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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9700095 No.9700095 [Reply] [Original]

>280 lbs
>want to drop to 220
>poorfag as fuck
I need cheap meal ideas that can help me lose weight. We are renovating our kitchen right now so I have no oven/stove/fridge for another week. My budget is $200 per month for food. It's very doable but the main problem is I'm lazy.

>> No.9700101

Eat less
Count calories
Work out

>> No.9700115

Never seen this thread before

>> No.9700125


Being poor should HELP you lose weight, dude. You see retard shoppers saying all the time "OH BUT HEALTHY FOOD IS SOOOO EXPENSIVE SO I HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO DRINK A BARREL OF COLA A DAY :("

But na. There's three grocery shopping tiers.

> Most Expensive: Bullshit "healthy" food. Look out for key words like "organic", "artisan", "gluten free", "*buzz word*-free", etc

> Average: What you're probably buying. Cheaply made pre-made meals that cost more than they should.

> Cheap: Most healthy. Bare bones ingredients. Fruits, veggies, meat. The former is a snack, one or both of the latter are your meal. A few of each lasts fuckin' forever unless you're gorging yourself every night. Get a bag of rice and/or beans if you want side dishes for the next decade.

>> No.9700127

This. The only way you're going to lose weight solely on dieting is by eating less than 2000 calories a day, and that's hard to do with only a microwave to cook with. Plus, it takes an ungodly amount of time. You need to integrate heavy lifting and running into your routine. As for food, stick to eating raw fruits and veggies with microwaved chicken breast. If you do decide to lift weights, it honestly doesn't matter what you eat. I eat close to 4000 calories a day sometimes and I've been losing about 2-5 pounds a week. I'm also a fatass trying to build muscle though.

>> No.9700140

To be fair, meat is pretty expensive in most places of the world. It's cheaper in the US and still damn expensive, do you have any recommendations that aren't "dollar store steaks"? Also fruit seems to be expensive in places I look, veggies, beans, and rice are the only things you listed that are pretty inexpensive in my experience.

>> No.9700174

You can just do a month long water fast. It doesn't cost anything to not eat.

>> No.9700178


For meat, get chicken. One big pack of chicken breasts can give you a different meal every day for at least a couple weeks. There's no way this will run you more than $15 bucks, unless you're ignoring those key words I mentioned.

For fruit, you need to be smart. You can't just buy apples every day out in the middle of bum-fuck frozen North Dakota or something. Buy fruits based on your location and what's currently in season.

And like you said, veggies, beans, and rice are options if you live in the Twilight Zone and everything else is prohibitively expensive compared to whatever else you buy. Just get them.

>> No.9700188

>i don't have much money
>better go blow all my money on expensive junk food!
>why am i fat
>I need cheap meal ideas that can help me lose weight
Public schools are so concerned with test scores and holocaust narrative that most people don't know how to eat like an adult. It's sad

>> No.9700190

>do you have any recommendations that aren't "dollar store steaks"?
Use less meat, use cheaper meat, and supplement it with other protein sources like legumes.

You can cut up a chicken yourself and get an entire week's worth of meals off it if you plan your meals properly. 2x drumsticks, 2x thigh fillets, 4x servings from dicing breast fillets, 1x serving from of both wings, and a few mostly vegetarian meals flavoured with fried chicken skin, and a soup made with stock.

>> No.9700239

I live in florida, so I guess it's tons of citrus fruits for me. Thankfully oranges are fucking fantastic. Wish strawberries were cheaper here though, they are my favorite fruit, but also a giant meme food (like bacon, avacado, sriracha, etc) which drives up their price.

>> No.9700266

>My budget is $200 per month for food
Pleb tier I spend that much per week

>> No.9700270

>Do month long water fast
>Well, at least I saved money on food

>> No.9700278

Sardines and rice...

>> No.9700292

fat people don’t die from fasting moron

>> No.9700316

fasting in general is a fucking stupid way to lose weight anyways, you just destroy your metabolism and rebound back the weight.

