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9706618 No.9706618 [Reply] [Original]

Correct me if I'm wrong, but brandy and rum both taste 100% better than whiskey, so why is whisky so much more popular?

I have this theory that the people who drink it are like people who are fans of black coffee and india pale ale, that is, people who feel superior because they drink something which is clearly repulsive. Or they are of Scottish descent or from Kentucky or something so they feel its part of their heritage. I reach this conclusion based off my observations of people who are big fans of whisky. (This of course precludes old timers who grew up drinking whisky and know nothing else.)

I dont regularly come here but I'm not trolling im just genuinely curious about this.

>> No.9706632
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>correct me if I'm wrong but "opinion"
>why do people think differently than me
Impressive autism my man

>> No.9706644

Have you heard of different tastes in drinks or are you so self centered that you believe all people must have the same tastes as you?

>> No.9706663

yes i think people essentially have similar taste buds. particularly for repulsive tasting things. I find this argument to be a predictable cop out.

>> No.9706666

I don't like rum, it just tastes like burning but with a nice whisky I can get some nice vanilla notes

>> No.9706680

Let's stick to the general.

>> No.9706702

That thread is too knowledgeable and snobbish for me

>> No.9706731


>> No.9706742

Rum is too sweet.

Brandy tastes like shitty whisky that was steeped in raisins way too long.

>> No.9706755

I do enjoy black coffee and IPAs but I'm extremely picky when it comes to whiskey/bourbon. Smoked malt can fuck right off. Even Grodziskie style beer is too smoky for me, kek

>> No.9706782

then why is my dad repulsed by cilantro when I love it dearly

>> No.9706788

Because I love your dad severely.

>> No.9706792

>Correct me if I'm wrong, but brandy and rum both taste 100% better than whiskey
You're wrong.

wew that was difficult

>> No.9706797

Generals fucking blow and so do you

>> No.9706804

Rum is literally made from sugar desu. Brandy is just distilled wine lmao

>> No.9706826
File: 59 KB, 480x615, forgive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're 100% correct, everyone is just pretending to enjoy things you dislike as a worldwide prank codenamed "Make Anon think we like things he dislikes"

in fact, all people only enjoy:
>cheese pizza (no toppings)
>soda (not tonic water obviously)
>sweets (not licorice though)

it's LITERALLY (and this has been proven BY SCIENTISTS) IMPOSSIBLE to enjoy something with even THE SLIGHTEST HINT of bitterness

>> No.9706892

Impressive autism OP

Brandy and rum taste way too sweet for me. Even some whiskeys are too sweet for my taste. I prefer bitter or savory things to sweet sugary things.

>> No.9706992
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>is it bitter?
god i fucking hate getting this question it makes me want to kill whoever asks it

>> No.9707052
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>I didn't like it it was really spicy

>> No.9707061
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Drinking whiskey makes people feel tough and super manly despite it tasting terrible
Because it tastes so bad most people avoid it which gives the people who do still drink a weird sense of superiority
This is why you will always see hics, fat girls, or the wana be cowboys drinking whiskey

>> No.9707065

>let's stick to the reddit
Let's not.

>> No.9707068

I"ll agree that whiskey is too sweet, but rum aint, and I've never had brandy so no opinion on it

>> No.9707072
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only blacks drink brandy

>> No.9707075

t. sweet tooth

>> No.9707078

cmon cleetus u ass get in my truck lets go remove its muffler n drive around town

>> No.9707090
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i see it on tinder profiles so much. fatass girls with the bio "I'd rather be one mans shot of whiskey than everyones cup of tea ;)"

>> No.9707119

Wow. Never seen someone admit to such shit taste so flagrantly. And I've been on /b/ and /r/.
Brandy wine is good. Rum is just total shit across the board. The only problem with Whisky is when it's not bourbon whisky.

>> No.9707129

fat ugly chicks are having orgies and I can't get a dinner date with a respectable female.

>> No.9707140

I always assumed that was a line from a shitty pop country song. Basic bitches love pop country.

>> No.9707142

the difference is you have standards. a fat chicks standards consist wholly of
>he doesn't look like a troll
>he's so desperate he'll worship me

>> No.9707143
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What pisses me the fuck off is fat ugly chicks with cute slender boys. WTF

>> No.9707146

I'm sure you can find a bunch of dudes to ganging you. But no, you gotta be picky.

