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9732648 No.9732648 [Reply] [Original]

>hey anon, you're so thin, what's your secret?
>all my caloric intake is alcohol
>lol but seriously

anyways alcoholism general

>> No.9732679

I cant afford alcoohol so I steal lemon extract and
put it in ice tea

>> No.9732703
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>tfw can't even get drunk anymore because mom would cry and she'd send me to a doctor
The only thing that gave me joy has been lost.

>> No.9732712
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I just took a tiny bit (1mg) of klonopin and drank 3of these 1.5 hours ago.

things I want to do:

1) go back to the store and get drunker
2) msg every cutie I know, and ones I don't on facebook
3) eat
4) msg good friends
5) call a prostitute and have her come over

what do you think?

>> No.9732913

As for (2) and (5), jack off and then see what you want to do. As for (3), I vote eat. Maybe do that first, then jack off. Hold off on (1) until after you jack off and eat. As for (4), why not?

>> No.9732921

>tfw kindling from so many times withdrawing, I get mild WD symptoms from only one night of drinking
>tfw I'm actually relieved when I just have a pounding headache and hangover instead of WD shakiness and anxiety

>> No.9732925

Just gotta be better at hiding it buddy. My parents think I've been sober for a year now, truth is I've been loaded 2-3 nights per week

>> No.9732931

I'm finally going to do it. I'm going to kill myself tonight.

No more of this. I can't live with alcohol and I can't live without it.

>> No.9732937

I just buried my cat. I had her for almost half of my life. I got her when I was 18, and she died when she was 17. I'm drinking a 12 pack of Bell's winter white.

I thought a 12 pack of beer would be sufficient to deal with the sadness of this night, but I'm close to finishing it and idk.

>> No.9732956

Anon, please don't. We have an eternity to enjoy death, but only so long to enjoy life. I'm sure there are people who care about you, even if you don't think that they do. You matter. Please, get off the internet and phone someone close to you. Your father, your mother, a friend, even a self-help hotline. Someone will set you straight.

You matter. You're not worthless. Please know that the world needs you, even if you think it doesn't.

>> No.9732965
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>I thought a 12 pack of beer would be sufficient to deal with the sadness of this night, but I'm close to finishing it and idk.
Overdoing it won't help. You just more emotional unless you pass out, depending on the person.

Freezing a beer glass and then partially freezing a beer bottle to make a Slurpee does help though.

>> No.9732970

>Don't kill yourself the liquor industry needs you

>> No.9732975

Of course people care about me. That doesn't do a damn thing to stop my suffering.

>> No.9732988

My mom wakes me up in the morning though, and my whole room reeks of alcohol by then. Tell me your secrets anon, how do you do it?

>> No.9732995

Drink over 6 beers and a couple of shots scotch or whiskey 4 nights a week. Hide the empties from the wife

>> No.9732996

Well if the smell is what's giving you away, open a window or something. Also brush your teeth or use mouth wash before you go to bed. Otherwise set an alarm and wake up before she usually wakes you up. I always wake up fairly early, even if I feel like shit because I have to put up the illusion that I'm not drinking. They know when I was loaded I'd sleep half the day

>> No.9732998

I know, anon. I won't pretend to understand your suffering. I know though that I was in a place like this a while ago, where I wanted to just end it, and I decided not to, and I'm glad I decided not to.

Someday you'll die and you'll be dead forever. This is your small chance to be alive. Please don't squander it. That's all I'm gonna say.

>> No.9733025

nice thanx

>> No.9733029
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Been sober for 11 days now, but the fucking meds aren't helping the cravings. The only thing keeping me from making a liquor run is I'm afraid I might fucking die if I drink anything on these meds, and even then I'm still really contemplating it.

>> No.9733085

I drink a 750ml of vodka 5 nights a week usually in about 4 hours.

How long until i die?

>> No.9733108

Got drunk at a 2 year olds bday party on Sunday with the kids dad. May have said inappropriate sexual comments toward the wife. Puked at home. Ruined a rug and blankets and couch cushions. Still have the taste of puke in my mouth. Don't want to shower. Idk I think I'm having withdrawals and I don't want to mess up my body temperature with a shower even though it will make me feel better.

>> No.9733125

Blah blah blah

>> No.9733134

i switched from a 700ml of liquor a day to a 750 of wine a week

would recommend

>> No.9733144
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Thank you so much anon, I'll keep those things in mind.

>> No.9733158

>drink heavily with friends whenever I get the chance
>usually just get drunk every weekend
>last night drank almost half a 2-6 and got drunk by myself for the first time this year
>about to hit the store for some chase so I can do it again tonight
It's starting

>> No.9733170

thats some serious dedication. too much for me.

not drinking sounds easier desu

>> No.9733177


I'm 35 and about to buy a cheap little house, probably in a crummy neighborhood where I'll be one of only a handful of white people, but whatever. I'm really looking forward to drinking again, which I can't do in my current home. But even with the privacy and the booze, I feel like something will be missing. I think it's companionship.

There's a fat girl who has the hots for me, and I'm not totally unattracted to her. But she's also definitely far from my sexual ideal. But she'd let me drink; she'd put up with it. That's really important to me. So should I settle with her for that?

I could do better if I better myself, and I know I'm capable of it, but it will require work and self-discipline and probably not be very enjoyable. What would you guys do?

>> No.9733183

How do you drink and function?

>> No.9733185

Eh it's not too bad, I pound a lot of water before bed and usually feel alright the next morning. I also try to time my drinking when I know my parents will be gone the next morning so I have time to get my shit together. Moral of the story though, I need to get my own place

>> No.9733194

I'd date a fat enabler.

>> No.9733207
File: 124 KB, 330x323, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying weed for the first time in edible form

im a pretty good alc, few years of using 101 wild turkey to get blackout drunk every night. whats gonna be my expectancy?

>> No.9733212
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too drunk to type.
I respect your endeavours .
Iwish I could drive.
Im glad I cant.
I bet kirsty ally has a wonderful pussy.
dont you virgins realise that pussy should be dangly .
Im gonna watch a kwn burns documentary now. dustbowls, jazz or Vietnam and whatnot.

>> No.9733217

Replace that woman with a cute anime girl and you're literally me once I've lost consciousness.

>> No.9733223


>> No.9733225

I have no time for weebs and japs

>> No.9733232 [DELETED] 

Bit goofy sleepy if low dose, full blown LSD tier trip if high dose.

