM, as i am here for work. its amazing, nice and pecan tasting with strong enough spice notes to be pie like but neither an overpowering flavor or sweet. i esp like it over ice, as i do all my beer; fite me.

>> No.9736980

Singles and I'll hit up the beer store right now

>> No.9737090


Cuvee rene is underrated....sure you're not drinking a cantillon but its a decent placeholder

>> No.9737184

I bought molson ^_^

>> No.9737241

Noice. It's a better Coors banquet, which is already solid.

>> No.9737277
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>so afraid of black people he sees them everywhere in a state that's 85% white

>> No.9737296

>Just stay in St. Paul or Duluth with the rest of the meth-addict white people

As a St. Paul resident I take exception to this. I'm not meth-addicted, I'm an alcoholic, god dammit! Why do you think I'm in the beer thread?

>> No.9737305
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>> No.9737315

I fucking love this beer. It was such a pleasant surprise. Surly can be really hit-or-miss, and they hit this one out of the park.

>> No.9737424
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got this yesterday and only tried the Abt 12, but my god was it godly. maybe I should've left it for last.

>> No.9737433
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An unlikely combination that is actually excellent.

>> No.9737520

I've never tried anything from St. Bernardus except their Christmas Ale, which I loved. It was like a barely-sweet ginger cookie or cake. Very Christmas-y.

>> No.9737585

I put off trying it forever just because I find Surly absurdly overpriced and overrated, but yeah that is a great beer. They're also the only brewery who will get 20$+ out of me for one bottle of beer (darkness). It's a love hate thing.

>> No.9737590
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>mfw Surly Smoke is nowhere to be found anymore

>> No.9737604
File: 1.29 MB, 626x1076, Screenshot-2017-11-22 Barrel Aged Headbutter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought a barleywine aged 30 months in rye whiskey barrels. Sounds like it should be pretty awesome

>> No.9737629

actually bourbon barrels, it was rye last year's release

>> No.9737908

Holy shit, I can report this is really good

>> No.9737950

Give me some beers for annual Fuck Indians day.

>> No.9738059

Cabin fever from new holland

>> No.9738129
File: 38 KB, 450x450, brew-share-enjoy-starter-kit_price.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on how to get started homebrewing?

>> No.9738143

Piss in a jar, store in dark basement for a month or two, strain any growth out of the liquid, transfer piss from jar to bottle, sell, profit.

>> No.9739977

7% is high. Average ABV is between 4-6%. "session" beers are always under 5.5 or so for a reason. Blood and Honey isn't really popular with beer nerds but regular old people going to bars to get drunk see it and use it to get drunk quick.

>> No.9740227

If by average you mean amongst macros. 7% is pretty average for a good beer

>> No.9740491

I don't live there, actually, I live in a place with more black people in general than the entirety of the USA.

I was just making an observation.

>> No.9740545

DDH Galaxy is goat

>> No.9740556
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I fucked up. This tastes like shit.

>> No.9740612

Cheeky monkey is a really low key restaurant/brewery around Fenway (near other shit to sightsee at)

>> No.9740621

>can’t into double ipas
Is it that you can’t handle flavor or alcohol?
Tastelet or Manlet, make your choice

>> No.9740639
File: 83 KB, 640x640, king Sue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like double IPAs a lot, its just West Coast style IPAs typically aren't as good as midwestern and northeastern ones. Not that they are bad, just less good

Not sure why you even came to the conclusion that I was talking about double IPAs when the post was just talking about straight IPA, but regardless of whether it is a regular IPA or double the trend holds true

>> No.9740646

He's probably just a retarded Californian.

>> No.9740693

I would think double ipa because that’s kind of their thing, ipa-wise. I’d recommend looking at brewers who are more concerned with flavor than ”truhdishun” like Karl Strauss for examples of less hipstery double ipas

>> No.9740699

I’m not retarded I’m drunk

>> No.9740711

Founders All Day

>> No.9740713

and Californian. So you're retarded. I know it's a hard fact to live with, but it's the truth.

