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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9713029 No.9713029[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hurt my back yesterday at work and am currently living on oxy, so my Vietnamese wife asked what I want made fir breakfast and produced pic related.
(She also made 2 sauces to go with, one spicy and one Benedict style)
What did you eat today for breakfast/CK/?
Also wish me luck for my back. I almost always cook. Especially on weekends.

>> No.9713036

good luck with your back
post noods of wife
are you a britbong?

>> No.9713077

Thanks man my back is killing me, I really need something a lot fucking stronger.
This is a blue board
Ausfag here, sorry about rugby game a few weeks ago
Bring on World Cup, I hope we end up in he same group.

>> No.9713124

I like how you point out your wife's ethnicity in your breakfast thread op.

>> No.9713132 [DELETED] 

Vietnamese are the niggers of asians

>> No.9713136

What? Why? She never cooked this kind of food growing up, so her being able to own it so quickly tells me she cares for me when I'm not well, bc I can hardly get out of bed today.
What do you mean by your comment? I could have said Cambodian, but she just cooked what I asked for. How is that ever a bad thing?

>> No.9713138

It would've been forgivable if he had posted a hot dark-tan to brown SE asian girl.

>> No.9713140
File: 212 KB, 768x1024, NoWhiteWomanWouldHaveYou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit and tumblr have infested this place like locusts

>> No.9713152

That's flips if you even had a clue. Are you even 12?

>> No.9713156

Idk man. It just stood out to me. Ate porridge for breakfast like I always do btw. Cinnamon, bit of sugar and too much butter. I also eat a tbsp of fish oil.

>> No.9713157

Fuck off cunt. You don't enjoy a new thread, other than your typical stale shit?
So salty.

>> No.9713160 [DELETED] 

Nah flips are the spics

>> No.9713167

Yeah that's a great great breakfast, but I could never Do it every day.
But I love it

>> No.9713169
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Fuck off. Vietnam was a poor choice for a fake wife anyway. You wanted the reaction.

>> No.9713170
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>my Vietnamese wife

how much did you pay?

>> No.9713174

Don't be an ass. He's from Australia, bunch of vietnamese there.

>> No.9713187

Her parents own 5 rental unit complexes, 8 'houses' if you can call them that in Vietnam, and are 50/50 in a
Small resort.
Her family is far ritcher than yours, and they are from a 3rd world country. Present for our first baby was going in 40-60 with me for our first house here in Australia, plus they fly my wife home first class every 6-10 months. Stay salty son.

>> No.9713194 [DELETED] 

>he had to mary a rich asian

God damn i hope you are an petrol huffing abo because you make white people look bad

>> No.9713195

>gets called out
>gets butthurt
niggers of the anglosphere get the niggers of asia

enjoy your oxy addiction, faggot

>> No.9713198

>Australian retard hurts back stocking Qurans at McDonalds
>Gets high on pills while his retarded ugly gook wife brings him shitty food
>omg... why are dey being mean to me :( why aren't they getting down voted... I can see every message chronologically :( wtf
>*dies from fentanyl-laced oxy he got from an abbo pharmacist*

>> No.9713200

>gloating about gook wife
>"they own 5 rice paddies in the third world ru jellymadxorz??"
>mentions all of this on a cooking forum
>gets completely assblasted when a ragtag team of anons blow his ass out of the water
>cant handle banter

how much for sucky sucky

>> No.9713201

Screencapped, hilarious, thank you for being so unintentionally funny.

>> No.9713202
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is this legitimate or did you find this on some wifey-tier repost blog, looks like something the cerebral palsy pancake chick would make

>> No.9713203

Stay salty son. I'm not on a huge salary but $85k per year plus super plus bonuses plus a wife who is smart with money, we'll be millionaires before I'm forty.
Why all the hate, did /b/ move in here. I just wanted to post yummy breakfast pic, because I was surprised she nailed it when her #1 cooking style is Vietnamese. Too many virgins here? Well at least you can all be happy, because my back hurts like a cunt. Good for you /CK/.

>> No.9713204

>Zipperhead wife so rich that I have to work back-breaking manual labor 9-5 and do dangerous hard drugs to escape the pain

salt is pouring out of my jealousy holes

>> No.9713207
File: 1.33 MB, 200x200, there is no need to be upset.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"guys im rich as fuck"
>meanwhile snorting oxy whilst gook wife brings him microwaved pigslop
>"nailed it"
if this isnt a ruse i will cut my dick off on stream

>> No.9713209

Stay salty neckbeard virgins. It's not hard to pick you out you know.