>> No.9733233

replacing booze with masturbation today

beaten off 12 times so far today, I should've used lotion

>> No.9733235

what meds

>> No.9733240

An hour or two is gonna pass, you're gonna think "this shit isn't working", then suddenly it'll hit you and you'll wanna lay down. Hard to describe strong edibles, it's like a full body buzz. You might see some mild hallucinations as well depending on the dose. It also depends on what you've eaten, which will delay the effects. First time I took them I got pretty high for a few hours, nothing special, then I went to bed. A bit later I woke up almost in a panic, fucked up like crazy with my closet morphing into a face

>> No.9733241

poor cutfags

>> No.9733242

10 years

>> No.9733251

as long as you don't marry her or even let her move in.

some places you have to pay a girl alimony for having been your roomie

>> No.9733258

It took me forever before I understood lotion jokes because Dr Goldstein didn't take my foreskin. Everybody laughing and me being confused

>> No.9733263

in oklahoma you're common law married if she gets mail sent to your house

>> No.9733269

well fuck. i think ill take it easy but thanks. hope it comes out ok. im hoping a weekly high might kick a nightly habit

>> No.9733275

whatever you do, DO NOT get high while withdrawing.

its fucking awful. thought i broke my brain.

>> No.9733282
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Scary as fuck.

Only the celibate can have peace of mind.

>> No.9733283

I function pretty well, but I'm a mess when I drink. Thankfully I'm only a nighttime drinker.

Actually, marriage is kind of what I had in mind. But good point, maybe I should just keep jacking off. It's just kind of lonely.

>> No.9733286

>getting wasted and watching ken burns docs

top tier, civil war one is the best one imo

>> No.9733287

Thanks for the feedback.

>> No.9733290

>It's just kind of lonely.
If you think you can handle it, and won't abuse/neglect it, I would recommend a dog. That'll help your crushing despair.

>> No.9733297

this anon is right

get a dog and see if you improve and can handle any responsibility.

>> No.9733298

>civil war one is the best one imo

>> No.9733300

I don't think people who have ideas like 'let's marry a fat whore I don't care for so my house is less empty' are responsible enough for pets desu.

>> No.9733303

I'm sure I'd neglect it. Also, I grew up with dogs, and I can't stand them. I like cats, but I'm allergic. Oh well. Thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.9733304

Ya you really have to be careful with edibles, it's a completely different high than smoking. It's a fun experience, but if you're just looking for a high to take place of drinking, just get a cheap vape and smoke it. I definitely drink less when I have weed available, but I don't rely on edibles for that

>> No.9733311

You must be under the age of 30

>> No.9733314

Jazz is pretty good too, especially since they're all degenerates like us and you don't really have to pay attention because the focus is the music

>> No.9733317
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>I can't do
>should I settle
>I could do better
>it will require work and self-discipline

Fucking hell...

>> No.9733333


>> No.9733335

it me

>> No.9733338

A damn shame, Anon. Best of luck to you then

>> No.9733375

Are you implying people over 30 all think that way?

>> No.9733393

Is this picture supposed to remind me of toothpaste?

>> No.9733403

can you get kindling from minor WD?

minor alc, at my worst i was 8 drinks on weeknights and 14 on weekends, beer

>> No.9733407

what is kindling

isnt that the 2nd stage of fuel when making a camp fire?

>> No.9733412

>wake up from day coma
I’m about to leave and get fast food as soon as I take a drink and then take my dog out.
Mcdickles or Taco Bell?

>> No.9733417

Do it faggot i wish i had your balls

>> No.9733421

its a term for how repeated WD leads to increasingly severe symptoms, and brain damage

>> No.9733423

hate to be the barer of bad news


>> No.9733433

Yes, depending on the amount and length. I've been an alcohol for about 4 years, but never have drank more than 4 days in a row. It's always been a series of 2-4 day benders, followed by 3-5 days of sober until I feel good again. After some of the heavier benders I got minor WD symptoms every time, mild shakiness, terrible dreams, and lots of anxiety. I never got close to the full on DTs that you hear about with alcoholics, but all those minor WDs definitely caught up to me. I now only drink 1-2 nights a week, though the drinking is fairly heavy. And I get mild WD symptoms the next day or two pretty much every time, again the mild shakiness and anxiety. And that even goes for when I don't drink much. Obviously a couple beers won't affect things, but getting mildly buzzed even gives me WDs the next day. If anything, it helps me drink less I guess

>> No.9733440


>> No.9733450

I have a really hard time getting along with my son.
He’s too much like me.

>> No.9733453

Are drunks brain dead because of the withdrawl or the alcohol? I'm so confused now.

>> No.9733455

My dad and brother are carbon fucking copies of him but I got all the abandonment issues and none of the work ethic. Embrace what you have in common, anon.

>> No.9733458

dad 4chan is my blog not yours

>> No.9733461
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>> No.9733464

Keep us posted?

>> No.9733469

Fuck. Im 25 and in the exact same boat. I need to quit. If i have a heavy 3 day bender, by sunday i feel like im going insane from the anxiety and insomnia.

Hope I dont have brain damage.

>> No.9733470

Finally, that other dumb as fuck thread is dying. I was afraid having two at once would finally get us relocated.

>> No.9733472


>> No.9733480

I'm the guy you replied to, I'm 25 as well. Try to get out while you can. I went to some therapy which helped, I went 5 months completely sober during that but started to relapse after that. Like I said, I only drink 1-2 nights a week now which I guess is an improvement, still not great, but I really don't want those lasting effects

>> No.9733483


>> No.9733487

Fuck y’all, tbell it is.
I just had the most awful shit fall out of me that reminded me that all I had today was vodka and water

>> No.9733489

sucks when pets die. matter of fact, death in general basically sucks.

>> No.9733492

>average shot of vodka drunk is now up to 100ml-ish
>average night has four shots in four hours
I realize this is lunacy, but as time goes on I feel my Russian heritage asserting itself like I'm a fucking Brundlefly. I'm 30, and this doesn't augur well for me; should I ease off the gas?

>> No.9733505

Alcohol should be illegal and there is never a good reason to consume it.

>> No.9733515

shit man, similar situation. I did 4 months sober AA but quit when i got a gf that liked to drink and ended up moving. Always felt out of place in AA. I was one of the youngest usually and to some of the heavier hitters there i was a lightweight.

I usually only drink friday to sunday but its started to get miserable again. This is an improvement though, was crushing a 12 pack every night after i lost my job.Got a good new job now, so cant complain about that.

ill probs try AA in a little bit, in a small towm for training and dont want them to know im an alcohol.

