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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9686052 No.9686052 [Reply] [Original]

What food do you eat on your birthday?

>> No.9686062


>> No.9686070

Last year I made vegan pasta bolognese, so that all my guests would have something to eat. I think I'll do the same thing again, since it was a great success. I'll quadruple the amount of oil I put in at the beginning though, because soy granules really like to burn to the bottom of the pot.

>> No.9686074
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my aunt makes me lasagna

>> No.9686491


>> No.9686518
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For my last birthday I was treated to a nine course omakase.
Pic related was probably my favorite.

The milled oat toast was from a local bakery. It had cauliflower puree, uni, a slice of lardo, and topped with salmon roe.
It was buttery and savory. Wanted to cry when it was over, easily the tastiest thing I've ever had at a sushi restaurant.

>> No.9686776

That's cute af

>> No.9686799

Last birthday I had a burger for dinner my uncle took me to a steakhouse because he felt sorry for me
Then I came home and I cried because I'm now 25 and I'm still unemployed and I don't have a life

>> No.9686817

Just some cake from Metro


>> No.9686856

I usually just get some 'za.

>> No.9686864

nothing different but more beer

>> No.9686865

is alcohol food?
are prescription sedatives food?

>> No.9686871
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Usually treat myself a nice cheeseburger or a steak.

>> No.9686875

Used to be tradition I always had fettuccini alfredo, but lately my bowels cant handle it.

>> No.9686878

>What food do you eat on your birthday?

It usually involves drinking. Lots, and lots of drinking.
Sky rockets in flight. Afternoon delight.

>> No.9686879

I stuff my face with for me's

>> No.9686881


The fabled McBirthdayDouble; only sold to the most lonely of lonely.

>> No.9686943

me too anon :-( stay safe

>> No.9686971

I dunno I rarely have special birthday meals, just cake at my parents' house and alcohol in the night. Although last year my friends helped me to some dope wings at a wingplace so that was cool.

>> No.9687237


>> No.9687242

Pierogi and kielbasa usually

>> No.9687317

My boyfriend eats me on my birthday! :3

>> No.9687440

Last time my roomie bought me a carrot cake. I wish I had some kind of tradition though...

>> No.9687445

My parents took me to a Brazilian steakhouse this last one

Make carrot cake a tradition. It is the best cake.

>> No.9687457

Whatever appeases the picky ass eaters in my family.

>> No.9687475

Lobster, steak and cake

>> No.9687675 [DELETED] 

That sure is a cute tet. Remember tet is for friend, not for eating

>> No.9687689


>> No.9687732

My friends and I go to another city out of state for a weekend and eat at a lot of different restaurants. They're usually bougie and we gain like 10 lbs at the end of the weekend. We do this for everyone's birthday - there's only like five of us anyway.

>> No.9687739

Weirdly enough today is my birthday. I had Whataburger for brunch and Burger King for dinner. Tuesday I'm having Japanese buffet with my GF.

>> No.9687742

Do you have autism? Why do you write like that?

>> No.9687752

I guess I just eat something in a restaurant. Maybe sushi or Italian.

>> No.9687761

All i want is heroin and maybe a 4loko

>> No.9687819
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Had this

>> No.9687884

I'm sorry

>> No.9687965

In my family we go out to a nice place for birthday dinners. Last year I went to an Italian place and had some sort of lamb.

>> No.9688001

My last birthday I literally didnt even notice it had passed until my mom and dad both called me to profusely apologize for forgetting a week later.
So probably like sardines and some crackers?

>> No.9688015

Not him, but stfu you ass. You're about as cute and funny as the fucking rice maggots I found in my rice today.

>> No.9688036

I don't know since I always miss my birthday.

>> No.9688049
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This plus spicy as fuck boshingtang. Fuck you pussies dog tastes good and you can't stop me.

>> No.9688100

Nothing special. It's just like any other day.

>> No.9688119

I go put in my 14 hour shift like a man you damn soyboy

>> No.9688129

nigga that is a bit of ham on top of a fucking piece of bread

>> No.9688131

Past 2 years have been Sashimi/Sushi and Thai food

>> No.9688135

This. I don't do shit.

>> No.9688139

Was very poor in college so maybe a little caesars pizza. This year I'm gonna have homemade chicken and gravy with my family.

