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File: 24 KB, 493x335, gout_illustration_s1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9722557 No.9722557 [Reply] [Original]

What foods should a gout sufferer avoid?
What foods should they eat more of?

>> No.9722588

>What foods should a gout sufferer avoid?
They say you need to avoid "rich" foods, typically meaning avoid fried shit, butter, and organ meats, and avoid eating lots of meat in general.

There's some enzyme in cherries that supposedly helps with gout and general joint pain. Eat or drink cherries, pomegranates, and other dark colored berries for antioxidants.

Sometimes medical conditions go away on their own once you stop being morbidly obese.

>> No.9722592

I know a guy who got gout after eating nothing but boxed microwave frozen meats for an entire winter

Before that happened I wondered how he was even alive

After that happened I wonder how much longer he's going to be alive

Also, apparently it's really painful, who would have thought

>> No.9722600

Something like 80% of gout cases have no relation to diet.

You probably just have shit genes or kidney damage, and there's no hope.

>> No.9722604

I'm not obese at all, I'm actually pretty skinny, so this recent gout diagnosis appears to be bad luck, ut I'm hoping I can avoid another episode of it with the right diet and lifestyle.

I've pretty much cut red meat out of my diet, although I still eat chicken and turkey

>> No.9722620
File: 219 KB, 700x525, Uric Acid Crystals - Microscopic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, apparently it's really painful, who would have thought

Crystals of uric acid are forming in your joints. Imagine having a million tiny little needles puncturing all of your cells

>> No.9722665

Eat lots of cabbage.

>> No.9722673

Then you've got genetic gout and will suffer periodically for the rest of your life no matter what you do.

>> No.9722722

That's pretty sad and harsh, Anon.

>> No.9722753

Person with gout here.

Limit red meat and basically all the best things in the world (I am terrible at this)

Eat black cherries.

Also if it seems to be getting worse go see a fucking doctor. There is some medicine that will help and doesn't cost much. Trust me, gout can basically leave you crippled for a week if you have a really bad flair up.

>> No.9722812

Forgot to add. Drinking a lot of alcohol is going to make it worse.

>> No.9722833

How do you know if you have gout?

>> No.9722919

Stay away from salt, nitrates and nitrites, colourants. Drink lots of water. I mean lots.

>> No.9722935


No bacon, no gumballs, no salt and vinegar chips, doritos. Anything that tastes good, tell it to fuck off.

>> No.9722938

Wrong and retarded, genetic factors account for 60% of the variability in uric acid levels. The remaining 40%, FOR EVERYONE, is diet and lifestyle.

Force your subhuman memes elsewhere.

>> No.9722982

you have to get diagnosed for it by looking at the uric acid in your blood, it hurts like arthritis pretty much.

>> No.9723120

does it go away/get cured?
just looking at OPs pic causes me pain

>> No.9723186

Apple cider vinegar helps my gout flare ups a shit ton. Look it up as a natural remedy for gout. I forget the dosage.

Make sure its the raw kind with the mother, like Bragg

>> No.9723198

i've got type 1 diabetes, so you can fucking blow me
>I can't eat deep-fried food and red meat all the time! Waaaaahhhh!
i have to test 3x a day, take shots 3x a day, and i'm basically guaranteed to get an infection and have something amputated when i'm old, if I even get old without dying to something stupid and shitty

>> No.9723263

I don't think it can necessarily be cured, but it can be minimized with diet and medicine. Most of the time I am perfectly fine able bodied person, but I can usually tell when it setting in a day before it happens. Then I wake up the next day and it looks like I am using a cane to walk if I can even stand up at all. Then after a couple days to a week and change it just magically clears up and I am perfectly fine again.

Its a really strange thing.