>> No.9741546
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Homebrew NEIPA once again. Nelson is the hop for me!

>> No.9742182

how common are belgian beers outside of belgium actually?
grimbergen is low-tier stuff over here for example, surprised they even export

>> No.9742503
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What do you guys think?

>> No.9742535

Cool artwork

>> No.9742599
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I avoid IPAs and even I know Two Hearted Ale and Sculpin are good.

I need more of this beer in my life.

>> No.9742712

Dogfish Head 60 minute, Founder's All Day are both good and not memes

>> No.9742748

Belgian beers are extremely common in America, though typically they cost much more than American beers of equal quality. Any decent liquor store and many grocery stores will have a decent selection, and any good beer bar will have some

>> No.9742752

Among hardcore beer enthusiasts, yes, but I hardly see anyone drink Belgians in real life. Usually macros like Bud Light, sometimes American craft beer like Lagunitas.

>> No.9742759

that's not true, that's only average for IPAs

APAs, craft lagers, non-imperial stouts, etc. are usually less than that

>> No.9742771

I'd say 6-8% is the typical craft beer range, with sessions beers being less and imperial or double whatevers being more
There are many exceptions of course

>> No.9742831

>extremely common

Not true

>> No.9742845

Pretty much every non-rural American is within a 10 minute drive of a shop selling them (rural Americans not being 10 minutes away from anything), shit, even most shitty super markets have a bunch, and most mid-high tier bars will have at least a small selection of good belgian beers. Some Belgian brewers have really great distribution networks

>> No.9742929

I would say most beer stores have them, but not a huge selection usually. Plus I rarely see them at bars. And I don't live in some bumblefuck area either.

>> No.9743175

Americans love IPAs because they're basically the polar opposite of american adjunct lagers

>> No.9743248

and because the are good
American craft beer drinkers love IPAs, but they also love stouts more than anyone else, and belgian beer more than anyone outside Belgium. Americans just like drinking good beer more than Europeans do, but you are right, this is because of how shitty and how dominant terrible lager has been. While the lager dominating Europe is still pretty shitty, its not nearly as bad so there wasn't nearly as strong push toward actual good beer (its happening though)

>> No.9743391
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Stout = Sours > Doppelbock > Porter > Dark Ales > Brown Ales > Black Lager > Dark Wheats > Wheats > Barleywine > Red Ales > Amber Ales > Pale Ales > Lagers > Malt Liquor > Shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IPAs

>> No.9743416


>> No.9743427
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>> No.9743446

Right for the most part. Sours are goat. Fuck IPAs.

>> No.9743453

barleywine way too low
also IPA is fine, stop being such a contrarian

>> No.9743460
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>he is incapable on appreciating a whole spectrum of things because he has been cucked into a hyper-competitive mindset

>> No.9743495

Sours are fucking disgusting. They belong with IPAs. Rauchbiers are GOAT tier though.

>> No.9743884

The overwhelming majority of Americans drink shitty macro beer like Bud Light

But the same could be said for Europeans and Carlsberg

>> No.9743934
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What's a good Swedish beer that hasn't been retired yet?

>> No.9744233

What's that type of glass called? I really like that shape but I can't find it.

>> No.9744350

it's a type of snifter

>> No.9744463
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>brewed with earl gray tea and lemon rind
>mixed fermentation wheat saison aged in wine, brandy, and bourbon barrels finished with chamomile and honey

mercans and their alcoholic soda pops lmao

>> No.9744842

that beer doesn't even sound like it would be particularly sweet

>> No.9745031

is it bad that I prefer pseudo sue over king sue

it's just...too much

idk brandy or honey alone make beer pretty sweet, although they've been in stouts and lagers I've tried, respectively, not saisons.

>> No.9745062

>I had some Cantillon the other week. It is as good as everybody hypes it up to be, definitely try and find some if you can.
I had a kriek from Cantillon last week. I'm normally not that into kriek and a glass costs €8, but it's Cantillon so I got one anyway. Worth every penny, blew me away. Cantillon delivers every time.

