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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 95 KB, 350x365, SoyBoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9709343 No.9709343[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Since men are becoming more effeminate because of xenoestrogens, which foods, in particular soy based ones, should we avoid to retain our testosterone?

>> No.9709369

why not start forcibly sucking dick to steal other mens' testosterone?

>> No.9709379

>this pseudoscientific nonsense again
Soy has no/trace effects if it's actually cooked, which all soy in food is

>> No.9709388

It's not working. I'm still as hairy and horny as ever.

>> No.9709401

Soy and phytoestrogens don't impact your test faggot.
Test levels dropped across entire nation, do think they all started eating soy?
It's due to chemicals in plastics, water, thermal paper, local atmosphere, etc.
Soy is good source of protein and healthy.

>> No.9709409

Lower testosterone has more to do with lack of physical activity and more sedentary lifestyles than what we eat.

>> No.9709412
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>> No.9709420
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d-does this really work?

>> No.9709433


>> No.9709440

From that graph it looks like carbs increase protein

>> No.9709445

Don't eat any Massively increased sedentarism as a consequence of the industrial revolution

>> No.9709454
File: 138 KB, 800x708, flat800x800075f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt think this was a real thing but pregnant women who eat a bunch of soy products do fuck up their child in the womb by giving it too much estrogen

>> No.9709455
File: 648 KB, 1280x960, itagun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yah true shit, since I became a raging homosexual and smoke multiple dicks a day, I've gotten swole beyond all reason and explanation. The downside is that it makes you gay tho

>> No.9709504

>blaming a food that's been eaten forever instead of all the toxins in your environment
This is how idiots rationalize things.

>> No.9709515

I think SoyBoy just translates to low test faggoty males.

It doesn't mean that Soy actually does this, it's probably plastics or something else, but it's a good meme. Just have fun with it.

>> No.9709547

This is entry level /fit/, anon. When you swallow another man's semen, you absorb all the potential gains all of those potential children would have had. It's the only way to get ripped quick - steroids are a meme. Literally every single movie star and body builder does this.

>> No.9710056

So what's a reasonable test level?

>> No.9710098
File: 18 KB, 480x360, Robbie_Rotten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's retardation like this that has me missing the McChicken threads.


Look at this guy. Look.

Is this Hogwarts dropout in any position to lecture anybody at any time what 'manly' is?!

>> No.9710130

Lmao what a fucking abject retard. Confirmation bias much? Suppose kids pandering to people who identify themselves purely by their political beliefs aren't much interested in data and would rather trawl twitter pages of 'muh libtard cucks'.

>> No.9710195

I've never even heard of this dumbass, but not long after I started playing the link, my roommate came out of the bathroom and was like "holy fuck, you're not watching (whatever his name is, I didn't catch it)!?! What a huge faggot!!"
I guess I'm late to the game, but this fucker is a goddamned moron. I can't believe anyone would take that bullshit seriously.

>> No.9710198


>> No.9710244


Everyone involved in this video is insufferable.

The amounts of soy required to have any inverse effect on sperm counts is enormous. If you ate nothing but Soylent for a month, for example, you might have an effect.

It's important to also note that estrogen can be produced from the burning of body fat, and due to soy's capacity to inhibit estrogen, can actually decrease estrogen levels in this case.

I also find it amusing that the body builder at 3:55 is clearly wearing mascara.

>> No.9710483

/pol/tards are realy shit at this, now they defend a literal ledophile

>> No.9710554

can this bro science meme end already

>> No.9710561


>> No.9710852

/pol/tards would rather blame food and water for the feminization of the western male and androgynation of the female when the real cause is a society based on technology that has made masculine traits of strength and endurance obsolete. But that doesn't sit well with the alt-right and republicucks since they never met a technocratic megacorporation they wouldn't blow. Not only that, but the advertisers on the whacko alt-right talk shows wouldn't be able to con a bunch of troglodyte mouthbreathers into buying their anti-estrogen drink or pills.

>> No.9710859

Not even from there, but damn you're triggered.

>> No.9710880

>Ur triggered
Says the pedophile defence squad...

>> No.9710882

I asked this on /a/, will soyboy replace cuck soon?

>> No.9710885

>I'm not even from /pol/
>this is the SECOND time that I have to tell you this
>I don't even know who you're talking about in regards to pedoshit
>you're still this triggered
Holy shit, anon. Is anyone who laughs at you the /pol/ boogeyman? Do you think people are /pol/ outside of the internet if they laugh at you?

>> No.9710887

>t. Poltard

>> No.9710893

Im not implying you are trom pol, Why would you think that?

>> No.9710899

>you screech autistically about /pol/ >>9709433
>I reply
>"Says the pedophile defence squad..."
What did you mean by this?

