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File: 123 KB, 500x375, rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9706288 No.9706288 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Signs you're at a shit restaurant

>> No.9706292

That just means no union workers, not an indication of actual rats.

>> No.9706307

that's the rat from the show difficult people

>> No.9706381

If you are in a restaurant it is shitty food. No one goes their to eat good food but because they are lazy.

>> No.9706405

>It's Friday evening and there's only a few people eating there
>Staff is slow and unfocused
>After getting my sandwich, they forget to give me fries, then it turns out I have to wait for them to cook more
>Open containers of sauce are developing a skin on top
>One table is covered in trash despite there being several workers just standing and doing nothing
>Music is loud as fuck, can barely hear the person I'm with when we're talking during the meal

That was last Friday, I'm not going back to that place again. Most of the workers looked and acted like they were on benzos or opioids.

>> No.9706409

No chicken tendies on the menu.

>> No.9706544

Its a area where they got their own parking lot, or shares it with nearby stores, and there is actually a lot of parking space.
And there is barely any cars there, during whatever is the prime time.
So basically around 11, maybe 12, and some time in the afternoon.

Now, it doesn't have to be true, but the opposite is generally true: If a place has lots of visitors, its food/quality is generally good.

>> No.9706597

It doesn't just mean no union workers. It means the establishment in question pissed off the union to enough of a degree that they're protesting it. And while I support labor unions in theory my experience with unionized workers has really soured my on the idea. They tend to be arrogant, entitled, overpaid cunts who half-ass whatever they're paid to do. So while I think unions provide an important (even necessary) check on corporate behavior I really don't give a fuck about them in practice, and would happily patronize an establishment with a giant inflatable rat outside it and a bunch of jerks hanging around trying to intimidate the customers.

>> No.9706612

why are these always outside Chick Fil A?

>> No.9706623

A company that refuses to unionize in spite of employee interest?

>> No.9706636

I'm union and I work in a place that is primarily union, they have put this fucking rat up in front of our place because that one time we didn't use union labor for this tiny project. They can go fuck themselves.

>> No.9706675

I've been union for a year once because I had to for the job I took. I appreciated how the union took care of the old guys who had put in their time. But fuck was the union out of step with the times and my own interests. Glad not to be working that job anymore. Think I still owe a couple hundred dollars in work dues to a CA local, but fuck them. Protip: dues are voluntary. You don't HAVE to pay them.

>> No.9706689

Being a union member is a condition of my employment here and thus my union dues are mandatory.

>> No.9706706

Here's hoping your union is better than mine was.

>> No.9706767

"apple slices" is one of the sides

>> No.9706787

Unions are just political machines, stop feeding the REAL rats

>> No.9706828

Few years back, union protests were all over the place where I live. The plumbers' union were protesting a children's clinic for installing new toilets without using union workers. A new shopping development went up and builders were protesting the new Wendy's. Finally, a new coffee joint opened in the renovated first floor of an early 19th century office building near my old office. The tile-setters' union was protesting them, too. As I passed by and saw the protest, I told a union guy "Well, I didn't want coffee but now I do. Thanks for letting me know the place has finally opened!" and hobbled my way inside to buy an overpriced cup of a very bad brew. On the way out, I spoke again to the union guys: "Maybe you'd find more work if you spent less time protesting and more time looking, have you thought of that?"

I can talk shit to most people and few're gonna do anything about it cuz no one wants to be on the news and social media as the guy who assaulted the helpless cripple. Disabled privilege is real. (:

>> No.9706854

While I am glad you put those union workers in their place, I will absolutely look down on you and call you a cunt if you were being cuntish, disabled or not.

>> No.9706873

I appreciate it, seriously. Many disabled people are coddled to such a degree that they're even more spoiled than the worst high-WASP or JAP girl. I'm not that bad, but know I'd pussy out and wouldn't have the balls to speak out about most of the things I speak out about were I able-bodied for fear of getting beaten to a bloody pulp.

>> No.9706876

>Sit down
>Previous people forgot a scarf
>Waitress pulls the scarf,almost throws my grandma to the floor
>Didn't even appologize
>Food takes forever to arrive
>Brought me the wrong thing, grandma's fish was completely breading
>Finally brings me my chicken half an hour after grandma finished eating
>It's floating on some nasty sauce
>Take two bites and ask for the check, leave no tip what an awful experience

>> No.9706885

In NYC that kind of behavior would have earned you a beating.

