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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9726765 No.9726765 [Reply] [Original]

Deepest Darkest Culinary Sins
You will be forgiven

>> No.9726776

I'm allergic to about a dozen different types of food yet I still eat them like it is nothing. Not sure what effect it has on me since I have never tried to abstain from these foods because they are so common.

>> No.9726800

What foods? I'm allergic to fruits, including tomatoes and peppers, and I'll eat them once in a while but I get a rash around my mouth that's a bit painful for the next day or two.

>> No.9726827

I was once drunk at a friends house and starting eating some pita at 4AM, but it was halfway through that I realized that I was all of the pita was moldy.

Also another time I was drunk and wanted to eat some tuna salad but didnt want to do so much effort, i opened the tuna can and drunkenly thought I could invent a new tuna salad by dumping some bloody mary mix on the tuna. It was alright.

>> No.9726829
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I still love squeezy cheese, but only on brauts. There is no other circumstance where it's good.

>> No.9726835

I dont feel happy eating anything other than ice cream, frozen entrees, and coffee.

I am not overweight at all but I think I should be. I think the guilt makes it seem like I eat more than I do

>> No.9726845

When I was a kid I mixed ham and chocolat syrup thinking that since I like them both individually, they would taste good together.
They didn't.

>> No.9726847

I break my noodles in half before boiling them because they fit neater in the pot that way, and most people cut up their noodles anyway.

>> No.9726852

unforgivable stupidity

>> No.9726869

i thought i was desensitizing myself to dairy (i wasnt lactose intolerant just allergic) when i was 7, and went from 1 tablespoon, to like a cup in a day, and then a couple days later was at 3 cups and had the worst hives. i can have dairy now though

>> No.9726873

I like my white wine over ice, and frequently drink red wine with chicken.

>> No.9726907

I love cooking meat in plastic oven-proof bags.
I unironically love Heinz.
I`m fat, but i still eat out in KFC.

>> No.9727074

Once I cooked ground beef with honey and cinnamon.

>> No.9727085

The student hostel I live in, make really bad, boring, bland food, like porridge and vegetable stew every other day so I season everything to the point of abuse with Indian chaat masala spice to make anything palpable.

>> No.9727100

Why don't you cook for yourself? I ditched hostel food a long time ago.

>> No.9727115

I literally don't know how to cook.

>> No.9727117

Same here, very allergic to a bunch of stuff according to a blood allergy test. But the only things that really bother me are too much wheat and too much milk, especially hot milk.

>> No.9727120

this destroys the fine balance of the noodle and may give you cancer

>> No.9727122

I've developed a slight allergy to avocado in recent years. Makes my throat itchy as hell but I can't stop eating it. I avoid it if my immune system is weak though.

>> No.9727124

I mean, does it change the way the noodles taste? It’s not like I put olive oil in the water too.

>> No.9727128

>olive oil in the water
i-is this wrong? it says to do this in some pasta directions

>> No.9727135

I like ketchup in my bolognese because of the sweet acidity

>> No.9727168

I ate thai sweet chili sauce with my steaks for the longest time. Not any longer though.

>> No.9727172

I eat my chicken with honey drizzled over it

>> No.9727173

From ages 12-23, i ate raw meat with sunny salt on a regular basis, at least once a week. Forgive me. My father also ate raw butter regularly as well.

>> No.9727206

I love tater tot hot dish

>> No.9727224

I like my meats more 'done' than most. its a little bit dryer and i love that

except steak because it becomes too chewy

>> No.9727228

make it palpable huh

>> No.9727272

The oil sits on top and does literally nothing. It's just wasting oil.

>> No.9727275

I like spreading avocado on my toast and drinking frappichinos

>> No.9727288

I was talking recipes with a friend and called risotto "chorizo" by mistake. He lived in Spain for a bit so he called me out on my bullshit real quick. Aphasia is a royal pain.

>> No.9727295

I eat soy daily
I'm a filthy soyboy

>> No.9727299

I'm a trained and relatively skilled cook but I eat like shit because of pure laziness and crippling self-worth issues.