>> No.9708476

cause he aint your dad. it's genetics. lol

>> No.9708499

Rum is decent but lacks a lot of complexity that I find in whisky. More useful as a mixer.
Brandy always seems to start nicely but leaves a somewhat unpleasant aftertaste. Granted, the most high end thing I've tried is Remy VSOP so I don't really know what I'm talking about.
Vodka remains the king of cheap liquors. Straight up or mixed, it's my shit.

>> No.9708511

Brandy I agree with, but not rum. Rum is too sweet 2 me.

>> No.9708546

>It's another cringy poster with the palate of a child thinks people liking coffee or certain alcoholic beverages drink them to look cool episode

>> No.9709997

Rum is made from sugar cane, molasses or honey. Rum is incredibly sweet as far as spirits go. If you eat lots of sugary food you might not notice that, I dont eat many sugary foods so I think perhaps its more pronounced to me.

>> No.9710004

OP is clearly a man child who eats too much HFCS and refined sugar.

>> No.9710021

This is a funny post because its the manchildren who always sperge about whiskey when alcohol is discussed

>> No.9710035

I drink and enjoy whiskey, brandy, rum, vodka and gin.

>> No.9710084

You probably have a group of olfactory-receptor genes, called OR6A2. These allow you to smell and taste aldehyde chemicals, which are tasteless and odorless to most of the population. tl;dr he's not your dad.

>> No.9710112


Good rum is much less expensive than good whisky (ie. scotch). Rob Abuelo 12, Diplomatico Exclusiva Reserva, Ron Zapaca 23, all of these can be had for less than sixty bucks. My bottle of Diplomatico actually cost me about thirty.

So I'd ask that you don't judge the spirit based on Captain Morgan and Kraken.

>> No.9710125
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>> No.9710144

I fuckin hate cheeze pizza
Put Anything on it

>> No.9710146

>let's stick to a echo chamber of bad taste and repulsively expensive drinks
No thanks.

>> No.9710157


ham and onions

>> No.9710310

>Don't judge it based on what most people can afford
Fallacious argument. That's like saying don't judge Chevrolet by their shitty Aveos and Cobalts when they have the Corvette

>> No.9710315

this is actually a p stupid post

>> No.9710328

Anon listed several great rums that don't break the bank, learn to fucking read before you pretend you're some master debater. Heaven Hill makes some well drinks that obviously aren't really good whiskey, but like a Cobalt, it gets you form A to B, so really don't see any substance in what you're attempting to argue. Heaven Hill also makes shit like Larceny that's great not a huge price step though, so saying you have to buy expensive scotch to experience good whiskey is wrong.

>> No.9710335

Rum is for people who think whiskey would be improved by pouring sugar into it.

Brandy tastes like dialed-down whiskey. Just compare a whiskey and soda with a brandy and soda to see which one folds under the pressure (hint: it's the brandy).

>> No.9710560

Rum is on the same level as jack honey. Pure sugar and unpalatable unless you're a teenager. Brandy is alright but it's not something I would want to be sipping on when I can have whiskey instead. As for whiskey, it's hit or miss. Sour mash whiskey is on another level and my favorite alcohol. Regular whiskey is alright. The new fad of smoke infused whiskey is fucking disgusting. Bourbon is great but I prefer it as a whiskey sour. Scotch is decent.

>> No.9710570

rum is terrible you actual child

>> No.9711381

I like black coffee and IPAs because they are bitter and I like the bitter taste.

As for rum, brandy and whisky, I don't feel like any is better then the other in the same sense that apples are not better then cabbage.

I'm not drinking brown booze, i'm drinking rum or brandy or whisky. Each type has a variety of different tastes. Martinique plantation rum and appleton estate do not have the same taste. Maker's mark and knob creek do not taste the same. Lagavulin 16 and macallan 12 defenitely do not taste the same.

>> No.9712216

OP is a man of taste

>> No.9712237

Gin is patrician, followed by rye and vodka if desperate

OP lost all credibility with his follow up opinion on black coffee. Confirmed palletlet

>> No.9712353

>bad taste and repulsively expensive drinks
Post your superior taste then

>> No.9712372

you and op are both tastebudlets

>> No.9712394

it's called different tastes

also rum can be fucking disgusting, I drink brandy (cognac in france) that would make a goat puke, and there's some whiskeys even a pleb like you could drink even at room temperature, but here we are, debating your narrowmindness and underageness

>> No.9712401

>I have this theory that the people who drink it are like people who are fans of black coffee and india pale ale
if you meant to pick a beer style that hipsters like just to piss any of them off here, you are mistaken. IPAs and craft beer in general are very mainstream now.

