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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 91 KB, 960x720, colins-pokr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9715765 No.9715765 [Reply] [Original]

Is eating the fatty part of pork a meme?

how the fuck does anyone like that shit

>> No.9715767

It's so goddamn good

>> No.9715777

I was at a fall festival here recently and one of the food stands had porchetta sandwiches with pesto and cheese. The crispy skin was quite good, the best part really, but I'd imagine it takes some skill to obtain that.

>> No.9715778


Everything is a meme, you retard.

>> No.9715791 [DELETED] 

Millhouse is a meme is a meme

>> No.9715794

not eating the fat is a meme

you know what i do when i order pork belly/a steak and the fat isn't rendered to an edible point? i don't fucking pay for it like a retard cuck and inform the establishment that i do not pay for mexicans to slap my $20 order in a pan and forget about it

>> No.9715800

fat === flavor

>> No.9716004

It's the best part you stupid idiot

>> No.9716023
File: 630 KB, 1024x683, prime_rib-dinner_166089172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love fat, and I always wondered if the people saying they don't like it just have a texture issue (autism), or just say they don't so they won't be perceived as fat (insecure women).

>> No.9716088

It's the best bit. If it's hot, it's like a burst of delicious juice, if it's cold, it's like butter made from pig.

>> No.9716096

Being an internet tough guy is a meme. The only cucks are republicucks. Hows that healthcare coming along? Tax breaks for the rich yet?

>> No.9716119

it's a texture thing

>> No.9716167

It just tastes like solid oil. Ok in small amounts, but eating pure chunks of it legit makes me sick.

>> No.9716187

Hot, cold, whatever, that is the best part.

>> No.9716240

You're supposed to throw it in a pot of beans.

>> No.9716245

I don’t mind it if it’s with bites of actual meat but if I get a big chunk of the stuff it makes me gag.

>> No.9716317

>he doesnt want to pay for bad food
>hmm must be a republican

here's you're (You)

>> No.9716668

It's great. Pork fat especially, has a nice bit of bite to it.

>> No.9716866

Have you never had bacon? It's the same idea, except thicker.

>> No.9716892


>It just tastes like solid oil.

That's why you heavily salt it and eat it with good bread.

Learn to eat.

>> No.9716894
File: 779 KB, 1984x1488, swine1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fat is the best part.

>> No.9716903
File: 158 KB, 1045x1379, 1930b542bd3ef9d01459a2a08d7bd696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you go for a long wlak thta change to hunt and after 2 days you come back home with nice fta piece of dead animal that you killed.with.your.bare.hands.

>> No.9716917

your mom is a meme

>> No.9717141
File: 351 KB, 3256x3168, pint-and-pork-scratchings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not getting a side order of pork scratchings to go with your pint of ale?

>> No.9717172

Are you fucking drunk.

>> No.9717179

What the fuck anon?

>> No.9717192

You look at pig.
You smell it.
Look at it again.

>> No.9717214

Fat is good when it's thin and melty

If you actually have to chew it, dont eat it

>> No.9717227

Fat is good when it's firm and has bite to it.

>> No.9717403

Crackling is easy, you just need an oven.

>> No.9717826

it's literally the best part, muhamad. You'd know if your rapist god allowed you to eat it before making that thread.

>> No.9717842

Fuck dude.... I'd like to grab a beer with you no homo

>> No.9717866

It's like eating rubber. Some marbling is fine, but if you're just eating giant chunks of eldritch gummy fat and connective tissue, it's fucking gross. "It just has to render bro" is bullshit too, I've gotten prime rib from more than one decent-quality steakhouse and it's still chewy and hard. End up wasting half the steak.

>> No.9717953

for me, I am able to eat that part due to not being gay.

>> No.9717962


>> No.9717971

>that spinalis dorsi
Truly the elemental ideal

>> No.9718088

pork fat is nothing like beef fat, and when cooked properly pork fat is more flavorful than the meat itself

try white spaghetti

>> No.9718095

How can you fucking eat pork if you aren't gonna include the fat? It's like the entire point of having pork in the first place

>> No.9718376
File: 8 KB, 184x184, 1506471317179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dad's birthday
>go to special butcher shop and pay out the ass for the best ribeye I've ever seen
>reverse sear it, nail a perfect medium rare with a great sear
>dad proceeds to cut off all the fat and feed it to the dogs
He said he liked it so I guess that's what matters, but holy fuck.

>> No.9718544

Fat is actually healthy for you, healthier than carbs in general.
It's mainly the texture people don't like, not the taste, since steak in general tastes like fat (and butter is straight up fat).
Similarly, tendon is another delicious part of the animal that used to gross me out. It's definitely an acquired taste. What eventually made me ok with eating it was watching someone I admired eating it like it was nothing.