>> No.9745309

Its not exactly bad, Pseudo Sue is an amazing beer. I'd pick King Sue over it but both are amazing
Have you had the DDH sue?

>> No.9745316

Saisons are typically fairly dry, though a rather broad category. The finished with honey part is a little concerning, but hopefully they just mean for bottle conditioning

>> No.9745333
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anyone doing and Black Friday beer release thngs? Just got back from this

>> No.9745794

I haven't, is that the one that usually comes in 750ml? I don't see it too often but I'd like to pick it up sometime

>> No.9746153

yeah. comes in the 22oz bottles. They also do Mosaic and Galaxy Dry Hop versions, but the double dry hop (citra) is the best

>> No.9746216
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I love this stuff.

>> No.9746550

I can't fucking believe they dropped Krampus for this shit. They stopped making the best Christmas beer to chase after that precious Suburban Mom market

>> No.9746559

Barleywine is life

>> No.9746710

>tfw getting drunk and watching beer reviews on youtube

anyone else do this? its so comfy

>> No.9746994

I like Special K for beer reviews. Fun people.

>> No.9747397
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Drinking this right now. Can someone tell me what the appeal of mud cake tasting beer is? It literally just tastes like mud cake.

>> No.9747552

Tried Alaskan Smoked Porter tonight. Weird stuff but I didn't mind it. My uncle had been hyping it up to me for a while, it really...just tastes like smoke

Alright, I just back home for winter break and I can check out my local store, I've seen it there before. Thanks for the push

I don't mind Greg's Beer Reviews now and then, especially for beers I've had

>> No.9747825


God Tier:
>Imperial Stouts
>Barrel Aged beer

Great Tier:
>Farmhouse Ales

Good Tier:
>Wheat beer
>Amber Ales

Okay Tier:
>Pale Ales
>Blonde Ales
>Fruit beer

Bad Tier:
>Red Ales

Shit Tier:

>> No.9748108

Ronald Theriot is my favorite even though he's kind of autistic

>> No.9748110

>beer autist

>> No.9748189

>dislikes IPAs
>hates sours
>thinks 'barrel aged beer' is a style
Confirmed for massive retard.

>> No.9748193

Because it tastes like pecan mud cake beer?

Tastes pretty amazing to me.

>> No.9748230

Sours are not for everyone, I personally find them to be too vinous for my liking

>> No.9748244

Fair enough, but to rank beer at least semi-objectively it makes sense to rank the most complex styles as best, such as imperial IPAs, imperial stouts and sours.

>> No.9748247

I've been into craft beer for 7 years now and I don't agree with that, I think it's a matter of personal preference.

Part of what makes a beer outstanding in my opinion is the balance, the imperial beers tend to be total palate bombs and not necessarily enjoyable for more than half a glass.

>> No.9748256

>Part of what makes a beer outstanding in my opinion is the balance
While balance is ultimately important, I would still rate complexity as of higher importance.

>the imperial beers tend to be total palate bombs and not necessarily enjoyable for more than half a glass
I completely understand your point. You could extrapolate what I said to also include regular IPAs and stouts. Bigger definitely doesn't mean better, I agree. It's just that large scope for flavour allows for complexity to more easily shine through.

Perhaps a wine analogy would be comparing a heavy Bordeaux to a lighter but equally complex Burgundy.

>> No.9748276

Yes, I think you can place IPAs and stouts at the top, I just personally think that imperials are less versatile. I could be wrong about this, but the more intense styles might make it harder to pick up on the subtleties.

>> No.9748480

>not enjoying every beer style when it's done well

>> No.9748512

this. except NEIPAs aren't bad necessarily, I like Dogfishead 60 minute more than any West Coast IPA that I've had

>> No.9748542
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Really excited to try one of the Bourbon Counties. First official release in Australia!

>> No.9748552
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>barleywine lower than tripels
>barrel aged as a style
>""""wheat beer""""
>pilsners lower than lagers
>shit tier sours
why would you think your opinions matter when you're obviously a newbie pleb

>> No.9748558

Any of you guys have a solid recommendation for a sour?

