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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 717x457, foodwishes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9711146 No.9711146 [Reply] [Original]

>piano chimes

>> No.9711149

Just makes me think of half in the back tbdesu

>> No.9711151

I hate hwne he mentions and in general acknowledges the reddit nu male of that other channel, you know wich one

>> No.9711153

me too. Why isn't he working with reviewbrah?

>> No.9711455

Because reviewbrah doesn’t cook.

>> No.9711465

he could review chef john

>> No.9711502
File: 252 KB, 1024x1024, FSWS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freakishly small wooden spoon crew reporting in.

>> No.9711505

Half in the Baaaaaaaag

>> No.9711539

if you don't have a freakishly small estonian spice ladle get out of my face

>> No.9711543
File: 101 KB, 600x697, AdmiralJohn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chef is the best. The reason he doesn't work with review brah is because review brah is a fetal alc syndrome autist and he couldn't cook to save his life. Can you imagine what that collaboration would look like? *shudders* The contrast between how fucking alpha chef john is, and the beta cuck status of rb would be too much to handle for most viewers.

>> No.9711555


Does anyone know where I can pick up one of these? I don't currently own one, but would really like to.

>> No.9711567

I've never seen one for sale, but I imagine it would be easy to find with google. Or get a piece of wood and make one. You could carve one in a few minutes with a decently sharp pocketknife.

>> No.9711571
File: 997 KB, 746x628, reviewbf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get off the computer, jonh.

>> No.9711572

This. I don't want Chef John hanging out with reviewbrah. I only want him associating with heads of state, and leaders of industry.

>> No.9711577


ive actually been looking to buy some really nice hardwood spoons, saw some made of redwood once. wooden spoons are the best for their fond unglueing powers

>> No.9711581

I want to see chef john hang out with frank zappa and rosa parks