>> No.9733520

most drunks, like the *severe ones, are brain damaged because of a vitamin B1 deficiency, not kindling

if you want to avoid kindling problems, taper

>> No.9733526

4 shots in 4 hours?
more like 4 shots in 1 hour amirite????

>> No.9733532

Thats a faggot

>> No.9733539

I feel you man. Going from drinking every night, to feeling good during the week just to destroy yourself on the weekends still seems like an improvement, but I know I could be better. And your AA experience kind of describes why I've never tried it, it seems like kind of a pissing match about who used to be a bigger alcoholic. If you haven't tried it, I'd definitely recommend a therapist if your insurance covers it. It's a lot easier to open up 1 to 1 with someone, especially once you trust them a bit

>> No.9733542

>400ml Wódka
>4 hours

You have no place here

>> No.9733554

if you do that daily you're starting to enter the dangerzone.

>> No.9733556

Well...that's kinda how it went. Normal shot to topped off to 2 normal topped off to a double to double topped off, all in an hour's time. At this point I'm just swigging it from the bottle proper and roughly eyeballing how much is depleted from the 750ml start point. I think it might even be more economical to switch up to the 1.75L jugs.

>> No.9733565

Yes, daily. More on weekends, since there isn't a 10 hour stretch of the day where I can't feasibly drink at work.

>> No.9733568

how much do you lie

>> No.9733573

AA is actually good if you get a good group. My sponsor was a cool guy that even though he was a bit older made a big point that the whole "who is a bigger drunk" game is retarded and that no one ends up in AA cause theyre doing great.

He wanted me to go all the time and it annoyed me, but in retrospect i think he just understood alcoholism and how sneaky it is better than I did.

I went to 3 psychologist. First in college when i was just a regular binge drinker, helped a little. 2rd in grad school told me i was prob an alc. 3rd told me to enjoy a drink on friday, but i probably lied about how much I drank. Hes the smart one, He should have known I was lying.

>> No.9733576

well your life certainly won't get better if you keep drinking like this or more.

>> No.9733580

what meds? naltrexone works for me. campral didnt. never tried antabuse but that sounds awful.

>> No.9733585

If she sends nudes in the next day or two then you scored.

>> No.9733586

>friend tricks me into getting drunk with alcohol jello(i thought it was just jello)
>now im tipsy and know my self control is gone
>the gas station is a 1 minute drive
>im in the car now phone posting getting ready to buy 2 fuckin 24 packs of corona

was nice knowin yall, im fuckin dead and my friend killed me

>> No.9733590

I used Campral for three months and felt no positive effects. Gonna ask my doc about Naltrexome or something.

>> No.9733593

I drink about 1/3rd of a 1.75ml vodka mixed with juice from about 7pm-1 or 2 am a night.

On a scale of 1-your fucked where do I stand?

>> No.9733600
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>ITT this time around: fucking apologists and quitters.

Buck up, nancies. There's proud aryans here with strong genes, well equipped for a lifetime of drinking.

What's that? You're *embarrassed*?

Maybe you should take up an easier addiction, like marijuana.

>> No.9733605

if your friend knows you are an alcy hes an asshole.

also youre an idiot for thinking that it was regular jello

>> No.9733616

If you stop now it's not too late

If you don't stop in the next 6 months it probably is too late

>> No.9733626

>youre a pussy if you dont want to be sick all the time and ruin every relationship and life goal you ever had and then die early and painfully

>> No.9733629

6 months as in until he cant stop or until he starts getting unrecoverable damage

>> No.9733648

t. lightweight

>> No.9733650

keep fighting the good fight brother we'll be dead soon eh?

>> No.9733654

Early? Painfully? My family's dead lived until their eighties and nineties, drinking daily, dying respectably of heart attacks.

It doesn't take a genius to find a sustainable daily routine, but I'm sure you think it's smarter to abstain than to self regulate.

Hell, I'm sure you think being capable of sustaining daily drinking without adverse effects on one's life means you aren't really an alcoholic.

Grow up.

>> No.9733657

this is so fucking dumb

>> No.9733660

t. insecure

>> No.9733664

until he cant stop

>> No.9733667

Also I can’t remember the last time I ate regular fucking jello, wow.
I’ve watched people eat it, but never really wanted any.
I do however remember being 16 and eating an entire bowl of leftover “jello shots” for breakfast, back when morning drunk used to be special.

>> No.9733672
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You're the expert.

Of course, I'm the one intruding on this inappropriately-boarded pity party.

>> No.9733674

10/10 on the retard scale

>> No.9733686

>10/10 hurt my feelings

>> No.9733690

Holy fuck you’re dumb

>> No.9733691

you can enjoy alcohol responsibly. congrats.

youre like most people. None of us are asking for pity.

>> No.9733700

naltrexone on drugs.com has overwhelmingly positive reviews. check it out.

>> No.9733716

>Holy fuck I'm insecure

There's nothing responsible about it. I'm just laughing about how many of you are physically incapable of dealing with a vice.

Alcoholics aren't all idiots, but the impression left by these threads it's that most of you are practically crack-addicts, wasting away and leaning on pharmaceutical answers for your PITIFUL willpowers.

I've known strong drunks. I chose not to know weak ones.

>> No.9733751

I won't even realize I bought booze and am drinking. My brain will literally put me into a trance. I just wake up, confused as shit. It's not a manliness contest you idiot. I'm not weak either, I'm a skilled martial artist and work a manual labor job. I cannot be around alcohol. My brain will drink it the exact same as how you breathe without noticing.

>> No.9733759

To be honest, I'm perfectly fine with my drinking level. Fuck, I'm OK with it getting worse, because I can handle it like a functional human being.

I'm just wondering if polishing off most of 750ml a night at the start of my 30s has crossed some sort of hazard line. By the tone of your post, I'd say no.

>> No.9733762

t. never had wd

>> No.9733768

>Hell, I'm sure you think being capable of sustaining daily drinking without adverse effects on one's life means you aren't really an alcoholic.
That is actually the case.

