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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9703019 No.9703019 [Reply] [Original]

>be a Western roastie
>spend 2+ hours getting ready with makeup, hair, dress up, to go out to fine dining restaurant, check paid for by betacuck
>spend 10-15 mins microwaving some sad meal for him later when he marries her.

Men, you have got to learn how to cook for yourselves, and you've got to learn how to spot a fake bitch from a mile away. These two skills will be crucial to your future happiness and mental well-being.

ITT: poast some simple but delicious recipes you can make for yourself or whoever you choose to entertain at your residence.

I personally enjoy:
rib eye, salt/pepper/cayenne/paprika, fire grilled or pan seared for 3 minutes each side, then 8-12 minutes in a hot oven.
steamed broccoli & carrots
loaded baked potato: cheese, sour cream, chives, some bacon bits


>> No.9703059

smoked paprika or regular?

>> No.9703066
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>2 chicken bone in chicken thighs
>1 bottle of bbq sauce
>put thighs and bbq sauce in a ziplock bag then put in fridge overnight
>empty bag into a casserole dish and cover with lid
>place in preheated 375 degree oven for 45 minutes
>long grain and wild rice rice a roni (follow recipe on box)


>> No.9703374

Let me give you some personal insight on the matter.

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

>> No.9703383

Nice copypasta.

>> No.9703415

It's a "americans think women everywhere in the west are like anerican women" episode. On a board whose majority is female, no less

>> No.9703442

>If women are here then women are not useless garbage


>> No.9703450

>On a board whose majority is female
Is this really true? I don't believe that.

>> No.9703457
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What are you, 12?

Up your game. If you can't even keep it at college level, then you shouldn't be here, kid.

>> No.9703461

>you have got to learn how to cook for yourselves
I've known this since I was 16 and no girl in my school knew how to cook, and almost none of their parents could either.

>> No.9703469
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>On a board whose majority is female
Doesn't this just prove OP's point, since 98% of the threads here are about fast food and energy drinks?

>> No.9703471

>t. roastie

>> No.9703482

>t. Enough meaty flaps she could open an Arby's

>> No.9703485

I'm not sure the sipsboys are all women anon. That would be a bit of a shock.

>> No.9703486

I think we have more femanons than most boards, but they probably only make up like 20% of us. Probably a lot of girls(male) on this board though.

>> No.9703515

>On a board whose majority is female, no less

>> No.9703529

we should do a straw poll

>> No.9703608

For sure. I am totally female you can take my word for it.

>> No.9703666

what would you have to gain by lying?

>> No.9703920

>2 beta virgins that have never rubbed their engorged manhood between the large, warm, soft, and slick lips of a woman
I bet you two aren't even old enough to get a drivers license, are you?

>> No.9703956

>t. Roastie angry that her high mileage vagina stretched out like ear gauges has no user serviceable parts so she spergs out claiming her only bodily use: her moist wet hole

>> No.9703970

do you really believe there are girls on the internet?

>> No.9704046
File: 33 KB, 500x564, ......jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this butthurt virgin
It's O.K., Timmy, you'll grow up one day.

>> No.9704224

t. toastie roastie postie

>> No.9704230

It's about 15 - 20% based on board polls.

>> No.9704273

On this board yeah. Some eceleb slut has tweeted this board.

If butthurt means I'm getting tooshie tickled, how am I a virgin? Really makes me think.

>> No.9704275

Is "roastie" the 2000's version of "cooties" or some shit? Grow the fuck up, dude.

>> No.9704291

Idk about you but I can't afford to eat a rib eye steak just whenever. "Simple and delicious" doesn't count when the ingredients are prohibitively expensive for everyday meals.

>> No.9704297

Cooties was curable, whore.

>> No.9704302

>Getting mad on behalf of women
Not even him but you're embarrassing as fuck. Women don't need you're help, as they are strong and independent :^)

>> No.9704306

>thinks he's talking to a chick
You never had a father or older brother to slap you in the head when you were acting like a brat, did you?