>> No.9706895
File: 78 KB, 417x600, 1429873866882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone outside handing out flyers
>Someone outside trying to get you to come in
>Menu translated into a multitude of foreign languages
>Menu displayed in multiple foreign languages
>Pictures of the food

My favourite restaurant has recently added pictures to their menu
>Mfw I wouldn't eat there now if it was my first time going

>> No.9706937

It hasn't yet, but I'll letcha know if that changes.

>> No.9706938

Many of my favorite restaurants don't even have English on the menu, or if they do it's in smaller print than the language of where the cuisine hails from.

>> No.9706944

Don't try that shit in South Brooklyn or SI.

>> No.9706956

My wifes store had this rat and some union guys outside for a week and they harassed her and the other low level employees because the company used non union labor to remodel the store
If you want to bitch to the company thats one thing but yelling at employees who had nothing to do with the decision is shitty

>> No.9706959

Unions really are just domestic terrorists. So fucking glad my state is right to work.

>> No.9706964

>So fucking glad my state is right to work.

I wouldn't go that far. I see how some of you in those states are treated. When you make the game 'everyone for themselves' things tend to slide to one extreme end or the other.

>> No.9706967
File: 171 KB, 722x349, gogg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair point.

>More than two languages on the menu
>Menu displayed in more than two languages

By this I mean, the national language and the country the food is from. Anything more is too much.

When I went to Venice recently I saw a menu with English, Italian, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and Portuguese

>Traditional Italian

>> No.9706975

Unions are like women’s lib. Once needed, now unnecessary but you can’t get rid of them

>> No.9706977

>When I went to Venice recently I saw a menu with English, Italian, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and Portuguese
That's a clear sign you've mistakenly wandered into a tourist trap.

>> No.9706987

Close. I'd argue both are still necessary but neither have kept pace with the times, so they do poor jobs of serving the people whose interests they claim to represent.

>> No.9706990

>Signs you're at a shit restaurant
There's another restaurant with the same name and signage

>> No.9706993

*ITT: Signs you're at a shit restaurant but also signs flyovers won't understand

>> No.9707001

>I live near an ocean, I'm important!

>> No.9707009

Not important, just relevant.

>> No.9707016

>part of one of the largest unions on the east coast DC 37, all staff are union
>school opens up bidding for work contract
>non-union company wins bid
>inflatable rat put in protest


>> No.9707017

>This is the mentality of flyover hicks.

>> No.9707028

Fair enough, yeah

>> No.9707030

Don't worry I avoid shit holes

>> No.9707047
File: 440 KB, 3000x2059, armando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can find some real gems near them in some places.

Pic related, is in Rome

>> No.9707067

All right to work means is that you aren't forced to join a union (aka unions can't monopolize labor) nor are you forced to pay union dues.

>> No.9707073

Relevant how? You live by a bunch of saltwater, big whoop.

t. roastie coastie

>> No.9707137

My melanin-enriched friend, I've said more than that to working class Bensonhurst eye-ties with no reaction beyond a 'fuck you, buddy' here or there, spoken as rage seethed from the guy's eyesockets. No one wants to be the guy who assaulted a defenseless cripple.

Same shit.

>> No.9707155

What happens in our cites eventually makes its way to you, though it may take the greater part of a decade. Things rarely if ever go in the opposite direction, except for people moving from there to here.

>> No.9707163

I call bullshit; There's no more Italians in Bensonhurst.

>> No.9707338

SI you might get attacked by junkies from needle park but who am I kidding? They don't work so you'll never see them protesting a non-union jobsite lol

>> No.9707345

There are still a few, but it's fast becoming an extension of Bklyn's Chinatown.

>> No.9707385

It also means you have zero rights as an employee, and can be fired for any reason at your employers whim.

>> No.9707438

The prices are in USD.

>> No.9707454

The solution to that is to either:
1) Go to a better restaurant (as you've established)
2) Go on your dates on opioids or benzos
Did that second one last week, was great.

>> No.9707594

not sure why you think we live in some kind of dystopian future where that sort of thing happens. The bottom line is money and companies spend a lot to onboard and train new people, so they arent going to take on that expense unnecessarily
workers don't get fired on a whim if they are good workers

everyone should have a right to work and do any job without having to pay for the permission of a 3rd party

>> No.9707610

Then maybe you shouldn't act in a manner that makes you get fired?

>> No.9707630

>have to leave a fucking 10% tip

No thanks that'll be to go, I'm just sitting here because you're busy making my food.

>> No.9707645

>Giant unfocused menu
>World famous/#1 ______/Authentic anywhere on signage
>"Family restaurant"
>Chef's name isn't on the menu
>Sysco truck parked outside

>> No.9707651

>Sysco truck parked outside
Lost it.