>> No.9713214

>using sex and physicality as an insult after marrying a vietnamese woman and being crippled
really bbq's your dog

>> No.9713217

Another salty virgin neckbeard.
Kick me while I'm down with a rekt back. You all have great form. Your mothers must be proud.

>> No.9713219

>Stay salty son
>nailed it

>> No.9713221

cunt, i actually have two dads you fucking sexist cunt, already emailed the abo constabulatory, enjoy getting buttfucked by spiders in aussie jail, cunt

>> No.9713230

>The beta cuck whimpers for sympathy

This is much more delicious than your EPIC BREKKIE m8.

>> No.9713232

Drunk at 11am.
You need help

>> No.9713235
File: 36 KB, 729x408, fuckingAMERICANS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's a little late for an Aussie.

How fat are you OP?

>> No.9713240

Do Australians really eat this?

>> No.9713242

Jesus, never knew every Aussie posting here was a massive alcoholic. I wish the best for you gents.
Please get help.
You do understand your life decisions are why you are single and missing many of your teeth right?

>> No.9713249 [DELETED] 
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Won't be hitting the gym for a good week or two but if fucking rekt u cunt. Continue to stay salty cunts. If anyone posts a better selfie I'll stop believing 100% of you are massive alcoholics.

>> No.9713257

>I hope these random cliche "insults" will hit so I can make these people feel as bad as they've made me feel by saying bad things about my wife's cooking

And they did hit, hit me hard, super hard. how com ei cannah get any powsii??? I'm so nice to the girrrrlllsssss but they dont liiike meeee i buyy them thinggggss with my 85k a year Aussie salary (converted to US Dollar: 12k), why won't they wash my fat neckbeard in me mum's basement??? wish I had your life :(

>> No.9713270

Jesus u srs this mad?
I'm very sorry anon. I think you seem very nice. Please have a nice evening.

>> No.9713279
File: 141 KB, 1440x1080, 23860053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahaha the necklace, you're soft as a donut, I'm shredded and whittled like a gnarled old tree and I bedded pic related (notice the superior white skin that is preferred by men worldwide without exception), shtay shalty Island prisoner

>> No.9713283 [DELETED] 

Ey honey git da camera im going to show off on an anonymous cooking anime website

>> No.9713290

I'd blow you

>no homo

>> No.9713293

Are you more jealous of the fishfaced wife, his backbreaking manual labor job, or addition to opioids?

>> No.9713305

Your pretty hot OP but you're making an ass of yourself. This just started as banter but you got assblasted instead of banting back, poor form even for an Aussie.

>> No.9713343

Why did you think THAT body was worth posting?

>> No.9713379 [DELETED] 
File: 3.65 MB, 5312x2988, 20150725_173546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need to drink less and get back in the gym. It will never help with me being a Manlet and wristlet. Such is life.

>> No.9713382
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This thread vs me. You are doing it wrong anons.
At least you can 'laugh' internally. Sadly that's all you get to do. Pick on a guy while he's down, that's pretty poor form. But you get your shits and giggles from it so more power to you.

>> No.9713403

I'm always jealous of manlets at the gym anon. You can lift way heavier than I can, and can bulk up much faster.
Arms looking great.

>> No.9713409

This thread is fucking amazing

>> No.9713435

did your wifes son enjoy it too?

>> No.9713475

He's only 4 months old anon, so no only boob milk at this stage.

>> No.9713582

Your wife seems cool to go full english when you're btfo, but she's asian so family is the priority. Ignore these assblasted virgin jealous piss jar accumulating /pol/tard neckbeards who are btfo by the fact the combination of the asian superior brains and fierce family loyalty with the superior strength and acceptable intelligence of the white produces a masterrace that will have the typical /pol/tard freak's offspring cleaning their house or at best serving/cooking them dinner on the way to their condo.

>> No.9713596


>> No.9713600

Shh don't make fun of him, he had no father figure and a mom who fed him on soy and verbal poison, it makes sense he wouldn't have the self worth to approach a white woman.

>> No.9713783
File: 1.20 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even a pic of your gf. Doubt you ever had one.
Here is a real pic of my wife riding me a few weeks ago. Why you so mad I got it so good? I'd be happy for you if you had a good life anon. What's the deal?
Yeah she's a very decent wife, thanks anon. I've got a thick skin so I dgaf what these virgins throw at me. I had been inclined to believe this was a cooking board,, but this thread seems even worse than /b/ lol.
So much butt hurt itt

>> No.9713792

>thinking oxy will help

This will be the ride that never ends, OP.

>> No.9713796

> Benedict style?

Are you trying to say hollondaise?