>> No.9688141

I eat leftovers like I always do, it's just another day and it's not likely I have the day off. I may go out to a casual place with my family on the weekend. Just standard shitty american casual dining, yknow, moz sticks, pretzel bites, somebodies idea of a burger

>> No.9688145

i usually smoke a pork shoulder and get drunk all day

>> No.9688158

>he's never had lardo before and thinks it tastes like ham
>this thinly veiled sour grape

>> No.9688165
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>told my parents I wanted to go to Boston for my birthday
>all they wanted to do was go to Fenway and eat at an Italian restaurant
>got annoyed at me when I wanted to go to some stores to buy some stuff for myself
>had to spend an hour in some hole in the wall in the Italian district while explaining to them that no one sent me any happy birthday texts because I hadn't talked to any of my friends in over three years

>> No.9688353

This past birthday, I had sushi with my mom, then we went and got some macarons. Sushi was good, macarons were kind of disappointing. Some of the flavors we're really good, but there were a bunch that were nigh inedible. She also got me a bottle of sparkling sake, as it was my 21st birthday. It was really good!
Also, past few years, her peach tree has really been productive around my birthday so I get peach cobbler and ice cream instead of cake. The absolute best.

>> No.9688422
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You sound like you have a Norman Rockwell relationship with mom. Now fuck right on back to 2017 where that doesn't exist, 'k?

>> No.9688510

king crab and carrot cake bb
i fuckin LOVE IT

>> No.9688520


This looks like collards greens and bacon, not unappetizing at all.

>> No.9688667

Indian food.

>> No.9688697

I ate that before. So good.

>> No.9688702

Try to ignore the fact that it's my birthday, as I have always done. It's just another reminder of how little I have accomplished over such a vast amount of time.

>> No.9688763

Do you and your faggot friends manage to burn off the weight or do you just gain 50lbs every year and just accept that you're fatfucks now?

>> No.9688789



>> No.9689122

>her peach tree has really been productive around my birthday

>> No.9689129
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>> No.9689132
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>> No.9689147

Lasagna, Olive Garden's if I feel particularly spicy.

>> No.9689530

I think last year i had a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos.

>> No.9689538

are you 12?

>> No.9689578

Is having "friends" forgetting you even exist a food?

>> No.9689685


>> No.9689696

that is dog meat? yikes

>> No.9689705


>> No.9689792

This year I ate beef ramen, a toast sandwich, and 6 nuggets my roommate let me heat up from a bag

>> No.9689922


>> No.9690024

Barbecue Ribs

>> No.9690068


>> No.9690161


>> No.9690245

My parents take me out to get chicken wings or pizza because they’re Amerifats who don’t know what food could ever possibly be more enjoyable and nice to eat

>> No.9690295

The usual, ramen and cartoons.

>> No.9690313

Different nuts, cheese, dried deli meats, lots of cheapo sweetened, carbonated drink/ or soda water.

>> No.9690354
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Extra spicy pozole

>> No.9690638


>> No.9690840


>> No.9690958

Those werent maggots. Keifer Sutherland was just fucking with you

>> No.9690981
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The food I eat any other day of the year. I don't celebrate birthdays or holidays. I can drink, eat, and/or party any day of they year I wish.

>> No.9691019


go nuts.

>> No.9691055


>> No.9691958

This is so incredibly sweet anon

>> No.9693950

I have no birthday foods

>> No.9694126
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>> No.9695396

>What food do you eat on your birthday?

Nothing for lunch or dinner because I'm spending all afternoon eating buttered rolls and cake.

>> No.9695443

pineapple upside down cake

I'm not crazy about sweets but that one does it for me, and it goes well with a summer birthday. I don't have any other food traditions bc I don't really celebrate.

>> No.9695552

where is you from?

>> No.9697377


>> No.9697450

Everything I want, usually involves steak and fast food and chinese food and whatnot, it's practically a day where I smoke a shit ton of weed and eat a shit ton of stuff after i come home from work and gym.

Could be worse i guess.

>> No.9697691

play meme mod
get memed on

>> No.9697761

>so that all my guests would have something to eat
your forgetting the meat eaters anon. we prefer to have at least two types of meat per meal
>I hadn't talked to any of my friends in over three years
they stopped being your friends four years ago anon
I don't celebrate birthdays or holidays either so in a couple weeks when my birthday rolls around, I'll eat something, maybe a burger
when I turned 17 my pops gave me fifty bucks and told me this was the last birthday "present" I'll get from him, he didn't tell me that he wouldn't call to tell happy birthday or grab a bite. same with christmas. and people wonder why I don't talk to him but once every few years

>> No.9697766

>he still celebrates his birthday
How narcissistic can you be?

>> No.9698088

i usually get a German chocolate cake or a chocoflan cake. therm I enjoy it for myself and my wife for a week or so. I will provably get candied pumpkin next year because I really liked it.

>> No.9698988

I don't celebrate my birthday.