>> No.9707654
File: 253 KB, 574x409, 1503504770508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. roaste coastie

Good signs its a bad spot:
Guys at the bar asking the bartender for money
Waitresses clearly shit talking other employees right in front of you
You can hear the chef screaming
The restaurant is packed during slow hours and empty during rush hours
You cant split the bill
The food was bad

>> No.9707688

It's like this guy just read the Harry Black chapter of "Last Exit to Brooklyn".

>> No.9707690
File: 9 KB, 640x640, 1432365535183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>outdoor seating area

>> No.9707711

are you unironically female that's disgusting kys

>> No.9707744

Yeah tell that to the union workers that take wage concessions told by union it's the only way to keep your jobs, then to have the place close in six months anyway...

>job security ma ass

>> No.9707745

>men allowed inside wearing collarless shirts
>women allowed inside wearing pants
>the presence of a "house" wine
>the cuisine is heavily ethnocentric and yet the cooks are all uniformly guatemalan

>> No.9707785

>mom and pop Chinese restaurant
>woman up front taking orders barely speaks English
>man sits in the back kitchen on his computer looking at stocks all day while food I'd unorganized, unlabeled, and not properly stored
>couple scream at each other in Chinese
>bathroom looks like it hasn't been cleaned in months, also used as a storage space
>unkempt hungover looking white piggu employee passively doing dishes

That white piggu is me and our food is mediocre at best

>> No.9707793

I was you four years ago. get the fuck out of there as soon as you can and go work in an office.

>> No.9707797

Why would you pay at all? Maybe it's because I'm 6 feet tall, big, and loud, but I've walked out before. I made sure they knew I wasn't paying and why. No waitress or 22 year old twink manager is going to fight a guy 3 times her size.

>> No.9707817

It's not a bad job desu. I over exaggerated a little for the laffs bit the owners are real nice people and the work is pretty easy and I get to run deliveries and I get paid cash money. Been with them for 5 years always as a part time gig and it's not a bad source for extra dosh

Also free food

>> No.9707826

UK? I've never heard of a white boi working for chinese takeaway outside the UK

>> No.9707846

Nah I'm a burger

I ate there one day and the lady just offered me a job when I was finished with my meal. She has the English comprehension of a 9 year old so I help out with the language barrier with her and customers sometimes.

I'm pretty much their only employee, some Chinese students come to help out once in a while when I'm not there.

>> No.9707850

fucking this

what the point

>> No.9707856

people like sunshine, fresh air, and people-watching.

>> No.9707900

I can understand this kind cafe on plazas, but when it's near the road there is no fresh air, dust and smoke pollutes your food.

>> No.9708434


>> No.9708491

I like how you got proved wrong and then you immediately changed the location

>> No.9708692

>It's in St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin, and the owner is named Ashok

>> No.9708731

2 or less stars on Yelp. I usually let 3 stars slide because Yelp has plenty of drama queens who 1-star over the slightest folly.

>> No.9708767

Lighted signs
Condiments on the table...including salt
No tablecloth
Disposable napkins
Two-page(or more) menues
Negro diners

>> No.9708777

there's a stuffed alligator head on the wall and it is wearing oversized glasses and a cowboy hat...along with other assorted 'flair'

>> No.9708778

>chef screaming
Oh no...those are the best restaurants

>> No.9708795

>the menu isn't laminated
>no pictures
>it's in french

>> No.9709240

No one else is there, especially if you're there at peak hours.

>> No.9709442

It wasn't a date, it was just my dad and I eating dinner after work at a place we've never been to. I've been on a date on benzos and was retarded, she slowly cut off contact after realizing I had a drug problem.

>> No.9709621

no, it wouldn't. I do shit like that all the time.

>> No.9709623

I rarely leave the island unless I am travelling

>> No.9709637

Well, then you need to realize that no jobs in the US are protected anymore, and we're basically slave labor. WHO'S THE PROBLEM? Because it isn't 98% percent of this country, motherfucker.

>> No.9709643

Get competitive

>> No.9709658

Not him but in my state that does in fact happen, hell I've known people who have been fired officially because of "downsizing" but unofficially because they aren't Mormon. And before you say that's against federal law, this is Utah, Mormons control everything including the courts here.

>> No.9709666


Not him but that goes against everything our system was built on. Up until very recently it was that you worked for the company and were loyal to it, and they took care of you in turn. This was a process that worked very well, and globalization took it away.

>> No.9709668

>Pictures of the food
Why is this bad?