>> No.9748562

lots of books you could read

>> No.9748566

had this the other day. not their best. reminded me too much of artificial hazelnut coffee creamer. they excel in their IPAs but i've had multiple stouts from them and every time i do, i regret paying so much.

>> No.9748567

Where do you live senpai?

Sours aren't widely distributed globally much at all.

>> No.9748595

I want to learn about some beers that aren't either sticky pinecone sodas, chocolate coffee milkshakes, or rotten vinegar champagne

>> No.9748604

It's crazy how fuckin popular Bud Light is in the US

With all the craft beer available, I still see so much Bud Light being ordered at bars. At least Budweiser tastes like beer, Bud Light is basically seltzer.

>> No.9748625

Try lagers

>> No.9748659

Sculpin is highly overrated.

>> No.9748665

stop drinking craft beer and get some classic european imports

>> No.9748672

Bought that exact kit for my buddy as a house warming gift. Doesn't come with a thermometer and hydrometer, so you gotta buy those separately. However, if you only buy beer kits, then the hydrometer isn't really needed. Doing gravity reads is really for when your getting into custom brewed wort.

Question for the home brewers out there. I was going to add a splash of honey when I dry hop. Could I put a tiny bit more yeast in as well?

>> No.9748678

I actually like craft beer a lot, I just think that these threads revolve too much around the super robust styles. I'd like to hear more about pale ales, craft lagers, non hop-bomb IPAs, non milkshake stouts, all sorts of blonde/brown ales, etc.

>> No.9748679

East coast, I've only tried a few myself but Victory's sour is the best one I've had so far but it's damn pricey

>> No.9748684

Anchor brewing is good. Also scrimshaw by North coast brewing is probably the best American pilsner I've ever had.

>> No.9748708

Follow the directions for brewing. The real trick is in the aging. Make sure you have a dark >65°f place to let it rest. Do yourself a favor and get a hydrometer so you can check the gravity of your brew and thus know when it's perfectly dry. Don't check before 9 days unless your fermentation temp was above the aforementioned 65° (higher temps=faster yeast growth but also skunky beer)

Next tip is to do a rack with siphon into your second bucket but that's pretty common knowledge.

>> No.9748809

Drie Fonteinen Geuze
Boon Oude Geuze

>> No.9748933

Dogfish 60 isn't a NEIPA though. It's an IPA made near New England in the west coast style

I'd be interested in what he means by lager, as well. Would I put oktoberfest over pilsner? Yeah maybe, but never a California Common

Where do you live senpai

>> No.9748934


>> No.9749013

>stop drinking craft beer and get some classic european imports
haha, no one should ever do this

>> No.9749046

except for a man who's sick of flashy beers and wants something more balanced, which happens to be that anon

>> No.9749056

except only a small percentage of craft beer is the super flashy stuff, its just often the most interesting so it gets the most attention here
You are much better off buying some local American lager or pale ale or red ale, then going to some mediocre and overpriced import

>> No.9750355
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>> No.9750449
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I am drinking three pale ales tonight.

LIC - Coded Tiles
Springdale Brewing - Ain't That Remarkable
Foreign Objects - Green Galaxy

All of them in the NE style but the hop profiles are all totally different. All pretty good too.

>> No.9750678

Is New Glarus Spotted Cow actually good? Can't find it anywhere in SoCal.

>> No.9750698

New Glarus doesn't distribute outside of their home state of Wisconsin

>> No.9750756

Its very good for its style, though not a particularly sexy style. The best thing about it is that people who like good beer and people who mostly just drink Miller Lite can both enjoy it, and its converted many a middle aged women (peak lite beer territory) in Wisconsin to start moving toward good beer.
Most of New Glarus's other beers are better though

>> No.9750770

I've heard good things about their Wisconsin Belgian Red. Which is the one beer from them I really want to try.