>> No.9710907

As far as I know, real men don't eat soy. If you want to eat soy, you can be a little girl like it's making you. Fag

>> No.9710919

I dont know, you tell me, poltard ;)

>> No.9710921

As far as I know real men fuck men, touching a woman and her vagina makes you absorb estrogen - sucking dick is like sucking up on a fountain of testosterone

>> No.9710923
File: 185 KB, 2000x1200, 1510862779699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to retain test
What did the brainlet mean by this?

>> No.9710926
File: 104 KB, 424x620, 1510446140511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what is this picture?

>> No.9710927
File: 50 KB, 640x480, AlJoy1-640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is NO effect, except there is? Fascinating :D

Lefty sexual predators only leave trace amounts of molestation too. No biggie.

>> No.9710974

But Roy Moore is ok ;)

>> No.9710998

The only thing he is guilty of is being a decent person in a time of mass Trump derangement syndrome

>> No.9711002


>> No.9711003

>unproven allegations of underage stuff

>literal photo evidence of sexual assault
>from eleven years ago

One is clearly guilty, they other may be guilty

>> No.9711010

Testosterone levels are going down because humans are less active than we used to be. We also don't sleep enough. Eating soy doesn't lower testosterone levels. That's broscience.

Go outside every day and be active. Maintain muscle mass. Get good quality sleep. Eat enough zinc.

>> No.9711030

>spreading disinformation under the guise of 'having fun'
you retards hate jews so much yet you're falling for their schemes

>> No.9711047

Go back to pol nigger

>> No.9711053


>> No.9711055

I guess the timing on hillary wasn't suspect at all then

>> No.9711091



it can lower it if you eat 50 grams and more per day.

>> No.9711167

Pidf - pedophile internet defence force is fully operational

>> No.9711173

>Since men are becoming more effeminate because of xenoestrogens, which foods, in particular soy based ones, should we avoid to retain our testosterone?

Nothing. The very concept is flawed. Increasing estrogen--even if such a thing could happen from eating food--doesn't lower testosterone.

>> No.9711200
File: 76 KB, 960x956, 18kqn6cskcoz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. soyboy brainlet

>> No.9711970

This thread is full of MeatNeets

>> No.9711985
File: 184 KB, 379x493, phytoestrogens lower estrogen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that phytoestrogens have a positive effect on testosterone as they actually reduce estrogen.

Daily reminder that milk contains actual estrogen.

>> No.9711986
File: 110 KB, 417x1199, 1510945353825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9711987
File: 178 KB, 1083x417, phytoestogens act as estrogen blockers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9712054
File: 179 KB, 955x431, phytoestrogens lower estrogen2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that phytoestrogens do not negatively affect testosterone, and dairy estrogen is mammal estrogen which lowers test AND increases testosterone

>> No.9712087

This one always get's to me. I exercise regularly but I still am sitting or laying down for a good part of the day (not including sleeping). Maybe that's why I pace around my apartment when I'm high. Is /out/ the answer here? I feel like we are absolutely fucked as a society because we are just getting lazier and more passive to bad things happening to us as a world, I see THX 1138 in our near future.

>> No.9712104

People like this should be openly killed.

>> No.9712106

This and this>>9709445
but it's probably in the food and plastivcs too, so we really are being bombarded on all kinds of levels to become more feminine.

>> No.9712122

It's from /fit/ you newfag untermensch

>> No.9712137

When you think about it, what's so bad about turning into a girl.

>> No.9712160
File: 328 KB, 810x1410, Professor Parenting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi professor

>> No.9712162
File: 23 KB, 220x323, 220px-Georg_von_Rosen_-_Oden_som_vandringsman%2C_1886_%28Odin%2C_the_Wanderer%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Odin did it. Are you wiser than the All-Father, anon?

>> No.9712219

hang em both

>> No.9712234

>posting this on a board populated by 90% weebs who are genetically disposed towards being either skeletons or weak skinnyfats

>> No.9712245

/ck/ is a female dominated board, sweetie :)

>> No.9712273

female (male) dominated board, maybe

>> No.9712282

>It doesn't mean that Soy actually does this,
I'm sure there's plenty of people who actually do think that.

>> No.9712296
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-Animal-derived estrogens (60–70%) in the human diet is milk and dairy products (the rest is meat and eggs)

>> No.9713063

Alex Jones pls go.

>> No.9713154
File: 43 KB, 953x193, internet alpha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9713182

He can't. Too much money to be made from the neanderthal mouthbreathers who buy his sponsors "estrogen antidote."

>> No.9714421 [DELETED] 

Seems like trump supporters eat too much soy, because they are overemotional bitches who REEEE at every critique of the orange golem

>> No.9715686


>> No.9716871

We're not pretending to give a shit about meme rape allegations, but you libcucks are. Also, there is actual proof of Al Franken being a dangerous serial rapist.