>> No.9709676
File: 56 KB, 264x292, timon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get competitive
>when the people you're competing with is immigrants who work for wages so low that it's literally illegal for you to negotiate to be paid lower and realistically would be too little to survive on
Competition is one thing, but you're asking people to compete in a race to the bottom.

>> No.9709684
File: 307 KB, 600x478, sdburrito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mexican place
>California Burrito is their biggest item

>> No.9709688

Kill illegals. Being competitive means you don't play by rhe rules.

>> No.9709690

No, right to work means you can quit at any time without notice or reason, and they can fire you at any time without notice or reason.
Guess who gets a better deal out of that?
Right to work was the official death of loyalty meaning jack shit in the US.

>> No.9709693

Globalization has been nothing but good for everyone involved. Stop belieiving in nationalist bullshit.

If wages and prices were allowed to freely adjust with no government mandated floors and/or ceilings that wouldn't be an issue.

>> No.9709696

>workers don't get fired on a whim if they are good workers
They do if that whim happens to be "Well we fucked up our projections so now we have to fire people instead of the CEOs (the people responsible for fucking up) taking a salary hit.

>> No.9709699

Shutup Union boss

>> No.9709702

Literally the most overused "evil" word these days. Corporate Executive Officers are just ONE COG of upper management. They aren't some mythical untouchable being. They get hired and fired just like anyone else.

>> No.9709703

>If wages and prices were allowed to freely adjust with no government mandated floors and/or ceilings that wouldn't be an issue.
That's irrelevant when bringing into the equation people that legally a company can't even hire.

>> No.9709704

It was originally done because corner cafes wouldn't have any seating space in the building, then it became a method to separate smokers from non-smokers, nowadays it's just there for decoration and they are now most commonly found in gentrified areas that are heavily laden with overpriced San Francisco-bred microchain restaurants.

>> No.9709708


You dirt people are determined for fuck each other over.

>> No.9709715

Be mad all you like.
But also realize I am right when you hear employers bitching about turnover when they pay shit wages and fire people to cover their dumb business decisions.
The context I used it in was obviously to imply that those who decide to do layoffs are often the ones who made stupid business decisions which necessitated them in the first place.

>> No.9709720

Didn't know I was talking to a cripple.

>> No.9709722

>Being competitive means you don't play by rhe rules.
That's literally not true, otherwise business schools wouldn't be required to teach ethics. Just because a lot of people don't play by the rules doesn't mean those rules aren't important. Otherwise you're giving others carte blanche to fuck you over on the assumption you'll do the same to them. Even though cooperation allows both parties to achiveve more.

>> No.9709727

I don't remember these being a thing when I was a kid.
>started in 91
Oh, so they actually weren't a thing back then

>> No.9709734
File: 20 KB, 231x281, 1510839557140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your quite a charming fellow arnt you?

>> No.9709743

Every college is required to teach ethics.
Doesn't matter if it's business or STEM or fucking basket weaving, they'll shoehorn ethics into your graduation requirements.

>> No.9709747

It's because God fucked you over harder than any of us ever could, why bother. We can't compete.

>> No.9709751

Maybe that's because ethics is actually important to a society so it doesn't have a populace of sociopaths.

>> No.9709753

>we can't compete
it certainly doesn't help that you're union, either.

>> No.9709758

I'm not, I'm a neet that lives off inheritance. But at least my body still works.

>> No.9709764

CEOs could take no salary at all and it would be insignificant once it was spread among all the employees
if the waltons took $0 and gave it to the employees (that's all profit from 51% of the company) the employees would see a 1 cent per hour increase

I had a ceo get fired during my time at a bank. He closed a local call center and outsourced it, the employees there were offered jobs in other areas n the company or they could take a severance package which was 6 months salary.

the CEO who authorized that was let go when the whole call center outsourcing project was bleeding money by missing employee training deadlines and the quality of the service took a nose dive because it was sent to fucking Baltimore of all places

>> No.9709766

Not that anon, and I completely agree with you.
But we already are a nation of sociopaths.
We are just sociopaths who know that if they get caught they might be fucked, depending on how powerful and wealthy they are.

>> No.9709774

Not him but it's just bad PR for a CEO to give himself a bonus after huge layoffs. Even if the two things are unrelated, to the average person it just looks like corruption.

>if they get caught they might be fucked, depending on how powerful and wealthy they are.
Weinstein showed it literally doesn't matter how powerful and wealthy you are if you don't stop doing the bad thing.