>> No.9750776

Yeah, its great. They are really one of the pioneers of American Sour beers, their whole line of sour fermented fruit beers are excellent and they have been making some of them since the 90s (plus they aren't nearly as expensive as most other beers of that style)

>> No.9750784

My god that is an amazing mix-pack.

>> No.9750787

this, he's a fucking retard with the tastebuds of a 14 year old and was probably drinking natty lite 2 months ago but suddenly thinks he's "figured out" craft beer enough to go on inane diatribes like this in front of strangers at the bar

>> No.9750801

excellent taste friendo
their fruit beers and thumbprint series are way better than their other shit

>> No.9750804

don't fuck it up.

actual tip: get into kegging, ASAP. bottle buckets are inviting infection and natural carbonation is a pain in the ass. Just pour out of picnic taps from a cold basement or $100 fridge if you have to. Don't have to get fancy.

use starsan and PBW to clean and sanitize.

>> No.9750807

Vermont, checking in. Or maybe New Hampshire.

>> No.9750814
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My first beer after a busy day, followed it up with two 12oz Celebration IPAs. Feeling pretty good, might have something more.

NEIPAs can eat my ass, they all taste like mimosas.

>> No.9750830
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literally kill yourself

>> No.9751046

Just had my first IPA yesterday: a Goose IPA. I can see how you could acquire a taste for them, but I'm just not big on the bitter/grassy flavors. Then again, I had to have a shitload of sugar and cream when I started drinking coffee, but now I take it black, so I might eventually acquire a taste for IPAs. That in mind, I'll probably keep testing the waters for a while. You guys got any recommendations for some lightish starter IPAs?

>> No.9751085

what state?

>> No.9751102

All the big-name IPAs. Sam Adams, Sierra, even Lagunitas. But don't force yourself to like IPAs, they're a meme-beer. Brown ales, english bitters, saison... them's actual beer.

>> No.9751104

Ausfag here, there are 4-5 shops within 10 mins drive of me that have a wide variety of sours among lots of other stuff. They are very popular at the moment.

>> No.9751128

you're at the wrong bar then

>> No.9751130

not goose IPA, do yourself a favor and never drink a non-barreled GI beer

>> No.9751136

the average IPA is way better than the average English bitter, IPA may be a 'meme-beer' whatever the fuck that means, in how trendy it is, but many IPAs all over the place are excellent

>> No.9751150

Nice, I'm also from Australia. Try these:

Green Beacon 7 Bells passionfruit gose
Hop Nation The Punch mango gose
Hardgreaves Hill apricot sour
any Wildflower beer

Garage Project White Mischief
Anderson Valley Briny Melon gose
Anderson Valley Blood Orange gose

>> No.9751199

I came here to post exactly this

>> No.9751204

>Hi guys I love hard to find craft beer like budweiser and bud light except artificially scarce

>> No.9751209

Im personally a fan of their Dirty Bastard tbqh famalam, though ive also had a few of their Barrel aged brews this year and they were amazing.
KBS actually helped get me into stouts.

>> No.9751214

Burley Oak does alot of sours

>> No.9751472

Libertine Black Ale from Brewdog is very good desu.

>> No.9751896

90% of BC ipa's are so overly hopped they end up tasting like bad cough syrup. Its a shame too because I can really appreciate a nice subtle and floral IPA.

>> No.9751924

I wonder how forward the bergamot is.

>> No.9751939

Americans fear anything they dont understand or perceive to be above them so they stubbornly cling to their cheap garbage and even tell themselves its good and the better stuff is basically a meme.

>> No.9751987

Thanks for the reccs anon!

>> No.9752015

What are you talking about, I love Belgian beers, especially all those IPAs they make in Belgium.

>> No.9752058

>belgium ipas

>> No.9752161

Belgian IPAs are actually a thing, and they are really great.

>> No.9752230

he probably meant Belgian pale ales

>> No.9752231

Belgian-style IPAs are typically IPAs made with brett, but aren't typically brewed in Belgium.