>> No.9716887

If I drink almond milk since I'm lactose intolerant, does that make me a soyboy?

>> No.9716922
File: 115 KB, 700x767, 1509674127273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, why the fuck is soyboy the new cuck

>> No.9717220

They could literally run Beelzebub and Mephistopheles on the republicuck ticket in AL and MS and they would be elected, lol. A pedophile doesn't even warrant a shrug of the shoulders.

>> No.9717343

>le soy boogeyman

>> No.9717355

Who needs soy when you have estrogen pills

>> No.9717358
File: 1.92 MB, 268x268, IMG_7613.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually relaly wonderful to be on estrogen

>> No.9717378
File: 28 KB, 186x208, S1FqNFk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lowers test and increases testosterone

>> No.9717417
File: 141 KB, 549x414, obesity_supersize_me_men_getting_fatter_chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hormones can be chemically completely different things. For example, estrogen is a steroid hormone and is chemically very stable so that it can pass the stomach without being harmed by the acidic conditions

there you go

>> No.9717437
File: 10 KB, 210x240, crying_laughing_emoji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it makes sense you guys watch out for estrogen intake since you dont partake in any activity that generates testosterone

>> No.9717661

/lgbt/ here, phytomemes don't work for the people who *want* this.

>> No.9717750

> poor presentation
> no sauce
> (((geinstein)))
gtfo cianigger

>> No.9717792
File: 673 KB, 671x1193, n-no_homo10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I suck dick all the time and I'm the manliest person in my ballet team.

>> No.9717834

No, but it does make you a nut slut.

>> No.9717843

>i'm an alt-right talk show cuck who buys the estrogen antidote they advertise

Why worry about it then, you're totally safe brocephus?

>> No.9717854
File: 277 KB, 416x406, oh_boy_here_we_go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nut slut

>> No.9717874

This. you only have to fear looking like a soyboy if you are naturally low test already

>> No.9717905

This is so stupid. Act like a man be a man. U are who u chose to be.

>> No.9718126

>U are who u
You don't get to give anyone advice, fugbook poster.

>> No.9718141
File: 753 KB, 953x1282, pathetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a defined gender

>> No.9719373

the soy-makes-you-gay meme is so ridiculous. it's the same guys calling others cucks to feel better about themselves. the sole reason why cuckolding seems to be such a big deal is because they keep repeating it all the time.

>> No.9719385

Fucking this. This thread is a perfect example of why this country is going to shit. Dissatisfied basement dwellers feel the need to blame everyone but themselves for their predicament, and think that by repeating the same lies and bullshit over and over, it somehow makes it true.

>> No.9719403

This shit only really started springing up in such high quantities since around the 2016 election. People came over because /pol/ was the "new edgy hipster hotspot" and sure enough handfuls of the idiot edgelords leaked out onto other boards. /tv/ has been completely destroyed beyond any possible repair, /po/ can't go a single day without someone joking "whoops thought I was on /pol/!" and /ck/ is now filled with conspiracies, "muh librul foods" and other garbage that is clearly just an attempt to start an argument and give themselves a pat on the back. This whole site has taken a hit and it's pretty damn sad.

>> No.9719449

Trump supporters are prime soy consumers. Is there any other reason why would they be so emotional stupid cucks?

>> No.9719829


>> No.9720834

reminder that people who use the term soyboy actually deserve murder.

>> No.9720838


Lets just hope these subhuman idiots are removed from the national discussion permanently.

>> No.9720894

t. soyboy

>> No.9720931

Fuck this shit. /a/ needs to ban all the A/Z cuckposters who refuse to use NTR.

>> No.9720960
File: 450 KB, 790x790, perfect-medium-rare-steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steak rare, then cut a hole in it and fuck it until perfectly cooked inside

>> No.9721058

That depends on if your steak is male or female.

>> No.9721084

hello idiot, please keep /pol/shit in /pol/

>> No.9721086

Having sex with a female steak is just gay. You've gotta get a male steak if you want to take it to the bone zone.

>> No.9721094

This. Female steaks contain high levels of estrogen which can seep through your cockmeat directly into your bloodstream, making you a feminine sissy boy. Real men fuck male steaks which boosts testosterone.

>> No.9721102

If this soyboy conspiracy is a meme, then what are some foods that you should have that are actually beneficial and aren't just using the soy boogeyman? Genuinely curious

>> No.9721163


>> No.9721191


>> No.9721194

Do you want tits and shrunken balls? If so eat soy

>> No.9721316

this is the face of autism

>> No.9723024 [DELETED] 


>> No.9723030


>> No.9723035

just drink a lot of tap water. tap water is totally safe and is completely normal. there is no fluoride in it either. plus, it's delicious. so try some tap water!

>> No.9723064

Your mother and I told you to stop watching that Alex Joe guy