>> No.9709779

More like so it doesn't have some chunk of marginally better educated sociopaths.
I haven't heard of any high school curriculums with ethics.
You underestimate the number of people who haven't actually had higher education. Excluding tradies.

>> No.9709781

>living in Utah
I'm in Idaho but most people here grew up mormon but stop going when they hit high school and become alcoholics. Even arizona is better as the Mormons there hate each other.

>> No.9709784

>But we already are a nation of sociopaths.

We aren't though. This may sound strange but the reality is we care too much, primarily with politics. I blame the creation of 24 hour news networks and people caring too damn much about politics. Historically, democracy works best when people aren't constantly obsessed with politics all the time. And no I don't mean in the "keep the people ignorant" sense, it's just that when people don't think the world is in constant crisis, they tend to not make kneejerk voting decisions and see everyone with a slightly different opinion as the "other", primarily because they didn't even know that person had that opinion.

There's a reason the old saying is that if you want to keep lifelong friends, never bring up politics or religion.

>> No.9709787

That's harder when you're smack dab in the center of the religion. That gives a lot of social pressure to not leave because of ostracization.

>> No.9709792

>CEOs could take no salary at all and it would be insignificant once it was spread among all the employees
That isn't what we are talking about.
We are talking about companies firing people, cutting benefits, etc etc to recoup profits instead of taking the hit that rightfully belongs to the upper management.
Why are you even talking about wage distribution when that clearly isn't what is being discussed.
Your anecdotal evidence doesn't cancel out the reality that more often than not, the employees of a company suffer for the mistakes of those above them rather than those people who made the mistake.
Gambling pensions on the markets is a good example of this, despite it being the low hanging fruit.

I'm not trying to be an asshole here, but if you seriously think you are going to convince me that the american worker has not been fucked to hell and back over the last 50 years by moneyed interests, you are going to have a long night ahead of you.

>> No.9709798

The problem with Arizona is that most trade jobs here are sunk by illegal immigration.

>> No.9709812

>not reporting your company to ICE

They even give you a monetary reward.

>> No.9709834

I'm guessing you mean construction. I worked Hvac and only met one Mexican who worked it as well but he grew up in Tempe and was a 3rd generation citizen.

>> No.9709841

Hey ameriburgers. I come from a place down under... in s*uth america. Kill the unions while you can.

>> No.9709861

>Weinstein showed
You think Weinstein is fucked?
How naive you are...
Sure, he'll never make another movie again, well maybe, Gibson trash talked Jews while working in hollywood and still gets roles, but I digress.
The point is that guy was set for life 30 years ago and that isn't going to change.
Like I said, if you are already wealthy when your career goes in the toilet, you still get to fuck off to some tropical island for the rest of your days, so at that level it really isn't much of a punishment to go into early retirement.

>> No.9709885

Do you plunder?

>> No.9709890

That's one of the entry jobs, but add hospitality, food service, and agriculture. I'm not sure if landscaping counts as a trade, but that's a big entry as well as a lot of other service jobs. The issue as I see it, though, is that it has a ripple effect on other sectors even if a sector is not considered to be directly affected.

>> No.9709899

You make a good case.
I agree about politics being entirely too all encompassing in daily life now.
Seems like every day another facet of life gets assigned to either the right or left, or often both by each other.

But I still believe that most people do what is best for themselves, regardless of how it affects those around them. Well, so long as those around them aren't aware of who is causing said effects.
I'm not the religious type, but I think right around the time Americans stopped depending on religion to guide them, the dollar stepped in to fill the void.

>> No.9709901

Yeah but then you're out of work.

>> No.9709902

>body still works


>> No.9709904


Neet just means you aren't going to school or working a job, and aren't seeking to do either. That's literally all it means.

>> No.9709925

I'm white, I get plundered.

>> No.9709933

Develop anti-plundering devices.
That or get a monkey costume to at least fit in.

>> No.9709958

>pictures of the food on the menu
>restaurant decorated with that shitty brick-and-sheet-metal aesthetic that makes it noisy as fuck when you have more than three people in the room
>restaurant that's less than five years old, decorated entirely with stuff intended to look vintage
>anyone on staff has gauged ears

>> No.9709960

Neet means you are a pathetic lifeless drunk autistic kid that has no goals in life other than your own pleasure and your next autism check that barely pays your rent.
I am one of these people.

>> No.9710730

>globalization is good, goy. Made in Mexico and China plastic garbage products are the way of the future!

