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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9719835 No.9719835 [Reply] [Original]

Mm.. I love a cup of moldy bean juice in the morning..

>> No.9719843

You do you buddy!

>> No.9719856

Don't talk to me until i have my Frappuccino

>> No.9719861

Personally, I enjoy an ice cold Dr. Pepper as soon as I wake up

>> No.9719895


>> No.9719898

you don't like coffee? that's ok! it's not for everyone :)

>> No.9719899

Lmao... looks like you need to do a little research on America’s favorite beverage

>> No.9719915
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go on then, educate me

>> No.9719939

You only want me to educate you so you can dismiss the info as “some 4chan troll”. If you really want the truth, you must do your own research.

>> No.9719990

Do you even know what burden of truth is you fucking faggot?

>> No.9720001

>You only want me to educate you so you can dismiss the info as “some 4chan troll”
if it's bullshit info, then yeah

>> No.9720010


>> No.9720013

I'm sure he is referring to some type of mold that can grow on coffee beans.
He doesn't want to give you any links because he probably got the info from a FB post or some such scare mongering nonsense.
Also there is the fact ( that I just found from 15 seconds on google, that most molds can only survive temperatures of up to 140 F. Coffee machines usually use water between 195-205 F to make coffee, far above the upper limit of molds.

>> No.9720027

>some type of mold that can grow on coffee beans.
mold can potentially grow on any food... he made it sound like ALL coffee is moldy or some shit

>> No.9720033

Well what do you expect he's a retard.

>> No.9720037

good point

>> No.9720044

The heat doesn’t destroy the toxins released by the mold... ya know the actual toxic part

>> No.9720046

Why the homophobia?

>> No.9720048

One study showed that 91.7% of green coffee beans were contaminated with mold. This is before they were processed, which allows even more mold to grow. Another study showed 52% of green coffee beans and almost 50 percent of brewed coffees are moldy.

>> No.9720049

Well to be fair, you can literally see mold on fresh food, the concern should be for processed food where you're not going to be able to detect mycotoxins without special equipment. Some foods are more prone to mycotoxins than others. Particularly foods whose processing involves drying or fermentation in less controlled environments, including coffees, wines, chocolates, etc you get the idea.

I'm not the mycotoxin shitposter, but you can reduce the problem by going with coffees sourced from regions that have embraced more advanced technologies. This basically rules out all of Sumatra and some parts of Africa. Rwanda and Burundi are ahead of the curve in that area and a few Ethiopian producers are catching up. The Americas are pretty much solid when it comes to high quality arabica producers, you don't need to worry much about mycotoxins from Costa Rica, Colombia, Panama, Brazil, etc.

>> No.9720054

Well, yeah but which producers where sampled? It woudln't surprise me if the mass market robusta garbage had high mold levels since reducing costs is such a huge priority in that segment. In the segment where taste determines the price of the lot, there's less incentive to take risks by fucking around with shoddy production.

>> No.9720075

So you are worried about the toxins from mold but not the toxins from the coffee?
Because both would be insignificant.
If you are that phobic about every tiny little thing that goes in your body then wash your coffee beans and grind them yourself.

>> No.9720082

Sorry for offending you my friend. May I suggest a website that would be more akin to your tastes?:

>> No.9720281