>> No.9752236
File: 384 KB, 1600x1088, Ale Asylum Bedlam1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

belgian yeast is just a strain of normal brewers yeast, not brett. But Belgian IPAs can be awesome. This one is a classic

>> No.9752241

Beer sales are dominated by terrible beers in every country in the world besides maybe Belgium and ireland (not to say Guinness is great, still a lower tier stout but it is far above the rest of the world's mass produced beer)

>> No.9752246

Yeah, but they are often made with brett, not every time.

>> No.9752262

Anyone else not able to tell the difference between Centennial and Two Hearted? I swear they're the same exact beer.
Bretty good stuff but Oberon is still more my style.

>> No.9752279

I've typically seen Brett IPAs branded directly as 'Brett', or 'wild' not Belgian. Belgian IPAs typically use trappist yeast, common to most 'belgian' style beers, originating in the Belgian Trappist monasteries

>> No.9752282
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>What else am I supposed to throw at people when I'm done drinking my beer?

My opinions on the jewish question

>> No.9752286

Most of the old school midwestern IPAs use centennial hops, which is why they are usually better than the old school west coast IPAs

>> No.9752292
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>> No.9752304

Both are made with the same hops, but I think two hearted is better balanced

>> No.9752413

I work at a brewery. We make like twenty different beers a year. Two of them are over 6.5%. Three of the best ones are 3.0-3.2%. Most of them are between 4.2 and 5.7 percent ABV. There's plenty of IPAs with a sub 7% ABV.

I can go to any other brewery in town and most of them will have their basic beers between 4-6 percent. Of course some will be higher and even lower than that but that's generally the average.

>> No.9752425

I appreciate the love for smoked beers, but this list sucks. What happens if you have a barrel aged sour farmhouse beer? Does your brain melt and leak out your nose?

>> No.9752435

>There's plenty of IPAs with a sub 7% ABV.
I'd say 6-7.5 is IPA range. 7% is fairly typical for an IPA. Below 6% you are in APA territory
>Two of them are over 6.5%. Three of the best ones are 3.0-3.2%. Most of them are between 4.2 and 5.7 percent ABV
This anecdotal brewery is hardly typical. Beers below 4.5% are pretty uncommon outside of a few sour styles (and a few session IPAs left over from when those used to be trendy, what a shit trend that was)

>> No.9753074

don't reply to troll/profoundly retarded posters

>> No.9753153
File: 93 KB, 500x303, 1496803925966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the better cheap, higher alcohol macro beer style? Ice beer or malt liquor?

Most of the Anheuser-Busch ones are fairly low in calories and taste but good for those that like standard Bud. This includes King Cobra, Natural Ice, etc. Hurricane HG at 8.1 ABV is surprisingly good despite its very high alcohol content for a macro beer. Bud Ice is a standby for old drunks where I live (saw a guy riding a bike 1 handed with a tallboy in the other).

MillerCoors offers Steel Reserve, which is very cheap and very boozy but pretty foul (more off flavor than any beer I've had), also Magnum and Mickeys, neither of which I have tried. Milwaukee's Best Ice is the cheapest source of alcohol (even vs. cheap vodka) at $13 for a 30 pack. It has a more beery flavor but kind of an alkaline taste that many didn't like. I haven't tried Keystone Ice. Icehouse is 99 cents and pretty decent.

I've also had Labatt Ice and Genessee Ice. Genessee was definitely the better of the two.
Any suggestions for other cheap and potent beers?

>> No.9753437
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But sometimes they are and then they can be fantastic.

>> No.9753442


If I go this route I just get a 40 of King Cobra. The craft life is way tastier and less depressing.

>> No.9753552

As far as sours go we make a Berliner Weiße that's 3.2 and a Lichtenhainer that's 3.2 as well. We make a Polish style smoked beer called Grodziskie that's 3.0 and it's great. One other brewery in town makes a farmhouse table beer that's 2.9%. It's not really sour, but an awesome beer. I agree that anything under 4% is uncommon.

>> No.9753598

Love me some tired hands. Had the strawberry milkshake last night it was bangin

>> No.9753661

10/10 choice. picked up one of these for around 30 bucks, the glasses they came with are fantastic.