>> No.9710743

>Why would you pay at all?
my grandma would have felt awful if i didnt

>> No.9710757
File: 1.10 MB, 1600x1064, ze_plastic_vikingur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hafnarfjordur Hótel Viking.
It was bad before tourist boom in Iceland, now it is bad compared to old bad.

>> No.9711211


>> No.9711229

Is this some kind of yank shit? I've never in my life seen one of these.

>> No.9711241

Yeah, mostly East Coast cities or cities with a large union presence.
There was one in the UK like 5 years ago but I don't think it caught on.
Unions stomp their feet about people employing non-union workers and set up an inflatable rat. It's been a thing since the early 90s.

>> No.9711252
File: 111 KB, 1360x768, cat-and-mouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also one featured in The Sopranos which you're a fag for not watching yet.

>> No.9711845

My date doesn't seem to have realised I've been drunk and/or high every single time. I'm three for three, muthafuckaaa.

The trick is to titrate gradually, and always buy one (1) drink in front of them so you can blame that if anything daft happens.

>> No.9712271

>go to a Montana's for dinner with family
>order food and wait
>can see beanbags getting tossed up in the air over the top of the booth seats in the middle
>think that it's probably some asshole customer showing off to the waitress or something
>the guy comes over
>it's a literal fucking juggler walking around the restaurant doing tricks for people (do they pay him?)
>he starts chatting us up
>appetizer platter arrives
>we sit there awkwardly eating spinach dip for the longest ten minutes I've ever suffered through while he does magic tricks and stuff because we can't discuss telling him to fuck off with him right there
>food finally arrives and he leaves

It was the worst thing ever I felt like I walked into a store jester meme

>> No.9712294

That literally is not what neet means, that's just the internet version of neet. Neet is a term from the british employment service.

>> No.9712300

>after the appetizer you have your food-covered fork and knife sitting on your finished plate
>the waiter takes your silverware off the plate and puts it down on the table
>he takes the plate and doesn't replace your dirty silverware between courses
it truly belies a cro-magnon mind

>> No.9712303

>Globalization has been nothing but good for everyone involved. Stop belieiving in nationalist bullshit.

Lmao is that you germoney? Fikki fikki u wifey

>> No.9712393

>a union protester beating up a fucking passerby in the city
That's more likely to happen in flyoverland

>> No.9712403

Stupid newfags

>> No.9712409

You are able to post this due to globalization, without which we would not have internet. Let that sink in...

>> No.9712410

>Laminated Menus

>> No.9712413

You mean coastiecuckville?

>> No.9712461

>Globalization has been nothing but good for everyone involved.
This is objectively wrong. Its not as simple as globalization is "good or bad".
Read "Globalization and Health" by Ichiro Kawachi and Sarah Wamala

>> No.9712471

No Im talking about Trumpcountry

>> No.9712581

Money isn't everything. Harvey was a powerful person in Holleywood. People listened when he talked. Living a lonely life with lots of money isn't that satisfying for most people. That's what's going to suck for him

>> No.9712638

This makes me want to specifically eat at places with inflatable rats outside so I can make fun of union workers and legally defend myself

>> No.9712643



>> No.9712734

These guys were at an Aldi that had just opened up yesterday. What's up with that?

>> No.9712799

Not many engineering programs. They are crammed for units. I wrote a paper on it in college. Most of the time it is minorly addressed in capstone projects but mainly just "don't build a bridge that will collapse"

>> No.9712813
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Its happened three times and all three times where journeys of life I wouldnt want to live again...

>> No.9712961

You see wife's sons at the other booths.

>> No.9712965

>Not eating at el rato's buffet
Blebeian taste

>> No.9713011

you sound like the biggest pussy bitch

>> No.9713020
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and honey mustard

>> No.9713099

I'm not sure what fucking reality you live in, since it happens all the time.

Good employees get fired or "laid off" (the difference between being able to get unemployment or not) all the time.

>> No.9713525
File: 121 KB, 640x640, 17126776_1817391368512545_1515680597115142144_n_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The food is prepared by Mexicans, or the restaurant sells Mexican food

>> No.9713858

No one learns anything form college and depth through breadth has been debunked.

>> No.9713865

He wont be lonely when he has 30% of Hollywood to keep him company. Polanski did worse and he's surrounded by friends eager to make kino

>> No.9713877 [DELETED] 

workers unions are good, if you don't agree, you're naive and you can enjoy working at walmart/mcdonalds at 30.

>> No.9713883

ive never been to a restaraunt that had a 10ft tall rat in it

>> No.9714031

I learned a great deal from college, both directly and indirectly. I could've learned all the coursework stuff from books, but I wouldn't have known which books to read.