>> No.9727310
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I leave things un-refrigerated overnight, because I'm a lazy piece of shit. I'll reheat things that have been sitting out for several days, as long as long as it smells/looks okay. I must have the immune system of a street dog by now though.

>> No.9727311

When you pour the pasta out of the pot, it passes through the thin layer of oil at the surface, and some of the oil coats the pasta preventing it from sticking as badly and saving you the effort of immediately tossing it with oil or butter before you are ready to sauce it.

It's a minor convenience that I never bother with, and some of the oil is certainly wasted as not all of it gets picked up by the pasta, but it does have at least a small desirable effect, so I understand why it is advised. A lot of people are incompetent with pasta for some reason, totally unable to cook it by taste and unable to serve it without turning it into a solid sticky glob, so I can also see why the manufactures think they need to tell people to lubricate their noodles.

>> No.9727313

I exclusively lived off protein powder and vitamins for one year.

>> No.9727347

what do you normally eat?

>> No.9727362

I spike my homemade red sauce with ketchup

>> No.9727383

Sometimes I basically eat condiments from the fridge like mayo and relish and bbq sauce by liking them off my fingers

>> No.9727386


>> No.9727392

I use American cheese.

>> No.9727409

I've drizzled honey on my pizza on more than 1 occasion.

>> No.9727430
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I felt proud of myself for finding Szechuan sauce at an Asian grocers. Rather than apply it to a Kung Po like the jar suggested, I dunked McChicken Selects into it.

Yes, I'm cancer.

>> No.9727441

I actually really like Vienna sausages

>> No.9727490

>take pot
>put on stove
>turn on the heat
>put some oil in
>fry some shit
why is this complicated?

>> No.9727550
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I love eating weisswurst with ketchup.

>> No.9727557

I straight up drink pickle juice on a regular basis. It's also my go-to chaser for vodka but usually I'm just straight up drinking a glass of pickle juice

>> No.9727558

I don't like onions unless they're in something like a curry or salsa.

>> No.9727589


>> No.9727604

ive got a room temperature rotisserie chicken in my room right now.

>> No.9727607

>sunny salt
What did he mean by this?

>> No.9727620
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A ton of cooks do this. Who has the energy to cook after a day of doing it for assholes?
I do this too with vegetables. Pizza is designed to be eaten the next day too.

>> No.9727623

why in the mother FUCK are you putting oil on your pasta?
why aren't you finishing the pasta in the sauce you dopey cunt?

>> No.9727649

Like I said, I never do that, but in the confines of a home kitchen operated by the incompetent average pasta-cooker, oiling or buttering the noodles right away is infinitely preferable to letting them congeal in the strainer for five minutes while you lazily make up for not having your mise en place. You shouldn't be using so much lube that it effects the taste anyway.

You know, as unappealing as it is, that many people don't even cook their store-bought jars of pasta sauce, right? They just dump it on top after straining the noodles. If that's the kind of process the average consumer is going to use, I can understand why they advise leaving a harmless layer of oil at the top of the water in the pot.

>> No.9727898

Specifically 200g per day
Lost 100 lbs of fat
Kidneys functioned better than ever
Thyroid went from slow to high gear and is stuck
Cholesterol down to borderline low, bad cholesterol very low
Liver function normalized
Cancer slowed to a crawl and was able to be removed entirely
108/70 blood pressure
60bpm resting hr
Body is stuck at burning fat and is shitty at absorbing it

Overall I am amazed I didn't crash and burn. Hopefully. Knock on wood.

>> No.9727901
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padre I made the same thread on several boards simultaneously, plz respon and forgive

>> No.9727931

I hate soda, to me they taste like nothing but salt and they always leave me dissapointed.

>> No.9727932

Kraft dinner, ramen, frozen pizza and pasta like 90% of the time.
Problem is that I haven't been a cook for like six years. I think it fucked me up for life in that regard.

>> No.9727949

When cooking, I double-dip.

>> No.9727956

I used Jello mix as cake mix once.