>> No.9700326

Drink literally nothing but water, and lots of it. Remove all snacks from vicinity, keep only healthy foods out, and few. Watch portions. Dedicate 30 minutes every day to exercise. Just walk and do some stretches and calisthenics, and try not to sit for too long at any given time.
Source, went from 240 to 140 in less than a year.

>> No.9700334

not in my own experience as long as you don't gorge yourself after the fast like an idiot

>> No.9700339

If you want to lose weight, the most effective and quickest way is to stop eating.

It also happens to be free.

>> No.9700341

When they do studies on long-term fasts, literally the opposite of that happens

>> No.9700372

Fasting protects leans mass and keeps metabolism higher than calorie restriction

>> No.9700377

boiled chicken and rice with veggies
boiled white fish and rice with veggies

All day, every day.

Body builders eat eight of these meals a day.

>> No.9700378

>no fat
>expects to lose weight


>> No.9700385
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But eating less is cheaper.

>> No.9700398

>be poor
>gain weight
Dont think you know how food works

>> No.9700410

>want to drop to 220
>poorfag as fuck

fortunately being poor helps you when buying and eating less food

>> No.9700735


Porridge and fruit

>> No.9700759

Just don't buy anything processed. Raw ingredients are pretty much always cheapest and certainly the healthiest options. In terms of veggies and fruit, check what's in season and you'll get great deals. Bananas are always $0.19/ea at Trader Joe's. Staples should include things like legumes, rice, frozen veggies and eggs. Meat, cheese and fresh produce when you can get a good deal. I also advocate for water fasts if you do your research.

Check out /fit/ regularly for motivation, speaking as a former fatass please don't give up. Life is indescribably better thin, you can't even imagine if you've been fat your whole life.

>> No.9700896

Protip: eat less and move more, fatty

>> No.9701936

water fast for 2 days then intermittent fast for 5, repeat.

>> No.9701959

Only eat like once or twice a day.

I discovered I only need some snack like a small sandwich or a banana for lunch and a good dinner. Fuck these breakfast jews.

>> No.9701962

I read that completely wrong and thought you wanted to drop down to 60 lbs.

>> No.9702067

I always laugh when people say, "I'm fat because I'm poor."

You do realize how you lose weight, right? You simply eat less calories than your body burns. It should cost you less money to lose weight, not more.

Stop being a fucking retard.

>> No.9702091

>eating less than 2000 calories a day, and that's hard to do with only a microwave to cook with
Fucking what
Just eat less
It does not matter what you eat
Just eat less of it
How do people not understand this
Its so fucking basic

>> No.9702099


Eat a lot of filling meals.

Beans + brown rice + salsa in a bowl with a fork

Whole-wheat pasta with home-made sugar-free tomato sauce, extra chunky, with lentils instead of ground beef due to lower calories from less fat

Potatoes are actually pretty low calorie considering how filling they are - the calories mainly come from what you put on them. Try baking potatoes and then rubbing them with herbs and spices and maybe a little malt vinegar instead of using cheese/sour cream/butter/mayo, etc.

>> No.9702138

Chicken leg quarters are like $2 a lb

>> No.9702208

>Not knowing BrothersGreenEats

>> No.9702232

Grocery list.
Frozen fruit
Peanut butter
Big bag of rice
Bean meadly

Everyday, cup of tea and oats with berries or peanut butter in the am. Lunch left over dinner, dinner beans, rice, spinich, carrots, tomatoes. Thats all youll need. If you get board of it learn to change it up without adding more ingredients. Get peckish? Your mouth is lonely drink water.

>> No.9702262

Step 1:

Take what you normally eat in a day, and cut it right in half.

Feel hungry? Drink water and/or deal with the hunger. Your lard will be begging for food. Don't feed it.

>> No.9702282

Its about portions.

If you expect to eat a stake a day of course it's going to be expensive. Just make you meal 1/3 meat and 2/3s whatever.

I hate when people always say they can't eat meat on a budget. Plus it's way healthier since you're actually forcing yourself to work with other ingredients and vegetables and fruits. Trust me man my parents are Mexican as fuck and from a town which focused on beef production so I could never give up meat but I love a good side of rice or beans or a stew or salad with some veggies or even some well cooked mushrooms.