Your first statement is untrue, I'm not going to trust you on the second one. That said, teaching ethics to sociopaths is like teaching art history to the blind. It'll never be more than an abstraction, a memorize-and-recite exercise.

>> No.9714232

>no lemon wedge in my water

It's like being spat on.

>> No.9714276

>don't believe in rape culture, white priviledge, 70 billion genders or marxist "morals"
Nope. In fact it's normally the opposite.

>> No.9714287

Ficki ficki gib money
gib me dat welfare check for my 36 somalian children and my 7 wives
haha ya boiiiii
what you gon do about it white boy

>> No.9714301

>Lemon wedge in my water
I don't want your shitty lemon and seeds in my perfectly nice ice water, thanks.

>> No.9714317

>what you gon do about it white boy
Vote Republican.

Oh, hey, that puts me in mind of something on topic. Politicization. A sign in the window isn't too dangerous, but if they're going overboard that's risky. Any food items mocking a candidate, that's your cue to back away slowly. So is anything blatantly sexual. Dangerous to eat things made by crazy people.

>> No.9715496

There are blacks in it

>> No.9715532

>Hey, maybe we shouldn't societally encourage raping women

>> No.9715691

If a race to the bottom is unappealing(and it should be) then race for the middle or top and become good at a skilled position that Mexicans won't take away. That's what I did and I ended up in employment where getting fired is near impossible if you don't kill people

>> No.9717015

What, the soyboy fairy sons of real men who can't stand said bitchass sons are gonna do something? New York isn't hard anymore, homie.

As a unionized worker, a fairly proud one at that, this shit is embarrassing. If you're in a union, find some fucking work for fucks sake. Goddam bums think they can represent everyone in their trade with this cringe brotherhood shit. Problem is, they often do because the real tradesmen are of being real tradesmen.

>> No.9717029

>societally encourage raping women
Put to bed this fucking fiction son, nobody in modern america would go up to their buddy and go "yeah see that chick, I totally smashed her head into the wall until she couldn't see then I fucked her rough with no lube, dumb cunt" you've been pushing the definition of rape so far afield that it doesn't even mean anything anymore.

>> No.9717050

You're willfully ignoring it if you think so

>> No.9717071

and you're cherry picking to protect your worldview that was promoted to you by democrats seeking reelection.

>> No.9717072

Then give an example.

>> No.9717231

>waitstaff follow customers out to ask what was wrong with their service if they didn't tip

>> No.9717316

>Weinstein et al being witch hunted in media
>gangs beating up (alleged)rapists
>brock turner embolized into college textbooks as 'cis white rapist'
>still can't legally rape men
>overzealous government busybodies vastly expanding sexual assault/rape statistics to 1 in 5 moral panic levels when in reality colege campuses have never been safer

>> No.9717435

I'm a kind man, I can always spare a minute to help chiam make a few extra cents.

>> No.9717453

Lovin' it

>> No.9717815

are you talking about that vegetarian/indian place?

>> No.9717839

>hallal options
>vegan options

>> No.9717861

I've never seen one of these rats before in California

>> No.9717871
File: 227 KB, 500x322, tumblr_inline_nnjfng41cP1t66rp4_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every menu item has retarded names and you end up ordering the 'cha burg with xtra awesumsaus

>> No.9717887
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>waiter isn't cute
>waiter won't spit in my food
>waiter isn't free after his shift

>> No.9718603

aesthetic longboy

>> No.9718723

Oh God. I've seen my co-workers do this.

>> No.9718851

>if the waltons took $0 and gave it to the employees (that's all profit from 51% of the company) the employees would see a 1 cent per hour increa
okay so .01*40hr/wk * 40wk/yr =3.60$ per year per worker

so does Walton's have 1000employees and make 3,600$ a year?

does he have 10,000employees and make 36k a year?
does he have a million employers and make a fair ceo salaray of 3.6million/year?

wow I bet ceo's get an even bigger share of the profit than I expected

>> No.9718865

here's a good sign: I'm eating in it
if you hear a sound coming from inside the diner that sounds like a rhino with diarrhea, then turn back

>> No.9718891

"Deconstructed" anything on the menu.

Blacks or Indians seated at tables.

>> No.9718922

>Become a drug addict so you don't realize how shitty your life is
White people logic

>> No.9719000

>le New-York is tough meme

>> No.9719048
File: 1.13 MB, 260x195, 1498865492712.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No tablecloth
>His restaurant can't afford to steam clean tables in between diners.

>> No.9720101

Fuck off with that, avocado is a legitimately good foodstuff and you're wack as fuck if you don't think halal has great good too.