>> No.9704312

>White knight
you've ever had a woman actually like and respect you, have you?

>> No.9704313

This isn't about "women", dumb ass, it's about trying to get beta males to man the fuck up and quit acting like pussies.

>> No.9704321

I'm a father, dipshit, and seeing all the little beta boys, like you, being raised without a father in our society these days makes me sad. Man the fuck up, kid.

>> No.9704328

Your wife is going to leave your beta ass soon. Your daughter will get fucked by niggers.
You'll die alone broke and penniless and soon after your tainted lineage will die.
And it's all because you were weak

>> No.9704337

Yeah and I bet you're the one to teach them huh Mr dominant alpha male. Again stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.9704343

Little crybabies can't handle being called out for the pussy beta boys you are, can you?

>> No.9704349

You're the only one crying about your hurt feelings here

>> No.9704354

Sure I am, skippy.

>> No.9704363

At least you can accept it.

>> No.9704365

You haven't called me out on anything, you don't know me and the only posts I've made in this thread are in fact calling you out for stomping around like some keyboard warrior tough guy. I've never met someone who gets salty about misogyny who wasnt a fucking dork. I don't care what you say your motivations are you just come off as a weirdo.

>> No.9704390

That you're a fatherless, beta male being raised by a single mother that's intentionally made you into a submissive piece of garbage that all women will despise? Sure.
>it's a beta male whiteknighting for other submissive beta males
Imagine that.

>> No.9704406
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>> No.9704429

Lmao this is my favorite subset of beta cuck, the aggressive "traditionalist" beta cuck. They typically have a fragile sense of masculinity and can typically found on internet forums aggressively defending women and describing any male who doesnt support feminism as "not being a real man". Lemme guess champ, gonna teach your manlet son the importance of affirmative consent?

>> No.9704443

t. buttblasted beta whiteknight

>> No.9704456

>Gets upset and calls the other guy insure for using the term roastie
>Uses phrases like "t. buttblasted beta whiteknight"
Yeah so I guess you don't really care about being refined huh? Maybe you were just mad because he used a sexist term? Be honest.

>> No.9704464

Easy meal

>Fry some onion. Garlic
>Add Tomato puree
>Simmer 5 minutes
>Add beans and rice

Literally any retard can make this meal and it's cheap as fuck.

>> No.9704466

Meant to type immature

>> No.9704468
File: 13 KB, 236x304, .,...,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls the other guy insure
So seething with rage you can't even type anymore.

We're done here, bitches.

>> No.9704472

Only fatherless single males defend misogyny. Projecting so hard. No alpha male feels the need to whiteknight on the Internet for women. Go reassess your life, soyboy

>> No.9704489

>Doesn't answer the question
Yeah so I'll take that as affirmation that it pisses you off when you see online sexism. Got it. Ur a really good guy for being so feminist :^)

>> No.9704505

Surely some day soon a woman will notice and appreciate him for it.

>> No.9704514

>itt: female is referenced in OP and the thread hits 300 posts in 2 hours

Never change /ck/, never change.

>> No.9704527

>simple and delicious recipes
Aaaand it's an /r9k/ thread.
I did chuckle at the pasta though, I've never seen it before.

>> No.9704582

Completely derailed

Try millet cakes anon
1 cup of millet
1/2 cup flour
1 egg lightly beaten
Some fresh herbs like Rosemary and chives about a teaspoon of each
Pinch of salt and crack of pepper
Mix it all together adding in more millet if needed until it is thick think crab cake consistency
Mold into 3oz. Cakes and sear on both sides then bake off for like 10 minutes at 350
Cheap, pretty quick and tasty you can fuck with the herbs or baste with butter instead of baking it off