>> No.9702286

Also use parts most people won't eat. You'd be amazied how many tacos de tripa you can make because people are scared to eat that shit. Or what a great stew you can make with bones and various unpopular meat parts like pig feet.

>> No.9702302

But you're wrong though it triggers genes which normally wouldn't be triggered if I wasn't stressed like that. Hell all you have to do is not eat until lunchtime some days and you will not only lose weight but your body will be triggering enzymes and processes which help it processes everything better. Plus you won't be spending that 10-20 bucks for breakfast.

>> No.9702313

>makes beans, rice, and pasta the staples of your meals
>if you buy meat, only buy stuff that is minimally processed and on sale
>count calories and stop snacking
>learn to deal with feelings of hunger. there is no need to eat more than two or three moderate sized meals a day. if you're hungry in between meals, just wait it out. the intensity will subside. once you have the power to ignore feelings of hunger, you will make great progress.

>> No.9702339

>I need cheap meal ideas that can help me lose weight.
I introduce to you the meal of water. Eat less and you'll lose weight. It cooperates perfectly with saving money you fat fuck.

>> No.9702364

>If you expect to eat a stake a day

That's a lot of fiber. You must have the best poops.

>> No.9702646

just fast.

im doing a 40 day fast and im at day 20 and lost 30 lbs already just not eating and sitting around.

>> No.9703598

Being fat costs too much. Stick to steamed veggies/rice/oats/PB/nuts/eggs

You can eat 4 eggs a day two in two meals.

You can chicken for a meal

Make oatmeal with pb, brown sugar, and cinnamon.

You'll spend practically nothing

>> No.9703692

Just buy less food. It's much easier to diet when your fridge is empty.

>> No.9703760

>coconut oil to make you feel full
>psyllium husk to make you feel full
>memesticks to make you eat slowly
>cut out all drinks with calories

you'll drop 60 lbs in 6-8 months, no exercise, with a respectable chance at keeping it off.

>> No.9704167

i went from 205 to 135 lbs in 2 years while being able to lift more weight than when i started by eating pretty much the same thing for like 3 out of 4 days.
breakfast is a glass of whole milk and a scoop of whey protein with 2 tbsp of trader joes brand psyllium husk.
lunch is a 2 entree panda express meal side is mixed vegetable, 2 items are mushroom chicken and kungpow chicken. dinner is the same thing as breakfast, glass of whole milk 2 tbsp of psylliumm husk and another scoop of whey.
it curbs the hunger pretty well, i take a multi viatamin once a week, and have been to the doctor 4 months ago and they said i was in good shape, low resting heart rate, and healthy bloodwork.
i dont like to cook or eat a variety of foods so this diet seems to work pretty well.

>> No.9704608

Starving is free

>> No.9704617

>I don't like to cook or eat a variety of food

>> No.9705780


There ya go anon.
Literally stop eating. It solves both your problems and it's actually good for you.

>> No.9705784

I heard psyllium husk is what scat girls consume to take ginormous fibrous shits. Is it true?

>> No.9705795

The absolute state of this board

>> No.9705846

Partially; it also involves holding the dump in for a few days and overstuffing yourself.

>> No.9705895

You like Chipotle?
Yes? Well congrats now since you're "eating healthy" you get to eat it literally everyday.
1. Buy the cheapest beef per pound you can find. Here it's Chuck roast. Buy beans. Buy rice. Buy avacado. Buy cheese if you want.
2. Soak beans overnight or boil for like 6 hours or some shit.
3. Brown beef
4. Throw beef in with beans. Cook for 1 hour-1/30
5. Steam rice
6. Get a bowl
7. Throw rice beans and beef in bowl. Shred cheese and avacado ontop
8. Enjoy
Congrats you now have enough food for 3-4 meals a day for 2 weeks
Total around 45 boners

>> No.9706224

1500 calories a day, and don't bother with exercise.

Nicotine gum will make this much easier.

Source: medical school.

