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9729402 No.9729402 [Reply] [Original]

I'm so burnt out on being a line cook. I know everything and still can't get promoted. I'm getting old and just am not making enough money. I have come to hate the thing I once loved. This shit sucks. Does anyone feel the same?

>> No.9729441

if you are over 25 and not at a management level the problem is absolutely on your end.

it is almost always attitude, followed closely by organization

take a good long look at what you think you know and realize that there is always so much more to learn. the absolute vast majority of line cooks in the united states have no idea what they're doing. how to execute a braise. what a brunoise actually is. how to fucking mop a floor. statistically speaking you are probably one of these, given your whining on a salvadorian cockfighting forum.

fix your shit nigger

>> No.9729463

You are a fucking idiot. The food scene is purely politics. It's all about who the chef likes the best that can do a decent job at being a line cook. The best cooks get stuck because it's easier for the flow of service. You don't know what you are even talking about. I'm 26 and can literally run circles around the sous at places I've worked. It's purely about brown nosing and not about skill.

>> No.9729520

you're aware that it's a political game and yet refuse to play? everything in life is political.

if people don't like you enough to promote you why would they? more importantly if you're not likeable enough to be promoted then how could you expect to be likeable enough to lead

before you say something idiotic about how you don't need to an liked to be good chef with few exceptions most cdcs operating great kitchens right now are extremely well liked by their cooks. respected and fear too, probably in different ratios. but definitely liked.

>> No.9729554

Just keep applying for Sous Chef or Head Chef positions. That's how I became one. Just don't give up.

>> No.9729566

Dennys here.

Being a """cook""" absolutely sucks ass and the pay is indeed absolute shit from that ass. I should have stayed in college.

Also, I wouldn't recommend ordering anything but a standard breakfast here.

>> No.9729743

Yeah I feel the same. Leaving college was a mistake

>> No.9729795

You and everyone like you should be killed.

>> No.9729803

Start your own business? Save up on seed money.

>> No.9730375


I take it you aren't a big fan of the truth, because no matter where you go you will find many less capable workers at higher levels of professional advancement because they are better networkers, brown nosers, or just plain have a better personality.

That's not cooking exclusive.

Regardless you will have a better chance if you cast a wider net. Surely there is a restaurant or catering service somewhere that doesn't have a suitable candidate for advancement internally and you can get it. If you stay in one spot forever and just hope for that one opening that may come and may or may not be given to you, you might be waiting a long time.

>> No.9730437
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>different person here who also fucking hates pieces of shit like you.
i can feel the fucking reddit oozing off you, you smug millennial know-nothing Bernout.
Fuck off and die you bearded nigger faggot hipster cunt.

>> No.9730564


Maybe you're just cut out to be a line cook for the rest of your life, a position held in equal measure with a frycook or busboy by anyone outside of your industry.

Also, one would typically equate the complaints from a poor performer who is unable to grasp why he can't advance professionally with a millenial bernout rather than the people who aren't so personally, professionally, and mentally stunted.

>> No.9730821

what is like me. what do you mean by this.

>> No.9730861

it's funny that this loser keeps getting mildly unkind but helpful advice and he spazzes the fuck out.

no surprise he hasn't been chosen to move up in a world that is rapidly passing him by as he approaches 30.

>> No.9730927

did binging with babish cook this cake?

>> No.9731369

Slimy, useless, nepotistic cunts.

>> No.9731563


Slimy, useless, nepotistic cunts with better jobs and more money than a salty middle aged line cook?

>> No.9731862

have you considered the possibility that the problem is on your end? at all? there is nothing at all you need to work on?

or are you the victim of popularity, still a loser like you were in school, at the mercy of the people people liked? have you no agency?

it is entirely up to you whether you succeed or fail, faggot. if it is truly the case that you have lost some culinary popularity contest then leave the romanos macaroni grill and go elsewhere. if not, your unhappiness is your fault.

>> No.9731886

Don't get stuck, find another job and put in your fuck you notice.

>> No.9731936

This entirely, and it's true in pretty much any job.

I'm a software dev, and the further I advance, the more I realize that but a few rare exceptions, actual technical skill matters far less than all the other interpersonal "soft skills" shit.

>> No.9731978

and you're just a ray of sunshine yourself aren't you babe

>> No.9732003

>I'm a software dev, and the further I advance, the more I realize that but a few rare exceptions, actual technical skill matters far less than having no soul.

Fixed that for you.

>> No.9732801


You realize that every time somebody equates being personable or networking, you suggest they are "soulless", "nepotistic", or the like.

Being a capable networker or a decent human is not a negative quality, although you seem to equate all positive qualities other than strict job performance with somehow being negative, as if they aren't all part of a greater package. I suspect your failings are far greater than simply being an autistic introvert.

>> No.9733482

Why are you trying to defend nepotism? It's wrong no matter what. Just because someone can tell a better joke or is more attractive, does not mean they should be rewarded.