>> No.9712611

Almost every cocktail with vodka tastes better with gin instead. Fuck vodka. Fuck commies.

>> No.9712633

Brandy and rum, at least the good stuff, aren't volume drinks. You'll get awful heartburn and headaches after 3 or 4 oz. Whiskey you can drink all night.

>> No.9712645

Are you all a bunch of newfags? This is some blatantly obvious bait lmao.

>> No.9712820

You just aren't drinking the right whisky.

Laphroaig. There is no substitute.

>> No.9712842

So what do you drink, faggot?

>> No.9713017
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I'm drinking this right now and just the smell is making me nauseous

>> No.9713078

This guy gets it

Especially all the people talking up Hennessy, that raisins thing is on point. Whiskey/Gin all day!

>> No.9713212

You are just wrong. Rum is gross, the cheap stuff is okay but the good stuff is too sugary. Same with brandy except it's all shit (and I have tried tons of homemade and expensive ones). Whiskey has good flavor and isn't heavy and sticky sweet. I drink everything from bourbon to rye and scotch. Cheap and expensive, it all has a purpose

>> No.9713245

Good whiskey makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside

Bad rum and bad whiskey make me feel cold and empty inside

>> No.9713251

Oh man this
Whiskey has become the numale in denial's choice drink

>> No.9713261

Wait, what do you guys like? I like opposite!

>> No.9715353

IPAs no matter how boring they get are always better than macro swill at least. Black coffee gets good when it's expensive but 99% drink coffee for the effect.
Whiskey is popular because it's easy to get into for a newbie but it's getting severely overpriced (good Scotch at least) so I assume Brandy stands a good chance of becoming more popular in a near future.

>> No.9715411

don't you have some toxic masculinity to be blogging about

like i'm married to a dude and you're still the biggest faggot here

>> No.9715418

>overpriced (scotch at least)
Scotch has always been more expensive in the US due to shipping and import taxes. It's not overpriced. And whiskey isn't "getting overpriced" there's just a high demand for it and the market is reacting with increased supply which results in higher prices.

That's the simple explanation anyway.

>> No.9715421

Once you’re in the adult world you’ll find people do drink brandy and rum, they’re enormously popular

The reason 4chan loves whisky and beer, and fears every other beverage, is because 4chan is full of insecure youngsters. By exclusively drinking “film noir” beverages they hope to come across as masculine hard men, the dark and mysterious type. The alcohol version of a peachfuzz moustache and an ill fitting suit.

>> No.9715424

Meh, I like both rum and bourbon, depending on my mood.

>> No.9716029

I bet you own cowboy boots and carry a knife with you lol

>> No.9716042

you are a fruity faggot who likes to dring cheaply made liquid girl candy which is sold for a premium price, congratulations.

>> No.9716055
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>Once you’re in the faggot world you’ll find people do drink brandy and rum, they’re enormously popular
Fixed. I also found a pic of you on the internet.

>> No.9716110

not even close

>> No.9716118

Haha it is true cowboy! You are also overweight i know these things

>> No.9716152

>eating vegetables makes you gay and weird looking

>> No.9716157

Holy shit. Mega Satan doesn't like a burning taste? How is this possible?
My world has just been rocked

>> No.9716160

Vodka is gin mongoloid. It is literally just the world's favorite flavored vodka.

>> No.9716209

i'm a skinny gay canadian
the only knives i own are for the kitchen

>> No.9716310

Haha >>9713251

>> No.9716319

i'm married though

>> No.9716323

yeah youre a skinny gay guy lmao

>> No.9716334

yeah and

>> No.9716344

Haha i bet you look like this >>9716055
This is what the whiskey drinkers look like

>> No.9716353

nah i have broader shoulders and more facial hair than that
no tats or piercings either
just drink rye whiskey dude it's nice

>> No.9716388

I like rum, OP.
I actually really love Bacardi’s clear rum.

But I also like Laphroaig and a few other single malts and scotch blends.