>> No.9733771

it's like someone who just accepts like with mental illness and moves on as opposed to people that completely latch on to the label of a mental illness and live their life around it constantly telling everyone and wanting pity / no self responsibility

I understand where you're coming from

>> No.9733788
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First time al/ck/ post here. My game:

>Friday or Saturday
>Start downing cheap lite beer around 5-6 or earlier if saturday
>Do a gram of blow
>drink until 6am or later
>feel out of breath, deathly, and anxious for entire Sunday.
>by wednesday drinking a bit and more on thurs usually

Pic unrelated: my biscuits

>> No.9733796
File: 103 KB, 498x540, 6A080785-B08D-4EEF-A1AD-D98E35D65B18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started drinking because it made me feel good. Now I just drink to ease the loneliness

>> No.9733799

how pathetic do you have to be to bully a bunch of drunks

go troll /bant/ or something

>> No.9733801

welcome,thats me minus the blow and asleep by 3am

>> No.9733806

And now you're a liar, for the sake of excusing yourself. You might play around at training yourself, exercising, but no martial artist would make such a claim. Take responsibility for your choices.

If you aren't fucked for it, why worry? If you ask these other fuckers they'll start bringing up all kinds of expert testimonial.

Sure, except you're being a meme and anyone who's drank has.

No. Think about it.

Thank you. So many fuckers in these threads just give up on the idea that they themselves are making their choices. I've been pretty obviously not bringing up my own sometimes terrible experiences, BECAUSE THAT SHIT DOESN'T CHANGE WHAT'S SMART, WHICH IS LEARNING HOW TO LIVE WITH A PROBLEM

>> No.9733808

cocaine and alcohol is not a safe combination. it creates a metabolite called https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocaethylene

Some studies[4] suggest that it may be more cardiotoxic than cocaine and "it also carries an 18- to 25-fold increase over cocaine alone in risk of immediate death".[5]

>> No.9733811

Fuck me. The job I got yesterday offers a free end of shift drink. Why is it that staying sober is ultimately impossible, and any attempts will just be met with temptation?

>> No.9733813

Hey /ck/ is it a good idea to take as shot or two before work to make me feel more lively? I'm a server and I don't drink but I thought it might be a good idea so I don't look like a sullen asshole all the time.
Any recommendations?

>> No.9733817

I minute drive?
Just walk you faggot.

>> No.9733820

>No. Think about it.
Yes. Unless you think being dependant on a substance to not go into seizures doesn't have an 'adverse effect' on your life, which is silly.

>> No.9733828

Hard liquor stinks out your pores, try smoking a tiny bit of weed or just down some kratom, unless nobody cares if you smell a little

>> No.9733844

the idea that you have to be entirely sober all the time is a myth perpetuated by crypto-religious organizations like AA, and fun-hating lunatics like MADD

the problem isn't having a drink, it's drinking excessively

if it's one end-of-shift drink, it shouldn't hurt as long as you don't end up getting more

probably a bad idea, the booze will make you wobbly and slow you down. it's not like playing pool where you want to be a bit loose, restaurant work is more of a cocaine and meth gig

>> No.9733845

guys i'm sacred for net neutrality.

If Im not able to talk to you guys anymore I will definitely kill myself

>> No.9733849

>working at a bar as an alcoholic

>> No.9733850

You have no right to say that. I've been doing martial arts for over 20 years of my life. Drinking has been part of my life for 10 years now. You refuse to accept that some people don't make this choice it's already made. I can't change that. You're just a bad troll that came here to harass people.

>> No.9733855

What if I chew gum or brush my teeth after I take the shots? Surely a couple of shots can't smell that bad.
Also as a lightweight, referring to myself, how many shots of vodka or whiskey would it take to get me buzzed but not drunk?
Thanks for responding.

>> No.9733860

>it shouldn't hurt as long as you don't end up getting more

i know you have good intentions, anon, but thats not quite how this thing works

>> No.9733862

Gee willikers, amazing how you've jumped straight to wino-bum examples.

I'm sorry, but have you ever known a functional alcoholic?

You know, somebody who drinks every night but just gets irritable when they don't?

Because you're acting like alcoholics are opiate addicts.

>> No.9733870

gonna get a ton of shit for this but r/cripplingalcoholism is the most tolerable subreddit i have ever seen

>> No.9733875

Two possible scenarios:

1: It doesn't work.

2: It does work and you will keep doing it, tolerance will increase so you will need to drink more to get the same effect, it escalates and at some point you either quit/cut back which is hard and unpleasant, or you can't and wreck your life.

At best it's a short term solution that leads to long term problems. Become a night janitor or something that fits your personality instead.

>> No.9733878

There is a plethora of research available that shows alcohol addiction is stronger than opiate addiction.

>> No.9733883

>>9733716 (You)
>I won't even realize I bought booze and am drinking. My brain will literally put me into a trance. I just wake up, confused as shit. It's not a manliness contest you idiot. I'm not weak either, I'm a skilled martial artist and work a manual labor job. I cannot be around alcohol. My brain will drink it the exact same as how you breathe without noticing.

You're being weak and pretending you aren't making your own choices. I'm not trolling shit, you just can't face the goddamn music. Martial artists know what it means to make a choice. You're just going through the motions if you're going to keep telling yourself lies.

>> No.9733885

I'll only be working there for four more weeks. I only work on weekends. So it isn't a habit I plan on maintaining. I just want to get the most out of these last few weeks.

>> No.9733887

I'm slowly starting to stop binge drinking and beginning drinking on a daily basis, did I do good, al/ck?

My usual binge drinking session is in the dangerous levels of 12-18 drinks.

>> No.9733891

The definition of alcoholism (aka alcohol use disorder) is literally the kind of drinking which leads to problems.

You're just trying to use the label 'alcoholic' for 'moderate daily drinker' because that doesn't sound edgy enough for you.

>> No.9733896

And I don't give a fuck, because vodka isn't heroin.

It's not painkillers or opium, either, and I don't give a fuck if somebody wants to pretend it's as bad or worse.

>> No.9733898

You have no idea what you're talking about. Also I'll tap you out 10 times in a minute.

>> No.9733900

if you're a non-drinker the place to experiment with a new substance is not the workplace

at way more harmful as well.

>> No.9733908

Alcohol withdrawal can kill you. Opiate withdrawal cannot.

>> No.9733915

It literally is worse. Heroin is harmless compared to alcohol in terms of actual damage the substance itself does.

>> No.9733917

I think daily, regulated drinking isn't fucking "edgy" enough for you.

Alcoholism is dependency. It's a spectrum. If you want to exclude the non-self-destructive from your club, you're on the right track.

Regardless, if someone drinks every day for 40 years, they're an alcoholic whether or not their liver quits.