>> No.9713810

>Look at my wife I have a wife guys look at my wifes tits you fucking virgin losers i'm literally rofling at how sad you virgin losers are
You lead a sad life.

>> No.9713818

I've been on it before for my back anon. Back in April. Are you suggesting surgery is a better ol option? GTFO.
Wiring my spine together? Yeah I'll just rest up and manage through the pain once again. You have clearly never had a disc bulge hitting on your sciatic nerve.
What other sauce is there for Benedict style anon?

>> No.9713827

I'm happy for you that your life is so much better than mine. My back is rekt right now.
Good on ya mate for living such a great life. I am honestly happy for you. Hopefully in a month or less my back will be good again and I can walk and even run like you can.
Wish me luck?!

>> No.9713852

Sweet nursing bra/shirt, man.

>> No.9713866
File: 668 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah her tits are larger now she's feeding 24-7.
Pic related is pho she made last week. No liime so substituted for lemon. Was still utter heaven.

>> No.9714299

What the hell is that shit? Looks like $2 cheap steak in $1 soup.
OP your thread truly sucks donkeys balls.
Just kys.

>> No.9714307

She does know that parsley is an herb and a garnish, not a salad ingredient, right?

>> No.9714310

Because her ethnicity would have absolutely NOTHING to do with the kind of food that she prepares...

Your "redditors" and "tumblrinas" are the ones who feel the need to to put a political spin on everything they see on this site. Can you idiots not have a single discussion about food without it somehow boiling down to "muh Trump vs SJWs"?

>> No.9714316

There was honestly no reason to mention her ethnicity. I don't know why you did but you brought this on yourself, OP. No sympathy from me.

That being said, breakfast looks good, would eat

>> No.9714328

Why wouldn't there be reason to mention it? What if somebody thought it looked good and was interested in knowing more about the Vietnamese dishes that she prepared? This is a cooking board FFS, I'm beginning to doubt that anybody here has any actual interest in food/cooking.

>> No.9714669


>> No.9714683

Be careful with your diet. If you're laid up for any real length of time, gaining weight is a lot easier than you think - found out the hard way myself.

>> No.9714712
File: 70 KB, 1170x742, mega brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do normies always have to turn shit into an opportunity to spout off about your life? Nobody fucking cares.
All you had to do was say what you had for breakfast.

>> No.9714727

>American farmers breakfast
>Muh Vietnamese Wife
I see bangers and Taylor Ham on that plate and white toast with butter
No pork belly or daikon radishes
She looks like a good cook both you guys should be proud but stop calling her my Vietnamese Wife and just call her your wife from now on I'm sure she'd appreciate it

>> No.9714745
File: 11 KB, 266x264, 1312672661802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bait. post saged

>> No.9714752

So OP's logic is that people can't cook other food besides their own ethnicity.

>> No.9714779
File: 96 KB, 480x477, australiansoldierscoffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentioning Vietnamese wife
He is sticking it to the Australian veterans who fought in Vietnam. Fuck them for dying in the jungle to prevent the depravity of communism spreading in Asia.

Fuck you white people!

>> No.9714794

>frying up shit is now considered a skil
Anon, they have toast and sausages in vietnam, you know? Go back to plebbit, no ones will go you upvotes for miscegenation with a dependant far-east import woman.

>> No.9714807
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>> No.9714856
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OP here. I was trying to get some bed rest, hence my delay in replying. I guess I should clarify why I mentioned the ethnicity of my wife in the OP.
>be me
>meet said wife about 6 years ago at airport on the Gold Coast (she was here visiting a cousin)
>she looked a little lost (and rather cute) so I asked her if I could help
>Having rather well off parents she had already graduated uni and her English was quite good
>managed to get her digits and the rest is history.
>having grown up in a well off family, she rarely/never cooked as her mum/servants would take care of that. (Her lack of cooking skills has shown in the past, trust me.)
>I love cooking so in the past I have always made breakfast or most other western style meals bc I have the experience and as I said, I love cooking
>be today with a sore back
>my Vietnamese wife's first attempt at cooking a western style breakfast.
>figure she did a great job so posted it here, mentioning her ethnicity, so you could also garner that this wouldn't be a typic staple in her diet,
Now, I'm still not sure why all the butt hurt about posting her ethnicity, but to all the SJWs out there that have been triggered by this, I do apologize. I know how mentally distressing it can be to you snowflakes if you come across anything that does not conform to your twisted logic.

>> No.9714872

well it didn't. That breakfast is english af

>> No.9714886

Fucking give up already, all you had to say is what you had for breakfast.

>> No.9714898

And all you needed to do was derail thread because it was in your SJW power. Well played ma'am.