>> No.9718980


She could have left it for me but noooo

>> No.9719046

Texture definitely. Biting on larger chunks made me gag as a child. I have become more tolerant with age though and don't leave so much on the plate anymore

>> No.9719064

I never really liked beef fat but I love me some pork fat

>> No.9719076

he probably didn't mean anything by it but I would be pissed as fuck if someone fed something I made them to the dog, especially in front of me. What the fuck.

>> No.9719346


>> No.9719395
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 509E1489-44E2-48D7-879F-ECABDE04EE4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pork belly is the best thing after steak.

>> No.9719413

Pork belly meat is tasty. What there is of it anyway.
But most of it is just fat, which is revolting. (And has other even less pleasant effects.)

Which is why fatty meme "bacon" strips will always be inferior to proper back bacon which contains a good amount of actual meat.

Fat can fuck off forever.

>> No.9719514
File: 489 KB, 1000x664, DSC_0761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love fat

>> No.9719536
File: 385 KB, 2048x1536, Côtelette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9719553

My gf loves me to rub pork fat on my cock before she gives me the sloppiest of blow jobs.


>> No.9719583

that's to well done for me

>> No.9719612

It's 100,000% a texture thing for me, the texture of fat is just repulsive

>> No.9719735
File: 2.97 MB, 800x450, porchetta.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting pork.

>> No.9719738
File: 2.96 MB, 640x360, pork belly.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9719742

>eating the meat of PIGS
being this clueless and filthy
just smear some shit all over yourself already

>> No.9719743
File: 2.96 MB, 640x360, pork pyramid.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9719753

>dad's birthday
>go across the bay to a bomb-ass steak place
>he cuts the fat off his prime rib
>"anon do you want this?"
>perfectly rendered fat dipped in jus
>drink port with him after and bullshit

Remember to tell your dad you love him.

>> No.9719758
File: 2.99 MB, 640x360, roast pig.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9719771

Edible autism

>> No.9719772

That is so cool

>> No.9720014
File: 2.85 MB, 640x360, pork duck fat confit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9720139

if i want to buy the piece of meat showed in op. what should i tell my butcher to get?

>> No.9720252

no the crispy crunchy skin is.
if the skin wasn't on that it wouldn't be nearly as addictive.

>> No.9720322

pork belly

>> No.9720421

asbolut madman

>> No.9721071

Yeah I used to not like chunks of fat when I was a kid but it's pretty good now. Fat is the only natural flavor from meat and the texture is a good contrast.

Not to mention raw fat is easier for the body to metabolize rather than processed fats and oils.

I don't get this taste/texture autism that afflicts almost everyone in my friend circle and apparently the better half of this board.

>> No.9721752
File: 59 KB, 812x560, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le democraps vs republicucks

>> No.9721774
File: 14 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it's cooked well it's great, if not it can be grisly.
>mfw i eat slow cooked fat, btw

>> No.9721825

meat is murder

>> No.9721950

Nothing rich about this dish

>> No.9721958

Rendered out fat is a whole different story.
It's not chewy, just tasty.

>> No.9721986

fucking japanese always have to go too far

>> No.9723543

Why in the fuck are you putting political discussion in a thread about delicious pork? Go away.

>> No.9724623

It is delicious on good quality bread with some pickles or jalapenos. Best snack with pure vodka, fat protects you from getting wasted fast. Recently it is hard to buy that everything pumped with salty water, it is impossible to fry bacon because of water.

>> No.9724637
File: 97 KB, 960x642, sloninka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me again.
Last summer i bought some "slonina" as a joke for my friends. I was sure nobody will touch it. Those bastards ate it all and bought 1kg more, and then ate that also while drinking. Now complain more about liking pork fat.

(google fails with this "slonina" word just like me).
It is pure fat from bacon ie bacon cut without any meat, then put into boiling water for few minutes. Then add spices and put into fridge.

>> No.9724671

They are obsessed with you know who

>> No.9724946
File: 2.93 MB, 640x360, salo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta get my hands on some of that. Pork belly is fine, but I've never seen a cut of pure fat.

>> No.9724973

Of all the threads on 4chan I would suspect a Jew to opine upon, the thread about whether or not you eat the fatty bits off pork would have to take last place.

>> No.9725031

In Ukraine (which is historical homeland of salo) pure fat is considered pretty shitty cut for it and pure fat salo is often goes with more curing spices, while cuts like belly are generally plain salt and garlic.

>> No.9725343

Why does he stop after every move?

>> No.9725359

Slavic mystique.

>> No.9725369

>is x a meme?
Fuck off faggot.