>> No.9728002

>Hungry and half asleep
>Reach around too see what I can find
>Find a half full bag under the bed
>Turn on the light 5 minutes later
>I've been eating white beef jerky

>> No.9728012


you should try drizzling honey over fried chicken and waffles

>> No.9728017
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good ideas. gonna give these both a try sometime

>> No.9728099

why not curry ketchup

>> No.9728113

There was a time when I couldn't be assed to make food so I just ate half a bag of chips for dinner everyday for like 6 months. I stopped because I started gaining too much weight.

>> No.9728123

straight powder or milk or water?

>> No.9728135

every time I go out to steakhouses, I always get roasted chicken.

>> No.9728154

I heat up breakfast sausage pattys, cut them up, add them to my pasta and sauce if I'm too lazy to go to the store for ground beef.

>> No.9728156

i use zatarain's jambalaya mix instead of making my own.

>> No.9728159
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I once skinned two turkeys to cook a unborn fawn in whole. I skinned the fawn which had too much fur and sewed the turkey skins around it with some herbs and butter some lemon a bit of garlic hoping it would moisten the meat and the fat of it would help. did not want to waste the unborn faun. it was yummy. but looking back now even though it all made sense in a way it was a bit fucked.

>> No.9728243

I clock in , then take a massive beer shit for 30 minutes.

>> No.9728256 [DELETED] 
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... did i kill the thread? I thought i was raising the bar.

too much?

>> No.9728279
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My calorie intake is about 60-70% ice cream.

It's ok anon. I love Rico's nacho cheese.

>> No.9728418
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>sunny salt

>> No.9728439

I hate honey

>> No.9728450

Hey me too

>> No.9728535

Philly Cheese Steak with Wiz Cheese.

>> No.9728542

I put sirachi on saltine crackers

>> No.9728545

I prefer to eat wings with a fork and knife

>> No.9728548

Fleshlight full of macaroons.

>> No.9728550

I just dumped ranch and soy sauce on leftover rice.

>> No.9728562

>tfw only have moon salt

>> No.9728563
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there is no forgiveness for you

>> No.9728565

i use powdered garlic and onion

>> No.9728575

once i sucked a dick with nutella spread on it it was pretty good

>> No.9728591

I refuse to eat pizza unless there's pineapples on it

>> No.9728783

obnoxious tourist detected

>> No.9728790


>> No.9728793

Anon I...

>> No.9728795
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Have eaten hot dogs from a jar.

>> No.9728802

Just those two things?

>> No.9728840
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Burn the witch!

>> No.9729047

I ate the bones.

>> No.9729066

ate an entire bag of dog biscuits while stoned
on several occasions

>> No.9729089

I've never drank water

>> No.9729098

I eat Miso paste as spread

>> No.9729099


>> No.9729122


>> No.9729126

I wont lie, i stole it from /v/

>> No.9729127
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>sunny salt

>> No.9729133
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I've had wings with ranch... boneless wings

>> No.9729446

I've cooked ground beef from a tube in the microwave. It didn't taste that good, but I think that has more to do with the quality of the meat and preperation than anything.

>> No.9729462

Doesn't look bad

>> No.9729467

>I`m fat, but i still eat out in KFC.
like why did you even put that "but" in there? do you imply that kfc is healthy? jesus ...

>I`m fat and i still eat out in KFC.


>> No.9729473

gleich klatscht's jung

>> No.9729476

I once put cocane in a pepper grinder for reasons.

>> No.9729501

sounds more like preparation was the issue, chief

>> No.9729517

I was a chef in a city with a nigger mayor. One night he came in to eat and I rubbed my balls with his steak before I sent it out.

>> No.9729537

How long have you had this sexual attraction towards black men?

>> No.9729544

My family always did this.
I don't because I like them long enough to twirl.

But like OP says, "You are forgiven."

I used to not be allergic to anything except pollens from grasses and trees, etc...
Now I'm allergic to certain fruits and veggies (mildly) like apples, melons, carrots, celery. Unless they are cooked a bit. But raw, my mouth gets numb and I get throat problems. I eat them anyway. I had a buddy who was totally allergic to these things but can eat them with impunity now. The change for both of us happened around our thirties and I've read some information on this phenomenon happening to people around that age related to pollen allergies.
Really, I think the demon that was inside him came into me a-la Exorcist style.
This isn't a choice, though, so no need to be forgiven.