>> No.9706289
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Meat is not expensive. You can get "shit" cheap cuts of steak with no fat and use them for all sorts of dishes. Chicken is the cheapest meat around. Turkeys are expensive, but near Thanksgiving, stock up, faggot.
Alternatively, make friends with a few avid hunters, they'll have freezers full of meat, deer, waterfowl, whatever.

>> No.9706296
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oh yeah nicotine is great for never eating, get yourself a mouth fedora with some candy flavor since you're a fatty, lol
or chew normal gum

>> No.9706302

I don't know much about about the whole Fedora/euphoric thing, I just know that nicotine is a readily-available and effective appetite suppressant.

By 'normal gum', did you mean gum not containing nicotine?

>> No.9706329

if thats available why not a toaster oven too to cook fish in?

>> No.9706370

>costs more to eat less meme


>> No.9706761

Being poor won't make it hard to lose weight, just eat less fatso

>> No.9707049

Literally just don't eat for a couple of months. Drink plenty of water, take vitamins and electrolytes if you want, but just stop fucking eating. It's that simple, this is what your body stores fat for, use it. There's a /fast/ general on fit and a subreddit, go do some research.


>> No.9707177

This. Really healthy food is expensive, but decently healthy food is the cheapest of all. Unhealthy food mostly sits in the middle of the spectrum.

I actually lost a few pounds recently just because I stopped getting all my meals for free at my old job's cafeteria. Now that I'm paying out of pocket for food I'm much more reluctant to stuff myself, and I eat a hell of a lot less meat. Especially beef and fish.

>> No.9707183

eat less

>> No.9707472

yeah how about chicken breast you fucking simpleton

>> No.9707502

Chicken legs I've seen for as cheap as $1.75/lb.

>> No.9707549

i lost nearly 100 lbs. the most important thing is to drink a lot of water. like 2 gallons a day at least. then go for long walks. it will be bad for your legs if you run as a fat person.
i also had bad anxiety which helped me starve myself though
good luck!

>> No.9707562

>Being poor should HELP you lose weight, dude.

This is absolutely untrue from every perspective
It costs significantly less to eat pre-packaged than it does to prepare meals and leads to less wasted food, unless you prepare india-tier meals (beans and rice exclusively, lentils etc)

No, being poor does not help you lose weight. That's a laughable statement in fact. The data just don't support it whatsoever

>> No.9707631

This is bait, no one is this stupid

>> No.9707657

What the fucking fuck?

Bread and vegetables are cheap as shit.

>> No.9707685

He's poor not broke you boner, there's no reason why he can't just buy fewer of his normal staples and stretch them out. Poor people being fat is an entirely recent phenomenon.

>> No.9707775

I think this is a difference between USA and Europe.

>> No.9707799

Buy oats (maybe 80p a kilo) and make porridge (using water ofc) in the microwave for a cheap, filling breakfast. Add a splash of milk on top if you need.
Eat fruit and veg for lunch, maybe some crispbreads too for some energy for the rest of the day.
Lots of vegetables for dinner (microwave steamer tubs are only £8-9), you can microwave eggs easily.

Get ready for repetitive meals, OP.

>> No.9707844

You would be wrong. Also, European food is horrible

>> No.9707944

One of the chain grocers in town does 1.59/lb boneless skinless chicken breasts every couple weeks, it's not even prepackaged shit with brine and meat-tampons fluffing up the weight either just straight up chicken titty.

>> No.9707969

if it were easier to eat less, then people wouldn't be fat lol

>> No.9707985

Underrated post

>> No.9708004

Fat people want to be fat or they wouldn't be fat that's why no advice will help them

>> No.9708049

I fucking hate retards that push this false narrative that real food is somehow expensive. I eat 2400 calories a day and every day have a full chicken breast and 8 oz of flank steak. Eaten with rice, veggies, sometimes sweet potato when I feel like it. I spend around $75 a week on groceries.

>> No.9708069

>everyone here has autism
>get $725 a month
>spend $300 on food
>spend $400 on rent
>oops forgot about the bills

You're missing the 4chan narrative. We don't live healthy because we pay simply to live in a house considering how highly illegal it is to build your own structures or living quarters on US land.
Explain how we buy necessities when you didn't even leave us a dollar for four rolls of toilet paper.

