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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 966 KB, 1920x1080, grated-parmesan-today-tease-160217_f9ef7604016457433d18c10f422ffcde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9727722 No.9727722 [Reply] [Original]

>"Let me just quickly enhance my meal by adding a cheese that distinctly smells and tastes like vomit!"

>> No.9727761

Smells more like feet to me. I used to always wear slippers around the house and they got real sweaty after awhile. They made my feet smell like parmesan and I used to like sticking them up to my face and inhaling the aroma. But now I wear a different type of shoe around the house and my feet don't smell good no more.

>> No.9727768

cheeseboys, am i right?

>> No.9727769

Have i ever told you the story of Pelagius the wise?

>> No.9727773

Typical parmesanfag right there.

>> No.9727777

Tastes amazing.
Smells revolting.
It's not even like a tolerable blue cheese scent.

>> No.9727790

>soyboy can't handle the cheese
Fucking low test

>> No.9727797

Cheese is fine, grated vomit isn't.

>> No.9727811

I've always used Romano cheese, and when I accidentally bought Parmesan I noticed a vomit-like taste to it. Read online that it has the same chemical in it that gives vomit it's distinctive taste, and that people dislike it when smelling the isolated chemical if it's labeled "vomit" but like it if it's labeled "Parmesan".

>> No.9727916

I can tell you that when I like it damn sure doesn't taste like parmesan cheese

>> No.9727962
File: 99 KB, 900x1344, 1387824655586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butyric acid is good when its in muh sour beers but NOT IN MY CHEESE OR CHOCOLATE REEEEEEEEEEEEEeee

I want to punch all of you hipsters.

>> No.9727966


>> No.9728180

Fucking women are disgusting.

>> No.9729482

It has a pungent pleasant aroma usually

>> No.9729507

I didn’t think it smells or tastes anything at all like vomit, it smells and tastes like Parmesan cheese; slightly pungent but overall salty and creamy.

>> No.9729523

babbypalate detected. I feel sorry for you missing out on the wonders of cheese, some people just weren't meant for them

>> No.9729715

Imo its pretty tastles there are other cheeses with way more flavor that you can use in dishes.

>> No.9729754
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You're disgusting. Join the scentless master race, shower with Hibiclens.

>> No.9729759

lactose intolerant soyboy detected

>> No.9729760

They don't understand why we have to use this stuff. They will most likely rabidly attack you for calling them dumb for putting P&G/Unilever poison on their skin.

The last thing you can do here is insult that garbage they call "perfume."

>> No.9729960

>implying vomit isn't a high-quality flavor carrier

>> No.9729986

Smells like shit farts to me. Absolutely hate it

>> No.9729987

>using silicate filled cancer or antibiotics on your skin

Enjoy encouraging disease resistance for the next black death you fucking retards!

>> No.9730160

In american chokoloade it apparently is.

>> No.9730162

That's the safest soap on earth.
I don't use it, I use Castile soap because no allergic reaction, are you suggesting that you don't wash yourself so you can build up disease immunity?

>> No.9730262
File: 180 KB, 1600x1200, 1509898170503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this shit. In boot camp the drill instructors would whip out a spray bottle of this sticky shit, line us up naked before we "attacked the rainroom" and spray us down about once a week.

Boot camp is a disgusting place. 2/3 weeks in everyone gets pneumonia of varying severity and the squad bay sounded like a fucking lung cancer ward all night.

>> No.9730276

Europeans are known for shitty food, especially cheese. If it's not moldy, rotten or smells like vomit they are not interested

>> No.9730280

yea well tell that to swiss or dutch people, the world master duo in cheese

>> No.9730281

I can only handle it melted

>> No.9730290

Fuck this thread

>> No.9730297

>everyone gets pneumonia

This is very accurate and I've neved been able to figure out why since most recruits are young and in decent shape. It may have something to do with sleeping communally in drafty barracks with only 1 thin ass wool blanket.