>> No.9729550

sounds Mediterranean, though...
is that such a sin?

>> No.9729551

Theyre the best

>> No.9729557

More like Hostile food, am I right?

>> No.9729573

found the triggered soyboy

>> No.9729582

I remember Dr. Drew recalling the only case of scurvy he ever came across. It was some kid who only ate 7-11 burritos and beer for a year.
The kid thought it was cool that he could press his finger nails and they'd turn black underneath. You'd think that the burritos would have some vitamin-C or ascorbic acid in them. Not enough, I guess. Shit, pick up some Skittles while you're at the mini-mart...

>> No.9729589

You that guy that proposed catering some bandits in a post-apocalyptic world with Vienna sausages as the only ingredient and wanted advice on how to do it?

>> No.9729696
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Sounds like you're doing what must be done...

>> No.9729699

As a kid I ate them all the time on today with mayo
Everyone does that
You’re lying anon
I was drunk at home and I made my usual meat and mirepoix flavored pot of rice, but I was out of meat so I used beef jerky. I couldn’t even take more than two bites before I threw the whole thing out.

>> No.9729727

Every hotel I visit, I take as many of the packets of butter I can without drawing attention to myself and eat them. I must have about 500+ around my house. In toilet, next to my bed, behind the sofa. A quick slurp on solid tit juice is like manna from heaven to me.

>> No.9729750


I put ketchup on my tacos.

>> No.9729764


>> No.9729787

>next day

pick one

Having said that, next day pizza is pretty good toasted since all the flavors have had a chance to mingle.

>> No.9729801

You are forgiven. That sounds tasty. Morally ambiguous but tasty.

>> No.9729804

I had a co-worker who did this every morning. His mom was manager so he got away with it. I just used the harder stuff so no beer-shits.

>> No.9729809

I do this, too. It's the bomb. Also on pretzels or tortilla chips when making nachos. Saltines make for a good base, man. I also use them to scoop up fake butter.

>> No.9729819


I've seen somebody do this to cut out one of the bones and then would suck all the meat off of the bigger bone all in one slurp.
Seemed to work for him all right.

>> No.9729822

Your forgiveness depends on 100 Hail Marys and letting the priest diddle you.

>> No.9729936

Taste-test my family's cooking and give them pointers on how to fix it.
...after I've taken a big tobacco dip.
>The oh-so-sweet irony here is that it's usually too salty or spicy for the entire gestalt of the dish.

At grandpa's place with crazy aunt for Superbowl. Halftime take & bake pizza time! Don't use the cardboard bottom that it comes on and just set it on the grate in the oven. The whole thing falls through the grate. Luckily, there was a pan underneath. Pizza soup for halftime.

Get drunk and put my homemade pizza that I worked hours for in the oven. Go turn on the news and wait for it to cook. Won't be long, only 5 to 7 minutes. Wake up to a house full of firemen asking, "So how much did you have to drink?" They leave and I find the carbon disk in the sink under running water. Still don't know how they got in without busting any windows...
Never told my girlfriend about it since I'm an alcoholic and shouldn't have been drinking in the first place.

>> No.9729946

>the take & bake was always soggy so the no-bottom idea was to make it more crispy on the bottom of the crust

Please forgive me.

>> No.9729974

I left sausages in microwave for too long, got all twisted pieces of plastic-meaty thingy drenched in oil and water, but i ate them anyway because i was drunk. Sriracha helped a lot.

>> No.9730009

I like to smear a nice thick layer of mayo on a pizza. It's disgustingly greasy but delicious at the same time

>> No.9730018

I saw a kid do this in middle school. If you want a rich, greasier pizza put ricotta cheese on it before baking and drizzle a little olive oil over it after baking.

>> No.9730054

on wheat thins or ritz crackers. Used to get that combo in care packages when I went to camp as a kid. Good memories

>> No.9730088

whoa. amazing. you are forgiven + I'm impressed.