>> No.9720117

I think he was referring to the union culture here, which has a reputation for being seedy, violent, and mob-connected


but hey don't let reality stop you from making sarcastic comments about stuff you know nothing about

>> No.9720144
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There are really good Halal foods, but you know, sometimes you just want to eat peacefully without being surrounded by ISIS.

>> No.9720148


New York niggas stay taking L's.

>> No.9720360

Blacks are the worst drug abusers.

>> No.9721045

anyone remember that one fancy restaurant where the chef talks about how he has you make your own eggs and when the eggs are done he adds a green sauce and garnish? what was it called? I can't remember for the life of me

>> No.9721597

>violence happening anywhere in my "cop on every corner" city

What part of long island are you from kiddo. the Hamptons I assume?

>> No.9722236


>> No.9722262

Maybe you shouldn't use scab labour then pal :)

>> No.9722291

They serve and employ non-whites.

>> No.9722323

What the fuck are you trying to say?
Are you from South America or Australia?

>> No.9722892

i dont understand the hard ass act on the internet, its so pathetic

>> No.9722961

>Mormons control everything including the courts here.

Utah here also. I wish the Mormons controlled everything. They have a good amount of influence, bit it's really the Federal Government that controls everything out here.

>> No.9722995

That's usually my sign of a GOOD restaurant.

>> No.9723007


>> No.9723028

ANY place with a California Burrito on the menu

>> No.9723537

When the bathroom is a wet septic trashpile

>> No.9724438
File: 68 KB, 800x600, 1510986869231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck works 40 weeks a year? Are you a yuropoor?

>> No.9724462










>> No.9724839

literally the only good burrito, I fucking wish they were easier to find in Australia so I could enjoy a burrito without drowning in rice and beans

>> No.9725486

fuck off you big fag.

>> No.9726501

>"Maybe you'd find more work if you spent less time protesting and more time looking, have you thought of that?"

>> No.9726559

The only thing I eat anywhere that serves it.

>> No.9726602
File: 19 KB, 526x394, IluceAa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huge menu with lots of ingredients that only appear in a few items.
>lots of random, disparate cuisines.
>Dirty bathrooms
>Owner has no restaurant experience
>mid/upscale place where the menu never changes
>obscure ingredients used out of season
>shitty coffee
>using terms like "world famous" to describe menu items
>staff wear mismatched uniforms/have bad personal hygiene (hole in the wall ethnic places get a pass)
>Literally all the customers are fat (Barbecue places get a pass)
>All day buffets are pretty much always a bad sign. Unless there aren't that many items, and they are replaced regularly.

>> No.9726811

>ing about it cuz no one wants to be on the news and social media as the guy who assaulted the helpless cripple. Disabled privilege is real. (:
I love it. If I was in a wheelchair or something I would be such a dick

>> No.9726846

I don't live in a flyover state, I actually live along the coast but I find it funny all you nu-male soyboy cucks make fun of them. Where do you think all your faggot vegan food is grown

>> No.9726893

Unions don't exist in Flyover land

>> No.9726926

In CA. Flyover states are growing corn, soybeans, cotton and meat - lots and lots of meat.

>> No.9726981
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>> No.9727056
File: 2.80 MB, 848x480, home made vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isn't mom and pop place
>hasn't been open for at least 15 years
>has more than 5 tables
>owner isn't white
>he doesn't say hello with a smile as you're seated
>his wife isn't in the back making dessert for everyone
webm related

>> No.9727075

You look at the menu and there are items labelled as Deconstructed.

>> No.9727080

What do you think all your fake food is made from? Soybeans

>> No.9727176

>The menus are laminated and have a fabric on the outside of them
>the fabric is stained with food and grease
>the fabric reeks

>> No.9727221

unless its southern food, a high density of coloreds is a bad sign

>> No.9727274

Any indian place with a stained tablecloth. A dirty tablecloth is pretty much universally a bad sign, but the food is known for being brutal on white fabric due to the turmeric, oil, and other spices. It's standard practice for indian places in developed countries to swap the tablecloth after every cover. A dirty one, or worse, a plastic one means they're being lazy as fuck. If they can't even keep the table clean, the kitchen's probably a shithole.

>> No.9727787

>they don't give you a basket of nice warm bread with butter

>> No.9727843

>You can hear the chef screaming

those are the best though. It's a sign that some bullshit is getting set straight

>> No.9730080


>> No.9730479

>New York niggas stay taking L's.
I need a monkeyspeak amulet.