I love christmas time because I always snag some sweet glasses for the price I would already pay for the beer itself

cheers anon

>> No.9753667
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forgot pic

>> No.9753700
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Recommend good "Christmas beers".
I'm going to pack 10 beers for my father's birthday. Want summin gud.

In exchange, I will give you an amazing recommendation.
Pic related. It's Maisel's Weisse. Best wheat beer ever. It's like the season of Spring, but liquidated.

>> No.9753704

Do you want Christmas themed beers, or just stuff good for the winter?

>> No.9753722

What is a NEIPA? Never heard the term before

>> No.9753724

Higher preference for actual good beers and beers fitting for winter than just the theme

>> No.9753729

Stella has become quite popular in the entry-level good beers crowd lately.

>> No.9753740

New England Style IPA, super cloudy, very little bitterness, popularized in Vermont and Massachusetts, hence the name but they have become very trendy and great examples are easy to find in most regions now

>> No.9753745

my go to easy to find winter beer if nothing cool and new is around is Founders Breakfast Stout

>> No.9753755

Damn, that's pricey.
Is it bitter? My father doesn't enjoy beer that's too bitter.
Must be quite intense at 11% as well

>> No.9753794

Scratch that. The reviews are great.
I have to try this.

>> No.9753796

FBS is 8.3%, you might be looking at the Kentucky Breakfast stout, a stronger, bourbon barrel aged, one day a year release variant of it.
Regular Breakfast Stout is sold in 4 packs for about $10, its not bitter in a hoppy sense, but in a normal roasty sense it is with a good amount of coffee

>> No.9753841

Ah, you're right.
This one is pricey as well, but a bit less. It's 4GBP here, but that's probably because of importing.

>> No.9753881

Yeah, good beer is so much more expensive in Britain than in America. I think your tax system also taxes based on ABV which is why so many classic british beers are so low in alcohol

>> No.9753916

Shit. That explains why Duvel is 2GBP per bottle

>> No.9753923

thoughts on surly xtra citra?

>> No.9753937

>not liking 312 as a superb cheap beer

>> No.9753939

Not that guy, but its good for a session IPA, but session IPAs are a shit style. I'd go for a Moon Man if I wanted a lower alcohol mild pale ale, or Pseudo Sue for a real full flavored citra pale ale

>> No.9753944

Anyone ever have the narragansett coffee milk stout? It's actually pretty decent

>> No.9753945

>buying budwieser products when basically every city has a brewery making better wheat beer for a similar price

>> No.9753983

hmm, ill try to get my hands on it in Chicago. Any other recs in that vein?

>> No.9754055

Chicagowise I would go Daisy Cutter for a good APA. But definitely try Pseudo Sue, with Toppling Goliath's new brewery opening distribution in Chicago should increase after it used to only be in Iowa and Wisconsin. Three Sheeps Fresh Coast is another great pale ale distributing in Chicago, but not sure how easy it is to find

And of course Zombie Dust if you happen upon it

>> No.9754123

It's one of their worst. It's not quite satisfying for an IPA or a pale and it's lacking in flavor. Rising North from Surly is way better, Pseudo Sue if you wanna stick to Citra hops

>> No.9754145

It's a West Coast style? It doesn't have that hop bomb taste that I've had from West Coast IPAs. And my dumbass thought that NE stood for Northeast

I live in New York
I had their steam beer, it wasn't bad but it tasted pretty generic to me

>> No.9754150

All the bars I've ever been to are like this, except for the ones that only sell craft beer.

>> No.9754156

Do you only go to college or rural bars?

>> No.9754160

Ooh you know what, I was thinking of 90 minute when I said that. You're probably right, 60 minute is too malty to really be considered west coast, isn't it?

>> No.9754165

Don't Europeans drink mostly shit like Carlsberg and Heineken? The bartender at my bar is Irish and he has access to at least a dozen craft beers, but all he drinks are pale lagers like Krombacher and Stella Artois.