>> No.9723275

Lol, my grandfather used to get gout but no one gets gout anymore. I take that back, I saw some fuckwad sitting next to me at a casino poker table who had deformed hands and I asked, "wtf is wrong with your hands, are you crippled?" He took on a hang dog look and said, "no it's gout," lol. Jesus, I'm not trying to be unsympathetic but his hands literally had mountains growing from the knuckle areas, lol! I have a feeling if he wasn't such an old impotent fuck, he would have had a disastrous time getting laid with hands like that.

>> No.9723612

so do you fart the crystals out or what

>> No.9723644



>> No.9724595

I had a friend who had gout for over a year and it cleared up in the end. Turns out he had an underlying syphilis infection. The gout was probably caused by the syphilis as he hasn't had an episode since he got cured.

>> No.9724791

Is this saying turmeric is bad for gout? I’ve seen lots of articles talking about how it is good

>> No.9724890

Avoid eating too much red meat and beans.

>> No.9724902

Experiencing a case of gout myself right now. My god if you haven’t experienced it you have no idea the crippling pain it causes. I know my beer intake isn’t helping / might be causing it entirely but I’m an alcoholic so I find myself at a cross road. I want to stop and I know it’s killing me slowly, but every night I just have to get a buzz rolling. Its all I look forward to. Wish there was an easy way to just stop. Addiction is another bitch no one understands unless they to have one. lésigh

>> No.9724952

Nutritionfacts is vegan propaganda and its author has made claims like ceasing to eat meat will cure death itself. Seriously.

>> No.9725005

Avoid red meats especially the offals, seafood, cabbages, various beans and nuts.
Nothing that you should eat more of.

>> No.9725064

Yeah. Gout is as much symptom of a shitty diet as it is one of an incurable hereditary disease. Bummer.

>> No.9725091

Sounds badass

>> No.9725099

I think people general drink unsweetened cherry juice for gout
it is a bit bitter at first but I kind of got used to it
my sister had gout and I drank all the juice kek

>> No.9727078

Thanks for the advice so far. I barely eat red meat anyway, so that’s already taken care of. I have been eating tuna sandwiches for lunch pretty regularly, same with baked beans, which I’ll look to change.
I’ll look into cherries.

>> No.9728197

pretty salty for someone whose blood is so sweet

>> No.9728236

Godspeed, Anon.

>> No.9728649

you're weak. addiction isn't a disease, you are a weakling.
get your shit together or suffer

>> No.9729113

I have gout. I get attacks maybe every 6 months or so. The pain is tremendous. I've been stabbed, punched, kicked in the balls, burned with a blowtorch, had dental work done without any novocaine, broken bones... I'd take all of that over a severe gout attack. You can't sleep, you can't move, you can't sit still, you can't find a less painful position... you just suffer ceaseless, agonizing pain until it's over. It doesn't even throb, it's just constant pain.

Diet has a lot to do with it, but yeah I think most cases are related to organ damage. I'm a pretty severe alcoholic.

Watch out for seafood, too. And beer. And HFCS. And even the poultry still has purines, so you have to be careful with that shit. I eat it semi-regularly but I'm on a primarily veggie diet. Also pound water like you just trekked a fucking desert. Every day. Add lemon juice to it, and make sure you brush your teeth, that shit is corrosive.

>Anything that tastes good, tell it to fuck off.
Basically this. I love seafood, organ meats, pork of all descriptions, red meat, etc. Now I'm basically an unwilling vegetarian.

If you've had it, it'll probably come back if you're not careful. Hell, it could come back if you ARE careful.

Gout is uncommon but not that uncommon. Something like 4% of the population.

I haven't gotten off the sauce, but you're right: it ain't helping. At the very least, make sure you're drinking enough water and if you're gonna be an addict, then stop eating meat for the most part. Gotta give up something.

Tuna is one of the worst things you can eat. Consider salmon in limited quantities instead.

The cherries thing never really seemed to affect mine much. Maybe it helps in the long run, but if you're having an attack you need water more than cherries.

>> No.9729124

Organ meats
Red Wine

Eat black cherries or cherry juice you can also take Ibuprofen if you have swelling.