>> No.9730090
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>browsing 4chan in history lecture

>> No.9730092

hard 2 4give

>> No.9730157

This one time I was so broke I spent my last money on box of frozen Patty's, the fucker at the grocery store didn't refrigerate them propperly and when I had some I got violently I'll, however since I had no money and no other food I kept eating them

>> No.9730158

I think you've flagellated yourself enough, already. Your forgiveness has been grandfathered in.

>> No.9730166

I prefer to put marbles in the freezer and put those in my drinks. May help, but don't choke, friend :)

>> No.9730168
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I hate onions and garlics. I HATE THOSE FOOD !

>> No.9730175

I have eaten half a tub of sour cream with a baked potato

>> No.9730196

>kidneys functioned better than ever
I seriously doubt that

>> No.9730433

Red wine is superior in every way to white wine, no matter what you drink it with. Only faggots will say otherwise.

>> No.9730440


>> No.9730452
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[spoiler] i went to burger king today

>> No.9730454

I eat like absolute shit most of the time, I just don't feel like cooking when I get home for the most part. I get home around 6-6:30 and I'm usually in bed by 10:30 at the latest so I usually just eat fast food, or maybe make something like a box of mac and cheese.

>> No.9730467
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I like well done steak.

>> No.9730477

I cook steak in microwave
Also I cook it well done

>> No.9730488

I only cook my meal once weekly, and put it on fridge. I would eat from the tupperwares heated on microwave for everyday. Dinner, lunch, breakfast. Also I don't go out, if i do I'll have a double portion meal the next meal

>> No.9730529

> metric fuckton of sugar
> nothing but salt
You ok bud?

>> No.9730665
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Love this shit straight out of the can with no cooking.

>> No.9730776

Just wow

>> No.9730967

I fried some sliced onions on olive oil, then added the beef, salt and later the honey with cinnamon. It had a very light taste of something out of christmas.

>> No.9730974

I ate nearly an entire box of Nature Valley "protein" bars.

I also ate probably a couple pounds of almonds in one sitting. Gave my digestive system absolute hell.

>> No.9730981

Wait I did this wrong, I'm so used to posting on fit.

>> No.9730993
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I Microwave my chicken breasts

>> No.9731009

From about 2012-2015 I ate the same thing for dinner every day.

1. Put a little oil and some vinegar and seasoning salt in a glass dish
2. Add two chicken thighs, skin-down, into dish
3. Cover glass dish and bake at 350 until 2/3 cooked
4. Remove cover, flip thighs, pat dry and rub with oil and spices
5. Bake at 400 until skin is crispy
6. Eat with mayo and a side salad

Except I only cleaned the dish maybe 6 times in those 3 years, and over time all the fat that escape from the chicken during cooking built up and I stopped adding seasoning to it because there was plenty in the old fat. Basically I spent the better part of 3 years eating the cheapest possible chicken thigh confit in rancid chicken fat.

Incredibly, I never got food poisoning.

>> No.9731016

I put butter, ranch, and hot sauce in anything I consume.

>> No.9731020


Also, my most common lunch during this period was either:

1. Layer pepperoni or lunchmeat and sliced cheesesticks or shredded 'mexican cheese' in a bowl (I rarely did dishes so often I used leftover plastic tubs) and microwave until melty, then cover in hot sauce. The plastic tubs weren't microwave safe, so I probably ate a lot of plastic.


2. Fry some bacon, fry eggs in the bacon fat, layer eggs, bacon, and shredded cheese in a bowl, then ladle the hot bacon grease over the top to melt the cheese until the bowl was about 1/4 full of bacon fat. Tabasco on top.

>> No.9731102

chicken? check.
fish? check.
vanilla ice cream? mmm... half-checked, depending on what kind of white.

>> No.9731109

Supposedly, those are already cooked so.... Hobo food. Not really a sin.


>> No.9731119

Why are you asking forgiveness for this?
Sounds pretty good.
Is is the Christmas association because of all the guilt?