>> No.9698994

Tiramisu and a lambic

>> No.9699107

A tbone if i can afford it haha

>> No.9699119

steak midrare, steamed veggies, dark beer, birthday cake, girl's pussy.

>> No.9699129

>girl's pussy.
That's how you catch the hiv

>> No.9699131

Better than pink eye

>> No.9699135

Seaweed soup, my Korean mom made it for me every year and said I wouldn't age if I didn't drink it. I still make it because muh ingrained habits.

>> No.9699366
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I like pigging out and treating myself to Japanese ramen with extra noodles, karaage and gyoza, while washing it down with a litre of Asahi super dry

>> No.9699888
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I had my 30th birthday two days ago actually, my parents came down from the coast so I made cuban sandwiches and a carrot cake for dessert.
The cake came out way too dry, but it was my first attempt so I'm not too upset about it.
I have no job and no life, but at least my sandwiches are okay.

>> No.9700675

>eating someone else out instead of getting sucked on YOUR OWN BIRTHDAY.


>> No.9700681

>implying they don't happen simultaneously.

>> No.9700690

Make myself a rack of babyback ribs.

And I always screw them up. Pressure cook them until they're as soft as wet cat food, or oven bake them at the wrong temp/duration they're tough as leather.

>> No.9700968

My friend made me a Beef bourguignon this year, end up not eating that night because I was with another friend who's "intolerant" to mushrooms and felt like getting wasted.

Woke up the next day and had that shit for lunch, it was delicious.

>> No.9701341

happy 30th ^_^

>> No.9701375

Looks fucking delicious.

>> No.9701391

For my 30th this year my wife took me to my favorite Thai place. Had the pad Thai, gyoza, their homemade rangoon, chicken satay with peanut sauce, and two of their Thai iced teas with cream.

>> No.9701562

Man, I hope that was just a birthday extravagance, otherwise you might not make 40.

>> No.9701590


I eat sushi on brithday. It used to be a specific sushi place but they went out of business a few years back after a long run and the best sushi in AZ. Now I go to Shimogamo or get chinese from Asian Cafe Express.

>> No.9701594

Cock meat sandwich, ass salad

>> No.9701595

I go to Zekes fish in chips in fort worth

>> No.9701606

I obviously don't eat like that every day, but I don't eat like a pussy manlet either.

>> No.9701824

So you're fat, pls change.

>> No.9702121

Fuck off, /fit/let scum. You're too young to remember this, but there was a time where men worked manual labor jobs and ate what they wanted. Enjoy your tofu and protein shake.

>> No.9702343

Lucky trips for your 30's. Checked and happy birthday.

>> No.9702351

But you're a lazy shit.

>> No.9702368

Last birthday all my co-workers chipped in money and got me one of the pre-made store brand cake slices that costs like $4. That was the most anybody has ever spent for my birthday

>> No.9702377

I work 12 hour shifts in a sheet metal processing plant.

>> No.9702661

So you operate a machine that does actual work? Interesting tubby.

>> No.9702700

Good bait. NEET scum.

>> No.9702820

Nope, sorry. I know it's inconceivable, but you can have a job and still be fit, you just want excuses.

>> No.9702940
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>turned 25 last month
>wagecuck, living on my own for 5 months
>first birthday alone
>parents don't contact me or ask what I want to do on my birthday, sent me a fruit basket as a gift
>decided if nobody else would treat me I would treat MYSELF because I guess I am a man now
>spent the entire day before (booked a week off just for my birthday) looking for good birthday recipes
>eventually decided I would make myself a tasty Roast Small Chicken with cranberry and walnut stuffing that I would eat in its entirety by myself
>spend all day preparing
>by 11pm the bird is cooked, smells amazing, feeling proud of myself
>take a birthday candle, put it in the chicken, get ready to eat
>as I go to plunge my knife into the thigh hear a bunch of young people talking at the bus stop outside
>in a good mood, laughing with each other
>one of them mentions something about only being young once
>get mad as FUCK
>open the window, I am on the 2nd floor above the street overlooking the bus stop
>throw the entire chicken with the candle still in at their heads
>hits one of them
>panic and crouch down, light is off as the room is lit by dim candles
>they start laughing hard about the candle and singing happy birthday into the night darkness
>tfw so hungry I went to a 24 hour supermarket and bought 2 roatisserie chickens and ate them

>> No.9702955

My tradition for the past few years is to go out to a really good local barbecue place for pulled pork and smoked brisket.

>> No.9702979

I'm already fit. What are you arguing about?

>> No.9702999

That's a good story anon, made me chuckle.

>> No.9703085
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>That delusion

>> No.9703295

Fake but somewhat funny.