>> No.9733924

oh i totally know that one drink usually leads to another, but if you're working at a bar you probably get off way too late to have more drinks anyway

alternatively, working at a bar, you WILL get fed alcohol by loving patrons and predatory bosses, youre in the wrong line of work if you work at a bar and are worried about alcoholism

the only other trade i can think of that might have a complimentary free drink after is navy work but bell-ringing is not an every day thing

it IS a physical addiction, after all, paired up with the usual reasons for "soft" addiction (i.e. beyond getting rid of withdrawal, it also helps numb the pain of living)

>Opiate withdrawal cannot.
i thought it could

>> No.9733930

I just don't want to look like such an sperg all the time. I get along with my co-workers and the customers so it's not like I'm a complete autismo but I just want to be more outgoing and conversational. Any recommendations?

>> No.9733932

Opiate withdrawal won't kill you. Benzo and alcohol withdrawal are the only withdrawals you can die from. Opiate junkies use benzos a lot.

>> No.9733933

Alright, well how's it go?

If someone can drink every day for 2/3's of their life, and yet not die or hate themselves, are they an addict?

If someone can shoot up heroin every day for 2/3's of their life, are they an addict?

What's the difference?

>> No.9733936

>I think daily, regulated drinking isn't fucking "edgy" enough for you.
>Alcoholism is dependency. It's a spectrum. If you want to exclude the non-self-destructive from your club, you're on the right track.
If you just get a bit grumpy if you don't have your drinky you don't have dependency.

>Regardless, if someone drinks every day for 40 years, they're an alcoholic whether or not their liver quits.
I guess people who go vegetarian after 40 years were meat addicts and people who get divorced were marriage addicts.

Silly lad. You want to be an alcohol so bad.

>> No.9733940

Not alcohol. I don't want to start another fight about it but there's a saying along the lines of "drunk actions; sober thoughts". Basically, people don't change THAT much while drunk, they more just amplify. the sad get sadder, the angry get angrier, the loud get louder, the sleepy get sleepier.

how pathetic do you have to be to take pride in being a bigger alcoholic than someone else

>> No.9733942

What is ''gnome''? I think I know what it is, but it certainly isn't World of Warcraft gnomes.

Not asking for a friend, but asking for me. Anyone?

>> No.9733943

Addiction isn't defined by duration of use.

>> No.9733947

Been drinking heavily for 6 years. Girlfriend left me 2 weeks ago because she found empties I had been hiding (again). My dog looks at me like I'm a loser. Spend almost 100% of my free time drinking. I'm fucked up in the head, being sober feels like the honeypot, but the idea actually doing it is absurd to me. fml

>> No.9733948

I know it's a thing in Ubuntu, I think it's its GUI handler.

>> No.9733957

4chan or reddit it doesn't matter the website

If i cant browse the internet freely im genuinly going to kill myself. You guys are my only source of human interaction

>> No.9733960

Good post

>> No.9733970

Maybe we start seeing the world differently without the internet.

>> No.9733971

I'm not taking pride in it at all, I just think it's funny and mistaken that the 'wine with dinner' crowd wants in on the alcoholism label.

People have lots of daily habits that are no problem at all. Having some drinks can be one of them.

>> No.9733978

That's kinda what I'm feeling at... I don't think I need to fucking brag about my problems like a lot of the posters in these threads. I don't think there's anything special about drinking every night or most mornings.

I DO think it's relatively easy to manage a bad habit. It's kind of disgusting reading shit like that "martial artist" fella practicing doublethink.

It's defined by going back. It's defined by feeling better with something than without, even if it isn't good for you. You don't have to be on the very worst end of that to be addicted.

Seriously, do you think drinking every day is worse than doing heroin every day?

>> No.9733986

>I just think it's funny and mistaken that the 'wine with dinner' crowd wants in on the alcoholism label.
They don't, and you're retarded.

>> No.9733987

It depends how much you drink. The same with heroin. Drinking can easily be more destructive than heroin.

>> No.9733991

Vodka/cinnamon gum is the only acceptable combonation, and even that is dangerously cheesy. You’ll have to pretend to like cinnamon gum.

>> No.9733996

I'm pretty sure heroin is a little more dangerous, but you're flexing semantics anyway

>> No.9734006

i feel like the major danger to heroin is being the type of person who hangs around heroin dealers/addicts

kinda like how there's drinking a lot and then there's being a sad ass geriatric who only eats bar peanuts because all his friends either left him or died

>> No.9734014

Thanks! but I still don't think I understand. Sorry for my retardness :,-/

>> No.9734015

Heroin is more dangerous because it's illegal. The death tolls of alcohol during prohibition were insanely high too.

Prescription opiates every day is safer than alcohol every day.

>> No.9734016

I sure hope so

Maybe I;ll start doing something with my miserable life

>> No.9734021

Can anyone explain net neutrality in easy words for an idiot like me?

>> No.9734024

Good points. I was thinking about the potential for abuse and serious drawbacks from even one use, but prescription opiates are pretty insidious

>> No.9734039

Laws lubricating your asshole and preventing anal fissures from hard-rape by cable companies are going to go. They'll be able to do stupid shit like bandwith throttling (which they've always done anyways), and pick when and where you can go on the web.

>> No.9734048

You know how phone providers do stuff like say data is free if you are using Netflix(tm)? The idea is to prevent stuff like that. It's not as extreme as outright filtering like memesters want you to believe, but it does give preferential treatment to some companies and basically guarantees monopolies over content by making it prohibitively expensive to access anything they don't have a hand in.

>> No.9734049

I almost forgot to make fun of you for this troll-ass post. I don't give a fuck about your skills, you un-self-aware fag.

Any martial arts is about recognizing your choices and their effects on yourself and others. Without awareness, you're just a trained chimp.

>> No.9734052

Is your dog right?

>> No.9734072

Guess that would depend on your definition.

>> No.9734092

I'm fully aware that I'm an alcoholic. I can't help that you've never woken up drunk and not known you had been drinking.

>> No.9734104

What are you cu/ck/s doing for thanksgiving?
I got lucky this year and the only family coming over to my parents is my grampa
and its a holiday which means I can get as drunk as I want without being looked down on and wont have to hide my day drinking

>> No.9734105

Thanks for the summary

>> No.9734113

I’ll be making my rounds to each side of my family on thanksgiving. My dads side is somewhat dysfunctional and there’s bound to be an argument over something stupid. My mother’s side is the peaceful bunch that are more relaxed and friendly to each other. I’ll probably wait until I’m around the peaceful side to engage in alcohol consumption

>> No.9734114

Yeah, it's the "not known" part that comes off as total bullshit.