>> No.9708071

Fuck off with that facebook mom tier shit. You've done absolutely no research and you're just copying shit you've seen other people say.

I've lost over 100 pounds in combination with water fasting and extreme calorie restrictions (500 or less) and I've kept of it off for over a year now.

>> No.9708080

Not everyone can spend over 200 dollars a month JUST food, you fucking faggot. What about rent, utilities, internet, phone, car insurance, health insurance, toiletries, entertainment, etc etc etc?

I have about 30 dollars a week to spend on food, and that's on a good month. I'm basically limited to rice and beans and the occasional on sale chicken. Fruit and any other meat is way too expensive.

>> No.9708092

smaller portions, count calories
stop snacking, drop all sugar, soda
If you absolutely need to snack on something, eat a fruit.

Drink water, coffee and tea
Eat lots of veggies. Chicken, nuts and fish for protein and carbs in moderation, brown rice or potatoes if possible.

>> No.9708103

He forgot about false inflation pushing prices in the US higher than they have ever been in history.
Ground beef is now about $5.30 per pound and last year it was $3.60. The gap has left many millions of people without more than 1000 calories per day in poorer states.
You can get over this shit but seriously guy we have shit to do, money to make, cleaning, laundry, yard and housework. We don't have time to fucking eat and process rice and potatoes all day, cooking is a downfall, a complete waste if you don't have meat to add to the pot. And we don't. Some people don't get that America is reverting to a third world country. Maybe he doesn't live here.

>> No.9708165

>We don't have time to fucking eat and process rice and potatoes all day

Are you fucking retarded? You literally buy a rice cooker, place rice in it, press a button, and the rice is prepared.

I agree it's reverting to a third world country, but that's because uneducated fucks like you relish in their retardation.

>> No.9708177

>cooking is a downfall, a complete waste if you don't have meat to add to the pot


>> No.9708223

>The gap has left many millions of people without more than 1000 calories per day in poorer states.
Really weird how those poorer states are the fattest, statistically. I'm sure the ~10% of the population in say, Alabama, that isn't fat as fuck must be starving to death.

>> No.9708231

You're a fucking retard.
Fat people are fat because they want to eat food, not because they want to be fat.

There are no benefits to being fat unless you have a specific fetish for it, or live in the arctic circle.

Their willpower isn't strong enough to override their hunger or desire for food that tastes good.

>> No.9708298

No, the poor are eating and drinking empty calorie foods that are subsidized by our whore congress with fed tax money to keep the price artificially low compared to unprocessed whole foods. It has the added benefit of making them sick so they can pay more to the medfag/pharmafag patrons who've also bought and paid for our congress. It's a win/win situation for everyone except the US citizen, of course.

>> No.9708381
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The Potato Diet

Be there in no time with money to burn and without getting hungry.

>> No.9708395

> the poor are eating and drinking empty calorie foods
Hmm, except:
>The gap has left many millions of people without more than 1000 calories per day in poorer states
Are you saying they're eating less than 1000 calories of junk food a day? How are they fat if they're eating so little?

>> No.9708409

More churches, donations, food giveaways, subsidies and general freebies. It shocks me too that obesity is 70% plus here but it's the poorest state in the US.
I don't fucking like it either though, fat people are absolutely vile and should be slain.

>> No.9708425

Well if SS recipients didn't make up most of population... The number of people retired and getting $1200 a month in these states is astronomical, you can guess how the obesity rates have risen. The rest of us are on SSI/assistance and starving.

National data doesn't apply to single towns, if 70% of the people here were DISGUSTINGLY FUCKING OVERWEIGHT AND SHOULD GO FOR A WALK and about 60% were unemployed, what would the national data count for?

Just take to heart that a lot of us don't have access to unprocessed, raw, fresh or decent food. It's basically just chemical laden bread byproduct and shitty vegetables for a heavy number of US citizens.

>> No.9708436

Canned Sardines are goat. Eat them on toast, crackers, little sandwhiches, straight out of the can, etc. only 160 calories, shit load of protien.