>> No.9731131

Curry ketchup is amazing

>> No.9731139

There was this guy in New York who lived to be well over 100 years and when a newspaper asked him his secret he replied that his daily meal was toast fried with back-fat. It had to be back-fat because he said bacon was too lean.

>> No.9731170
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For what purpose?

>> No.9731183
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>Everyone does that

Umm... sweetie, how about no?

>> No.9731184

I'm guessing texture?
Or Anon's eating out their fleshlight at some point (before or after).

>> No.9731193

I can see doing that on popcorn.

>Delicies ROAD

>> No.9731199

Whenever I get nugs while I'm driving I tear a little side off the ketchup packet, drink it and hold it in my mouth until I can get a bite of nugget, instead of trying to drizzle the ketchup straight on there. I sometimes do it with ranch too but I always have ketchup as well, sometimes I mix the two together in my mouth before I eat.

>> No.9731279

I also doubt this.
Your kidneys should be shot if what you did was true.

>> No.9731377

Pulled from bloodwork post-diet:
Creatinine lvl 0.83 mg/dL
GFR 139 mls/min

Cosensus was my kidneys are at above normal filtration and working incredibly well

>> No.9731390

I have used ketchup instead of tomato sauce in a few dishes. people usually like it more than the tomato versions.


>> No.9731401

This. I also enjoy the occasional spaghetti and ketchup.

>> No.9731407

>GFR 139 mls/min
This isnt exactly healthy, especially for someone who I presume is young (early twenties) and in someone who lost a considerable amount of weight by diet modification.

>> No.9731418

Honey pizza will change the games for you anon. It's good shit.

>> No.9731548


>> No.9731559

Don't feel bad, ketchup has a lot of vinegar, sugar, and spices in it so it basically does the work for you when you're flavoring sauces, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's when you eat it by itself or favorite it over other sauces that it becomes a meme.

>> No.9731569

what i feel bad about isn't the fact that ketchup is good for certain dishes, it's that i can make those dishes as good without it.

>> No.9731576

Sounds good, although I would of added a pinch of cayenne and some drizzles of a vinegar based hotsauce.

>> No.9731587

Ceiling GFR is 180.12 from CG calculations when considering my specific serum creat, age, and weight and going below 60 is a sign of kidney failure.

>> No.9731602

Stop drinking anon, those firemen might not be able to keep you alive next time.

>> No.9731632
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10 years ago i would steal credit card details from extra shitty customers at the restaurant I worked in...... address details etc were given during table booking.
I'd wait a couple of months then bulk order sex toys to their home and then post their credit card details on a forum on teh darknet.

I did this about 15 times.
just to clarify, these were super shitty customers. rich fat fucks groping waiters and waitresses etc.

I don't even feel bad about it. I did it for teh lulz.

Some of them had lame passwords on their emails/facebook etc so I would fuck with them. post minuscule dick pics etc.

today I'd physically assault half them as you could probably get away with it and i'm less of a "soyboy".

>> No.9731740

Good for you. I luld

>> No.9731769

>less of a "soyboy".
You say that as if its a bad thing. And you talk about assaulting people as if its a good thing. Cool story internet tough guy. /pol/ can be found in the top level site navigation. I'm sure they miss their court jester.

>> No.9731819

i used to b e '''alergic''' to preservatives or something stupid back when i was in kindergarden, and then it just '''went away''' like its nothing and i could eat it again. I think most allegies are just a meme

>> No.9731958

Is this not normal?

>> No.9731981

I use Miracle Whip instead of mayo.

>> No.9732008

Boneless wings with ranch is the best variation of wings

>> No.9732199

I been trying to meal prep, especially from friday-monday as I work so much on those days. I'm over cooking and cleaning though. So I been buying a Costco pizza and rotisserie chicken on Thursdays and basically only eating that through Monday. Maybe with a few eggs in the am, but most of the time I couldn't be bothered. Going on 5 weeks now and I'm saving money on the late night fast food and probably eating less because I'm bored of it. People say I look good and ask how I'm dropping weight. I don't want to tell them I live on pizza and chicken from Costco so I just tell them I'm eating healthier with smaller portions lol

>> No.9732209

nice and hot

>> No.9732219

I've suffered chronic and severe Anorexia ever since I was about twelve years old. I habitually starve myself and have done unaccountable damage to my body. I have been hospitalized seven or eight times over my life (I am now 25) and have had to undergo Nasogastric Tube Feeding on three separate occasions. I see a Psychiatrist regularly and have participated in multiple recovery programs but really I am as sick as ever.