I was in Ireland and I asked a local for a beer recommendation, he seriously recommended Heineken. I ended up getting McGargle's, a local craft beer, and it was seriously one of the best beers I've ever had.

>> No.9754169

Most of the IPAs I can think of are under 7%

>> No.9754175

312 used to be good before ABInbev raped half of goose's product line. it's named after my area code but they shipped off production to fucking new york and now it tastes terrible

>> No.9754176

I recommend Milwaukee's Best Ice, it's the best shitty beer I've ever had.

>> No.9754182

I like Stella but I wouldn't lump that in with craft, it's like Belgian Heineken basically

>> No.9754197

Nope, suburban and urban bars, and I go to bars all the time

Yes, it's not nearly bitter/grapefruity enough

>> No.9754210

Guinness Extra Stout is not "low tier"

>> No.9754388

almost everyone in Ireland only drinks Guinness Drought, and Guinness while perfectly fine is also much worse than most stouts

>> No.9754418

Guinness Extra Stout is a fucking classic, it's way better than the average meme imperial stout

And I wonder why Draught is more common in Ireland, I think Extra Stout is a lot better

>> No.9754443

Because drought is cheaper. Its their standard tier beer. Guinness Extra Stout is good but its not what I am talking about, and is probably more popular outside Ireland, I don't think I ever saw it on tap when I was in Ireland
Just like every country, the main popular beer isn't that good, luckily for them it just happens to be better than the popular beer everywhere else because it is an inherently superior style

>> No.9754450

I don't see Extra Stout on tap anywhere, I only see it in bottles

>> No.9754521
File: 111 KB, 640x640, Fire Skulls and Money Toppling Goliath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought a bottle of this stuff from the grocery store

>> No.9754763

I get sick of IPAs but belgian beer is disgusting.

>> No.9754790

The molson canadian original six bottles are sick as fuck

>> No.9754910

Well how is it then

>> No.9754949


I kinda hate that the NEIPA is becoming a meme. If you get the good stuff fresh from Treehouse or anywhere in Vermont they're genuinely delicious, complex and exciting beers. I much prefer them over the insanely bitter West Coast style. Now that everyone is doing one I feel like the meme will take over the quality.

I'm still happy imperial stouts are desserty stouts are still very popular and well reviewed. Sours I've been yet to be convinced, even though I've had some great ones.

>> No.9755029

I've had some solid NEIPAs in the Midwest, comparable to the few beers I've had from Trillium. I think it will go from a meme into an actual recognized style of IPA (kind of like west coast IPA is recognized as a thing) and you'll be able to find solid representations (and really bad ones) of it all over.

>> No.9755043

very good. Citra, Mosaic and Nelson hops, probably the best 3 kinds

>> No.9755055

Midwest IPA is best IPA

>> No.9755196


I keep hearing about how based 3 Floyds is but they don't sell on the East Coast. The best Midwest beer I've had in a while though was Tallgrass Buffalo Sweat. Was able to pick up a 4 pack in Texas a couple months ago

>> No.9755222

Three Floyds is pretty good but a bit overpriced. Zombie Dust is a classic though and was way ahead of its time.
I'd say Toppling Goliath is the best when it comes to Midwest IPA, they make a lot of different IPAs and APA and every one is excellent. The upper midwest is just really good when it comes to balanced IPAs

>> No.9755231

I'm pretty confined to the MN scene but we do have some damn good ones here

Furious is overrated as shit, though

>> No.9755270

But Todd the Axeman is amazing
As for Minnesota IPA I also love Fulton 300
Honestly, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Chicago, Michigan (and northwest Iowa thanks to Toppling Goliath) is just a great beer region

>> No.9755316

Anyone /homebrew/ here?

>> No.9755343

300 and Hopstar honestly lock up Fulton as the best IPA brewery in MN, but Todd is damn good too. I'm also a big fan of Double Crossing from Castle Danger and Harness from Bent Paddle, but those are seasonal :-/

>> No.9755633

Ye. I made everything from lager to imperial Stout.