I hate bourbon because corn liquor is gross and rye tastes like shit

>> No.9716397

No it fucking isn't.

>> No.9716597
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The only explanation for this thread is, that you are an Amerimutt.

>> No.9716705

>Correct me if I'm wrong, but brandy and rum both taste 100% better than whiskey,
No. It's all about price and quality. If you're spending over $50 and getting legit good spirits, there's not an appreciable quality difference between whisky, rum and brandy, especially because all are aged in wood, giving them all similar wood notes.

have you ever actually had expensive brandy, whisky or rum? You can't even get decent brandy for less than $40-50 in the first place.

The best spirit I've ever had does happen to be one of the high-end McCallan's, but I've had cognacs that are comparable.

>> No.9716736

It's cheap and made domestically. The quintessential American liquor.

>> No.9716765


>> No.9716816
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Can this possibly be true?

>> No.9716835

It could be true that E&J rigged the contest. Their peach "brandy" and XO are vile.

>> No.9718474

>Correct me if I'm wrong, but brandy and rum both taste 100% better than whiskey

Well... you're wrong. Taste is subjective. I find rum and brandy to be too sweet, I can't even finish them on their own without feeling sick. I like whiskey and vodka, my girlfriend likes rum and tequila. Different people like different things.

>> No.9718507

I hate IPA but love whisky. Rum and Brandy are also good

>> No.9718568

I've had bourbon which tastes kinda vanilla-y.
Wasn't flavored, I think it was like one of the basic jim beam ones too

>> No.9718580

Rum was a common british export in the Caribbean around the time of the American Revolutionary War so rum became expensive in the post war era.

Whiskey could be more easily fabricated on the mainland so it became the go to drink.

Brandy was never popular because wine wasnt a big deal in the US compared with europe. I'm not saying domestic wine/brandy production didnt exist, it just wasnt a huge deal

>> No.9719242

What's a good inexpensive whiskey since I've only drank rum and vodka

>> No.9719259

just chew up some overcooked popcorn and have a hooker that chain smokes spit into your mouth
you're getting the same experience

>> No.9719426

Evan Williams is about as cheap as it gets and is still what I would describe as "palatable".

By no means excellent, but in terms of bang for your buck whiskey it's hard to beat. Put it in an old fashioned or a whiskey sour if you don't like it on it's own.

>> No.9719781

I fucking hate rum, hate gin, and brandy/cognac are alright but they all taste a bit too similar. I liked Grappa when I had it in Italy.

I fucking love Scotch though. Legitimately. I think it tastes really fucking good. I'm not doing it as some sort of "look how cool I am" thing, I just think it tastes legitimately good. It also means that, unlike with beer, I can get drunk without needing to piss all the time.

>> No.9719926

Nigga there are tons of good cheap whiskeys out there. The primary price effects for whiskey are age and bottling limitation.

An expensive whiskey isn't necessarily better than a cheap one. A lot of people don't like heavily peated scotches, but appreciate dark af 8+ year bourbon. Others are the opposite way around.

Others like lightly aged bourbon (sub 4 years) and Irish whiskeys.

>> No.9719959

There's a ton of decent cheap ones, people bag on cheap stuff without realizing that the prices are primarily tied to branding and time to age. It's why scotches are generally more expensive than Bourbons, the grain is more expensive and they have to age it longer to get the flavors out of the barrel due to climate.

What it boils down to is how smooth you want it, how sweet you want it, and do you like the smokey taste of peated scotches?

>> No.9719992

This is the alcohol version of "vegetables are yucky, but I love french fries"

>> No.9721327

>carry a knife with you
There's people that don't carry a knife? Why?
It's the most basic tool humans ever created.

>> No.9721370

This. I've actually come across a variety of situations where it comes in handy. I also carry a multitool.

>> No.9721389

I don't really care for rum straight up. Needs to be a cocktail, and I stopped drinking rum haven't touched it for years cause I used to drink way too much of it. Now I mostly drink vodka, scotch, and bourbon

>> No.9721835

you're a moron

>> No.9722124
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>Burbon is 51% corn
>Corn grows pretty well in America
>The government subsidizes corn
>Media pushing that whiskey is drunk by "real men"

The reason you are slurping inferior booze and put corn syrup in every food item, is to make big bucks for big corporations, cowboy.