>> No.9730306
File: 16 KB, 300x300, Parmigiano-reggiano_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a joke? Or is "parmesan" something different than pic related? It's one of the best cheeses around

>> No.9730317

let me explain to you how it works in america:
cheddar = any type of hard cheese
parmesan = the exceptions of above rule
blue cheese = you mean there's more than one type?
brie = all soft cheese

>> No.9730326

never had american chocolate, couldn't tell

>> No.9730328


>> No.9730361

My local Wal-Mart has cheeses imported from Europe. There are at least 25 kinds of cheeses total, and that's just at Wal-Mart, not even considering the multiple other places that sell higher quality cheese in the area.

>> No.9730372

>oh look, they have european cheddar!

>> No.9730459

>He is disgusted by parmesan cheese
I know the pickiest fucking kids tolerate it. You must be a level 7 tastelet.

>> No.9730755

>25 kinds!
Wow duuude. Stick to the plastic stuff.

>> No.9730757
File: 57 KB, 480x360, IMG_1400_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>25 kinds of cheeses
if a place has less than 95 kinds of cheeses I'll actively avoid doing business with them

not even buying toilet paper there if they can't offer me six different kinds of Roquefort

also I need at least six stages of maturity regarding the Gouda choice, otherwise I will piss somewhere in the store and hope some granny slips on my piss and breaks a hip or something

t. Mr. Cheese

>> No.9730858


>Let me start a thread about a product i vigurously dislike and argue about it :)

>> No.9730886

any one else top their lasagne with permesan?

>> No.9730944

It's delicious grated over butternut squash risotto.

>> No.9730949
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i was west coast april-july so at night it was the perfect temperature.

it's just because you got all these pathogens from all over the USA in one room. Kinda like if you went to some random terminal at an airport, locked it down and made them live with eachother for 3 months. everyone would get sick as fuck.

>> No.9731018

Thats what /ck/ is all about

>> No.9731176

No, just that you are directly hurting the survivability of the human race (all of us) every time you put that soap on your skin.









I can't wait until the First World, with its worthless nu-males who have decimated their natural microbiota on the inside through years of germophobia and excessively cleanliness habits, and on the outside through the synthetic soaps drug companies sell them because they told them it was a superior product. You have destroyed your natural immunity in the gut and on the skin. You deserve the future global pandemic that you are feeding.

>> No.9731375

>I need at least six stages of maturity regarding the Gouda choice

Sadly even Dutch supermarkets sell only five stages. It's too hard to get a steady supply of year-aged cheese.

>> No.9731391

Lol fuck American consumers

>> No.9731485

I need the following stages:
- three weeks, some faggots call it Baby Gouda;
- six weeks, a.k.a. Young Gouda, smells like feet of a pretty 16yo girl after yoga;
- two months, almost like puberty, Young Matured Gouda;
- four months, the MILF with soft skin, Matured Gouda;
- eight months, Extra Matured Gouda, like the granny you always wanted to fuck;
- 12 months, literally the O.G. - Old Gouda;
- 16 months, the fishscale of cheese, with fucking white crystals how sick is that, Very Old Gouda

I have a guy in Holland who can send me every stage via overnight express, he's not cheap but very reliable and has only hq stuff

>> No.9731567
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 2010-01-19-022651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't like the smell of feet
Absolute plebbery

>> No.9733386

The emperor of Tamriel?

>> No.9733409

I was hitting on this super drunk fat chick at bar back in college and when I turned to give my buddies the thumbs up because it was going so well she threw up on herself. I turned back and saw what she had done and I simply stood up and walked away. She was out of it, almost passed out. I remember thinking it smelled like parmesan. I have no idea what happened to her.

>> No.9734429

This. Even the shittiest backwater town in most developed countries has a good cheese shop. I lived in a town of 10,000ppl in Canada that was 6 hours drive from the nearest city and it even had a cheese shop with 200+ cheeses in it.

>> No.9735490

its the lack of sleep paired with high physical exertion.
was a cadet officer so i never experienced the full throttle ass whoopin but boot camp is boot camp