At 5'8" my lowest recorded weight was about 71 pounds.

Earlier this year, starting in the summer, something in me (either physiologically or psychologically) finally broke down and I totally snapped. I began AGGRESSIVELY binge eating. For weeks and weeks on end I ate upwards of 8000 - 10,000 calories in a day. Every day. I gained twenty pounds in two or three months.

Recently the binge eating has reduced in intensity and I haven't really banged I roughly a month. My weight is sliding back down again. I have NEVER experienced anything as horrific, terrifying, and excruciating as that loss of control and sickening, painful binging. I wanted to kill myself. Hopefully it has permanently stopped.

>> No.9732344

Pan-frying/sautéing, stewing and roasting are all piss easy as long as you pay attention. Hell, for the last two you don't even need to do that.

>> No.9732571

yeah I'd like to see you drink red wine with fish, ugh

>> No.9732659


It must be a sad life to have to (you) yourself.
Hope you're not too lonely.

>> No.9732681

I' genuinely gluten intolerant. If I eat too much of it my knees and wrists swell up.

>> No.9732711

I microwave ramen

>> No.9732722

eating pizza or most italian based dishes gives me massive diarreah. yet here I am eating pizza. forgive me butthole for what is to come.

>> No.9732759
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I got drunk and took all the sauces in the fridge and put it in a blender, mixed on highest setting, drank, threw up and tossed out the rest, then got angry at the fridge.

>> No.9732781

I once took ramen, mixed in mayo, tobasco, and mustard. And ate that to live through college.

>> No.9732902

>took all the sauces in the fridge and put it in a blender, mixed on highest setting, drank, threw up
American cuisine

>> No.9732918

Yes? You can say it.

>> No.9733239
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Sometimes when making a soup or stew I'll use garlic or onion powder instead of the real thing. When I'm super lazy and haven't been as dutiful while grocery shopping as I should have been, this suffices.

>> No.9733261

That's a lot of words just to say you're gay

>> No.9733406


>> No.9734475

I'm interested in why

>> No.9734497

>implying anyone wants to vacation in Philly

>> No.9734561

I only eat fast food and microwave frozen food
no, I'm not fat believe it or not. certainly not healthy though

>> No.9734600

me too anon. midwest pride

>> No.9734623

Literally nothing wrong with that
Unless you're one of those heathens that puts non-standard shit in it

>> No.9734652

Yup. You're right.
That was a big wake-up call.
I lucked out on that one, thanks some some anonymous neighbor.
Never doing that again.

>> No.9734664

I've been fermenting garlic and habaneros in honey. Goes great on pizza, especially with some spicey sopressa.

>> No.9734678

Depends on the fish.
It goes great with those Italian style steamer dishes with all the clams and mussels and garlic and bread.

Also, swordfish and shark.

>> No.9734696

really, the best thing about that was how the animator synched everything all up

>> No.9734700

Brotherly love?


>> No.9734706

Have done this before. Is good.

>> No.9734741

Hope you're doing better Anon

>> No.9734812

im allergic to milk yet i use it almost daily due to the fact that next to white bread and lunchmeat, pasta is the cheapest way to get a good amount of nutrients for my job(not too physical, but no stamina becaue lol hearts fucked)

>> No.9734829

Steak in.

>> No.9734833
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I hate that there are alternatives for good nutrition but they are so damned expensive compared to mass produced crap that actually went through more effort to bring it to you. It makes little sense but it's reality. I lived off of potatoes and onions and cheese and milk and apples for months on end because I couldn't afford anything else. My job wasn't physically intensive at the time except for the walking hills in cold and rain but that's nothing, really.