>> No.9733637

>and you're just a ray of sunshine yourself aren't you babe
What, should I be happy people are given things they haven't earned?

>> No.9734051


You do actually know what nepotism is, right? It's favoring family, or close friends.

If you're missing out on promotions because you're a genetic trashheap with the personality of your average dishwasher, that's not nepotism.

>> No.9734091

>work in a kitchen
>studied food science in the few years of college I had, actually have a decent understanding of the technical parts of cooking as well as the art of making food taste good
>kitchen leads decide they don't like me because I am not "relatable"
>purposely give me incorrect directions (claiming that's how "they" do it in "this" kitchen) causing sabotage to several of my produced recipes
>wind up being demoted to being a fucking dishwasher and chopping brussel sprouts
>manager tells me there is "nothing he can do"

I mean I really should quit but it's the only place in my area that pays $12/hour. I've considered just going back to the jewniversity and finishing my degree to go work for a food lab. This job took my passion and destroyed it.

>> No.9734112

Isn't that pretty good money?

>> No.9734139

If you have to live off it, not really.

>> No.9734194

ok ignoring the fact that you clearly don't understand what nepotism is

are you saying that you are the best cook.

because you seem to be under the impression that there is nothing more you could do, professionally, to improve your standing.

and that, bro, is fucking bananas. delusional. i know many cooks in many three michelin star restaurants who are almost certainly a better cook than you and would never say that. i know many fantastic hometown local spot cooks who wouldn't say that, and they're probably better too.

do you really think that you are as good as you think you are

i am tempted to believe this is just elaborate bait

>> No.9734208

you know nothing. realistically. that's like saying that you studied plumbing and are now a capable plumber. if you were good at understanding 'the art of making food taste food's you would not be a dishwasher.

now you're in debt with no education and no skills

>> No.9734242


I stayed in college and graduated and I still ended up a faggot cook

>> No.9734245

not really

t. person that makes 16.69 doing soulless shit

>> No.9734267

Different person my ass, this is actual advice lol
The truth.... She does hurt

>> No.9734315

if one short lived job destroyed your passion you had none to begin with

>> No.9734343

Not him but I love cars and I was a mechanic for about a month before I discovered the job was shit.

Trying to turn a passion into a career is how souls die.

>> No.9734411
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>Isn't that pretty good money?

are you fucking stupid?

>> No.9734436

Yeah we aren't all coasties where rent is $1,500 for a one bedroom.

>> No.9734585

>If you're missing out on promotions because you're not as well liked as others, that's not nepotism
Are you actually retarded?

>> No.9734588

Nepotism, favoritism, bias, partiality, whatever you want to call it. Also, I'm not OP.

>> No.9734709

will you stop masturbating with semantics and look at the actual point being made

>> No.9734729

Get out. Once discontent has settled in you'll never be happy.
Why keep a fucking linecook job you hate?

>> No.9734796

He damn well better read up on some business and accounting first though. I can't tell you how many times I have seen someone up for sous interview and their tasting is great but they know absolutely fuck all about the numbers end of things. At the very least know how to calculate food cost and what it actually is calculating, how to cost out labor, and how to figure out what to charge for a menu item.
Educate yourself before applying to those positions, if you don't know what COGS means you aren't ready for that position.

>> No.9735064


Not getting a promotion because you're intolerable is not nepotism. I'm not sure if this is trollbait or retardation.

Nepotism is if the owner brings in his brother or cousin who has never cooked a day in his life and promotes him to head chef. Allowing you to languish as a line cook and promoting qualified candidates isn't nepotism, it's common sense.

>> No.9735068

move on to the next restaurant.
Dont stay for more than a year and a half if they dont promote you if you do shit right.

t. chef de cuisine who started as dish washer and then line cok

>> No.9736580

Not being promoted just because you're not liked is fucking wrong, you dumb faggot. You should be promoted based on skill and work ethic. What is hard to understand about this?

>> No.9736593
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>> No.9736653

>What is hard to understand about this?

What "should" happen isn't what actually happens. Look at it this way: Your the boss and you have 2 candidates you can promote who are competent but the one you personally like best isn't as good as the one you think is a dickwad. Guess who you promote?

>> No.9737534

I would choose the person best suited for the position and put aside my personal feelings. The only reason anyone would do otherwise is if they were a selfish and amoral person.

>> No.9737610

>The only reason anyone would do otherwise is if they were a selfish and amoral person.

Hmm, you've essentially summarized american authority from the topmost govt. position to the lowest mom and pop shop. Sorry that disneyland isn't real, but you do you.

>> No.9738241

So you agree that it's wrong? Okay, good, I'm done here.

>> No.9738943


>> No.9738969

are leadership skills not a skill?

>> No.9738975

That goes for jobs other than cooking as well