>> No.9704656

Or goat milk ricotta

2 qt goat milk
2 qt half and half
1 cup butter milk
1 lemon
Salt to taste

Heat the half and half and goat milk to 180 degrees (just as a skin starts to form) on super low heat let it take it's time. Add the buttermilk and squeeze the juice from the lemon into the goat milk stirring only like three times around be gentle. Keep on low heat for about 30 minutes. When the stuff at the top that's your cheese is separated from the milk and the milk under it is just a cloudy off white (should have a bit of a dull color compared to regular milk) you have as much curd as you are going to get, strain it out or skim it off. You can drain it overnight in cheesecloth or a coffee filter but it isn't necessary.
Use the left over whey for poaching fish.
Note if any curd sticks to the bottom of the pan it is burned leave it there if you don't mix it with the stuff from the top it won't bitter the batch but you kept the heat too high, keep it lower it next time.
I put lavender and fennel in my goat milk and put that on a back burner if I'm in the kitchen for awhile doing something else once it's drained overnight I whip it to make a poor man's herb chevre
Inb4 goat milk is too expensive fuck right off it's affordable unless you are living on lentils and rice

>> No.9704668

the majority of /ck/ is female, idiot

>> No.9704716

Pickled onions and jalapenos

3 red onions finely sliced
5 jalapenos sliced as thin as you can get them
3 cups red wine vinegar
1 tablespoon oregano (Mexican oregano is best but normal is fine and I've used dried for this unless it's been in your cupboard for decades the results are usable not great as can be but flavorful nonetheless)
2 teaspoons of salt
Put the cut veggies in a bowl (note:if you have a mandolin use it to get them as thin as you can it makes it from mediocre to excellent) after the have been sliced and add the salt, mix around until the salt is evenly distributed. Let rest for 20 minutes. Wash the veggies off under cold water really well, I will fill the bowl with water and strain them at least three times here. After draining away any excess water add the oregano and mix in like the salt. Add the red wine vinegar (3 cups is more than enough but really just until all the veggies are submerged). Ten it is good to go, I'll do all this in a quart container and just throw it in my face even to add as a topping whenever I make tacos.

>> No.9704874

Brown butter polenta 'pie'
Called a pie as I usually make it in a pie tin and cut it out with ring molds to make 2.5 inch circumstance and about 1/2 inch thick cakes I top with the lavender scented goat ricotta once it's whipped. Makes an excellent 1 lst course if I have a grill over and I want to get laid but it will take the mold of whatever you put it in like a half sheet tray and cut it into rectangular portions or whatever.
1 stick of butter
1 onion (white or yellow think savory onions not sweet) cut about medium thickness
1 cup polenta
4 cups water
Brown the butter and carmelize the onions you want as much brown butter solids as you can get I will even add some solids in at a later step if I have them on hand (I can tell you the recipe to extract them if there is interest but it's not cheap and requires like proficient culinary knowledge and tools nothing grandiose or intricate but not stuff a college kid or poorfag usually has just laying around so I won't bother unless asked kinda wrong for the thread). Once fully carmelize and browned I set aside oil and all. Add the water with the polenta and cook on medium heat (just don't go too high on the heat as polenta does spit if it is too hot too fast and it will make a mess or burn you if it reaches anything close to boiling) keep stirring alot for about ten minutes then lower the heat (keep a lid on as again it will spit just once in awhile) cook it for about an hour stirring once in a while, when it takes the shape of the back of a spoon it's ready. Whisk in your onions and butter and add a little salt to taste. Lay it into a pie tin/bowl and let cool in the fridge. Once it is set you can cut it into whatever shape you like, sear on both sides pretty much just to hear it back up and enjoy it will hold together really well under heat so don't be afraid to really get a good sear on it doing so adds a good flavor.

>> No.9704993

Simple recipe?
50g flour
20ml water

Roll out as thin as possible
Make holes
Bake at 250°C until brown flakes appear.

It's Jewish but it's delicious and takes 20 minutes to makr

>> No.9704998

Can i put the stuff in the bag in the morning and use that night or does it have to be overnight?

>> No.9704999


It's voila.
>american education

>> No.9705288

this thread needs to fucking die, this post is just the icing on the cake