You don't drink in fucking fugues. If you're going to keep on pretending that you don't have a choice, you're a liar.

>> No.9734126

Man, I've drank on purpose tons of times, 90% of the time. I've also not.

>> No.9734133

Some of you are alright, dont come to al/ck/ tomorrow

>> No.9734141
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>> No.9734146

Then why all the bullshit?

I can't say what will or won't work for you, but there's gotta be a balance.

>> No.9734183

Not a yank luckily so one less normiefest to worry about

>> No.9734190

t-thanks for the heads up

>> No.9734239

I didn't say anything that was bullshit. If you get into a trance-like state like me and don't realize you're drinking then it's very reasonable to say you can never ever ever do it on purpose once you become aware of this fact about you.

>> No.9734248
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Yeah, that's bullshit.

>> No.9734263

Very nice opinion. This happens to many severe addicts.

>> No.9734281

wew, just woke up half naked on the bathroom floor, actually pretty comfy wrapped up in some blankets so looks like I'm staying here for a while. at least I didn't throw up in bed, that would have sucked

>> No.9734323

>Still lives with parents
There's your problem, move out!

>> No.9734648

this sounds oddly cozy

>> No.9734787

damn that's 5 threes in a row

the odds of that are pretty low

i don't know where this will go

i am drunk your mom's a ho

>> No.9734799

pffft whatever dad

>> No.9734888

How do you guys survive the loneliness
Because no matter how much i drink it doesn't get better

>> No.9734894

by drinking

t. sober

>> No.9734901

I just told you, alcohol doesn't really help
I have to drink myself until I'm blackout, and even then it's just that i don't remember it
I've had a friend comment that i sometimes cry when I've been drinking heavily

>> No.9734903


i dont give a fuck

>> No.9734905

>I have a friend
Better off than most here, I'd say.
I don't know what kind of loneliness you mean, I usually drink to get over it, or masturbate if I'm confusing wanting a girl and needing sexual release

>> No.9734909

>i have issue x, solution a doesn't work
>do solution a faggot
>solution a doesn't work for me as i said, let me describe the issue closer
>lmao lel works for me :^)
T-thanks you too

>> No.9734911

Cause suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

>> No.9734912
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>> No.9734913

>i sometimes cry when I've been drinking heavily

have you tried no being gay

>> No.9734918

That really drops my chemtrails

>> No.9734919

Stream it

>> No.9734923

The wording is somewhat ambiguous, the had refers to the action overhearing the crying, not the friendship, or maybe I'm wrong, not a native speaker, in which case I apologize.

>> No.9734950

>How do you guys survive the loneliness

>> No.9734964

by not experiencing loneliness, lucky me huh

by the way feeling abandoned by loved ones is different than feeling lonely

>> No.9734979
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>Try and stop drinking.

>Remember you started drinking in the first place because you are fucked up in the head and want to hurt people.

Alcohol numbs this and makes being pissed off at everything go away and allows me to function. I think it's better for me and the world to have my tasty medicine on hand.

>> No.9734980
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>> No.9735005

3 years of heavy drinking that ended up being daily morning to night

7 weeks sober now but I just can't do it, life isn't worth living sober.

I'm finally willing to accept that I'm an alcoholic and I'm going to buy a bottle of spirits now, I can't lie to myself about who I am.

This is me. This is who I am.

>> No.9735007
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Mum started dating an alcoholic and she's giving him "" one more chance "" what are some points I can make to make sure he cuts ties with him? He ain't a happy drunk like mum. He's an angry drunk from what I've heard. Drinks because of his life problems. He'll end up dying of liver problems. I've never seen someone drink a bottle of shit red wine so fast.

I know this isn't /adv/ but they are shit at giving advice

>> No.9735033

Yeah, I'm getting that too. I fucking hit rock bottom on Monday. I saw there was a marked down bottle of Captain Morgan Loconut and I drank the whole fucking thing.

>> No.9735040

That’s rock bottom for you? No waking up withdrawing in a cell, for running over police officers while nine times over the limit?

>> No.9735075

That first sip, holy fuck it's good.

This was the first time I tried to get sober at all, 7 weeks of hell.

>> No.9735097

Dumb guy

>> No.9735123
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We'll leave it at a warning this time, but watch out.

>> No.9735133

they can call me a dumb guy all they want i dont care

shutup you fucking soft cunt

>> No.9735146

Rehab and 12 steps work.
4 years and going strong!

>> No.9735147

Are you religious? Or do you just believe in a higher power?

>> No.9735150

it only works if you WANT to get sober

>> No.9735155
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>tfw disappoitnig your parents
oh well i wanted to die anyway

>> No.9735157
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Don't be too hard on yourself, anon.

>> No.9735163


>> No.9735165

Was strongly anti religious before i started the program.
I do have a spiritual belief today, or rather a trust that someone something wants me well.
Also striving to be a better person helps.

>> No.9735174

Exactly, a program for people who want it. Not people who need it.

>> No.9735183

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9735194

Wanna buy some brewskis to chill with

>> No.9735203

Get weed, tendies and a movie

>> No.9735208

Nah. Rather be a drunk than a reefer addict

>> No.9735266

I was going to stop drinking yesterday for Thanksgiving but for some reason my drunk self went out and bought knob creek.

>> No.9735294

Knob Creek was the first liquor I got shitfaced on at my buddy's 16th birthday

>> No.9735302

>liqour store attendant wrapping my vodka really slowly in paper bag
>without thinking I go to snatch it out of his hand before he's finished cause i'm so keen for that alcohol fix
>he gives me a strange look


>> No.9735337

Burger here. Went to the liquor store awhile ago to buy Buffalo Trace. Dumb gooks said sworry swo har to get. No stock till nes mompf. While I'm looking for something else this 400lb greasy haired monster waddles in and I can hear it's labored breathing from 10ft away. I get some bulleit and go to the counter. The monster saddles up and puts 6 bottles of spirytus rektyfikowany on the counter. She reeks of cleaning fluid and is gasping for air. I looked slightly at her and she laughed and said "still need 2 more! " and heads back for more.