Took solace in the library (which was kick-ass) and late night radio.

Sorry about the dairy allergies, Anon. I don't know what I'd do without it. Peanuts, I guess (no allergy pun intended. ...OK, now it is).

>> No.9734837

Thats pretty much everyone on /ck/

>> No.9734873

none taken friend. peanuts are some of my favorites, as its one of the only nuts i can have without nearly dying.

of course, rice is good but needs meat to really be nutritious

>> No.9734966
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Yeah, one of favorite things to this day is taking rice noodles and slicing up various veggies like carrots, celery, onions, tomatoes, cabbage, and throwing in some powdered spices like pepper, garlic, cinnamon, etc... In my mind, I can trick myself into thinking that this is gourmet, but in truth it's still healthier than most street food. If I DO have any meat on hand that'll get sliced and thrown in as well. Same with an egg.

Good wishes upon you, friend.

Don't know if this is a deep-dark-sin but I used to do a poor man's version of poutine where I'd toast up sliced potatoes brushed with olive oil in a toaster and make a kind of veggie roux (again, meat = too much $) that I'd dump over the taters with grated cheese so that the cheese would melt. Usually cheddar because curds are not available.
Comfy when the weather is cold.

>> No.9735004

I used to order those seafood and crab sandwiches at Subway. Loved em.

Subway got rid of them and I haven't given a fuck about the chain since 2009

>> No.9735200

I worked at a place in downtown Seattle and my lunch break was late at night so the only place open at that time was a Subway. Yeah, there were restaurants open but they were steak houses and hotels so a 30 minute meal there was out of the question (and way too expensive). Ended up getting those sandwiches but the veggie version. I realized then that they all tasted the same no matter what you got (unless, like you said, it was a specialty meat like seafood or meatballs). So I just got those veggie ones because they were cheaper. People on here consider it a sin to get veggie Subway. Please, forgive me.

Also, it is strange that downtown Seattle is a ghost town at night. I remember photographing an eclipse in the middle of the night and NOBODY was around. Eerie feeling.

>> No.9735291

This, I once had a peanut allergy and would eat entire bags of shelled peanuts..sometimes shell and all

>> No.9735392

I use bolognese sauce from instant bottled ones because I like the paste texture over the raw crushed tomatoes.

>> No.9735427

tfw you remember that thread. It was like 2 months ago... I need to leave this place.

>> No.9735488

Holy fuck! Ha.
Not only that... it was copy pasta, as well.
From years ago.
Also, YOU CAN NEVER LEAVE THIS PLACE. Like tetanus or rabies; always, it will be within you...
And since this is in a cooking thread, CHICKEN POX. Always in you. As a virus, it will spread... ...to others.

Good fiber in those shells, I guess. Forgiven for that.


>> No.9735586

when i was 11 i microwaved a raw steak

>> No.9736618

My cousin and I would microwave snails from the backyard until the exploded. Then we'd eat them on toast because she said, "That's what the French do." Her mom was a Francophile and crazy. Don't really remember what it tasted like, unfortunately.

>> No.9736621



>> No.9736682

and that's enough internet for me today.

>> No.9736797

>I've got a sore stomach.
>"Hey, Anon, have some vodka! That'll cure your ills and make it all numb."
>"And chase it down with this pineapple juice to take the sting out!"

O.K. & drink it, like a fool.

>> No.9736811
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That ain't nothin', son.

Keep on readin' on.

>> No.9736865

I live off rotisserie chicken. I always eat the drumsticks right away then I pick off the rest and make chicken salad, soup or some kind of casserole

>> No.9736944

Same. I'm allergic to all fruits and vegetables and peanuts and treenuts. I dont fuck with the nuts but ill eat fruits and vegetables every day and just deal with the consequences.

>> No.9737009


This isn't a darkest deepest culinary sin.
Go further.

>it will help your psyche, Anon

>> No.9737827

Let me know more, sounds interesting. Do you dry the chiles first?

>> No.9737841

Lo Mein and peanut butter
forgive me lord for I have sinned

>> No.9737847

how were your shits