>Get fiber twig cereal
>add to instant oatmeal
>enjoy your edible brick

bonus - the poops are amazing

>> No.9708452

>Are you saying they're eating less than 1000 calories of junk food a day? How are they fat if they're eating so little?

I wasn't the one who made that claim and I don't believe it - quite the contrary. They're eating shit food for artificially low prices compared to whole, unprocessed foods at a caloric intake far exceeding what their lardasses expend walking to the fundamentalist church pew from the parking lot on sunday and their bi-yearly stroll around the county fairgrounds in the spring and fall.

>> No.9708469

It's about 50/50 disgusting people to disgustingly skinny people. I don't trust data, I know for a fact that half the people here make me fucking sick. Three meals a day is no joke in WV, these people are massive. I eat 0-1 times a day.

>> No.9708475

just eat less, that'll save money

>> No.9708503

Chicken thighs are 99 cents per pound. Save the bones, skin and other stuff to make soup

>> No.9708514

Where the fuck do you live? Are you buying rancid as hell meat? Even cheap breasts cost three and a half dollars here.

>> No.9708520


>> No.9708548

At least you're not MS. I kid you not, I go to walmart for /out/ shit (i'm a hunter and fisherman) as well as dry good staples and at any given point every scooter is in use and 70% of the rest are fatfucks waddling through the corn syrup aisles piling pig slop into their cart regretting the fact they got there too late to get a scooter.

>inb4 muh niggahs

No. My area is whitetrash central. Most of the nogs are in reasonable shape, especially the wenches.

>> No.9708556

I mean to say leg quarters. National average is $0.89 per pound. Even cheaper. Bone-in thighs average $1.25 which is still cheap. Boneless breast averages $3.33.

At $3.50, sounds like you're the one who overpays for rotten meat in the middle of nowhere.


>> No.9708562

I live in a really nice, upper class, white area and even our walmart is filled with absolute freaks and methheads
I swear to god they get paid to shop there or something

>> No.9708570

where the fuck do you live, California? I bought chicken breasts the other day for $1.89, and they were advertising Chicken thighs for $1.09 and I live in Minneapolis. Also someone earlier in the thread said something about ground beef being $5.30 a pound when the most I have ever paid for 90/10 hamburger is $3.50.

This fucker obviously doesn't know how to shop for groceries, no wonder he thinks processed foods are cheaper.

>> No.9708586

I used to live in St Paul and chicken thighs were around 2.50/lb. You have an advantage for being near a capital, and having a shit-ton of immigrants or second generation.

>This fucker obviously doesn't know how to shop for groceries
I pay 2.50 to 3.25 for ground sirloin buddy. Hell, I spent under 5 USD/lb on fucking lamb chops. Don't go bitching about my shopping around, decent chicken is near the price of beef here.

>> No.9708610

meat is expensive, buy beans instead.

that being said, buying a whole chicken is the healthiest most cost effective meat product to buy, because you aren't paying for them to process it. assuming america ofc.

>> No.9708621

Ok, where do you live then? I bet a 2 minute internet search I find you cheap chicken, you are just bitching because you can't shop around or are too stuck up to shop at discount groceries while you whine online about how expensive everything is.

>> No.9708655

I have beans and lentils; that's not the point. Meat prices vary heavily based on where you live.

Pork and beef and relatively cheap here, but chicken is costly. Despite having at least 4 grocers per town, prices are odd and availability of food isn't limited, just weird. When you can find boxes of frogs, tripe, but no fucking cilantro it is outright creepy. Rare bread types, rare tomatoes in winter, but no scallions...

>> No.9708669

>you can't shop around or are too stuck up to shop at discount groceries
I wasn't aware Aldi's, Save-A-Lot, and Wall-Mart were high end.

>> No.9708672

Work out.

Eating is integral to good recovery, but ultimately I'd probably say the best thing to do with losing weight is some light weight training paired with cardio several days a week. Do that enough and your base-metabolism will be higher.

If you're fat in the first place you probably eat extraneous garbage. Cut empty carbs, complex sugars, sugary drinks, deserts, and junk food.