>> No.9729172

I've heard that drinking a shitton of coffee helps

>> No.9729188

I've heard that too, but I don't really buy it. Drinking several cups a day can help reduce uric acid levels in the body, but coffee is also a diuretic, and too much of that shit can cause problems for your kidneys as well, which is the entire reason you have gout in the first place. I suspect water is the better solution

>> No.9729191


fuck off you screwed up bottom dweller.

>> No.9729403

I think I had a gout attack in the joints of my big toes once, after having eaten a real lot off meat at the fondue on New Year's Eve ( a tradition in my family). I was still in my early twenties, so I really didn't expect this. It was no joke, it literally felt like there was sand grating in my joints at every move. Really painful and crippling, I walked like a retard the whole day. I have been careful about eating large amounts of meat ever since. Luckily it has worked, no attacks in the last twenty years.

>> No.9729579

fiber and plant nutrient heavy diet. lots of water and tea. Stay away from fatty and high cholesterol foods.

>> No.9729636

Red wine will be hard to give up, I still like the occasional glass with dinner.
What about white meats? Are they bad too? I’m not ready to be a full vego so I might take some chances here.
Tuna can fuck off, but I think occasional salmon would have health benefits. Isn’t it true that not enough Utica acid in the blood can cause other issues? Anyway I’ll have a blood test next week which I hope will shed some light on why I have the problem.
Also, for the sufferers in this thread, do you take preventative meds or just treat the symptoms when they arise?

>> No.9730016

The med that i know of is Alopurinol. Consult a doctor first before you take it.

>> No.9730154

Pork. maybe even meat in general.
My granpa had it so hard he didn`t even want to walk or grab stuff because of the joint pain.
Skipping pork gave huge results and that motivated him to go veggie.
I am talking about an old stubborn actual alcoholic who probably up to this point didn`t even understand what vegetarianism is, and i am a meat eater and hate preachy veggy nuts.
But this is what we got as results, huge pain reduction and better joint articulation.

>> No.9730190

You can't cure gout.
Think of it like this. If you got gout, that means you have overloaded your kidneys until it suffers from a permanent irreversible damage, albeit a small one. With each gout attack that you experienced, your kidneys gets more and more damaged until you suffer from renal failure.

>> No.9730360

I hope I can get some kind of clarity on exactly how I overloaded my kidneys, given I don't tick any of the boxes of a typical sufferer.
On one hand if it's genetic, then I can take comfort in knowing there's nothing I could have done. If it was through some diet issue, I'd have hoped avoiding the mistake in future would prevent future spells.
From what you're saying, it's probably better to take preventative meds going forward rather than simply treating the symptoms if/when they re-emerge.

>> No.9730377

Was diagnosed with gout in college, started exercising and lost about 100lbs. Now I still eat all the shit they tell you not to and drink but only get attacks once every couple years. I just take 300mg Allopurinol every day to keep my uric acid down and if I have an attack I go to an urgent care and get a prescription of prednisone and the attack is gone in less than 8 hours. So just get in shape and get a prescription of allopurinol.

>> No.9730399
File: 173 KB, 999x1300, 1511200272154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello gout friend. Allopurinol is a godsend. 2 gout attacks is too much in one lifetime. i had about 10 before I got it under control.

LPT: Avoid alcohol. lol

>> No.9730453
File: 960 KB, 1280x976, Lovehurts&sodoesart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now I still eat all the shit they tell you not to

>> No.9730458

I'm lucky I guess, because on the Allopurinol I still drink a decent amount (weekends usually, very high tolerance so a lot of booze) and don't have any problems. And I eat organ meat, red meat, etc all the time. I don't really worry about it because I know I have the attacks infrequently enough that prednisone will get rid of it ASAP. I think what really changed it for me was just getting in shape, and drinking a TON of water every day.

>> No.9730493

fucking footfags

>> No.9730524
File: 93 KB, 519x533, 1494017495146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9730554

>screwed up bottom dweller
You're the addict :]