I was so disgusted that I might end up like that i just walked out

>> No.9735360

Burger here. Went to the liquor store awhile ago to buy spirytus rektfikowany. The Sri Lankan medical students who work there part time told me to make a hasty retreat as there was a notorious virgin in the store and he’d had half a cupful of shandy. I started to breathe loudly as I panicked. He was stood there clearly hiding a 4 inch erection while checking out my hair and body. I poured cleaning fluid all over my crotch so he wouldn’t try to smell me I kept having to go back for more bottles while he was stood at the counter- just to escape the smell. Finally he left, but I nearly slipped in the pool of cum he’d left at the counter.

>> No.9735365


>> No.9735377

Had three 24 ouncers last night, slept for 4 hours, been up with a fucking awful hangover since.

>> No.9735395

I blew off my family and responsibilities to get drunk again.

I can't wait until I die, It will be such burden lifted off my parents.

>> No.9735401

By drinking more

>> No.9735415


>not working at a bar as an alcoholic and riding the gravy train until they fire you for excessive drinking

Pussy as manager trying to run some pussy yuppie joint.

>> No.9735424


Kick your dog. The little freeloading bitch has no right to judge you.

>> No.9735429


>> No.9735434

i thought my tolerance would be lower after this long but it feels almost exactly the same maybe even higher

>> No.9735446


You got to factor how much fatter you are after being sober so long.

>> No.9735457






>> No.9735462

Are you retarded? Delete it

>> No.9735471

Lol I hardly drink anymore i was a drunj for 5 years before i was even of age to consume. I'm just a depressed lonely bastard and I need this to not feel alone in my suffering because you bros are all in fucked situations and are still alive so this also keeps me from killing myself.
>I understand we have lost some fellow alcks over the years as well so this is a amazing support group that those people even get remembered

>> No.9735473

Gastroenterologist says I have NASH and fatty liver will be dead in 5 years if I don't stop

>depressed about dying so I buy whiskey on the way home

>I'm 28

>> No.9735474
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Cheers boyos.

Listening to old choons from my childhood and dancing in the bathroom


>> No.9735478
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By coming here bro. I have no friends either

>> No.9735485

Bro fuck rehab I did that shit for 9 months court ordered. Fuck that bullshit. Surrounded by dieing alcks like 30-50 years of hard drinking fuck them

>> No.9735491


At least you got to hear some funny stories right?

>> No.9735502

not very

always been very lean and I did notice a tiny bit of weight gain after going sober but minimal

>> No.9735530
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I drink about three litres of beer everynight.
I am employed and my co-workers like me.
Am I a functioning alcoholick?

>> No.9735538

>3 litres
>so about one six pack
You're about as much of an alcoholic as a wine drinker.

>> No.9735539

I'm turning 29 in late December and want to go somewhere fun on my birthday. Where should I go lads?

>> No.9735542


>> No.9735548

it's not about how much you drink but how much it negatively effects your life

>> No.9735574

Srs pls

>> No.9735590

Is smoking yourself retarded a viable alternative?

>> No.9735604

Where exactly do you live? I would say a biergarten but if you live near a city they might have a good bar

>> No.9735606

Lol I meant on a vacation but I understand your replies now.


>> No.9735610

How does one drink without falling asleep? Once I hit my second or third Scotch I promptly go zzz.

>> No.9735611

I'd rather die a 5 month long drawn out liver failure delirium tremens screaming at pink elephants shitting the bed death then spend 1 minute as a pot person

"dude, you just don't get it, weed like frees your mind to all the possibilities. Like read this play I wrote I think dude, like, it's like dude, going to change the world."

>> No.9735629

I’ve never seen this, having been high for decades. Are you sure they’re not just kids?
Weed is the only thing on earth which stops me from drinking.
You’re insane btw if you’d rather die tortured than pretty much any alternative.

>> No.9735663

Haha word man most definitely.

>> No.9735669

Man this is my life. Fuck booze all I need is ganja I used to be a hardcore drunk and pill popper but since I smoke bud my family hates my guts calling me a addicts and shit when they saw me drunk like 5 days out of the week at the ripe age of 15

>> No.9735684

Eh, I never really "got" weed.

I did some pot in highschool but I guess it never really affected me like it does other people. I mean it's not like I felt nothing, but I always got a better buzz off alcohol than I did off weed, even back when I was drinking mostly horsepiss beer.

I don't feel superior to potheads, I just don't get what's the big deal when some quality booze gives me exactly what I want while weed is just "yeah ok I'm feeling it but it's not doing it for me."

>> No.9735709

Prohibition seems like an appropriate one for this crowd

>> No.9735733

6 beers in and I don't feel a fucking thing

>> No.9735752

Beer is inefficient as fuck for "feeling" it since it's more water than alcohol. If you just want to get fucked up, a decent Vodka is way more efficient both in time and in money.

>> No.9735760

Quality not quantity. What abv % is the beer you're drinking?

>> No.9735763

Is there a guide to how drinks taste, I'm looking to find "My drink", but simply buying one of everything will cost a bit.

>> No.9735767

Yeah, 6 5% beers in 2.5 hrs

>> No.9735774

I used to drink beer or malt liquor to get drunk. But then i realized I can drink 1.75 liters of portwine for $10. Of course I eventually moved on to vodka but I'm just trying to give some tips

>> No.9735783

Pick one

>> No.9735786

I don't get the hate for vodka.

>> No.9735797

Tell me what you've tried so far and what you liked and what you hated. I'm primarily a whisk(e)y fan myself but I've tried some shit so maybe I can give some recommendations.

That'll give the average teen a good solid buzz but when you're an experienced drinker it's probably not oing to do much for you, especially when you consider that beer is relatively expensive when you're just looking to get drunk asap due to its low alcohol %. 6% beer or lower mostly makes you piss a lot. I do enjoy a beer myself on occasion, but rarely get anything below 9% becuase I might as well just get a coke. I'm having a sweet, fig-tasting 11.6% atm and it's alright since I'm not a heavyweight exactly myself.

Anyway what I;'m saying is, it's no surprise that Russians treat beer like it's soda and move to Vodka when they want to get fucked up.

>> No.9735802

Dont worry I saw the series and the colors reminded me of toothpaste too.

>> No.9735816

Do hardcore get alkies any pleasure from drinking?

>> No.9735817

Vodka is efficient, that's the main appeal. Also it doesn't mind being overly chilled unlike Whisky which has a better flavor above fridge temperatures if you get my point.

It's got an okay (but no more than that) taste and it'll fuck you up fast enough to make the difference from really good stuff acceptable, which is a pleasing combination if getting fucked up is your goal.

I'm not the biggest vodka fan if you haven't noticed already, but I can't deny that it's it's got just about the most optimal taste/fucked-upness ratio you'll ever get. Which is probably why it comes from Russia.

>> No.9735864


Looking for something with a bit of a sweet taste, I'm not talking WKD or some heavily flavored drink, but something with a fruit/coconut sort of taste. I'm not really into Spirits or Bitters, I'll leave the Gammel Dansk for Christmas.

>> No.9735868

Pleasure is a difficult word for me if I'm perfectly honest. I don't think I've felt pleasure since I was like 14 years old.

I prefer drinking to not drinking when I don't have important things to do that require being sober, if that answers your question at all, but I try to keep my al/ck/ suppressed when I've actually got shit on my agenda that matters because I'm well-aware that it's not helping me or anyone else in the long run.

It's kind of a wants vs needs thing, really. If it's I want to get fucked up vs I need to not get fucked up, I keep my shit screwed tight. Otherwise, who even cares?

>> No.9735870

Is there any hope for an alcoholic who lives alone and has 0 friends?

>> No.9735875

None desu. Maybe marry a single mother

>> No.9735885

When there's a genuine want, there's a way. I'm 100% convinced of that. The real problem is whether there's a "want" at all, because if some part of you doesn't really want that hope, you're never ever going to get it.

It's definitely not going to appear before you like some magic fairy, it that's what you're aiming at.

>> No.9735904

And no, we’re doomed to an imminent and painful death. Think of al/ck/ when you die, so it can drink your spirit.

>> No.9735907

Note that "want" isn't to be equated to "really feel I ought to," because that's not the same thing by a long way.

>> No.9735917
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Those few peak-buzz hours daily are why I’m not kil

>> No.9735944

Is it bad that I only come to al/ck/ while I'm drinking and give advcice when I'm drunk, while I stay well away during the periods (sometimes weeks at a time) when I'm staying dry as can be?

It makes sense from a personal perspective since why would I talk to people with a perspective likje >>9735917 when I want to not think about drinking, but I can't help feeling slightly guilty about only giving one perspective.

I mean I feel for all you bastards like you were me, but I'm still a selfish dick at heart you know.

>> No.9735951


>> No.9735956

That's a noble endeavor to be sure.

>> No.9735967

When I'm trying to be sober I also come here a lot less, I try to keep myself occupied and not think of booze, this place, even with all of it's horror stories and salty cunts does the opposite

>> No.9735978

Bought 4 more beers. If 12 5% beers in 5 hours doesn't let me pass out then end me

>> No.9736011

My problem is while I do get into "sober mode" for sometimes weeks at a time and in all honsty I do derive some matter of pride and self-worth from that, it's never quite enough. In my profession (equivalent of "male nurse" in English) I do get a lot of self-validation and people genuinely appreciate me in a way that I previously neve felt, but in the long run it's never quite enough to make me feel like I'm not kidding myself and everyone else so I come here to feel sorry for yself and maybe give a few people advice in the hope it''ll help them more than I'm helping myself, one way or another. Which at this poijt means more to me than actually helping myself, if you get what I mean.

Horror stories just give me a feeling of camaraderie, like shared grief is half grief. And salty cunts won't tell me anything that I already haven't thought about myself so who are they even kidding except themselves?

If I can help people be better than I am, whether it's better at being a human being or better at being a drunk, I feel that's what gives me more purpose than just focusing on myself.

At the risk of going too far for a post like this, I've got this personal philosophy you see. If I leave this world not having made things worse than they already are, I'll die happy. And if I leave this world having made even one person's live worth the time, then I'm fine you see. It's a net +1 so I'll be fine, even if I'm shit myself I've made some faggot's life worth living so I'm fine.

12.5% is fine for beer if you ask me, at least for beer. If that's not enough you seriously need to give up or get onto something more serious, because at that point it's just coins thrown down the well. And ain't none of us can really afford to trhow coins down that well.

>> No.9736045

I feel like Im dying. Actually went to doctor a couple weeks ago for the first time since I was a kid. Turns out I had a ruptured eardrum from infection and strep throat. Still can't stop drinking full time and keep forgetting to take the medication they gave me. I think I'm developing pneumonia now too.
Also when the doctor asks if you drink alcohol does anybody here actually tell them how much you drink? I always just say no. Would this change the treatment they give or would they just tell me not to drink like it's that fucking simple?

>> No.9736061

Never lie to your doctor bro. Unless it's shit you genuinely feel is trivial, just admit the truth. Believe me, they've seen worse. If your goal is do die then there are less painful and less boorish ways, and if that's not your goal you're better off listening to someone who knows their shit. Drinking is one thing, being genuinely sick is another.

>> No.9736183

Oh I didn't mean to disparage this general or whatever, I just don't really think I have much advice to offer, since I'm fairly young in comparision, I still enjoy it here, probably one of the best threads on this site. (Also is the term Krankenpfleger, perchance?)

>> No.9736186

It was just a walk in place I don't have a actual doctor. I think Ineed to go back but i feel tooweak toget out of bed now. Ive barely been eating this past couple months. Is there any way to have a real doctor come to you in bed like in the old movies? Between all the aleve and alcohol I don't know if my body can even recover

>> No.9736398


>> No.9736491

Who’s gonna be here Christmas Day? I know I am. I propose using tripcodes so the most desperate among us can be identified.

>> No.9736503

Drinking is depressing enough no need to make it worse

>> No.9736537

I'll be here but probably before anyone wakes up cause I have to work.

>> No.9736555

Yeah there are call out doctors, just look them up in your post code. obviously they're more expensive though.

>> No.9736889

How many shots of 40% liquor do I need for a nightcap to work?

>> No.9736940

think those are called ambulances

>> No.9737105

when you keeep having nosebleeds isnt it a sign of something?

>> No.9737112
File: 71 KB, 1149x832, 1510140753408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using tripcodes on 4chan

>> No.9737113

my bitch luh do cocaine, oou

>> No.9737448

>how pathetic do you have to be to take pride in being a bigger alcoholic than someone else

>saying this in an alcoholic thread

>> No.9737596
File: 23 KB, 370x370, 1511175443570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be an alcohol
>anon will never drink you

>> No.9738023

Stupid question but did anyone else have an alcoholic mother? God rest her soul, but fond memories of monthly interventions as a child, finding her passed out and pissed herself all over the couch, and discovering her plastic Vladimir bottle collection hidden in the broken washing machine in the basement